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A wealth of fungal enzymes has been identified from nature, which continue to drive strain engineering and bioprocessing for a range of industries. However, while a number of clades have been investigated, the vast majority of the fungal kingdom remains unexplored for industrial applications. Here, we discuss selected classes of fungal enzymes that are currently in biotechnological use, and explore more basal, non-conventional fungi and their underexploited biomass-degrading mechanisms as promising agents in the transition towards a bio-based society. Of special interest are anaerobic fungi like the Neocallimastigomycota, which were recently found to harbor the largest diversity of biomass-degrading enzymes among the fungal kingdom. Enzymes sourced from these basal fungi have been used to metabolically engineer substrate utilization in yeast, and may offer new paths to lignin breakdown and tunneled biocatalysis. We also contrast classic enzymology approaches with emerging ‘omics’-based tools to decipher function within novel fungal isolates and identify new promising enzymes. Recent developments in genome editing are expected to accelerate discovery and metabolic engineering within these systems, yet are still limited by a lack of high-resolution genomes, gene regulatory regions, and even appropriate culture conditions. Finally, we present new opportunities to harness the biomass-degrading potential of undercharacterized fungi via heterologous expression and engineered microbial consortia.  相似文献   

Diversity in glomalean fungi is manifested at the molecular, morphological, and ecological levels. Characters at any of these levels can be ordered into hierarchical patterns defining taxonomic groups if they are conserved enough to be heritable through geologic time in all descendants of a common ancestor. At present, only morphological characters associated with mode of spore formation and in subcellular structure of spores are sufficiently stable and diverse to recognize at least 150 species. Ontogenetic comparisons indicate that species integrity, despite asexual reproduction, is the result of rigid internal constraints imposed on variation during the process of spore subcellular differentiation. Epigenetic factors dominate because the differentiation sequence is linear and each new stage is causally linked to preceding stages. Some morphological characters of the fungal mycelium also exist, but they define more inclusive groups at the family level and above. Most diversity in the mycorrhizae consists of life-history traits associated with abundance and architecture of fungal components, their rate of formation and longevity, and their cost in the symbiosis. These characters participate in processes at the molecular and ecological levels, so they are autonomous from morphological determinants. They often are labile or affected by external environmental conditions, so fewer stable taxonomic characters are likely to be discovered. Instead, molecular and ecological diversity has greater potential to define; (a) niche specificity of organisms/populations and (b) causal processes linked to host-fungus compatibility and mycorrhizal efficiency. Any taxonomic characters that relate to mycorrhizal functions will come only from comparative studies involving organisms from shared habitats rather than those having shared spore morphologies.  相似文献   

Seventy six metrical traits measured on the femur and tibia of three higher primate groups —Ceboidea, Cercopithecoidea, Hominoidea have been processed by various univariate and multivariate statistical methods to survey the process of evolution of the morphology of the femur and tibia in higher primates. Intragroup and intergroup variability, similarity and differences as well as various aspects of scaling and sexual dimorphism have been analyzed to study adaptive trends and phylogenetic diversity in higher primates, in individual superfamilies and to explore the adaptive morphological pattern of early hominids and basic differences between hominids and pongids. Two basic morphotypes of the femur and tibia in higher primates have been determined. They are (1) advanced hominoid morphotype (hominids and pongids) and (2) ancestral higher primate morphotype (platyrrhine and cattarrhine monkeys, early hominoids, and hylobatids). Cebid lower limb bones are adapted to arboreal quadrupedalism with antipronograde features while femur and tibia of cercopithecid monkeys are basically adapted to the semi-arboreal locomotion. Early hominoids (Proconsul) and hylobatids are morphologically different from pongids; some features are close toAteles or other monkey species. Pongids and hominids are taken as one major morphological group with different scaling and some functional and morphological similarities. Numerous analogous features were described on the lower limb skeleton ofPan andPongo showing analogous ecological parameters in their evolution. Major morphological and biomechanical trends are analyzed. It is argued that early advanced hominoid morphology is ancestral both to the pongids and to early hominids. The progressive morphological trend in early hominids has been found fromA. afarensis with ancestral hominid morphology, toH. habilis with an elongated femur and structural features similar to advanced hominids. A detailed phylogenetic analysis of higher primate femur and tibia is also presented.  相似文献   

Metarhizium is a diverse genus of fungi adapted for different ecologies, including soil saprotrophs, entomopathogens, and endophytes. We characterized the genetic diversity and distribution of Metarhizium species in soils found in native and agricultural landscapes within Brazilian biomes (Amazon, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, and Pampa). Current species limits were determined with 5′-TEF, and the genetic diversity discerned using MzIGS3 sequences. Metarhizium robertsii, Metarhizium anisopliae, Metarhizium pingshaense, and three other lineages that lie beyond currently recognized species were found. Only soils from the Amazon contained all the species. The diversity of Metarhizium species associated with native vegetation was greater than that identified in annual and perennial crops. M. robertsii was the most abundant species (65%), followed by Metarhizium sp. indet. 1, which exhibited the highest haplotype and nucleotide diversities. Metarhizium sp. indet. 3 was found predominantly in the Caatinga biome. This information increases the knowledge about diversity and belowground species composition of Metarhizium in Brazil.  相似文献   

Truffles (Tuber) are ectomycorrhizal fungi characterized by hypogeous fruitbodies. Their biodiversity, host associations and geographical distributions are not well documented. ITS rDNA sequences of Tuber are commonly recovered from molecular surveys of fungal communities, but most remain insufficiently identified making it difficult to determine whether these sequences represent conspecific or novel taxa. In this meta-analysis, over 2000 insufficiently identified Tuber sequences from 76 independent studies were analysed within a phylogenetic framework. Species ranges, host associates, geographical distributions and intra- and interspecific ITS variability were assessed. Over 99% of the insufficiently identified Tuber sequences grouped within clades composed of species with little culinary value (Maculatum, Puberulum and Rufum). Sixty-four novel phylotypes were distinguished including 36 known only from ectomycorrhizae or soil. Most species of Tuber showed 1-3% intraspecific ITS variability and >4% interspecific ITS sequence variation. We found 123 distinct phylotypes based on 96% ITS sequence similarity and estimated that Tuber contains a minimum of 180 species. Based on this meta-analysis, species in Excavatum, Maculatum and Rufum clades exhibit preference for angiosperm hosts, whereas those in the Gibbosum clade are preferential towards gymnosperms. Sixteen Tuber species (>13% of the known diversity) have putatively been introduced to continents or islands outside their native range.  相似文献   

The alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) is a well‐known example of a worldwide‐distributed pest with high genetic variation. Based on the mitochondrial genes, the alfalfa weevil clusters into two main mitochondrial lineages. However, there is no clear picture of the global diversity and distribution of these lineages; neither the drivers of its diversification are known. However, it appears likely that historic demographic events including founder effects played a role. In addition, Wolbachia, a widespread intracellular parasite/symbiont, likely played an important role in the evolution of the species. Wolbachia infection so far was only detected in the Western lineage of H. postica with no information on the infecting strain, its frequency, and its consequences on the genetic diversity of the host. We here used a combination of mitochondrial and nuclear sequences of the host and sequence information on Wolbachia to document the distribution of strains and the degree of infection. The Eastern lineage has a higher genetic diversity and is found in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and eastern America, whereas the less diverse Western lineage is found in Central Europe and the western America. Both lineages are infected with the same common strain of Wolbachia belonging to Supergroup B. Based on neutrality tests, selection tests, and the current distribution and diversification of Wolbachia in H. postica, we suggested the Wolbachia infection did not shape genetic diversity of the host. The introduced populations in the United States are generally genetically less diverse, which is in line with founder effects.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Lichinales are a group of lichenized ascomycetes that almost exclusively possess cyanobacteria as their primary photobiont and are hitherto separated from the Lecanorales, the major group of lichenized ascomycetes, by thallus structure, ascoma ontogeny, ascus structure and ascus function. The relationship of the two families Peltulaceae and Lichinaceae, both placed within the Lichinales, with the Heppiaceae, placed within the Lecanorales, was investigated, as well as a possible sister group relationship of the Lichinales to the Lecanorales. Phylogenetic analyses included non-molecular data as well as 18S rDNA sequence data. The monophyly of the Lichinales including the family Heppiaceae and a sister group relationship of Lichinales and Lecanorales, based on the shared presence of lecanoralean asci, are proposed in a morphological hypothesis. Parsimony and distance analyses of 18S rDNA sequence data strongly support the monophyly of the Lichinales, including all three families. Therefore, the presence of rostrate, lecanoralean asci in Peltula and part of the Lichinaceae suggests that this ascus type is an autapomorphy of the monophyletic Lichinales. Furthermore, the occurrence of prototunicate asci in the Heppiaceae and most of the Lichinaceae is autapomorphic and was gained independently by reduction of the rostrate ascus. The 18S rDNA analysis did not reject the non-molecular hypothesis of a sister group relationship of the Lichinales and the Lecanorales as based on ascus characters. The alternative placement of the Lichinales as the sister group of all inoperculate euascomycetes excluding the Sordariomycetes and most of the Leotiales in the gene tree received unsufficient bootstrap support and no support from any non-molecular data and consequently was rejected.  相似文献   

Fungi are abundant and functionally important in the Arctic, yet comprehensive studies of their diversity in relation to geography and environment are not available. We sampled soils in paired plots along the North American Arctic Transect (NAAT), which spans all five bioclimatic subzones of the Arctic. Each pair of plots contrasted relatively bare, cryoturbated patterned‐ground features (PGFs) and adjacent vegetated between patterned‐ground features (bPGFs). Fungal communities were analysed via sequencing of 7834 ITS‐LSU clones. We recorded 1834 OTUs – nearly half the fungal richness previously reported for the entire Arctic. These OTUs spanned eight phyla, 24 classes, 75 orders and 120 families, but were dominated by Ascomycota, with one‐fifth belonging to lichens. Species richness did not decline with increasing latitude, although there was a decline in mycorrhizal taxa that was offset by an increase in lichen taxa. The dominant OTUs were widespread even beyond the Arctic, demonstrating no dispersal limitation. Yet fungal communities were distinct in each subzone and were correlated with soil pH, climate and vegetation. Communities in subzone E were distinct from the other subzones, but similar to those of the boreal forest. Fungal communities on disturbed PGFs differed significantly from those of paired stable areas in bPGFs. Indicator species for PGFs included lichens and saprotrophic fungi, while bPGFs were characterized by ectomycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi. Our results suggest that the Arctic does not host a unique mycoflora, while Arctic fungi are highly sensitive to climate and vegetation, with potential to migrate rapidly as global change unfolds.  相似文献   

Human cytochrome P450 (P450) 4F11 is still considered an “orphan” because its function is not well characterized. A bacterial expression system was developed for human P450 4F11, producing ∼230 nmol P450 from a 3-l culture of Escherichia coli. P450 4F11 was purified and utilized for untargeted substrate searches in human liver extract using a liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry-based metabolomic and isotopic labeling approach (Tang et al., 2009 [19]). Four fatty acids—palmitic, oleic, arachidonic, and docosahexaenoic—were identified in human liver and verified as substrates of P450 4F11. The products were characterized as ω-hydroxylated fatty acids by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of their trimethylsilyl derivatives. Kinetic analysis of the oxidation products confirmed that the fatty acids are substrates oxidized by P450 4F11. P450 4F11 also exhibited low activity for some drug N-demethylation reactions but none for activation of several pro-carcinogens.  相似文献   

The flowering plants--angiosperms--appeared during the Early Cretaceous period and within 10-30 Myr dominated the species composition of many floras worldwide. Emerging insights into the phylogenetics of development and discoveries of early angiosperm fossils are shedding increased light on the patterns and processes of early angiosperm evolution. However, we also need to integrate ecology, in particular how early angiosperms established a roothold in pre-existing Mesozoic plant communities. These events were critical in guiding subsequent waves of angiosperm diversification during the Aptian-Albian. Previous pictures of the early flowering plant ecology have been diverse, ranging from large tropical rainforest trees, weedy drought-adapted and colonizing shrubs, disturbance- and sun-loving rhizomatous herbs, and, more recently, aquatic herbs; however, none of these images were tethered to a robust hypothesis of angiosperm phylogeny. Here, we synthesize our current understanding of early angiosperm ecology, focusing on patterns of functional ecology, by merging recent molecular phylogenetic studies and functional studies on extant 'basal angiosperms' with the picture of early angiosperm evolution drawn by the fossil record.  相似文献   

In Europe, Miocene rails (Aves, Rallidae) are quite abundant, but their phylogenetic placement in the context of recent forms has remained elusive. Rails from the early Miocene of the Saint‐Gérand‐le‐Puy area in central France were first described in the 19th century, and currently, only two species are recognized, namely Palaeoaramides christyi and Paraortygometra porzanoides. Our examination of the material however suggests the presence of four, likely coeval, species of rail from these deposits. Palaeoaramides eximius, previously synonymized with Palaeoaramides christyi, is here shown to probably be a distinct species, and a previously unrecognized rail, Baselrallus intermedius gen. et sp. nov., is described. To find out how these fossil rails are related to modern Rallidae, we compared them with an extensive sample of extant rails and identified plesiomorphic and derived features for crown group Rallidae. Our assessment does not support a particularly close relationship of either Palaeoaramides to Aramides or Paraortygometra to Crex (Ortygometra), and overall, these fossil rails are more primitive than previously assumed. Based on our observations of the morphology of the previously undescribed humerus of Palaeoaramides, we show this taxon to be outside crown group Rallidae, and perhaps closely related to the early Oligocene taxon Belgirallus. On the other hand, Paraortygometra porzanoides bears a resemblance to recent flufftails (Sarothrura spp.) in some elements, but whether it can be included in a clade together with flufftails is uncertain.  相似文献   

Abstract Three broad dietary categories—fungus, plant and arthropod—were identified from faecal samples of two species of small terrestrial mammal in forest vegetation in southwestern Victoria. Fungal material formed the major component of the diet of the long-nosed potoroo Potorous tridactylus throughout the year and of the bush rat Rattus fuscipes during autumn and winter. Fungal material was most abundant for both species during autumn and winter and significantly less common in spring and summer. These results confirm previous studies which found P. tridactylus to be highly mycophagous throughout the year and R. fuscipes to be strongly mycophagous seasonally. Particular consideration was given to the composition of fungi in the diet. Fungal spores in faecal material were assigned to spore classes, which represent one or more fungal species that have similar spore morphology. Twenty-four fungal spore classes were recorded, but for both animal species most of the fungi consumed were from seven major spore classes. The proportions of major spore classes in the diet of both animals were generally similar, even though the composition of spore classes differed markedly across seasons. Minor differences between species in the fungi consumed may be related to differences in selectivity, foraging, or microhabitat use. If fungal resources are limiting, competition for such resources may be important in this and other small mammal communities. The amount and diversity of hypogeal fungi consumed by the two animal species makes them both important spore dispersal agents in forest ecosystems. The capacity of R. fuscipes and other seasonally mycophagous mammals in this role may be more important than previously recognized, especially in habitats where species of the Potoroidae are absent.  相似文献   

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