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The osteological development of elements comprising the oral cavity and fins was examined in early stage larvae of laboratory-reared milkfish,Chanos chanos, from hatching to 200 hours after hatching. Fundamental elements of the oral cavity had developed by the time of initial mouth opening, 54 hours after hatching. The oral cavity was long and cylindrical, with a short, robust Meckel's cartilage, and robust quadrate and symplectic-hyomandibular cartilages. The initial ossification of existing elements and addition of new elements occurred between 120–146 hours after initial mouth opening (HAMO), whereas the cartilaginous basihyal and caudal fin-supports appeared at 37.5 and 61.5 HAMO, respectively. Based on the morphology and developmental patterns of characters examined in this study, the feeding mode of early stage larval milkfish was considered to be “straining,” with an improvement in feeding ability occurring between 120–146 HAMO.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the nutritional conditions of larval milkfish in the surf zone, the following parameters were examined: 1) DNA and RNA content and RNA/DNA ratio of fed and unfed larvae collected from the surf zone and reared in the laboratory; 2) survival rate of the unfed larvae; and 3) total length, otolith increment counts and RNA/DNA ratio of wild larvae collected daily from the surf zone. The DNA and RNA content of the unfed larvae decreased, but increased in fed larvae. The RNA/DNA ratio decreased in unfed larvae, whereas in the fed larvae it decreased for the first three days after capture and increased thereafter. These results indicated that the values of DNA and RNA content and RNA/DNA ratio could be used as an indicator of nutritional condition of milkfish larvae after 6 days of starvation. Although total length of the wild-larvae did not show serial changes, their otolith increment counts showed continuous increases, indicating that the larvae sojourned in the surf zone for several days. In the same period, RNA/DNA ratios of the wild larvae decreased continuously, the ratios of larvae with fewer otolith increment counts being relatively higher than those of larvae with greater increment counts. Based on these results, the milkfish larvae remaining in the surf zone were concluded as being under insufficient nutritional conditions.  相似文献   


Gonadal maturation, spawning, fecundity and timing of reproduction of the snail Cerithidea cingulata in a brackish water pond in Molo, Iloilo, Philippines, are described. Snails 4–41 mm in shell length were sampled monthly from May 1997 to May 1998; 25% were <25 mm, 67% were 20–30 mm, and 8% were >30 mm. The sexes are separate and could first be distinguished at 15 mm. Males are aphallic, have narrower shells than females of the same length, and have bright yellow-orange testes overlying the digestive gland deep inside the shell. Females have more robust shells, an ovipositor at the right side of the foot, and yellow-green ovaries overlying the digestive gland. The sex ratio was one male to two females in the pond population studied. Gonadal maturation was monitored by means of gonadosomatic index (GSI, gonad weight as a percent of visceral weight); maturation stages were based on the gonad appearance (immature, developing, mature) and histology (immature, developing, mature, redeveloping). GSI increased with snail size, and reached 16% in a 33-mm female. The smallest mature males and females were 18–19 mm, and most snails >20 mm were mature, spawning, or redeveloping. Histological sections showed all stages of gametogenesis in mature male snails. The oocyte size-frequency distributions in mature females showed mostly mature oocytes and secondary oocytes, but also oogonia and primary oocytes. GSI and the frequency of snails at different maturation stages varied over the year. Both GSI and the frequency of mature snails were highest during the summer months, April to August. Nevertheless, mature snails occurred throughout the whole year, as did mating and egg-laying. Fecundity (= number of oocytes >70 pμ) increased with size in mature females 2041 mm; an average 25-mm female produced about 1,500 oocytes and larger females produced a maximum of about 2,500 oocytes. Eggs strings laid on the pond bottom were 45–75 mm long; an average 64-mm string contained 2,000 eggs 210+20 pm in diameter. The density of eggs strings was highest (80–120/m2) during March-September. Eggs hatched after 6–7 d into planktonic veligers, which in turn settle on the pond bottom 11–12 d later as juveniles. Juveniles 2–6-mm long were most abundant in the pond during August-October.  相似文献   

The behavioural reaction of a tropical estuarine gastropod, Cerithidea cingulata (Gmelin), to different types of substrata was investigated by subjecting the snails to different mixtures of natural sediment. In addition the organic matter in the sediments was estimated, and an attempt has also been made to relate these results to the distribution of snails in the field.  相似文献   

Bagarinao  T.  Lantin-Olaguer  I. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):137-150
Fish kills of milkfish Chanos chanos and tilapia Oreochromis spp. now occur frequently in brackish, marine, and freshwater farms (ponds, pens, and cages) in the Philippines. Aquafarms with high organic load, limited water exchange and circulation, no aeration, and high stocking and feeding rates can become oxygen-depleted and allow sulfide from the sediments to appear in the water column and poison free-swimming fish. The sulfide tolerance of 2–5 g milkfish and 5–8 g O. mossambicus was determined in 25-liter aquaria with flow-through sea water (100 ml min-1) at 26–30 °C and sulfide stock solutions pumped in at 1ml min-1. Total sulfide concentrations in the aquaria were measured by the methylene blue method and used in the regression against the probits of % survival. Four experiments showed that the two species have similar sulfide tolerance. In sea water of pH 8–8.5, about 163 ± 68 μM or 5.2 ± 2.2 mg l-1 total sulfide (mean ± 2 se) or 10 μM or 313 μg l-1 H2S was lethal to 50% of the fish in 4–8 h, and 61 ± 3 μM total sulfide or 4 μM H2S in 24–96 h (to convert all sulfide concentrations: 1 μM = 32 μg l-1). Earthen pond bottoms had 0–382 μM total dissolved sulfide (mean ± sd = 54 ± 79 μM, n = 76); a tenth of the samples had >200 μM. The water column may have such sulfide levels under hypoxic or anoxic conditions. To simulate some of the conditions during fish kills, 5–12 g milkfish were exposed to an abrupt increase in sulfide, alone or in combination with progressive respiratory hypoxia and decreasing pH. The tests were done in the same flow-through set-up but with sulfide pumped in at 25 ml min-1. The lethal concentration for 50% of the fish was 197 μM total sulfide or 12 μM H2S at 2 h, but 28–53 μM sulfide allowed fish to survive 6–10 h. Milkfish in aquaria with no aeration nor flow-through sea water died of respiratory hypoxia in 5–8 h when oxygen dropped from 6 to 1 mg l-1. Under respiratory hypoxia with 30–115 μM sulfide, the fish died in 2.5–4 h. Tests with low pH were done by pumping a weak sulfuric acid solution at 25 ml min-1 into aquaria with flow-through sea water such that the pH dropped from 8 to 4 in 5 h. Under these conditions, milkfish died in 7–9 h when the pH was 3.5. When 30–93 μM sulfide was pumped in with the acid, the fish died in 2–6 h when the pH was still 4.5–6.3. Thus, sulfide, hypoxia, and low pH are each toxic to milkfish at particular levels and aggravate each other's toxicity. Aquafarms must be well oxygenated to prevent sulfide toxicity and fish kills. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The expansion of water resource development projects in the tropics and subtropics resulted in an increased transmission of human schistosomes. This study was conducted to test the feasibility of using two snail-eating fishes, Trematocranus placodon (Trewavas) and Maravichromis anaphyrmis (Trewavas), as biocontrol agents of schistosomes in fish ponds. The results suggest that T. placodon has a potential for controlling the snail vectors of Schistosoma mansoni (Sambon) and Schistosoma haematobium (Bilharz). The use of M. anaphyrmis, however, to control schistosome-carrying snails was not satisfactory.  相似文献   

Second-stage integrated management of apple arthropod pests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To date, integrated pest management (IPM) of arthropods in commercial apple orchards has been comprised almost exclusively of a suite of what we term first-stage IPM practices focused upon pest monitoring. These practices predict first appearance, rate of development, and abundance of pest and beneficial arthropods, which leads to recommendation of selective properly-timed pesticides as the sole tactic of controlling pests not effectively suppressed by beneficials. Here, we evaluated in Massachusetts the effectiveness of what we term second-stage IPM practices. These involved integration of pesticidal control of early season apple arthropod pests and behavioral, cultural and biological control of mid and late season apple arthropod pests in the absence of insecticide and acaricide application after mid June. The behavioral approach consisted of ringing the perimeter of several apple orchard blocks (each ca. 1 ha) with sticky-coated red spheres baited with synthetic apple odor to intercept immigrating Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) flies. The cultural approach focused on removing unmanaged host trees in a ring around the orchard block perimeter to prevent entry of Cydia pomonella (L.) and Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker) females. The biological approach emphasized buildup of natural enemies of foliar pests in an orchard environment free of insecticide and acaricide use after mid June.During the second year (1988) of second-stage IPM implementation, test blocks in which baited red spheres were placed 5 m apart on perimeter apple trees and in which all unmanaged host trees within 100 m of the block perimeter had been removed received only 0.6% combined fruit injury by the above and all other pests active after mid June. Nearby blocks treated under first-stage IPM practices received 0.4% combined injury from such pests. As revealed by unbaited within-block monitoring traps, comparatively few R. pomonella flies penetrated the ring of interception traps, despite the large numbers caught on the latter. Beneficial predators of pest mites and aphids were nearly twice as common in second-stage as first-stage IPM blocks. Total cost was essentially the same for second-stage as first-stage IPM practices. But we propose a potentially much less costly, labor-saving method as a substitute for using a sticky substance to control R. pomonella flies alighting on perimeter-tree spheres.
Résumé A ce jour, la lutte intégrée (IPM) contre les arthropodes des vergers commerciaux de pommiers, —que nous nommons IPM de première génération —, est conçue presque exclusivement comme une suite de pratiques focalisées sur l'interception des insectes nuisibles. Ces pratiques calculent d'abord la date d'apparition, la vitesse de développement et l'abondance des phytophages et des entomophages, conduisant à l'épandage à des dates appropriées d'insecticides sélectifs, comme seule tactique de protection contre les phytophages qui ne sont pas supprimés efficacement par des entomophages.Nous avons examiné au Massachusetts l'efficacité de ce que nous avons appelé le seconde génération d'IPM. Elle implique l'intégration de la lutte chimique contre des insectes consommateurs précoces, et de la lutte comportementale, culturale et biologique contre les insectes de pleine saison et tardifs, sans traitements insecticides ou acaricides des pommiers à partir de la mi-juin.L'approche comportementale consiste à encercler plusieurs massifs de pommiers (chacun de 1 ha) avec des sphères rouges engluées d'odeur synthétique de pommier pour intercepter les vols de Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh. L'approche culturale est concentrée sur l'élimination autour du verger des pommiers non inclus dans le programme de protection pour empêcher la pénétration de femelles de Cydia pomonella L. et Argyrotaenia velutinana Walker. L'approche biologique insiste sur la mise en place après la mi-juin des entomophages des ennemis du feuillage dans un verger sans insecticide ni acaricide.Pendant la seconde année (1988) de l'application du programme, les fruits attaqués par tous les phytophages après la mi-juin n'ont été que de 0,6% pour les parcelles d'arbres témoins dans lesquels les pièges rouges avaient été placés tous les 5 mètres sur les arbres du pourtour et dont les arbres non inclus dans l'expérience, avaient été enlevés sur une bande de 100 m autour de la parcelle. Des parcelles proches, traitées avec IPM première génération, avaient un taux d'attaque de 0,4% par les mêmes espèces d'arthropodes. Par rapport aux parcelles sans sphères rouges, relativement peu de R. pomonella ont pénétré au-delà de la rangée de pièges, malgré le grand nombre de mouches capturées dans ceux-ci. Les prédateurs d'acariens et de pucerons nuisibles étaient 2 fois plus abondants dans les parcelles protégées par IPM de deuxième génération, que dans celles protégées par IPM de première génération. Les coûts totaux sont à peu près les mêmes, mais nous proposons une méthode potentiellement beaucoup moins coûteuse, demandant moins de maind'uvre, par remplacement l'utilisation de la glue sur les sphères comme protection contre la pénétration de R. pomonella dans la parcelle.

Glyphosate was evaluated for use as a novel management tool to improve the efficiency of intensive carp (Cyprinus carpio) production in Poland. The survival and growth of the carp fry was greatest in ponds in which natural vegetation had been treated with glyphosate prior to flooding, which favoured the natural development of food organisms. The yield was greater than merely flooding the vegetation or the alternative technique of maintaining a bare fallow prior to flooding. Using glyphosate as part of the pond management programme proved cost effective and had no deleterious effect on the carp fry or their food organisms.  相似文献   

Gray mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea, is an important strawberry disease. As gray mold control is difficult, there is a need to evaluate integrated methods to successfully manage the disease. The efficiency of integrating Clonostachys rosea sprays, fungicide sprays, and crop debris removal to manage gray mold was evaluated in field experiments conducted in 2006 and 2007. Leaf colonization by C. rosea (LAC), average number of B. cinerea conidiophores (ANC), gray mold incidence in both flowers (Iflower) and fruits (Ifruit), and yield were evaluated weekly. In both years, LAC was higher in the treatments with no fungicide. When compared to the check, ANC, Iflower and Ifruit were most reduced in treatments that included C. rosea sprays. Maximal reductions were achieved with the combination of C. rosea sprays, fungicide sprays and debris removal (96.62%, 86.54% and 65.33% reductions of ANC, Iflower and Ifruit, respectively). Otherwise, maximal yield (103.14% increase as compared to the check) was achieved with the combination of the three treatments. With just C. rosea sprays, ANC, Iflower and Ifruit were reduced by 92.01%, 68.48% and 65.33%, respectively, whereas yield was increased by 75.15%. Considering the individual effects, application of C. rosea was the most efficient treatment. Chemical control was effective only in plots without debris removal. Elimination of crop debris was the least effective method in reducing gray mold incidence in both flowers and fruits. The integrated control approach enhanced the efficacy of the individual methods of gray mold control and provided high strawberry yield. An important component of this integrated approach it the biological control with C. rosea.  相似文献   

We examined the biomass-dependent effects of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) on water quality in 10 ponds at the Eagle Mountain Fish Hatchery, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. Ponds contained 0–465 kg ha−1 of common carp. We measured limnological variables at weekly intervals for four weeks in early summer, after which ponds were drained and the biomass of fish and macrophytes was determined. Common carp biomass was significantly positively correlated with chlorophyll a, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and Keratella spp. density and negatively correlated to bushy pondweed (Najas guadalupensis) biomass. In addition, we combined our data with data from comparable studies to develop more robust regression models that predict the biomass-dependent effects of common carp on water quality variables across a wide range of systems.  相似文献   

Brachionus calyciflorus (Pallas) is a common brachionid in sewage oxidation ponds. The uptake and assimilation of E. coli was optimal at concentrations of 2.7–6.9 × 108 cells ml–1 while assimilation coefficient per body weight of B. calyciflorus was found to be 10% · Ind.–1 d–1. More than two eggs per individual were produced during 24 hours when brachionids were fed with a mixutre of E. coli (109 cells · ml–1) and Chlorella spp. (106 cells · ml–1). The nutritional value of the mixture of E. coli and Chlorella spp. was found to be higher than that of bacteria alone.  相似文献   

Joseph Rasowo 《Hydrobiologia》1992,247(1-3):209-214
Pond culture of brackishwater prawns and shrimps has recently generated much interest in Kenya. The mangrove areas are the target zones for the construction of these ponds. With the increasing awareness of the unique ecological role played by the mangroves, there is an urgent need to stop the conversion of mangrove swamps into aquaculture ponds. To develop pond aquaculture without destroying the mangroves, a shift from tide-fed to pump-fed pond systems is recommended in order to divert the farming from the mangroves to higher grounds. Mangrove-friendly mariculture practices like pen, cage and raft culture are discussed. Methods of efficiently utilising the already destroyed mangrove areas are considered.  相似文献   

Jaap Dorgelo 《Hydrobiologia》1988,157(2):125-127
Shell growth in the snail Potamoryrgus jenkinsi (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae) was measured under laboratory conditions. Individuals of populations from two lakes differing in trophic status were kept in water with sandy substrates from each environment. Growth was faster in the environment of the more eutrophic lake, regardless of the origin of the snails; this held in particular for the smallest size class.  相似文献   

Daily growth rates of 0.1 to 8.4% d-1 for the brown form and 0.2 to 6.3% d-1 of the green form were measured for 3 to 5-cm long branches of the tropical red seaweedKappaphycus alvarezii cultured in the laboratory. Highest growth rates were found using inexpensive enrichments such as soil water and coconut water supplemented with 0.7 mM N and 13 µM P and with a liquid fertilizer, Algafer, produced from seaweeds in the Philippines. Laboratory grown branches of bothK. alvarezii andEucheuma denticulatum transplanted to rafts in the field showed daily growth rates of 4.4 to 8.9% d-1, as high or higher than other reported growth rates. The studies, carried out in the Philippines, demonstrate the viability and high yield of laboratory cultivars and methods to keep laboratory culture costs low.  相似文献   

The treatment and disposal of pig-waste in Hong Kong has received much attention in recent years but, following any of the presently used treatment processes, solids remain to be further stabilized. Vermicomposting is a waste stabilization technique which converts waste into potentially recyclable materials such as worm protein and worm casts. The earthworm, Pheretima asiatica, can stabilize most of the solids arising from the treatment of pig-waste, including raw pig manure, suggesting that vermicomposting has a high potential as a unit process in the management of pig-waste in Hong Kong.S.H. Wong is with the Environmental Protection Department, Hong Kong; and D.A. Griffiths is with the Department of Botany, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Vegetative regeneration is the only farming method for Eucheuma and Kappaphycus, the world's most important carrageenophytes. Lack of seedstock has been a problem following natural calamities, overharvesting, grazing and outbreak of "ice-ice" disease. Hence, studies to help develop an alternative method of generating Eucheuma and Kappaphycus sporelings on a seaweed farm in Tawi-Tawi, Philippines were carried out from May 1993 to July 1994. Mactan stone blocks were deployed in two positions at two sites in Tawi-Tawi, one of the biggest farming areas in the Philippines. Recruits were first observed five months after deployment. Nested ANOVA was used to investigate the effect of current speed (C), water movement (M), number of days with minus tide (D), salinity (S), temperature (T), area of deployment (A) and position of blocks (P) on the recruitment of sporelings (R). Since C, M, D, S, and T were always on the same mean level within an area, the effects of these variables were assumed by the effect of area and thus, the A and P variables were the ones fitted in the ANOVA model. Repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant difference in the effects of A and P on visible R from May to November 1993 and March to July 1994. The Helmert transformation showed that mean recruitment of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus between May 1993 and subsequent time points was significantly different. This was also true for recruitment in September 1993, December 1993, January 1994 and February 1994, which were highly significantly different compared to the means of subsequent time points. Multiple regression analysis showed that C, D, and S had significant effects on recruitment of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus in both areas while effect of T was significant only in area I.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate population-level effects of p-nonylphenol on a cladoceran zooplankton (Daphnia galeata), the chronic effects on survival and reproduction were estimated with partial life table tests, which examined responses in life history characters until 3 weeks after birth. The observed responses in survival and reproduction were converted to reductions of the intrinsic rate of natural increase r. The population level EC50, which is defined as the exposure concentration that reduces r by 50%, was estimated as 16.1 g l–1. In order to examine the extent to which the population-level effect in terms of r is influenced by extra mortality in nature, which is induced by predation, starvation, etc., sensitivity (elasticity) measures of the intrinsic rate of natural increase to reductions in age-specific survival and reproduction were calculated under hypothetical predation schemes. The sensitivities of the intrinsic rate to changes in survival and reproduction invariably decline rapidly after the onset of reproduction irrespective of predation schemes. This implies that partial life cycle tests until 21 days after birth can provide reliable estimates of the population-level effects.  相似文献   

M. Mochizuki 《BioControl》2003,48(2):207-221
To prevent the resurgence of the Kanzawa spider mite, Tetranychus kanzawai Kishida, on tea plants caused by the application of synthetic pyrethroid insecticides (SP), an SP-resistant strain of the predatory mite Amblyseius womersleyi Schicha was released onto tea bushes under SP (permethrin) application. The released predators successfully survived and may be able to suppress T. kanzawai. In the plot where A. womersleyi was released, the damage to new leaves was less severe than in the control plot and the predators remained resistant to the permethrin in the bushes. The selective use of pesticides that are harmless against natural enemies is necessary to achieve a program of integrated tea pest management. Although mortality of adult females of the tested strain in response to SP was from 6.5 to 89.3%, and mortality was more than 95% in response to several carbamate and organophosphate insecticides, usefulness of A. womersleyi as an agent of biological control was successfully demonstrated in the present study.  相似文献   

Samples of schistosome cercariae from three different snail species (Lymnaea stagnalis, Radix auricularia and Valvata (Tropidina) macrostoma) collected from lakes in Central Finland were analyzed using molecular techniques. Based on sequences of ITS region of rDNA, the parasite isolates from L. stagnalis and R. auricularia belong to Trichobilharzia szidati and T. franki, respectively. This confirms a wide distribution of these two species in Europe. On the other hand, the isolates from V. macrostoma represent a unique finding — they belong to yet unknown schistosome species falling into the bird schistosome clade. Therefore, identification of natural final hosts and morphological characterization of particular developmental stages need to be performed in the future.  相似文献   

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