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As a first step in the biochemical analysis of membrane excitation in wild-type Paramecium and its behavioral mutants we have defined the protein composition of the ciliary membrane of wild-type cells. The techniques for the isolation of cilia and ciliary membrane vesicles were refined. Membranes of high purity and integrity were obtained without the use of detergents. The fractions were characterized by electron microscopy, and the proteins of whole cilia, axonemes, and ciliary membrane vesicles were resolved by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing in one and two dimensions. Protein patterns and EM appearance of the fractions were highly reproducible. Over 200 polypeptides were present in isolated cilia, most of which were recovered in the axonemal fraction. Trichocysts, which were sometimes present as a minor contaminant in ciliary preparations, were composed of a very distinct set of over 30 polypeptides of mol wt 11,000--19,000. Membrane vesicles contained up to 70 polypeptides of mol wt 15,000--250,000. The major vesicle species were a high molecular weight protein (the "immobilization antigen") and a group of acidic proteins with mol wt similar to or approximately 40,000. These and several other membrane proteins were specifically decreased or totally absent in the axoneme fraction. Tubulin, the major axonemal species, occurred only in trace amounts in isolated vesicles; the same was true for Tetrahymena ciliary membranes prepared by the methods described in this paper. A protein of mol wt 31,000, pI 6.8, was virtually absent in vesicles prepared from cells in exponential growth phase, but became prominent early in stationary phase in good correlation with cellular mating reactivity. This detailed characterization will provide the basis for comparison of the ciliary proteins of wild-type and behavioral mutants and for analysis of topography and function of membrane proteins. It will also be useful in future studies of trichocysts and mating reactions.  相似文献   

The swimming behavior of Paramecium is regulated by an excitable membrane that covers the body and cilia of the protozoan. In order to obtain information on the topology and function of ciliary membrane proteins, Paramecia were treated with trypsin, chymotrypsin or pronase and the effects of these proteases were analyzed using electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis of ciliary fractions and behavioral tests. At the concentrations used, trypsin and chymotrypsin had little or no effect on the cells while pronase removed the cell surface coat, visible as fuzzy material covering the cell membrane. The same pronase treatment caused the specific removal of a high molecular weight protein (250 000), as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein, the 'immobilization antigen', constitutes the major protein of the ciliary membrane. Although the immobilization antigen was removed (or markedly decreased), no marked and reproducible difference was observed in the swimming behavior of the treated cells. We also determined the effects of proteases on isolated ciliary fractions to explore the sidedness of ciliary membrane proteins. A set of proteins relatively resistant to protease digestion was identified; they may be intrinsic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The endogenous protein kinases of isolated Paramecium tetraurelia cilia phosphorylated approximately 30 ciliary polypeptides in vitro. Labeling with [gamma-32P]ATP was not proportional to the amount of each protein in cilia; some minor polypeptides (e.g., 67,000 and 180,000 mol wt) were more heavily labeled than some major polypeptides. Certain of the endogenous substrates for protein kinase were localized in the ciliary membrane (130,000, 86,000, 67,000, and 45,000 mol wt); others were found in axonemes or in both fractions. With cilia from bacterized cultures in the undefined Cerophyl medium, the labeling of specific endogenous phosphate acceptors was altered by pH, cyclic AMP, and cyclic GMP, but the labeling pattern was not affected by the presence of Na+ or K+ (15 mM), Ba++ (5 mM), Ca++ (10(-5) or 10(-4) M), or EGTA. Very similar results were obtained with cilia from cells grown axenically in a semidefined medium; the molecular weights and the extent of phosphorylation of the phosphopolypeptides were comparable to those of cilia from bacterized Cerophyl cultures, although no significant cyclic nucleotide effects were observed in the axenic cilia. Most of the phosphopolypeptides labeled in vitro also turned over rapidly in vitro. The phosphoprotein phosphatase responsible for turnover was partially inhibited by 5 mM NaF. The pattern of ciliary polypeptides labeled in vivo was similar to that observed in the in vitro experiments, although the relative intensities of labeling differed. Six behavioral mutants of Paramecium, known to have defects in the excitable membrane that regulates the ciliary beat, showed normal patterns of ciliary protein phosphorylation in vitro, with and without added cyclic nucleotides, at both pH 6.0 and pH 8.0. The mutants also had apparently normal phosphoprotein phosphatase. The Paranoiac A mutant, however, showed a reduction in cyclic GMP-stimulated protein kinase activity.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1412-1420
The excitable ciliary membrane of Paramecium regulates the direction of the ciliary beat, and thereby the swimming behavior of this organism. One approach to the problem of identifying the molecular components of the excitable membrane is to use antibodies as probes of function. We produced rabbit antisera against isolated ciliary membranes and against partially purified immobilization antigens derived from three serotypes (A, B, and H), and used these antisera as reagents to explore the role of specific membrane proteins in the immobilization reaction and in behavior. The immobilization characteristics and serotype cross- reactivities of the antisera were examined. We identified the antigens recognized by these sera using immunodiffusion and immunoprecipitation with 35S-labeled ciliary membranes. The major antigen recognized in homologous combinations of antigen-antiserum is the immobilization antigen (i-antigen), approximately 250,000 mol wt. Several secondary antigens, including a family of polypeptides of 42,000-45,000 mol wt, are common to the membranes of serotypes A, B, and H, and antibodies against these secondary antigens can apparently immobilize cells. This characterization of antiserum specificity has provided the basis for our studies on the effects of the antibodies on electrophysiological properties of cells and electron microscopic localization studies, which are reported in the accompanying paper. We have also used these antibodies to study the mechanism of cell immobilization by antibodies against the i-antigen. Monovalent fragments (Fab) against purified i- antigens bound to, but did not immobilize, living cells. Subsequent addition of goat anti-Fab antibodies caused immediate immobilization, presumably by cross-linking Fab fragments already bound to the surface. We conclude that antigen-antibody interaction per se is not sufficient for immobilization, and that antibody bivalency, which allows antigen cross-linking, is essential.  相似文献   

The swimming behavior of Paramecium is regulated by an excitable membrane that covers the body and cilia of the protozoan. In order to obtain information on the topology and function of ciliary membrane proteins, Paramecia were treated with trypsin, chymotrypsin or pronase and the effects of these proteases were analyzed using electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis of ciliary fractions and behavioral tests. At the concentrations used, trypsin and chymotrypsin had little or no effect on the cells while pronase removed the cell surface coat, visible as fuzzy material covering the cell membrane. The same pronase treatment caused the specific removal of a high molecular weight protein (250 000), as judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This protein, the ‘immobilization antigen’, constitutes the major protein of the ciliary membrane. Although the immobilization antigen was removed (or markedly decreased), no marked and reproducible difference was observed in the swimming behavior of the treated cells. We also determined the effects of proteases on isolated ciliary fractions to explore the sidedness of ciliary membrane proteins. A set of proteins relatively resistant to protease digestion was identified; they may be intrinsic membrane proteins.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Ca2+ transport across the excitable membrane of Paramecium aurelia were studied by measuring 45Ca2+ influx and efflux. The intracellular concentration of free Ca2+ in resting P. aurelia was at least ten times less than the extracellular concentration. Ca2+ influx was easily measurable at 0 degrees C, but not at 23 degrees C. The influx of 45Ca2+ was stimulated by the same conditions which cause membrane depolarization and ciliary reversal. Addition of Na+ and K+ (which stimulate ciliary reversal) resulted in a 10-fold increase in the rate of Ca2+ influx. An externally applied, pulsed, electric field (1-2 mA/cm2 of electrode surface), caused the rate of Ca2+ influx to increase 3-5 times, with the extent of stimulation dependent on the current density and the pulse width. Ca2+ influx had the characteristics of a passive transport system and was associated with the chemically or electrically triggered Ca2+ "gating" mechanism, which has been studied electrophysiologically. In contrast, Ca2+ efflux appeared to be catalyzed by an active transport system. With cells previously loaded at 0 degrees C with 45Ca2+, Ca2+ efflux was rapid at 23 degrees C, but did not occur at 0 degrees C. This active Ca2+ efflux mechanism is probably responsible for maintaining the low internal Ca2+ levels in unstimulated cells.  相似文献   

The phospholipids of cilia and deciliated bodies of Paramecium tetraurelia were isolated and characterized. 1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-(2′-aminoethyl) phosphonate (GAEPL), phosphatidylethanolamine, and 1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine (GPC) were the major lipids of Paramecium, and the minor lipids included phosphatidylinositol, cardiolipin, ceramide-(2-aminoethyl) phosphonate (CAEP), ceramide phosphorylethanolamine (COPE) and four sphingolipids whose identity was not established. The deciliated bodies contained 4% cardiolipin, 15% GAEPL, 41% phosphatidylethanolamine, 30% GPC and 3% each of CAEP and phosphatidylinositol; the cilia contained no cardiolipin, 24% GAEPL, 37% phosphatidylethanolamine, 15% GPC, 15% CAEP, 3% phosphatidylinositol, 2% COPE and small amounts (approx. 1%) of the four uncharacterized sphingolipids. No alteration in phospholipid composition was found among cells harvested in the various stages of growth. The phospholipids of six Paramecium mutants of three distinct phenotypes (pawn, paranoiac and fast) were also examined. Only one significant difference was found on comparison of the whole cell, deciliated body and cilia fraction of the mutants with the analogous fractions from wild type cells: the fast mutant, fA 97, had two extra, minor phospholipids (approx. 2%) in the deciliated body fraction that were tentatively identified as 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-(2′-aminoethyl) phosphonate (AEPL) and 1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylethanolamine (GPE).  相似文献   

Cilia and ciliary membranes were isolated from axenically grown, wild- type Paramecium tetraurelia strain 51s and from the extreme pawn mutant strain, d495, derived from this parental strain. Over 60 protein bands having molecular weights of 15 to greater than 300 kdaltons were detected by Coomassie Blue staining of whole cilia proteins separated by one-dimensional SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 30 of these protein bands were visible in Coomassie Blue-stained membrane separations. About 60 bands were detected by silver staining of one- dimensional gels of membrane proteins. Differences between Coomassie Blue-stained separations of wild-type and pawn mutant strain d495 membrane proteins were seen in the quantity of a band present at 43 kdaltons. Radioiodination of cell surface proteins labeled approximately 15 protein bands in both wild-type and mutant cilia. The major axonemal proteins were unlabeled. Six membrane glycoproteins were identified by staining one-dimensional separations with iodinated concanavalin A and lentil lectin, two lectins that specifically bind both glucose and mannose residues. Two major neutral sugar species present in an acid hydrolysate of the cilia preparation were tentatively identified as glucose and mannose by gas chromatography of the alditol acetate derivatives.  相似文献   

The membraneous guanylate cyclase of cilia from Paramecium tetraurelia used MgGTP and MnGTP as substrate with Michaelis constants for GTP of 71.5 microM and 36 microM, respectively. A linear Arrhenius plot indicated that a single enzyme entity exists not sensitive to possible phase transitions of membrane lipids. Guanylate cyclase is activated by low concentrations (less than 100 microM) and inhibited by high concentrations (greater than 100 microM) of calcium, half-maximal effects were obtained with 8 microM and 500 microM Ca2+, respectively. Only strontium ions displayed partial activating and inhibiting potency, all other divalent cations tested, Ba2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Sn2+ and Ni2+ had no effect on guanylate cyclase activity. Ca2+ activation increased V; Km remained identical. The Ca2+ stimulated activity was not inhibited by trifluoperazine, tentatively suggesting that the stimulation may not be mediated by calmodulin. Ca2 inhibition was due to a single binding site of Ca2+ at the guanylate cyclase as evidence by a Hill coefficient h = -1 and was noncompetitive. The lanthanides La3+, Ce3+ and Tb3+ were powerful inhibitors of guanylate cyclase, with La3+ the half-maximal effect was obtained with 0.6 microM, it was kinetically a mixed-type inhibition. La3+ and CA2+ competed for the same binding site on the guanylate cyclase as determined by detailed kinetic analysis. Addition of EDTA reversed the activation and inhibition by Ca2+ and the inhibition by La3+. It is discussed that guanylate cyclase may be the initial target enzyme in the cilia for the calcium transient of the calcium-potassium action potential of Paramecium.  相似文献   

A novel method for isolation of cilia and ciliary membrane vesicles from Paramecium tetraurelia has been developed. Using a continuous Percoll gradient of low osmolarity after fragmentation of purified cilia by French Press treatment two membrane fractions with different buoyant densities were obtained. These fractions were further purified by conventional discontinuous sucrose density gradients and characterized biochemically and by electron microscopy. Guanylate cyclase, a membrane bound enzyme, was found almost exclusively in membrane vesicles of high buoyant density while the voltage-sensitive calcium-channel of the ciliary membrane was predominantly localized in low density vesicles. Examination of both fractions by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed only minor differences in protein pattern in the 34 and 64 kilodaltons range. Morphologically both membrane vesicle fractions had a diameter of about 300 nm, however, the high density vesicle fraction contained a considerably larger amount of multilamellar structures with a multishell, onion-like appearance. Freeze-fracture analysis failed to detect differences in intramembrane particle content between low and high density vesicles. The possible biological relevance of the spatial separation of the calcium-sensor enzyme guanylate cyclase and the voltage-sensitive calcium-channels in the ciliary membrane is discussed in terms of a diffusion controlled mechanism for graded signal transmission.  相似文献   

Mating-reactive membrane vesicles from cilia of Paramecium caudatum   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Membrane vesicles with a high mating reactivity were obtained from cilia of Paramecium caudatum by treatment with a solution containing 2 M urea and 0.1 mM Na2-EDTA. All processes of conjugation were induced in cells of the complementary mating type by approximately 10 mug/ml proteins of the vesicles. Electron microscope observation showed that the membrane vesicles have a diameter of 100-150 nm. Electrophoretic analysis on SDS polyacrylamide gel revealed no significant difference in polypeptide patterns of the particles from the two complementary mating types.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1421-1428
Immobilization of Paramecium followed the binding of antibodies to the major proteins of the ciliary membrane (the immobilization antigens, i- antigens, approximately 250,000 mol wt). Immunoelectron microscopy showed this binding to be serotype-specific and to occur over the entire cell surface. Antibody binding also reduced the current through the Ca-channel of the excitable ciliary membrane as monitored using a voltage-clamp. The residual Ca-current appeared normal in its voltage sensitivity and kinetics. As a secondary consequence of antibody binding, the Ca-induced K-current was also reduced. The resting membrane characteristics and other activatable currents, however, were not significantly altered by the antibody treatment. Since monovalent fragments of the antibodies also reduced the current but did not immobilize the cell, the electrophysiological effects were not the secondary consequences of immobilization. Antibodies against the second most abundant family of proteins (42,000-45,000 mol wt) had similar electrophysiological effects as revealed by experiments in which the Paramecia and the serum were heterologous with respect to the i-antigen but homologous with respect to the 42,000-45,000-mol-wt proteins. Protease treatment, shown to remove the surface antigen, also caused a reduction of the Ca-inward current. The loss of the inward Ca-current does not seem to be due to a drop in the driving force for Ca++ entry since increasing the external Ca++ or reducing the internal Ca++ (through EGTA injection) did not restore the current. Here we discuss the possibilities that (a) the major proteins define the functional environment of the Ca-channel and that (b) the Ca-channel is more susceptible to certain general changes in the membrane.  相似文献   

Inositol glycerolipids make up less than 10% of total phospholipids of Paramecium tetraurelia cells. Unlike inositol lipids found in mammalian and other cell types, these lipids from Paramecium lack arachidonic acid. It was demonstrated that kinase and possibly phosphatase enzymes that interconvert phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol phosphate (PI-P) and phosphatidylinositol-bis-phosphate (PI-P2) exist in ciliary membranes of this ciliate. When exogenous soybean PI and [gamma-32P]ATP were provided as substrates, isolated cilia preparations exhibited PI and PI-P kinase activities as demonstrated by the incorporation of radiolabel into PI-P and PI-P2. Kinase activity was activated by millimolar [Mg2+] and inhibited by millimolar [Ca2+]. Significant inhibition of kinase activity in the presence of unlabeled excess ATP suggested that ATP is the preferred phosphate donor for this reaction. Of 4 suborganellar fractions of isolated cilia, the membrane fraction had the greatest kinase activity indicating that the enzyme(s) is membrane-associated.  相似文献   

Intracellular Ca2+ induces ciliary reversal and backward swimming in Paramecium. However, it is not known how the Ca2+ signal controls the motor machinery to induce ciliary reversal. We found that demembranated cilia on the ciliated cortical sheets from Paramecium caudatum lost the ability to undergo ciliary reversal after brief extraction with a solution containing 0.5 M KCl. KNO3, which is similar to KCl with respect to chaotropic effect; it had the same effect as that of KCl on ciliary response. Cyclic AMP antagonizes Ca2+-induced ciliary reversal. Limited trypsin digestion prevents endogenous A-kinase and cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of an outer arm dynein light chain and induces ciliary reversal. However, the trypsin digestion prior to the high-salt extraction did not affect the inhibition of Ca2+-induced ciliary reversal caused by the high-salt extraction. Furthermore, during the course of the high-salt extraction, some axonemal proteins were extracted from ciliary axonemes, suggesting that they may be responsible for Ca2+-induced ciliary reversal.  相似文献   

Ca2+-regulated guanylate cyclase in ciliary membranes from Paramecium contained tightly bound calmodulin. Antisera against calmodulin from Tetrahymena and soybean inhibited enzyme activity. EGTA did not easily release calmodulin; however, La3+ inhibited guanylate cyclase by dissociation of calmodulin. While La could not replace Ca in the activation of guanylate cyclase, it substituted for Ca2+ in the activation of calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase from pig brain independently of whether homologous or Paramecium calmodulin was used. After removal of endogenous calmodulin from guanylate cyclase, reconstitution was achieved with calmodulin from Paramecium, Tetrahymena, pig brain, and soybean. Ca2+-binding proteins lacking trimethyllysine like calmodulin from Dictyostelium, parvalbumin, and troponin C failed to restore enzyme activity. The properties of the native and reconstituted guanylate cyclase/calmodulin complex were compared. Reassociation of calmodulin with its target enzyme was weak since all calmodulin remained in the supernatant after a single centrifugation. While most enzyme characteristics remained unchanged in the reconstituted complex, the inhibition by Ca greater than 100 microM was of a mixed-type compared to noncompetitive inhibition in the native enzyme. The regulation of the enzyme by cations was also altered. Whereas Ca was the most potent and specific activator of the native enzyme, in the reconstituted system Sr was far more effective.  相似文献   

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