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To investigate the uptake and long-distance translocation of sulphate in plants, we have characterized three cell-type-specific sulphate transporters, Sultr1;1, Sultr2;1 and Sultr2;2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Heterologous expression in the yeast sulphate transporter mutant indicated that Sultr1;1 encodes a high-affinity sulphate transporter (Km for sulphate 3.6 +/- 0.6 microM), whereas Sultr2;1 and Sultr2;2 encode low-affinity sulphate transporters (Km for sulphate 0.41 +/- 0.07 mM and >/= 1.2 mM, respectively). In Arabidopsis plants expressing the fusion gene construct of the Sultr1;1 promoter and green fluorescent protein (GFP), GFP was localized in the lateral root cap, root hairs, epidermis and cortex of roots. beta-glucuronidase (GUS) expressed with the Sultr2;1 promoter was specifically accumulated in the xylem parenchyma cells of roots and leaves, and in the root pericycles and leaf phloem. Expression of the Sultr2;2 promoter-GFP fusion gene showed specific localization of GFP in the root phloem and leaf vascular bundle sheath cells. Plants continuously grown with low sulphate concentrations accumulated high levels of Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 mRNA in roots and Sultr2;2 mRNA in leaves. The abundance of Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 mRNA was increased remarkably in roots by short-term stress caused by withdrawal of sulphate. Addition of selenate in the sulphate-sufficient medium increased the sulphate uptake capacity, tissue sulphate content and the abundance of Sultr1;1 and Sultr2;1 mRNA in roots. Concomitant decrease of the tissue thiol content after selenate treatment was consistent with the suggested role of glutathione (GSH) as a repressive effector for the expression of sulphate transporter genes.  相似文献   

In plants, prenylated proteins are involved in actin organization, calcium-mediated signal transduction, and many other biological processes. Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking functional protein prenyltransferase genes have also revealed roles for prenylated proteins in phytohormone signaling and meristem development. However, to date, the turnover of prenylated plant proteins and the fate of the prenylcysteine (PC) residue have not been described. We have detected an enzyme activity in Arabidopsis plants that metabolizes farnesylcysteine (FC) to farnesal, which is subsequently reduced to farnesol. Unlike its mammalian ortholog, Arabidopsis FC lyase exhibits specificity for FC over geranylgeranylcysteine (GGC), and recognizes N-acetyl-FC (AFC). FC lyase is encoded by a gene on chromosome 5 of the Arabidopsis genome (FCLY, At5g63910) and is ubiquitously expressed in Arabidopsis tissues and organs. Furthermore, T-DNA insertions into the FCLY gene cause significant decreases in FC lyase activity and an enhanced response to abscisic acid (ABA) in seed germination assays. The effects of FCLY mutations on ABA sensitivity are even greater in the presence of exogenous FC. These data suggest that plants possess a specific FC detoxification and recycling pathway.  相似文献   

Potassium (K+) is essential for plant growth and development, yet the molecular identity of many K+ transporters remains elusive. Here we characterized cation/H+ exchanger (CHX) 14 as a plasma membrane K+ transporter. CHX14 expression was induced by elevated K+ and histochemical analysis of CHX14 promoter::GUS transgenic plants indicated that CHX14 was expressed in xylem parenchyma of root and shoot vascular tissues of seedlings. CHX14 knockout (chx14) and CHX14 overexpression seedlings displayed different growth phenotypes during K+ stress as compared with wild‐type seedlings. Roots of mutant seedlings displayed higher K+ uptake rates than wild‐type roots. CHX14 expression in yeast cells deficient in K+ uptake renders the mutant cells more sensitive to deficiencies of K+ in the medium. CHX14 mediates K+ efflux in yeast cells loaded with high K+. Uptake experiments using 86Rb+ as a tracer for K+ with both yeast and plant mutants demonstrated that CHX14 expression in yeast and in planta mediated low‐affinity K+ efflux. Functional green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐tagged versions of CHX14 were localized to both the yeast and plant plasma membranes. Taken together, we suggest that CHX14 is a plasma membrane K+ efflux transporter involved in K+ homeostasis and K+ recirculation.  相似文献   

Metal homeostasis is critical for the survival of living organisms, and metal transporters play central roles in maintaining metal homeostasis in the living cells. We have investigated the function of a metal transporter of the NRAMP family, AtNRAMP3, in Arabidopsis thaliana. A previous study showed that AtNRAMP3 expression is upregulated by iron (Fe) starvation and that AtNRAMP3 protein can transport Fe. In the present study, we used AtNRAMP3 promoter beta-glucoronidase (GUS) fusions to show that AtNRAMP3 is expressed in the vascular bundles of roots, stems, and leaves under Fe-sufficient conditions. This suggests a function in long-distance metal transport within the plant. Under Fe-starvation conditions, the GUS activity driven by the AtNRAMP3 promoter is upregulated without any change in the expression pattern. We analyze the impact of AtNRAMP3 disruption and overexpression on metal accumulation in plants. Under Fe-sufficient conditions, AtNRAMP3 overexpression or disruption does not lead to any change in the plant metal content. Upon Fe starvation, AtNRAMP3 disruption leads to increased accumulation of manganese (Mn) and zinc (Zn) in the roots, whereas AtNRAMP3 overexpression downregulates Mn accumulation. In addition, overexpression of AtNRAMP3 downregulates the expression of the primary Fe uptake transporter IRT1 and of the root ferric chelate reductase FRO2. Expression of AtNRAMP3::GFP fusion protein in onion cells or Arabidopsis protoplasts shows that AtNRAMP3 protein localizes to the vacuolar membrane. To account for the results presented, we propose that AtNRAMP3 influences metal accumulation and IRT1 and FRO2 gene expression by mobilizing vacuolar metal pools to the cytosol.  相似文献   

The mutants irt1-1 and irt1-2 of Arabidopsis thaliana were identified among a collection of T-DNA-tagged lines on the basis of a decrease in the effective quantum yield of photosystem II. The mutations responsible interfere with expression of IRT1, a nuclear gene that encodes the metal ion transporter IRT1. In irt1 mutants, photosensitivity and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, as well as abundance and composition of the photosynthetic apparatus, are significantly altered. Additional effects of the mutation under greenhouse conditions, including chlorosis and a drastic reduction in growth rate and fertility, are compatible with a deficiency in iron transport. Propagation of irt1 plants on media supplemented with additional quantities of iron salts restores almost all aspects of wild-type behaviour. The irt2-1 mutant, which carries an En insertion in the highly homologous IRT2 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana, was identified by reverse genetics and shows no symptoms of iron deficiency. This, together with the finding that irt1-1 can be complemented by 35S::IRT1 but not by 35S::IRT2, demonstrates that, although the products of the two genes are closely related, only AtIRT1 is required for iron homeostasis under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Cucumber, as a strategy I plant, and Maize as a strategy II plant, were cultivated in hydroponic culture in the presence of a ferrated siderophore mixture (1 M) from a culture of Penicillium chrysogenumisolated from soil. The siderophore mixture significantly improved the iron status of these plants as measured by chlorophyll concentration to the same degree as a 100-fold higher FeEDTA supply. Analysis of the siderophore mixture from P. chrysogenum by HPLC and electrospray mass spectrometry revealed that besides the trihydroxamates, coprogen and ferricrocin, large amounts of dimerum acid and fusarinines were present which represent precursor siderophores or breakdown products of coprogen. In order to prove the iron donor properties of dimerum acid and fusarinines for plants, purified coprogen was hydrolyzed with ammonia and the hydrolysis products consisting of dimerum acid and fusarinine were used for iron uptake by cucumber and maize. In short term experiments radioactive iron uptake and translocation rates were determined using ferrioxamine B, coprogen and hydrolysis products of coprogen. While the trihydroxamates revealed negligible or intermediate iron uptake rates by both plant species, the fungal siderophore mixture and the ammoniacal hydrolysis products of coprogen showed high iron uptake, suggesting that dimerum acid and fusarinines are very efficient iron sources for plants. Iron reduction assays using cucumber roots or ascorbic acid also showed that iron bound to hydrolysis products of coprogen was more easily reduced compared to iron bound to trihydroxamates. Ligand exchange studies with epi-hydroxymugineic acid and EDTA showed that iron was easily exchanged between coprogen hydrolysis products and phytosiderophores or EDTA. The results indicate that coprogen hydrolysis products are an excellent source for Fe nutrition of plants.  相似文献   

Humic substances have significant practical implications regarding the transport and availability of micronutrients to plants. Nutrient solution studies were conducted to evaluate Fe-humate complexes as a iron source to plants. A short term Fe-humate absorption study was conducted using excised barley roots, while long term absorption studies were conducted using sunflower andSpirodella intermedia. Humic acid was extracted with 0.5N NaOH from a Typic Argiudol, A horizon, and purified with exhange resins and EDTA. The Fe-humate was obtained by passing purified humic acid through a cation exhange resin saturated with iron using59Fe as a tracer. In the short term, absorption studies, the absorption of iron by barley roots was insensitive to metabolic inhibitors, low temperature and anaerobiosis. This may be due to a strong adsorption or precipitation of Fe-humate in the root free spaces masking the absorption. However, long term studies indicated that Fe-humate was a good source of iron which was readily absorbed and transported to the shoot.  相似文献   

Soil solarization is a non-chemical disinfestation technique that frequently promotes plant growth in the absence of known major pathogens, a phenomenon termed increased growth response (IGR). The effect of solarization on plant nutrients and their role in the IGR was studied with tomato plants grown in solarized or non-solarized (control) sandy soil, under controlled conditions. Solarization considerably increased the soil concentrations of water extractable N, K, Ca, Mg and Na at most sites, whereas Cl and DTPA extractable Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu were decreased by the treatment. Plant growth and specific leaf area were enhanced in solarized as well as in N-supplemented control soil. In tomato plants grown in solarized soil, concentrations of most nutrients in the xylem sap, including N, were increased compared to the control, whereas Cl and SO4 levels decreased. The most significant increase in leaf nutrient concentration caused by soil solarization was recorded for N. Furthermore, leaf N concentration was highly and positively correlated with shoot growth. The concentration of Cu increased in leaves from the solarization vs. the control treatment, whereas that of SO4 and Cl decreased, the latter presumably below the critical toxicity level. The correlation between shoot growth and leaf concentration was positive for Cu and inverse for Cl and SO4. In conclusion, we found that soil solarization significantly affects nutrient composition in tomato plants, and provided strong evidence that N, and eventually also Cl, play a major role in IGR.  相似文献   

The 2-cysteine peroxiredoxins (2-Cys-Prxs) are antioxidants that reduce peroxides through a thiol-based mechanism. During catalysis, these ubiquitous enzymes are occasionally inactivated by the substrate-dependent oxidation of the catalytic cysteine to the sulfinic acid (-SO2H) form, and are reactivated by reduction by sulfiredoxin (Srx), an enzyme recently identified in yeast and in mammal cells. In plants, 2-Cys-Prxs constitute the most abundant Prxs and are located in chloroplasts. Here we have characterized the unique Srx gene in Arabidopsis thaliana (AtSrx) from a functional point of view, and analyzed the phenotype of two AtSrx knockout (AtSrx-) mutant lines. AtSrx is a chloroplastic enzyme displaying sulfinic acid reductase activity, as shown by the ability of the recombinant AtSrx to reduce the overoxidized 2-Cys-Prx form in vitro, and by the accumulation of the overoxidized Prx in mutant lines lacking Srx in vivo. Furthermore, AtSrx mutants exhibit an increased tolerance to photooxidative stress generated by high light combined with low temperature. These data establish that, as in yeast and in mammals, plant 2-Cys-Prxs are subject to substrate-mediated inactivation reversed by Srx, and suggest that the 2-Cys-Prx redox status and sulfiredoxin are parts of a signaling mechanism participating in plant responses to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The SERRATE gene (SE) was shown to determine leaf organogenesis and morphogenesis patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana. The se-1 mutant was used here to investigate the role of SE in leaf development in response to incident light. Virtual plants were modelled to analyse the phenotypes induced by this mutation. Plants were grown under various levels of incident light. The amount of light absorbed by the plant was estimated by combining detailed characterizations of the radiative environment and virtual plant simulations. Four major changes in leaf development were induced by the se-1 mutation. Two constitutive leaf growth variables were modified, with a lower initial expansion rate and a higher duration of expansion. Two original responses to a reduced incident light were identified, concerning the leaf-initiation rate and the duration of leaf expansion. The se-1 mutation dramatically affects both changes in the leaf development pattern and the response to reduced incident light. Virtual plants helped to reveal the combined effects of the multiple changes induced by this mutation.  相似文献   

Pectin is synthesized in a highly methylesterified form in the Golgi cisternae and partially de-methylesterified in muro by pectin methylesterases (PMEs). Arabidopsis thaliana produces a local and strong induction of PME activity during the infection of the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. AtPME17 is a putative A. thaliana PME highly induced in response to B. cinerea. Here, a fine tuning of AtPME17 expression by different defence hormones was identified. Our genetic evidence demonstrates that AtPME17 strongly contributes to the pathogen-induced PME activity and resistance against B. cinerea by triggering jasmonic acid–ethylene-dependent PDF1.2 expression. AtPME17 belongs to group 2 isoforms of PMEs characterized by a PME domain preceded by an N-terminal PRO region. However, the biochemical evidence for AtPME17 as a functional PME is still lacking and the role played by its PRO region is not known. Using the Pichia pastoris expression system, we demonstrate that AtPME17 is a functional PME with activity favoured by an increase in pH. AtPME17 performs a blockwise pattern of pectin de-methylesterification that favours the formation of egg-box structures between homogalacturonans. Recombinant AtPME17 expression in Escherichia coli reveals that the PRO region acts as an intramolecular inhibitor of AtPME17 activity.  相似文献   

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