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The response of rainbow trout Na+ and Cl- uptake systems to acute acidosis was tested by slow infusion of lactic acid into anaesthetized animals. Depression of blood pH by 0-4 pH unit had no effect on influx rates for either ion, and we conclude that gill ion uptake systems do not respond rapidly to blood pH changes.  相似文献   

Glucose fluxes across the gills were measured in freshwater-adapted trout (Salmo gairdneri) using an in vitro, perfused-head preparation. A large asymmetry was observed for the primary lamellar pathway, glucose permeability in the serosa-to-mucosa direction being up to 24 times greater than the permeability in the mucosa-to-serosa direction. Chloride cells appeared to possess a maximal rate of transport, or TMG, of 79 mumol/hr per 100 g. Phlorizin, phloretin and, to a lesser extent, harmaline caused an increase in the rate of glucose efflux. The results suggest that the tubulo-vesicular reticulum, into which plasma is introduced under low pressure, may be regarded as a reabsorption site for glucose in a way similar to the nephron proximal tubule. Thus, essential molecules such as glucose are removed while excess or non-essential substances are excreted into the external medium.  相似文献   

Summary The action of poly-l-lysine (PLL) on Na and Cl transport across freshwater fish gills was studied. Low concentrations (10–6M) were added to the external medium for brief periods (1–5 min), then removed. During the next 20 min there was a rapid net loss of Na (117±17 Equiv[100 g]–1 hr–1) and Cl (129±17 Equiv[100 g]–1 hr–1). Both values are an order of magnitude larger than unidirectional effluxes in control fish. The efflux of both ions decreased to control values within 60 min after application and removal of PLL. In contrast, unidirectional influxes (J in Cl andJ in Na ) were inhibited by about 40% and showed no sign of returning to the original rates for 3 hr. Thus, PLL has two independent actions, causing a large increase in gill permeability which is reversible within an hour and a partial inhibition of influx which showed no sign of reversing for 2–3 hr. When PLL was applied for a longer period (60 min, the results were qualitatively similar but the permeability change was larger and persisted longer. These effects were compared with those of the small organic amines, amiloride and methyl-l-lysine. The latter inhibitedJ in Na , but there was no other similarity to PLL. Neither affected sodium efflux, nor did they have any effect on Cl movements, in or out, across the gill. Inhibition ofJ in Na , was rapidly and completely reversible, amd amiloride was shown to act by competing with Na for an entry site.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of iron in the form of iron sulphate (FeSO4·7H2O), over the range 0.01–1 mM on rainbow trout primary gill cells cultured on semi-permeable membranes. The endpoints measured were cell proliferation, mucous cell numbers, area of mucus in mucous cells, ultrastructural analysis and transepithelial resistance. Regardless of the concentration, FeSO4 did not modify the apical surface of pavement cells (microridge) and mucous cells. However, at 1 mM, this metal reduced cell numbers, by inhibiting cell proliferation and causing cell death, and induced a decrease in transepithelial resistance. It is interesting to note that cell numbers were also reduced in the presence of 0.5 mM iron salt, although this reduction did not modify transepithelial resistance. FeSO4 reduced mucous cell number but did not change mucus area in mucous cells suggesting that this metal could induce a discharge of mucous cells, but mucus secretion would be total and not partial. In conclusion, our in vitro model has allowed to study some toxic effect but also resistance of gill epithelium in presence of iron.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of angiotensin infusion on the glomerular ultrastructure of freshwater- and seawater-adapted rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, has been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Adaptation of trout to seawater resulted in epithelial podocyte flattening, primary process broadening and apparent loss of foot processes in almost all glomeruli, features which were uncommon in freshwater-adapted trout. Similar changes were induced by infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin, suggesting that the renin-angiotensin system plays a role in the modification of glomerular epithelial ultrastructure. Adaptation of trout to seawater also reduced glomerular diameter, but infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin did not mirror this effect. Infusion of angiotensin into seawater-adapted animals increased the overall thickness of glomerular basement membrane by increasing the lamina rara interna and lamina densa. This did not occur when freshwater-adapted fish were either infused with angiotensin or adapted to seawater. These findings suggest that other humoral systems are involved in the control of glomerular diameter and basement membrane thickness as part of an integrated response to increased environmental salinity.  相似文献   

Gill development begins on the sixth day of incubation at 10°C and is complete by 31 days (hatching). Gill arches are formed by fusion and perforation of ectoderm and endoderm across the pharyngeal wall. A primary branchial artery forms within each arch and a second branchial artery forms as a branch from its ventral end. A series of filament loop vessels forms connecting the two arteries and when several are patent a unidirectional blood flow is established via afferent (second) branchial artery, filament loop vessels to efferent (primary) branchial artery. Part of the efferent branchial artery just above its junction with the afferent branchial artery constricts and occludes. It is suggested that this change in the pattern of blood flow is dependent on differences in resistance of the two branchial arteries. A later extension of the gill ventrally is thought not to be homologous with similar regions in elasmobranchs and Acipenser.  相似文献   

The suitability of the young pig for studies of intestinal transport was investigated by determination of net water, sodium, and potassium absorption, and morphometry in jejunum and ileum. Active net absorption was seen in both jejunum and ileum. There was no difference in absorption between segments and there was a good correlation between water and electrolyte transport. Heart rate, arterial pressure, and absorption were constant with time. Villus height and width were similar to those of human, but crypt depth was greater, and the ratio of villus height to crypt depth less. The mucosa was partially permeable to polyethylene glycol 4000 and this marker is not suitable for studies of transport in young pigs.  相似文献   

Trout gill AMP deaminase is inhibited by liposomes made of synthetic phosphatidylcholines containing higher saturated fatty acids. A preincubation of 1 hr, at 4 degrees C, was necessary to obtain the maximal effect. At 4 or 25 degrees C, these phospholipids modified essentially the substrate affinity of the enzyme by increasing the Michaelis constant proportionally to the length of the fatty acid chain. At 13 degrees C, the liposomes decreased the Hill coefficient also, thus inducing a negative cooperativity. Natural phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine were without significant effect on gill AMP deaminase while natural sphingomyelin exhibited a similar effect to that shown in the presence of synthetic phosphatidylcholines. These results are discussed in relation to a possible effect of sphingomyelins in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary Daily intramuscular injection of cortisol (4 mg kg–1 body weight) in rainbow trout,Salmo gairdneri, for 10 days caused significant increases in the number and individual apical surface area of gill chloride cells per mm2 of filament epithelium. Concomitantly, whole body influxes of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl) increased. Acute (3 h) intra-arterial infusion of cortisol did not affect whole body Na+ or Cl influx. A significant correlation was observed between both Na+ and Cl influxes and the fractional apical surface area of filament chloride cells in control, sham (saline-injected) and experimental (cortisol-injected) fish. The chloride cells displayed similar ultrastructural modifications in trout undergoing cortisol treatment as in trout transferred to ion-deficient water. These findings suggest the existence of structure/function relationships in which branchial chloride cell morphology is an important determinant of Na+ and Cl transport capacity. We conclude that chronic cortisol treatment enhances whole body Na+ and Cl influxes by promoting proliferation of branchial chloride cells. The results of correlation analysis indicate that the chloride cell is an important site of NaCl uptake in freshwater rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The effect of manipulating sodium intake upon sweat sodium secretion was investigated during heat acclimation. Twenty-five male subjects were confined to an environmental chamber at a temperature of 25°C for 3 days, and then acclimated to heat by a further 5 days at 40°C. The subjects' daily sodium intake was controlled throughout as follows: high (HNa), 348.4 (0.8) mmol · day−1, n = 7; moderate (MNa), 174.1 (0.6) mmol · day−1, n = 9; or low (LNa), 66.3 mmol · day−1, n = 9. Sodium losses were estimated from urinary, faecal and sweat collections using a whole-body washdown method. Plasma aldosterone concentration was also measured from venous blood sampled each morning. Measurements of body temperature and heart rate during the heat exposure phase indicated a degree of heat acclimation. During this heat phase there was a reduction (P < 0.01) in sweat sodium secretion for all three conditions which was greatest for the LNa condition, although this finding was not significant (P < 0.1). In the LNa condition, plasma aldosterone concentration increased (P < 0.05) prior to heat exposure, and the secretion of aldosterone was potentiated (P < 0.01) during the heat exposure in comparison with the MNa condition. In contrast, the HNa diet produced a fall (P < 0.05) in plasma aldosterone concentration prior to heat exposure and an attenuation of aldosterone secretion thereafter. These findings are inconsistent with the hypothesis that retention of sweat sodium is dependent upon a net body sodium deficit, but demonstrate that aldosterone secretion is potentiated under such conditions. Accepted: 22 May 1988  相似文献   

Lipoxygenase activity was characterized in the gill tissue of fresh-water trout. Incubation of arachidonic acid with gill preparations yielded 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid as the major product, suggesting a 12-lipoxygenase. Eicosapentaenoic acid was similarly converted to the 12-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid. Both arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid were converted with equal apparent velocities and affinities into single monohydroxy derivatives. Analyses of the hydroxy product of docosahexaenoic acid were consistent with 14-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid. This enzyme activity was localized to the cytosolic fraction and displayed a broad pH optimum around pH 7. The enzyme was insensitive to the cyclooxygenase inhibitors indomethacin and aspirin but activity was strongly inhibited in the presence of the lipoxygenase inhibitors, SnCl2 (5 mM), esculetin (10 microM) and eicosatetraynoic acid (100 microM).  相似文献   

Comparative experiments on isolated dog kidneys perfused with heparinized blood with or without dilution of the blood by isotonic or hypotonic saline demonstrated that the fractional excretion of sodium is modulated positively by plasma sodium concentration. This relationship was evaluated quantitatively and corresponded to the values found in the whole animal. The renal response to the variations of plasma sodium concentration is therefore autonomous and its mediation by extrarenal natriuretic or antinatriuretic factors cannot be demonstrated in the narcotized animal.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from the gill tissues of the fishSarothredon mossambica were analysed for their macromolecular content, following transfer from freshwater to media of higher salinity. The results suggest a breakdown of mitochondria during the initial phases of the stress and a regeneration during continued exposure. Also all the synthetic machineries, in general, seem to be triggered in gill tissue during continuous exposure to hyperosmotic media.  相似文献   

Some regulatory properties of trout gill AMP deaminase were determined in crude extracts, before or after modification of the enzyme by the endogenous proteinase. After proteolysis, the optimal concentrations for activation by sodium and potassium were shifted from 10 to 75 mM, resulting in a large increase of enzyme activity near the physiological potassium concentration. This activation was shown to be the consequence of a much lower sensitivity of AMP deaminase to inhibition by increasing ionic strength. The modified enzyme was also less sensitive to modifications of pH and to inhibition by physiological concentrations of inorganic phosphate. When all these modifications were considered, limited proteolysis of gill AMP deaminase resulted in a 40 times increase of enzyme activity under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of increased ambient salinity (35 mg · ml-1) were studied at 1, 6, and 24 h after direct transfer of rainbow trout from freshwater to seawater. Two series of experiments were carried out successively. The first series was designed to simultaneously study all the respiratory (except Hb affinity for O2), circulatory, and acid-base variables in each fish. In this series, fish were fitted with catheters chronically inserted into the cardiac bulbus, the dorsal aorta, and the opercular and buccal cavities. In the second series, designed to study haemoglobin O2 affinity, fish were fitted with only a dorsal aorta catheter. The ventilatory flow ( ) was markedly increased just after transfer (by 55% at 1 h), then more moderately (by 20% at 6 h and 32% at 24 h). The initial hyperventilation peak was associated with frequent couphing motions. These ventilatory changes resulted essentially from increase in ventilatory amplitude. Initially, standard oxygen consumption (MM}O2) decreased slightly, the moderately increased (by 12% at 24 h), so that the oxygen convection requirement ( ) increased substantially. In spite of an increased ventilation, the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (P aO2) decreased slightly at 1 h, prior to returning to control levels, while partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood (P aCO2) was not significantly decreased. Gill oxygen transfer factor decreased substantially at 1 h (by 35%) then more moderately (by 7% at 1 h and 12% at 24 h). These results suggest a decrease in gas diffusing capacity of the gills. As P aCO2 remained approximatively unchanged, the gradual decrease in arterial pH (pHa) from 7.94 to 7.67 at 24 h must therefore be regarded as a metabolic acidosis. The strong ion difference decreased markedly because the concentration of plasma chloride increased more than that of sodium. Arterial O2 content (C aO2) gradually decreased (by 38% at 24 h) simultaneously with the decrease in pHa, while the ratio P aO2/C aO2 increased. In parallel, seawater exposure induced a marked decrease in affinity of haemoglobin for O2, so that at 24 h, P50 was increased by 26% above the value obtained in freshwater-adapted trout. The increase in could be ascribed initially (at 1 h) to the decrease of P aO2 and later to a stimulation of respiratory neurons resulting from the lowered medullary interstitial pH. The decrease in C aO2 could be interpreted mainly as a consequence of a decreased affinity of haemoglobin for O2, likely to be due to the blood acidosis and a predictable increase in chloride concentration within erythrocytes. Cardiac output ( ) slightly decreased at 1 h, then progressively increased by 30% at 24 h. Branchial vascular resistance increased at 1 h by 28%, then decreased by 18% of the control value at 24 h. Systemic vascular resistance decreased markedly by 40% at 24 h. As heart rate (HR) remained significantly unchanged, the cardiac stroke volume initially decreased then increased in relation to the changes in . The increase of , allowing compensation for the effect of decreased C aO2 in tissue O2 supply, was interpreted as a passive consequence of the decrease in total vascular resistance occurring during seawater exposure.Abbreviations a.u. arbitrary units - C aO2 arterial oxygen content - pH50 arterial pH at P50 - C vO2 venous oxygen content - Hb haemoglobin - HR heart rate - Hct hematocrit - nHill Hill coefficient - O2 standard oxygen consumption - P aCO2 arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide - P aO2 arterial partial pressure of oxygen - P vO2 oxygen partial pressure in mixed venous blood - P50 oxygen tension at half saturation of haemoglobin - P VA, P DA blood pressure in ventral and dorsal aorta - pHa arterial pH - PIO2, PEO2 oxygen partial pressure of inspired and expired water - PO2 oxygen partial pressure - cardiac output - SEM standard error of mean - S.I.D. strong ion difference - SV cardiac stroke volume - TO2 gill oxygen transfer factor - U oxygen extraction coefficient - VA ventilatory amplitude - VF ventilatory frequency - VRG, VRS branchial and systemic vascular resistances - ventilatory flow - ventilatory oxygen convection requirement  相似文献   

The relation between active transepithelial Na transport across rabbit ileum and 42K exchange from the serosal solution across the basolateral membranes has been explored. Although 42K influx across the basolateral membranes is inhibited by ouabain and by complete depletion of cell Na, it is not affected when transepithelial Na transport is abolished (i.e. in the presence of an Na-free mucosal solution) or stimulated (i.e. when glucose or alanine is added to the mucosal solution). We are unable to detect any relation between the ouabain-sensitive Na-K exchange mechanism responsible for the maintenance of intracellular Na and K concentrations and active transcellular Na transport. In addition, the maintenance of cell volume (water content) does not appear to be dependent upon transepithelial Na transport or the ouabain- sensitive Na-K exchange pump. Although the results of these studies cannot be considered conclusive, they raise serious questions regarding the role of the Na-K exchange pump, located at the basolateral membranes, in active transepithelial Na transport and the maintenance of cell volume.  相似文献   

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