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Human parthenogenetic embryonic stem (pES) cells can be clinically used in the future to avoid immunological rejection. However, the developmental potential of human pES cells remains to be elucidated. In this study, we generated a human pES-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) cell line (chHES-32-EGFP), which shows pluripotency thus far and maintains stable and robust EGFP expression in the undifferentiated and differentiated states in vivo and in vitro. Using this pES-EGFP cell line, we found that when human pES-EGFP cells were injected into mice blastocysts, EGFP-positive cells progressively decreased with the development of blastocysts in vitro. Only 4 out of 23 embryos (17.4%) contained EGFP-positive cells and all of these embryos exhibited abnormal morphology or delayed development when the chimera blastocysts were implanted into the pseudopregnant recipient mouse uterus. These results raise serious questions regarding the feasibility of the generation of interspecific chimeras between mouse blastocysts and human pES cells.  相似文献   

Developmental potential of mouse primordial germ cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
There are distinctive and characteristic genomic modifications in primordial germ cells that distinguish the germ cell lineage from somatic cells. These modifications include, genome-wide demethylation, erasure of allele-specific methylation associated with imprinted genes, and the re-activation of the X chromosome. The allele-specific differential methylation is involved in regulating the monoallelic expression, and thus the gene dosage, of imprinted genes, which underlies functional differences between parental genomes. However, when the imprints are erased in the germ line, the parental genomes acquire an equivalent epigenetic and functional state. Therefore, one of the reasons why primordial germ cells are unique is because this is the only time in mammals when the distinction between parental genomes ceases to exist. To test how the potentially imprint-free primordial germ cell nuclei affect embryonic development, we transplanted them into enucleated oocytes. Here we show that the reconstituted oocyte developed to day 9.5 of gestation, consistently as a small embryo and a characteristic abnormal placenta. The embryo proper also did not progress much further even when the inner cell mass was 'rescued' from the abnormal placenta by transfer into a tetraploid host blastocyst. We found that development of the experimental conceptus was affected, at least in part, by a lack of gametic imprints, as judged by DNA methylation and expression analysis of several imprinted genes. The evidence suggests that gametic imprints are essential for normal development, and that they can neither be initiated nor erased in mature oocytes; these properties are unique to the developing germ line.  相似文献   

Mouse early blastocysts were exposed to temporatures of 39℃ and 41℃ for 2 h,respectively,to determine their developmental competence and uhrastructural changes. The results showed that heat stress at 41 ℃ for 2 h,significantly reduced the percentages of expanded and hatched blastocysts,but not at 39℃ for 2 h. The average cell numbers in expanded blastocysts,which developed from early blastocysts heat-stressed at temperatures of 39℃ and 41 ℃,were significantly reduced. The average cell numbers in hatched blastocysts subjected to heat stress were no different from those in the control group cultured at 37℃ . The mitochondria of the early blastocysts heat-stressed at 39T℃ for 2 h,were slightly swollen,but they had recovered after culturing at 37℃ for 2 h. However,the mitochondria in the blastocysts heat stressed at 41 ℃ for 2 h were severely swollen,and their number increased. The ribosomes shed from the rough endoplasmic reticulum,and the number of secondary lysosomes in the plasma increased. The integrity of desmosomes was disrupted. The space between the nuclear envelope and the perivitelline membrane enlarged. The fibre fraction and the particulate fraction of nucleoli were separated. The heterochromatin in nucleoli was also increased in its quantity. There were some lamellar-shape structures and heterogeneous dense materials exhibiting in the cytoplasm. The ultrastructural changes induced by heat shock at 41 ℃ for 2 h were not reversible. In conclusion,the damage of heat stress to mitochondria,lysosomes,ribosomes and cell nucleus,may be one of the most important factors that inhibit the normal development of mouse early blastocysts.  相似文献   

Mouse early blastocysts were exposed to temperatures of 39℃ and 41℃ for 2 h, respectively, to determine their developmental competence and ultrastructural changes. The results showed that heat stress at 41 ℃ for 2 h, significantly reduced the percentages of expanded and hatched blastocysts, but not at 39℃ for 2 h. The average cell numbers in expanded blastocysts, which developed from early blastoeysts heat-stressed at temperatures of 39℃ and 41 ℃, were significantly reduced. The average cell numbers in hatched blastocysts subjected to heat stress were no different from those in the control group cultured at 37 ℃ . The mitochondria of the early blastocysts heat-stressed at 39℃ for 2 h, were slightly swollen, but they had recovered after culturing at 37 ℃ for 2 h. However, the mitochondria in the blastocysts heat stressed at 41 ℃ for 2 h were severely swollen, and their number increased. The ribosomes shed from the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the number of secondary lysosomes in the plasma increased. The integrity of desmosomes was disrupted. The space between the nuclear envelope and the perivitelline membrane enlarged. The fibre fraction and the particulate fraction of nueleoli were separated. The heterochromatin in nueleoli was also increased in its quantity. There were some lamellar-shape structures and heterogeneous dense materials exhibiting in the cytoplasm. The ultrastructural changes induced by heat shock at 41 ℃ for 2 h were not reversible. In conclusion, the damage of heat stress to mitoehondria, lysosomes, ribosomes and cell nucleus, may be one of the most important factors that inhibit the normal development of mouse early blastoeysts .  相似文献   

Transport of uridine by mouse early blastocysts is a saturable process. Kinetic studies of uptake by the blastocysts reveal an apparent Km of 1.6 μM and Vmax of 0.0063 pmole/min/embryo at 37°C. Uridine uptake is reduced when thymidine, adenosine, deoxyuridine, cytidine, or deoxyadenosine is added to the medium. These findings suggest that transport of these compounds may occur at the same or overlapping sites in the cell membrane. Inhibition of transport by dinitrophenol and KCN suggests a coupling of transport to phosphorylation and energy metabolism, probably through the phosphorylation of uridine to form UTP, the principal intracellular metabolite of uridine. However, since phosphorylation of uridine is not measurable separately from the transport process in the intact embryo, it has not been determined whether uridine uptake by the embryos occurs by facilitated diffusion or by active transport.  相似文献   

The brief exposure of recently ovulated mouse oocytes to M16 embryo culture medium supplemented with strontium chloride (M16 Sr2+) for 2-10 min was observed to induce a high incidence of parthenogenesis. A lower incidence of activation and a significant rate of oocyte degeneration was observed when oocytes were incubated in M16 Sr2+ medium for 20-60 min. The majority of the oocytes exposed to this agent for 2-10 min developed as single-pronuclear haploid parthenogenones. The incidence of this parthenogenetic class was reduced as the duration of exposure to M16 Sr2+ was increased from 2 to 30 min. Under these conditions a greater proportion of the activated oocytes developed as two-pronuclear diploid parthenogenones, due to failure of second polar body extrusion. The activation frequency and the proportionate incidence of the pathways of parthenogenetic development observed following the exposure of ovulated oocytes to calcium-free M16 medium differed significantly from that induced by exposure to M16 Sr2+. Cytogenetic analysis of the single-pronuclear haploid class of Sr(2+)-induced parthenogenones at metaphase of the first-cleavage mitosis has shown that this agent did not induce a significant increase in the incidence of chromosome segregation errors during the completion of the second meiotic division. Analysis of the developmental potential of the two-pronuclear class of diploid Sr(2+)-induced parthenogenones during the preimplantation stages of embryogenesis revealed that their cell number and rate of cell division were less than those of fertilised embryos retained either in vivo or in vitro. The novel methods of activating oocytes indicated in this study present new opportunities to improve the efficiency of embryo cloning techniques with the ruminant species.  相似文献   

Tetraploid (4n) mouse embryos die at variable developmental stages. By examining 4n embryos from F2 hybrid and outbred mice, we show that 4n developmental potential is influenced by genetic background. The imprinted inactivation of an X chromosome-linked eGFP transgene in extraembryonic tissues occurred correctly in 4n embryos. A decrease of the cleavage rate in 4n preimplantation embryos compared to diploid (2n) embryos was revealed by real-time imaging, using a histone H2b:eGFP reporter. It has previously been known that mouse chimeras produced by the combination of diploid (2n) embryos with embryonic stem (ES) cells result in mixtures of the two components in epiblast-derived tissues. In contrast, the use of 4n host embryos with ES cells restricts 4n cells from the embryonic regions of chimeras, resulting in mice that are believed to be completely ES-derived. Using H2b:eGFP transgenic mice and ES cells, the behavior of 4n cells was determined at single cell resolution in 4n:2n injection and aggregation chimeras. We found a significant contribution of 4n cells to the embryonic ectoderm at gastrulation in every chimera analyzed. We show that the transition of the embryonic regions from a chimeric tissue to a predominantly 2n tissue occurs after gastrulation and that tetraploid cells may persist to midgestation. These findings suggest that the results of previously published tetraploid complementation assays may be influenced by the presence of tetraploid cells in the otherwise diploid embryonic regions.  相似文献   

Mouse embryos homozygous for a null allele of Gpi1 fail to complete gastrulation and die around E7.5. We produced E12.5 chimeric mouse conceptuses, composed of wild-type and homozygous Gpi1m/m null mutant cells to test whether the presence of wild-type cells allowed mutant cells to survive and, if so, whether they survived better in some tissue locations than others. Fourteen homozygous Gpi1m/m<-->Gpi1c/c chimeras were identified and these contained low levels of homozygous mutant cells in most tissues tested. Homozygous Gpi1m/m cells contributed better to the yolk sac endoderm and placenta than to the epiblast derivatives tested (retinal pigment epithelium, brain, tail, amnion, and yolk sac mesoderm). The depletion of mutant cells confirms that the gene acts cell autonomously, but the GPI deficiency is not always cell-lethal. When mixed with wild-type cells in chimeras, homozygous mutant cells can differentiate into many different cell types and survive until at least E12.5.  相似文献   

Selective enucleation (SE) was applied to germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes by removing the chromatin attached to nuclear envelope, and leaving the liquid contents of GV in the cytoplast. However, after reconstruction with 1/8 blastomeres or fetal fibroblasts (FFs) neither the maturation efficiency nor the frequency of normal (asymmetric) division was improved as compared with completely enucleated (CE) oocytes. Chromosomal aberrations introduced with somatic nuclei were not rescued in SE oocytes either. On the other hand, timing of maturation division in SE GV oocytes, but not in CE GV oocytes, reconstructed with GV-karyoplasts was like in the control. After maturation and fertilization in vitro, SE oocytes reconstructed with 1/8 blastomeres developed nucleolated donor pronuclei, contrary to CE oocytes. The latter could be rescued with nucleoli-containing nucleus, but not anucleolate nucleus, from a 1/2 blastomere. SE oocytes reconstructed with FFs contained nucleolated pronuclei upon activation, unlike CE GV oocytes. These experiments show that the ooplast nucleolar material and/or embryonic nucleolus are indispensable for pronuclei formation. SE oocytes reconstructed with 1/8 blastomeres or FFs failed to cleave after activation or in vitro fertilization. Control GV oocytes enucleolated before fertilization seized cleavage at the 6-cell stage, as oppose to intact GV oocytes, which in 50.9% yielded morulae/blastocysts. These results suggest that ooplast nucleolar material is essential for the cleavage divisions. Activation of cumulus-enclosed SE GV oocytes matured in hormone-supplemented medium and fused to 1/2 blastomere-karyoplasts, yielded morulae, and blastocysts in 45.5% and 23.4% of reconstructed oocytes, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of mouse blastocysts with nascent and expanded blastocoele is described. In the early blastocyst cells adhere tightly and the blastocoele is often limited at its apex by cells containing a midbody. The expanding blastocyst exhibits a loose cell arrangement due to the presence of intercellular spaces and a cortical layer of filaments develops in cells enclosing the expanded blastocoele. When the blastocoele exceeds 1/2 the embryo diameter desmosomes appear between trophectoderm cells. Possible factors essential for blastocoele formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Postimplantation development of mitomycin C-treated mouse blastocysts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P P Tam 《Teratology》1988,37(3):205-212
Treatment of morula-stage mouse embryos with mitomycin C (0.004-0.5 microgram/ml) in vitro resulted in a decrease in the number of inner cell mass (ICM) cells at the blastocyst stage. The trophectoderm population was reduced only at the highest dosage (0.5 microgram/ml) tested. Postblastocyst development in vitro was retarded: Fewer embryos formed trophoblastic outgrowth, and the ICM was poorly developed. The embryo transfer experiments demonstrated that a reduction in ICM cell numbers diminished the potential of embryogenesis. The presence of a sufficient number of trophoblasts and ICM cells in the blastocyst is therefore a prerequisite for successful implantation and embryogenesis. The mitomycin-treated blastocysts with only 70% of normal ICM cells developed to egg cylinders that were about half normal size, but by days 12-14 the body size of the surviving embryo was similar to that of the control embryo. Morphogenesis was retarded during the early organogenesis stages, but only a slight delay was seen in the treated embryo on day 12. Such observation strongly suggests that a restorative phase of growth and morphogenesis has occurred during the immediate postimplantation period.  相似文献   

Survival of rapidly frozen hatched mouse blastocysts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the present study was to examine the effect of rapid freezing on the in vitro and in vivo survival of zona-pellucida-free hatched mouse blastocysts. Hatched blastocysts were rapidly frozen in a freezing medium containing either ethylene glycol (EG) or glycerol (G) in 1.5 M or 3 M concentration. Prior to freezing, embryos were equilibrated in the freezing medium for 2 min, 10 min, 20 min or 30 min at room temperature. To freeze them, embryos were held in liquid nitrogen vapour [approximately 1 cm above the surface of the liquid nitrogen (LN2)] for 2 minutes and then immersed into LN2. After thawing, embryos were transferred either to rehydration medium (DPBS + 10% foetal calf serum +0.5 M sucrose) for 10 minutes or rehydrated directly in DPBS supplemented with foetal calf serum. In vitro survival of embryos frozen with EG was higher than those frozen with G. The highest survival was obtained with 3 M EG and 2 min or 10 min equilibration prior to freezing, combined with direct rehydration after thawing. Frozen blastocysts developed into normal foetuses as well as unfrozen control ones did, with averages of 30% (control), 26% (EG) and 15% (G). The results show that hatching and hatched mouse blastocysts can be cryopreserved by a simple rapid freezing protocol in EG without significant loss of viability. Our data indicate that the mechanical protection of the zona pellucida is not needed during freezing in these stages.  相似文献   

An improved culture medium for mouse blastocysts   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Summary Eagle's basal medium, modified to contain essential amino acids at the concentrations optimal for mouse blastocyst hatching, attachment, and outgrowth, supported in vitro development of the mouse blastocyst better than other tissue culture media tested. This medium was improved for growth and differentiation of the inner cell mass by doubling the concentration of amino acids and glucose and by adding uridine (10−5 M) and β-mercaptoethanol (10−5 M). In this improved medium nearly all blastocysts grown from the two-cell stage hatched and formed trophoblast outgrowths, and 62% developed into two-layer egg cylinders. This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

The long-term stationary culture of postimplanatation embryos without extraembryonic membranes is a method to assess their developmental potential in vitro. The method was almost exclusively used on rat embryos, while mouse embryos were considered unsuitable due to their poor differentiation. In present study the postimplantation mouse embryos were used to verify potential of this method in mice. In addition, the course of in vitro differentiation was compared to embryo development in situ. Embryos were cultivated for maximum of 14 days and morphology and differentiation was analysed on serial semithin sections. Although anatomical relationships were lost from the beginning of the cultivation, the differentiation was only delayed, and the developmental potential after long-term culture was comparable to those observed in rats. Therefore the advantages of long-term cultivation could be utilized to analyse the differentiation of numerous lines of genetically modified mice with impaired postimplantation development.  相似文献   

The developmental potential of a uniform population of neural progenitors was tested by implanting them into chick embryos. These cells were generated from retinoic acid-treated mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, and were used to replace a segment of the neural tube. At the time of implantation, the progenitors expressed markers defining them as Pax6-positive radial glial (RG) cells, which have recently been shown to generate most pyramidal neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. Six days after implantation, the progenitors generated large numbers of neurons in the spinal cord, and differentiated into interneurons and motoneurons at appropriate locations. They also colonized the host dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and differentiated into neurons, but, unlike stem cell-derived motoneurons, they failed to elongate axons out of the DRG. In addition, they neither expressed the DRG marker Brn3a nor the Trk neurotrophin receptors. Control experiments with untreated ES cells indicated that when colonizing the DRG, these cells did elongate axons and expressed Brn3a, as well as Trk receptors. Our results thus indicate that ES cell-derived progenitors with RG characteristics generate neurons in the spinal cord and the DRG. They are able to respond appropriately to local cues in the spinal cord, but not in the DRG, indicating that they are restricted in their developmental potential.  相似文献   

Mice have recently been successfully cloned from embryonic stem (ES) cells. However, these fast dividing cells provide a heterogeneous population of donor nuclei, in terms of cell cycle stage. Here we used metaphases as a source of donor nuclei because they offer the advantage of being both unambiguously recognizable and synchronous with the recipient metaphase II oocyte. We showed that metaphases from ES cells can provide a significantly higher development rate to the morula or blastocyst stage (56--70%) than interphasic nuclei (up to 28%) following injection into a recipient oocyte. Selective detachment of mitotic cells after a demecolcin treatment greatly facilitates and accelerates the reconstruction of embryos by providing a nearly pure population of cells in metaphase and did not markedly affect the developmental rate. Most of the blastocysts obtained by this procedure were normal in terms of both morphology and ratio of inner cell mass and total cell number. After transfer into pseudopregnant recipients at the one- or two-cell stage, the ability of metaphase to be fully reprogrammed was demonstrated by the birth of two pups (1.5% of activated oocytes). Although the implantation rate was quite high (up to 32.9% of activated oocytes), the postimplantation development was characterized by a high and rapid mortality. Our data provide a clear situation to explore the long-lasting effects that can be induced by early reprogramming events.  相似文献   

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