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Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) plays a key role in regulating cell survival, proliferation and migration, and its overexpression and activation has been correlated with cancer progression. Cancer therapies targeting EGFR have been applied in the clinic with some success. We show, by confocal microscopy analysis, that illumination of adenocarcinomic human alveolar basal epithelial cells (Human A549—EGFR biosensor cell line) with 280 nm at irradiance levels up to 20 times weaker than the Ultraviolet B (UVB) solar output for short periods of time (15‐45 minutes) prevents epidermal growth factor‐mediated activation of EGFR located on the cell membrane, preventing or reducing cellular disaggregation, formation of filopodia and cell migration. This effect of Ultraviolet (UV) light illumination was confirmed further in a functional scratch assay, and shown to be more effective than that of a specific EGFR‐signaling inhibitor. This new photonic approach may be applicable to the treatment of various types of cancer, alone or in combination with other therapies.   相似文献   

Cell responses to soluble regulatory factors may be strongly influenced by the mode of presentation of the factor, as in matrix-bound versus diffusible modes. The possibly diverse effect of presenting a growth factor in autocrine as opposed to exogenous (or paracrine) mode is an especially important issue in cell biology. We demonstrate here that migration behavior of human mammary epithelial cells in response to stimulation by epidermal growth factor (EGF) is qualitatively different for EGF presented in exogenous (paracrine), autocrine, and intracrine modes. When EGF is added as an exogenous factor to the medium of cells that express EGF receptor (EGFR) but not EGF, cell migration speed increases while directional persistence decreases. When these EGFR-expressing cells are made to also express via retroviral transfection EGF in protease-cleaveable transmembrane form on the plasma membrane, migration speed similarly increases, but directional persistence increases as well. Addition of exogenous EGF to these cells abrogates their enhanced directional persistence, reducing their directionality to a level similar to wild-type cells. If the EGFR-expressing cells are instead transduced with a gene encoding EGF in a soluble form, migration speed and directional persistence were unaffected. Thus, autocrine presentation of EGF at the plasma membrane in a protease-cleavable form provides these cells with an enhanced ability to migrate persistently in a given direction, consistent with their increased capability for organizing into gland-like structures. In contrast, an exogenous/paracrine mode of EGF presentation generates a "scattering" response by the cells. These findings emphasize the functional importance of spatial restriction of EGFR signaling, and suggest critical implications for growth factor-based therapeutic treatments.  相似文献   

Proteolysis of extracellular matrix proteins by membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) plays a pivotal role in tumor and endothelial cell migration. In addition to its proteolytic activity, several studies indicate that the proinvasive properties of MT1-MMP also involve its short cytoplasmic domain, but the specific mechanisms mediating this function have yet to be fully elucidated. Having previously shown that the serum factor sphingosine 1-phosphate stimulates MT1-MMP promigratory function through a process that involves its cytoplasmic domain, we now extend these findings to show that this cooperative interaction is permissive to cellular migration through MT1-MMP-dependent transactivation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). In the presence of sphingosine 1-phosphate, MT1-MMP stimulates EGFR transactivation through a process that is dependent upon the cytoplasmic domain of the enzyme but not its catalytic activity. The MT1-MMP-induced EGFR transactivation also involves G(i) protein signaling and Src activities and leads to enhanced cellular migration through downstream extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. The present study, thus, elucidates a novel role of MT1-MMP in signaling events mediating EGFR transactivation and provides the first evidence of a crucial role of this receptor activity in MT1-MMP promigratory function. Taken together, our results suggest that the inhibition of EGFR may represent a novel target to inhibit MT1-MMP-dependent processes associated with tumor cell invasion and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Over the past decade cyclooxygenase-2-derived prostaglandins have been implicated in the development and progression of many types of cancer. Recently our laboratory has shown that treatment with prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) induces increased proliferation, migration, and invasiveness of colorectal carcinoma cells (Sheng, H., Shao, J., Washington, M. K., and DuBois, R. N. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 18075-18081). The stimulatory effects of PGE2 were dependent upon the activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway. However, the exact signaling cascade responsible for phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt activation by PGE2 remains poorly defined. In the present study, we demonstrate that the PGE2-induced migration and invasion occurs via rapid transactivation and phosphorylation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). Within minutes following treatment, PGE2 induces the activation of Akt. This effect was completely abolished by EGFR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors providing evidence for the role of the EGFR in this response. The rapid transactivation of the EGFR occurs via an intracellular Src-mediated event but not through the release of an extracellular epidermal growth factor-like ligand. EGFR transactivation was also observed in vivo by the direct comparison of normal and malignant human colorectal samples. These results suggest that in developing colonic carcinomas, the early effects of cyclooxygenase-2-derived PGE2 are in part mediated by the EGFR, and this transactivation is responsible for subsequent down-stream effects including the stimulation of cell migration and invasion.  相似文献   

In spite of intensified efforts to understand cell signaling from endosomes, there is no direct evidence demonstrating that endosomal signaling is sufficient to activate signal transduction pathways and no evidence to demonstrate that endosomal signaling is able to produce a biological outcome. The lack of breakthrough is due in part to the lack of means to generate endosomal signals without plasma membrane signaling. In this paper, we report the establishment of a system to specifically activate epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) when it endocytoses into endosomes. We treated cells with EGF in the presence of AG-1478, a specific EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and monensin, which blocks the recycling of EGFR. This treatment led to the internalization of nonactivated EGF-EGFR complexes into endosomes. The endosome-associated EGFR was then activated by removing AG-1478 and monensin. During this procedure we did not observe any surface EGFR phosphorylation. We also achieved specific activation of endosome-associated EGFR without using monensin. By using this system, we provided original evidence demonstrating that (i) the endosome can serve as a nucleation site for the formation of signaling complexes, (ii) endosomal EGFR signaling is sufficient to activate the major signaling pathways leading to cell proliferation and survival, and (iii) endosomal EGFR signaling is sufficient to suppress apoptosis induced by serum withdrawal.  相似文献   

The Akt kinase is a key regulator of cell proliferation and survival. It is activated in part by PDK1-induced phosphorylation. Here we show that RalGDS, a Ras effector protein that activates Ral GTPases, has a second function that promotes Akt phosphorylation by PDK1 by bringing these two kinases together. In support of this conclusion is our finding that suppression of RalGDS expression in cells inhibits both epidermal growth factor and insulin-induced phosphorylation of Akt. Moreover, while PDK1 complexes with N-GDS, Akt complexes with the central region of RalGDS through an intermediary, JIP1. The biological significance of this newly discovered RalGDS function is highlighted by the observation that an N-terminally deleted mutant of RalGDS that retains the ability to activate Ral proteins but loses the ability to activate Akt also fails to promote cell proliferation. Thus, RalGDS forms a nexus that transduces growth factor signaling to both Ral GTPase and Akt-mediated signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), produced by two sphingosine kinase isoenzymes, denoted SphK1 and SphK2, is the ligand for a family of five specific G protein-coupled receptors that regulate cytoskeletal rearrangements and cell motility. Whereas many growth factors stimulate SphK1, much less is known of the regulation of SphK2. Here we report that epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulated SphK2 in HEK 293 cells. This is the first example of an agonist-dependent regulation of SphK2. Chemotaxis of HEK 293 cells toward EGF was inhibited by N,N-dimethylsphingosine, a competitive inhibitor of both SphKs, implicating S1P generation in this process. Down-regulating expression of SphK1 in HEK 293 cells with a specific siRNA abrogated migration toward EGF, whereas decreasing SphK2 expression had no effect. EGF contributes to the invasiveness of human breast cancer cells, and EGF receptor expression is associated with poor prognosis. EGF also stimulated SphK2 in MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells. Surprisingly, however, down-regulation of SphK2 in these cells completely eliminated migration toward EGF without affecting fibronectin-induced haptotaxis. Our results suggest that SphK2 plays an important role in migration of MDA-MB-453 cells toward EGF.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer is characterized by aggressive local invasion and early metastasis formation. Active migration of the pancreatic cancer cells is essential for these processes. We have shown previously that the pancreatic cancer cells lines CFPAC1 and IMIM-PC2 show high migratory activity, and we have investigated herein the reason for this observation. Cell migration was assessed using a three-dimensional, collagen-based assay and computer-assisted cell tracking. The expression of receptor tyrosine kinases was determined by flow-cytometry and cytokine release was measured by an enzyme-linked immunoassay. Receptor function was blocked by antibodies or pharmacological enzyme inhibitors. Both cells lines express the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as well as its family-member ErbB2 and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)α, whereas only weak expression was detected for ErbB3 and no expression of PDGFRβ. Pharmacological inhibition of the EGFR or ErbB2 significantly reduced the migratory activity in both cell lines, as did an anti-EGFR antibody. Interestingly, combination of the latter with an anti-PDGFR antibody led to an even more pronounced reduction. Both cell lines release detectable amounts of EGF. Thus, the high migratory activity of the investigated pancreatic cancer cell lines is due to autocrine EGFR activation and possibly of other receptor tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

Regulated migration of epidermal growth factor receptor from caveolae.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In quiescent fibroblasts, epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors (EGFR) are initially concentrated in caveolae but rapidly move out of this membrane domain in response to EGF. To better understand the dynamic localization of EGFR to caveolae, we have studied the behavior of wild-type and mutant receptors expressed in cells lacking endogenous EGFR. All of the receptors we examined, including those missing the first 274 amino acids or most of the cytoplasmic tail, were constitutively concentrated in caveolae. By contrast, migration from caveolae required EGF binding, an active receptor kinase domain, and at least one of the five tyrosine residues present in the regulatory domain of the receptor. Movement appears to be modulated by Src kinase, is blocked by activators of protein kinase C, and occurs independently of internalization by clathrin-coated pits. Two mutant receptors previously shown to induce an oncogenic phenotype lack the ability to move from caveolae in response to EGF, suggesting that a prolonged residence in this domain may contribute to abnormal cell behavior.  相似文献   

After epithelial disruption by tissue injury, keratinocytes migrate from the wound edge into a provisional matrix. This process is stimulated by growth factors that signal through epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor, including EGF, heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor (HB-EGF) and transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha), and by for example keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) and TGF-beta1 that function through different receptors. We have previously shown that keratinocyte migration induced by EGF or staurosporine is dependent on the activity of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). In the present study, we show that keratinocyte migration induced by TGF-beta1, KGF, EGF, TGF-alpha and staurosporine depends on EGFR signaling, involves autocrine HB-EGF expression and is potently blocked by GSK-3 inhibitors SB-415286 and LiCl. Inhibition of GSK-3 also retards wound reepithelialization in vivo in mice. Moreover, inhibition of GSK-3 activity prevented cell rounding that is an early event in EGFR-mediated keratinocyte migration. Isoform-specific GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta knockdown and overexpression experiments with siRNAs and adenoviral constructs, respectively, revealed that GSK-3alpha is required for keratinocyte migration, whereas excessive activity of GSK-3beta is inhibitory. Thus, induction of keratinocyte migration is conveyed through EGFR, promoted by endogenous HB-EGF and requires GSK-3alpha activity.  相似文献   

Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) are Src homology-2-containing proteins originally identified as negative regulators of cytokine signaling. Accumulating evidence indicates a role for SOCS proteins in the regulation of additional signaling pathways including receptor tyrosine kinases. Notably, SOCS36E, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian SOCS5, was recently implicated as a negative regulator of the Drosophila ortholog of EGFR. In this study, we aimed at characterizing the role of SOCS5 in the negative regulation of EGFR. Here we show that the expression of SOCS5 and its closest homolog SOCS4 is elevated in cells following treatment with EGF, similar to several negative feedback regulators of EGFR whose expression is up-regulated upon receptor activation. The expression of SOCS5 led to a marked reduction in EGFR expression levels by promoting EGFR degradation. The reduction in EGFR levels and EGF-induced signaling in SOCS5-expressing cells requires both the Src homology-2 and SOCS box domains of SOCS5. Interestingly, EGFR is degraded by SOCS5 prior to EGF treatment in a ligand- and c-Cbl-independent manner. SOCS5 can associate with EGFR and can also bind the ElonginBC protein complex via its SOCS box, which may recruit an E3 ubiquitin ligase to promote EGFR degradation. Thus, we have characterized a novel function for SOCS5 in regulating EGFR and discuss its potential role in controlling EGFR homeostasis.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor family tyrosine kinases transduce signals for cell proliferation and migration and contribute to tumorigenesis. A recent extensive research has highlighted the major roles of the negative regulators of complex epidermal growth factor receptor signaling networks. These regulators fine-tune signaling under physiological conditions. When their expression is downregulated, the resultant aberrant epidermal growth factor receptor signaling may promote cell proliferation and migration, leading to increased tumorigenesis. In this paper, I review specific feedback inhibitors that target epidermal growth factor receptors preferentially, via multiple modes of action. The inhibitors include mitogen-inducible gene-6 (Mig-6)/receptor-associated late transducer (RALT)/Gene 33, fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2beta (FRS2beta)/suc1-associated neurotrophic factor target-2 (SNT-2)/FRS3, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3)/SOCS4/SOCS5, and leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 1 (LRIG1). Although only fragmentary evidence is available regarding these inhibitors, they might be useful as cancer biomarkers, and the development of drugs that target them would certainly advance personalized medicine in the near future.  相似文献   

Cycloheximide is the most common protein synthesis inhibitor, and is believed to specifically inhibit the cytoplasmic protein synthesis. Here we demonstrate that cycloheximide induces internalization and redistribution of EGF receptor to early endosomes in HeLa cells independent of receptor tyrosine phosphorylation, but dependent on p38 MAPK activity. Degradation of EGF receptor or its downstream effectors was not observed. EGF-induced activation of ERK1/2 was inhibited upon pre-treatment with cycloheximide, but did not activate JNK. The observed effects of treatment with cycloheximide alone are significant and therefore results involving the use of cycloheximide for inhibition of protein synthesis must be interpreted with caution.

Structured summary of protein interactions

EEA1 and EGFRcolocalize by fluorescence microscopy (View interaction).  相似文献   

Frey MR  Dise RS  Edelblum KL  Polk DB 《The EMBO journal》2006,25(24):5683-5692
Internalization and proteolytic degradation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (R) following ligand binding is an important mechanism for regulating EGF-stimulated signals. Using pharmacological and RNA interference inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, we show that p38 is required for efficient EGF-induced EGFR destruction but not internalization. In the absence of p38 activity, EGF fails to stimulate the ubiquitin ligase Cbl or ubiquitinylation of EGFR, and internalized EGFR accumulates in intracellular vesicles containing caveolin-1. These effects are accompanied by loss of EGFR phosphorylation on Y1045, a phosphorylation site required for Cbl activation. Furthermore, similar to cells treated with p38 inhibitors, intestinal epithelial cells expressing Y1045F EGFR mutants show increased proliferation but not migration in response to EGF, thus uncoupling these biological responses. Together these data position p38 as a modulator of ligand-stimulated EGFR processing and demonstrate that this processing has a profound impact on the cellular outcome of EGFR signaling.  相似文献   

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