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High expression of CXCR5 is one of the defining hallmarks of T follicular helper cells (T(FH)), a CD4 Th cell subset that promotes germinal center reactions and the selection and affinity maturation of B cells. CXCR5 is also expressed on 20-25% of peripheral blood human central memory CD4 T cells (T(CM)), although the definitive function of these cells is not fully understood. The constitutive expression of CXCR5 on T(FH) cells and a fraction of circulating T(CM) suggests that CXCR5(+) T(CM) may represent a specialized subset of memory-type T(FH) cells programmed for homing to follicles and providing B cell help. To verify this assumption, we analyzed this cell population and show its specialized function in supporting humoral immune responses. Compared with their CXCR5(-) T(CM) counterparts, CXCR5(+) T(CM) expressed high levels of the chemokine CXCL13 and efficiently induced plasma cell differentiation and Ig secretion. We found that the distinct B cell helper qualities of CXCR5(+) T(CM) were mainly due to high ICOS expression and pronounced responsiveness to ICOS ligand costimulation together with large IL-10 secretion. Furthermore, B cell helper attributes of CXCR5(+) T(CM) were almost exclusively acquired on cognate interaction with B cells, but not with dendritic cells. This implies that a preferential recruitment of circulating CXCR5(+) T(CM) to CXCL13-rich B cell follicles is required for the promotion of a quick and efficient protective secondary humoral immune response. Taken together, we propose that CXCR5(+) T(CM) represent a distinct memory cell subset specialized in supporting Ab-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

Perforin mediates target cell apoptosis by CTLs and NK cells. Although perforin expression correlates strongly with acute allograft rejection, perforin-deficient mice reject allografts with the same kinetics as wild-type recipients. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that while perforin is dispensable for acute rejection, it is essential for down-regulating the alloimmune response by inducing the apoptosis of host immune cells. Using a skin transplantation model, we found that perforin-deficient mice are resistant to the induction of allograft acceptance by agents that block T cell costimulation. Failure to induce allograft acceptance in these mice was observed irrespective of whether the alloimmune response was CD4 or CD8 T cell-mediated and could be attributed to defective apoptosis of activated CD4 and CD8 T cells. In contrast, perforin did not influence T cell proliferation. Therefore, perforin is an essential immunoregulatory molecule that may be required for the induction of transplantation tolerance.  相似文献   

Newly hatched F1 hybrid chicks isogenic for the strong B histocompatibility locus were rendered immunologically incompetent by cyclophosphamide treatment and x-irradiation. They were then injected intravenously with thymus, bone marrow, or bursa cells together with sheep erythrocytes (SE) and received another iv injection of SE 3 days later. Splenic plaque-forming cells (PFC) and serum hemagglutinins were assayed 7 days after transfer. At donor ages of 14–26 days, cells from thymus (T) and bone marrow (BM) showed synergism when injected together, as indicated by a significantly higher geometric mean of PFC per recipient spleen in the BM + T group than in the BM group. The response of the T group was extremely low. With thymus and bursa cells from 6- to 28-day-old donors, significant synergism was demonstrated in 3 of 9 individual experiments. However, almost all the other 6 experiments showed marked differences in the same direction, and the combined probability for all experiments was < 0.001. The most striking demonstration of thymus + bursa synergism was made in 2 experiments using 1-week-old donors. Bone marrow cells from 1-week-old donors failed to cooperate with thymus, as did BM cells from older bursectomized agammaglobulinemic donors. This suggests that B cells from bone marrow originate in the bursa. Thymus-bursa cooperation was somewhat difficult to demonstrate in individual experiments using donors over 1 week of age, owing to the occurrence of some responses with bursal cells alone and to variability of response within bursa or bursa + thymus recipient groups. Synergism between thymus and bursa cells was more consistently demonstrable when irradiated normal spleen or low doses of bone marrow cells were added. These additions led to an increased response and a lowered coefficient of variation in the thymus + bursa recipient groups. The ‘third’ cell type needed for optimal response by the thymus and bursa cells together was tentatively identified as a macrophage.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that T cells can be activated through cell-surface C1q receptors, resulting in secretion of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), further demonstrating the intimate linkage between innate and adaptive immunity. In this current report, we sought to determine whether: (1) T cell responses to C1q-bearing immune complexes are dependent on the maturational status of the T cells and (2) whether signaling through the C1q receptor on T cells modulates conventional activation mediated through the conventional T cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 signaling complex. We first examined the capacity of neonatal T cells to respond to C1q-bearing immune complexes using IFNgamma, IL-2, and MIF secretion as measures of activation (MIF was chosen because of its crucial role in coordinating innate and adaptive immunity). Neonatal T cells produced significantly less IFNgamma but not IL-2, when stimulated by C1q immune complexes compared with adult T cells. MIF levels did not exceed background levels in these experiments. Next, we examined the capacity of C1q-bearing immune complexes to regulate signaling through the conventional TCR/CD3 signaling complex. Pre-incubating adult T cells with C1q-bearing immune complexes significantly reduced IFNgamma secretion when those same cells were subsequently stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies. Pre-incubation of neonatal T-cells with C1q-bearing immune complexes had no effect on IFNgamma secretion, although IFNgamma secretion was lower than that found in adult T cells for each experimental condition. We speculate that reduced IFNgamma secretion after pre-incubation with C1q immune complexes may be due to IL-10 secretion, which was observed in C1q-stimulated adult (but not neonatal) T cells. Conclusions: C1q-bearing immune complexes exert complex effects on mature T cells that include both pro- and anti-inflammatory responses. Immunologic maturation is required for these effects, as cord blood T cells are relatively hyporesponsive to C1q-bearing immune complexes compared with adult T cells.  相似文献   

The influence of a phase shift in the light-dark cycle on humoral immune responses against sheep red blood cells (SRBC), a thymus-dependent antigen, and against polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), a thymus-independent antigen, was studied by using 180 BALB/c mice and 150 C3H/HeN mice. Significant suppression of the immune response to SRBC and the number of splenic plaque-forming cells (PFC) and hemagglutination (HA) titers was observed on days 5 and 6 after inversion of the light-dark cycle. On the other hand, the number of splenic PFC and HA titers in the blood against PVP were minimally suppressed by the phase shift in C3H/HeN mice, except for distortion of the rhythmicity. Corticosterone levels in the blood on days 5 and 6 after inversion were higher than those under a normal lighting regimen. The appearance of the high corticosterone level in the blood after the inversion almost concurred with the suppression of the immune response to SRBC. A decrease of the proportion of splenic T cells was also observed on day 6 after the inversion. These results show that a phase shift in the light-dark cycle provokes suppression of the immune response to SRBC, possibly through an increase of secretion of corticosterone after light-dark inversion, which induces a decrease of the proportion of T lymphocytes in the spleen.  相似文献   

Direct evidence for the response of B and T cells to pokeweed mitogen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chicken spleen cells containing chromosomally marked thymus derived (T) and bursa-derived (B2) cells were evaluated for their ability to respond to pokeweed mitogen (PWM), concanavalin A (Con A), and to anti-immunoglobulin serum during a 4-day culture period. The results indicate that soluble PWM induces a proliferative response of B2 cells in addition to a predominant T cell response. The PWM-induced B2 cell proliferative response was clearly detected only at 4 days after culture initiation. Soluble Con A did not induce detectable proliferation of B2 cells and stimulated T cells exclusively. In contrast, anti-immunoglobulin serum was a specific stimulant for B2 cells under the culture conditions used.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transformation of B cells from fetal cord blood in vitro varies depending on the individual sample. When a single preparation of EBV was simultaneously used to transform fetal cord blood samples from six different individuals, the virus transformation titer varied from less than zero to 10(5.9). We show that this variation in EBV transformation is associated with a marked primary immune response in cord blood samples predominately involving CD4(+) T cells and CD16(+) CD56(+) NK cells. After virus challenge both CD4(+) T cells and NK cells in fetal cord blood cultures expressed the lymphocyte activation marker CD69. The cytotoxic response against autologous EBV-infected lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) targets correlated with the number of CD16(+) CD69(+) cells and was inversely correlated with the virus transformation titer. Although NK activity was detected in fresh cord blood and increased following activation by the virus, killing of autologous LCLs was detected only following activation by exposure to the virus. Both activated CD4(+) T cells and CD16(+) NK cells were independently able to kill autologous LCLs. Both interleukin-2 and gamma interferon were produced by CD4(+) T cells after virus challenge. The titer of EBV was lower when purified B cells were used than when whole cord blood was used. Addition of monocytes restored the virus titer, while addition of resting T cells or EBV-activated CD4(+) T-cell blasts reduced the virus titer. We conclude that there are primary NK-cell and Th1-type CD4(+) T-cell responses to EBV in fetal cord blood that limit the expansion of EBV-infected cells and in some cases eliminate virus infection in vitro.  相似文献   

MDP, a synthetic muramyl dipeptide, is capable of increasing the primary in vitro antibody response, to sheep erythrocytes, of purified B cells restored with a monokine and helper T cell factors, including Interleukin 2 and the late-acting T cell replacing factor (TRF). First, the possibility that the adjuvanticity of MDP could be due to the elaboration of Interleukin 1, caused by its effect on macrophages, was excluded. In addition, a kinetic study showed that the effect of MDP was greater when added later, concomitantly with or one day after the helper T cell factors. Therefore, it appears that MDP acts directly on B cells, in a late stage of their differentiation to antibody-producing cells.  相似文献   

Normal mice are shown to harbor T cells that can be sensitized to proliferate against autologous red blood cells (RBC). These autoreactive cells were primed in vitro and in vivo with mouse as well as heterologous rat RBC, the in vivo administration of which has been previously shown to trigger the production of auto-RBC antibodies. Two broad classes of specificity are detected following priming: T cells cross-reactive for similar determinants coexpressed by mouse and rat RBC, and T cells specific for antigens restricted to self-RBC. These findings indicate that clonal deletion of self-RBC-reactive T cells is far from complete. The comparison of different in vitro and in vivo immunization protocols revealed the possible existence of several levels of immunoregulatory control which may prevent the expression of autoimmunity by these T cells.  相似文献   

Effects of thymectomy at various times after birth on effector and suppressor T cells for a delayed footpad reaction were determined in 6-week-old mice immunized intraperitoneally (ip) with sheep erythrocytes (SRBC). Mice thymectomized 1 day after birth (Tx-1 mice) gave delayed footpad reactions weaker than those of mice thymectomized 7 days after birth (Tx-7 mice) or sham operated (SH mice) after immunization with a low dose of SRBC. After immunization with a high dose of SRBC, on the other hand, Tx-1 mice showed reactions stronger than those of Tx-7 or SH mice. Pretreatment with cyclophosphamide (CY) augmented the delayed footpad reaction in Tx-7 or SH mice, but not in Tx-1 mice, immunized with a high dose of SRBC. The presence of T cells suppressive for the delayed footpad reaction in the spleen of Tx-7 or SH mice was confirmed by cell transfer experiments. These results suggest that effector T cells responsible for a delayed footpad reaction to SRBC are less thymus dependent and require the presence of the thymus for a shorter period in their development compared to suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

Small-ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV), which include the caprine arthritis-encephalitis and the maedi-visna virus, cause persistent inflammatory infections in goats and sheep. SRLV are mainly transmitted from mother to offspring through milk. Transmission after prolonged contact between adult animals has also been observed. The observation that certain SRLV subtypes are found in both goats and sheep suggests that interspecies transmission has occurred on several occasions in the past. We investigated seropositive goats and sheep that were kept together in small mixed herds. Phylogenetic analysis of long proviral sequences in gag and pol, combined with epidemiologic information, demonstrated natural sheep-to-goat transmission of the recently identified SRLV subtype A4 in two instances and goat-to-sheep transmission of the same subtype in one instance. In a further mixed cluster, the direction of the interspecies transmission could not be determined. These findings present for the first time direct evidence that natural interspecies transmission of SRLV is ongoing in both directions. The findings are of relevance to virus eradication programs in both species.  相似文献   

To better understand the nature of B cell dysfunctions in subjects infected with HIV-1 subtype A, a rural cohort of 50 treatment-naïve Ugandan patients chronically infected with HIV-1 subtype A was studied, and the relationship between B cell depletion and HIV disease was assessed. B cell absolute counts were found to be significantly lower in HIV-1+ patients, when compared to community matched negative controls (p<0.0001). HIV-1-infected patients displayed variable functional and binding antibody titers that showed no correlation with viral load or CD4+ T cell count. However, B cell absolute counts were found to correlate inversely with neutralizing antibody (NAb) titers against subtype A (p = 0.05) and subtype CRF02_AG (p = 0.02) viruses. A positive correlation was observed between subtype A gp120 binding antibody titers and NAb breadth (p = 0.02) and mean titer against the 10 viruses (p = 0.0002). In addition, HIV-1 subtype A sera showed preferential neutralization of the 5 subtype A or CRF02_AG pseudoviruses, as compared with 5 pseudoviruses from subtypes B, C or D (p<0.001). These data demonstrate that in patients with chronic HIV-1 subtype A infection, significant B cell depletion can be observed, the degree of which does not appear to be associated with a decrease in functional antibodies. These findings also highlight the potential importance of subtype in the specificity of cross-clade neutralization in HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Human polioviruses are categorized into three distinct serotypes (types 1, 2, and 3) based upon their reactivity with specific antibodies. Although a great deal of information has been amassed about the induction and characterization of poliovirus antibody responses, little is known about cell-mediated immunity to poliovirus and its role in protection. Here, we show that intracutaneous injection of ultraviolet light-inactivated poliovirus into the tailbase of BALB/c mice induces delayed hypersensitivity (DTH) and T-cell proliferative (Tprlf) responses. Both DTH and Tprlf responses to poliovirus are mediated by Ly-1high2-, L3T4-bearing T cells. Moreover, known serologic cross-reactivity (i.e., antibody-mediated) of poliovirus serotypes is not predictive of cross-reactivity between the cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

An in vitro culture method was used to study secondary cell-mediated responses to ectromelia virus infection in mice. Infected, syngeneic spleen cells or peritoneal cells were efficient "stimulator" cells when cultured with "responder" cells obtained from mice infected with ectromelia 4-6 weeks previously. The kinetics of generation of cytotoxic cells in cultures were determined; a peak occurred on days 4-5. A separation procedure performed on the cytotoxic cells showed that activity was associated mainly with the Ig-negative subpopulation (T cell-rich) and that H-2 compatibility between cytotoxic cells and target cells was required. The secondary response was virus-specific, at the level of both induction and target cell lysis, at least so far as ectromelia and lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) viruses are concerned. Seperation of responder cells prior to culture showed that a potent secondary response was generated with the Ig-negative (T cell-rich) subpopulation and only a weak response was observed when the responder cells were Ig-positive (rich in B cells). Infected stimulator cells did not appear to secrete significant amounts of soluble antigen into the medium over 4 days of culture. Thus, antigenic patterns effective in memory T cell stimulation may be largely associated with the surfaces of infected cells.Pretreatment of ectromelia virus with UV- or gamma-irradiation did not impair its ability to induce antigenic changes in stimulator cells. Stimulator cells treated with UV-or gamma-irradiated virus for 1 h and then immediately with pactamycin to inhibit further viral protein synthesis and replication were efficient stimulators, thus indicating that antigenic changes are induced very rapidly on the surface of stimulator cells after uptake of virus. These treatments are being used to further characterize the cellular requirements in the stimulator population.  相似文献   

Ebola Zaire virus (EBO-Z) causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans, with a high mortality rate. It is thought that a vaccine against EBO-Z may have to induce both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses to successfully confer protection. Because it is known that liposome-encapsulated antigens induce both antibody and cellular responses, we evaluated the protective efficacy of liposome-encapsulated irradiated EBO-Z [L(EV)], which contains all of the native EBO-Z proteins. In a series of experiments, mice immunized intravenously with L(EV) were completely protected (94/94 mice) against illness and death when they were challenged with a uniformly lethal mouse-adapted variant of EBO-Z. In contrast, only 55% of mice immunized intravenously with nonencapsulated irradiated virus (EV) survived challenge, and all became ill. Treatment with anti-CD4 antibodies before or during immunization with L(EV) eliminated protection, while treatment with anti-CD8 antibodies had no effect, thus indicating a requirement for CD4(+) T lymphocytes for successful immunization. On the other hand, treatment with either anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 antibodies after immunization did not abolish the protection. After immunization with L(EV), antigen-specific gamma interferon (IFN gamma)-secreting CD4(+) T lymphocytes were induced as analyzed by enzyme-linked immunospot assay. Anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody treatment abolished IFN gamma production (80 to 90% inhibition compared to that for untreated mice). Mice immunized with L(EV), but not EV, developed cytotoxic T lymphocytes specific to two peptides (amino acids [aa] 161 to 169 and aa 231 to 239) present in the amino-terminal end of the EBO-Z surface glycoprotein. Because of the highly successful results in the mouse model, L(EV) was also tested in three cynomolgus monkeys. Although immunization of the monkeys with L(EV)-induced virus-neutralizing antibodies against EBO-Z caused a slight delay in the onset of illness, it did not prevent death.  相似文献   

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