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Proton and phosphorus two-dimensional NMR studies are reported for the complementary d(C1-A2-T3-G4-X5-G6-T7-A8-C9).d(G10-T11-A12-C13-A14-C15-A 16-T17-G18) nonanucleotide duplex (designated X.A 9-mer) that contains a 1,N2-propanodeoxyguanosine exocyclic adduct, X5, opposite deoxyadenosine A14 in the center of the helix. The NMR studies detect a pH-dependent conformational transition; this paper focuses on the structure present at pH 5.8. The two-dimensional NOESY studies of the X.A 9-mer duplex in H2O and D2O solution establish that X5 adopts a syn orientation while A14 adopts an anti orientation about the glycosidic bond at the lesion site. The large downfield shift of the amino protons of A14 demonstrates protonation of the deoxyadenosine base at pH 5.8 such that the protonated X5(syn).A14(anti) pair is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds at low pH. At pH 5.8, the observed NOE between the H8 proton of X5 and the H2 proton of A14 in the X.A 9-mer duplex demonstrates unequivocally the formation of the protonated X5(syn).A14(anti) pair. The 1,N2-propano bridge of X5(syn) is located in the major groove. Selective NOEs from the exocyclic methylene protons of X5 to the major groove H8 proton of flanking G4 but not G6 of the G4-X5-G6 segment provide additional structural constraints on the local conformation at the lesion site. A perturbation in the phosphodiester backbone is detected at the C13-A14 phosphorus located at the lesion site by 31P NMR spectroscopy. The two-dimensional NMR studies have been extended to the related complementary X.G 9-mer duplex that contains a central X5.G14 lesion in a sequence that is otherwise identical with the X.A 9-mer duplex. The NMR experimental parameters are consistent with formation of a pH-independent X5(syn).G14(anti) pair stabilized by two hydrogen bonds with the 1,N2-propano exocyclic adduct of X5(syn) located in the major groove.  相似文献   

Structural features of pyrimidine.pyrimidine mismatches in the interior of oligonucleotide duplexes have been investigated by high resolution two-dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy. These studies were conducted on the self-complementary d(C-G-C-T-A-G-C-T-T-G-C-G) duplex (designated T.T 12-mer) and the self-complementary d(C-G-C-C-A-G-C-T-C-G-C-G) duplex (designated C.C 12-mer) containing T.T and C.C pairs located at identical positions four base-pairs from either end of the duplex. Proton n.m.r. studies on the T.T 12-mer duplex were undertaken in the neutral pH range, while studies on the C.C 12-mer duplex were recorded at acidic pH. The proton spectra narrowed considerably on lowering the pH below neutrality for the C.C 12-mer duplex. Two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) data sets have been recorded on the T.T 12-mer and C.C 12-mer duplexes in high salt H2O and D2O solution. The magnitude of the NOE crosspeaks and the directionality of the NOE connectivities demonstrate that both duplexes are right-handed with all bases, including those at the mismatch site, adopting an anti configuration about the glycosidic bond. The observed base and sugar proton chemical shifts suggest structural similarities for the trinucleotide segments centered about the T.T and C.C mismatches. A NOE is detected between the resolved imino protons of T4 and T9 at the mismatch site, consistent with formation of a stacked "wobble" T4(anti).T9(anti) pair in the T.T 12-mer duplex. A comparison of the imino proton chemical shift and NOE data suggests that the imino-carbonyl hydrogen bonds in the wobble T.T mismatch are weaker than the corresponding imino-carbonyl hydrogen bonds in the wobble G.T mismatch. The 4-amino protons of C4 and C9 at the mismatch site in the C.C 12-mer duplex do not exhibit the pattern of hydrogen-bonded and exposed protons separated by approximately 1.5 parts per million characteristic of cytidine amino protons involved in Watson-Crick G.C pairing. The experimental data are insufficient to differentiate between wobble C(anti).C+(anti) and other pairing possibilities for the mismatch in the C.C 12-mer duplex at acidic pH.  相似文献   

Structural features of A.C mismatches and A.O4meT pairs in the interior of oligodeoxynucleotide duplexes have been investigated by high-resolution two-dimensional proton NMR spectroscopy on the self-complementary d(C-G-C-A-A-G-C-T-C-G-C-G) duplex (designated A.C 12-mer) and and the self-complementary d(C-G-C-A-A-G-C-T-O4meT-G-C-G) duplex (designated A.O4meT 12-mer) containing A.C and A.O4meT pairs at identical positions four base pairs in from either end of and A.O4meT pairs at identical positions four base pairs in from either end of the duplex. Proton NMR shows that there are similar pH-dependent changes in the structure in the A.C 12-mer and A.O4meT 12-mer duplexes. Our studies have focused on the low-pH (pH 5.5) conformation where high-quality two-dimensional NOESY data sets were collected from the exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons in these duplexes. The spectral parameters for the A.C 12-mer and the A.O4meT 12-mer duplexes were very similar, indicating that they must have similar structures at this pH in aqueous solution. Both structures are right-handed double helices with all the bases adopting the normal anti configuration about the glycosidic bond. The same atoms are involved in hydrogen-bond pairing for the A.C mismatch and the A.O4meT pair, and these pairs have a similar spatial relationship to flanking base pairs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This paper reports on a combined two-dimensional NMR and energy minimization computational characterization of the conformation of the N-(deoxyguanosyl-8-yl)aminofluorene adduct [(AF)G] positioned across adenosine in a DNA oligomer duplex as a function of pH in aqueous solution. This study was undertaken on the d[C1-C2-A3-T4-C5-(AF)G6-C7-T8-A9-C10-C11].[G12-G13-T14 -A15-G16-A17-G18- A19-T20-G21-G22] complementary undecamer [(AF)G 11-mer duplex]. The modification of the single G6 on the pyrimidine-rich strand was accomplished by reaction of the oligonucleotide with N-acetoxy-2-(acetylamino)fluorene and subsequent deacetylation under alkaline conditions. The HPLC-purified modified strand was annealed with the unmodified purine-rich strand to generate the (AF)G 11-mer duplex. The exchangeable and nonexchangeable protons are well resolved and narrow in the NMR spectra of the (AF)G 11-mer duplex so that the base and the majority of sugar nucleic acid protons, as well as several aminofluorene ring protons, have been assigned following analysis of two-dimensional NOESY and COSY data sets at pH 6.9, 30 degrees C in H2O and D2O solution. The NOE distance constraints establish that the glycosidic torsion angle is syn at (AF)G6 and anti at A17, which results in the aminofluorene ring being positioned in the minor groove. A very large downfield shift is detected at the H2' sugar proton of (AF)G6 associated with the (AF)G6[syn].A17[anti] alignment in the (AF)G 11-mer duplex. The NMR parameters demonstrate formation of Watson-Crick C5.G18 and C7.G16 base pairs on either side of the (AF)G6[syn].A17[anti] modification site with the imino proton of G18 more stable to exchange than the imino proton of G16. Several nonexchangeable aminofluorene protons undergo large downfield shifts as do the imino and H8 protons of G16 on lowering of the pH from neutrality to acidic values for the (AF)G 11-mer duplex. Both the neutral and acidic pH conformations have been defined by assigning the NOE constraints in the [C5-(AF)G6-C7].[G16-A17-G18] segment centered about the modification site and incorporating them in distance constrained minimized potential energy calculations in torsion angle space with the DUPLEX program. A series of NOEs between the aminofluorene protons and the DNA sugar protons in the neutral pH conformation establish that the aminofluorene ring spans the minor groove and is directed toward the G16-A17-G18 sugar-phosphate backbone on the partner strand.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The recombinant V(L) domain that represents the variable part of the light chain (type kappa) of mouse monoclonal antibody F11 directed against human spleen ferritin was found to form amyloid fibrils at acidic pH as evidenced by electron microscopy, thioflavin T binding, and apple-green birefringence after Congo red staining. This is the first demonstration of amyloid fibril formation of the mouse V(L) domain. To understand the mechanism of acidic pH-induced amyloid fibril formation, conformational changes of the V(L) domain were studied by one-dimensional NMR, differential scanning calorimetry, analytical ultracentrifugation, hydrophobic dye binding, far-UV circular dichroism, and tryptophan fluorescence. The results indicated accumulation of two intermediate states during acid unfolding, which might be responsible for amyloid fibril formation. The more structured intermediate that exhibited maximal accumulation at pH 3 retained the nativelike secondary structure and a hydrophobic core, but exposed hydrophobic surfaces that bind 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate. Below pH 2, a more disordered intermediate with dequenched tryptophan fluorescence but still retaining the beta-sheet structure accumulated. The optimal pH of amyloid fibril formation (i.e., pH 4) was close to the optimal pH of the accumulation of the nativelike intermediate, suggesting that the amyloid fibrils might be formed through this intermediate.  相似文献   

Proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C-A-T-G-G-G-T-A-C).d(G-T-A-C-epsilon A-C-A-T-G) nonanucleotide duplex (designated epsilon dA.dG 9-mer duplex), which contains exocyclic adduct 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine positioned opposite deoxyguanosine in the center of the helix. The present study focuses on the alignment of dG5 and epsilon dA14 at the lesion site in the epsilon dA.dG 9-mer duplex at neutral pH. This alignment has been characterized by monitoring the NOEs originating from the NH1 proton of dG5 and the H2, H5, and H7/H8 protons of epsilon dA14 in the central d(G4-G5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment of the epsilon dA.dG 9-mer duplex. These NOE patterns establish that epsilon dA14 adopts a syn glycosidic torsion angle that positions the exocyclic ring toward the major groove edge while all the other bases including dG5 adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles. We detect a set of intra- and interstrand NOEs between protons (exchangeable and nonexchangeable) on adjacent residues in the d(G4-G5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment which establish formation of right-handed helical conformations on both strands and stacking of the dG5(anti).epsilon dA14(syn) pair between stable dG4.dC15 and dG6.dC13 pairs. The energy-minimized conformation of the central d(G4-G5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) segment establishes that the dG5(anti).epsilon dA14(syn) alignment is stabilized by two hydrogen bonds from the NH1 and NH2-2 of dG5(anti) to N9 and N1 of epsilon dA14(syn), respectively.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Temperature-Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (TGGE) was employed to determine the thermal stabilities of 28 DNA fragments, 373 bp long, with two adjacent mismatched base pairs, and eight DNAs with Watson-Crick base pairs at the same positions. Heteroduplex DNAs containing two adjacent mismatches were formed by melting and reannealing pairs of homologous 373 bp DNA fragments differing by two adjacent base pairs. Product DNAs were separated based on their thermal stability by parallel and perpendicular TGGE. The polyacrylamide gel contained 3.36 M urea and 19.2 % formamide to lower the DNA melting temperatures. The order of stability was determined in the sequence context d(CXYG).d(CY'X'G) where X.X' and Y.Y" represent the mismatched or Watson-Crick base pairs. The identity of the mismatched bases and their stacking interactions influence DNA stability. Mobility transition melting temperatures (T u) of the DNAs with adjacent mismatches were 1.0-3.6 degrees C (+/-0.2 degree C) lower than the homoduplex DNA with the d(CCAG).d(CTGG) sequence. Two adjacent G.A pairs, d(CGAG).d(CGAG), created a more stable DNA than DNAs with Watson-Crick A.T pairs at the same sites. The d(GA).d(GA) sequence is estimated to be 0.4 (+/-30%) kcal/mol more stable in free energy than d(AA).d(TT) base pairs. This result confirms the unusual stability of the d(GA).d(GA) sequence previously observed in DNA oligomers. All other DNAs with adjacent mismatched base pairs were less stable than Watson-Crick homoduplex DNAs. Their relative stabilities followed an order expected from previous results on single mismatches. Two homoduplex DNAs with identical nearest neighbor sequences but different next-nearest neighbor sequences had a small but reproducible difference in T u value. This result indicates that sequence dependent next neighbor stacking interactions influence DNA stability.  相似文献   

Extreme instability of pyrimidine motif triplex DNA at physiological pH severely limits its use for artificial control of gene expression in vivo. Stabilization of the pyrimidine motif triplex at physiological pH is therefore of great importance in improving its therapeutic potential. To this end, isothermal titration calorimetry interaction analysis system and electrophoretic mobility shift assay have been used to explore the thermodynamic and kinetic effects of our previously reported triplex stabilizer, poly (L-lysine)-graft-dextran (PLL-g-Dex) copolymer, on pyrimidine motif triplex formation at physiological pH. Both the thermodynamic and kinetic analyses have clearly indicated that in the presence of the PLL-g-Dex copolymer, the binding constant of the pyrimidine motif triplex formation at physiological pH was about 100 times higher than that observed without any triplex stabilizer. Of importance, the triplex-promoting efficiency of the copolymer was more than 20 times higher than that of physiological concentrations of spermine, a putative intracellular triplex stabilizer. Kinetic data have also demonstrated that the observed copolymer-mediated promotion of the triplex formation at physiological pH resulted from the considerable increase in the association rate constant rather than the decrease in the dissociation rate constant. Our results certainly support the idea that the PLL-g-Dex copolymer could be a key material and may eventually lead to progress in therapeutic applications of the antigene strategy in vivo.  相似文献   

A novel method is proposed for large-scale synthesis of (13)C- and (15)N-labeled DNA for NMR studies. In this methodology, endonuclease-sensitive repeat amplification (ESRA), a modified PCR strategy, has been used to amplify tandem repeats of the target DNA sequence. The design of the template is such that restriction enzyme (RE) sites separate repeats of the target sequence. The ESRA product is then cloned into a suitable vector. The Escherichia coli cells harboring the plasmid are grown in minimal medium containing [(13)C]glucose and (15)NH(4)Cl as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen, respectively. The target sequence is released by RE digestion of the plasmid, followed by purification using PAGE. Under optimized conditions, the yield ( approximately 5 mg/liter of culture) of (13)C/(15)N-labeled DNA prepared using this approach is found to be several times higher compared to other known enzymatic methods. Successful incorporation of the isotopes has been confirmed using 2D NMR techniques.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of internal C.T mismatches in DNA.   总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Thermodynamics of 23 oligonucleotides with internal single C.T mismatches were obtained by measuring UV absorbance as a function of temperature. Results from these 23 duplexes were combined with three measurements from the literature to derive nearest-neighbor thermodynamic parameters for seven linearly independent trimer sequences with internal C.T mismatches. The data show that the nearest-neighbor model is adequate for predicting thermodynamics of oligonucleotides with internal C.T with average deviations for Delta G degrees37, Delta H degrees, Delta S degrees and T m of 6.4%, 9.9%, 10.6%, and 1.9 degreesC respectively. C.T mismatches destabilize the duplex in all sequence contexts. The thermodynamic contribution of C. T mismatches to duplex stability varies weakly depending on the orientation of the mismatch and its context and ranges from +1.02 kcal/mol for GCG/CTC and CCG/GTC to +1.95 kcal/mol for TCC/ATG.  相似文献   

The structures of two oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplexes, the base sequences of which were modelled after both a hammerhead ribozyme and a small metalloribozyme, were studied by NMR. Both duplexes contain adjacent G:A mismatches; one has a PyGAPu:PyGAPu sequence and the other a PyGAPy:PuGAPu sequence. It is concluded on the basis of many characteristic NOEs that in both duplexes G:A base pairs are formed in the unique 'sheared' form, where an amino proton instead of an imino proton of G is involved in the hydrogen bonding, and G and A bases are arranged 'side by side' instead of 'head to head'. A photo-CIDNP experiment, which gives unique and independent information on the solvent accessibility of nucleotide bases, also supports G:A base pairing rather than a bulged-out structure of G and A residues. This is the first demonstration that not only the PyGAPu:PyGAPu sequence but also the PyGAPy:PuGAPu sequence can form the unique sheared G:A base pairs. Taking the previous studies on G:A mismatches into account, the idea is suggested that a PyGA:GAPu sequence is a minimum and essential element for the formation of the sheared G:A base pairs. The sheared G:A base pairs in the PyGAPu:PyGAPu sequence are suggested to be more stable than those in the PyGAPy:PuGAPu sequence. This is explained rationally by the idea proposed above.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C-A-T-G-T-G-T-A-C).d(G-T-A-C-epsilon A-C-A-T-G) nonanucleotide duplex (designated epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex) containing 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine (epsilon dA), a carcinogen-DNA adduct, positioned opposite thymidine in the center of the helix. Our NMR studies have focused on the conformation of the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex at neutral pH with emphasis on defining the alignment at the dT5.epsilon dA14 lesion site. The through-space NOE distance connectivities establish that both dT5 and epsilon dA14 adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles, are directed into the interior of the helix, and stack with flanking Watson-Crick dG4.dC15 and dG6.dC13 pairs. Furthermore, the d(G4-T5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment centered about the dT5.epsilon dA14 lesion site adopts a right-handed helical conformation in solution. Energy minimization computations were undertaken starting from six different alignments of dT5(anti) and epsilon dA14(anti) at the lesion site and were guided by distance constraints defined by lower and upper bounds estimated from NOESY data sets on the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex. Two families of energy-minimized structures were identified with the dT5 displaced toward either the flanking dG4.dC15 or the dG6.dC13 base pair. These structures can be differentiated on the basis of the observed NOEs from the imino proton of dT5 to the imino proton of dG4 but not dG6 and to the amino protons of dC15 but not dC13 that were not included in the constraints data set used in energy minimization. Our NMR data are consistent with a nonplanar alignment of epsilon dA14(anti) and dT5(anti) with dT5 displaced toward the flanking dG4.dC15 base pair within the d(G4-T5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) segment of the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic measurements are reported for 51 DNA duplexes with A.A, C.C, G.G, and T.T single mismatches in all possible Watson-Crick contexts. These measurements were used to test the applicability of the nearest-neighbor model and to calculate the 16 unique nearest-neighbor parameters for the 4 single like with like base mismatches next to a Watson-Crick pair. The observed trend in stabilities of mismatches at 37 degrees C is G.G > T.T approximately A.A > C.C. The observed stability trend for the closing Watson-Crick pair on the 5' side of the mismatch is G.C >/= C.G >/= A.T >/= T.A. The mismatch contribution to duplex stability ranges from -2.22 kcal/mol for GGC.GGC to +2.66 kcal/mol for ACT.ACT. The mismatch nearest-neighbor parameters predict the measured thermodynamics with average deviations of DeltaG degrees 37 = 3.3%, DeltaH degrees = 7. 4%, DeltaS degrees = 8.1%, and TM = 1.1 degrees C. The imino proton region of 1-D NMR spectra shows that G.G and T.T mismatches form hydrogen-bonded structures that vary depending on the Watson-Crick context. The data reported here combined with our previous work provide for the first time a complete set of thermodynamic parameters for molecular recognition of DNA by DNA with or without single internal mismatches. The results are useful for primer design and understanding the mechanism of triplet repeat diseases.  相似文献   

Single-residue d(Pu1NPu2) (Pu1.Pu2=G.A, G.G or A.A) hairpin loops can be stably closed by sheared purine.purine pairs. These special motifs have been found in several important biological systems. We now extend these loop-closing base-pairs to a sheared purine. pyrimidine (A.C) pair at a neutral pH condition. High-resolution NMR spectroscopy, distance geometry, and molecular dynamics methods were used to study d(GTACANCGTAC) oligomers. Numerous idiosyncratic nuclear Overhauser enhancements, especially those across the A.C base-pair between C4NH2left and right arrow AH1', C4NH2left and right arrow AH2, and CH5left and right arrow AH2 proton pairs, clearly define the novel sheared nature of the closing A.C base-pair. This novel base-pair is possibly present in several biological systems and in two single-stranded DNA aptamers selected from oligonucleotide libraries.  相似文献   

The average conformation of GpU and UpG in neutral aqueous solutions has been investigated by proton chemical shifts and coupling measurements as well as T1 relaxation time experiments. The proportion of the N and S pseudorotational conformers of the ribose ring has been derived from the vicinal coupling constants. The relaxation data provide information about the syn--anti equilibrium of the orientation of the base about the glycosidic bond. This orientation is predominantly syn for the Guo base in both dinucleoside phosphates, that of Urd is anti in the case of GpU and shows an almost equivalent syn and anti character for UpG.  相似文献   

Proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C1-C2-A3-C4-T5-A6-oxo-G7-T8-C9-A10-C11-C12).d(G13-G14-T15- G16-A17-A18-T19- A20-G21-T22-G23-G24) dodecanucleotide duplex (designated 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer), which contains a centrally located 7-hydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxo-7H-dG) residue, a group commonly found in DNA that has been exposed to ionizing radiation or oxidizing free radicals. From the NMR spectra it can be deduced that this moiety exists as two tautomers, or gives rise to two DNA conformations, that are in equilibrium and that exchange slowly. The present study focuses on the major component of the equilibrium that originates in the 6,8-dioxo tautomer of 8-oxo-7H-dG. We have assigned the exchangeable NH1, NH7, and NH2-2 base protons located on the Watson-Crick and Hoogsteen edges of 8-oxo-7H-dG7 in the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex, using an analysis of one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) data in H2O solution. The observed NOEs derived from the NH7 proton of 8-oxo-7H-dG7 to the H2 and NH2-6 protons of dA18 establish an 8-oxo-7H-dG7(syn).dA 18(anti) alignment at the lesion site in the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex in solution. This alignment, which places the 8-oxo group in the minor groove, was further characterized by an analysis of the NOESY spectrum of the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex in D2O solution. We were able to detect a set of intra- and interstrand NOEs between protons (exchangeable and nonexchangeable) on adjacent residues in the d(A6-oxo-G7-T8).d(A17-A18-T19) trinucleotide segment centered about the lesion site that establishes stacking of the oxo-dG7(syn).dA(anti) pair between stable Watson-Crick dA6.dT19 and dT8.dA17 base pairs with minimal perturbation of the helix. Thus, both strands of the 8-oxo-7H-dG.dA 12-mer duplex adopt right-handed conformations at and adjacent to the lesion site, the unmodified bases adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles, and the bases are stacked into the helix. The energy-minimized conformation of the central d(A6-oxo-G7-T8).d(A17-A18-T19) segment requires that the 8-oxo-7H-dG7(syn).dA18(anti) alignment be stabilized by two hydrogen bonds from NH7 and O6 of 8-oxo-7H-dG7(syn) to N1 and NH2-6 of dA18(anti), respectively, at the lesion site.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

R K Bortoleto  R J Ward 《FEBS letters》1999,459(3):438-442
The effects of mildly acidic conditions on the free energy of unfolding (DeltaG(u)(buff)) of the pore-forming alpha-hemolysin (alphaHL) from Staphylococcus aureus were assessed between pH 5.0 and 7.5 by measuring intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism and elution time in size exclusion chromatography during urea denaturation. Decreasing the pH from 7.0 to 5.0 reduced the calculated DeltaG(u)(buff) from 8.9 to 4.2 kcal mol(-1), which correlates with an increased rate of pore formation previously observed over the same pH range. It is proposed that the lowered surface pH of biological membranes reduces the stability of alphaHL thereby modulating the rate of pore formation.  相似文献   

The equimolar mixture of d(CTCTTCTTTCTTTTCTTTCTTCTC) (dY24) and d(GAGAAGAAAGA) (dR11) [designated (dY24).(dR11)], forms at pH = 5 a DNA triplex, which mimicks the H-DNA structure. The DNA triplex was identified by the following criteria: (i) dY24 and dR11 co-migrate in a poly-acrylamide gel, with a mobility and a retardation coefficient comparable to those observed for an 11-triad DNA triplex, previously characterized in our laboratories (1); (ii) the intercalator ethidium bromide shows a poor affinity for (dR11).(dY24) at pH = 5, and a high affinity at pH = 8; (iii) the (dR11).(dY24) mixture is not a substrate for DNase I at pH = 5; (iv) the CD spectrum of (dR11).(dY24), at pH = 5, is consistent with those previously reported for triple-stranded DNA. The (dR11).(dY24) mixture exhibits a thermally induced co-operative transition, which appears to be monophasic, reversible and concentration dependent. This transition is attributed to the disruption of the DNA triplex into single strands. The enthalpy change of the triplex-coil transition was measured by DSC (delta Hcal = 129 +/- 6 kcal/mol) and, assuming a two-state model, by analysis of UV-denaturation curves (average of two methods delta HUV = 137 +/- 13 kcal/mol). Subtracting from delta Hcal of triplex formation the contributions due to the Watson-Crick helix and to the protonation of the C-residues, we found that each pyrimidine binding into the major groove of the duplex, through a Hoogsteen base pair, is accompanied by an average delta H = -5.8 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol. The effect on the stability of the (dR11).(dY24) triplex due to the substitution of a T:A:T triad with a T:T:T one was also investigated.  相似文献   

The synthetic dodecanucleotide d(CGCAAATTGGCG) has been analysed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques and the structure refined to R = 0.16 and 2.25 A resolution, with the location of 94 solvent molecules. The sequence crystallizes as a full turn of a B-DNA helix with ten Watson-Crick base-pairs and two adenine-guanine mispairs. The analysis clearly shows that the mismatches are of the form A(anti).G(syn). Thermal denaturation studies indicate that the stability of the duplex is strongly pH dependent, with a maximum at pH 5.0, suggesting that the base-pair is stabilized by protonation. Three different arrangements have been observed for base-pairs between guanine and adenine and it is likely that A.G mismatch conformation is strongly influenced by dipole-dipole interactions with adjacent base-pairs.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the noncomplementary G-U base pair at the end of a helix is found to be governed by stacking interactions. As a rule, a G-U pair with G on the 5'-side of a Watson-Crick base pair exhibits strikingly greater stacking overlap with the Watson-Crick base pair than a G-U pair on the 3'-side of a Watson-Crick base pair. The former arrangement is expected to be more stable and indeed is observed 29 times out of 32 in the known transfer RNA molecules. In accordance with this rule, the major wobble base pairs G-U or I-U in codon-anticodon interactions have G or I on the 5'-side of the anticodon. Similarly, in initiator tRNAs, this rule is obeyed where now the G is the first letter of the codon (5'-side). In the situation where U is in the wobble position of the anticodon, it is usually substituted at C(5) andmay also have a 2-thio group and it can read one to four codons depending on its modifications. A G at the wobble position of the anticodon can recognize the two codons ending with U or C and modification of G (unless it is I) does not change its reading properties.  相似文献   

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