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用鸭副粘病毒凤阳分离株WF01 D作9~10日龄SPF鸡胚的尿囊腔接种,成功增殖了该病毒,采用一步法RT-PCR技术扩增WF01 D病毒的F基因,获得了1条长约1.7kb的特异性条带。用PCR产物直接测序。测序结果表明,扩增片段大小为1782bp,含有1个1662bp的开放性阅读框,编码554个氨基酸。核苷酸同源性分析表明:WF01 D株与国内外其他NDVF基因的同源性为84.5%~97.0%,其中与国内标准强毒株F48E9的同源性为86.6%,说明WF01 D与国内外的传统毒株有较大变异。与Taiwan95株和J株的同源性为93.6%和97.0%,说明WF01 D与Taiwan95株和J株亲缘关系较近,具有较高的相似性。F蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸顺序为112Arg-Arg-Gln-Lys-Arg-Phe117,表明为NDV的强毒株。蛋白疏水性和抗原性分析表明与标准强毒F48E9株相比没有太大的变异。  相似文献   

用鹅副粘病毒WF01G分离株进行9-10日龄SPF鸡胚尿囊腔接种,成功增殖了该病毒,采用一步法RT-PCR技术扩增WF01G病毒的F基因,获得了1条长约1.7 kb的特异性条带。对PCR扩增产物测序。结果表明,扩增片段大小为1782 bp,含有1个1662 bp的开放性阅读框,编码554个氨基酸。核苷酸同源性分析表明:WF01G株与其他7株鹅副粘病毒的同源性为84.8%-98.8%,与国内外其他NDV F基因的同源性为84.7%-93.8%,其中与国内标准强毒株F48E9的同源性为86.8%,说明WF01G与国内外的传统毒株有较大变异。与Tai-wan95株的同源性为93.8%,说明WF01G与Taiwan95株亲缘关系较近,具有较高的相似性。F蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸顺序为112Arg-Arg-G ln-Lys-Arg-Phe117,表明为副粘病毒强毒株。蛋白疏水性和抗原性分析表明与标准强毒F48E9株相比没有太大的变异。  相似文献   

目的根据NDV的F基因保守区设计1对引物.用RT-PCR方法扩增出鸽Ⅰ型副粘病毒JS株融合蛋白基因(F基因)的部分片段,并测序。结果表明,JS株与现今国际上已发表的NDV的LaSota株F基因的同源性为96.6%,与F48E9株F基因的同源性为94.0%。  相似文献   

禽Ⅰ型副粘病毒各种禽源分离株毒力及其相关基因的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用测定新城疫病毒(NDV)毒力的经典方法,即鸡胚平均死亡时间(MDT)和脑内接种致病指数(ICPI),对源于鸡、鸽、鹅、珍珠鸡、孔雀、鹌鹑和画眉鸟等7种禽(鸟)源的共14个禽Ⅰ型副粘病毒(APMV-1)广西分离株,分别测定了毒力。同时对分离株F基因的N一端前段和HN基因的e末端片段进行扩增、测序和分析,并绘制系谱树。结果发现,分离株的MDT在36h~75h之间,除1株鸽源毒株gxp22的ICPI值为0外,其余分离株在1.09~1.95之间;除孔雀源的分离株gxpc52在F基因裂解位点附近的氨基酸序列为^112R-RQ-R-R-F^117之外,其它13株均为^112R-R-Q-K-R-F^117,都符合强毒株的特征。所有分离株与国内参考强毒株F48E8和国外参考强毒株HER/33在HN基因e末端终止密码子的位置相同,也符合强毒株的特征。根据F基因核苷酸序列绘制的系谱树发现,近几年来在广西流行的APMV-1毒株的基因型为Ⅶd亚型;根据HN基因核苷酸序列绘制的系谱树表明,广西各种禽源APMV-1分离株可分为2个群。研究的结果表明,根据F基因裂解位点附近的氨基酸序列和HN蛋白翻译的终止密码子的位置判定APMV-1毒力的结果,都与毒株在临床上的致病情况相符。因此,根据F基因和HN基因序列和结构的特征,均可以判定APMV-1临床分离株的体内致病性。  相似文献   

NDV HeB02分离株的生物学特性及其F基因的克隆与序列测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对河北省新城疫分离株HeB0 2的生物学特性进行了鉴定 ,根据国外已发表的新城疫病毒F基因序列 ,设计了一对引物并以RT PCR特异性扩增出HeB0 2分离株的F基因 ,基因产物大小为 1 63kb ,与设计相符 ,对其进行序列测定后 ,与其它标准毒株F48E9、LaSota和Clone30的F基因进行同源性比较 ,结果表明 ,HeB0 2株与国内标准强毒株F48E9及目前广泛应用的弱毒疫苗LaSota和Clone30的F基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为 88 1 %、84 9%和 83 8%,由此可以看出HeB0 2分离株与标准毒株和疫苗株在F基因上发生了变异。  相似文献   

鸽基因Ⅶ型新城疫病毒的分离鉴定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从外表健康的法国进口鸽中分离到一株鸽Ⅰ型副粘病毒(FP株),电镜观察病毒形态不规则,以圆形为主,平均直径100mm~120mm,表面有许多突起。其鸡胚平均死亡时间(MDT)为59.2h,鸡脑内接种指数(IcPI)为1.88。接种1月龄鸽能使其发病。出现明显症状和病变并有80%试验鸽死亡,接种2月龄SPF鸡全部死亡。经多重RT—PCR鉴定,属速发型新城疫病毒。应用RT—PCR技术对F基因重要功能区片段扩增后进行序列测定、分析表明,F蛋白裂解位点处的序列(112R—R—Q—K—R—117F)与新城疫强毒在这一区域的序列相符。与国内强毒F48E9株、疫苗毒Lasota株的核苷酸同源性分别为84.1%、82%,氨基酸同源性为84.5%、80.6%。与多株已报道的NDV参考株相应片段进行序列比较,经遗传基因进化树分析,鉴定为基因Ⅶ型,由此首次报道了鸽源基因Ⅶ型NDV株的存在。  相似文献   

从患病肉鸡群分离到一株新城疫病毒(NewcastleDiseasevirus,NDV)SQZ04。经蚀斑纯化后接种40日龄SPF鸡可诱发典型病变。经蚀斑纯化前和后的MDT为50·5h和51·2h,ICPI为2·0和1·92,IVPI为2·8和2·68,表明属强毒株。但F基因分型表明SQZ04属基因Ⅱ型,而且其与已知基因Ⅱ型的疫苗株LaSota、B1和Texas48的同源性分别为99·3%、98·7%和96·9%,显著高于与基因Ⅶ或Ⅸ型强毒株的同源性88·3%~88·6%或91·3%~92·1%。这是国内第一株属于基因Ⅱ型的NDV强毒株。SQZ04F多肽氨基酸裂解位点的序列为111GGRQGRL117,与弱毒株序列完全相同,这也是国内外首次报道具有这一氨基酸序列的强毒野毒株。然而,SQZ04株与其他已知强毒株的HN氨基酸同源性高达95·3%~97·3%,显著高于与弱毒株LaSota等的同源性87·8%~89·5%。  相似文献   

鹅副粘病毒WF00 G分离株HN蛋白基因的测序与序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用鹅副粘病毒凤阳分离株WF00G做9~10日龄SPF鸡胚的尿囊腔接种,成功增殖了该病毒,采用一步法RT-PCR技术扩增WF00G病毒的HN基因,获得了1条约1.8kb的特异性条带。PCR产物回收纯化后测序。测序结果表明,扩增片段大小为1844bp,含有1个1716bp的开放性阅渎框,编码571个氨基酸。核苷酸同源性分析表明:WF00G株与其他12株鹅副牯病毒的同源性为89.9%-99.2%,与国内外其他NDVHN基因的同源性为81.7%~95.7%,其中与国内标准强毒株F48E9的同源性为84.7%,说明WF00G与国内外的传统毒株有较大变异。与Taiwan95株和NL/96株的同源性为94.3%和95.7%,说明WF00G与Taiwan95株和NL/96株亲缘关系较近,具有较高的相似性。  相似文献   

【背景】鸽新城疫是由鸽Ⅰ型副黏病毒(pigeon paramyxovirus type Ⅰ,PPMV-1)感染引起的危害最严重的疫病之一,至今尚无有效的防控制剂。【目的】分析鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株的基因组信息及系统发育关系,为鸽新城疫的防控提供科学依据。【方法】设计首尾重叠的6对特异性引物,利用分段扩增的方法,以鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株基因组cDNA为模板,分别扩增、测序后进行全基因组序列拼接。以NCBI数据库中发布的新城疫病毒序列为参考,针对鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株的基因组、F基因建立系统发育树。【结果】鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株的基因组全长为15192nt。基于全基因组的系统发育分析发现其与PPMV-1/BJ-01/CH株的系统发育关系最近,核苷酸相似性为99.96%,氨基酸相似性高达100%,属于同一个分支,而与LaSota疫苗株等其他新城疫毒株的亲缘关系相对较远。基于F基因序列的系统发育树分析发现BJ-C株F基因与我国的BJP2013株同属一个分支。ClassⅡ类Ⅵ亚型F基因高变区序列(47-420nt)比对结果显示,安徽株Pigeon/Anhui/2369/2012、广东株Pigeon/Guangdong/GZ288/2013、北京株BJP13、浙江株Pigeon/Zhejiang/2036/2012及比利时株PPMV-1/Belgium/11-09620/2011等与BJ-C毒株处于同一个分支,同属Ⅵb亚型。【结论】本研究获得了鸽新城疫病毒BJ-C株全基因组序列,分析了其系统发育关系,确定其属于ClassⅡ类Ⅵb型,为后续防控产品的开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

对河北省新城疫分离株HeB02的生物学特性进行了鉴定 ,根据国外已发表的新城疫病毒F基因序列 ,设计了一对引物并以RT PCR特异性扩增出HeB02分离株的F基因 ,基因产物大小为 1.63kb ,与设计相符 ,对其进行序列测定后 ,与其它标准毒株F48E9、LaSota和Clone30的F基因进行同源性比较 ,结果表明 ,HeB02株与国内标准强毒株F48E9及目前广泛应用的弱毒疫苗LaSota和Clone30的F基因核苷酸序列的同源性分别为 88.1 %、84.9%和 83.8%,由此可以看出HeB0  相似文献   



Thailand has had several foodborne outbreaks of botulism, one of the biggest being in 2006 when laboratory investigations identified the etiologic agent as Clostridium botulinum type A. Identification of the etiologic agent from outbreak samples is laborious using conventional microbiological methods and the neurotoxin mouse bioassay. Advances in molecular techniques have added enormous information regarding the etiology of outbreaks and characterization of isolates. We applied these methods in three outbreaks of botulism in Thailand in 2010.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A total of 19 cases were involved (seven each in Lampang and Saraburi and five in Maehongson provinces). The first outbreak in Lampang province in April 2010 was associated with C. botulinum type F, which was detected by conventional methods. Outbreaks in Saraburi and Maehongson provinces occurred in May and December were due to C. botulinum type A1(B) and B that were identified by conventional methods and molecular techniques, respectively. The result of phylogenetic sequence analysis showed that C. botulinum type A1(B) strain Saraburi 2010 was close to strain Iwate 2007. Molecular analysis of the third outbreak in Maehongson province showed C. botulinum type B8, which was different from B1–B7 subtype. The nontoxic component genes of strain Maehongson 2010 revealed that ha33, ha17 and botR genes were close to strain Okra (B1) while ha70 and ntnh genes were close to strain 111 (B2).


This study demonstrates the utility of molecular genotyping of C. botulinum and how it contributes to our understanding the epidemiology and variation of boNT gene. Thus, the recent botulism outbreaks in Thailand were induced by various C. botulinum types.  相似文献   

我国部分地区不同动物来源新城疫病毒的分子流行病学研究   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:41  
对从我国部分地区1985~2001年间分离的26株新城疫病毒毒株进行研究,克隆其融合蛋白(F)基因,分析相应的核苷酸(nt)序列.根据绘制的系统进化发生树和F基因上三种限制性内切酶(RE)位点分布,确定了这些毒株的基因型分类地位.除2个毒株属于已知的VIb亚型外,其余24个毒株分别属于新发现的基因Ⅸ型、Ⅵf亚型、Ⅵg亚型和VⅡc亚型.基因Ⅸ型毒株的F基因540nt存在RsaⅠ位点,同时缺乏1198nt HinfⅠ位点、1478nt BstOⅠ位点和1625nt RsaⅠ位点;Ⅵf和Ⅵg亚型毒株不具有国外其它Ⅵ型毒株的872nt RsaⅠ位点;Ⅶc亚型的RE位点分布和Ⅶa亚型、Ⅶb亚型、Ⅷ型毒株不同,鹅源毒株均出现973nt RsaⅠ位点,7个鹅源毒株还出现了特有的1249nt RsaⅠ位点.在F基因编码的氨基酸中,基因Ⅸ型毒株出现Ile9→Val9和Val106→Ala106的替换,Ⅵf和Ⅵg亚型却没有出现其它Ⅵ亚型的Ser5→Pro5变异.  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) is a whitefly‐transmitted, phloem‐limited, bipartite Crinivirus. In 2012, severe interveinal symptoms characteristic of ToCV infections were observed in greenhouse tomato plants in the Shandong province of China. High levels of infestation by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci), which transmit ToCV, were also observed on tomato plants in all the greenhouses investigated. The presence of ToCV was confirmed by specific RT‐PCR either in the sampled plants or in the whiteflies collected from the ventral surface of the leaves of diseased plants. The complete genomic nucleotide sequences (RNA1 and RNA2) of the Shandong isolate of ToCV (ToCV‐SDSG) were determined and analysed. ToCV‐SDSG RNA1 consisted of 8594 nucleotides encompassing four open reading frames (ORFs). ToCV‐SDSG RNA2 consisted of 8242 nucleotides encompassing nine ORFs. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the Chinese ToCV‐SDSG isolate is most similar to the ToCV‐Florida isolate.  相似文献   

采用PCR技术对5种寄生蚌螨COI基因片段进行序列测定.序列分析的结果表明,比对后的序列总长度均为658 bp;其中A、G、C、T 4种碱基的平均含量分别为34.6%、20.2%、14.3%、30.9%,平均嘧啶含量(65.5%)明显高于嘌呤含量(34.5%),说明碱基存在偏向性.弯弓蚌螨Unionicola arcuata与Y纹蚌螨U.ypsilophora 的种间遗传差异为26.4%,达到属间分类水平,结果支持Vidrine将沃蚌螨亚属从寄蚌螨亚属中分离的修订;螫爪蚌螨U.chelata与敏捷蚌螨U.agilex之间遗传差异为23.3%,达到属间分类水平,结果支持文春根等将敏捷蚌螨与其姊妹种腰蚌螨U.lumbaria放入韦蚌螨亚属中的修订.以营自由生活的厚蚌螨U.crassipes作为外类群,使用PAUP4.0b 10软件中的最大似然法(ML)和邻接法(NJ)构建系统树,结果显示:在5种寄生蚌螨中敏捷蚌螨可能是最早从祖先种分化出来的种;弯弓蚌螨与Y纹蚌螨可能起源于蚌螨属的同一个祖先.  相似文献   

中国耐多药结核分枝杆菌临床分离株rpoB基因突变特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
乐军  曾而良  谢建平  李瑶  梁莉  王洪海 《遗传学报》2004,31(12):1332-1336
为阐明中国耐多药结核分枝杆菌临床分离株rpoB基因的突变特征,对86株结核分枝杆菌临床分离株rpoB基因两个区域,包括81个碱基利福平抗药性决定区(rifampin resistance determining region,RRDR)和V176F区进行序列测定。其中72株耐多药分离株中的65株rpoB基因的RRDR区存在22种不同类型突变、21种点突变和一个插入突变。最常见的突变部位分别位于密码子531(41%)、526(40%)和516(4%),10%耐药分离株未检测到突变。鉴定了RRDR内6个新的等位基因,以及RRDR外部区域5个新的突变。所有分离菌株V176均无突变。  相似文献   

Isolates of Cryptosporidium spp. from human and animal hosts in Iran were characterized on the basis of both the 18S rRNA gene and the Laxer locus. Three Cryptosporidium species, C. hominis, C. parvum, and C. meleagridis, were recognized, and zoonotically transmitted C. parvum was the predominant species found in humans.  相似文献   

Y.-P. Tian  X.-P. Zhu  J.-L. Liu    X.-Q. Yu    J. Du    J. Kreuze    X.-D. Li 《Journal of Phytopathology》2007,155(6):333-341
Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV; genus Potyvirus, family Potyviridae) causes great losses to cruciferous crop production worldwide. The 3′‐terminal genomic sequences of eight TuMV isolates from eastern China were compared with those of 74 other Chinese TuMV isolates of known host origin in the GenBank and isolated during the past 25 years. The reported sequences of the eight TuMV isolates are 1125 or 1126‐nucleotides (nt) long excluding the poly(A) tail. They all contain one partial open reading frame of 912 nt, encoding 304 amino acids, followed by a stop codon and a non‐translated region of 209–210 nt. Results of phylogenetic analyses showed that Chinese TuMV isolates clustered into three groups: basal‐BR, Asian‐BR and world‐B. The ratios of non‐synonymous and synonymous substitutions and results of amino acid alignment provided evidence for purifying or negative selection in TuMV populations of China.  相似文献   



Among Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CoNS), Staphylococcus hominis represents the third most common organism recoverable from the blood of immunocompromised patients. The aim of this study was to characterize biofilm formation, antibiotic resistance, define the SCCmec (Staphylococcal Chromosomal Cassette mec) type, and genetic relatedness of clinical S. hominis isolates.


S. hominis blood isolates (n = 21) were screened for biofilm formation using crystal violet staining. Methicillin resistance was evaluated using the cefoxitin disk test and the mecA gene was detected by PCR. Antibiotic resistance was determined by the broth microdilution method. Genetic relatedness was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and SCCmec typed by multiplex PCR using two different methodologies described for Staphylococcus aureus.


Of the S. hominis isolates screened, 47.6% (10/21) were categorized as strong biofilm producers and 23.8% (5/21) as weak producers. Furthermore, 81% (17/21) of the isolates were methicillin resistant and mecA gene carriers. Resistance to ampicillin, erythromycin, and trimethoprim was observed in >70% of isolates screened. Each isolate showed a different PFGE macrorestriction pattern with similarity ranging between 0–95%. Among mecA-positive isolates, 14 (82%) harbored a non-typeable SCCmec type: eight isolates were not positive for any ccr complex; four contained the mec complex A ccrAB1 and ccrC, one isolate contained mec complex A, ccrAB4 and ccrC, and one isolate contained the mec complex A, ccrAB1, ccrAB4, and ccrC. Two isolates harbored the association: mec complex A and ccrAB1. Only one strain was typeable as SCCmec III.


The S. hominis isolates analyzed were variable biofilm producers had a high prevalence of methicillin resistance and resistance to other antibiotics, and high genetic diversity. The results of this study strongly suggested that S. hominis isolates harbor new SCCmec structural elements and might be reservoirs of ccrC1 in addition to ccrAB1 and mec complex A.  相似文献   



Between 1986 and 2008 Streptococcus pneumoniae was isolated from 41 pets/zoo animals (guinea pigs (n = 17), cats (n = 12), horses (n = 4), dogs (n = 3), dolphins (n = 2), rat (n = 2), gorilla (n = 1)) treated in medical veterinary laboratories and zoos, and 44 laboratory animals (mastomys (multimammate mice; n = 32), mice (n = 6), rats (n = 4), guinea pigs (n = 2)) during routine health monitoring in an animal facility. S. pneumoniae was isolated from nose, lung and respiratory tract, eye, ear and other sites.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Carriage of the same isolate of S. pneumoniae over a period of up to 22 weeks was shown for four mastomys. Forty-one animals showed disease symptoms. Pneumococcal isolates were characterized by optochin sensitivity, bile solubility, DNA hybridization, pneumolysin PCR, serotyping and multilocus sequence typing. Eighteen of the 32 mastomys isolates (56%) were optochin resistant, all other isolates were optochin susceptible. All mastomys isolates were serotype 14, all guinea pig isolates serotype 19F, all horse isolates serotype 3. Rats had serotypes 14 or 19A, mice 33A or 33F. Dolphins had serotype 23F, the gorilla serotype 14. Cats and dogs had many different serotypes. Four isolates were resistant to macrolides, three isolates also to clindamycin and tetracyclin. Mastomys isolates were sequence type (ST) 15 (serotype 14), an ST/serotype combination commonly found in human isolates. Cats, dogs, pet rats, gorilla and dolphins showed various human ST/serotype combinations. Lab rats and lab mice showed single locus variants (SLV) of human STs, in human ST/serotype combinations. All guinea pig isolates showed the same completely new combination of known alleles. The horse isolates showed an unknown allele combination and three new alleles.


The isolates found in mastomys, mice, rats, cats, dogs, gorilla and dolphins are most likely identical to human pneumococcal isolates. Isolates from guinea pigs and horses appear to be specialized clones for these animals. Our data redraw attention to the fact that pneumococci are not strictly human pathogens. Pet animals that live in close contact to humans, especially children, can be infected by human isolates and also carriage of even resistant isolates is a realistic possibility.  相似文献   

The discovery of Meloidogyne mayaguensis is confirmed in Florida; this is the first report for the continental United States. Meloidogyne mayaguensis is a virulent species that can reproduce on host cultivars bred for nematode resistance. The perineal patterns of M. mayaguensis isolates from Florida show morphological variability and often are similar to M. incognita. Useful morphological characters for the separation of M. mayaguensis from M. incognita from Florida are the male stylet length values (smaller for M. mayaguensis than M. incognita) and J2 tail length values (greater for M. mayaguensis than M. incognita). Meloidogyne mayaguensis values for these characters overlap with those of M. arenaria and M. javanica from Florida. Enzyme analyses of Florida M. mayaguensis isolates show two major bands (VS1-S1 phenotype) of esterase activity, and one strong malate dehydrogenase band (Rm 1.4) plus two additional weak bands that migrated close together. Their detection requires larger amounts of homogenates from several females. Amplification of two separate regions of mitochondrial DNA resulted in products of a unique size. PCR primers embedded in the COII and 16S genes produced a product size of 705 bp, and amplification of the 63-bp repeat region resulted in a single product of 322 bp. Nucleotide sequence comparison of these mitochondrial products together with sequence from 18S rDNA and ITS1 from the nuclear genome were nearly identical with the corresponding regions from a M. mayaguensis isolate from Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, the type locality of the species. Meloidogyne mayaguensis reproduced on cotton, pepper, tobacco, and watermelon but not on peanut. Preliminary results indicate the M. mayaguensis isolates from Florida can reproduce on tomato containing the Mi gene. Molecular techniques for the identification of M. mayaguensis will be particularly useful in cases of M. mayaguensis populations mixed with M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica, which are the most economically important root-knot nematode species in Florida, and especially when low (<25) numbers of specimens of these species are recovered from the soil.  相似文献   

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