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罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)又名马来西亚大虾,隶属沼虾属,长臂虾科,十足目,甲壳纲,原产于印度、太平洋热带和南亚热带地区,具有生长快、个体大、易养殖、营养丰富、经济价值高等优点。四川省自然资源研究所与美国海星国际公司、广汉市水产站1989年共同开发罗氏沼虾获得初步成功,大面积养殖平均亩产达100kg左右,最高达亩产150kg。本文就罗氏沼虾池塘养殖技术作简要介绍。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾受精机制的细胞学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玉凤  堵南山  赖伟 《动物学报》1998,44(2):200-202
运用细胞学方法对罗氏沼虾的受精机理进行了初步研究,从卵巢中取邮的成熟卵,表面略有皱褶,无受精孔,不同于一般的节肢动物。成熟精子基部侧边分布许多成束的管状结构,其末端呈连续泡状。精卵接触时,这些泡破裂,膜与卵表膜融合,泡内的糖复合物对精卵识别,粘附可能起着重要和,从而使精子以基部侧边附着卵子表面,。  相似文献   

温度对罗氏沼虾亲虾代谢的影响   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
罗氏沼虾[Macrobrachiumrosenbergi(DeMan)]具有较高的经济价值,为当今世界上淡水虾类养殖的主要品种之一。由于我国没有天然的亲虾资源,人工育苗所需的亲虾靠养殖和人工越冬所得。因此研究亲虾的生理生态,可为提高人工繁殖技术的理论...  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾个体发育早期的同工酶研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
采用聚两燃酰胺梯度凝胶电泳技术,对罗氏沼虾个体发育早期9个时期的八种同工酶系统(EST、ALP、AMY、GDH、MDH、LDH、SOD、ME)进行研究,结果表明:SOD、ME在早期发育过程中酶谱相对稳定,SOD表现为三条谱带,ME表现为两条谱带;面EST、ALP、AMY、GDH、MDH、LDH则随发育其酶谱表现出明显差异,酶谱渐趋复杂。  相似文献   

对罗氏沼虾卵子极体排出时间和第一次卵裂时间进行了观察,并在此基础上,采用热休克和细胞松弛素 B(C,B)两种诱导方法成功诱导出了罗氏沼虾四倍体。石蜡切片显示,当罗氏沼虾卵子完全成熟时,第一极体已经 排出。第二极体排出的时间约在受精后55min。经过雌性原核和雄性原核的联会,第一次卵裂的时间约在受精后 210-230min。设计了多种处理条件,其中热休克诱导罗氏沼虾四倍体的最好条件是:受精后210min,用40℃水温处 理胚胎1.5min,在这种条件下,最高可以得到35.86%的四倍体率;而C.B诱导罗氏沼虾四倍体的最好条件是:受精 后230min,用1.0mg/L的C.B处理胚胎10min,此时最高四倍体诱导率达33.78%。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾肌肉白浊病病原研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从患白浊病的罗氏沼虾虾苗病灶分离到10多株菌株,其中一株经人工感染证实为病原菌,经ATB Expression自动细菌鉴定仪测试,为木糖葡萄球菌,其主要特性为拟球状(直径0.8-1.1μm),革兰氏阳性,无鞭毛,无荚膜,不产生芽孢,发酵葡萄糖、果糖、麦芽糖、乳糖、海藻糖、阿拉伯糖、蔗糖及甘露醇产酸,β-半乳糖甘酶、过氧化氢酶及脲酶阳性,氧化酶,血浆凝固醇、V-P反应,精氨酸双水解酶、鸟氨酸脱羧酶均为阴性。最适生长温度、盐度和pH值范围分别为28-37℃、0%-2%、6-9,对红霉素、卡那毒素、头孢氨苄及庆大霉素等药物敏感。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾繁殖行为的再描述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王春  成永旭 《动物学杂志》2009,44(4):102-110
2007年6~9月对采自孟加拉国库尔纳专区羌纳县布苏尔河原产地罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)的繁殖行为进行了观察研究。配合摄像机录像技术,重点观察并记录了野生罗氏沼虾生殖过程中的主要行为特征。本文所涉及的繁殖过程特指在人工操控条件下,自两性遭遇、识别至雌虾抱卵为止这段时间。选择体重在80.0g以上的雄虾、40.0g以上的雌虾分别在当地河堤外侧的池沼中驯化适应15d,然后,在室内水泥池中观察其繁殖行为。罗氏沼虾在繁殖过程中呈现的典型行为主要有:两性遭遇及识别,雄虾的占位,雌虾的蜕壳,雄虾俘获雌虾及其交媾前的守卫、交媾及精荚传递,雄虾交媾后的守卫及释放雌虾,雌虾产卵及抱卵。其中,雄虾的配偶守卫行为是有效地保证两性生殖成功的交配策略之一。  相似文献   

实验选取了江苏、上海和广东3个养殖种群和1个越南野生种群的罗氏沼虾幼体进行急速升温实验,对其耐受力进行比较,测定不同种群罗氏沼虾的环境适应力。实验结果表明,广东种群和越南种群的罗氏沼虾幼体对高温的耐受力明显高于上海种群和江苏种群。  相似文献   

罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)是世界重要的经济虾类,畅销国内外市场,备受消费者的喜爱。中国是罗氏沼虾养殖大国,年均养殖产量占世界一半以上。种质资源是我国罗氏沼虾产业发展的原动力,处于整个产业链的最上游,并支撑着整个产业的发展。世界多国为了壮大产业规模,也纷纷开展了罗氏沼虾种质资源库的建设与良种选育。本文回顾了我国自主选育的罗氏沼虾主要品种及品系,综述了大规模家系的构建以及不同来源群体的遗传多样性分析,并对国外的良种选育现状和趋势进行了概述,最后结合国内外的研究进展,提出了良种选育的研究要点与方向,以期为今后的种质创新研究提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

The giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii is cultivated essentially in Southern and South-eastern Asian countries such as continental China, India, Thailand and Taiwan. To date, only two viral agents have been reported from this prawn. The first (HPV-type virus) was observed by chance 25 years ago in hypertrophied nuclei of hepatopancreatic epithelial cells and is closely related to members of the Parvoviridae family. The second, a nodavirus named MrNV, is always associated with a non-autonomous satellite-like virus (XSV), and is the origin of so-called white tail disease (WTD) responsible for mass mortalities and important economic losses in hatcheries and farms for over a decade. After isolation and purification of these two particles, they were physico-chemically characterized and their genome sequenced. The MrNV genome is formed with two single linear ss-RNA molecules, 3202 and 1250 nucleotides long, respectively. Each RNA segment contains only one ORF, ORF1 coding for the RNA-dependant RNA polymerase located on the long segment and ORF2 coding for the structural protein CP-43 located on the small one. The XSV genome (linear ss-RNA), 796 nucleotides long, contains a single ORF coding for the XSV coat protein CP-17. The XSV does not contain any RdRp gene and consequently needs the MrNV polymerase to replicate.  相似文献   

Though metal ions are essential components of many cellular functions, their overexposure to organisms lead to oxidative stress through the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Lipid peroxidation (LPX) is the oxidative deterioration of membrane lipids and considered as an index of oxidative stress. In the present study in vitro effect of various metals (FeCl3, FeSO4, CuSO4, CdCl2, and ZnSO4) on the lipid peroxidation of gills and hepatopancreas of Giant Freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, was compared with respect to dose and duration. The results clearly indicate that among all the metals investigated, FeCl3 and CdCl2 are more potent in inducing LPX, and FeCl3 is more toxic than FeSO4 in inducing LPX in the hepatopancreas. ZnSO4 exhibits a moderate toxicity while CuSO4 is least toxic and also inhibits LPX at higher concentration. Thus results of the present investigation suggest that all the metal ions investigated in the present study are capable of inducing oxidative stress in gills and hepatopancreas of M. rosenbergii  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were characterized in a freshwater prawn from enriched genomic library using six biotinylated probes: (AG)10, (TG)10, (CAA)10, (CAG)10, (GAT)10 and (TAC)10. Primers for DNA amplification were designed and synthesized for 20 loci. Ten loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from five to 17 alleles per locus and the observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.27 to 0.83 per locus. Developed microsatellite primers should prove useful for selective breeding programs and population genetic studies of freshwater prawn.  相似文献   

The dynamics of vitellogenin (Vg) mRNA expression and patterns of Vg and vitellin distribution in the hepatopancreas and ovary of juvenile Macrobrachium rosenbergii were examined using real-time RT-PCR and immunohistochemical methods. Eyestalk ablation was seen to induce rapid development of the gonads and Vg synthesis in females. In the female hepatopancreas, Vg mRNA expression was observed several days following ablation, after which levels increased gradually with increasing gonadosomatic index (GSI). Vitellin accumulation in the oocytes also increased with increasing Vg mRNA synthesis; expression was however negligible in the ovary. Hemolymph Vg levels in females ranged from 0.04 to 2.2 mg/ml. SDS PAGE/Western blotting analysis of hemolymph samples revealed that juvenile Vg was composed of 199 and 90 kDa subunits; the 102 kDa subunit present in adult female Vg (Okuno et al., 2002. J Exp Zool 292:417-429) could not be detected at any stage of vitellogenesis in juveniles. Vg was not detectable in non-ablated juveniles. The results of this study confirmed that the mode of involvement of eyestalk factors in regulating vitellogenesis is intrinsic to both juveniles and adults, and that a basic pattern of Vg synthesis and processing is conserved. However, the fact that juveniles are not able to produce the same Vg levels observed in adult females, and do not reach high GSI levels culminating in spawning suggests that other factors and physiological conditions specific to adult females are necessary to demonstrate full reproductive ability.  相似文献   

Ventura T  Aflalo ED  Weil S  Kashkush K  Sagi A 《Heredity》2011,107(5):456-461
In this study, a female-specific DNA marker in the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was identified through amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). The AFLP-derived sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker was tested in over 200 individuals, giving reproducible sex identification. Further molecular characterization of the sex-marker's genomic region (~ 3 kb long) revealed the presence of tandem and inverted repeats. The ~ 3-kb sequence was identified both in male and female prawns, but with subtle differences: a deletion of 3 bp (present in female prawn but absent in male prawn) identified upstream of the SCAR marker sequence and two female-specific single-nucleotide polymorphisms, both indicating that male prawns are homozygous, whereas female prawns are heterozygous in this locus. Fluorescent in situ hybridization showed the ~ 3-kb sequence to be unique: to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a unique sex-specific sequence observed in situ in crustaceans. The sex-specific marker identified in M. rosenbergii may have considerable applied merit for crustacean culture in that it will enable the determination of genetic sex at early developmental stages when phenotypic differences are not identifiable.  相似文献   

Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), a physiologically important neurohormone stored in the sinus gland of eyestalks, primarily regulates carbohydrate metabolism and also plays significant roles in reproduction, molting and other physiological processes. In the freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, an injection of X-organ sinus gland (XOSG) extract evoked a hyperglycemic response, peaked in 1 h. The hyperglycemic effect of the eyestalk extract was maximal at the dose of 0.5 eyestalk equivalent. CHH fractionated by RP-HPLC, in M. rosenbergii was identified by its hyperglycemic activity and partial amino acid sequence, and the molecular weight of 8534 was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry--time of flight analysis (MALDI-TOF). The amino acid sequence of the first 25 residues of CHH showed 72% homology with the first 25 residues of CHH A and CHH B of the American lobster Homarus americanus.  相似文献   

Crustacean hyperglycemic hormone (CHH), a neurohormone synthesized and released from the x-organ sinus gland complex, is primarily involved in carbohydrate metabolism; biogenic amines and peptidergic neuroregulators are known to modulate the release of CHH. Marked elevations of hemolymph glucose titers, which peaked within 2 h, were observed in both intact and bilaterally eyestalk-ablated prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, when they were transferred directly from their optimal temperature of 28 °C to lower temperatures close to their lethal limit. Hyperglycemia can therefore be considered a characteristic response in this species under cold shock. Involvement of biogenic amines in the hyperglycemic response was also demonstrated. Hyperglycemic effects of epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin were mediated through CHH at the eyestalk level, but the response under cold shock was not exclusively mediated through CHH. It is suggested that factor(s) other than CHH are involved in the hyperglycemic response, possibly norepinephrine or/and octopamine. Accepted: 24 October 1998  相似文献   

In May 2001, an epizootic yeast and bacterial co-infection in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii occurred in Taiwan causing a cumulative mortality of 25%. The diseased prawns had a yellowish-brown body color, milky hemolymph, opaque, whitish muscles, and were approximately 7 mo old with total lengths ranging from 8 to 10 cm. Histopathological examination showed marked edema, yeast infiltration, and necrotic lesions with inflammation in the muscles, hepatopancreas and other internal organs. We isolated 2 pathogens from the diseased prawns, one was a yeast (AOD081MB) and the other a gram-positive coccus (AOD081EF). The gram-positive coccus was identified as Enterococcus faecium by the API 20 Strepsystem, conventional biochemical tests, and it had 99% 16S rDNA sequence identity (GenBank Accession Number AJ276355) to E. faecium (GenBank Accession Number AF529204). The sequence of a PCR product from the D1/D2 domain of 26S rDNA (GenBank Accession Number AF529297) from the yeast gave 99% sequence identity to Metschnikowia bicuspidata (GenBank Accession Number U44822). Experimental infections with these isolates produced gross signs and histopathological changes similar to those observed in the naturally infected prawns. The lethal doses (LD50) for isolate E. faecium AOD081EF, M. bicuspidata AOD081MB and the co-infection were 4.7 x 10(4), 2.6 x 10(2), and 2.4 x 10(2) colony-forming units prawn(-1), respectively. This is the first report of a confirmed co-infection of M. bicuspidata and E. faecium in prawn aquaculture.  相似文献   

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