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Neuropilin-1 (NRP-1) has been found to be expressed by endothelial cells and tumor cells as an isoform-specific receptor for vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Previous studies were mainly focused on the extracellular domain of NRP-1 that can bind to VEGF165 and, thus, enables NRP-1 to act as a co-receptor for VEGF165, which enhances its binding to VEGFR-2 and its bioactivity. However, the exact functional roles and related signaling mechanisms of NRP-1 in angiogenesis are not well understood. In this study we constructed a chimeric receptor, EGNP-1, by fusing the extracellular domain of epidermal growth factor receptor to the transmembrane and intracellular domains of NRP-1 and transduced it into HUVECs with a retroviral expression vector. We observed that NRP-1/EGNP-1 mediates ligand-stimulated migration of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) but not proliferation. Our results show that NRP-1 alone can mediate HUVEC migration through its intracellular domain, and its C-terminal three amino acids (SEA-COOH) are essential for the process. We demonstrate that phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor Ly294002 and the p85 dominant negative mutant can block NRP-1-mediated HUVEC migration. NRP-1-mediated migration can be significantly reduced by overexpression of the dominant negative mutant of RhoA (RhoA-19N). In addition, Gq family proteins and Gbetagamma subunits are also required for NRP-1-mediated HUVEC migration. These results show for the first time that NRP-1 can independently promote cell signaling in endothelial cells and also demonstrate the importance of last three amino acids of NRP-1 for its function.  相似文献   

Cell responses to soluble regulatory factors may be strongly influenced by the mode of presentation of the factor, as in matrix-bound versus diffusible modes. The possibly diverse effect of presenting a growth factor in autocrine as opposed to exogenous (or paracrine) mode is an especially important issue in cell biology. We demonstrate here that migration behavior of human mammary epithelial cells in response to stimulation by epidermal growth factor (EGF) is qualitatively different for EGF presented in exogenous (paracrine), autocrine, and intracrine modes. When EGF is added as an exogenous factor to the medium of cells that express EGF receptor (EGFR) but not EGF, cell migration speed increases while directional persistence decreases. When these EGFR-expressing cells are made to also express via retroviral transfection EGF in protease-cleaveable transmembrane form on the plasma membrane, migration speed similarly increases, but directional persistence increases as well. Addition of exogenous EGF to these cells abrogates their enhanced directional persistence, reducing their directionality to a level similar to wild-type cells. If the EGFR-expressing cells are instead transduced with a gene encoding EGF in a soluble form, migration speed and directional persistence were unaffected. Thus, autocrine presentation of EGF at the plasma membrane in a protease-cleavable form provides these cells with an enhanced ability to migrate persistently in a given direction, consistent with their increased capability for organizing into gland-like structures. In contrast, an exogenous/paracrine mode of EGF presentation generates a "scattering" response by the cells. These findings emphasize the functional importance of spatial restriction of EGFR signaling, and suggest critical implications for growth factor-based therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

Leptin increases vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2), and Notch expression in cancer cells, and transphosphorylates VEGFR-2 in endothelial cells. However, the mechanisms involved in leptin’s actions in endothelial cells are not completely known. Here we investigated whether a leptin-VEGFR-Notch axis is involved in these leptin’s actions. To this end, human umbilical vein and porcine aortic endothelial cells (wild type and genetically modified to overexpress VEGFR-1 or -2) were cultured in the absence of VEGF and treated with leptin and inhibitors of Notch (gamma-secretase inhibitors: DAPT and S2188, and silencing RNA), VEGFR (kinase inhibitor: SU5416, and silencing RNA) and leptin receptor, OB-R (pegylated leptin peptide receptor antagonist 2: PEG-LPrA2). Interestingly, in the absence of VEGF, leptin induced the expression of several components of Notch signaling pathway in endothelial cells. Inhibition of VEGFR and Notch signaling significantly decreased leptin-induced S-phase progression, proliferation, and tube formation in endothelial cells. Moreover, leptin/OB-R induced transphosphorylation of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 was essential for leptin’s effects. These results unveil for the first time a novel mechanism by which leptin could induce angiogenic features via upregulation/trans-activation of VEGFR and downstream expression/activation of Notch in endothelial cells. Thus, high levels of leptin found in overweight and obese patients might lead to increased angiogenesis by activating VEGFR-Notch signaling crosstalk in endothelial cells. These observations might be highly relevant for obese patients with cancer, where leptin/VEGFR/Notch crosstalk could play an important role in cancer growth, and could be a new target for the control of tumor angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) stimulates the migration of myogenic cells during the development of skeletal muscles. The inactivation of HGF genes or that of its receptor, c-met, in mice causes hypoplasia of skeletal muscle organs, such as the tongue. Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) also induces migration of skeletal myoblasts. A comparison of the functions of HGF and FGF-2 in myogenesis revealed the crucial effect of HGF in the development of skeletal muscles. Unlike FGF-2, HGF induced migration of myoblasts from the developing mouse tongue. The differences between the activities of HGF and FGF-2 were determined by comparing their effects on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in myoblasts, C2C12 cells, cultured in collagen-coated dishes. The results showed that HGF, but not FGF-2, stimulated MMP-9 expression, and that the stimulation was mediated through the activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) which was not associated with FGF-2 signal transduction. Nevertheless, both growth factors exerted almost the same effect on the reduction of myogenin expression in, and on the proliferation of, C2C12 cells, suggesting that HGF, rather than FGF-2, plays a crucial role in the generation of skeletal muscles, including the tongue. Moreover, the specific role of HGF through the PI3K signal pathway is the induction of MMP-9 expression in, and the migration of, myoblasts.  相似文献   

Elevated plasma concentrations of Lp(a) [lipoprotein(a)] are an emerging risk factor for atherothrombotic disease. Apo(a) [apolipoprotein(a)], the unique glycoprotein component of Lp(a), contains tandem repeats of a plasminogen kringle (K) IV-like domain. In the light of recent studies suggesting that apo(a)/Lp(a) affects endothelial function, we evaluated the effects of apo(a)/Lp(a) on growth and migration of cultured HUVECs (human umbilical-vein endothelial cells). Two full-length r-apo(a) [recombinant apo(a)] variants (12K and 17K), as well as Lp(a), were able to stimulate HUVEC growth and migration to a comparable extent; 17K r-apo(a) also decreased the levels of total and active transforming growth factor-beta secreted by these cells. Using additional r-apo(a) variants corresponding to deletions and/or site-directed mutants of various kringle domains in the molecule, we were able to determine that the observed effects of full-length r-apo(a) on HUVECs were dependent on the presence of a functional lysine-binding site(s) in the apo(a) molecule. With respect to signalling events elicited by apo(a) in HUVECs, we found that 17K treatment of the cells increased the phosphorylation level of FAK (focal adhesion kinase) and MAPKs (mitogen-activated protein kinases), including ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase), p38 and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase). In addition, we showed that LM609, the function-blocking antibody to integrin alphaVbeta3, abrogated the effects of 17K r-apo(a) and Lp(a) on HUVECs. Taken together, the results of the present study suggest that the apo(a) component of Lp(a) signals through integrin alphaVbeta3 to activate endothelial cells.  相似文献   

The ability of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) to induce human umbilical vein endothelial (HUVE) cell migration was studied using an in vitro, serum-free wound assay system. At pharmacological doses, tPA stimulated HUVE cell migration dose-dependently. Treatment of cells with epsilon amino caproic acid (EACA) to detach cell-surface and extracellular matrix bound plasminogen, which could lead to plasmin generation, resulted in increased HUVEcell migration on stimulation with tPA.Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), a natural plasminogen activator inhibitor, abolished tPA-induced HUVEcell migration. These results demonstrate for the first time that tPA is capable of stimulating endothelial cell migration in wound assays and this effect is susceptible to PAI-1 inhibition.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in adults is synthesized in small amounts by thymic epithelial cells and is important for the maintenance of vascular homeostasis. However, its role dramatically increases during the process of thymic reconstitution after damage caused by radiation, chemo-, or hormonotherapy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different factors on VEGF production by mouse thymic epithelial cells in vitro. As a model, two cell lines were used: cortical cTEC1-2 and medullar mTEC3-10 cells. These cells were characterized by their ability to synthesize VEGF mRNA and VEGF protein, as well as by the presence of VEGF receptors. No VEGFR1 or VEGFR2 mRNA expression was observed in these cells, while NRP-1 mRNA was expressed at a low level. An ELISA test showed that cTEC1-2 cells produced VEGF about 30 times more than mTEC3-10 cells. These cell lines, when exposed to cytokines, hormonal factors, or thymocytes, responded differently. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) enhanced VEGF mRNA expression, as well as VEGF protein production, in medullar cells, but down-regulated VEGF mRNA synthesis in cortical cells. Dexamethasone suppressed the levels of VEGF mRNA expression and its protein production in cortical cells, while in medullar cells only VEGF production was reduced. Introduction of IL-7, IL-1β, or murine thymocytes increased, while administration of semaphorin-3A, SDF-1α, or ACTH decreased, VEGF production by cortical epithelial cells with no influence on medullar cells. We suggest that our data, obtained in vitro, can serve for further development of special strategies directed for regulation of VEGF synthesis in the thymic epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(10):1124-1135

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important mediators for VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) signalling involved in angiogenesis. The initial product of Cys oxidation, cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys-OH), is a key intermediate in redox signal transduction; however, its role in VEGF signalling is unknown. We have previously demonstrated IQGAP1 as a VEGFR2 binding scaffold protein involved in ROS-dependent EC migration and post-ischemic angiogenesis. Using a biotin-labelled Cys-OH trapping reagent, we show that VEGF increases protein-Cys-OH formation at the lamellipodial leading edge where it co-localizes with NADPH oxidase and IQGAP1 in migrating ECs, which is prevented by IQGAP1 siRNA or trapping of Cys-OH with dimedone. VEGF increases IQGAP1-Cys-OH formation, which is prevented by N-acetyl cysteine or dimedone, which inhibits VEGF-induced EC migration and capillary network formation. In vivo, hindlimb ischemia in mice increases Cys-OH formation in small vessels and IQGAP1 in ischemic tissues. In summary, VEGF stimulates localized formation of Cys-OH-IQGAP1 at the leading edge, thereby promoting directional EC migration, which may contribute to post-natal angiogenesis in vivo. Thus, targeting Cys-oxidized proteins at specific compartments may be the potential therapeutic strategy for various angiogenesis-dependent diseases.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are important mediators for VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) signalling involved in angiogenesis. The initial product of Cys oxidation, cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys-OH), is a key intermediate in redox signal transduction; however, its role in VEGF signalling is unknown. We have previously demonstrated IQGAP1 as a VEGFR2 binding scaffold protein involved in ROS-dependent EC migration and post-ischemic angiogenesis. Using a biotin-labelled Cys-OH trapping reagent, we show that VEGF increases protein-Cys-OH formation at the lamellipodial leading edge where it co-localizes with NADPH oxidase and IQGAP1 in migrating ECs, which is prevented by IQGAP1 siRNA or trapping of Cys-OH with dimedone. VEGF increases IQGAP1-Cys-OH formation, which is prevented by N-acetyl cysteine or dimedone, which inhibits VEGF-induced EC migration and capillary network formation. In vivo, hindlimb ischemia in mice increases Cys-OH formation in small vessels and IQGAP1 in ischemic tissues. In summary, VEGF stimulates localized formation of Cys-OH-IQGAP1 at the leading edge, thereby promoting directional EC migration, which may contribute to post-natal angiogenesis in vivo. Thus, targeting Cys-oxidized proteins at specific compartments may be the potential therapeutic strategy for various angiogenesis-dependent diseases.  相似文献   

Several different cytokines and growth factors secreted by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been hypothesized to play a role in breast cancer progression. By using a small panel of breast cancer cell lines (MCF‐7, T47D, and SK‐Br‐3 cells), we analyzed the role of interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) and vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) in the cross‐talk between MSCs and breast cancer cells. We performed migration assays in which breast cancer cells were allowed to migrate in response to conditioned medium from MSCs (MSCs‐CM), in absence or in presence of the anti‐VEGF antibody bevacizumab or an anti‐IL‐6 antibody, alone or in combination. We found that anti‐VEGF and anti‐IL‐6 antibodies inhibited the migration of breast cancer cells and that the combination had an higher inhibitory effect. We next evaluated the effects of recombinant VEGF and IL‐6 proteins on breast cancer cell growth and migration. IL‐6 and VEGF had not significant effects on the proliferation of breast carcinoma cells. In contrast, both VEGF and IL‐6 significantly increased the ability to migrate of MCF‐7, T47D and SK‐Br‐3 cells, with the combination showing a greater effect as compared with treatment with a single protein. The combination of VEGF and IL‐6 produced in breast cancer cells a more significant and more persistent activation of MAPK, AKT, and p38MAPK intracellular signaling pathways. These results suggest that MSC‐secreted IL‐6 and VEGF may act as paracrine factors to sustain breast cancer cell migration. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 3363–3370, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) was first identified as a 38-kDa cysteine-rich protein which can be specifically induced by TGF-beta and was recently found to be expressed abundantly in atherosclerotic lesions, but only marginally in normal vascular tissues. It was hypothesized that CTGF is one of the factors involved in the development of atherosclerotic lesions. In this study, we investigated the functions of CTGF protein in regulating the growth and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and found that by overexpressing CTGF in VSMC, proliferation and migration rates were significantly increased. The accelerated growth and migration can be reversed by an anti-CTGF antibody. In addition, overexpression of CTGF also promotes VSMC to express more extracellular matrix protein collagen I and fibronectin. Our results indicate that CTGF is a growth factor for VSMC and it may play a similar role in promoting VSMC proliferation, migration, and formation of extracellular matrix, in vivo.  相似文献   

The effects of platelet factors on the growth of cultured porcine aortic endothelial cells were studied. Human platelet lysate stimulated the incorporation of [3H] thymidine into DNA. Gel chromatography on Sephadex G-75 revealed at least two peaks of activity on endothelial cells, the major peak being at an apparent molecular weight of 20,000. This activity was heat-labile and trypsin-sensitive, and did not stimulate the growth of fibro-blasts.  相似文献   

Sarcoid macrophage-epithelioid cells have been shown to release a growth factor that stimulates the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells in vitro. In the presence of this factor, cultured endothelial cells can proliferate in a serum-free medium. Gel-chromatography on Sephadex G-75 revealed a single peak of activity on endothelial cells. The molecular weight was estimated at 7,000-10,000. The activity was heat-labile and trypsin-sensitive, and did not adhere to heparin-Sepharose.  相似文献   

Regulated intestinal epithelial cell migration plays a key role in wound healing and maintenance of a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates cell migration and wound closure in intestinal epithelial cells through incompletely understood mechanisms. In this study we investigated the role of the small GTPase Rac in EGF-induced cell migration using an in vitro wound-healing assay. In mouse colonic epithelial (MCE) cell lines, EGF-stimulated wound closure was accompanied by a doubling of the number of cells containing lamellipodial extensions at the wound margin, increased Rac membrane translocation in cells at the wound margin, and rapid Rac activation. Either Rac1 small interfering (si)RNA or a Rac1 inhibitor completely blocked EGF-stimulated wound closure. Whereas EGF failed to activate Rac in colon cells from EGF receptor (EGFR) knockout mice, stable expression of wild-type EGFR restored EGF-stimulated Rac activation and migration. Pharmacological inhibition of either phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) or Src family kinases reduced EGF-stimulated Rac activation. Cotreatment of cells with both inhibitors completely blocked EGF-stimulated Rac activation and localization to the leading edge of cells and lamellipodial extension. Our results present a novel mechanism by which the PI3K and Src signaling cascades cooperate to activate Rac and promote intestinal epithelial cell migration downstream of EGFR.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori CagA is delivered into gastric epithelial cells, where undergoes tyrosine phosphorylation at the Glu-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Ala (EPIYA) motif to interact with Src homology 2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase-2 (SHP2) oncoprotein. CagA also binds to partitioning-defective 1 (PAR1) polarity-regulating kinase via the CagA multimerization (CM) sequence. To investigate pathophysiological role of CagA-SHP2 and/or CagA-PAR1 interaction in H. pylori infection, we generated H. pylori isogenic strains producing a phosphorylation-resistant CagA and a CagA without CM sequence. Infection studies revealed that deregulation of epithelial cell motility was more prominent in the wild-type strain than in the mutant strains. Thus, both CagA-SHP2 and CagA-PAR1 interactions are involved in the pathogenicity of cagA-positive H. pylori.  相似文献   

Increased endothelial permeability is involved in the pathogenesis of many cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a permeability-increasing cytokine. At the same time, VEGF is known to have a beneficial effect on endothelial cells (EC), increasing their survival. Pulmonary endothelium, particularly, may be exposed to higher VEGF concentrations, since the VEGF level is the higher in the lungs than in any other organ. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the effects of VEGF on barrier function and motility of cultured human pulmonary EC. Using transendothelial resistance measurements as an indicator of permeability, we found that 10 ng/ml VEGF significantly improved barrier properties of cultured human pulmonary artery EC (118.6+/-0.6% compared with 100% control, P<0.001). In contrast, challenge with 100 ng/ml VEGF decreased endothelial barrier (71.6+/-1.0% compared with 100% control, P<0.001) and caused disruption of adherens junctions. VEGF at both concentrations increased cellular migration; however, 10 ng/ml VEGF had a significantly stronger effect. VEGF caused a dose-dependent increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration; however, phosphorylation of myosin light chain was detectably elevated only after treatment with 100 ng/ml. In contrast, 10 ng/ml but not 100 ng/ml VEGF caused a significant increase in intracellular cAMP (known barrier-protective stimulus) compared with nonstimulated cells (1,096+/-157 and 610+/-86 fmol/mg, respectively; P<0.024). Y576-specific phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase was also stimulated by 10 ng/ml VEGF. Our data suggest that, depending on its concentration, VEGF may cause diverse effects on pulmonary endothelial permeability via different signaling pathways.  相似文献   

In vivo vascular endothelial cell (VEC) migration is thought to play a central role in the development of new capillaries as well as the resurfacing of large vessels. Recently, we have developed an in vitro VEC migration assay system based on the ability of VEC to migrate off of tissue culture microcarrier beads. For these studies, bovine pulmonary artery VEC were grown to confluence on Cytodex 3 microcarrier beads (MCB). Next, the confluent VEC covered microcarrier beads were pipetted into 4-cm2 wells of a tissue culture plate and incubated at 37 degrees C/5% CO2. At various time intervals, the movement of the VEC off of the MCB onto the tissue culture surface was evaluated microscopically. Using this assay, we have studied the effect of endothelial cell growth supplement and various matrices (i.e., fibronectin, gelatin, and Matrigel) on VEC migration. These studies demonstrated that: (i) gelatin had no effect on normal or mitomycin C-pretreated VEC migration; (ii) fibronectin had no effect on normal VEC migration, but stimulated the relative migration of mitomycin pretreated VEC; and (iii) Matrigel significantly suppressed both normal and mitomycin C-pretreated VEC migration. Endothelial cell growth supplement (ECGS) stimulated both normal and mitomycin C-pretreated VEC migration on fibronectin at concentrations of 10 micrograms/ml ECGS. Pretreatment with ECGS had no effect of normal or mitomycin C VEC migration on gelatin. Finally, ECGS stimulated a statistically significant increase in the migration of normal and mitomycin C-pretreated VEC migration on Matrigel.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary We report that culture bovine calf aorta and human adult iliac artery smooth muscle cells release a soluble factor which causes spreading and separation of cells in normally tight, cohesive epithelial colonies, similar to the morphologic changes induced by the fibroblast-derived scatter factor (SF). Smooth muscle-derived SF was heat sensitive, trypsin labile, and nondialyzable, consistent with a protein (or proteins). Its effects on epithelium were not mimicked by a variety of proteolytic enzymes, growth factors, or hormones, and were not blocked by antiproteases or by antibodies to fibronectin and basic fibroblast growth factor. Epithelial cell proliferation was unaffected or only mildly stimulated by partially purified SF at concentrations that produced cell scattering. Both smooth muscle-and MRC5 human embryo fibroblast-derived SFs could be partially purified with similar elution patterns on a number of different chromatographic columns, including DEAE-agarose, heparin-sepharose, Bio-Rex 70, concanavalin A-sepharose, and MonoQ. SF from both sources bound tightly to heparin-sepharose, requiring 1.3 to 1.4M NaCl for elution. The morphologically obvious cell scattering effect was markedly inhibited by soluble heparin at concentrations down to 5 μg/ml, and this inhibition was prevented by protamine. These data suggest that vascular smooth muscle cells produce an epithelial cell scattering factor with properties similar to the fibroblast-produced factor, including a high affinity for heparin. Such factors are potentially important because they may represent a new class of proteins that primarily regulate cell mobility rather than growth and differentiation. Supported by American Cancer Society grant ACS IN-31-28-5, an Argail L. and Anna G. Hull Cancer Research Award, and grants-in-aid from the American Heart Association (#880981) and the American Lung Association of Connecticut. Dr. Goldberg was supported by the LIJ-Harvard Research Consortium and the Finkelstein Foundation.  相似文献   

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