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To obtain further evidence that the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA functions in palate development, the presence of an active GABA uptake mechanism was sought using primary cultures of embryonic palate mesenchymal cells. Uptake was compared from cells of two inbred mouse strains in which the SWV strain shows greater sensitivity than the AJ strain to effects of GABA on palate morphogenesis and of diazepam in producing cleft palate (1). Palate cells were capable of accumulating [3H]GABA by saturable uptake mechanisms characteristic of a high and a low affinity active transport as indicated by temperature, Na+ ion and carrier dependence as well asK m andV max values that were comparable to other biological systems. TheV max of the high-affinity uptake system from cells of the SWV strain was 1.8 fold higher than that of the AJ. GABA uptake was also observed in fibroblasts from various sources including embryonic mouse limb cells, human skin fibroblasts and 3T3 cells When active GABA uptake was measured in skin fibroblasts from the mouse SWV and AJ strains, the rate of uptake from SWV cells under high affinity conditions was also 1.8 fold greater than in AJ cells. Thus active GABA uptake appears to be genetically regulated in non-neural cells which may contribute to differential resonses to GABA.  相似文献   

Midpalate was analyzed for the presence of nonmuscle contractile systems. The results indicate that increased amounts of actin and myosin are present in cells of regions 2 and 3. A localization of the contractile proteins in cellular projections (filopodia) and in the peripheral cytoplasm of the cell body was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescence studies, using antibodies directed against smooth muscle myosin and against skeletal muscle actin. Specificity of the immunofluorescence reactions was ascertained by immunoabsorption studies using purified myosin and actin. Electron microscopic observations of the mesenchymal cells in region 2 revealed 70A microfilaments along the cell periphery and packed in fliopodia-like projections which course between the cells. These cells, which surround a small ossification center, show no orientation, but extend up to the cranial base perichondrium and down into the shelf between the tongue side epithelium and the ossification center. The cells and projections are attached to each other by adherens and tight-like junctions, forming a putative cohesive contractile network. Putative contractile cells in region 3 are strikingly aligned perpendicular to the oral epithelium and extend one-third of the distance into the shelf. Projections from region 3 cells are contiguous with basement membrane material of the oral epithelium. Axonal bundles and single axons were commonly observed coursing through regions 2 and 3, often seen in close association with the mesenchymal cells. Both clear and dense-core vesicles were found in the axons and cells of these regions. The possible role of these putative nonmuscle contractile cells in palate morphogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The interval between commitment to division and fission in synchronous cell samples is a constant fraction of the cell cycle (0.2) in cell cycles up to 6.5 h in duration. In longer cell cycles this interval has a fixed duration of about 80 min. The point of commitment to division is associated with the six-rowed analage stage of oral primordium development (stage V). At this stage cells carrying the cc1 mutation are not blocked by transfer to restrictive conditions but rather proceed to division. Stage V is also the stabilization point for oral anlagen. When shifted to restrictive conditions prior to this stage, development is arrested and resorption of analgen is initiated. The cc1 mutation also blocks contractile vacuole duplication and migration under restrictive conditions. The cc1 gene function is required continuously prior to the transition point. The timing of morphogenetic stages in asynchronous cells is roughly similar to that in synchronous cells. There are, however, significant differences in timing as estimated by the two experimental procedures.  相似文献   

Hyaluronate mediated extracellular matrix swelling has been hypothesized to play a major role in reorientation of the secondary palatal shelves. A computer-assisted method utilizing image registration and subtraction was used to visualize the distribution of hyaluronate (HA) during morphogenesis of the secondary palate. Patterns of HA distribution in anterior, posterior and presumptive soft palate were examined in the secondary palatal shelves of CD-1 mouse fetuses that were 30, 24 and 18 h prior to, and at the time of, shelf reorientation. Adjacent serial sections were taken from each shelf region of three to six specimens from a minimum of three litters for each gestational age. One section was incubated in buffer as a control, the other digested with Streptomyces hyaluronidase to specifically remove HA. Both sections were stained with Alcian blue to visualize the extracellular matrix and counterstained with nuclear fast red to visualize cells. Two different videoimages were then digitized for each tissue section, one using wavelengths of light that were at or near the maximum absorbance of the matrix stain, the other using wavelengths that were at the maximum absorbance of the cellular stain. Thus, a matrix image and a cell image of both control and digested sections were produced. Next, the cell image was subtracted from its respective matrix image, resulting in a control matrix-only image and a digested (HA-removed) matrix-only image. These images were mathematically warped to one another, if necessary, and registered with one another. The digested image was then subtracted from the control image. The resultant difference picture displayed the pattern and relative intensities of HA distribution across the tissue section. Prior to and during shelf reorientation, unique region-specific patterns of HA distribution and relative intensity were identified which became homogeneous after reorientation. Presumptive soft palate shows the most extensive and intense patterns of HA distribution, followed by the posterior region. The anterior region has the most sparse pattern of the three regions examined. The results are consistent with the hypothesized role of HA in shelf reorientation.  相似文献   

The interval between commitment to division and fission in synchronous cell samples is a constant fraction of the cell cycle (0.2) in cell cycles up to 6.5 h in duration. In longer cell cycles this interval has a fixed duration of about 80 min. The point of commitment to division is associated with the six-rowed anlage stage of oral primordium development (stage V). At this stage cells carrying the cc1 mutation are not blocked by transfer to restrictive conditions but rather proceed to division. Stage V is also the stabilization point for oral anlagen. When shifted to restrictive conditions prior to this stage, development is arrested and resorption of anlagen is initiated. The cc1 mutation also blocks contractile vacuole duplication and migration under restrictive conditions. The cc1 gene function is required continuously prior to the transition point. The timing of morphogenetic stages in asynchronous cells is roughly similar to that in synchronous cells. There are, however, significant differences in timing as estimated by the two experimental procedures.  相似文献   

The effects of morphine on nigrostriatal neurons (substantia nigra and caudate nucleus) were examined in mice of two strains (C58 and DBA), which differ in their locomotor response to morphine. The results did not support the hypothesis that the differences in locomotor response to morphine between the two strains are paralleled by differences in the response of nigrostriatal neurons to the same drug. The general effect of morphine on nigrostrial neurons, irrespective of strain, was to markedly depress their firing rate. Some nigrostriatal neurons initially speeded up but this effect was strain independent. This same general pattern was observed in some neurons recorded within the reticular formation. The results are discussed in relationship to the current concepts of morphine action on dopaminergic systems and the role of the nigrostriatal system in locomotor control.  相似文献   

It was shown in experiments on mice that 25 hours after chronic treatment with fenibut (100 mg/kg, twice daily for 10 days) was discontinued the number of benzodiazepine and GABAA (bicucullin-sensitive) receptor sites was increased and 48 hours after treatment discontinuation the number of GABAB (bicucullin nonsensitive) sites was decreased. The enhanced binding to GABAA and GABAB receptor sites and the decreased binding to benzodiazepine receptors was observed 24 hours after discontinuation of chronic treatment with diazepam (5 mg/kg, twice daily). Forty-eight hours after diazepam chronic treatment was discontinued the number of benzodiazepine receptor sites was increased. The involvement of the increased benzodiazepine receptor sensitivity in the mechanism of therapeutic activity of fenibut is suggested.  相似文献   

The involvement of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MTV) in spontaneous and hormone-induced mammary tumors in low-mammary-tumor mouse strains was studied by comparing the amounts of MTV RNA and MTV DNA sequences in mammary tumors and other tissues of mice with an without hormonal treatments. The following results were obtained. (i) Mammary tumors which appeared in C3H mice as a result of an infection with MTV contained more MTV DNA compared with noninfected organs; these mammary tumors also contained more MTV RNA than was present in lactating mammary gland cells. (ii) Hormonal stimulation by administration of excessive amounts of prolactin via hypophyseal isografts in C3Hf and O20 mice resulted in an increased expression of MTV RNA in the mammary glands. This elevated level of MTV RNA expression was, however, not maintained in the hormone-induced mammary tumors. (iii) Spontaneous mammary tumors in BALB/c mice contained similar levels of MTV DNA and MTV RNA sequences as were found in other cells of these animals.  相似文献   

J Karolyi  R P Erickson  S Liu 《Teratology》1988,37(3):283-287
In a search for genetic differences in susceptibility to cleft palate, congenic and recombinant inbred strains of mice were treated with 6-aminonicotinamide or control injections. Of six loci tested, only the chromosome segment marked by N-acetyl transferase was found to affect susceptibility to 6-aminonicotinamide-induced cleft palate. This chromosome segment is known to affect glucocorticoid-induced cleft palate and phenytoin-induced cleft lip with or without cleft palate in these strains of mice.  相似文献   

Living organisms have various mechanisms for repairing spontaneous and mutagen-induced damage in DNA. Mutagenesis, teratogenesis, and carcinogenesis are discussed in relation to DNA misrepair. The existence of highly efficient genetic mechanisms for tolerating environmental threats is argued from evolutionary viewpoints.  相似文献   

The expression of Hox11/13 and Hox5 orthologues in the adult echinoid rudiment in the vestibula larva of Holopneustes purpurescens is described from whole mounts and sections of whole mounts after mRNA in situ hybridization. The Hox5 orthologue is HpHox5, which was isolated here. The expression of HpHox11/13 in the epithelium of the vestibule is aboral to the expression of HpHox5. HpHox5 is expressed in the epithelium of the vestibule floor where the secondary podia develop. The expression of HpHox11/13 and HpHox5 contrasts with the expression of an Otx orthologue, HprOtx, in the circum-oral nerve ring, the radial nerves and the neuroepithelium around the bases of the primary podia. From the expression patterns, we conclude that the two Hox genes are involved in the growth of a metameric series of secondary podia from a growth zone aboral to each primary podium, with the older podia nearer the circum-oral nerve ring. With respect to echinoderm body-plan polarities, we conclude that the growth zone is posterior relative to the anterior circum-oral nerve ring. The metamerism generated in this echinoderm from a posterior growth zone thus might not be generated differently from the way it is generated in bilateral animals.  相似文献   

The chemical nature and distribution of the peptidoglycan in Myxococcus xanthus at various stages of the cellular life cycle were investigated. Vegetative cells and microcysts contained approximately 0.6% by weight of peptidoglycan. The overall composition of the peptidoglycan was similar in both cell types and was approximately 1 glutamic acid, 1 diaminopimelic acid, 1.7 alanine, 0.75 N-acetylglucosamine, and 0.75 N-acetylmuramic acid. (We have assumed that all the hexosamines are N-acetylated.) The sizes of the subunits (estimated by gel filtration) solubilized by muramidases were considerably larger (tetramer and oligomer) in the microcysts than in the vegetative cells (mostly dimer). There was a transient decrease in cross-linking (measured as an increase in the amount of free amino group of diaminopimelic acid) during the stage of microcyst formation when the cells converted from ovoids to spheres. At the same time, there occurred a large and rapid increase in a galactosamine derivative which may have reflected the synthesis of capsular material. Immediately prior to this period of morphogenesis, the cells became resistant to penicillin but remained sensitive to d-cycloserine. The walls of vegetative cells were completely disaggregated by trypsin and sodium lauryl sulfate, suggesting a discontinuous peptidoglycan layer. This was no longer apparent after the ovoid-sphere stage of microcyst formation. The relationship to morphogenesis of the chemical changes in the cell wall is discussed.  相似文献   

Chlorcyclizine (CHLR) enhances the degradation of hyaluronate (HA) into smaller molecular weight pieces with no effect on its synthesis. Administration of CHLR to pregnant CD-1 mice on gestational days 10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 results in 100% cleft palate in the fetuses. The caudal two thirds of the palatal shelves are reduced in size and unable to reorient in vitro, while anterior shelf regions are relatively unaffected. Alcian blue staining combined with specific enzymic digestion was used to identify HA in sections of CHLR-treated shelves. With the aid of computer-assisted image subtraction the patterns of HA distribution across the tissue section were objectively identified. Anterior, posterior and presumptive soft palatal shelf regions were examined at gestational days 13.25, 13.5, 13.75 and 14.5. Acquisition of a normal pattern of HA distribution was delayed by about 24 h, as compared to untreated specimens in all three shelf regions. The posterior and soft regions, comprising the caudal two thirds of the shelf, also showed pronounced shape change. These regions only displayed normal curvature of the nasal surface when a normal pattern of HA distribution was attained. These results suggest that, for the caudal two thirds of the palatal shelf, normal shape and the ability to remodel are linked to the molecular configuration of HA and to a specific pattern of HA distribution.  相似文献   

Changes in polyamine concentration in the long day (LD) plant Rudbeckia hirta were examined over the course of floral initiation and development. Plants of R. hirta were grown to maturity under 9h, non-floral-inductive photoperiods. At maturity, half the plants were placed in ambient day length plus a 4- h night interruption. Plants were sampled at 0, 4, 8, 12 or 16 days for polyamine content and floral initiation. Polyamines were extracted from fully expanded leaves and the meristems were examined histologically. In another experiment, polyamines were extracted from the meristems under paired LD and short day (SD) conditions every 2 days from 0 to 22 days. A rise in free polyamines was linked to important cytological events during floral initiation. Free putrescine and spermidine levels increased after 4 LD and continued until 14 to 16 LD when the levels in the meristem began to decline. Events of floral initiation began between 4 and 8 LD with cell proliferation and the start of stem elongation. Initiation was irreversible after 14 to 16 LD, the period when putrescine and spermidine began to decline. After 4 LD, the polyamine level was consistently higher in the photoinduced plants. Our results from this study, using direct histological comparisons of meristematic development and polyamine concentration, clearly demonstrate a correlation of polyamines and flowering.  相似文献   

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