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It is established, that infestation with Gurleya sp. (Microsporidia, Gurleyidae) changes the behaviour of its host Moina macrocopa (Straus, 1820), a crustacean inhabiting pools. Heavily infested host individuals attach to surface film of water before their death by senescence. As a consequence, their dead bodies filled with spores of the parasite adhere to objects dipped in water that probably facilitates the transfer of spores by birds and cattle to other pools. Weakly infested or uninfested individuals drown after the end of their ontogenesis. Distribution of the microsporidian spores by two different ways (with attached dead bodies of the hosts or with bottom sediments) makes invasion of a new host more probable.  相似文献   

Kudoa leptacanthae n. sp. was identified within the pericardial cavities of two apogonid species, Zoramia leptacantha and Zoramia viridiventer, from waters off Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The species shows a close taxonomic affinity, both morphologically and genetically, to Kudoa shiomitsui Egusa & Shiomitsu 1983 reported from a tetraodontid and scombrid, both from Japan. The infection was at high prevalences (average=75.8%±0.63, n=343) within schools of the two host species. Different sporogonic stages ('developing' and 'fully-developed') were observed in pseudocysts within the pericardium of the hosts. Kudoa leptacanthae n. sp. appears to be a persistent infection within the Zoramia species hosts. No seasonal variation was detected for this host/parasite system and the parasite did not affect host condition, when assessed using host length/weight ratio as a coarse indicator. We hypothesise that a source of infection in close proximity to the home patch reef of apogonid schools may lead to the high prevalence and intensity of infection reported in this study.  相似文献   

The epizootiology, transmission dynamics and survival strategies employed by the microsporidium Hyalinocysta chapmani were examined in field populations of its primary mosquito host, Culiseta melanura and its intermediate copepod host, Orthocyclops modestus over a three-year period in an aquatic subterranean habitat. H. chapmani was enzootic and was maintained in a continuous cycle of horizontal transmission between each host. There were three distinct periods during the summer and fall when developing mosquito larvae acquired infections; each was preceded by or coincident with the detection of infected copepods. Results were corroborated in laboratory bioassays, wherein transmission was achieved in mosquito larvae that were reared in water and sediment samples taken from the site during the same time periods. The highest infection rates, ranging from 60% to 48%, were repeatedly observed during the first six weeks of larval development. These were coincident with the most sustained collections of infected copepods obtained during the year and highest levels of infection achieved in the laboratory transmission studies. The high prevalence rates of lethal infection observed in larval populations of C. melanura at this site are among the highest recorded for any mosquito-parasitic microsporidium and clearly suggest that H. chapmani is an important natural enemy of C. melanura. H. chapmani appears to overwinter in diapausing mosquito larvae but may also persist in copepods. The absence of vertical transmission in the life cycle of H. chapmani and the sole reliance on horizontal transmission via an intermediate host are unique survival strategies not seen among other mosquito-parasitic microsporidia. The epizootiological data suggest that this transmission strategy is a function of the biological attributes of the hosts and the comparatively stable environment in which they inhabit. The subterranean habitat is inundated with water throughout the year; copepods are omnipresent and C. melanura has overlapping broods. The spatial and temporal overlap of both hosts affords abundant opportunity for continuous horizontal transmission and increases the likelihood that H. chapmani will find a target host. It is hypothesized that natural selection has favored the production of meiospores in female host mosquitoes rather than congenital transfer of infection to progeny via ovarian infection as a strategy for achieving greater transmission success.  相似文献   

In Lake Mascardi (Patagonia), 2 acanthocephalan species, Acanthocephalus tumescens and Pseudocorynosoma sp., share an amphipod intermediate host but have different definitive hosts. Because both acanthocephalan species are potentially capable of manipulating amphipod behavior, one of the parasites may, therefore, have no opportunity to complete its life cycle; accordingly, negative interactions between them can be expected. The purpose of the present work was to examine the possibility of competition in the intermediate host through a comparison of A. tumescens and Pseudocorynosoma sp. cystacanth volume. Specimens of the amphipod Hyalella patagonica were collected monthly over almost 2 yr. Amphipods were measured (total length), necropsied, and cystacanths collected. Cystacanths were also measured, and their volume was calculated. Size of both acanthocepalan species was positively associated with amphipod total length. Competition, during 3 different infection periods, was assessed: high level of Pseudocorynosoma sp. infection (HP), high level of A. tumescens infection (HA), and high level of mixed infection (HM). In Pseudocorynosoma sp., intra-specific competition in HM was the only interaction found. In contrast, in A. tumescens, inter-specific competition in HP, intra-specific competion in HA, and intra- and inter-specific competition in HM were found. We suggest that Pseudocorynosoma sp. is a non-plastic species mostly found in single infections, while A. tumescens is a more variable species occurring more frequently in co-infections.  相似文献   

Necropsy of 96 specimens of the San Diego alligator lizard (Gerrhonotus multicarinatus webbi) from Los Angeles County, California (USA) revealed the presence of two nematodes (Physaloptera sp. and Oswaldocruzia pipiens) and a cestode (Oochoristica sp.). Both O. pipiens and Oochoristica sp. represent new host records. Prevalence of helminth infection (all species) was only 4/96 (4%) indicating the lack of a helminth community and a depauperate helminth fauna in this host.  相似文献   

The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae), a serious defoliator of deciduous trees, is an economically important pest when population densities are high. Outbreaking populations are, however, subject to some moderating influences in the form of entomopathogens, including several species of microsporidia. In this study, we conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the transmission of an unusual Nosema sp. isolated from L. dispar in Schweinfurt, Germany; this isolate infects only the silk glands and, to a lesser extent, Malpighian tubules of the larval host. The latent period ended between 8 and 15 days after oral inoculation and spores were continuously released in the feces of infected larvae until pupation. Exclusion of feces from the rearing cages resulted in a 58% decrease in horizontal transmission. The silk of only 2 of 25 infected larvae contained microsporidian spores. When larvae were exposed to silk that was artificially contaminated with Nosema sp., 5% became infected. No evidence was found for venereal or transovum (including transovarial) transmission of this parasite.  相似文献   

Parasite infections in wildlife are influenced by many factors including host demography, behavior and physiology, climate, habitat characteristics, and parasite biology and ecology. White-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus) host a suite of gastrointestinal and pulmonary parasites, yet the mechanisms affecting host susceptibility and parasite transmissibility have not been examined in this host species. We used the information-theoretic approach (Akaike’s information criterion) and traditional null-hypothesis testing to determine which host characteristics, behaviors, or environmental factors affected the presence of two prevalent capuchin parasites (Filariopsis barretoi and Strongyloides sp.) as well as parasite species richness in four groups of wild capuchins from September 2007 to January 2008 and January to August 2009. Older capuchins were more likely to be infected with Filariopsis barretoi and had higher parasite species richness. Age-biased nematode infections may stem from age differences in capuchin behavior and physiology while high species richness likely results from long- term exposure to numerous parasite species. Infections with Strongyloides sp. were more likely to occur in the dry season when capuchins often descend to the forest floor to drink from terrestrial water sources, potentially increasing their risk of infection from soil-borne larvae. Capuchin behaviors were poor predictors of parasitism, as were female rank, host sex, home range size, and habitat quality. Many of our results were atypical for primate parasitology, suggesting that host–parasite interactions, and subsequently infection risk, may differ in highly seasonal habitats such as tropical dry forests where these monkeys occur.  相似文献   

In Aedes cantator, Amblyospora sp. is transovarially transmitted and has two developmental sequences. The life cycle is initiated in the adult female with the release of sporoplasms from binucleated spores not bounded by membranes, lying free within host oenocytes. Sporoplasms infect the developing oocytes and are transmitted to the filial generation when the eggs are laid. In some of the female progeny that hatch from infected eggs, diplokaryotic cells infect host oenocytes and divide by binary fission during merogony. Sporulation and spore formation do not occur until a blood meal is taken by the host and they coincide with the development and maturation of the oocytes to complete the cycle. In other female and all male progeny, pathogen development occurs within fat body tissue of the host where diplokaryotic cells divide by multiple fission during merogony to spread the infection. Sporulation in this developmental sequence is characterized by the secretion of an accessory membrane and the meiotic division of diplokaryotic sporonts, which result in the formation of octonucleated plasmodia that undergo cytokinesis to form eight haploid spores which are not perorally infectious to other mosquito larvae. There is no increase in the prevalence of either type of infection in field populations during juvenile development, indicating that there is no direct horizontal transmission of the pathogen within any one generation. Data obtained from laboratory rearings of infected progeny, however, show that infections cannot persist relying solely upon maternal-mediated transmission and that some other mode of transmission must be operative for continued maintenance of this microsporidium in A. cantator.  相似文献   

Parasites have been implicated in mass mortality events and population declines of amphibians around the world. One pathogen associated with mortality events in North America is an Ichthyophonus sp.-like organism that affects red-spotted newts (Notophthalmus viridescens) and several frog species, yet little is known about the distribution of this pathogen in wild populations or the mechanism of transmission. In an effort to identify factors influencing the distribution and abundance of this pathogen, we measured Ichthyophonus sp. prevalence and a series of factors that could contribute to transmission in 16 newt populations during spring 2004. In contrast to our initial hypotheses of trophic transmission, several lines of evidence suggested a role for the amphibian leech (Placobdella picta) in Ichthyophonus sp. transmission. We propose the mechanistic hypothesis that a leech acquires Ichthyophonus sp. infection when inserting its proboscis into the muscles beneath the skin of infected newts and transmits the infection to other newts in subsequent feeding bouts. We also found effects of host sex, body mass, and breeding condition on Ichthyophonus sp. prevalence and the number of attached leeches. The number of leeches attached to newts was strongly related to the proportion of newt habitat containing emergent vegetation, suggesting that anthropogenic eutrophication might lead to more frequent or severe outbreaks of Ichthyophonus sp. infection in amphibians.  相似文献   

Amblyospora sp. in Culex salinarius (Coquillett) is transovarially transmitted and has 2 developmental sequences, one in each host sex. In females, the entire life cycle is restricted to oenocytes which become greatly hypertrophied due to the multiplication of diplokaryotic cells during merogony and come to lie next to ovaries. Sporulation occurs only after a blood meal is taken and is shortly followed by infection of the oocytes and subsequent transmission to the next host generation. In the male host, infections spread from oenocytes to adipose tissue where diplokaryotic cells undergo a 2nd merogony. During this merogonic cycle, the number of diplokaryotic cells greatly increases and the infection is spread throughout the body of the larval host. Sporulation is initiated with the physical separation of the 2 members of the diplokaryon and the simultaneous secretion of a pansporoblastic membrane. Subsequent meiotic division and morphogenesis result in the formation of 8 haploid spores enclosed with a pansporoblastic membrane. Buildup of spores and subsequent destruction of host adipose tissue prove fatal to the male host during the 4th larval stage.  相似文献   

The parakeet (or budgerigar) has been transported to many regions of the world. Two species of feather mites, Protolichus lunula (Robin) (Pterolichoidea: Pterolichidae) and Dubininia melopsittaci n. sp. (Analgoidea: Xolalgidae), are specific to this host; from distribution records, these ectoparasites probably have been distributed worldwide with their hosts.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of the microsporidian parasite Steinhausia sp. in the oocytes of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule in a natural population in France, where high mortalities occurred. Steinhausia sp. appeared primarily as sporocysts containing many small spores, and putative earlier developmental stages were also observed. Both its prevalence and infection intensity were low, and no host defence reaction was recognized, suggesting that Steinhausia sp. had no detrimental effect on C. edule. Its prevalence was higher in cockles lying on the sediment surface, but the significance of this observation could not be explained given the poor knowledge of the Steinhausia life cycle. The present data did not allow specific identification of the parasite, and further studies are required to determine whether Steinhausia sp. in the cockle is a new species, or a microsporidian infecting multiple host species.  相似文献   

Rabbits have been increasingly linked to the persistence of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) in domestic ruminants in the United Kingdom. The aims of this study were to determine the routes of intraspecies transmission of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) in rabbits and to estimate the probability of transmission via each route, in order to gain understanding of the dynamics of MAP in this host. Rabbits were sampled from two sites where MAP had previously been isolated from the livestock and rabbit populations. No pathology was noted in any animals, but the overall prevalence of MAP in rabbits was high at both sites studied, 39.7% and 23.0%, respectively. MAP was isolated from the testes, uterus, placenta, fetuses, and milk. This is the first time that the bacterium has been isolated from any of these tissues in a nonruminant wildlife species. These results suggest that transmission may occur vertically, pseudovertically, and horizontally. Vertical, i.e., transplacental, and/or pseudo-vertical, i.e., through the ingestion of contaminated milk and/or feces, transmission occurred in 14% of offspring entering the population at 1 month of age. As infection via these routes is only possible from infected adult females, this equates to a probability of infection via this route of 0.326. Probability of infection via horizontal transmission (including interspecies transmission) occurred at up to 0.037 per month. The presence of these routes of transmission within natural rabbit populations will contribute to the maintenance of MAP infections within such populations and, therefore, the environment.  相似文献   

Factors that influence proximity and the number and duration of contacts among individuals can influence parasite transmission among hosts, and thus parasite prevalence and species richness are expected to increase with increasing host density. To examine this prediction we took advantage of a unique situation. Following the clearing of a forest fragment that supported red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza), the animals moved into a neighboring fragment that we had been monitoring for a number of years and for which we had described the primate parasite community. After the animals immigrated into the fragment, the colobus populations more than doubled and colobus density became almost twice that found in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Despite this increase in host density, the richness of the parasite community did not increase. However, in both colobus species the prevalence of Trichuris sp., the only commonly occurring gastrointestinal parasite, increased. Over the next 5 years the prevalence and intensity of infection of Trichuris sp. in red colobus declined and their population numbers slowly increased. In contrast, the prevalence and intensity of infection of Trichuris sp. increased in black-and-white colobus and remained high following the immigration, and their population size declined. While Trichuris sp. infections are typically asymptomatic, we consider it a possibility that they contributed to the decline of the black-and-white colobus, and that the red colobus may be serving as a reservoir for Trichuris, thereby increasing the infection risk for black-and-white colobus.  相似文献   

Amblyospora species and other aquatic Microsporidia were isolated from mosquitoes, black flies, and copepods and the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene was sequenced. Comparative phylogenetic analysis showed a correspondence between the mosquito host genera and their Amblyspora parasite species. There is a clade of Amblyospora species that infect the Culex host group and a clade of Amblyospora that infect the Aedes/Ochlerotatus group of mosquitoes. Parathelohania species, which infect Anopheles mosquitoes, may be the sister group to the Amblyospora in the same way that the Anopheles mosquitoes are thought to be the sister group to the Culex and Aedes mosquitoes. In addition, by sequence analysis of small subunit rDNA from spores, we identified the alternate copepod host for four species of Amblyospora. Amblyospora species are specific for their primary (mosquito) host and each of these mosquito species serves as host for only one Amblyospora species. On the other hand, a single species of copepod can serve as an intermediate host to several Amblyospora species and some Amblyospora species may be found in more than one copepod host. Intrapredatorus barri, a species within a monotypic genus with Amblyospora-like characteristics, falls well within the Amblyospora clade. The genera Edhazardia and Culicospora, which do not have functional meiospores and do not require an intermediate host, but which do have a lanceolate spore type which is ultrastructurally very similar to the Amblyospora spore type found in the copepod, cluster among the Amblyospora species. In the future, the genus Amblyospora may be redefined to include species without obligate intermediate hosts. Hazardia, Berwaldia, Larssonia, Trichotuzetia, and Gurleya are members of a sister group to the Amblyospora clades infecting mosquitoes, and may be representatives of a large group of aquatic parasites.  相似文献   

Wolbachia is an obligate endosymbiont whose spread depends mainly on its capacity to alter host reproduction by, for instance, cytoplasmic incompatibility. Several mathematical models have been developed to explain the dynamics of bacterial spread, because of its applied interest. However, some aspects of the host’s and bacterium’s biology have not been considered in modelling: for instance, changes in Wolbachia proportions during the host’s life cycle have been observed in several species, including Drosophila sp., Nasonia sp. and Aedes sp. (Diptera), but also in the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera), the species studied in this article. These changes influence the proportion of incompatible crosses and, consequently, infection prevalence in subsequent generations. In this paper, we are interested in ascertaining whether these changes in the infection proportions during the host’s life cycle can influence the dynamics of the spread of these bacteria. We have examined its consequences using a mathematical model to predict the evolution of Wolbachia infection frequencies. The simulations were validated by experimental field data from C. parallelus. The main outcome is that those changes above mentioned might affect long-term infection spread, with possible consequences for the current distribution of Wolbachia and the way it affects its host’s reproduction.  相似文献   

The precise transmission mode(s) of acephaline gregarines in their earthworm hosts has long been questioned, yet a rigorous experimental evaluation of sexual transmission is currently lacking. That Monocystis sp., a common gregarine parasite of the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, infects the sexual organs of its host is suggestive of sexual transmission. Considering the divergent evolutionary consequences of various modes of transmission, excluding or proving sexual transmission in this host-parasite system is critical to fully understanding it. We cultured uninfected earthworms from cocoons and subsequently mated them to either an infected or uninfected partner (from the wild). We then compared these individuals with an orally infected group, which were infected using a newly developed gavage (oral injection) method. Our data have unambiguously established that (1) horizontal sexual transmission does not play a significant role in the transmission of Monocystis sp., and (2) oral transmission through the soil is likely the principal mode of transmission between earthworms. This finding is important to models of mate-choice because infection avoidance does not appear to drive mating decisions. Finally, we further report a successful and relatively simple method to obtain infection-free individuals, which can subsequently be infected via oral gavage and used in empirical studies.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Amblyospora sp. in Culex salinarius (Coquillett) is transovarially transmitted and has 2 developmental sequences, one in each host sex. In females, the entire life cycle is restricted to oenocytes which become greatly hypertrophied due to the multiplication of diplokaryotic cells during merogony and come to lie next to ovaries. Sporulation occurs only after a blood meal is taken and is shortly followed by infection of the oocytes and subsequent transmission to the next host generation. In the male host, infections spread from oenocytes to adipose tissue where diplokaryotic cells undergo a 2nd merogony. During this merognic cylce, the number of diplokaryotic cells greatly increases and the infection is spread throughout the body of the larval host. Sporulation is initiated with the physical separation of the 2 members of the diplokaryon and the simulatneous secretion of a pansporoblastic membrane. Subsequent meiotic division and morphogenesis result in the formation of 8 haploid spores enclosed with a pansporoblastic membrane. Buildup of spores and subsequent destruction of host adipose tissue prove fatal to the male host during the 4th larval stage.  相似文献   

Ascarophis sp., including sexually mature adult worms, was commonly recorded in the amphipodGammarus oceanicus Segerstrle in the northern Baltic Sea and also inGammarus sp. in estuarine localities in the New Brunswick region of the north-western Atlantic. Species of the genusAscarophis van Beneden (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) are known as parasites of marine and brackish water fishes, whereas generally only larval forms have been reported from crustaceans. Adults as well as larval stages are described (LM and SEM) and the infection dynamics is analysed in relation to the amphipod population. The results suggest a direct transmission of embryonated eggs to new amphipods, although this remains to be verified experimentally.  相似文献   

A new host and geographic locality record is reported for tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides sp. in two species of ranid frogs (Rana berlandieri and R. pipiens) from Texas and New York, respectively. Tetrathyridia were found encapsulated in liver and mesenteries of the hosts. Morphological examination and experimental inoculation of these tetrathyridia into mice demonstrated the absence of capacity for asexual proliferation. Overall prevalence of infection was low in anurans from Arkansas, Texas and New York, but intensities can be generally high. In addition, a summary of frogs and toads from North America reported as hosts of tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides sp. is presented.  相似文献   

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