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Quarantine colonies of the melaleuca snout beetle Oxyops vitiosa, the first melaleuca-feeding insect released in Florida, consisted of individuals collected from the Burpengary region (near Brisbane) of Queensland and their descendants. Constraints on the number of weevils available at this site motivated us to import weevils from a second site (Bundaberg). While individuals from the two sites could not be differentiated using taxonomic characters, the weevils from Bundaberg were consistently larger. This prompted concern that Bundaberg individuals might differ genetically from the quarantine population thus confounding the original host specificity studies. In a worse case scenario, the Bundaberg population might represent a separate sub-species or even a separate (cryptic) species. RAPD analysis was conducted on individuals from the two sites and on an outlier species, Gonipterus scutellatus. Neighbor Joining analysis clearly delineated the two species and also indicated some differentiation of individuals from the two O. vitiosa sites. Bootstrap analysis, however, indicated little statistical support for this intraspecific differentiation. Principal Coordinate analysis distinguished individuals from the two populations, and even distinguished two sub-populations from Bundaberg. AMOVA analysis indicated most of the variation occurred within populations but that the between population variance was significant. We conclude that further limited specificity testing and field host range observations should be conducted on the Bundaberg population before release into Florida.  相似文献   

To be,or not to be,a non‐native freshwater fish?   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
We examine the evolving concept of what constitutes a non‐native (or alien) freshwater fish. In an attempt to distinguish between biogeographical and socio‐political perspectives, we review the patterns in the introduction and dispersal of non‐native fishes in Europe and North America, and especially the recent expansion of Ponto‐Caspian gobies in Europe. We assess patterns in the development of national policy and legislation in response to the perceived threat of non‐native fish introductions to native species and ecosystems. We review, and provide a glossary of, the terms and definitions associated with non‐native species. Finally, we discuss perspectives as regards the future treatment of naturalized species.  相似文献   

Group‐living requires a compromise between safety and direct/indirect costs for individuals. The larger is the group, the greater is the collective vigilance, leading to a greater net food intake per forager because of the time saved individually from scanning behaviour. In turn, individual alertness usually decreases with increasing group size (“group‐size effect”). Information on the occurrence of group‐size effect is still unclear. Previous studies have shown that it may fail to occur or even reverse, for example when costs of interference between conspecifics are high. In turn, assessing whether the group‐size effect would occur in weakly or seasonally gregarious species may help to understand its drivers. We evaluated the occurrence and the extent of group‐size effect in a seasonally nongregarious herbivore, the roe deer Capreolus capreolus. We examined the roles of sex/age class and season as drivers of vigilance behaviour. In roe deer, the group‐size effect did not depend on sex/age class: time spent foraging increased with increasing group size; in turn, vigilance increased with decreasing group size, in all sex/age classes. Females with fawns were the most vigilant sex/age class, thus revealing the cost of offspring protection. Accordingly, the higher spring vigilance levels of does could be related to reproductive costs (e.g., defence of newborn fawns). Conversely, the greater summer vigilance of bucks could result from patrolling/defence of territories. Both adult males and females also showed the higher vigilance in winter, likely because of an increase in the perception of predation risk and/or, possibly, hormones linked to an increase in intolerance of conspecifics, in males. However, the group‐size effect occurred in all the seasons, for adult males and females. Our findings suggest that foraging benefits provided by the group‐size effect may have overcome costs of group‐living, even in a weakly gregarious forager.  相似文献   

Hormones underlie the decision of assuming a territorial or a nonterritorial role, with territorial individuals usually having higher hormonal levels than nonterritorial individuals. As a territorial status is linked to higher mating opportunities, it is unclear why animals do not keep high hormonal levels and one explanation is that this would imply survival costs. We have tested this using males of the territorial damselfly Argia emma in the field. We increased juvenile hormone (JH) levels using methoprene in both territorial and nonterritorial males and predicted that: (i) males will keep (the case of territorial males) or become (the case of nonterritorial males) territorial after hormonal increase, and (ii) there will be an increase in mating success for nonterritorial males only and an impaired survival for both male tactics. Hormonally treated males remained or became territorial but had their survival impaired compared with control groups. Also, hormonally treated, ex‐nonterritorial males increased their mating success compared with the other control, nonterritorial males. The reduced survival can be explained proximally by the energy devoted either to the enhanced aggression showed during territory defence or immune function (as detected previously in damselflies). Although nonterritorial males may increase their mating success by switching to a territorial tactic, they are possibly unable to do it naturally as JH is dietary dependent and usually nonterritorial animals are in poorer condition than territorial animals.  相似文献   

Tibayrenc and Ayala raised several interesting objections to an opinion piece we recently published in Molecular Ecology (Ramirez & Llewellyn 2014). Our piece examined the value of an alternative perspective to their theory of predominant clonal evolution (PCE) on the prevalence and importance of genetic exchange in parasitic protozoa. In particular, our aim was to establish whether population genetic signatures of clonality in parasites were representative of true biological/evolutionary processes or artefacts of inadequate tools and inappropriate or inadequate sampling. We address Tibayrenc and Ayala's criticisms and make a detailed response. In doing so, we deny the consensus that Tibayrenc and Ayala claim around their views and dismiss much of the language which Tibayrenc and Ayala have introduced to this debate as either arbitrary or inaccurate. We strongly reject accusations that we misunderstood and misquoted the work of others. We do not think the PCE provides a useful framework for understanding existing parasite population structures. Furthermore, on the eve of the population genomic era, we strongly urge Tibayrenc and Ayala to wait for the forthcoming wealth of high‐resolution data before considering whether it is appropriate to refine or re‐iterate their PCE hypothesis.  相似文献   

How chronic exposure to aquatic pollution affects reproductive traits was assessed in nesting wild-caught plainfin midshipman Porichthys notatus in areas with low and high contaminant exposure on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Males in high-exposure areas had a greater degree of testicular asymmetry, sperm with shorter heads and fewer live eggs in their nests. The results of this study provide important insights into the potential consequences of contaminant exposure on the reproductive physiology of wild-caught fishes.  相似文献   

Fan  Pengfei  Chen  Yuan  Ma  Haigang  Chen  Tao  Huang  Xia  Wang  Zhining 《International journal of primatology》2023,44(1):171-174
International Journal of Primatology -  相似文献   

  • 1 We investigated the effect on egg hatch of exposure to: (1) varying larval density, and (2) larval contact in Aedes triseriatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae). For 2 days in the laboratory we submerged eggs into a treehole water medium containing 0 (control), 4, 12 or 24 larvae that could either contact the eggs directly or were separated from them by a screen. Following treatment, abundance of microorganisms on the egg surfaces, a food source for newly hatched larvae and a proposed hatching stimulus, was assessed by counts made from serial dilutions of samples.
  • 2 We discovered a complex hatching response to larval contact and to larval density, and an interaction between these two factors in their effect on microbial growth. Hatching was inhibited in the 0-larva control, even though microorganisms grew abundantly on the eggs. Hatch rate, as well as microbial counts, were high for eggs in direct contact with 4 larvae. As density increased in the larval contact treatment, microorganisms disappeared from the egg surfaces and hatch rate declined.
  • 3 When protected from larval grazing, eggs supported numerous microbial colonies irrespective of larval density. In contrast to the contact treatment group, egg hatch increased with increasing larval density. These observations suggest that the combination of microbial growth and a larval factor stimulates hatch. This hatching response may have evolved because both abundant microorganisms and numerous larvae reflect a habitat of good quality.

The historical ecological paradigm of wetland ecosystems emphasized the role of physical or “bottom‐up” factors in maintaining functions and services. However, recent studies have shown that the loss of predators in coastal salt marshes can lead to a significant reduction in wetland extent due to overgrazing of vegetation by herbivores. Such studies indicate that consumers or “top‐down” factors may play a much larger role in the maintenance of wetland ecosystems than was previously thought. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether altering top‐down control by manipulating the presence of predators can lead to measurable changes in salt marsh ecosystem properties. Between May and August of 2015 and 2016, we established exclosure and enclosure cages within three New England coastal wetland areas and manipulated the presence of green crab predators to assess how they and their fiddler and purple marsh crab prey affect changes in ecosystem properties. Predator presence was associated with changes in soil nitrogen and aboveground biomass at two of the three field sites, though the magnitude and direction of these effects varied from site to site. Further, path analysis results indicate that across field sites, a combination of bottom‐up and top‐down factors influenced changes in measured variables. These results challenge the growing consensus that consumers have strong effects, indicating instead that predator impacts may be highly context‐dependent.  相似文献   

Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) is a potent activator of intracellular Ca2+ release in several vertebrate and invertebrate systems. The role of the NAADP system in physiological processes is being extensively investigated at the present time. The NAADP receptor and its associated Ca2+ pool have been hypothesized to be important in several physiological processes including fertilization, T cell activation, and pancreatic secretion. However, whether NAADP is a new second messenger or a tool for the discovery of a new Ca2+ channel is still an unanswered question. Research developed over the last two years has provided some important clues to whether NAADP is or not a physiological cellular messenger. In this short review, I will discuss some of these new findings that are helping us to find an answer to the important question: Is NAADP a second messenger or not?  相似文献   

In mammals, lactation can be the most energetically expensive part of the reproductive cycle. Thus, when energy needs are compromised due to predation risk, environmental disturbance, or resource scarcity, future reproductive success can be impacted. In marine and terrestrial environments, foraging behavior is inextricably linked to predation risk. But quantification of foraging energetics for lactating animals under predation risk is less understood. In this study, we used a spatially explicit individual‐based model to study how changes in physiology (lactating or not) and the environment (predation risk) affect optimal behavior in dolphins. Specifically, we predicted that an adult dolphin without calf would incur lower relative energetic costs compared to a lactating dolphin with calf regardless of predation risk severity, antipredator behavior, or prey quality consumed. Under this state‐dependent analysis of risk approach, we found predation risk to be a stronger driver in affecting total energetic costs (foraging plus locomotor costs) than food quality for both dolphin types. Further, contrary to our hypothesis, after accounting for raised energy demands, a lactating dolphin with calf does not necessarily have higher relative‐to‐baseline costs than a dolphin without calf. Our results indicate that both a lactating (with calf) and non‐lactating dolphin incur lowered energetic costs under a risk‐averse behavioral scheme, but consequently suffer from lost foraging calories. A lactating dolphin with calf could be particularly worse off in lost foraging calories under elevated predation risk, heightened vigilance, and increased hiding time relative to an adult dolphin without calf. Further, hiding time in refuge could be more consequential than detection distance for both dolphin types in estimated costs and losses incurred. In conclusion, our study found that reproductive status is an important consideration in analyzing risk effects in mammals, especially in animals with lengthy lactation periods and those exposed to both biological and nonbiological stressors.  相似文献   

Summary Highest posterior density intervals are common in Bayesian inference, but as noted by Agresti and Min (2005, Biometrics 61, 515–523) they are not invariant under transformations. Agresti and Min suggested central or “tail” intervals as preferable in the context of the relative risk and odds ratio. A modification to this is proposed for extreme outcomes, as invariance is maintained when replacing central intervals by one‐sided intervals. Bayes–Laplace priors for the binomial parameters appear preferable here, compared to Jeffreys priors, contrary to Agresti and Min's suggestion based on frequentist coverage.  相似文献   

In a foraging game, predators must catch elusive prey while avoiding injury. Predators manage their hunting success with behavioral tools such as habitat selection, time allocation, and perhaps daring—the willingness to risk injury to increase hunting success. A predator’s level of daring should be state dependent: the hungrier it is, the more it should be willing to risk injury to better capture prey. We ask, in a foraging game, will a hungry predator be more willing to risk injury while hunting? We performed an experiment in an outdoor vivarium in which barn owls (Tyto alba) were allowed to hunt Allenby’s gerbils (Gerbillus andersoni allenbyi) from a choice of safe and risky patches. Owls were either well fed or hungry, representing the high and low state, respectively. We quantified the owls’ patch use behavior. We predicted that hungry owls would be more daring and allocate more time to the risky patches. Owls preferred to hunt in the safe patches. This indicates that owls manage risk of injury by avoiding the risky patches. Hungry owls doubled their attacks on gerbils, but directed the added effort mostly toward the safe patch and the safer, open areas in the risky patch. Thus, owls dared by performing a risky action—the attack maneuver—more times, but only in the safest places—the open areas. We conclude that daring can be used to manage risk of injury and owls implement it strategically, in ways we did not foresee, to minimize risk of injury while maximizing hunting success.  相似文献   

Two disparate views of the sexual division of labour have dominated the representation of intra-household resource allocations. These joint and separate interests views differ in their interpretation of the relative roles of men and women, and make different predictions about the extent to which marriage promotes economic efficiency (i.e. maximized household production). Using an experimental “distribution task” stipulating a trade-off between household efficiency and spousal equality in allocating surpluses of meat and money, we examine factors influencing spousal distribution preferences among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists of Bolivia (n = 53 couples). Our primary goal is to understand whether and how access to perfectly fungible and liquid resources – which increases with greater participation in market economies – shifts intra-household distribution preferences. We hypothesize that greater fungibility of money compared to meat results in greater squandering of money for individual fitness gain at a cost to the family. Money therefore requires costly strategies to insure against a partner's claims for consumption. Whereas nearly all Tsimane spouses prefer efficient meat distributions, we find a substantially reduced efficiency preference for money compared to meat controlling for potential confounders (adjusted OR = 0.087, 95% CI: 0.02–0.38). Reported marital conflict over paternal disinvestment is associated with a nearly 13-fold increase in odds of revealing a selfish money distribution preference. Selfish husbands are significantly more likely than other husbands to be paired with selfish wives. Lastly, Tsimane husbands and wives are more likely than Western Europeans to prefer an efficient money distribution, but Tsimane wives are more likely than Western European wives to exhibit a selfish preference. In sum, preferences for the distribution of household production surplus support joint and separate interests views of marriage; a hybrid approach best explains how ecological-, family-, and individual-level factors influence spousal preferences through their effects on perceptions of marginal gains within and outside the household.  相似文献   

Individual specialization in diet or foraging behavior within apparently generalist populations has been described for many species, especially in polar and temperate marine environments, where resource distribution is relatively predictable. It is unclear, however, whether and how increased environmental variability – and thus reduced predictability of resources – due to global climate change will affect individual specialization. We determined the within‐ and among‐individual components of the trophic niche and the within‐individual repeatability of δ13C and δ15N in feathers and red blood cells of individual female southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) across 7 years. We also investigated the effect of environmental variables (Southern Annular Mode, Southern Oscillation Index, and local sea surface temperature anomaly) on the isotopic values, as well as the link between stable isotopes and female body mass, clutch initiation dates, and total clutch mass. We observed consistent red blood cell δ13C and δ15N values within individuals among years, suggesting a moderate degree of within‐individual specialization in C and N during the prebreeding period. However, the total niche width was reduced and individual specialization not present during the premolt period. Despite significant interannual differences in isotope values of C and N and environmental conditions, none of the environmental variables were linked to stable isotope values and thus able to explain phenotypic plasticity. Furthermore, neither the within‐individual nor among‐individual effects of stable isotopes were found to be related to female body mass, clutch initiation date, or total clutch mass. In conclusion, our results emphasize that the degree of specialization within generalist populations can vary over the course of 1 year, even when being consistent within the same season across years. We were unable to confirm that environmental variability counteracts individual specialization in foraging behavior, as phenotypic plasticity in δ13C and δ15N was not linked to any of the environmental variables studied.  相似文献   

Among the long list of age-related complications, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has the most dreadful impact on the quality of life due to its devastating effects on memory and cognitive abilities. Although a plausible correlation between the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling and different processes involved in neurodegeneration has been evidenced, few articles reviewed the task. The current review aims to unravel the mechanisms by which the PI3K pathway plays pro-survival roles in normal conditions, and also to discuss the original data obtained from international research laboratories on this topic. Responses to questions on how alterations of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway affect Tau phosphorylation and the amyloid cascade are given. In addition, we provide a general overview of the association between oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, alterations of insulin signaling, and altered autophagy with aberrant activation of this axis in the AD brain. The last section provides a special focus on the therapeutic possibility of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR modulators, either categorized as chemicals or herbals, in AD. In conclusion, determining the correct timing for the administration of the drugs seems to be one of the most important factors in the success of these agents. Also, the role of the PI3K/Akt signaling axis in the progression or repression of AD widely depends on the context of the cells; generally speaking, while PI3K/Akt activation in neurons and neural stem cells is favorable, its activation in microglia cells may be harmful.  相似文献   

Inspired by Grant Evans’ work Tai‐ization: Ethnic Change in Northern Indo‐China, this article explores aspects of historical ethnic change in the Yunkai and Yunwu Mountain Ranges, a small upland region intersected by the boundary of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in southern China over the period 600–1700 C.E. The discussion begins with some of the early linguistic evidence for populations of Tai speakers in the region and what is known of their political and cultural systems, then moves on to consider how Chinese military conquests of the eighth century coupled with the migration of Sinitic and Mien peoples from the eleventh century onwards altered the ethnic composition and political landscape of the region. This is followed by an examination of different exonyms used in Chinese texts for populations of southern China from the fifteenth century onwards and how these might have related to linguistic groupings and identities on the ground, demonstrating that historical usage of Chinese exonyms now connected with Tai or Mien speakers is not always a reliable indicator of a corresponding presence of historical Tai or Mien‐speaking populations. Further research drawing on a number of disciplines is required on a localised level in order to determine when Tai and Mien languages were abandoned in the region and how the inhabitants of the area shifted from the status of named Others to ordinary Chinese subjects.  相似文献   

Transgenic Bt rice expressing the insecticidal proteins derived from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) has been developed since 1989. Their ecological risks towards non‐target organisms have been investigated; however, these studies were conducted individually, yielding uncertainty regarding potential agroecological risks associated with large‐scale deployment of Bt rice lines. Here, we developed a meta‐analysis of the existing literature to synthesize current knowledge of the impacts of Bt rice on functional arthropod guilds, including herbivores, predators, parasitoids and detritivores in laboratory and field studies. Laboratory results indicate Bt rice did not influence survival rate and developmental duration of herbivores, although exposure to Bt rice led to reduced egg laying, which correctly predicted their reduced abundance in Bt rice agroecosystems. Similarly, consuming prey exposed to Bt protein did not influence survival, development or fecundity of predators, indicating constant abundances of predators in Bt rice fields. Compared to control agroecosystems, parasitoid populations decreased slightly in Bt rice cropping systems, while detritivores increased. We draw two inferences. One, laboratory studies of Bt rice showing effects on ecological functional groups are mainly either consistent with or more conservative than results of field studies, and two, Bt rice will pose negligible risks to the non‐target functional guilds in future large‐scale Bt rice agroecosystems in China.  相似文献   

Recent theory predicted that male advertisement will reliably signal investment in paternal care in species where offspring survival requires paternal care and males allocate resources between advertisement and care. However, the predicted relationship between care and advertisement depended on the marginal gains from investment in current reproductive traits. Life history theory suggests that these fitness gains are also subject to a trade‐off between current and future reproduction. Here, we investigate whether male signalling remains a reliable indicator of parental care when males allocate resources between current advertisement, paternal care and survival to future reproduction. We find that advertisement is predicted to remain a reliable signal of male care but that advertisement may cease to reliably indicate male quality because low‐quality males are predicted to invest in current reproduction, whereas higher‐quality males are able to invest in both current reproduction and survival to future reproduction.  相似文献   

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