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At least two hypothalamic peptides, corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) and vasopressin (VP), are important in regulating adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) release from the anterior pituitary. Both are secreted in a pulsatile manner and stimulate ACTH secretion by interacting with G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), namely the type 1 CRH receptor and V1b receptor, respectively. Repeated or prolonged stimulation with either peptide can cause reduced ACTH responsiveness or desensitisation, both in vivo and in vitro. Desensitisation of perifused sheep anterior pituitary cells to VP was found to be rapid and occurred following treatment with 5 nM VP for 5 min. This is within the range of concentrations and durations of VP pulses seen in sheep portal blood during acute stress. In contrast, significant desensitisation of the ACTH response to CRH required pre-treatment for longer than 25 min with a CRH concentration of 1 nM, suggesting that endogenous pulses may not elicit desensitisation. Although rapid GPCR desensitisation involves uncoupling of receptors from their G proteins, commonly mediated by receptor phosphorylation, and internalisation of receptors, desensitisation of neither the CRH nor VP receptor was mediated by PKA or PKC, respectively. Desensitisation of the response to VP was found to be dependent upon receptor internalisation, and resensitisation could be delayed by treatment with a protein phosphatase 2B inhibitor. The rapid kinetics of desensitisation of the ACTH response to VP suggest that this process is important in regulating the response to acute rather than chronic stress. If, as has been suggested, CRH acts in a permissive way to set corticotrope gain, desensitisation to CRH could also be important in long term regulation of ACTH secretion.  相似文献   

Blood concentrations of anterior pituitary hormones, ACTH, GH, TSH, PRL, LH, and FSH were determined in corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) test (synthetic ovine CRF 1.0 microgram per kg body weight) and growth hormone releasing factor (GRF) test (synthetic human pancreatic GRF-44 100 micrograms) in 2 female sibling patients with congenital isolated TSH deficiency, in their mother, in 2 patients with congenital primary hypothyroidism and in 8 normal controls. The patients with isolated TSH deficiency showed normally increased plasma ACTH and serum GH after CRF and GRF, respectively, and also showed an abnormal GH response to CRF. The serum GH showed a rapid increase to maximum levels (12.9 ng/ml) within 30 to 60 min followed by decrease. The possibility of secretion of abnormal GH could be excluded by the fact that on serum dilution, GH value gave a linear plot passing through zero. In addition, serum PRL, LH and FSH levels after CRF administration in case 1 and PRL after GRF in case 2 were also slightly increased but these responses were marginal. The mother of the patients, patients with congenital primary hypothyroidism, and normal healthy controls showed normal responses of pituitary hormones throughout the experiment. Data from the present study and a previous report show that abnormal GH response to the hypothalamic hormones (CRF, TRH and LHRH) may be observed in patients with congenital isolated TSH deficiency.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,59(11):PL165-PL168
The upregulation of interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptors in the mouse pituitary gland following ether-laparotomy stress was attenuated in a dose dependent manner by systemic administration of the selective, high-affinity corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) receptor antagonist D-Phe12-Nle21,38 human CRF(12–41)NH2 suggesting a role for endogenous CRF in stress-induced modulation of IL-1 receptors.  相似文献   

Cortisol secretion by the adrenal cortex is thought to depend upon a preceding release of pituitary ACTH. This concept ignores a large number of observations suggesting important extrapituitary influences on adrenocortical function. The present study was designed to demonstrate the contribution of these extrapituitary mechanisms in the release of cortisol induced by human corticotropin releasing hormone (hCRH) in man. In patients with proven deficiency in pituitary ACTH the functional atrophy of the adrenals had been restored by pretreatment with long-acting ACTH. Fifty-eight hours after the second and last injection of ACTH a CRH test was performed (100 micrograms hCRH intravenously). Administration of hCRH induced a small but significant increase in plasma cortisol. Surprisingly, this rise was preceded by an increase in plasma ACTH similar to the ACTH response observed in the control group. It appeared that hCRH is able to stimulate cortisol release in the absence of pituitary ACTH, presumably by stimulating extrapituitary sources of ACTH.  相似文献   

Specific receptors for corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) were identified in two functionally distinct systems within the brain, the cortex and the limbic system. Autoradiographic mapping of the CRF receptors in the brain revealed high binding density throughout the neocortex and cerebellar cortex, subiculum, lateral septum, olfactory tract, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, interpeduncular nucleus and superior colliculus. Moderate to low binding was found in the hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, claustrum, nucleus periventricularis thalamus, mammillary bodies, subthalamic nucleus, periaqueductal grey, locus coeruleus and nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract. As in the anterior pituitary gland, CRF receptors in the brain were shown to be coupled to adenylate cyclase. However, in contrast to the marked decrease in CRF receptors observed after adrenalectomy in the anterior pituitary gland, CRF receptor concentration in the brain and pars intermedia of the pituitary was unchanged. The presence of CRF receptors in areas involved in the control of hypothalamic and autonomic nervous system functions is consistent with the major role of CRF in the integrated response to stress.  相似文献   

Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) is a 41-residue hypothalamic neuropeptide that has been shown to have potent behavioral effects in animals and has been implicated in clinical disorders in man. This review focuses on those aspects of the behavioral effects of CRH related to food-associated behaviors. The effects of CRH on food intake are compared with its effects on performances maintained by food presentation, and contrasted with the effects of CRH on performances maintained by other events. The effects of CRH antagonists and drugs that interact with the behavioral effects of CRH are also reviewed, particularly with respect to their direct effects on food intake. Lastly, data assessing the effects of CRH administration on central neurotransmitter levels are presented and compared with levels seen in clinical populations. The effect of CRH on food intake seen in animals is consistent with a putative role for CRH in clinical syndromes where appetite suppression is apparent. Since some of the effects of CRH on food intake are subject to pharmacological intervention, strategies directed at peptidergic mechanisms of psychiatric disorders should be explored.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), preincubated with cultured rat pituitary cells, induced down regulation of GnRH receptors in a time- and dose-dependent manner. The specific binding was inhibited by 50% after 30 min and maximal inhibition (70%) was obtained after 75 min preincubation with 1 microM GnRH. Preincubation of the cells for 2 h with 10 nM GnRH inhibited the specific binding by 20%, reaching a plateau of 70% inhibition with 0.1 microM GnRH. Concomitantly, exposure of the cells to GnRH caused a time- and dose-dependent desensitization of LH release. The responsiveness of the desensitized cells was not parallel to the binding capacity and was inhibited to a greater extent (93%). Photoactivation of GnRH receptors with iodinated [azidobenzoyl-D-Lys6]GnRH in control and desensitized cells resulted in the identification of a single specific band with the same apparent molecular weight of 60K daltons. These results indicate that structural alterations of GnRH receptors are not associated with GnRH-induced desensitization. Therefore, desensitization may involve conformational changes in the receptor or more likely a post-receptor mechanism.  相似文献   

A bioactive photoaffinity derivative of gonadotropin releasing hormone was used to identify pituitary gonadotropin releasing hormone receptors at various stages of the rat estrous cycle. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis resulted in the identification of a single specific component with an apparent molecular weight of 60,000 daltons throughout the estrous cycle. The amount of radioactivity incorporated into the 60K dalton band in diestrus and proestrus female rats increased 2.5-fold to that of metestrus and estrus female rats. These findings provide additional evidence for the identification of pituitary gonadotropin releasing hormone receptors.  相似文献   

Rothman RB  Vu N  Xu H  Baumann MH  Lu YF 《Peptides》2002,23(12):2177-2180
Previous work from this laboratory demonstrated that intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of IgG antibodies directed against selected neuropeptides changed the density of opioid receptors, suggesting that neuropeptides in the CNS can perform a regulatory role. To further test this hypothesis, we administered anticorticotropin (CRF) IgG to rats via the i.c.v. route and measured the density of opioid mu and delta receptors and also beta- and alpha2-adrenergic receptors. The results demonstrated that anti-CRF IgG upregulates mu and beta-adrenergic receptors. We conclude that CRF in the cerebrospinal fluid may exert regulatory effects throughout the brain.  相似文献   

Paraffin sections of mouse adrenals processed with antiserum to luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in the unlabeled antibody enzyme method reveal moderate staining in the cytoplasm of cells of zona fasciculata and reticularis. The stain is intensified upon pretreatment of sections with LHRH. Pretreated sections processed with solid phase immunoabsorbed LHRH are unstained. Analogues of LHRH deficient in the C-terminal glycine amide inhibit staining, while analogues deficient in the N-terminal pyroglutamic acid have no effect. It is concluded that the adrenal contains receptors for a ligand resembling LHRH in receptor and immunoreactivity. The possibility is considered that the ligand may be an inhibitor of pineal origin.  相似文献   

The corticotropin releasing hormone gene is expressed in human placenta   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Maternal plasma immunoreactive corticotropin-releasing hormone (IR-CRH) increases progressively with pregnancy. This elevated plasma IR-CRH is presumably secreted by the placenta. To investigate further this hypothesis, we searched for the CRH mRNA and its peptide product in full term human placentae. Using a radiolabelled 48-mer oligonucleotide probe complementary to a portion of human CRH mRNA, we identified a 1300 nucleotide RNA from human placenta and rat hypothalami. We next examined the chromatographic characteristics of the placental IR-CRH. The bulk of the IR-CRH extracted from placenta and the IR-CRH secreted in vitro by placental fragments had the same chromatographic profiles as synthetic CRH. These findings indicate that the CRH gene is expressed in human placenta and imply that this organ is a site of CRH biosynthesis during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Human placental receptors for luteinizing hormone releasing hormone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The GTPase activity of the tubulin-colchicine complex has been studied at different tubulin-colchicine concentrations. The specific activity was found to decrease at low concentrations. Several hypothesis accounting for this observation have been discarded, and the activation via collisions between two molecules of tubulin has been considered as a possible model explaining the origin and observed concentration dependence of the GTPase activity. The activation of tubulin-colchicine by unliganded tubulin or tubulin-podophyllotoxin has been investigated within this model which emphasizes the connection between some specific tubulin-tubulin interactions and the conformation of the exchangeable nucleotide site on tubulin.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is the major stress response system. Several components of the HPA axis, such as corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and POMC peptides and their receptors are also present in the skin. In earlier studies, we showed that CRH inhibits cellular proliferation of immortalized human keratinocytes. We now examine further the functional activity of the HPA axis in the skin, by characterizing the actions of CRH on normal foreskin keratinocytes. The CRH receptor was detected as CRH-R1 antigen at 47 kDa in the cultured keratinocytes by Western blotting, and immunohistochemistry demonstrated its presence in the epidermal and follicular keratinocytes. CRH is also biologically active in cultured keratinocytes, where it inhibits proliferation and enhances the interferon-gamma-stimulated expression of the hCAM and ICAM-1 adhesion molecules and of the HLA-DR antigen. These effects were concentration-dependent, with maximal activity at CRH 10(-7) M. Thus, in the keratinocyte, the most important cellular component of the epidermis, CRH appears to induce a shift in energy metabolism away from proliferation activity, and toward the enhancement of immunoactivity. Therefore, similar to its central actions, cutaneous CRH may also he involved in the stress response, but at a highly localized level.  相似文献   

Right atrial bolus administration of rat/human corticotropin releasing hormone (r/hCRH) at a dose of 90 micrograms/kg to anesthetized cynomolgus monkeys caused a dramatic and prolonged fall in both the peripheral vascular resistance (48% reduction) and mean systemic blood pressure (36% reduction). An associated tachycardia could be blocked with prior propranolol administration and thus was probably reflexic. A mean 43 and 37% increase in the flow of the superior mesenteric and common iliac arteries, respectively, was demonstrated with electromagnetic flow probes. These changes were associated with a concomitant 38 and 40% diminution in the respective vascular resistance. Similar blood flow changes were noted in the carotid artery, however, these were of a much shorter duration. None of these changes occurred in placebo-treated animals. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol concentrations were elevated basally and throughout the procedure and were similar in the experimental and control groups, suggesting maximal activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Plasma renin activity, however, gradually increased in the r/hCRH-treated animals, probably as a result of the systemic hypotension. We speculate that CRH or a CRH-like substance may function as a paracrine hormone modulating local blood vessel tone and may be important in directing blood flow during stress and injury. The vasoactive properties of exogenous r/hCRH may be of clinical use in man.  相似文献   

The hypophysiotrophic hormone corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) stimulates the anterior pituitary corticotroph to export stress hormones such as adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). In rat anterior pituitary cells, CRF-induced elevation of cyclic AMP was profoundly potentiated (by an order of magnitude) by stimulators of protein kinase C. This effect occurred within minutes, was concentration dependent, and exhibited the appropriate pharmacological specificity to attribute the effects to protein kinase C. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), phorbol dibutyrate (PDB) and teleocidin were active with appropriate EC50's, while 4-alpha-PMA was inactive. PMA and PDB were also ACTH secretagogues in their own right. We suggest that protein kinase C can modulate CRF receptor coupling to the adenylate cyclase holoenzyme in anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   

Photo-affinity inactivation of gonadotropin releasing hormone receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
E Hazum 《FEBS letters》1981,128(1):111-113

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