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The process of experimental determination of protein structure is marred with a high ratio of failures at many stages. With availability of large quantities of data from high-throughput structure determination in structural genomics centers, we can now learn to recognize protein features correlated with failures; thus, we can recognize proteins more likely to succeed and eventually learn how to modify those that are less likely to succeed. Here, we identify several protein features that correlate strongly with successful protein production and crystallization and combine them into a single score that assesses "crystallization feasibility." The formula derived here was tested with a jackknife procedure and validated on independent benchmark sets. The "crystallization feasibility" score described here is being applied to target selection in the Joint Center for Structural Genomics, and is now contributing to increasing the success rate, lowering the costs, and shortening the time for protein structure determination. Analyses of PDB depositions suggest that very similar features also play a role in non-high-throughput structure determination, suggesting that this crystallization feasibility score would also be of significant interest to structural biology, as well as to molecular and biochemistry laboratories.  相似文献   

Two hundred years of physiological and pharmaceutical studies and a decade of transgenic technology and genomic resources have made the laboratory rat a major model for biomedical research.  相似文献   

The stability of fluorescent proteins (FPs) is of great importance for their use as reporters in studies of gene expression, protein dynamics and localization in cell. A comparative analysis of conformational stability of fluorescent proteins, having different association state was done. The list of studied proteins includes EGFP (monomer of green fluorescent protein, GFP), zFP506 (tetramer GFP), mRFP1 and "dimer2" (monomer and dimmer of red fluorescent protein), DsRed1 (red tetramer). The character of fluorescence intensity changes induced by guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) of these proteins differs significantly. Green tetramer zFP506 has been shown to be more stable than green monomer EGFP, red dimmer "dimer2" has been shown to be less stable than red tetramer DsRed1, while red monomer mRFP1 has been shown to be practically as stable as tetramer DsRedl. It is concluded that the quaternary structure, being an important stabilizing factor, does not represent the only circumstance dictating the dramatic variations between fluorescent proteins in their conformational stability.  相似文献   

The inductive theory, formally introduced by G. N. Lewis has thus far found its major applications in interpreting and predicting equilibrium and kinetic properties of small organic molecules. Evidence is presented demonstrating that the inductive effect can also help to explain the determination of protein structure by its amino acid sequence. Suggestions are also made that the inductive effect plays a significant role in protein conformation changes brought about by ligand binding.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction in genomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the number of completely sequenced genomes rapidly increases, including now the complete Human Genome sequence, the post-genomic problems of genome-scale protein structure determination and the issue of gene function identification become ever more pressing. In fact, these problems can be seen as interrelated in that experimentally determining or predicting or the structure of proteins encoded by genes of interest is one possible means to glean subtle hints as to the functions of these genes. The applicability of this approach to gene characterisation is reviewed, along with a brief survey of the reliability of large-scale protein structure prediction methods and the prospects for the development of new prediction methods.  相似文献   

We predict a structure of the glutamine amidotransferase subunit (hisH) of imidazole glycerol phosphate synthase (IGPS) which catalyzes the fifth step of the histidine biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. The model is constructed using an energy-based threading program augmented by a multiple sequence to structure profile analysis. In developing our model we identified a conserved core region within hisH and a variable domain which is the likely site of interaction with the synthase subunit (hisF) of IGPS. Information available from structural and functional genomics studies was used to improve the structure prediction, to discuss parallels between histidine biosynthesis and other amino acid and nucleotide metabolic pathways, and to better understand the protein-protein interactions between the hisH and hisF domains of IGPS. This work allows us to develop a preliminary model for the structure of the entire IGPS holoenzyme.  相似文献   

Structural genomic projects envision almost routine protein structure determinations, which are currently imaginable only for small proteins with molecular weights below 25,000 Da. For larger proteins, structural insight can be obtained by breaking them into small segments of amino acid sequences that can fold into native structures, even when isolated from the rest of the protein. Such segments are autonomously folding units (AFU) and have sizes suitable for fast structural analyses. Here, we propose to expand an intuitive procedure often employed for identifying biologically important domains to an automatic method for detecting putative folded protein fragments. The procedure is based on the recognition that large proteins can be regarded as a combination of independent domains conserved among diverse organisms. We thus have developed a program that reorganizes the output of BLAST searches and detects regions with a large number of similar sequences. To automate the detection process, it is reduced to a simple geometrical problem of recognizing rectangular shaped elevations in a graph that plots the number of similar sequences at each residue of a query sequence. We used our program to quantitatively corroborate the premise that segments with conserved sequences correspond to domains that fold into native structures. We applied our program to a test data set composed of 99 amino acid sequences containing 150 segments with structures listed in the Protein Data Bank, and thus known to fold into native structures. Overall, the fragments identified by our program have an almost 50% probability of forming a native structure, and comparable results are observed with sequences containing domain linkers classified in SCOP. Furthermore, we verified that our program identifies AFU in libraries from various organisms, and we found a significant number of AFU candidates for structural analysis, covering an estimated 5 to 20% of the genomic databases. Altogether, these results argue that methods based on sequence similarity can be useful for dissecting large proteins into small autonomously folding domains, and such methods may provide an efficient support to structural genomics projects.  相似文献   

Alasan, the bioemulsifier of Acinetobacter radioresistens KA53, is a high-molecular-mass complex of polysaccharide and protein. Enrichment culture was used to isolate a bacterial strain that grew on alasan as the sole source of carbon and energy, causing the loss of the protein portion of alasan, as well as the emulsifying activity. The degradation was mediated by extracellular proteinases/alasanases. One of these enzymes, referred to as alasanase II, was purified to homogeneity. Alasanase II, as well as pronase, inactivated alasan, whereas a polysaccharide-degrading enzyme mixture, snail juice, had no effect on emulsifying activity. Deproteinization of alasan with phenol yielded a viscous polysaccharide with no emulsifying activity. Heating alasan to 50 °C led to a 2.5-fold irreversible increase in viscosity with no change in emulsifying activity. Heating to 60°–90 °C caused a drop in viscosity and a 5.8-fold increase in emulsifying activity. The deproteinized alasan showed no increase in emulsifying activity and only small changes in viscosity when heated. Received: 31 October 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

The genomics of disulfide bonding and protein stabilization in thermophiles   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Thermophilic organisms flourish in varied high-temperature environmental niches that are deadly to other organisms. Recently, genomic evidence has implicated a critical role for disulfide bonds in the structural stabilization of intracellular proteins from certain of these organisms, contrary to the conventional view that structural disulfide bonds are exclusively extracellular. Here both computational and structural data are presented to explore the occurrence of disulfide bonds as a protein-stabilization method across many thermophilic prokaryotes. Based on computational studies, disulfide-bond richness is found to be widespread, with thermophiles containing the highest levels. Interestingly, only a distinct subset of thermophiles exhibit this property. A computational search for proteins matching this target phylogenetic profile singles out a specific protein, known as protein disulfide oxidoreductase, as a potential key player in thermophilic intracellular disulfide-bond formation. Finally, biochemical support in the form of a new crystal structure of a thermophilic protein with three disulfide bonds is presented together with a survey of known structures from the literature. Together, the results provide insight into biochemical specialization and the diversity of methods employed by organisms to stabilize their proteins in exotic environments. The findings also motivate continued efforts to sequence genomes from divergent organisms.  相似文献   

The identification of chromosomal and episomal origins of replication in the genome of the causative agent of Lyme disease, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, has been greatly facilitated by genomics. Analysis of genome features, including strand compositional asymmetries, organizational similarities to other bacterial origins of replication, and the presence of homologues of genes involved in replication and partitioning, have contributed to the identification of a collection of putative origins of replication within the Borrelia genome. This analysis has provided the basis for the experimental verification of origins in the linear chromosome and in the linear plasmid Ip28-2. Information generated during the study of these origins will significantly contribute to the understanding of the mechanisms of replication and partitioning in Borrelia.  相似文献   

The New York Consortium on Membrane Protein Structure (NYCOMPS), a part of the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) in the USA, has as its mission to establish a high-throughput pipeline for determination of novel integral membrane protein structures. Here we describe our current target selection protocol, which applies structural genomics approaches informed by the collective experience of our team of investigators. We first extract all annotated proteins from our reagent genomes, i.e. the 96 fully sequenced prokaryotic genomes from which we clone DNA. We filter this initial pool of sequences and obtain a list of valid targets. NYCOMPS defines valid targets as those that, among other features, have at least two predicted transmembrane helices, no predicted long disordered regions and, except for community nominated targets, no significant sequence similarity in the predicted transmembrane region to any known protein structure. Proteins that feed our experimental pipeline are selected by defining a protein seed and searching the set of all valid targets for proteins that are likely to have a transmembrane region structurally similar to that of the seed. We require sequence similarity aligning at least half of the predicted transmembrane region of seed and target. Seeds are selected according to their feasibility and/or biological interest, and they include both centrally selected targets and community nominated targets. As of December 2008, over 6,000 targets have been selected and are currently being processed by the experimental pipeline. We discuss how our target list may impact structural coverage of the membrane protein space.  相似文献   

Achieving the goals of structural genomics initiatives depends on the outcomes of two groups of factors: the number and distribution of experimentally determined protein structures, and our ability to assign novel proteins to known structures (fold recognition) and use them to build models (modeling). The quality of the tools used for fold recognition defines the scope of experimental effort - the more distant the templates that can be recognized, the smaller the number of proteins that have to be solved. Recent improvements in fold recognition may have suggested that the goals of structural genomics initiatives are getting closer. However, problems that surfaced during the first few years of active work have put many of the early estimates in doubt and new ones are still slow in coming.  相似文献   

Congenital malformations (CMs) are permanent changes produced by abnormality of development in a body structure during prenatal life. Population based studies place the incidence of major malformations at about 2-3% of all live births. The etiology is mostly due multifactorial inheritance or unknown (50-80%). The continuum and gradual shift from genetics to genomics will offer new possibilities for diagnosis, treatment, prediction and prevention of congenital malformations. Genomics has many tools including pathogenomics, pharmacogenomics, nutrigenomics and bioinformatics. Pathogenomics will help to discover new genes or susceptibility genes and genetic variants with a role in the pathogenesis of CMs. Pharmacogenomics will identify genetic variants affecting the response to drugs and it should be applied to study drug induced birth defects. Nutrigenomics will determine the impact of diet on genome stability and how genotype determines nutritional requirements. Bioinformatics then will collect, store obtained data, which will facilitate analysis of systems biology questions involving relationships between genes, their variants and biological functions. This knowledge should be translated into more sensitive and specific genetic tests.  相似文献   

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