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不同水分条件下毛果苔草枯落物分解及营养动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2009年5月至2010年5月采用分解袋法,研究了三江平原典型湿地植物毛果苔草枯落物分解对水分条件变化的响应,探讨了典型碟形洼地不同水位下枯落物分解1a时间内的分解速率与N、P等营养元素动态。分解1a内,无积水环境下枯落物失重率为34.99%,季节性积水环境下为27.28%,常年积水环境下随水位增加枯落物失重率分别为26.99%与30.67%,表明积水条件抑制了枯落物的分解。枯落物的分解随环境变化表现出阶段性特征,分解0—122 d内随水位增加枯落物失重率分别为16.09%、24.25%、23.53%与26.60%,即生长季内积水条件促进了枯落物有机质的分解及重量损失。而随实验进行,分解122—360 d内随水位增加毛果苔草枯落物的失重率分别为18.90%、3.02%、3.46%、4.03%,即在非生长季土壤冻融期积水条件抑制了枯落物分解(P<0.05)。水分条件对毛果苔草枯落物N元素的影响表现为积水条件促进生长季内枯落物的N固定,水位最高处毛果苔草N浓度显著高于无积水环境(P<0.05)。但进入冻融期后积水环境下枯落物N浓度与含量降低;其中季节性积水限制了枯落物的N积累能力,至分解360d时与初始值相比表现出明显的N释放(P=0.01)。毛果苔草枯落物分解61d时P出现富集,其中积水条件下P的富集作用增强,但与水位不相关。分解1a后毛果苔草枯落物表现为P的净释放,不同水分条件下枯落物P元素损失没有明显差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

三江平原典型湿地枯落物早期分解过程及影响因素   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
武海涛  吕宪国  杨青  姜明  佟守正 《生态学报》2007,27(10):4027-4035
枯落物分解是湿地物质循环和能量流动的关键环节,是维持湿地功能的重要过程之一。采用分解袋法对三江平原3种典型湿地植物枯落物分解过程及影响因素进行了研究。研究表明,在164d实验过程中乌拉苔草分解速率始终最快;在分解前103d中毛果苔草分解速率大于小叶章,但在103~164d间小叶章分解速率大于毛果苔草;分解164d,小叶章、乌拉苔草和毛果苔草枯落物的失重率分别为初始重的31.98%、32.99%和28.91%。分解过程中小叶章和毛果苔草枯落物中有机碳浓度波动较大,而乌拉苔草枯落物中持续下降;3种枯落物有机碳绝对含量都表现为净释放。小叶章枯落物中N浓度波动较大,绝对含量发生净释放;毛果苔草枯落物N浓度持续增加,绝对含量净增加;乌拉苔草枯落物N浓度先增加后减少,绝对含量发生净释放。3种枯落物中P浓度都先迅速下降后缓慢上升,绝对含量都表现为净释放。3种枯落物中C/N和C/P也相应的发生变化。小叶章和乌拉苔草枯落物分解速率与枯落物C/P显著相关,而毛果苔草枯落物与枯落物N浓度显著相关;对应3种枯落物分解速率的主要环境因子分别为土壤含水量、土壤容重和土壤温度。3种枯落物分解速率和营养物质含量动态受到枯落物自身质量和温湿条件、周围环境营养状况等自然环境条件的共同影响,相比而言,受枯落物质量的影响更大。  相似文献   

三江平原小叶章湿地枯落物分解及主要元素变化动态   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
应用分解袋法研究了三江平原小叶章湿地枯落物的分解失重及其主要营养元素的变化动态。结果表明,小叶章枯落物的年分解速率为0.257,二次指数模型:Wt/W0=0.0399e-0.545t+0.9601e0.018t(R2=0.945)能更好地描述其分解失重动态。分解过程中,C、N、P、Ca的积累系数(NAI)<100%(P<0.05),元素发生了净释放;K、Na的NAI>100%(P<0.05),元素发生了净积累;Mg、Mn、Fe的NAI值与100%无显著差异(P>0.05),元素既有释放又有积累。分解16个月后,小叶章枯落物各元素总体释放率的大小顺序为:Fe>P>Ca>N>C>Mg>Mn>K>Na,而相应元素的释放量分别为:0.106、0.147、0.971、0.568、65.37、-0.017、-0.114、-0.209和-0.125 g.m-2。  相似文献   

湿地枯落物分解及其对全球变化的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
孙志高  刘景双 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1606-1618
综述了当前湿地枯落物分解及其对全球变化响应的研究动态。湿地枯落物分解研究已随研究方法的改进而不断深化;当前湿地枯落物分解过程研究主要集中在有机质组分和元素含量变化特征的探讨上;湿地枯落物分解同时受生物因素(即枯落物性质以及参与分解的异养微生物和土壤动物的种类、数量和活性等)和非生物因素(即枯落物分解过程的外部环境条件,包括气候条件、水分条件、酸碱度与盐分条件以及湿地沉积的行为与特征等)的制约;模型已成为湿地枯落物分解研究的重要手段,对其研究也在不断深化。还讨论了湿地枯落物分解对于全球变化的响应,指出全球变暖、大气CO2浓度上升、干湿沉降及其化学组成改变可能对枯落物分解产生的直接、间接和综合影响。最后,指出了当前该领域研究尚存在的问题以及今后亟需加强的几个研究方面。  相似文献   

三江平原小叶樟、毛果苔草枯落物中氮素变化分析   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
以三江平原沼泽湿地主要优势植物小叶樟(Deyeuxiaangustifolia)和毛果苔草(Carexlasiocarpa)枯落物为例,探讨了N素在枯落物中的季节变化、含量特征以及对维持生态系统物质平衡的作用.结果表明,枯落物N含量随气温升高和地上生物量增大而减少;枯落物失重率随时间延长而增大;小叶樟年累积失重率为32.2%,毛果苔草为27.7%;小叶樟群落N素年累积输入量为1478mg  相似文献   

三江平原草甸湿地土壤呼吸和枯落物分解的CO2释放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用静态箱-碱液吸收法研究了三江平原草甸湿地土壤呼吸和枯落物分解的CO2释放速率,讨论了影响CO2释放的环境因素,估算了枯落物分解的CO2释放对于总释放的贡献。结果表明,生长季,小叶章沼泽化草甸和小叶章湿草甸各部分CO2释放均具有明显的时间变化特征,温度和水分是重要制约因素。两类草甸湿地的平均土壤呼吸速率分别为4.33g•m-2•d-1和6.15g•m-2•d-1,枯落物分解的CO2平均释放速率分别为1.76g•m-2•d-1和3.10g•m-2•d-1,枯落物分解的CO2释放占总释放量的31%和35%,说明在碳素由地上植物碳库转移到地下土壤碳库的过程中,湿地枯落物是一个不可忽略的碳损失源。  相似文献   

闽江河口湿地植物枯落物立枯和倒伏分解主要元素动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾从盛  张林海  王天鹅  张文娟  仝川 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6289-6299
采用分解袋法,对闽江河口湿地2种挺水植物——芦苇(Phragmites australis)和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)花和叶枯落物的立枯和倒伏分解过程及C、N、P元素动态进行研究。结果表明:(1)立枯分解是2种湿地盐沼植物重要的分解阶段,干物质损失率在13.26%—31.89%之间。多项式模型能较好描述2种植物花和叶的枯落物分解残留率动态。(2)立枯分解阶段,芦苇花和叶的C含量主要为波动下降,互花米草较为稳定;倒伏阶段后期,2种植物都以升高为主。立枯分解阶段2种植物枯落物N含量略有下降,而倒伏阶段逐渐上升。分解过程中枯落物P含量的波动较大。(3)2种植物花和叶C、N的NAI值在分解过程中<100%。芦苇的花和叶中P的NAI值在立枯和倒伏分解阶段都经历了明显下降和升高的过程,而互花米草在立枯阶段变化不大,倒伏阶段下降较为明显。(4)与芦苇相比,互花米草的花和叶枯落物C库较高,N库较低,P库差异不大。  相似文献   

湿地草本植物枯落物分解的影响因素   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
武海涛  吕宪国  杨青 《生态学杂志》2006,25(11):1405-1411
草本植物是湿地的主要植被类型之一,其枯落物是湿地有机物质的重要组成部分。本文概述了影响湿地草本植物枯落物分解的主要因素及研究进展,主要包括枯落物自身质量、生物因素、环境因素和人类活动与全球变化等。认为,枯落物质量是本质要素,生物是分解的主导因素,环境等外部因素起到重要作用。讨论了该领域有待深入研究的方向,指出要深入湿地枯落物分解机理的研究,加强多尺度、大环境梯度和多种影响因素的综合研究,加强全球变化对湿地枯落物分解的影响研究,增强实验方法研究等。  相似文献   

闽江河口湿地枯落物分解及主要影响因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以闽江河口湿地挺水植物本地种芦苇和入侵种互花米草的花和叶枯落物为研究对象,采用分解袋法分析其分解过程及主要影响因素.结果表明:立枯分解(0~90 d)是2种湿地盐沼植物重要的分解阶段,芦苇和互花米草的花和叶质量损失率分别为(15.0±3.5)%、(13.3±1.1)%和(31.9±1.1)%、(20.8±1.4)%.倒伏分解阶段(91 ~210 d),芦苇和互花米草的花和叶质量损失率分别为(69.5±0.6)%、(71.5±2.5)%和(76.8±1.9)%、(67.5±2.1)%.在立枯分解阶段,2种挺水植物枯落物的分解速率与C/N呈正相关,与N/P呈负相关,分解过程受到P的限制程度较大.倒伏分解阶段,枯落物C/N、C/P和N/P的影响降低,而大气温湿度、土壤水分、酸碱度、盐度和沉积物特性等的影响加大.不同分解阶段枯落物分解影响因子的差异主要与其所处的微域环境和潮汐因素有关.  相似文献   

钟鸣  陈琢  刘宛  李培军  台培东 《生态学杂志》2012,31(9):2404-2410
以闽江河口湿地挺水植物本地种芦苇和入侵种互花米草的花和叶枯落物为研究对象,采用分解袋法分析其分解过程及主要影响因素.结果表明: 立枯分解(0~90 d)是2种湿地盐沼植物重要的分解阶段,芦苇和互花米草的花和叶质量损失率分别为(15.0±3.5)%、(13.3±1.1)%和(31.9±1.1)%、(20.8±1.4)%.倒伏分解阶段(91~210 d),芦苇和互花米草的花和叶质量损失率分别为(69.5±0.6)%、(71.5±2.5)%和(76.8±1.9)%、(67.5±2.1)%.在立枯分解阶段,2种挺水植物枯落物的分解速率与C/N呈正相关,与N/P呈负相关,分解过程受到P的限制程度较大.倒伏分解阶段,枯落物C/N、C/P和N/P的影响降低,而大气温湿度、土壤水分、酸碱度、盐度和沉积物特性等的影响加大.不同分解阶段枯落物分解影响因子的差异主要与其所处的微域环境和潮汐因素有关.  相似文献   

The litterbag technique was used to study the decomposition and nutrient dynamics of marsh litter in the four communities, Carex pseudocuraica (C.pa), C. lasiocarpa (C.la), Deyeuxia angustifolia (D.aa), and D. angustifolia-Shrub (D.aa-Srb), in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Decomposition was divided into two periods in the first year, with the mass loss ranging from 11.7% to 31.4% of the initial mass during summer and autumn, accounting for more than 75% of the annual loss. The decomposition rates ranged from 0.000 612 to 0.000 945 d?1 depending on the depth of the flooding and its duration, and differed significantly in each community. The litter decomposed faster in communities with deeper and perennial flooding than in those with shallow and seasonal flooding. The initial ratios of C:N and C:P were also different among the four litter types, but these differences had no impact on the decomposition rates, suggesting that the main factor influencing the decomposition rates of marsh litter was the flooding status rather than the litter quality. The N concentrations in C.pa and C.la almost continuously increased over time, with their final values being 2.8 and 2.4 times higher than the initial ones, respectively. However, the nutrient dynamics in D.aa and D.aa-Srb offered another pattern, sharply falling in the first month and then gradually rising, with the values at the end of the experiment being close to those at the beginning. The litter accumulated substantial amounts of N in C.pa and C.la, while net N release from the litter was observed in both D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The difference may be caused by microorganisms' demand for nutrition, and then limited by the C:N ratios of litter and the availability of nitrogen from the soil and marsh water. In contrast with N dynamics, P concentrations of all the litter types apparently decreased during the first month, and then continued to decline in C.pa, remained constant in C.la and D.aa and increased slightly in D.aa-Srb. At the end of the experiment, the P concentrations decreased, respectively, by 56%, ?5%, 47% and 24% of the initial values of C.la, C. pa, D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The net P release was observed in all marsh litter over 480 days of decomposition and the intensity of the P release was different amongst communities, which may be regulated by ratios of initial C:P. The results suggested that in the marsh with the N limitation, litter tended to accumulate N and release P during decomposition and the intensity of accumulation or release was closely related to the initial C:N and C:P ratios.  相似文献   

Yang J S  Liu J S  Yu J B  Wang J D  Li X H  Sun Z G 《农业工程》2006,26(5):1297-1301
The litterbag technique was used to study the decomposition and nutrient dynamics of marsh litter in the four communities, Carex pseudocuraica (C.pa), C. lasiocarpa (C.la), Deyeuxia angustifolia (D.aa), and D. angustifolia-Shrub (D.aa-Srb), in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Decomposition was divided into two periods in the first year, with the mass loss ranging from 11.7% to 31.4% of the initial mass during summer and autumn, accounting for more than 75% of the annual loss. The decomposition rates ranged from 0.000 612 to 0.000 945 d-1 depending on the depth of the flooding and its duration, and differed significantly in each community. The litter decomposed faster in communities with deeper and perennial flooding than in those with shallow and seasonal flooding. The initial ratios of C:N and C:P were also different among the four litter types, but these differences had no impact on the decomposition rates, suggesting that the main factor influencing the decomposition rates of marsh litter was the flooding status rather than the litter quality. The N concentrations in C.pa and C.la almost continuously increased over time, with their final values being 2.8 and 2.4 times higher than the initial ones, respectively. However, the nutrient dynamics in D.aa and D.aa-Srb offered another pattern, sharply falling in the first month and then gradually rising, with the values at the end of the experiment being close to those at the beginning. The litter accumulated substantial amounts of N in C.pa and C.la, while net N release from the litter was observed in both D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The difference may be caused by microorganisms' demand for nutrition, and then limited by the C:N ratios of litter and the availability of nitrogen from the soil and marsh water. In contrast with N dynamics, P concentrations of all the litter types apparently decreased during the first month, and then continued to decline in C.pa, remained constant in C.la and D.aa and increased slightly in D.aa-Srb. At the end of the experiment, the P concentrations decreased, respectively, by 56%, -5%, 47% and 24% of the initial values of C.la, C. pa, D.aa and D.aa-Srb. The net P release was observed in all marsh litter over 480 days of decomposition and the intensity of the P release was different amongst communities, which may be regulated by ratios of initial C:P. The results suggested that in the marsh with the N limitation, litter tended to accumulate N and release P during decomposition and the intensity of accumulation or release was closely related to the initial C:N and C:P ratios.  相似文献   

Using the litter bag technique, the decomposition rates and their influencing factors were studied by investigating three wetland macrophytes, Calamagrostics angustifolia, Carex meyeriana and Carex lasiocapa, in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. It was revealed that C. lasiocapa lost 28.91% of its weight, C. angustifolia lost 31.98% and C. meyeriana lost 32.99% after 164 days. Another finding was that the amount of organic carbon in the litter of C. angustifolia and C. lasiocapa fluctuated, but continuously decreased in that of C. meyeriana. However, all the three types of litter released organic carbon. Nitrogen was released substantially from the litter of both C. angustifolia and C. meyeriana, but accumulated in the litter of C. lasiocapa. Phosphorus concentrations in all the three types of litter apparently decreased first and then slightly increased. Overall, P release was observed in all the three types of litter. The C/N and C/P ratios varied significantly in the decomposition process. The decomposition rates and nutrient content variations were simultaneously influenced by the quality of the litter as well as the environmental factors in the Sanjian Plain, but they were more strongly affected by the quality of the litter.  相似文献   

Wu H T  Lu X G  Yang Q  Jiang M  Tong S Z 《农业工程》2007,27(10):4027-4035
Using the litter bag technique, the decomposition rates and their influencing factors were studied by investigating three wetland macrophytes, Calamagrostics angustifolia, Carex meyeriana and Carex lasiocapa, in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. It was revealed that C. lasiocapa lost 28.91% of its weight, C. angustifolia lost 31.98% and C. meyeriana lost 32.99% after 164 days. Another finding was that the amount of organic carbon in the litter of C. angustifolia and C. lasiocapa fluctuated, but continuously decreased in that of C. meyeriana. However, all the three types of litter released organic carbon. Nitrogen was released substantially from the litter of both C. angustifolia and C. meyeriana, but accumulated in the litter of C. lasiocapa. Phosphorus concentrations in all the three types of litter apparently decreased first and then slightly increased. Overall, P release was observed in all the three types of litter. The C/N and C/P ratios varied significantly in the decomposition process. The decomposition rates and nutrient content variations were simultaneously influenced by the quality of the litter as well as the environmental factors in the Sanjian Plain, but they were more strongly affected by the quality of the litter.  相似文献   

三江平原草甸湿地土壤呼吸和枯落物分解的CO2释放   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用静态箱-碱液吸收法研究了三江平原草甸湿地土壤呼吸和枯落物分解的CO2释放速率,讨论了影响CO2释放的环境因素,估算了枯落物分解的CO2释放对于总释放的贡献.结果表明,生长季,小叶章沼泽化草甸和小叶章湿草甸各部分CO2释放均具有明显的时间变化特征,温度和水分是重要制约因素.两类草甸湿地的平均土壤呼吸速率分别为4.33g·m-2·d-1和6.15g·m-2·d-1,枯落物分解的CO2平均释放速率分别为1.76g·m-2·d-1和3.10g·m-2·d-1,枯落物分解的CO2释放占总释放量的31%和35%,说明在碳素由地上植物碳库转移到地下土壤碳库的过程中,湿地枯落物是一个不可忽略的碳损失源.  相似文献   

三江平原典型沼泽湿地植物种群的生态位   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
采用Levins 公式,对三江平原典型沼泽湿地植物群落的优势种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠值进行了研究.结果表明:各湿地植物种的生态位宽度排序为漂筏苔草(0.907)>毛果苔草(0.864) >狭叶甜茅(0.855) >小叶章=睡菜=球尾花=二歧银莲花(0.500).毛果苔草、漂筏苔草、睡菜与球尾花之间,以及狭叶甜茅、小叶章与二歧银莲花的生态位重叠值均较高,说明几种植物在同一资源位上出现的频率相近,利用资源的能力相似,在对资源利用上具有一定的竞争性.睡菜与小叶章和二歧银莲花,以及球尾花与小叶章和二歧银莲花的生态位重叠值均为0,表明几种植物适应环境的方式不同.水分是导致湿地植物生态适应性差异的主导因子,植物对环境生态位适应的程度是水分和营养状况等因素共同作用的结果.湿地植物的生态位特征能较好地表征各植物的生态适应性和分布幅度.  相似文献   

三江平原沼泽湿地生态承载能力综合评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付强  李伟业 《生态学报》2008,28(10):5002-5010
从湿地水资源、土地资源、水环境、生物资源等多方面入手,研究湿地生态系统的承载能力,采用分级评价方法,建立分级评价指标和承载模式,评价了沼泽湿地生态系统的生态弹性度、资源与环境承载力和承载压力度。利用基于加速遗传算法的层次分析技术确定承载模型的权重,计算得出的排序权值具有结果稳定、计算精度高的特点。应用到三江平原沼泽湿地生态承载力的综合评价中,结果表明整个三江平原大部分生态系统处于中稳、较高承载、中低压区。这说明三江平原生态承载能力比较高,人口压力不大,但要进一步提高生态承载能力,则需改善沼泽湿地生态环境,提高水资源利用效率。  相似文献   

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