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Methods of estimating the standing crops of epipsammic diatoms have been evaluated and compared with those used for epipelic algal crops.

Good correlations between chlorophyll a content and cell counts were obtained for epipelic populations, but because of the presence of large numbers of decaying cells, inseparable from living cells, such correlation was not obtained with epipsammic algae, even after correction of the pigment estimates for the presence of pheophytin a. The standing crop of epipsammic algae was at all times greater than that of epipelic algae at the same sampling station, and this was attributed to the differential effects of sediment disturbance by burrowing animals and water movements.  相似文献   

The ecology of epipelic algae on the marginal sediments of five Welsh lakes was studied over an annual cycle. The lakes, Llydaw, Cwellyn, Padarn, Maelog and Coron ranged from very oligotrophic to nutrient-rich. Attention was focussed on chlamydomonad flagellates, diatoms, blue-green algae and euglenoids and the different proportions of these in algae in the epipelon of lakes of contrasting water quality. A total of 75 algal taxa was found in the five lakes, 25 were species of volvocalean flagellates. Mean annual population density of these flagellates differed by an order of magnitude between the lakes. The greatest population density was recorded for Chlamydomonas anticontata Schiller in nutrient-rich Llyn Maelog. Twenty species of pennate diatoms were recorded frequently in the epipelon. In the nutrient-rich lakes, Maelog and Coron, pennate diatoms were dominant on the sediments, where they exhibited population maxima in spring and autumn. Increase in numbers of epipelic diatoms was recorded when silica concentrations were minimum in the overlying lake waters. Navicula hungarica Grun. achieved the maximum population density, 260 000 cells · cm?2. Euglenoids formed large epipelic populations during late-summer and autumn in these nutrient-rich lakes. Blue-green algae were more important, proportionally, in the nutrient-poor mountain lakes, which had sediments of higher organic content. Chlamydomonads were the major algal component of the epipelon in the mountain lakes, Llydaw and Cwellyn, where the sediments were characterized by larger particle size, and higher organic content. In the nutrient-rich lakes, where the sediments had higher calcium content, chlamydomonads formed significant populations only during spring and summer, when nutrient levels were minimal in the overlying lakewaters.  相似文献   

The occurrence, periodicity and growth of twenty species of unicellular Volvocales on sediments in an acidic pool are described. Minimum populations were recorded in winter, but during the rest of the year standing crops fluctuated rapidly. The greatest species diversity and primary productivity occurred in late spring-early summer and in autumn, when maximum numbers of Chlamydomonas spp. and Chloromonas spp. increased exponentially on the sediments. The chlamydomonads were more numerous in the epipelon than other major algal components such as diatoms, euglenoids, bluegreen algae and desmids. Growth of the chlamydomonad population occurred after the period of maximum diatom standing crop. Evidence shows that rates of primary production were greater in late spring and late summer when species diversity and standing crop or apparent growth rates of unicellular Volvocales were high. Thus these algae which are normally neglected may be more important in primary productivity than previously believed since they grow during periods when larger algae are scarce. Analysis of the data using the multivariate technique of Reciprocal Averaging confirmed seasonal periodicity in this community of epipelic flagellates. It also identified species with distinctive ecological requirements. A relationship between the bicarbonate-alkalinity of the overlying water and the chlamydomonad population was demonstrated by ordination analysis.  相似文献   

An extractive procedure for detection of surplus-stored phosphorus (luxury consumption) in algae and an enzymatic analysis for conditions of P-limited growth in algae have been evaluated. A simple 60-min boiling water extraction of algae known to contain surplus P separates essential P compounds and surplus-stored P compounds. Surplus P compounds can be measured in the extract as orthophosphate. Extracts of algae limited in their growth by the amount of available P contain little or no orthophosphate. Limitation of algal growth by P supply induces the enzyme alkaline phosphatase. The activity of this enzyme can be measured at pH 9 using p-nitro-phenylphosphate as substrate. Algae which were P-limited and contained no extractable orthophosphate have as much as 25 times more alkaline phosphatase activity than algae with surplus available P.  相似文献   

The species composition, biomass (measured as algal volumes) and chlorophyll concentration of epipelic algae was studies before (1977) and during (1978–1979) fertilization with phosphorus and nitrogen of Lake Gunillajaure, a small subarctic lake in northern Sweden.
The epipelic biomass, dominated by Cyanophyceae and Bacillariophyceae, was high (5.6–20.1 cm3 m−2) at all depths in the lake with the highest values in the hypolimnion (8–13.7 m). Calculated over mean depth it was 20 times higher than that of the phytoplankton. There was no significant increase in biomass during fertilization and neither did the species composition change. The chlorophyll concentration on the other hand were significantly higher in late 1978 and in 1979 which was probably an effect of the declining light climate caused by a large phytoplankton development in the lake. Constant seasonal biomass and species composition indicate a perennial epipelic community in this lake.  相似文献   

  • 1 The uptake of phosphate and inorganic nitrogen by sediment and phytoplankton was studied under natural conditions (1977) and during lake fertilization with phosphorus and nitrogen (1978–79) in Lake Gunillajaure, a small, stratified, subarctic lake in northern Sweden. The experiments were performed in situ in plexiglass cylinders, to which additions of nutrients were made, and the uptake followed by consecutive sampling and analysis of the water phase.
  • 2 Additions of HgCl2 to the experimental vessels reduced the phosphate uptake to the sediment to less than 10% and it could therefore be concluded that the sediment uptake was mainly of biological nature.
  • 3 Dark assimilation was 30–40% of that in light. Since light clearly stimulated the sediment uptake the epipelic algae were probably responsible.
  • 4 The phosphate uptake to the sediment could be described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics and the calculated constants (Vmax, ks) were very alike in 1977 and 1978 but appeared to have increased in 1979.
  • 5 The sediment uptake of ammonium and nitrate was very slow indrcating that the epipelic algae were not nitrogen starved.
  • 6 Even though the epipelic algae had a potential for efficient uptake of phosphorus, the phytoplankton took up 92–96% of the phosphate added to the lake on each fertilization occasion due to the relatively large water volume in the epilimnion in relation to the bottom area available for the epipelic algae.

Biomass, species composition and diversity of epipelic algae in mire pools   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
The biomass, species composition and diversity of epipelic algae in two small pools of contrasting physicochemical characteristics in Miyatoko Mire were studied in 1992 (pool 3 =site B4 and pool 50 =site D2). A total of 93 species and 67 species of epipelic algae occurred at sites B4 and D2, respectively. Considerable differences were observed between the two sites in the seasonal fluctuations of species number, biomass and dominant species. At site B4, little changed with species number during April–August and markedly increased in October, while biomass was largest in April and gradually decreased during June–October. Diatoms and desmids occupied 33–82% and 15–63% of total algal biomass, respectively. At site D2, species number and biomass were small in April just after the snow-thaw, and increased in June and decreased in August and October. Diatoms occupied 90–98% of total algal biomass. The species diversity was always higher at site D2 than B4. As a result of analyses of water chemistry in the two pools, pool B4 can be recognized as a habitat experiencing high disturbance frequency. It is predicted that pools experiencing frequent disturbance will have less epipelic algal biomass and diversity.  相似文献   

The biovolume and species composition of epipelic algae along sediment depth gradients were sampled seasonally in an acidic oligotrophic lake in the Adirondack Park in New York State. The epipelic algal community of Woods Lake (Herkimer Co., NY) was dominated by diatoms and cyanobacteria. Distinct depth zonation patterns of community composition were evident. Total algal biovolume increased with depth due to a dense cyanobacterial mat on the sediments in deeper water (5–8 m). This mat was dominated by a single species of cyanobacteria, Hapalosiphon pumilus (Kütz.) Kirchner, which accounted for the late summer maximum in total biovolume at 7 m. The shallower (1–4 m) epipelic communities were dominated by diatoms, which showed a spring maximum in total biovolume and were dominated by Fragilaria acidobiontica Charles, Navicula tenuicephala Hust. and N. subtilissima Cl.  相似文献   

The epipelic algae found in 9 rivers of southern Baffin Island were investigated during the 1972 growing season. The overall assemblage consisted of 240 taxa, of which 200 belonged to the Bacillariophyta and, only 17 to the Chlorophyta. Members of the Bacillariophyta accounted for S7–100% by numbers and 44–100% by volume of the algae at most localities. The dominant taxa were Achnanthes kriegeri Krasske, A. marginulata Grun., and Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth.) Kütz. The Chlorophyta comprised. 0–7% by numbers and 0–30% by volume of the algae, with Cosmarium tinctum Ralfs, Cylindrocystis spp., and Mougeotia sp. being most common. The standing crop in the different rivers commonly exceeded 8 × 106 cells/cm2 (8 × 109μ3/cm2), and a maximum growth rate of 3.2 × 105 cells/cm2/day (3.2 × 108μ/cm2/day) was observed. Temperature and light are considered important, factors in the regulation of algal numbers, while nutrient supply in the overlying water, grazing by herbivores, wave action, and flooding appeared to have little effect.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic activity of different algal communities at the outer edge of an Equisetum fluviatile L. stand in an oligotrophic lake (Pääjärvi, in southern Finland) was investigated. Production by the algal communities was measured simultaneously using a modified 14C-method, and the results were related to the volume of algae and the available irradiance. The relative production rate (P/B quotient) of phytoplankton was ca. 3 × that of epiphyton and ca. 20 × that of epipelon. Epiphyton productivity remained almost constant although the algal volume varied greatly, suggesting that the surface layer of the algal community was mainly responsible for the photosynthetic activity. In the littoral area (at 1 m depth) primary production/m2 of lake surface by phytoplankton, epiphyton and epipelon was similar but in the littoriprofundal area (2–4 m) phytoplankton production was twice that of epipelon. Primary productivity of epiphyton and epipelon/m2 of substratum was about equal to phytoplankton productivity/m3 of water at the same irradiance. This relation provided a means of estimating the relative contributions of the different algal communities to the total algal production in the lake.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2003,77(2):99-110
Between 1996 and 1998 phytoplanktonic primary production and bacterioplankton production were measured monthly at five sampling stations in the lower Kis-Balaton reservoir. The open water area of the reservoir was rich in phytoplankton and had hypertrophic characteristics, but inside the reed stand (80% of the surface area) phytoplankton biomass and production were substantially (30–50 times) lower. The algal removal efficiency of the lower Kis-Balaton reservoir was 96%. The reservoir had a considerably smaller effect on bacterioplankton removal than on the phytoplankton. The decrease of biomass and production of bacterioplankton in the through-flowing water was approximately 60%. Inside the reed stand the biomass and the production of planktonic bacteria exceeded that of the phytoplankton by several times, suggesting that the release of biodegradable dissolved organic (humic) substances from macrophytes stimulated the metabolism of bacterioplankton. The significant reduction of phytoplankton inside the dense reed stand was primarily the result of the shading effect of the reeds. In the open water area a shading experiment demonstrated that a 1-week residence period for planktonic algae in the reed-covered area was sufficient for their complete elimination. The decomposition of planktonic algae, reed material and the lack of primary production inside the reed stand created oxygen-deficient and phosphorus-rich conditions during the vegetative period. These results suggest that reed-covered water bodies can effectively retain suspended solids and planktonic algae, but because of decomposition processes they cannot retain biologically-available phosphorus.  相似文献   

An extractive Procedure for detection of surplusstored phosphorus (luxury consumption) in algae and an enzymatic analysis for conditions of P-limited growth in algae have been evaluated. A simple 60-min boiling water extraction of algae known to contain surplus P separates essential P compounds and surplus-stored P compounds. Surplus P compounds can be measured in the extract as orthophosphate. Extracts of algae limited in their growth by the amount of available P contain little or no orthophosphate. Limitation of algal growth by P supply induces the enzyme alkaline phosphatase. The activity of this enzyme can be measured at pH 9 using p-nitro-phenylphosphate as substrate. Algae which were P-limited and contained no extractable orthophosphate have as much as 25 times more alkaline phosphatase activity than algae with surplus available P .  相似文献   

Studies of the seasonal and spatial distribution of the epipelic algal standing crop and primary productivity were conducted in Marion Lake, British Columbia. Possible biological, chemical, and physical factors controlling the epipelic algal community dynamics were also investigated. The epipelic algal flora of the lake was very diverse, however, it can be generally considered as acidophilic associations of algae. The vertical distribution of the epipelic algae is partially influenced by the amount of light reaching the sediment, but also strongly influenced by the grazing of animals and erosion by wave action. Temperature, light, and grazing by animals all appear to influence the seasonal fluctuations in the algal standing crop. Concentrations of nutrients immediately above the sediment surface appear to be less important as controlling factors. The most important variables influenceing the primary productivity of the epipelic community are temperature, total algal standing crop, and light. Nutrients, again, appear to be less important as controlling factors. The study supports the idea that epipelic algal growth is high in shallow, low nutrient lakes and that the epipelic algal productivity is extremely important to the total energy budget of the lake.  相似文献   

Annual changes in the algal density and concentrations of chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, and organic matter were analyzed in water and sediments at four sites characterized by the presence or absence of submerged and emergent macrophytes, during turbid‐ and clear‐water conditions to determine the contribution of the algal components of the plankton and the epipelon and to identify the most typical species in each community. Three states were recognized: one turbid and two clear, with different submerged macrophyte cover. The peaks of phytoplankton and epipelon occurred in the turbid phase, whereas the highest proportion of true epipelic algae in sediments was reached in the second clear phase. The Oscillatoriaceae dominated during the turbid phase in the water and throughout the entire year within the sediments. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Phytoplankton standing crop, primary production, light penetration, temperature, and various chemical concentrations were measured in a man-made, deep-discharge, reservoir and in a natural, surface-discharge, lake in order to relate limnological conditions in the two bodies of water to their depth of outflow. The quantity and depth distribution of heat stored during the summer varied markedly. The reservoir functioned as a heat trap, whereas heat was readily dissipated from the lake. Salinity increased more in the lower layer of the lake. Throughout the summer, nutrient-rich water was discharged from the reservoir whereas nutrient-poor water was discharged from the lake. Phytoplankton standing crops were greater in the lake and were dominated by flagellates and diatoms. In the reservoir, blue-green algae were predominant. Rates of primary production and respiration were higher in the lake, but estimated algal turnover times were faster in the reservoir. It was concluded that depth of outflow has a direct and predictable effect on certain physical and chemical conditions within these two bodies of water; but effects of discharge depth on phytoplankton were secondary and thus difficult to ascertain.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic distribution of photosystem I-associated polypeptides was assessed by immunoblotting algal thylakoid membrane polypeptides with antisera generated against the P700-chlorophyll a protein (CC I) and a photosystem I light-harvesting chlorophyll-protein (LHC Ib). Polypeptides cross-reacting with the CC I apoprotein were found in 20 species representing four classes of unicellular algae. Polypeptides sharing antigenicity with spinach LHC Ib were observed only in algal species containing chlorophyll b. Tetraselmis spp. (Pleurastrophyceae), rich in chlorophyll b (Chl a:b 1.2), exhibited marked heterogeneity in the composition of their CC I and LHC Ib cross-reactive polypeptides. When immunoblotted with antisera against CC I, all Tetraselmis clones examined exhibited a 25-kD polypeptide in greater abundance than the 58-kD CC I apoprotein characteristic of higher plants and other green algal thylakoids. Three Tetraselmis clones (RG 6, RG 11, and RG 12) exhibited an 81-kD polypeptide with strong antigenicity toward the LHC Ib antisera, in contrast to the 17- to 24-kD cross-reactive polypeptides found in spinach, green algae, and one Tetraselmis clone (RG 5). Associated with the unique photosystem I polypeptide composition in Tetraselmis spp., Chl: P700 ratios for the group are 2–5 times greater than those observed for higher plants or other green algae. The chlorophyll b enrichment, unusual composition of photosystem I cross-reactive polypeptides, and heterogeneity of these polypeptides within isolates of Tetraselmis might make this genus useful for investigations of the functional organization of chlorophyll b in light-harvesting systems. These features also support the view of an alternative phyletic origin for the Pleurastrophyceae.  相似文献   

In the Laurentian Great Lakes, phytoplankton growth and biomass are secondarily limited by silica (Si), as a result of phosphorus (P) enrichment. Even modest levels of P enrichment can induce secondary Silimitation, which, in turn, promotes a shift from the native diatom phytoplankton flora to chlorophyte and cyanobacteria species. However, very little is known about the nutritional status of benthic populations and their response to nutrient enrichment. Two experiments were performed in the littoral zone of Lake Michigan where nutrients were delivered to in situ benthic algal (episammic and epilithic) assemblages using nutrient‐diffusing substrata. In order to test the hypothesis that benthic algae in Lake Michigan are Si limited, a 2 × 3 factorial experiment was used to deliver all combinations of Si, N, and P to resident assemblages growing on artificial substrata composed of natural (Si rich) versus calcium carbonate (Si poor) sand. A second experiment utilized a serial enrichment to evaluate the role of Si in mediating changes in taxonomic composition. These findings indicate that benthic algae in Lake Michigan exhibit signs of secondary Si limitation, and that their response to enrichment is similar to the phytoplankton. Moreover, natural sand substrata may provide a source of Si to resident benthic algae.  相似文献   

The growth and grazing characteristics of Poterioochromonas malhamensis (Pringsheim) Peterfi (= Ochromonas malhamensis Pringsheim) (ca. 8 μm) feeding on phytoplankton, including the cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp. (ca. 2 μm) and Microcystis viridis (A. Brown) Lemmermann (ca. 6 μm) and the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick (ca. 13 μm), were investigated in laboratory experiments involving the following treatments: (1) light without added algal prey (autotrophy), (2) light with added algal prey (mixotrophy), and (3) dark with added algal prey (phagotrophy). There were significantly higher cell numbers under mixotrophic and phagotrophic growth than under autotrophic growth. With phytoplankton as food, growth rates under both mixotrophy and phagotrophy were about two or three times higher than those under autotrophy, indicating that the algal diets were readily able to support the population growth of P. malhamensis. There were no significant differences in growth rate between mixotrophic and phagotrophic cultures during exponential growth. The ingestion rate of P. malhamensis with algal prey was also similar under both continuous light and dark. Poterioochromonas malhamensis ingested on average 0.27 M. viridis cells·flagellate− 1 ·h− 1 and 0.18 C. pyrenoidosa cells·flagellate− 1 ·h− 1 in continuous light and 0.25 M. viridis cells·flagellate− 1 ·h− 1 and 0.18 C. pyrenoidosa cells·flagellate− 1 ·h− 1 in continuous dark during exponential growth. The results showed that light had no effect on the growth and ingestion rates of P. malhamensis for phagotrophy during exponential growth. However, phagotrophic populations of P. malhamensis were incapable of growth in continuous darkness for longer than 5 days. Populations of P. malhamensis showed no increase when prey was added again after 4 days in continuous darkness, indicating that light is necessary for sustained phagotrophic growth of P. malhamensis. The study suggests that P. malhamensis, which has strong tolerance for light, is light dependent for phagotrophy.  相似文献   

Although all chloroplasts appear to have been derived from a common ancestor, a major schism occurred early in the evolution of eukaryotic algae that gave rise to red and green photoautotrophic lineages. In Paleozoic and earlier times, the fossil record suggests that oceanic eukaryotic phytoplankton were dominated by the green (chl b‐containing) algal line. However, following the end‐Permian extinction, a diverse group of eukaryotic phytoplankton evolved from secondary symbiotic associations in the red (chl c‐containing) line and subsequently rose to ecological prominence. In the contemporary oceans, red eukaryotic phytoplankton taxa continue to dominate marine pelagic food webs, whereas the green line is relegated to comparatively minor ecological and biogeochemical roles. To help elucidate why the oceans are not dominated by green taxa, we analyzed and compared whole plastid genomes in both the red and green lineages. Our results suggest that whereas all algal plastids retain a core set of genes, red plastids retain a complementary set of genes that potentially confer more capacity to autonomously express proteins regulating oxygenic photosynthetic and energy transduction pathways. We hypothesize that specific gene losses in the primary endosymbiotic green plastid reduced its portability for subsequent symbiotic associations. This corollary of the plastid “enslavement” hypothesis may have limited subsequent evolutionary advances in the green lineage while simultaneously providing a competitive advantage to the red lineage.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted upon the epipelic algal community of a shallow eutrophic lake in central Alberta, Canada. The lake was Hastings Lake (longitudes 112° 50′ and 113° 00′ W; latitudes 53° 15′ and 53° 50′ N). The epipelic algae displayed both spatial and temporal distributions for species composition, standing crop as well as productivity. In situ cross incubation experiments showed the potential photosynthetic viability of epipelic algae living below the 1% irradiance level.  相似文献   

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