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在多细胞有机体的组织内稳态维持和正常发育过程中,细胞程序性死亡发挥着重要的作用。细胞程序性死亡有多种形式(如细胞凋亡、类细胞凋亡和类坏死等),其中了解较清楚的是细胞凋亡。一直以来,胱冬肽酶(caspase)被认为是细胞凋亡发生中关键的一种蛋白酶。但是最近的研究表明,包括细胞凋亡在内的一些细胞程序性死亡可以以一种不依赖胱冬肽酶的方式发生。细胞程序性死亡与胱冬肽酶之间存在非依赖性关系。  相似文献   

Apoptosis: Programmed cell death in health and disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apoptosis is a normal physiological cell death process of eliminating unwanted cells from living organisms during embryonic and adult development. Apoptotic cells are characterised by fragmentation of nuclear DNA and formation of apoptotic bodies. Genetic analysis revealed the involvement of many death and survival genes in apoptosis which are regulated by extracellular factors. There are multiple inducers and inhibitors of apoptosis which interact with target cell specific surface receptors and transduce the signal by second messengers to programme cell death. The regulation of apoptosis is elusive, but defective regulation leads to aetiology of various ailments. Understanding the molecular mechanism of apoptosis including death genes, death signals, surface receptors and signal pathways will provide new insights in developing strategies to regulate the cell survival/death. The current knowledge on the molecular events of apoptotic cell death and their significance in health and disease is reviewed.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(6):740-749

Autophagy, an evolutionarily-conserved intracellular organelle and protein degradation process, may exhibit drastically different effects on cell survival depending on the particular environmental and culturing conditions. Hoechst 33342 (HO), a fluorescent dye widely used for staining DNA, has been reported to induce apoptosis in mammalian cells. Here we showed that, in addition to caspase-independent cell death, HO also induced autophagy in HeLa cells, as evidenced by the accumulation of autophagosomes, LC3 form conversion and LC3 puncta formation in a cell line stably expressing GFP-LC3. HO treatment led to generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and inhibition of ROS with N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC) abrogated both autophagy and caspase-independent cell death. Finally, autophagy played a protective role against caspase-independent cell death, as cell death induced by HO was enhanced under pharmacological and siRNA-mediated genetic inhibition of autophagy.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death in plants: distinguishing between different modes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Programmed cell death (PCD) in plants is a crucial componentof development and defence mechanisms. In animals, differenttypes of cell death (apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis) havebeen distinguished morphologically and discussed in these morphologicalterms. PCD is largely used to describe the processes of apoptosisand autophagy (although some use PCD and apoptosis interchangeably)while necrosis is generally described as a chaotic and uncontrolledmode of death. In plants, the term PCD is widely used to describemost instances of death observed. At present, there is a vastarray of plant cell culture models and developmental systemsbeing studied by different research groups and it is clear fromwhat is described in this mass of literature that, as with animals,there does not appear to be just one type of PCD in plants.It is fundamentally important to be able to distinguish betweendifferent types of cell death for several reasons. For example,it is clear that, in cell culture systems, the window of timein which ‘PCD’ is studied by different groups varieshugely and this can have profound effects on the interpretationof data and complicates attempts to compare different researcher'sdata. In addition, different types of PCD will probably havedifferent regulators and modes of death. For this reason, inplant cell cultures an apoptotic-like PCD (AL-PCD) has beenidentified that is fairly rapid and results in a distinct corpsemorphology which is visible 4–6 h after release of cytochromec and other apoptogenic proteins. This type of morphology, distinctfrom autophagy and from necrosis, has also been observed inexamples of plant development. In this review, our model systemand how it is used to distinguish specifically between AL-PCDand necrosis will be discussed. The different types of PCD observedin plants will also be discussed and the importance of distinguishingbetween different forms of cell death will be highlighted. Key words: Apoptosis, apoptosis-like programmed cell death (AL-PCD), Arabidopsis, autophagy, mitochondria, necrosis, programmed cell death (PCD) Received 5 June 2007; Revised 13 September 2007 Accepted 20 September 2007  相似文献   

Morphological classification of plant cell deaths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Programmed cell death (PCD) is an integral part of plant development and of responses to abiotic stress or pathogens. Although the morphology of plant PCD is, in some cases, well characterised and molecular mechanisms controlling plant PCD are beginning to emerge, there is still confusion about the classification of PCD in plants. Here we suggest a classification based on morphological criteria. According to this classification, the use of the term 'apoptosis' is not justified in plants, but at least two classes of PCD can be distinguished: vacuolar cell death and necrosis. During vacuolar cell death, the cell contents are removed by a combination of autophagy-like process and release of hydrolases from collapsed lytic vacuoles. Necrosis is characterised by early rupture of the plasma membrane, shrinkage of the protoplast and absence of vacuolar cell death features. Vacuolar cell death is common during tissue and organ formation and elimination, whereas necrosis is typically found under abiotic stress. Some examples of plant PCD cannot be ascribed to either major class and are therefore classified as separate modalities. These are PCD associated with the hypersensitive response to biotrophic pathogens, which can express features of both necrosis and vacuolar cell death, PCD in starchy cereal endosperm and during self-incompatibility. The present classification is not static, but will be subject to further revision, especially when specific biochemical pathways are better defined.  相似文献   

赵萍  王攀  王筱冰 《生命科学》2011,(4):329-334
程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)是指由基因控制的细胞自主的有序性死亡方式,涉及一系列基因的激活、表达以及调控等。目前,经典细胞凋亡被称为Ⅰ型PCD,而自噬性细胞死亡称为Ⅱ型PCD,坏死样程序性细胞死亡则被称为Ⅲ型PCD,它们在肿瘤的发生、发展及治疗过程中起非常重要的作用。该文结合国内外最新研究进展主要针对不同细胞死亡模式及其相互作用、关键作用蛋白,细胞自噬与肿瘤发生,细胞自噬、凋亡与肿瘤治疗作一简要综述,并展望发展前景,提出在肿瘤治疗中如何利用不同死亡模式的协同作用最大限度地发挥其临床应用价值。  相似文献   

Proteasome inhibitors induce cell death and are used in cancer therapy, but little is known about the relationship between proteasome impairment and cell death under normal physiological conditions. Here, we investigate the relationship between proteasome function and larval salivary gland cell death during development in Drosophila. Drosophila larval salivary gland cells undergo synchronized programmed cell death requiring both caspases and autophagy (Atg) genes during development. Here, we show that ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) function is reduced during normal salivary gland cell death, and that ectopic proteasome impairment in salivary gland cells leads to early DNA fragmentation and salivary gland condensation in vivo. Shotgun proteomic analyses of purified dying salivary glands identified the UPS as the top category of proteins enriched, suggesting a possible compensatory induction of these factors to maintain proteolysis during cell death. We compared the proteome following ectopic proteasome impairment to the proteome during developmental cell death in salivary gland cells. Proteins that were enriched in both populations of cells were screened for their function in salivary gland degradation using RNAi knockdown. We identified several factors, including trol, a novel gene CG11880, and the cop9 signalsome component cop9 signalsome 6, as required for Drosophila larval salivary gland degradation.  相似文献   

In HPB-ALL cells, a human thymus-derived T-cell line, Fas (CD95)-mediated cell death was inhibited by about only 50% as a result of treatment with an amount of benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-(O-methyl)-CH(2)F (zVAD-fmk) sufficient to block the caspase activity. Fas-mediated caspase-independent cell death was not observed in other lymphoblast cell lines or mouse activated splenocytes, but this type of cell death was observed in mouse and rat thymocytes, the same as for HPB-ALL cells. This suggests that Fas-mediated caspase-independent cell death is a common feature in thymocytes. The signaling pathway of caspase-independent cell death has not yet been fully elucidated. In HPB-ALL cells, DNA fragmentation, one of the features of apoptotic cells, did not occur in the caspase-independent cell death after Fas ligation. On the other hand, this type of cell death and the surface exposure of phosphatidylserine were recovered by pretreatment with geldanamycin, which brought about a decrease in receptor interacting protein (RIP) kinase expression. These results suggested that HPB-ALL cells have a caspase-independent RIP kinasedependent pathway for Fas ligation.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic process involved in the turnover of organelles and macromolecules which, depending on conditions, may lead to cell death or preserve cell survival. We found that some lung cancer cell lines and tumor samples are characterized by increased levels of lipidated LC3. Inhibition of autophagy sensitized non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis; however, such response was attenuated in cells treated with etoposide. Inhibition of autophagy stimulated ROS formation and treatment with cisplatin had a synergistic effect on ROS accumulation. Using genetically encoded hydrogen peroxide probes directed to intracellular compartments we found that autophagy inhibition facilitated formation of hydrogen peroxide in the cytosol and mitochondria of cisplatin-treated cells. The enhancement of cell death under conditions of inhibited autophagy was partially dependent on caspases, however, antioxidant NAC or hydroxyl radical scavengers, but not the scavengers of superoxide or a MnSOD mimetic, reduced the release of cytochrome c and abolished the sensitization of the cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Such inhibition of ROS prevented the processing and release of AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor) and HTRA2 from mitochondria. Furthermore, suppression of autophagy in NSCLC cells with active basal autophagy reduced their proliferation without significant effect on the cell-cycle distribution. Inhibition of cell proliferation delayed accumulation of cells in the S phase upon treatment with etoposide that could attenuate the execution stage of etoposide-induced apoptosis. These findings suggest that autophagy suppression leads to inhibition of NSCLC cell proliferation and sensitizes them to cisplatin-induced caspase-dependent and -independent apoptosis by stimulation of ROS formation.  相似文献   

Dziedzic SA  Caplan AB 《Autophagy》2012,8(5):731-738
Autophagy is essential for prolonging yeast survival during nutrient deprivation; however, this report shows that some autophagy proteins may also be accelerating population death in those conditions. While leucine starvation caused YCA1-mediated apoptosis characterized by increased annexin V staining, nitrogen deprivation triggered necrotic death characterized by increased propidium iodide uptake. Although a Δatg8 strain died faster than its parental strain during nitrogen starvation, this mutant died slower than its parent during leucine starvation. Conversely, a Δatg11 strain died slower than its parent during nitrogen starvation, but faster during leucine starvation. Curiously, although GFP-Atg8 complemented the Δatg8 mutation, this protein made ATG8 cells more sensitive to nitrogen starvation, and less sensitive to leucine starvation. These results were difficult to explain if autophagy only extended life but could be an indication that a second form of autophagy could concurrently facilitate either apoptotic or necrotic cell death.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a catabolic process involved in the turnover of organelles and macromolecules which, depending on conditions, may lead to cell death or preserve cell survival. We found that some lung cancer cell lines and tumor samples are characterized by increased levels of lipidated LC3. Inhibition of autophagy sensitized non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis; however, such response was attenuated in cells treated with etoposide. Inhibition of autophagy stimulated ROS formation and treatment with cisplatin had a synergistic effect on ROS accumulation. Using genetically encoded hydrogen peroxide probes directed to intracellular compartments we found that autophagy inhibition facilitated formation of hydrogen peroxide in the cytosol and mitochondria of cisplatin-treated cells. The enhancement of cell death under conditions of inhibited autophagy was partially dependent on caspases, however, antioxidant NAC or hydroxyl radical scavengers, but not the scavengers of superoxide or a MnSOD mimetic, reduced the release of cytochrome c and abolished the sensitization of the cells to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Such inhibition of ROS prevented the processing and release of AIF (apoptosis-inducing factor) and HTRA2 from mitochondria. Furthermore, suppression of autophagy in NSCLC cells with active basal autophagy reduced their proliferation without significant effect on the cell-cycle distribution. Inhibition of cell proliferation delayed accumulation of cells in the S phase upon treatment with etoposide that could attenuate the execution stage of etoposide-induced apoptosis. These findings suggest that autophagy suppression leads to inhibition of NSCLC cell proliferation and sensitizes them to cisplatin-induced caspase-dependent and -independent apoptosis by stimulation of ROS formation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe the features of programmed cell death of ovarian follicle cells, occurring during the late developmental stages of oogenesis in the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae and the medfly, Ceratitis capitata. During stage 14, the follicle cells contain autophagic vacuoles, and they do not exhibit caspase activity in all parts of the egg chamber. Their nuclei are characterized by condensed chromatin, accompanied with high- but not low-molecular weight DNA fragmentation events exclusively detected in distinct cells of the anterior pole. These data argue for the presence of an autophagy-mediated cell death program in the ovarian follicle cell layer in both species. The above results are likely associated with the abundant phagocytosis observed at the entry of the lateral oviducts, where numerous cell bodies are massively engulfed by epithelial cells. We strongly believe that during the termination of the above Dipteran oogenesis, an efficient mechanism of absorption of the degenerated follicle cells is selectively activated, in order to prevent the blockage of the ovarioles and thus robustly support the physiological completion of the ovulation process.  相似文献   

Apoptosis in CHO cell batch cultures: examination by flow cytometry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chinese hamster ovary cells grown under conditions which are optimal for the production of a genetically engineered protein in batch culture, lose significant viability shortly after entering the stationary phase. This cell death was investigated morphologically and was found to be almost exclusively via apoptosi. Furthermore, cells were analyzed by flow cytometry using a fluorescent DNA end-labeling assay to label apoptotic cells, in conjunction with cell cycle analysis using propidium iodide. Apoptotic cells could be detected by this method, and by the radioactive end-labeling of extracted DNA, on all days of culture from day 1 to day 7; however, the degree of apoptotic cell death increased dramatically when the cells entered the stationary phase, rising to 50–60% of the total cell number at the termination of the culture. Flow cytometric analysis showed that the majority of cells underwent apoptosis whilst in G1/G0 and formed an apoptotic population with high DNA FITC end-labeling and hypodiploid propidium iodide binding. Additionally, the ability or inability to secrete specific protein products did not appear to interfere with the development of the apoptotic population with time.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is currently under active investigation. A recent meeting focused on the molecular machinery of programmed cell death and on its role in the pathogenesis of human diseases.  相似文献   

Caspase-independent apoptotic pathways in T lymphocytes: a minireview   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cell death by apoptosis is involved in the maintenance of T cell receptor diversity, self tolerance, and T-cell number homeostasis. Until recently, apoptosis was thought to require caspase activation. Evidence is now accumulating that a caspase-independent pathway exists, shown by in vitro experiments with broad-range caspase inhibitors. Mature T lymphocytes readily undergo caspase-independent apoptosis in vitro, and recent data suggest that this type of apoptosis may be involved in the negative selection of thymocytes. Mitochondria likely release death triggers specific for both caspase-dependent and caspase-independent apoptotic pathways (cytochrome c and AIF respectively) in response to apoptotic stimuli. A caspase-independent pathway is triggered first in activated T lymphocytes subjected to apoptotic stimuli that do not rely on receptors with death domains. In this pathway, the early commitment phase to apoptosis involves cell shrinkage, peripheral DNA condensation and the translocation of mitochondrial AIF to the cytosol and nucleus. This process is reversible until mitochondrial cytochrome c is released and m dissipated. Only at this stage are caspases activated.  相似文献   

To gain further insight into the mechanism by which yeast programmed cell death (PCD) occurs, we investigated whether and how proteasome activity changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells undergoing PCD as a result of treatment with acetic acid (AA-PCD). We show that proteasome activation starts 60 min after AA-PCD induction, with a maximum at 90 min, and decreases at 150 min. Moreover, cell survival measurements carried out in the absence or presence of MG132, which inhibits proteasome function, show that the inhibition of proteasome activity partially prevents AA-PCD, thus indicating that a transient proteasome activation is needed for AA-PCD to occur.  相似文献   

Cloning and sequencing of a cDNA encoding the rat Bcl-2 protein   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A rat cDNA encoding the Bcl-2 protein was cloned and sequenced. The primary amino-acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence reveals a 236-aa protein having extensive homology with the mouse (95%), human (87%) and chicken (71%) Bcl-2 proteins.  相似文献   

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