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The effects of water temperature on the timing of spawning of perch Perca fluviatilis in Lake Geneva were assessed in a 20 year survey (1984–2003). Spawning started at the end of April or at the beginning of May, when the water temperature rose to >10° C, but most of the spawns were laid when water temperature exceeded 12° C. This led to a positive correlation between the date of the mid-spawning period and the date when the water temperature rose to >12° C. Large perch had a tendency to spawn later than the small ones, which led to a positive correlation between the date of mid-spawning period and the yearly mean width of perch egg-ribbons. The coefficient of multiple determination between the date of mid-spawning period and the mean width of the ribbon of spawn, combined with the date when the water temperature rose to >12° C was r 2= 0·77. The perch generally chose deeper spawning places (12 m) at the end of the spawning period than at the beginning (4 m), which was related to water temperature.  相似文献   

Onset date, onset temperature and duration of spawning of roach Rutilus rutilus were related to latitude (40–66° N) and altitude (−1–825 m) based on data from the literature over the whole geographic distribution of roach. Onset date was positively and duration was negatively correlated with latitude, while no correlation was found between onset temperature and latitude. No significant correlations were found between any of the analysed variables of spawning and altitude, probably because most of the analysed populations were below 300 m altitude.  相似文献   

Sixty-one ponds in northern England with pHs ranging from 4.2 to 8.9 were examined for the numbers of spawn clumps per unit area in the spring of 1985. In addition, measurements were made of 25 other chemical and physical variables in the ponds, including the concentration of aluminium, various heavy metals, pond area and depth. Thirty-one of the ponds contained from one to more than 1000 spawn clumps in densities ranging from 0.001 to 3.7 m−2 of pond area. Contrary to the findings in other surveys, spawn clumps occurred in relatively high densities in ponds of low pH. This was possibly related to the fact that other (unmeasured) variables, conducive to high spawn densities, had a greater influence in ponds where pH was coincidentally low. However, it is emphasized that, although the selection of spawning sites may not be influenced by low pH, other stages in the life cycle may be affected. A comparison of the present results with those from an earlier survey led to the conclusion that the number of frogs in the Wear Valley had decreased over the last 10 years. Possible reasons for this decline were discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated the ecophysiological differences between populations of the Common frog( Rana temporaria L.) from different altitudes in northern England. Frog embryos in upland northern ponds experience very low temperatures during the period of embryonic development. These embryos were found to have a lower lethal limit for 50% normal development of2–8 °C, compared with3–8 °C for lowland embryos. These values are below most of the lower limiting temperature estimates previously obtained for R. temporaria . Embryos from upland ponds developed faster at low temperatures than embryos from lowland ponds. This may be an adaptation to the shorter growing season and lower temperatures at higher altitudes. Upland female frogs were found to be shorter and produced fewer eggs than lowland females. The differences found between lowland and upland frogs are discussed in terms of their potential adaptive significance.  相似文献   

In an ongoing long-term study of a breeding population of common toads Bufo bufo at a pond in southern England, the dates of first spawning have been recorded since 1980, the dates of toadlet emergence since 1984, and the numbers of emergent toadlets estimated since 1988. The dates when spawn was first laid varied considerably between years from the earliest on 2 February 1993 (day 33) to the latest on 19 March 1996 (day 79). The duration of the tadpole stage was negatively correlated with the date of appearance of first spawn and was up to 30 days longer in early spawning years than in late ones. Despite this, toadlets still emerged from the natal pond up to 36 days earlier in early spawning years than in late ones. Significant positive correlations were found between the duration of the tadpole stage and both the proportion of days during the tadpole stage when the minimum ground temperature was at or below 0°C and the proportion of days when 10 mm or more rain fell. Tadpole mortality was positively correlated with the proportion of days during the tadpole stage when the minimum ground temperature was at or below 1.5°C. Evidence was also found to suggest that tadpole mortality was density-dependent, being proportionately higher when initial tadpole numbers were high than when they were low. Received: 7 May 1999 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The study presents adaptive and acclimatory changes observed in Cyprinus carpio communis L with respect to ovarian cycle and serum levels of electrolytes, calcium, total proteins and albumin as a consequence of wide temperature and sunshine variation in the natural environment of Dal lake in Srinagar, Kashmir (India).
2. The atmospheric temperatures in Srinagar show well-defined seasonal and diurnal variations. During the period of study, the mean monthly average temperature in summer (June-August) was 24°C whereas in winter (December-February) it fell to 3.6°C. The total hours of sunshine during the winter months were about half of those found in summer.
3. Under local thermal and photo conditions the fish was found to spawn once a year compared to biannual spawning in tropical chmates.
4. A significant decrease was found in serum sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations during the months of January and February when the mean minimum atmospheric temperatures reached −2.5°C and −l.2°C respectively.
5. The serum calcium levels showed a marked increase during the period corresponding to ovarian maturity and spawning of fish.
6. A significant rise in total serum protein concentration was induced by decreased environmental temperatures. Serum albumin levels were found to exhibit a sharp fall coinciding with the spawning period.  相似文献   

The mucopolysaccharide capsules surrounding eggs of the Common frog, Rana temporaria temporaria L. were investigated. Frogs were obtained from ponds in northern England ranging in altitude from 46 to 838 m. Egg capsules acted as insulators, keeping the centre of an egg mass warmer on average than the surrounding water. The size of an egg capsule and its insulating efficiency varied in different pond waters. Egg capsules in water from highland ponds were larger and more efficient insulators than egg capsules in water from lowland ponds. In a series of laboratory experiments the factors controlling capsular swelling were investigated). The ionic concentration of the fluid surrounding the eggs was found to be the principal factor involved, but the temperature and pH of the fluid and the valency and identity of the ions in solution were also important. The water chemistry of ponds varied with altitude. This accounted for the differential swelling of egg jelly in highland and lowland ponds. The fact that egg capsules are larger in highland pond water may increase egg survival at low temperatures. This is probably fortuitous as there is no evidence to suggest that frogs select their breeding ponds because the water in them will promote capsular swelling.  相似文献   

Between July 1974 and April 1977, appreciable numbers of 0 group twaite shad, Alosa fallax , have been collected from the cooling water intake screens of the Nuclear Power Stations at Oldbury-upon-Severn and Berkeley on the Severn Estuary and at Hinkley Point on the Bristol Channel, England. Young of the year first appeared at Oldbury in July at a size of approximately 32 mm standard length, and grew to approximately 61 mm by October. The downstream migration in the late summer and autumn appeared to be closely correlated with water temperature since movement reached a peak soon after the temperature in the Estuary had declined below 19° C, and ceased altogether below 9° C. Thereafter, there was virtually no movement of shad until temperatures rose sharply above 7° C in the spring. Maturing adult twaite shad were captured in late April and May as they moved into freshwater to spawn, probably in mid-June. Males were recorded slightly earlier during the migration and were generally younger than females. Furthermore, mean lengths and weights for individuals belonging to the different age classes indicated that males were also smaller. Logarithmic relationships between length and weight of young and adult A. fallax and for the variation with size in the number of rakers on the first gill arch are presented.  相似文献   

Regional and interannual variations in spawning activity of Pacific saury Cololabis saira during the northward migration in spring were investigated for 1995–1997 in the north-western Pacific. Only females with a large body size (≥270–290 mm knob length) appeared to spawn. Almost all females in this cohort were actively spawning in a region of sea surface temperature ( T SS) >18° C, the proportion of active spawners appeared positively related to T SS in a region of 13° C < T SS≤ 18° C, and no females were spawning in the region of T SS≤13° C. Although this relationship between spawning activity and T SS was common in all years, the distribution of females in the large-size cohort among the regions varied interannually. Consequently, the proportion of active spawners among adult females showed considerable interannual variations.  相似文献   

Eggs and alevins from 21 families of pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha , from five odd-year broodline stocks spawning in southern British Columbia were incubated under controlled water temperatures of 4° C, 8° C and 12° C. There were significant differences in egg survival among stocks and among families within stocks at all incubation temperatures, but the differences were greatest at 4° C. Alevin survival was at least 97% for each stock at each temperature. The most northern spawning stocks had higher egg survival at 4° C than did the others. Hatching time of the alevins and emergence time of the fry were similar for all five stocks. Alevins hatching at 8° C were longer than those hatching at 4°C or 12°C, but there were no stock differences in alevin length or tissue weight. Stocks with larger eggs produced alevins of greater total weight and more yolk. Emergent fry from Vancouver Island stocks had the greatest tissue weight at 12° C, but Fraser River fry were heaviest at 8° C. There were significant differences among families within stocks for alevin and fry size parameters, suggesting that family variation should be accounted for in studies of salmonid developmental biology.  相似文献   

A distinct annual reproductive cycle with spring spawning was observed in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Müller, Tonicella lineata Wood and Tonicella insignis Reeve. This study gives evidence that the cue for spawning in these species is the spring phytoplankton bloom. In 1973 spawning occurred abruptly in early April at the time of the spring phytoplankton outburst, but in 1974 spawning was less abrupt corresponding to the slow development of the phytoplankton bloom in that year. Animals were collected prior to spawning and maintained in the laboratory under various temperature and light regimes: at 5 ° and 14 °C in darkness, and at 5 ° and 14 °C in light conditions similar to those in the field. These animals did not spawn when spawning occurred in the field, but animals returned to the field from the laboratory did spawn. In the laboratory a large proportion of animals spawned when they were exposed to phytoplankton collected with a 50μm mesh net. The results suggest that some substance bound to or released by phytoplankton stimulates spawning. For species with planktotrophic larvae the synchronization of spawning with the phytoplankton bloom increases the probability of favourable food and temperature conditions for the development of the larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

Synopsis The influence of temperature and the size of reproducing females on the timing of spawning of perch in Lake Geneva has been studied for 10 consecutive years (1984–1993) by means of artificial spawning substrates. The clutch of perch is an egg ribbon with a width proportional to the size of the reproducing female, so that the size structure distribution of the female population can be estimated from measurements of the width of the egg ribbons. The survey of egg-ribbon size revealed a succession of 3 cycles (period of increasing mean size followed by a sharp decrease) lasting 3, 3 and 4 years which were due to the occurrence of 3 strong year classes born in 1982, 1985 and 1988 respectively. This phenomenon can be explained by the effect of intraspecific predation exerted by strong year classes on the offspring of the 2 following years rather than by fluctuations in the success of reproduction in relation to climatic changes. In Lake Geneva, perch spawn in May. The water temperature exerted only a minor influence on the date of the beginning of the spawning period but had a greater effect on its intensity. A rise in temperature in May stimulated spawning while bad weather decreased spawning intensity. The larger perch had a tendency to spawn later than the small ones. The date of the mid-spawning period was well correlated with the yearly mean width of perch egg ribbons but no correlation could be detected between it and the water temperature.  相似文献   

Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard was probably introduced to Britain with exotic plants consigned to botanic gardens. The British populations occur mainly in artificially warmed habitats such as lily ponds in botanic gardens and power station effluents but a few are found at natural temperatures.
Branchiura completed its life cycle in about a year both in the river Avon, Wiltshire, at natural temperatures and in the warm effluent from a power station discharging into the river Thames. In a worm culture maintained at natural temperatures the rate of cocoon production reached a peak in summer and was closely related to temperature.
In the laboratory it was found that the optimum temperature for cocoon laying in mature worms, also growth in sexually immature worms, was near 25°C. The optimum temperature for growth in sexually mature worms, however, was lower (10°C in the Avon population and 15°C in the Thames population). It followed that at 20°–25°C the growth of sexually mature worms was probably depressed by the high rate of cocoon production.  相似文献   

The timing of spawning of perch was examined in four acidified lakes (pH 4.4–4.8) and in one circum-neutral lake (pH 6.3) in southern Finland in spring 1987. In three of the lakes, perch started to spawn soon after the ice melt (4–14 degree days > 5° C) and had spawned by the end of May at about 100 degree days > 5° C. In the two most acidified lakes, fish started to spawn later, at 35 and 60 degree days > 5° C, and had spawned in early June, at about 200 degree days > 5° C. The maturing of gonad products was delayed in both males and females.  相似文献   

The annual migration pattern of round sardinella Sardinella aurita up and down the north-western African coast between 12° N (Senegal) and 22° N (western Sahara) was shown to be associated with spawning activity and a distinct seasonality in fish condition, based on monthly sampling from commercial catches (2000–2003). Some S. aurita were found to spawn throughout the entire year, but a peak in spawning existed during the summer (June to September). The spawning cycle is apparent from seasonality in maturity stages, but is also demonstrated by the increase in gonad mass and fat content of the fish in springtime, the period preceding spawning. During the months after spawning, although feeding is maintained, the physical condition of the fish collapses, and fat content rapidly declines.  相似文献   

From 1989 to 1996, barbel in the River Ourthe started spawning under variable environmental conditions, except for water temperature. Each year, spawning was initiated when water daily minimum temperature reached or exceeded 13·5° C. Any decrease of temperature below this value later in the spawning period caused spawning to be suspended. Analyses of offspring growth provided evidence that 13·5° C was the value below which 0+ barbel stop growing. It was hypothesized that barbel trade off the lower initial probability of survival against a larger size at the onset of winter. To test empirically for this hypothesis, the adequacy of alternative—theoretical—strategies associated with other thermal thresholds (12, 15·0, 17·1 and 20·2° C) was modelled with respect to: (1) the feasibility of spawning (inhibition of sexual maturation by a decreasing photoperiod); (2) the impact of the temperature on embryonic development; (3) the effect of water level variations on the integrity of spawning grounds until the emergence of larvae; (4) the size of the offspring at the onset of winter. On an 8-year (1989–1996) average, the present spawning strategy would have produced a higher recruitment than alternative strategies (relative adequacy of 33·23, 85·64, 93·17 and 17·62%, respectively). However, alternative strategies would have produced better annual scores on five of eight occasions in the River Ourthe environment, and a better overall score in environments 1·5 or 3·5° C warmer than now. The consistency of the thermal threshold over years, despite a low selection pressure by the environment, was interpreted as the expression of a phenotypic mechanism (thermal homing) promoting the selection of the lowest efficient thermal threshold, and enabling breeders to relay to the next generation some form of thermal stability in a variable environment.  相似文献   

Of the non-native fishes introduced to the U.K., the pumpkinseed is one of six species predicted to benefit from the forecasted climate warming conditions. To demonstrate the potential response of adults and their progeny to a water temperature increase, investigations of parental pumpkinseed acclimatization, reproduction and YOY over-wintering were carried out in outdoor experimental ponds under ambient and elevated water temperature regimes. No temperature effects were observed on either adult survivorship and growth, and none of the assessed reproductive activity variables (total spawning time, spawning season length, number of spawning bouts) appeared to be responsible for the large differences observed in progeny number and biomass. However, it was demonstrated in a previous study [Zięba G. et al., 2010] that adults in the heated ponds began spawning earlier than those of the ambient ponds. Ambient ponds produced 2.8× more progeny than the heated ponds, but these progeny were significantly smaller, probably due to their late hatching date, and subsequently suffered very high mortality over the first winter. Pumpkinseed in the U.K. will clearly benefit from climate warming through earlier seasonal reproduction, resulting in larger progeny going into winter, and as a result, higher over-winter survivorship would be expected relative to that which occurs under the present climatic regime.  相似文献   

1. From 1966 to 1995, dates were recorded when adult alder-flies, Sialis lutaria L., were first seen (30-year range: 23 April – 25 May), 50% of the maximum density occurred (4 May – 4 June), and maximum density occurred (11 May – 17 June) along 200 m of Windermere shore. These emergence dates occurred at similar temperatures, estimated by mean values for both the emergence date and the week prior to emergence. The latter was the least variable at 10.1 °C (95% CL ± 0.37) for start of emergence, 11.2 °C (± 0.49) for 50% maximum density, 14.2 °C (± 0.51) for maximum density.
2. Final-instar larvae pupated in damp soil just above the water line. As laboratory temperatures were increased slowly from an initial 5 °C, the cumulative number of larvae leaving the water to pupate increased. A quadratic equation described this relationship from a threshold temperature of 7.2 °C to completion at 14.0 °C (50% point, 9.3 °C). The relationship between successful pupations and constant temperatures in the laboratory was well described by a quadratic equation with an optimum 14.9 °C (over 90% success) and no success outside the range 7–23 °C. A negative power-function described the relationship between days required for pupation and temperature, ranging from c . 28 days at 8.2 °C to c . 4 days at 22.1 °C.
3. Dates for larvae leaving the lake to pupate were back-calculated from dates for adult emergence, using the power-function for pupation time. Mean temperatures for estimated dates on which larvae left the lake to pupate were less variable than those for adult emergence, being 7.5 °C (± 0.20) for the start of pupation, 9.4 °C (± 0.16) for 50% maximum density, 13.7 °C (± 0.16) for maximum density. These values are similar to those obtained in the laboratory and can be used to predict pupation and adult emergence for different temperature regimes.  相似文献   

Synopsis The spatial distribution and parental care of demersal egg masses of buffalo sculpin (Enophrys bison) were studied at 11 areas in Puget Sound, Washington, during 1972–1973. Adult buffalo sculpin inhabited rock and rock-sand habitats at depths from the intertidal to minus 20 m throughout the year, but 84% of all spawn clusters were found at depths between –1 m and +1 m within localized rocky areas. Areas used for spawning were exposed to strong tidal currents and other water movements. A single male fish guarded and fanned spawn, but eggs were temporarily deserted when less than about 1 m of water covered the spawning site. The cyclical nature of male desertion, behavior of spawn predators, and spawn mortality due to physical factors while emergent suggest several possible advantages to low intertidal spawning. These advantages include spatial and temporal escape from marine predators by embryos, time for the tending parent to forage, and optimal physical conditions for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Females of the common frog, Rana temporaria, spawn synchronously at communal breeding sites, forming a communal egg mass of individual spawn clumps. A total of four spawning sites were studied. In the centre of the communal egg mass, daily maximum temperature was higher and minimum temperature lower than further out. Spawn clumps in the centre of the communal egg mass developed faster than single spawn clumps. In the centre of the egg masses, some spawn clumps suffered almost total egg mortality. This was probably the consequence of a cold spell with sub‐zero temperatures in combination with a tendency for low minimum temperatures in the centre. In a laboratory study, worm leeches, Erpobdella spp., fed readily on eggs of common frog, while horse leeches, Haemopis sanguisuga, hardly ate any eggs. At the spawning sites, most worm leeches were found in single spawn clumps, far from the communal egg mass. Females which spawned late, when most of the spawning was over, preferred to spawn in the centre of the communal egg mass. This suggests that there is a net advantage for eggs in spawn clumps laid in the centre.  相似文献   

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