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The conjunction of insights from structural biology, solution biochemistry, genetics, and single-molecule biophysics has provided a renewed impetus for the construction of quantitative models of biological processes. One area that has been a beneficiary of these experimental techniques is the study of viruses. In this article we describe how the insights obtained from such experiments can be utilized to construct physical models of processes in the viral life cycle. We focus on dsDNA bacteriophages and show that the bending elasticity of DNA and its electrostatics in solution can be combined to determine the forces experienced during packaging and ejection of the viral genome. Furthermore, we quantitatively analyze the effect of fluid viscosity and capsid expansion on the forces experienced during packaging. Finally, we present a model for DNA ejection from bacteriophages based on the hypothesis that the energy stored in the tightly packed genome within the capsid leads to its forceful ejection. The predictions of our model can be tested through experiments in vitro where DNA ejection is inhibited by the application of external osmotic pressure.  相似文献   

DNA is packaged into preformed bacteriophage capsids to liquid crystalline density by the action of a portal protein complex. Single molecule packaging studies indicate that this is a new and extremely powerful class of molecular motors.  相似文献   

Petit λ is an empty spherical shell of protein which appears wherever λ grows. If phage DNA and petit λ are added to a cell-free extract of induced lysogenic bacteria, then phage particles are formed that contain the DNA and protein from the petit λ. Petit λ is transformed, without dissociation, into a phage head by addition of DNA and more phage proteins.The products of ten genes, nine phage and one host, are required for λ head assembly. Among these, the products of four phage genes, E, B, C, and Nu3 and of the host gene groE are involved in the synthesis of petit λ, consequently these proteins are dispensable for head assembly in extracts to which petit λ has been added. The products of genes A and D allow DNA to combine with petit λ to form a head that has normal morphology. In an extract, DNA can react with A product and petit λ to become partially DNAase-resistant, as if an unstable DNA-filled intermediate were formed. ATP and spermidine are needed at this stage. This intermediate is subsequently stabilized by addition of D product. The data suggest a pathway for head assembly.  相似文献   

Unraveling the structure and assembly of the DNA packaging ATPases of the tailed double-stranded DNA bacteriophages is integral to understanding the mechanism of DNA translocation. Here, the bacteriophage phi29 packaging ATPase gene product 16 (gp16) was overexpressed in soluble form in Bacillus subtilis (pSAC), purified to near homogeneity, and assembled to the phi29 precursor capsid (prohead) to produce a packaging motor intermediate that was fully active in in vitro DNA packaging. The formation of higher oligomers of the gp16 from monomers was concentration dependent and was characterized by analytical ultracentrifugation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy. The binding of multiple copies of gp16 to the prohead was dependent on the presence of an oligomer of 174- or 120-base prohead RNA (pRNA) fixed to the head-tail connector at the unique portal vertex of the prohead. The use of mutant pRNAs demonstrated that gp16 bound specifically to the A-helix of pRNA, and ribonuclease footprinting of gp16 on pRNA showed that gp16 protected the CC residues of the CCA bulge (residues 18-20) of the A-helix. The binding of gp16 to the prohead/pRNA to constitute the complete and active packaging motor was confirmed by cryo-electron microscopy three-dimensional reconstruction of the prohead/pRNA/gp16 complex. The complex was capable of supercoiling DNA-gp3 as observed previously for gp16 alone; therefore, the binding of gp16 to the prohead, rather than first to DNA-gp3, represents an alternative packaging motor assembly pathway.  相似文献   

Role of RNA in bacteriophage phi 29 DNA packaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel bacteriophage phi 29 RNA of 174 nucleotides is essential for the in vitro packaging of the DNA-terminal protein complex into proheads. The RNA, bound to the prohead portal vertex (connector), participates in assembly and function of the DNA translocating ATPase and in recognition of the DNA left-end during the course of the packaging reaction. The RNA is present in related phages and varies widely in primary sequence, but its secondary structure, as deduced by phylogenetic analysis, is both highly conserved and unique among small RNAs.  相似文献   

EcoRI analysis of bacteriophage P22 DNA packaging.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Bacteriophage P22 linear DNA molecules are a set of circularly permuted sequences with ends located in a limited region of the physical map. This mature form of the viral chromosome is cut in headful lengths from a concatemeric precursor during DNA encapsulation. Packaging of P22 DNA begins at a specific site, which we have termed pac, and then proceeds sequentially to cut lengths of DNA slightly longer than one complete set of P22 genes (Tye et al., 1974b). The sites of DNA maturation events have been located on the physical map of EcoRI cleavage sites in P22 DNA. EcoRI digestion products of mature P22 wild-type DNA were compared with EcoRI fragments of two deletion and two insertion mutant DNAs. These mutations decrease or increase the length of the genome, but do not alter the DNA encapsulation mechanism. Thus the position of mature molecular ends relative to EcoRI restriction sites is different in each mutant, and comparison of the digests shows which fragments come from the ends of linear molecules. From the positions of the ends of molecules processed in sequential headfuls, the location of pac and the direction of encapsulation relative to the P22 map were deduced. The pac site lies in EcoRI fragment A, 4.1 × 103 base-pairs from EcoRI cleavage site 1. Sequential packaging of the concatemer is initiated at pac and proceeds in the counterclockwise direction relative to the circular map of P22. One-third of the linears in a population are cut from the concatemer at pac, and most packaging sequences do not extend beyond four headfuls.Fragment D is produced by EcoRI cleavage at a site near the end of a linear chromosome which has been encapsulated starting at pac. The position of the pac site is therefore defined by one end of fragment D. The pac site is not located near genes 12 and 18, the only known site for initiation of P22 DNA replication, but lies among late genes at a position on the physical gene map approximately analogous to the cohesive end site (cos) of bacteriophage λ at which λ DNA is cleaved during encapsulation. Our results suggest that P22 and λ DNA maturation mechanisms have many common properties.  相似文献   

Complex viruses are assembled from simple protein subunits by sequential and irreversible assembly. During genome packaging in bacteriophages, a powerful molecular motor assembles at the special portal vertex of an empty prohead to initiate packaging. The capsid expands after about 10%-25% of the genome is packaged. When the head is full, the motor cuts the concatemeric DNA and dissociates from the head. Conformational changes, particularly in the portal, are thought to drive these sequential transitions. We found that the phage T4 packaging machine is highly promiscuous, translocating DNA into finished phage heads as well as into proheads. Optical tweezers experiments show that single motors can force exogenous DNA into phage heads at the same rate as into proheads. Single molecule fluorescence measurements demonstrate that phage heads undergo repeated initiations, packaging multiple DNA molecules into the same head. These results suggest that the phage DNA packaging machine has unusual conformational plasticity, powering DNA into an apparently passive capsid receptacle, including the highly stable virus shell, until it is full. These features probably led to the evolution of viral genomes that fit capsid volume, a strikingly common phenomenon in double-stranded DNA viruses, and will potentially allow design of a novel class of nanocapsid delivery vehicles.  相似文献   

During the assembly of bacteriophage λ heads, a head-like, DNA-free structure called petite λ, is first constructed. Into this, λ DNA is then packaged. In this paper we examine early interactions between λ DNA and petite λ in a cell-free system. The two major findings of this paper are: (1) when seen through the electron microscope, an early petite λ-λ DNA complex appears with the circular petite λ having the DNA crossing through its center. These resemble a bead on a string or the Greek letter φ (hence they are called φ structures). The λ A protein is required in the formation of φ structures. Also, φ structures can be found in bacteria infected with phage λ. (2) The polyamine putrescine is required for phage head assembly. An earlier reported requirement for spermidine can be replaced by the addition of putrescine. Polyamine is required in the DNA packaging reaction after the packaging has begun.  相似文献   

DNA packaging orders the membrane of bacteriophage PRD1.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
S J Butcher  D H Bamford    S D Fuller 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(24):6078-6086
Bacteriophage PRD1 contains a linear dsDNA genome enclosed by a lipid membrane lying within a protein coat. Determination of the structure of the detergent-treated particle to 2 nm by cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction has defined the position of the major coat protein P3. The coat contains 240 copies of trimeric P3 packed into positions of local 6-fold symmetry on a T = 25 lattice. The three-dimensional structures of the PRD1 virion and a DNA packaging mutant to a resolution of 2.8 nm have revealed specific interactions between the coat and the underlying membrane. The membrane is clearly visible as two leaflets separated by 2 nm and spanned by transmembrane density. The size of the coat does not change upon DNA packaging. Instead, the number of interactions seen between the protein shell and the membrane and the order of the membrane components increase. Thus the membrane of PRD1 plays a role in assembly which is akin to that played by the nucleocapsid in other membrane viruses.  相似文献   

On the sequential packaging of bacteriophage P22 DNA.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Bacteriophage P22 is thought to package daughter chromosomes serially along concatemeric DNA. We present experiments which show that the average DNA packaging series length increases with time after infection, which supports this model. In addition, we have analyzed the effect on average series length of lowering the amount of the various individual proteins involved in DNA packaging. These results support the notion that the protein products of gene 2 and gene 3 are both more stringently required for initiation of sequential DNA packaging series than for their extension, and they are compatible with a model for the control of series length in which that length is determined, at least in part, by a competition between series initiation events and extension events.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 is a large-tailed Escherichia coli virus whose capsid is 120 × 86 nm. ATP-driven DNA packaging of the T4 capsid results in the loading of a 171-kb genome in less than 5 min during viral infection. We have isolated 50-mg quantities of uniform 15N- and [ε-15N]lysine-labeled bacteriophage T4. We have also introduced 15NH4+ into filled, unlabeled capsids from synthetic medium by exchange. We have examined lyo- and cryoprotected lyophilized T4 using 15N{31P} and 31P{15N} rotational-echo double resonance. The results of these experiments have shown that (i) packaged DNA is in an unperturbed duplex B-form conformation; (ii) the DNA phosphate negative charge is balanced by lysyl amines (3.2%), polyamines (5.8%), and monovalent cations (40%); and (iii) 11% of lysyl amines, 40% of -NH2 groups of polyamines, and 80% of monovalent cations within the lyophilized T4 capsid are involved in the DNA charge balance. The NMR evidence suggests that DNA enters the T4 capsid in a charge-unbalanced state. We propose that electrostatic interactions may provide free energy to supplement the nanomotor-driven T4 DNA packaging.  相似文献   

In double-stranded DNA bacteriophages the viral DNA is translocated into an empty prohead shell by a powerful ATP-driven motor assembled at the unique portal vertex. Terminases consisting of two to three packaging-related ATPase sites are central to the packaging mechanism. But the nature of the key translocating ATPase, stoichiometry of packaging motor, and basic mechanism of DNA encapsidation are poorly understood. A defined phage T4 packaging system consisting of only two components, proheads and large terminase protein (gp17; 70 kDa), is constructed. Using the large expanded prohead, this system packages any linear double-stranded DNA, including the 171 kb T4 DNA. The small terminase protein, gp16 (18 kDa), is not only not required but also strongly inhibitory. An ATPase activity is stimulated when proheads, gp17, and DNA are actively engaged in the DNA packaging mode. No packaging ATPase was stimulated by the N-terminal gp17-ATPase mutants, K166G (Walker A), D255E (Walker B), E256Q (catalytic carboxylate), D255E-E256D and D255E-E256Q (Walker B and catalytic carboxylate), nor could these sponsor DNA encapsidation. Experiments with the two gp17 domains, N-terminal ATPase domain and C-terminal nuclease domain, suggest that terminase association with the prohead portal and communication between the domains are essential for ATPase stimulation. These data for the first time established an energetic linkage between packaging stimulation of N-terminal ATPase and DNA translocation. A core pathway for the assembly of functional DNA translocating motor is proposed. Since the catalytic motifs of the N-terminal ATPase are highly conserved among >200 large terminase sequences analyzed, these may represent common themes in phage and herpes viral DNA translocation.  相似文献   

Virion proteins recognize their cognate nucleic acid for encapsidation into virions through recognition of a specific nucleotide sequence contained within that nucleic acid. Viruses like bacteriophage P22, which have partially circularly permuted, double-stranded virion DNAs, encapsidate DNA through processive series of packaging events in which DNA is recognized for packaging only once at the beginning of the series. Thus a single DNA recognition event programmes the encapsidation of multiple virion chromosomes. The protein product of P22 gene 3, a terminase component, is thought to be responsible for this recognition. The site on the P22 genome that is recognized by the gene 3 protein to initiate packaging series is called the pac site. We report here a strategy for assaying pac site activity in vivo, and the utilization of this system to identify and characterize the site genetically. It is an asymmetric site that spans 22 basepairs and is located near the centre of P22 gene 3.  相似文献   

Defective bacteriophage PBSX, a resident of all Bacillus subtilis 168 chromosomes, packages fragments of DNA from all portions of the host chromosome when induced by mitomycin C. In this study, the physical process for DNA packaging of both chromosomal and plasmid DNAs was examined. Discrete 13-kilobase (kb) lengths of DNA were packaged by wild-type phage, and the process was DNase I resistant and probably occurred by a head-filling mechanism. Genetically engineered isogenic host strains having a chloramphenicol resistance determinant integrated as a genetic flag at two different regions of the chromosome were used to monitor the packaging of specific chromosomal regions. No dramatic selectivity for these regions could be documented. If the wild-type strain 168 contains autonomously replicating plasmids, especially pC194, the mitomycin C induces an increase in size of resident plasmid DNA, which is then packaged as 13-kb pieces into phage heads. In strain RB1144, which lacks substantial portions of the PBSX resident phage region, mitomycin C treatment did not affect the structure of resident plasmids. Induction of PBSX started rolling circle replication on plasmids, which then became packaged as 13-kb fragments. This alteration or cannibalization of plasmid replication resulting from mitomycin C treatment requires for its function some DNA within the prophage deletion of strain RB1144.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA packaging into bacteriophage T4 heads in vivo was investigated by glucosylation of hydroxymethylcytosine residues in a conditionally glucose-deficient host. Cytoplasmic DNA associated with partially packaged ts49 heads can be fully glucosylated, whereas DNA already packaged into these heads is shown to be resistant to glucosylation. After temperature shift and completion of arrested packaging into the reversible temperature-sensitive ts49 head, the structure of the DNA in the mature ts49 phage was investigated by restriction enzyme digestion, autoradiography, and other techniques. Such mature DNA appears to be fully glucosylated along part of its length and nonglucosylated on the remainder. Its structure suggests that the DNA is run into the head linearly and unidirectionally from one mature end and that there is little sequence specificity in that portion of the T4 DNA which first enters the capsid. This technique should be useful in investigation of the three-dimensional structure of first- and last-packaged DNA within the head; preliminary studies including autoradiography of osmotically shocked phage suggest that the DNA which first enters the head is deposited toward the center of the capsid and that the end of the DNA which first enters the head exits first upon injection. In conjunction with studies of the structure of condensed DNA, the positions and functions of T4 capsid proteins in DNA packaging, and the order of T4 packaging functions [Earnshaw and Harrison, Nature (London) 268:598-602, 1977; Hsiao and Black, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74:3652-3656, 1977; Müller-Salamin et al., J. Virol. 24:121-134, 1977; Richards et al., J. Mol. Biol. 78:255-259, 1973], the features described above suggest the following model: the first DNA end is fixed to the proximal apex of the head at p20 and the DNA is then pumped into the head enzymatically by proteins (p20 + p17) which induce torsion in the DNA molecule.  相似文献   

The activity of the DNA packaging adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi 29 is dependent upon prohead RNA. The 174 nucleotide viral-encoded RNA is positioned on the head-tail connector at the portal vertex of the phi 29 precursor shell (prohead). Here, the RNA interacts with the ATP-binding gene 16 product (gp16) to constitute the DNA-packaging ATPase and initiate DNA packaging in vitro. Both the prohead connector (gene 10 product, gp10) and gp16 may utilize an RNA recognition motif characteristic of a number of RNA-associated proteins, and the binding of gp16 by proheads shields the prohead RNA from RNase A. The ATPase activity of gp16 is stimulated fourfold by RNA and tenfold by proheads with RNA. RNA is needed continuously for the gp16/RNA ATPase activity and is essential for the gp16/prohead ATPase activity. The prohead, with its connector, RNA and associated gp16 in an assembly-regulated configuration, hydrolyzes ATP and drives phi 29 DNA translocation.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy three-dimensional reconstructions have been made of mature and of emptied bacteriophage phi29 particles without making symmetry assumptions. Comparisons of these structures with each other and with the phi29 prohead indicate how conformational changes might initiate successive steps of assembly and infection. The 12 adsorption capable 'appendages' were found to have a structure homologous to the bacteriophage P22 tailspikes. Two of the appendages are extended radially outwards, away from the long axis of the virus, whereas the others are around and parallel to the phage axis. The appendage orientations are correlated with the symmetry-mismatched positions of the five-fold related head fibers, suggesting a mechanism for partial cell wall digestion upon rotation of the head about the tail when initiating infection. The narrow end of the head-tail connector is expanded in the mature virus. Gene product 3, bound to the 5' ends of the genome, appears to be positioned within the expanded connector, which may potentiate the release of DNA-packaging machine components, creating a binding site for attachment of the tail.  相似文献   

In vitro packaging of bacteriophage T7 DNA requires ATP.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Removal of nucleoside triphosphates from extracts prepared from bacteriophage T7-infected Escherichia coli results in a stringent requirement for added ATP to form infective phage particles by in vitro packaging of bacteriophage T7 DNA. Optimal packaging efficiency was achieved at a concentration of about 1.25 mM. Other nucleoside triphosphates could be substituted for ATP, but none of the common nucleoside triphosphates was as effective as ATP in promoting in vitro encapsulation.  相似文献   

We developed a system for DNA packaging of isolated bacteriophage T4 proheads in vitro and studied the role of prohead expansion in DNA packaging. Biologically active proheads have been purified from a number of packaging-deficient mutant extracts. The cleaved mature prohead is the active structural precursor for the DNA packaging reaction. Packaging of proheads requires ATP, Mg2+ and spermidine, and is stimulated by polyethylene glycol and dextran. Predominantly expanded proheads (ELPs) are produced at 37 degrees C and predominantly unexpanded proheads (ESPs) are produced at 20 degrees C. Both the expanded and unexpanded proheads are active in DNA packaging in vitro. This is based on the observations that (1) both ESPs and ELPs purified by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel showed DNA packaging activity; (2) apparently homogeneous ELPs prepared by treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate (which dissociates ESPs) retained significant biological activity; (3) specific precipitation of ELPs with anti-hoc immunoglobulin G resulted in loss of DNA packaging activity; and (4) ESPs upon expansion in vitro to ELPs retained packaging activity. Therefore, contrary to the models that couple DNA packaging to head expansion, in T4 the expansion and packaging appear to be independent, since the already expanded DNA-free proheads can be packaged in vitro. We therefore propose that the unexpanded to expanded prohead transition has evolved to stabilize the capsid and to reorganize the prohead shell functionally from a core-interacting to a DNA-interacting inner surface.  相似文献   

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