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Mammalian oocyte maturation is distinguished by asymmetric division that is regulated primarily by cytoskeleton, including microtubules and microfilaments. Small Rho GTPase RhoA is a key regulator of cytoskeletal organization which regulates cell polarity, migration, and division. In this study, we investigated the roles of RhoA in mammalian oocyte meiosis and early embryo cleavage. (1) Disrupting RhoA activity or knock down the expression of RhoA caused the failure of polar body emission. This may have been due to decreased actin assembly and subsequent spindle migration defects. The involvement of RhoA in this process may have been though its regulation of actin nucleators ROCK, p-Cofilin, and ARP2 expression. (2) In addition, spindle morphology was also disrupted and p-MAPK expression decreased in RhoA inhibited or RhoA KD oocytes, which indicated that RhoA also regulated MAPK phosphorylation for spindle formation. (3) Porcine embryo development was also suppressed by inhibiting RhoA activity. Two nuclei were observed in one blastomere, and actin expression was reduced, which indicated that RhoA regulated actin-based cytokinesis of porcine embryo. Thus, our results demonstrated indispensable roles for RhoA in regulating porcine oocyte meiosis and cleavage during early embryo development.  相似文献   

A change in the elasticity of mouse zona pellucida was quantitatively evaluated during oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development. Young's modulus of zona pellucida of germinal vesicle (GV), metaphase-II (MII), pronuclear (PN), 2cell, 4cell, 8cell, morulae (M) and early blastocyst (EB) stages was measured using a micro tactile sensor (MTS) and a chamber exclusively designed for the measurement. The MTS has very high sensitivity and a deformation of only 5 microm was sufficient to calculate the Young's modulus and the oocyte/embryo maintained its original spherical shape during the measurement. The Young's modulus of GV, MII, PN, 2cell, 4cell, 8cell, M and EB was 22.8+/-10.4 kPa (n=30), 8.26+/-5.22 kPa (n=74), 22.3+/-10.5 kPa (n=66), 13.8+/-3.54 kPa (n=41), 12.6+/-3.34 kPa (n=19), 5.97+/-4.97 kPa (n=6), 1.88+/-1.34 kPa (n=8) and 3.39+/-1.86 kPa (n=4), respectively. Experimental results clearly demonstrated that the mouse zona pellucida hardened following fertilization. Interestingly, once the zona pellucida hardened at the PN stage, it gradually softened as the embryo developed (i.e. it was found that the zona hardening is a transient phenomenon). Furthermore, the zona pellucida of the GV oocyte was as hard as that of the PN embryo and became soft as it matured to the MII stage. In addition, the safety of the MTS measurement for oocytes and embryos was discussed both theoretically and experimentally.  相似文献   

Actin is one of the major proteins in mammalian oocytes. Most developmental events are dependent on the normal distribution of filamentous (F-) actin. Polymerization of nonfilamentous (G-) actin into F-actin is important for both meiosis and mitosis. This study examined G- and F-actin distribution in pig oocytes and embryos by immunocytochemical staining and confocal microscopy. Actin protein was quantified by electrophoresis and immunoblotting. G-Actin was distributed in the whole cytoplasm of oocytes and embryos irrespective of their stages. F-Actin was distributed at the cortex of oocytes and embryos at all stages, at the joint of blastomeres in the embryos, in the cytoplasm around the germinal vesicle (GV), and in the perinuclear area of 2- to 4-cell-stage embryos. No differences in the amount of actin protein were found among oocytes and embryos. Oocytes cultured in medium with cytochalasin D (CD), an inhibitor of microfilament polymerization, underwent GV breakdown and reached metaphase I but did not proceed to metaphase II. Two- to 4-cell-stage embryos cultured in medium with CD did not develop to blastocysts. When GV-stage oocytes or 2- to 4-cell-stage embryos treated with CD for 6 h were re-cultured in media without CD, oocytes or embryos re-assembled actin filaments and underwent a meiotic maturation or blastocyst formation similar to that of controls. These results indicate that it is the polymerization of G-actin into F-actin, not actin protein synthesis, that is important for both meiosis and mitosis in pig oocytes and embryos.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins play a major part in the control of gene expression during early development. At this stage, the majority of regulation occurs at the levels of translation and RNA localization. These processes are, in general, mediated by RNA-binding proteins interacting with specific sequence motifs in the 3'-untranslated regions of their target RNAs. Although initial work concentrated on the analysis of these sequences and their trans-acting factors, we are now beginning to gain an understanding of the mechanisms by which some of these proteins function. In this review, we will describe a number of different families of RNA-binding proteins, grouping them together on the basis of common regulatory strategies, and emphasizing the recurrent themes that occur, both across different species and as a response to different biological problems.  相似文献   

Several contemporary micromanipulation techniques, such as sperm microinjection, nuclear transfer, and gene transfer by pronuclear injection, require removal of cumulus cells from oocytes or zygotes at various stages. In humans, the cumulus cells are often removed after 15–18 hr of sperm-oocyte coincubation to assist the identification of the fertilization status. This study was designed to evaluate the function of cumulus cells during oocyte maturation, fertilization, and in vitro development in cattle. Cumulus cells were removed before and after maturation and after fertilization for 0,7,20, and 48 hr. The cumulus-free oocytes or embryos were cultured either alone or on cumulus cell monolayers prepared on the day of maturation culture. Percentages of oocyte maturation, fertilization, and development to cleavage, morula, and blastocyst stages and to expanding or hatched blastocysts were recorded for statistical analysis by categorical data modeling (CATMOD) procedures. Cumulus cells removed before maturation significantly reduced the rate of oocyte maturation (4–26% vs. 93–96%), fertilization (0–9% vs. 91–92%), and in vitro development at all stages evaluated. Cumulus cells removed immediately prior to in vitro fertilization (IVF) or 7 hr after IVF reduced the rates of fertilization (58–60% and 71%, respectively, vs. 91–92% for controls), cleavage development (40–47% and 53–54% vs. 74–78% for controls), and morula plus blastocyst development (15% and 24% vs. 45%, P < 0.05). Cumulus cell co-culture started at various stages had no effect on fertilization and cleavage development but significantly improved rates of embryo development to morula or blastocyst stages (P < 0.05). Cumulus cell removal at 20 hr after IVF resulted in similar development to controls (P > 0.05) at all stages tested in this study. The intact state of surrounding cumulus cells of oocytes or embryos appears to be beneficial before or shortly after insemination (at or before 7 hr of IVF) but not essential at 20 hr after IVF. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) appears involved in an autocatalytic loop between CDC25C phosphatase and M phase promoting factor (MPF) in Xenopus oocytes and leads to activation of MPF that is required for germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Although similar evidence for such a role of Plk1 in MPF activation during maturation of mammalian oocytes is absent, changes in Plk1 enzyme activity correlate with MPF activation, Plk1 co-localizes with MPF, and microinjection of antibodies neutralizing Plk1 delays GVBD. In this study, we exploited the prolonged time required for maturation of porcine oocytes to define precisely the timing of Plk1 and MPF activation during maturation. GVBD typically occurs between 24 and 26 hr of culture in vitro and meiotic maturation is completed after 40-44-hr culture. We find that Plk1 is activated before MPF, which is consistent with its role in activating MPF in mammalian oocytes.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinases (Plks) are a family of serine/threonine protein kinases that regulate multiple stages of mitosis. Expression and distribution of polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) were characterized during porcine oocyte maturation, fertilization and early embryo development in vitro, as well as after microtubule polymerization modulation. The quantity of Plk1 protein remained stable during meiotic maturation. Plk1 accumulated in the germinal vesicles (GV) in GV stage oocytes. After germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), Plk1 was localized to the spindle poles at metaphase I (MI) stage, and then translocated to the middle region of the spindle at anaphase-telophase I. Plk1 was also localized in MII spindle poles and on the spindle fibers and on the middle region of anaphase-telophase II spindles. Plk1 was not found in the spindle region when colchicine was used to inhibit microtubule organization, while it accumulated as several dots in the cytoplasm after taxol treatment. After fertilization, Plk1 concentrated around the female and male pronuclei. During early embryo development, Plk1 was found to be in association with the mitotic spindle at metaphase, but distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm at interphase. Our results suggest that Plk1 is a pivotal regulator of microtubule organization and cytokinesis during porcine oocyte meiotic maturation, fertilization, and early embryo cleavage in pig oocytes.  相似文献   

The potential role of endogenous triglyceride in bovine oocyte maturation and preimplantation development has been investigated. Bovine immature oocytes were recovered from abattoir-derived ovaries, matured and fertilised in vitro and the zygotes grown to the blastocyst stage in SOFaaBSA. Methyl palmoxirate (MP) blocks the oxidation of fatty acids by inhibiting mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase A. The development of zygotes exposed to MP during oocyte maturation, and of zygotes exposed to MP during embryo culture has been assessed in terms of oxygen consumption by oocytes and embryos during a 4-6 hr incubation period in the presence of MP and as blastocyst formation and cell number. Immature oocytes exposed to MP during maturation had reduced capacity to form blastocysts after fertilisation; the same effect was apparent, but to a lesser extent, in zygotes exposed to MP during embryo development. Oxygen consumption values of oocytes and blastocysts in the absence of exogenous substrates were similar to those in control medium containing nutrients. MP-inhibited oxygen consumption of immature oocytes, mature oocytes, cleavage stages embryos and blastocysts by 64, 45, 12 and 13%, respectively. The data are consistent with a role for triglyceride as a key energy source during bovine oocyte maturation and potentially, during preimplantation embryo development.  相似文献   

The early development of metazoans is mainly regulated by differential translation and localization of maternal mRNAs in the embryo. In general, these processes are orchestrated by RNA-binding proteins interacting with specific sequence motifs in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of their target RNAs. Hermes is an RNA-binding protein, which contains a single RNA recognition motif (RRM) and is found in various vertebrate species from fish to human. In Xenopus laevis, Hermes mRNA and protein are localized in the vegetal region of oocytes. A subpopulation of Hermes protein is concentrated in a specific structure in the vegetal cortex, called the germ plasm (believed to contain determinants of the germ cell fate) where Hermes protein co-localizes with Xcat2 and RINGO/Spy mRNAs. The level of total Hermes protein decreases during maturation. The precocious depletion of Hermes protein by injection of Hermes antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (HE-MO) accelerates the process of maturation and results in cleavage defects in vegetal blastomeres of the embryo. It is known that several maternal mRNAs including RINGO/Spy and Mos are regulated at the translational level during meiotic maturation and early cleavage in Xenopus. The ectopic expression of RINGO/Spy or Mos causes resumption of meiotic maturation and cleavage arrests, which resemble the loss of Hermes phenotypes. We found that the injection of HE-MO enhances the acceleration of maturation caused by the injection of RINGO/Spy mRNA, and that Hermes protein is present as mRNP complex containing RINGO/Spy, Mos, and Xcat2 mRNAs in vivo. We propose that as an RNA-binding protein, Hermes may be involved in maturation, cleavage events at the vegetal pole and germ cell development by negatively regulating the expression of RINGO/Spy, Mos, and Xcat2 mRNAs.  相似文献   

Optimization of culture conditions is important to improve oocyte maturation and subsequent embryo development. In particular, this study analyzed the effects of increasing concentrations of PIO in the maturation medium on spindle formation and chromosome alignment, glutathione, and intracellular ROS levels and expression of selected genes related to maternal markers, apoptosis, and lipid metabolism. The percentage of oocytes displaying normal spindle formation and chromosome alignment was higher in the 1 µM PIO (1 PIO)‐treated group than in the control group. The glutathione level was significantly higher in the 1 PIO‐treated group than in the control group, while the reactive oxygen species level did not differ. Expression of maternal marker (MOS and GDF9), antiapoptotic (BIRC5), and lipid metabolism‐related (ACADS, CPT2, SREBF1, and PPARG) genes was higher in the 1 PIO‐treated group than in the control group, while expression of a proapoptotic gene (CASP3) was lower. The blastocyst formation rate and the percentage of blastocysts that reached at least the hatching stage on Days 6 and 7, and the percentage of blastocysts containing more than 128 cells were significantly higher in the 1 PIO‐treated group than in the control group. These results indicate that PIO treatment during in vitro maturation improves porcine oocyte maturation and subsequent parthenogenetic embryo development mainly by enhancing lipid metabolism and antioxidant defense in oocytes.  相似文献   

The structure, number, and distribution of cortical granules in porcine oocytes during maturation induced by human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) are reported. The number of granules remained constant for 30 hr following HCG. Thereafter, there was an approximate doubling by 50 hr. At all times examined, a dark and light form were present. Up to 40 hr the latter predominated while at 50 hr there was a marked increase in the number of the former. Movement of cortical granules to the plasma membrane took place between 20 and 30 hr post-HCG. The changes in cortical granules are correlated with the capacity of the oocytes to undergo a block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to determine the role of protein kinase C (PKC) on meiotic resumption and its effects on pronuclear formation and cleavage in the bovine. Oocytes were matured in the presence of 0, 1, 10 and 100 nM of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), to evaluate the percentage of germinal vesicle breakdown. To study pronuclear formation and cleavage, oocytes were randomly distributed in four groups and matured in modified TCM-199 with LH and FSH (negative control); 10% of estrous cow serum (positive control); 100 nM of PMA (treatment); 100 nM of 4alpha-PDD (phorbol ester control). Oocytes were also matured in positive control medium, fertilized and transferred to KSOM with increasing concentrations of a PKC inhibitor. The protein profile and the presence of PKC at the end of maturation period were determined by SDS-PAGE followed by Silver Stain and Western blot, respectively. PMA stimulated meiotic resumption in a concentration-dependent manner. PKC stimulation during oocyte maturation caused an increase in pronuclear formation and did not cause parthenogenetic activation. Inhibitor of PKC (MyrPKC) inhibited cleavage in a dose-dependent and irreversible manner. A protein band around 74 kDa was not detected in PMA-treated oocytes and PKC was not detected by Western blot at the end of the maturation period. In conclusion, meiotic resumption was accelerated and the rate of oocytes with two pronuclei was increased when PKC was activated during oocyte maturation. Moreover, cleavage was inhibited in the presence of PMA.  相似文献   

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