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A new model of Z-line structure in skeletal muscle is proposed. Unlike previous models it is capable of explaining the two apparently inconsistent lattice arrangements seen in thin sections, i.e., the "basket weave" lattice and the smaller lattice recently reported in the literature. The model is based on four looping helical strands derived from the I filaments within the Z line. Each of these four strands form hairpin-shaped loops within the Z line and then join with an adjacent I filament in the same sarcomere. The two apparently different lattices represent a common structure viewed at slightly different levels of section.  相似文献   

This electron microscopic study deals with the structure of the Z disc of frog's skeletal muscle, with special regard to the I filaments—whether they pass through the Z disc or terminate at it. In most longitudinal sections the I filaments terminate as rod-like projections on either side of the Z disc, one I filament on one side lying between two I filaments on the opposite side. This indicates that the I filaments are not continuous through the Z disc. The rod-like projections are often seen to consist of filaments (denoted as Z filaments) which meet at an angle. In cross-sections through the Z region the I filaments and Z filaments form tetragonal patterns. The I filaments are situated in the corners of the squares; the oblique Z filaments form the sides of squares. The tetragonal pattern formed by the Z filaments is rotated 45 degrees with respect to the tetragons formed by the I filaments on both sides of Z. This structural arrangement is interpreted to indicate that each I filament on one side of the Z disc faces the center of the space between four I filaments on the opposite side of Z and that the interconnection is formed by four Z filaments.  相似文献   

Distinct ultrastructural differences exist at the neuromuscular junctions of red, white, and intermediate fibers of a mammalian twitch skeletal muscle (albino rat diaphragm). The primary criteria for recognizing the three fiber types are differences in fiber diameter, mitochondrial content, and width of the Z line. In the red fiber the neuromuscular relationship presents the least sarcoplasmic and axoplasmic surface at each contact. Points of contact are relatively discrete and separate, and axonal terminals are small and elliptical. The junctional folds are relatively shallow, sparse, and irregular in arrangement. Axoplasmic vesicles are moderate in number, and sarcoplasmic vesicles are sparse. In the white fiber long, flat axonal terminals present considerable axoplasmic surface. Vast sarcoplasmic surface area is created by long, branching, closely spaced junctional folds that may merge with folds at adjacent contacts to occupy a more continuous and widespread area. Axoplasmic and sarcoplasmic vesicles are numerous. Both axoplasmic and sarcoplasmic mitochondria of the white fiber usually contain intramitochondrial granules. The intermediate fiber has large axonal terminals that are associated with the most widely spaced and deepest junctional folds. In all three fiber types, the junctional sarcoplasm is rich in free ribosomes, cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum, and randomly distributed microtubules.  相似文献   

Papillary muscles of rat and dog hearts were fixed in such a way as to prevent excessive shortening during the procedure. The material was embedded in either araldite or methacrylate and was stained in various ways. The filamentous fine structure of mammalian cardiac muscle is similar to that previously described for striated skeletal muscle. The sarcomeres are composed of a set of thick and thin filaments which interdigitate in the A band proper. The filament ratios and the filamentous array are in accord with those found in skeletal muscle. The functional significance of this twofold array of filaments is not entirely clear. Various other structural aspects of cardiac cells such as surface membranes, mitochondria, nuclei, and cytoplasmic granules are described. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is discussed in detail as are the various structural components forming the intercalated discs. Fairly frequent deep invaginations of the sarcolemma with basement membrane are observed in addition to the intercalated discs. These surface membrane invaginations probably explain the branching appearance of cardiac fibers as seen under the light microscope.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC activity of rat gastrocnemius muscle homogenized in 1 M-NaCl and 0.5% Triton X-100 was separated by velocity sedimentation in sucrose gradients into three molecular forms with sedimentation coefficients of about 4S, 10S and 16S. The distribution of homogenate AChE activity among the three peaks was 53, 34 and 13% respectively. The different molecular forms were found to be heterogeneously distributed in subcellular fractions prepared from sucrose homogenates of muscle, as follows: Subfractions of the crude sarcolemmal fraction were prepared by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. AChE was recovered in the greatest yield and with the highest specific activity in a light density subfraction (0.6/0.8 M-sucrose interface). The AChE activity in this light density subfraction was mainly (81-88%) the 10S form of the enzyme. The velocity sedimentation profiles of the AChE activity in the more dense subfractions were markedly different in that 16S AChE was a major component.  相似文献   

睫状神经营养因子对体外培养骨骼肌细胞的促增殖效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :探讨睫状神经营养因子 (CNTF)对骨骼肌细胞的直接营养作用 ,从而为神经肌肉系统损伤和退行性病变的治疗提供新的思路。结果 :CNTF可以促进体外培养的L6 TG肌母细胞和新生SD大鼠原代骨骼肌细胞增殖。结论 :CNTF对体外骨骼肌细胞具有营养作用。CNTF的神经和肌肉双重营养性能使其可能在神经肌肉损伤和退行性病变的治疗上发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The walls of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary bladder of rats were fixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in methacrylate, and sectioned for electron microscopy. The examination of sections of smooth muscle tissue with the electron microscope reveals the presence of bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers within the intercellular spaces. In addition, vesiculated nerve processes, bounded on their outer surfaces by delicate plasma membranes and typically containing varying quantities of synaptic vesicles and mitochondria, make intimate contact with the surface of smooth muscle cells. These nerve processes are similar in structure and disposition to nerve endings previously described in skeletal muscle, in the central nervous system, in peripheral ganglia, in receptors, and in glands. It is concluded that the relationships existing between vesiculated nerve processes and the surface of smooth muscle cells constitute neuromuscular junctions. Profiles of protrusions of smooth muscle cells are often seen protruding into the intercellular spaces. Here they occur singly or in groups, originating from one or more cells. Because of the plane of section the protrusions may sometimes appear as individual entities between the muscle cells. In such cases care must be exercised in their identification because they have characteristics similar to sectioned nerve processes which also occur in the intercellular spaces.  相似文献   

Dissociated myoblasts from 12-day chick embryos were cultured in monolayer, and the differentiation of skeletal muscle cells was studied by electron microscopy. The results have revealed a striking ultrastructural similarity between the in vivo and the in vitro developing muscle, particularly with respect to the myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum. This study demonstrates that all the characteristic organelles of mature skeletal muscle can develop in vitro in the absence of nerves.  相似文献   

成纤维细胞对体外培养的骨胳肌细胞早期发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周振华 《生理学报》1987,39(2):190-196
用无血清、无胚胎提取液的培养液培养由鸡胚腿肌制成的细胞悬液,在排除神经因素的条件下,研究成纤维细胞对体外培养的骨胳肌细胞早期发育的影响。实验组的培养液由2份培养过成纤维细胞的 Eagle's(MEM)液(条件培养液)和1份 Eagle's 液组成。对照组的培养液为 Eagle's 液。细胞悬液被稀释成7种密度(1×10~6—1×10~4细胞/ml)。所得结果如下;(1)成纤维细胞作为支架,肌母细胞在其上面分裂和融合。成纤维细胞的条件培养液维持肌细胞的存活,并促进其发育;(2)肌母细胞的融合与细胞密度有关。实验组肌母细胞融合所需的最低细胞密度是3×10~4细胞/ml,即30个细胞/mm~2,而对照组为3×10~5细胞/ml,即300个细胞/mm~2。实验结果提示,肌细胞早期发育可不依赖于神经因素,它能被胚眙肌肉中的成纤维细胞所促进。  相似文献   

目的 :以3H testosterone(T)为配基 ,测定大鼠骨骼肌胞浆中的雄激素受体结合容量。方法 :测定温度为 4℃ ,同位素配基的饱和浓度为 5 0 pmol/ml;肌组织以 4倍 (重量 /体积 )缓冲液稀释 ,0~ 4℃温度下 10 80 0 0×g离心 1h ;孵育 18~ 2 4h。结果 :骨骼肌中雄激素受体的Kd =2 ,8× 10 9mol/ml。单点法与多点法之间无显著区别。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial ATPase and myosin ATPase have been localized in the muscle fibers of the rat diaphragm. The principal fiber type possesses a structure favorable for making this cytochemical separation with the light microscope. This small red fiber has numerous large, nearly spherical, mitochondria (ca. 1.5 µ) which are aggregated beneath the sarcolemma. In the interior of the fiber, smaller paired filamentous mitochondria (ca. 0.2 µ diameter) are aligned with the I band. Distribution of mitochondria was determined by sudanophilia, succinic dehydrogenase activity, and by direct examination with the electron microscope. ATPase activity at pH 7.2 is located in the large peripheral mitochondria and in the smaller mitochondria associated with the I band. The alignment of the small mitochondria results in a discrete cross-striated appearance in fibers stained for this enzymic activity. This mitochondrial ATPase does not cleave adenosine diphosphate or adenosine monophosphate; it is not sulfhydryl dependent and, in fact, is enhanced by the mercurial, p-hydroxymercuribenzoate. It requires magnesium ion and is stimulated by dinitrophenol. It is inhibited after formol-calcium fixation, but the residual activity is demonstrable by lengthening the incubation time. At pH 9.4 the ATPase is myofibrillar in origin and is located in the A bands. This myosin ATPase activity is sulfhydryl-dependent. Mercurial at this high pH has an interesting dual effect: it suppresses myosin ATPase but evokes mitochondrial ATPase activity. A third type of ATPase activity can be demonstrated, especially in the large white fibers. This activity occurs at pH 7.2 in the presence of cysteine. Its position is manifested cytochemically as a fine reticular pattern which surrounds individual myofibrils. The distribution suggests that it may originate in the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

去神经后小鼠骨胳肌胞纳的增加和卫星细胞增殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田文皓  顾锦法 《生理学报》1993,45(6):587-591
用生物化学和体外培养法研究了小鼠骨胳肌的胞纳增加和卫星细胞增殖的关系。结果表明:(1)去神经4d或6d的肌肉可引起胞纳的增和卫星细胞的增殖;(2)放线菌素D抑制正常肌肉的卫星细胞激活和胞纳作用;(3)在去神经的肌肉中,放线菌素D抑制了卫星细胞增殖的同时还抑制了胞纳的增加,但不能去神经肌肉的萎缩。上述结果:肌肉的卫星细胞增殖和胞纳增加可能发生于去神经后某些因素的出现,或者胞纳的增加即是卫星细胞增殖的  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of rabbit skeletal muscle was studied after isolation of a vesicle fraction and of vesicular subfractions by means of differential and density gradient centrifugations. The different fractions were examined electron microscopically by negative and positive staining; their content in protein and phospholipid and their ability to bind Ca++ were determined. After homogenization, differential centrifugation yielded a "sarcovesicular fraction" (SVF) which was mainly composed of numerous vesicles of different types mixed with fibrous proteins and mitochondrial fragments. This SVF contained 2% of the protein and 25% of the phospholipid of the initial tissue extract. It had a high Ca++ binding activity that was preserved for several days by storage in the presence of oxalate. After centrifugations of the SVF on sucrose density gradients, two vesicular subfractions were obtained which were characterized by different sedimentation rates, isopycnic banding, morphology, and composition in protein and phospholipid. (a) The low-density subfraction (ρ 1.10–1.12) contained a heterogeneous population of membranous structures: thick- and thin-walled vesicles, tubular formations, triads, and plasma membranes. Its content in protein and phospholipid was very low. (b) The high-density subfraction (ρ 1.13–1.17) was a very pure subfraction composed only of thin-walled vesicles. Its content in phospholipid was high and the ratio of phospholipid-phosphorus to protein was about 20. The calcium-binding activity found in the total SVF was recovered only in this latter homogeneous subfraction. The origin of these two subfractions from the SR is discussed.  相似文献   

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