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Chokkalingam  Unna  White  Alan 《Plant Ecology》2001,156(2):139-160
Stand structure including spatial patterns was studied in northern hardwood and mixed forest types in the 2000-ha old-growth Big Reed Forest Reserve in northern Maine using complete stem mapping, dendrochronology, and spatial analyses on 0.5 plots. The inclusion of saplings, dead wood, age distributions, spatial pattern, and interactions provided some idea of underlying processes and temporal change. Structural characteristics were most comparable to spruce-northern hardwood forests of northern New England and New York, and most characteristics matched expected patterns for old-growth forests of the region.Results indicated smaller maximum-tree sizes, lower basal areas (26–34 ) and downed-wood volumes (29–64), higher densities (475–649), but similar species longevities compared to other mesic old-growth forests further south and in the Lake States. The stands were dominated by very shade-tolerant tree species, including Fagus grandifolia Ehrh., Acer saccharum Marsh.,Picea rubens Sarg. and Abies balsamea(L.) Mill, with each species found in many crown positions and age and size classes. The sapling layer was dominated by Fagus grandifolia followed by Picea rubens. Most species had reverse-J shaped diameter distributions, but age distributions were indicative of synchronous, episodic recruitment. In most plots, Acer saccharum diameter distributions were skewed towards the mid-larger size classes. Lack of young and small Acer saccharum stems suggested change in forest composition towards Fagus grandifolia dominance. Most species formed small-scale clusters (15 ) perhaps in response to small gap disturbances. Snags were the dominant dead wood type and were randomly to regularly distributed in most plots. Logfall directions were unrelated to hurricane paths. Recent small-scale disturbance events and topographic position appear to be important in explaining current structure and dynamics of the hardwood and mixed forests of Big Reed Forest Reserve in northern Maine. The continued effects of beech bark disease had a greater effect on hardwood plots, whereas a recent spruce budworm outbreak had a greater effect on plots with higher conifer density.The dominance of very shade tolerant tree species in small-scale clusters, and randomly distributed snags rather than clustered uproots were indicative of the prevalence of small scale gap disturbance regimes in the hardwood and mixed forests of Big Reed Forest Reserve in northern Maine. Varying topographic position may allow for slight changes in disturbance regime leading to consequent variation in structure and dynamics. H1, a more open plot on upper exposed slopes, had distinctly different characteristics such as lower live and dead tree and sapling densities than the other plots, but more uprooted trees and Acer saccharum saplings. Such small scale gap disturbance regimes operating on an episodic basis, and effects of slight variations in this regime on stand composition and structure have significant implications for silvicultural interventions and management of these forest types.  相似文献   

Buffer zones around reserves are often suggested, but have rarely been evaluated. We examined their design for small forest reserves (5–225 ha), where buffer zones (200 m wide) would protect the reserves and reduce negative edge effects. The potential buffer zones could be partly protected, but remain as private land. Alternatively, the state may buy land outside reserves (to be included in reserves). To consider opinions of forest owners, we interviewed 33 private forest owners in potential buffer zones of reserves. The respondents were weakly positive to conservation, but disliked a state reserve on their land, or a buffer zone where 50% of the forest would be protected without compensation; however, with compensation the majority of them were neutral or positive to such a buffer zone. In a choice between buffer zone or reserve bought by the state, the great majority of the respondents chose the buffer zone (compensation paid, land still private). We found no relationships between opinions of respondents and conservation values of their forests (densities of old and dead trees), but older owners had forests of higher value. The forest in the potential buffer zones had higher conservation value than other non-protected forests in southern Sweden. Thus, buffer zones may be valuable, and we suggest they are created in cooperation with local residents where this is possible.  相似文献   

The young successional stages of boreal forests are an important habitat for many saproxylic species. These habitats are formed by disturbances such as forest fires and they are characterized by large volumes of dead wood and sun-exposed conditions. Today, young successional stages of natural origin are very rare in Fennoscandia and there is need for restoration. We constructed a large-scale field experiment in which we studied the effects of two restoration practices on beetle diversity: controlled burning and partial harvesting with creating different volumes of dead wood. We sampled beetles with flight-intercept traps recording a total of 56,031 individuals and 755 species. The species richness and abundance of both saproxylic and non-saproxylic beetles were increased by burning and harvesting but the volume of dead wood created on harvested sites had no short-term effect on species richness or abundance. Rare species, especially saproxylic ones, preferred burned sites and a similar trend was observed among red-listed and pyrophilous species. Burning and harvesting also resulted in different species assemblages and there were some additional differences according to the volume of dead wood. We conclude that fire can be successfully used in restoration of managed boreal forests to increase species diversity and to facilitate the recovery of declined species. However, long-term monitoring is needed to clarify the effects of the restoration practices, in particular those of creating dead wood without using fire.  相似文献   

The use of paddock trees by birds was assessed in a grazinglandscape in southern New South Wales, Australia. Seventy paddock treesites were surveyed for 20 min each in the morning, and 36sites were surveyed again at midday in March 2000. During this time, thepresence and abundance of birds was recorded. Several site and landscapevariables were measured at each site. These included tree species, atree size index, a measure of the crown cover density around the site,and proximity to the nearest woodland patch. During formal surveys, 31bird species, including several woodland species, were observed usingpaddock trees. Data from bird surveys in woodland patches that wereobtained in a separate study in November 1999 were used to comparewhether there was a relationship between the abundance of a given birdspecies in woodland patches and paddock trees. Many birds commonlydetected in woodland patches were also common in paddock trees. However,some birds with special habitat requirements were absent from paddocktrees although they were common in woodland patches. Site occupancypatterns were modelled for several guilds of birds using logisticregression. Foliage-foraging birds were more likely to occupy clumps oftrees and sites with a high tree size index. Nectarivores appeared to bemore likely to be detected at sites more than 200 m fromwoodland, although this result was marginally non-significant(P = 0.08). The probability of detecting granivoreswas higher at sites with a low tree size index. Open country specieswere most likely to occupy large trees and sites that were located morethan 200 m from the nearest woodland patch. The value ofpaddock trees may have been underestimated in the past because a widevariety of bird species use paddock trees on a regular basis. Ensuringthe continued survival of paddock trees should be an important aspect offuture conservation and revegetation efforts.  相似文献   

The rapid industrialisation of agriculture and forestry during the last century has contributed to a transformation of the forested landscape in southern Sweden. Palaeoecological investigation revealed how the Medieval forest-meadow system was created about 900 years ago from a deciduous forest type that had been rather stable for the previous 3000 years. The study site was a forest hollow close to where Linnaeus was born and brought up. The species-rich forest-meadow system suffered from over-grazing during the human-population peak of the nineteenth century, and was abandoned about one hundred years ago. The recent forest succession in southern Sweden has led to reduced floristic biodiversity and created conservation problems related to disappearance of open landscape, even though the remnant vegetation is moving towards the near-natural forest type. Spatially detailed palaeoecology permits documentation of baseline conditions, and places conservation debates in a valuable temporal perspective.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. How do physiography, flooding regime, landscape pattern, land‐cover history, and local soil conditions influence the presence, community structure and abundance of overstorey trees? 2. Can broad‐scale factors explain variation in the floodplain forest community, or are locally measured soil conditions necessary? Location: Floodplain of the lower 370 km of the Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA. Methods: Floodplain forest was sampled in 10 m × 20 m plots [n= 405) during summers of 1999 and 2000 in six 12‐ to 15‐km reaches. Results: Species observed most frequently were Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer saccharinum and Ulmus americana. Physiography (e.g. geographic province) and indicators of flooding regime (e.g. relative elevation and distance from main channel) were consistently important in predicting occurrence, community composition, and abundance of trees. Correspondence analysis revealed that flood‐tolerant and intolerant species segregated along the primary axis, and late‐successional species segregated from flood‐tolerant species along the secondary axis. Current landscape configuration only influenced species presence or abundance in forests that developed during recent decades. Land‐cover history was important for tree species presence and for the abundance of late‐successional species. Comparison of statistical models developed with and without soils data suggested that broad‐scale factors such as geographic province generally performed well. Conclusions: Physiography and indicators of flood regime are particularly useful for explaining floodplain forest structure and composition in floodplains with a relatively high proportion of natural cover types.  相似文献   

The Forest Stewardship Council developed the concept of High Conservation Values (HCVs) as a criteria in the forest certification process in order to promote sustainable forest management. It has six major components or values and component one and two of HCVs deal with the habitat for viable populations of “rare, endemic and threatened (RET) species” using the IUCN Red List category and other national / regional / local lists. But a consistent robust methodology for identification of these areas, does not exist. The present study tried to develop for the first time, a straight forward inclusive methodology for identification of HCVAs for the RET species on a spatio-temporal scale. A total of 50 RET and other significant species (32 flora, 10 fauna and 8 avifauna) were identified after a thorough literature review, field surveys and consultations with experts. Occurrence data of the selected species was collected from different secondary sources, field surveys, institutes and scientists who have worked on them. A 10 km grid-based approach and stratified random sampling was used for the primary GPS field surveys conducted during 2018–2019. MaxEnt species distribution model (SDM) software was used based on the occurrence data and environmental variables for identification of potential suitable habitats for the selected species. Linear support vector machine (LSVM) model was used for assessing the performance of the SDMs. The performance of each SDM has been validated through Cohen's Kappa (KAPPA), true skill statistic (TSS) and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) models. The proposed methodology addresses the urgent need for a holistic and robust set of techniques to apply the HCV toolkit. This is key to identify and map HCVAs for RET species at the landscape level and can be easily adapted to and adopted at the national, regional, state or local level in India. The methods offer an efficient, reliable approach for the application of the HCV concept, elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

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