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Yanygina  Liubov V. 《Limnology》2020,21(1):165-171
Limnology - Alien species can have significant impacts on invaded ecosystems that include but are not limited to the reduction in biodiversity and alteration of the structure and functioning of...  相似文献   

The combined effect of the trematode infection (Echinoparyphium sp.) and various concentrations of chromium sulphate (0.01, 1, 100 mg/l) onto the crude protein content in the haemolymph of the mollusc Viviparus viviparus was investigated. The normal contents of the crude protein is 0.7-1.22%. In adult specimens its concentration is 20-80% higher than in molluscs of junior age group. Sex difference by this index, which is higher in females, begins to manifest in four year old individuals only. The contents of crude protein in the haemolymph of pregnant females is 1.5 times higher than in latent ones. Under the low intensity of the trematode infection, the contents of crude protein in the haemolymph remains normal, while in the case of heavy infection, it decrease 100 times or lower. In the cases of 0.01-1 mg/l concentrations of chromium sulphate, the content of protein in the haemolymph of V. viviparus decreases, while in the case of 100 mg/l it increases abruptly, in comparison to the norm. The trematode infection intensifies these processes.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Ovar von Viviparus contectus besteht, wie licht- und elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen ergeben, aus einem langen, terminal verzweigten dünnen Schlauch, dessen Wand von einem Epithel aus Oocyten in allen Entwicklungsstadien und Follikelzellen gebildet wird. Das Vorkommen von Oogonien in den Ovarien adulter Weibchen ist zweifelhaft. Die Follikelzellen sind als Begleitzellen der Oocyten im allgemeinen extrem langgestreckt. Mit ihrer Basis sitzen sie einer dünnen Basalmembran fibrillärer Struktur auf, wie sie bisher nur für Mollusken beschrieben wurde. Die Follikelzellen enthalten große Mengen von Vesikeln, einen bemerkenswert gut ausgebildeten Golgi-Apparat, spärliches rauhes endoplasmatisches Retikulum und zahlreiche heterogene cytosomale Einschlüsse. Charakteristisch für die Zellen sind außerdem in der Längsrichtung liegende cytoplasmatische Mikrotubuli und vereinzelte Kinetosomen. Obwohl keine direkten morphologischen Beziehungen zwischen Follikelzellen und Oocyten festgestellt werden konnten, wird vermutet, daß die Follikelzellen Material degenerierender Oocyten aus dem Lumen des Ovars resorbieren und speichern. Dieses kann den heranwachsenden Oocyten zugute kommen.
Morphological investigations on the ovary of Viviparus contectus (millet 1813), (gastropoda, prosobranchia)I. The follicle cells
Summary The ovary of Viviparus contectus was studied light and electron microscopically. It consists of an extended and terminally branched duct, its wall being formed by oocytes of all stages and by follicle cells. The existence of oogonia in the adult females cannot be established with certainty. According to their relationship to the growing oocytes the follicle cells are in general extremely elongated. At the basis they are attached to a thin basement lamina having a fibrillar structure hitherto only known in molluscs. The follicle cells contain many vesicles, a remarkably well-developed golgi apparatus, some rough endoplasmic reticulum, and many heterogeneous cytosomes. Characteristic for these cells are also cytoplasmic microtubules oriented longitudinally along the cell axis. Kinetosomes can rarely be seen. Although there are no apparent direct interrelationships between follicle cells and oocytes, it is suggested that they are engaged in resorbing material of degenerating oocytes from the lumen of the ovary and in storing materials which may be used by the growing oocytes.
Frau Prof. Dr. A. Nolte danke ich für die Überlassung des Themas und Unterstützung bei der Durchführung der Arbeit, Frau R. Dingerdissen, Physikalisches Institut der Universität Münster, für technische Assistenz am Elmiskop.  相似文献   

The digestive gland of Viviparus ater was studied using histochemical and ultrastructural methods. Only one cell type was observed in the tubule epithelium of the gland. The cells are involved in an endocytotic process mediated by clathrin-coated vesicles and in the intracellular digestion of food materials (thus they can be regarded as digestive cells). The different stages of digestion and exocytotic extrusion of residual bodies into the tubule lumen were shown by electron microscopy. Very few, small mucocytes are scattered among the digestive cells. Calcium concretions, glycogen-containing cells and endocrine cells are scattered in the area of connective tissue present among the digestive tubules.  相似文献   

We conducted the first comprehensive study on the spatiotemporal structure of trematode communities in the large-mouthed valve snail, Valvata macrostoma. A total of 1103 snails were examined monthly between May and October 2007 from Lake Konnevesi, Central Finland, from a shallow (1-2 m deep) and an offshore site (5-6 m deep), located ca. 50-70 m apart. Snails were infected by 10 trematode species. The species composition and prevalence were strikingly different between the sites with high species diversity in the shallow site (all 10 species; total prevalence of sporocysts/rediae 12.1%, metacercariae 55.4%) compared to the deeper site (3 species; prevalence 15.0% and 1.9%, respectively). This difference persisted throughout our study and is probably related to the spatial distribution of bird definitive hosts, whereas the seasonal parasite dynamics are likely to be affected by changes in the age-structure of the snail population. The probability of sporocyst infections increased with snail size, but no such trend was observed in redial or metacercarial infections which decreased with host size. Our results show that generally well-described spatiotemporal differences in trematode infection of molluscs can emerge in very narrow spatial and temporal scales, which emphasizes the importance of these factors in community studies.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the shell convolution diameter with regard to the mollusk age was studied for the river snail Viviparus viviparus. It was found that the diameter of the first (juvenile) convolution remained constant during the ontogenetic development. A weak, but significant increase in the diameter of the second and the third shell convolutions (also juvenile) was observed during the first year of postembryonic development. The forth and the fifth shell convolutions were formed during the first year of mollusk life after hatching; their diameters increased gradually during the second year, and remained constant for the remainder of the life span.  相似文献   

European Journal of Wildlife Research - Die Seren von Reh, Rothirsch und Gams zeigen bei der Kurzzeitelektrophorese auf CAF artspezifisch typische Elektrophorese-Kurven. Die bei den Kollektiven...  相似文献   

The present paper contains a revision of the Arctic-Atlantic Rissoidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). Twenty-two species are recognized. Two new species, Alvania obliqua and Alvania pseudoareolata are described, both previously wrongly identified. One new genus, Frigidoalcania , is established with Rissoa janmayeni as type-species.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung(Mit 13 Abbildungen und 3 Tabellen)Herrn Prof. Dr. A. Bückmann zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung(Mit 2 Abbildungen)  相似文献   

Schmekel  L.  Pioroni  P. 《Cell and tissue research》1975,159(4):503-522
Summary The ultrastructure of the zygote and of early segmentation stages, up to the 16-cell stage, was investigated in normal Nassarius reticulatus from Roscoff (France). This study deals predominantly with structures that remain morphologically unchanged throughout this period, such as yolk granules, lipid droplets, and multimembranous vesicles. These organelles do not change in position, fine structure, or quantity from the egg to the 16-cell stage. The cortex and the vitelline layer also remain almost unchanged until the 16-cell stage. Cortical granules could not be observed and thus the thin vitelline layer is not transformed to a thick fertilization membrane. This phenomenon seems to be related to the facts that the eggs are protected by a tough capsule and that the cells of the embryo have to incorporate extraembryonic nutrient substances. From the 2-cell stage until the 16-cell stage micropinocytotic vesicles 500–2000 Å in diameter are associated with the plasmalemma. Perhaps they help to incorporate the extraembryonic nutrient reserves. Desmosomes first appear at the 4-cell stage and are common at the 8-cell stage, when a small transitory blastocoel appears. Normally the cell borders are in close proximity during interphase. Syncytial connections between the blastomeres were not observed. Beginning at the trefoil stage the mitochondria increase in number and many apparent division stages are observed. The increase in mitochondria occurs in the perinuclear region throughout the embryo and does not result in a polar lobe especially rich or poor in mitochondria. From the 4-cell stage onwards, the number of ribosomes increases differentially in different blastomeres.Dedicated to Prof. B. Rensch on his 75th birthday. We wish to thank Mrs. C. Mehlis for her valuable technical assistance and Professor J. Bergérard for the excellent working conditions at the Station Biologique at Roscoff (France).  相似文献   


Sperm of Nucella lapillus was studied by electron microscopy, including the application of a cytochemical silver method. Using silver impregnation a dense precipitation of Ag granules in spermatocyte II nucleoli was seen over the fibrillar component and a slight one in the granular component. On longitudinal sections of the spermatozoon the results demonstrate that argyrophilic proteins are located in the external limiting zone of the acrosome in the anterior portion of the nucleus between the cytoplasmic and the nuclear membranes, in the posterior end of the nucleus and in the terminal portion of the middle region. These data indicate an affinity for silver in areas of the cytoplasm containing microtubules and in zones of transition.  相似文献   

Summary The filiform sperm of Littorina sitkana swims effectively in sea water and more viscous fluids, overcoming the problems of a non-uniform flagellar beat with an unusual mechanism, which involves three main events: (1) the sperm rotates anti-clockwise (looking from tail to head); then (2) stops rotating and stiffens itself to form a screw-shape, with the tail being held perpendicular to the middle piece, and finally; (3) reverses its rotation and propels itself forward in a clockwise spiral. The average velocity of sperm is approximately 185 ms with a rotational frequency of 24 revs. The mechanism of propulsion may involve two kinetic centers at opposite ends of the sperm, which coordinate their movements to produce anti-clockwise rotation, stationary twisting, or clockwise rotation, in a manner reminiscent of spirochaetes. Littorina sperm also exhibit slower methods of propulsion including swimming backwards (tail first) at 18 m, and gliding at about 30 m.The adaptive significance of the rapid propulsion is not obvious, because Littorina copulate and fertilize internally and at each stage in the transfer there are external aids to sperm transport, such as ciliary action (oviduct) and muscular expulsion (bursa and seminal receptacle). The filiform shape, however, is well-adapted for long-term storage in the female body. These points are discussed.  相似文献   

The information at present available suggests that, when adult, Nucella lapillus may prey upon a considerable number of different species, but that the diet of recently hatched dog-whelks is rather more restricted. The food preferences of young Nucella have been investigated and it has been concluded that, while the diet of young and adult animals may differ to some extent, it is probably equally varied at all ages, and that cannibalism may be a frequent occurrence amongst all age groups.
It has been determined that the size of the prey influences the selective predation of Mytilus by Nucella. Dog-whelks show a marked preference for mussels in the 1 to 3 cm size range which may possibly be identified chemotactically.  相似文献   

The structure and maturation of the male gonad of the Mediterranean vermetid gastropod Dendropoma petraeum are described. Histological sections of the gonads were made throughout development and gonad activity was monitored at regular monthly intervals. During the autumn months the gonad is very small and is surrounded by a large quantity of connective tissue; it becomes more voluminous from December to August, with the highest growth peak in springtime. The stages of spermatogenesis were also observed and described.  相似文献   

Feeding in some Australasian Cymatiidae (Gastropoda:Prosobranchia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of the four common Australasian cymatiids studied, Cabestana spengleri and Mayena australasia feed almost entirely on simple ascidians. Monoplex australasiae feeds on bivalves as well as on ascidians and Charonia rubicunda feeds on a variety of echinoderms. All species locate their prey by chemoreception of current born prey substances. Charonia rubicunda is a nocturnal predator while the other species feed almost continually.  相似文献   

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