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Increasing the ionic strength of rat liver chromatin solutions above 0.4 M causes increasing viscosity. This indicates transformation of the compact chromatin molecules to more elongated forms. In the range of 0.4–0.5 M ionic strength histone H1 is dissociating continuously from the chromatin and the quaternary structure chromatin unravels. At ionic strength higher than 0.5 M the viscosities of chromatin solutions are furthermore increasing due to structural deformation. Near 0.7 M ionic strength the core histones H2A and H2B begin to dissociate from the chromatin, and the opening of the nucleosome cores leads to increasing elongation of the chromatin molecules.  相似文献   

Depending on ionic strength, chromatin can assume either a condensed, supranucleosomal conformation or the form of an extended nucleosomal fiber. Using sedimentation velocity analysis, both types of structures could be identified in chromatin prepared from cell nuclei of fetal rat brain. When the ionic strength was reduced from 60 to 10 mM NaCl, the average S-value of a defined chromatin fiber fraction (12–15 nucleosomes in size) decreased dramatically from 72 S to 55 S, reflecting the unfolding of condensed chromatin to an extended conformation. Correspondingly, the average S-value of histone H1-depleted chromatin (Ch) was 54 S at 60 mM NaCl and did not change significantly at lower NaCl concentrations. Ch contains only the core histones and is, therefore, relaxed into an extended form.

Using a monoclonal antibody (ER-6) specific for O6-ethyldeoxyguanosine, we studied the influence of chromatin conformation on the formation of O6-ethylguanine (O6-EtGua) in the DNA of chromatin exposed to the carcinogen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (EtNU; 1 mg/ml, 37°C, 20 min) in vitro. When the NaCl concentration during incubations with EtNU was varied between 0 and 100 mM, the amount of O6-EtGua formed in the DNA of complete chromatin (Ch+) was highest at 0 mM NaCl, then decreased exponentially with increasing ionic strength, and remained approximately constant at values 50 mM NaCl. A similar dependence on ionic strength was found for the formation of O6-EtGua in the DNA of Ch and in native DNA. The frequency of O6-EtGua was highest in native DNA, followed by the DNA of Ch, and lowest in the DNA of Ch+. At each salt concentration, the O6-EtGua content of Ch+ DNA relative to the corresponding values for Ch DNA and native DNA, remained unchanged (0.70±0.03 S.D. and 0.42±0.03 S.D., respectively). In addition to O6-EtGua, the formation of 7-ethylguanine (7-EtGua; major groove of the DNA double helix) and 3-ethyladenine (3-EtAde; minor groove) was analysed after exposure to [1-14C]EtNU. 7-EtGua was the most frequently formed ethylation product, followed by O6-EtGua and 3-EtAde. As in the case of O6-EtGua, the frequencies of 7-EtGua and 3-EtAde were dependent on ionic strength, and decreased in the order: native DNA, Ch DNA, and Ch+ DNA. Compared with native DNA (relative value, 100), the frequencies of O6-EtGua and 7-EtGua in DNA were reduced to a similar extent in Ch (rel. values 62.1 and 61.2, respectively) and in Ch+ (rel. values for both products, 43.9). The corresponding values for 3-EtAde were slightly lower in both types of chromatin fibers (rel. values 56.7 and 39.5, respectively). Thus, the core histones generally protect DNA from ethylation by EtNU. While nucleophilic sites in the major groove and in the base-pairing region of the DNA double helix are protected to about the same degree, the N-3 position of adenine in the minor groove is slightly less accessible to the ethyldiazonium ion generated from EtNU. In all cases the highest degree of protection is obtained when histone H1 is present in chromatin.  相似文献   

A Stein  K Holley  J Zeliff  T Townsend 《Biochemistry》1985,24(7):1783-1790
Addition of core histones to chromatin or chromatin core particles at physiological ionic strength results in soluble nucleohistone complexes when polyglutamic acid is included in the sample. The interaction between nucleosomes and added core histones is strong enough to inhibit nucleosome formation on a closed circular DNA in the same solution. Complexes consisting of core particles and core histones run as discrete nucleoprotein particles on polyacrylamide gels. Consistent with the electrophoretic properties of these particles, protein cross-linking with dimethyl suberimidate indicates that added core histones are bound as excess octamers. Histones in the excess octamers do not exchange with nucleosomal core histones at an ionic strength of 0.1 M and can be selectively removed from core particles by incubating the complexes in a solution containing sufficient DNA. Under conditions where added histones are confined to the surface of chromatin, the excess histones are mobile and can migrate onto a contiguous extension of naked DNA and form nucleosomes.  相似文献   

M R Riehm  R E Harrington 《Biochemistry》1989,28(14):5787-5793
High-resolution thermal denaturation data on chicken erythrocyte chromatin are reported over 4 orders of magnitude in NaCl concentration which includes the physiological region. A novel technique using critical-point polyacrylamide sols instead of ordinary solvents effectively stabilizes chromatin against precipitation at high salt concentrations. These sols are optically transparent from 260 to 320 nm and are thermally stable over the temperature ranges studied. At Na+ ion concentrations below 10 mM, the polyacrylamide slightly destabilizes chromatin at the nucleosome level, possibly through interactions of histones H1 and H5 with the carboxylic acid residues. At the same low salts, polyacrylamide stabilizes pure DNA against denaturation, presumably by mechanically stabilizing it against helix-distorting thermal fluctuations. In both cases, however, the polyacrylamide sols are entirely noninvasive at higher salts. Prominent low-temperature thermal transitions are observed in chromatin at and above 100 mM NaCl which evidently are associated with conformational changes in DNA. Our results are in accord with the idea that histone-histone interactions at physiological ionic strengths (approximately 100 mM Na+) may be comparable to histone-DNA interactions and hence may be sufficient to promote the destabilization of the DNA helix in chromatin under these conditions. The biological implications of this are discussed, and a possible model for the local decondensation of chromatin under physiological conditions is proposed.  相似文献   

Despite the recent improvement in understanding the higher-order structure of chromatin fibers, the organization of interphase chromosomes in specific nuclear domains emerged only recently and it is still controversial. This study took advantage of an integrated approach using complementary techniques in order to investigate the structure and organization of chromatin in interphase nucleus. Native CHO-K1 cells were progressively heated from 310 K to 410 K and the effects of increasing temperatures on nuclear chromatin were analyzed in situ by means of cytometric and calorimetric techniques. Distribution and organization of chromatin domains were analyzed by Fluorescence microscopy, while the mean condensation of nuclear chromatin was measured by Differential scanning calorimetry. The results show as changes of nuclear structures (envelope and matrix, namely) affect significantly organization and condensation of in situ chromatin. Moreover when volume is modified by an external force (the temperature gradient in our case) we observe significant alterations of chromatin structure. These data are in accordance with the hypothesis of an inverse relationship between nuclear volume and chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

The method of circular dichroism (CD) has been used to investigate the reconstitution of mononucleosomes from C3HA mice liver and ascitic hepatoma 22A cells chromatin. It has been revealed that the more unfolding state of DNA in ascitic nucleosomes (discovered earlier) is determined by the peculiarities of the interactions between DNA and the dimers H2A-H2B, as well as by the linker histones of the H1 group. The investigation of the DNA folding in the oligonucleosome chains with increasing ionic strength has shown complete invariability of the DNA compactness in the ascitic chromatin up to 100 mM NaCl, while in liver nucleosomes an additional folding of the linker portion of the DNA was observed within the range of 20-40 mM NaCl. Oligonucleosomes from ascitic chromatin are less inclined to association upon increasing ionic strength, as compared with those from liver chromatin.  相似文献   

When mouse brain nuclei are optimally digested with micrococcal nuclease, most of the chromatin is soluble in a 180 mM salt/1 mM EDTA buffer [1]. At this ionic concentration, chromatin maintains its native structure [2]. In an attempt to selectively extract different fractions of chromatin from digested nuclei, we have examined the differential solubility of chromatin in the 180 mM salt buffer containing concentrations of MgCl2 ranging from 2 to 0 mM. The results suggest that digested chromatin may be fractionated into specific soluble chromatin fractions which correspond to nuclease-sensitive chromatin, bulk chromatin, and heterochromatin. These soluble fractions have a high molecular weight (up to 20 kbp), and contain a full complement of histones as well as a complex assortment of non-histone proteins. The residual insoluble fraction may be equivalent to a native, nuclear matrix-bound chromatin fraction.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase from maize leaves dissociated into dimers and/or monomers when exposed to increasing ionic strength (e.g. 200-400 mM NaCl) as indicated by gel filtration experiments. Changes in the oligomerization state were dependent on pH, time of preincubation with salt and protein concentration. A dissociation into dimers and monomers was observed at pH 8, while at pH 7 dissociation into the dimeric form only was observed. Exposure of the enzyme to higher ionic strength decreased the activity in a time-dependent manner. Turnover conditions and glucose 6-phosphate protected the carboxylase from the decay in activity, which was faster at pH 7 than at pH 8. The results suggest that changes in activity of the enzyme, following exposure to high ionic strength, are the consequence of dissociation. Tetrameric and dimeric forms of the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase seemingly reveal different catalytic properties. We suggest that the distinct catalytic properties of the different oligomeric species of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and changes in the equilibrium between them could be the molecular basis for an effective regulation of metabolite levels by this key enzyme of C4 plants.  相似文献   

The fixed stromal charge of bovine corneas, osmotically clamped at physiological hydration, was altered by regulating the amount of chloride ions bound to the matrix. We measured the local fibrillar collagen order using X-ray diffraction methods. As the bound anions increased up to physiological values, the local fibrillar order increased to an optimal value. The coherence distance (t) approximately doubles to a maximum value (409 nm) from 10 mM NaCl to 154 mM NaCl. This then slowly decreased as the bathing solution increased to 1000 mM. In contrast the diameter of the collagen fibrils were minimal at physiological NaCl.  相似文献   

G L Lilley  L W Fung 《Life sciences》1987,41(22):2429-2436
The spin-label electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique has been used to study the interaction between human hemoglobin and erythrocyte membranes as a function of temperature and ionic strength. We show, for the first time, experimental evidence for the existence of the interaction at physiological pH, ionic strength and temperature. In addition to the pH dependence that we have previously reported, the interactions are also temperature and ionic strength dependent. Using a simple two-state equilibrium model to analyze the EPR data, we obtain an equilibrium dissociation constant of about 8.1 +/- 5.6 X 10(-5) M for hemoglobin-membrane systems in 5 mM phosphate with 150 mM NaCl at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

As major chaperone of eye lens, alpha-crystallin (α-Crs) is responsible for the transparency and refractive power of this region by preventing denaturation and precipitation of other proteins. As shown previously, cataract formation was positively associated with high salt intake and the elevation of blood sugar level. Here the effect of both temperature and ionic strength were studied on structure and chaperoning function of glycated and non-glycated α-Crs. While chaperone activity of these proteins was increased as function of temperature elevation, in the presence of sodium salt (0- 160 mM), it was significantly decreased. As shown by fluorescence and circular dicroism (CD) instruments, the salt induced structural alteration of α-Crs was accompanied with the exposure of hydrophobic surfaces and a transition from alpha- helical to beta-sheet structures. Moreover, the structural alterations induced by the salt were more pronounced in the case of glycated α-Crs compared to that of non-glycated protein counterpart. Overall this study shows the structural changes accompanied with lose of the chaperone activity of α-Crs induced by sodium chloride. Consequently, the obtained results may provide new evidences for the relationship between high salt intakes and cataract disease induced particularly by prolonged hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

Rat liver inner mitochondrial membranes have been subjected to the solubilizing action of the non-ionic detergent Triton X-100 under a variety of ionic strength and temperature conditions. Increasing ionic strength has little influence on the amount of solubilized membrane protein and lipid phosphorus. Calcium chloride actually increases the proportion of solubilized protein. This effect is preserved by 1 mM EDTA. Increasing temperatures tend to decrease the proportion of protein solubilized by the detergent. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis fails to reveal any difference in polypeptide composition of the membrane fraction solubilized under the various conditions. However, differences are observed in the solubilization of individual cytochromes. The data are interpreted in terms of changes in membrane architecture induced by the various conditions of the incubation medium.  相似文献   

The structures of two biologically different myelin proteins, A1 from the central nervous system and P2 from the peripheral nervous system, were investigated. Both proteins were isolated from nerve tissues. Conformational changes in the homogeneous proteins were examined in aqueous solutions by means of circular dichroism measurements. The secondary structures of both proteins proved to be very stable between pH 2.5 and pH 11.7. Unlike the P2 protein, the A1 protein is stable up to pH 13 without detectable conformational changes. The stereochemistry of the polypeptide chains of both proteins is markedly different in the presence of urea. While the value of theta222 for the A1 protein changes linearly with increasing urea concentration, a sigmoidal curve was obtained for the P2 protein. The observed differences in the dichroic properties of the basic myelin proteins A1 and P2 indicate the possibility of further structure - function correlations.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the effects of the binding of ethidium on the structure of chromatin, using micrococcal nuclease as a structural probe. This binding induces two structural changes of chromatin either isolated or in the nuclei. (a) An unfolding of the overall structure which results in an activation of the rate of degradation by the nuclease. (b) A disorganisation of the core particle structure which has the effect of unwrapping the DNA from the histone core, this disruption can go on so far as to leave only 90 base pairs. By comparing the bindings of ethidium and tetramethylethidium, we conclude that the first type of structural change is due to an electrostatic effect and does not depend upon intercalation. On the other hand, the second one is due to the intercalation process and to the change of topological constraints on the DNA that such a process involves.  相似文献   

Calf thymus chromatin, isolated using a standard (low ionic strength, but nonchelating) isolation protocol, dialyzed against either Tris-PMSF or Tris-EDTA, was reconstituted in a high salt compacting buffer (COM) or a low salt dispersing buffer (DIS) prior to digestion with endogenous nucleases. A greater level of enzyme activity occurred when chromatin was in a condensed state (COM buffer) and not chelated prior to digestion. In contrast, chromatin chelated by dialysis against Tris-EDTA prior to digestion showed higher levels of enzyme activity in the dispersed state (DIS buffer). Nonchelated undigested chromatin contained 0.280 +/- 0.16 ug copper/mg DNA and and 0.305 +/+- 0.09 ug zinc/mg DNA. Chelation removed about 78% of copper per mg DNA and approximately 65% of zinc per mg DNA. In COM buffer after a 20 min digestion, the solubilized fraction was enriched in copper showing about 20 X more metal per mg DNA than nonchelated chromatin. Approximately the same amount of zinc was found in both chelated and nonchelated chromatin while there was less zinc in chelated chromatin solubilized in DIS buffer. Thus, chelation has important effects on the digestibility of chromatin and on the type of ionic environment that provides the most favorable conditions for endogenous nuclease activity.  相似文献   

Effects of ionic strength and proteolytic digestion on the conformation of chromatin fibers were studied by electric birefringence and relaxation measurements. The results confirm that at low ionic strength chromatin presents structural features reflecting those observed in the presence of cations. Soluble chromatin prepared from rat liver nuclei by brief nuclease digestion exhibits a positive birefringence. As the salt concentration is increased, the transition to a compact solenoidal structure is deduced from changes in electro-optical properties: the positive birefringence gradually decreases and the observed reduction in 40 mM NaCl is nearly 95%; the relaxation time decreases dramatically and the character of the kinetic changes since the decay of birefringence described initially by a spectrum of relaxation times becomes monoexponential. On digestion with proteases at low ionic strength we observe at first a rapid increase of the positive birefringence concomitant with an increase of the relaxation time. Then the birefringence decreases and becomes negative. Chromatin undergoes two successive transitions: the first transition is explained by a lengthening of nucleosomal chains without modification of the orientation of nucleosomes within the superstructure and the second one by the unwinding of the DNA tails and internucleosomal segments. When chromatin is digested at 30 mM NaCl we find a single unfolding transition characterized by the decrease of birefringence and a slight increase in the relaxation time. The results imply that the positive birefringence of chromatin does not depend on the presence of whole histone H1 and that a salt concentration of 30 mM NaCl is sufficient to modify the initial site or/and the effects of proteolytic attack.  相似文献   

The abrupt onset of large scale nonproton ion release by photo-excited purple membrane suspensions has been observed near neutral pH using transient conductivity measurements. At pH 7 and low ionic strength, the conductivity transients due to proton and nonproton ions are of comparable magnitude but of opposite sign: fast proton release and ion uptake, followed by slow proton uptake and ion release. By increasing either the pH or the NaCl concentration, the amplitude of the conductivity transient increases sharply and the signal is then dominated by nonproton ion release. These results can be understood in terms of light-induced changes in the population of counterions condensed at the purple membrane surface caused by changes in the surface charge density. The critical charge density required for condensation to occur is evidently achieved near neutral pH by ionizing dissociable groups on the membrane by either titration (increasing the pH) or shifting their pKs (increasing the ionic strength).  相似文献   

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