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Biotelemetry provides high-quality data in awake, free-ranging animals without the effects of anesthesia and surgery. Although many biological parameters can be measured using biotelemetry, simultaneous telemetric measurements of pressure and flow have not been available. The objective of this study was to evaluate simultaneous measurements of blood flow, pressure, ECG, and temperature in a fully implantable system. This novel system allows the measurement of up to four channels of blood flow, up to three channels of pressure, and a single channel each of ECG and temperature. The system includes a bidirectional radio-frequency link that allows the implant to send data and accept commands to perform various tasks. The system is controlled by a base station decoder/controller that decodes the data stream sent by the implant into analog signals. The system also converts the data into a digital data stream that can be sent via ethernet to a remote computer for storage and/or analysis. The system was chronically implanted in swine and alligators for up to 5 wk. Both bench and in vivo animal tests were performed to evaluate system performance. Results show that this biotelemetry system is capable of long-term accurate monitoring of simultaneous blood flow and pressure. The system allows, within the room, recordings, since the implant transmission range is between 6 and 10 m, and, with a relay, backpack transmission distance of up to 500 m can be achieved. This system will have significant utility in chronic models of cardiovascular physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

This paper describes a deck-mounted pumping system developed for collecting discrete, sequential plankton and water samples while also providing a continuous record of sampling depth, water temperature, turbidity and in vivo chlorophyll. It includes some results obtained with the equipment during a study of factors influencing the horizontal distribution of crustacean plankton in the lake Windermere.  相似文献   

Diagnostic catheters based on fibre Bragg gratings (FBG's) are proving to be highly effective for measurement of the muscular activity associated with motility in the human gut. While the primary muscular contractions that generate peristalsis are circumferential in nature, it has long been known that there is also a component of longitudinal contractility present, acting in harmony with the circumferential component to improve the overall efficiency of material movement. We report the detection of longitudinal motion in mammalian intestine using an FBG technique that should be viable for similar detection in humans. The longitudinal sensors have been combined with our previously reported FBG pressure sensing elements to form a composite catheter that allows the relative phase between the two components to be detected. The catheter output has been validated using video mapping in an ex‐vivo rabbit ileum preparation. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry of mouse blood pressure accurately monitors systolic pressure, diastolic pressure, heart rate, and locomotor activity but requires surgical implantation. Noninvasive measurements of indirect systolic blood pressure have long been available for larger rodents and now are being reported more frequently for mice. This study compared mouse systolic arterial blood pressure measurements using implanted radiotelemetry pressure transducer with simultaneous tail-cuff measurements in the same unanesthetized mice. The pressure range for comparison was extended by inducing experimental hypertension or by observations of circadian elevations between 3 AM and 6 AM. Both trained and untrained tail-cuff operators used both instruments. Every effort was made to follow recommended manufacturer's instructions. With the initial flow-based tail-cuff instrument, we made 671 comparisons (89 sessions) and found the slope of the linear regression to be 0.118, suggesting poor agreement. In an independent assessment, 277 comparisons (35 sessions) of radiotelemetry measurements with the pulse based tail-cuff instrument were made. The slope of the linear regression of the simultaneous measurements of systolic pressures was 0.98, suggesting agreement. Bland-Altman analysis also supported our interpretation of the linear regression. Thus although reliable systolic pressure measurements are possible with either tail-cuff or radiotelemetry techniques, in our hands some tail-cuff instruments fail to accurately detect elevated blood pressures. These data, however, do not distinguish whether this instrument-specific tail-cuff failure was due to operator or instrument inadequacies. We strongly advise investigators to obtain an independent and simultaneous validation of tail-cuff determinations of mouse blood pressure before making critical genotyping determinations.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of mild hypertension and the treatment of hypertension require accurate measurement of blood pressure. Blood pressure readings are altered by various factors that influence the patient, the techniques used and the accuracy of the sphygmomanometer. The variability of readings can be reduced if informed patients prepare in advance by emptying their bladder and bowel, by avoiding over-the-counter vasoactive drugs the day of measurement and by avoiding exposure to cold, caffeine consumption, smoking and physical exertion within half an hour before measurement. The use of standardized techniques to measure blood pressure will help to avoid large systematic errors. Poor technique can account for differences in readings of more than 15 mm Hg and ultimately misdiagnosis. Most of the recommended procedures are simple and, when routinely incorporated into clinical practice, require little additional time. The equipment must be appropriate and in good condition. Physicians should have a suitable selection of cuff sizes readily available; the use of the correct cuff size is essential to minimize systematic errors in blood pressure measurement. Semiannual calibration of aneroid sphygmomanometers and annual inspection of mercury sphygmomanometers and blood pressure cuffs are recommended. We review the methods recommended for measuring blood pressure and discuss the factors known to produce large differences in blood pressure readings.  相似文献   

A jacket and tethering system was used to maintain chronic catheters in monkeys, which provided catheter access and manipulability without further restraint. Surgical placement of catheters and a temperature probe allowed for a common cutaneous exit and interface with the jacket and tether. Monkeys were fitted in a sterile leather or denim jacket which was attached to a sterilized flexible stainless steel cable. Through this conduit, an indwelling temperature probe, as well as catheters from the internal jugular and femoral veins, were attached to a swivel unit located on the upper portion of the cage. The internal jugular catheter was used for the continuous infusion of support solution. The catheter from the femoral vein was maintained with a heparin lock and used for serial blood sampling. Using this system, it was possible to obtain frequent blood samples and body temperature readings, and to administer a continuous intravenous infusion without chemical or excessive physical restraint. To date, 367 monkeys, 322 cynomolgus (Macaca fasicularis), 16 rhesus (Macaca mulatta), and 21 African green (Cercopithecus aethiops) have been studied using this procedure.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analysis of systolic blood pressure (SBP) in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 (GAW13) simulated data. The main aim was to assess evidence for both general and specific genetic effects on the baseline blood pressure and on the rate of change (slope) of blood pressure with time. Generalized linear mixed models were fitted using Gibbs sampling in WinBUGS, and the additive polygenic random effects estimated using these models were then used as continuous phenotypes in a variance components linkage analysis. The first-stage analysis provided evidence for general genetic effects on both the baseline and slope of blood pressure, and the linkage analysis found evidence of several genes, again for both baseline and slope.  相似文献   

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