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Alzheimer’s disease (AD) represents an urgent public health mandate. AD is no longer considered a neural-centric disease; rather, a plethora of recent studies strongly implicate a critical role played by neuroinflammation in the pathogeneses of AD and other neurodegenerative conditions. A close functional connection between the immune system and central nervous system is increasingly recognized. In late-onset AD, aging represents the most significant risk factor. Here, from an immunological perspective, we summarize the prominent molecular and cellular changes in the periphery of aging individuals and AD patients. Moreover, we review the knowledge gained in the past several years that implicate specific arms of the peripheral immune system and other types of immune responses in modulating AD progression. Taken together, these findings collectively emphasize a dynamic role of a concert of brain-extrinsic, peripheral signals in the aging and degenerative processes in the CNS. We believe that a systematic view synthesizing the vast amounts of existing results will help guide the development of next-generation therapeutics and inform future directions of AD investigation.  相似文献   

Brain’s alpha activity and alpha responses belong to major electrical signals that are related to sensory/cognitive signal processing. The present study aims to analyze the spontaneous alpha activity and visual evoked alpha response in drug free euthymic bipolar patients. Eighteen DSM-IV euthymic bipolar patients (bipolar I n = 15, bipolar II n = 3) and 18 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Patients needed to be euthymic at least for 4 weeks and psychotrop free for at least 2 weeks. Spontaneous EEG (4 min eyes closed, 4 min eyes open) and evoked alpha response upon application of simple visual stimuli were analyzed. EEG was recorded at 30 positions. The digital FFT-based power spectrum analysis was performed for spontaneous eyes closed and eyes open conditions and the response power spectrum was also analyzed for simple visual stimuli. In the analysis of spontaneous EEG, the ANOVA on alpha responses revealed significant results for groups (F(1,34) = 8.703; P < 0.007). Post-hoc comparisons showed that spontaneous EEG alpha power of healthy subjects was significantly higher than the spontaneous EEG alpha power of euthymic patients. Furthermore, visual evoked alpha power of healthy subjects was significantly higher than visual evoked alpha power of euthymic patients (F(1,34) = 4.981; P < 0.04). Decreased alpha activity in spontaneous EEG is an important pathological EEG finding in euthymic bipolar patients. Together with an evident decrease in evoked alpha responses, the findings may lead to a new pathway in search of biological correlates of cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Swainson’s Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) are large raptors with a breeding distribution extending across much of western North America where they were historically considered one of the most abundant raptors. Swainson’s Hawks have declined precipitously in many parts of their range during the 20th century, and the historical range in California has been much reduced. In the Central Valley of California (CV), Swainson’s Hawks exhibit behavioral and morphological characteristics apparently different from other regions. To describe the genetic diversity and population structure of Swainson’s Hawks throughout their range, 19 microsatellite loci and 416 base pairs of the mitochondrial control region were analyzed. Microsatellite diversity appears high throughout the contemporary range. A Bayesian model-based analysis of microsatellite genotypes revealed clusters associated with the CV and the Great Basin/Great Plains region of North America (GBGP) with overlap between regions. F ST estimates suggest limited differentiation among Swainson’s Hawks with isolation by distance. A heterozygote excess indicated a recent reduction in effective population size of Swainson’s Hawks across all regions. Control region data revealed no population structure and provided evidence of historic population expansion in the GBGP. In the CV a weaker signature of population expansion was detected, possibly altered by recent declines. While genetic data suggests recent gene-flow across regions, apparent differences between the CV and GBGP in traits with potential fitness consequences (migratory behavior and morphology) along with marked decline in numbers in California call for careful conservation, management, and monitoring of Swainson’s Hawks in the CV.  相似文献   

Weeks DE  Tang X  Kwon AM 《Genetica》2009,135(3):305-307
A genetic map function M(d) = RF provides a mapping from the additive genetic distance d to the non-additive recombination fraction RF between a given pair of loci, where the recombination fraction is the proportion of gametes that are recombinant between the two loci. Genetic map functions are needed because in most experiments all we can directly observe are the recombination events. However, since a recombination event is only observed if there are an odd number of crossovers between the two loci, recombination fractions are not additive. One of the most widely used map functions is Haldane’s map function, which is derived under the assumptions of no chiasma and no chromatid interference, and has been in widespread use since 1919. However, Casares recently proposed a ‘corrected’ Haldane’s map function – we show here that this ‘corrected’ map function is not correct due to faulty assumptions and mistakes in its derivation.  相似文献   

Swainson’s hawks (Buteo swainsoni) are long-distance migratory raptors that nest primarily in isolated trees located in areas of high grassland density. In recent years, anthropogenic conversion of grassland habitat has raised concerns about the status of the breeding population in the northern Great Plains. In 2013, we initiated a study to investigate the influence of extrinsic factors influencing Swainson’s hawk nesting ecology in north-central South Dakota and south-central North Dakota. Using ground and aerial surveys, we located and monitored nesting Swainson’s hawk pairs: 73 in 2013 and 120 in 2014. We documented 98 successful breeding attempts that fledged 163 chicks; 1.52 and 1.72 fledglings per successful nest in 2013 and 2014, respectively. We used Program MARK to evaluate the influence of land cover on nest survival. The top model, S Dist2Farm+%Hay, indicated that nest survival (fledging at least one chick) decreased as nests were located farther from farm sites and as the percent of hay cover increased within 1200-m of the nest site (34.4%; 95% CI = 27.6%–42.3%). We used logistic regression analysis to evaluate the influence of landscape variables on nest-site selection; Swainson’s hawks selected for nest sites located closer to roads. We suggest that tree belts associated with farm sites, whether occupied or not, provide critical breeding sites for Swainson’s hawks. Additionally, poor breeding success may be related to the late migratory behavior of this species which requires them to occupy marginal habitat due to other raptors occupying the most suitable habitat prior to Swainson’s hawks arriving to the breeding grounds.  相似文献   

Circulating T lymphocytes enter a tissue if they express appropriate chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules to engage ligands presented at this site. To aid rational development of T cell-based therapies for Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL), we have assessed the expression and function of homing receptors on tumour-infiltrating T cells in HL and compared them with T cells from unaffected lymph nodes and colorectal cancer tissue. Chemokine receptors CXCR3, CXCR4 and CCR7 were expressed on a large proportion of T cells within HL tissue and mediated chemotaxis to purified chemokine. The corresponding ligands (CXCL10, CXCL12, CCL21) were expressed on the malignant cells and/or vascular endothelium. Adhesion molecules including CD62L were widely expressed on HL-derived T cells and their corresponding ligands were detected on vessels within the tumour. This homing phenotype was distinct from T cells isolated from colorectal cancer, but matched closely the phenotype of T cells from unaffected lymph nodes. Thus, T cell recruitment to HL resembles entry of na?ve/central memory T cells into normal lymph nodes. This has important implications for current approaches to treat HL using T cells activated and expanded in vitro that lack CCR7 and CD62L expression.  相似文献   

Expanding populations offer an opportunity to uncover the processes driving spatial variation in distribution and abundance. Individual settlement decisions will be influenced by the availability and relative quality of patches, and by how these respond to changes in conspecific density. For example, conspecific presence can alter patch suitability through reductions in resource availability or territorial exclusion, leading to buffer effect patterns of disproportionate population expansion into poorer quality areas. However, conspecific presence can also enhance patch suitability through Allee effect processes, such as transmission of information about resources or improved predator detection and deterrence. Here, we explore the factors underlying the settlement pattern of a growing population of Montagu’s harriers (Circus pygargus) in Spain. The population increased exponentially between 1981 and 2001, but stabilised between 2001 and 2004. This population increase occurred alongside a remarkable spatial expansion, with novel site use occurring prior to maximum densities in occupied sites being reached. However, no temporal trends in fecundity were observed and, within sites, average fecundity did not decline with increasing density. Across the population, variance in productivity did increase with population size, suggesting a complex pattern of density-dependent costs and benefits. We suggest that both Allee and buffer effects are operating in this system, with the benefits of conspecific presence counteracting density-dependent declines in resource availability or quality.  相似文献   

This study explores formal aspects and functions of 420 novel noun-noun (NN) compounds in diary data from three Swedish children (1;9–6;11). With regard to form, the data show that the children’s compounds respect target head order, allow for a small amount of internal inflection, and, in more than half of the cases where a liaison form is required, are properly formed. Most of the compounds concatenate two nouns (without the presence of liaison forms), as is the general case for Swedish NN compounds. With regard to function, the data permit us to distinguish three main functions of the coinages: I. Novel compound instead of established term, II. Novel compound for novel category, and III. Novel compound for specific entity. Type I involves attempts to target conventional compounds by relying either on perceptual or functional features or on recalled semantic, phonological, and/or morphological cues. Type II is innovative compounding par excellence: detailed discriminations and fantasy concepts are named. Type III divides into anaphoric and deictic uses as well as what we call appropriation, i.e. naming a specific entity. Types II and III are functions displayed by novel compounds in general. In conclusion, the three children seem to master the central facets of NN compounds, formally and functionally. Furthermore, compound production can constitute a simple and efficient means for young children to maximize and build more structure into their lexicon.  相似文献   

Generally, immune system architecture varies with different environments, which presumably reflect different pathogen pressures. Specifically, populations from relatively disease-free, oceanic islands are expected to exhibit reorganized immune systems, which might be characterized by attenuated responses, given the costs of immune function. Some insular animals exhibit an 'island syndrome,' including increased susceptibility to disease, and some insular populations have declined when they failed to resist infection by introduced pathogens. I measured eight indices of immune function (haemolysis, haemagglutination, concentration of haptoglobin and concentration of five leukocyte types) in 15 phylogenetically matched pairs of bird populations from North America and from the islands of Hawaii, Bermuda and the Galápagos. Immune responses were not attenuated in insular birds, and several indices, including the concentration of plasma haptoglobin, were elevated. Thus, I find no support for the specific hypothesis that depauperate parasite communities and the costs of immune defences select for reduced immune function. Instead, I suggest that life on islands leads to an apparent reorganization of immune function, which is defined by increases in defences that are innate and inducible. These increases might signal that systems of acquired humoral immunity and immunological memory are less important or dysfunctional in island populations.  相似文献   

In recent years it has become evident that bacteria can modulate signaling pathways in host cells through the secretion of small signaling molecules. We have evaluated the cytotoxic effects and NF-κB inhibitory activities of a panel of quorum sensing molecules and their reactive analogs on Hodgkin's lymphoma cells (L428). We found that several molecules inhibited NF-κB signaling in a dose dependent manner. Three inhibitors (ITC-12, ITC-Cl and Br-Furanone) showed 50% NF-κB inhibition at concentrations less than 10 µM (4.1 µM, 12.8 µM and 9.9 µM, respectively). Furthermore, all three molecules displayed cytotoxic effects against L428 cells with IC50 values of 12.4 µM, 18.3 µM and 3.1 µM respectively after 48 h incubation. They also showed inhibition of A549 adenocarcinoma cell migration at low concentrations 5.6 µM, 2.6 µM and 7.9 µM respectively. Further analysis showed that these molecules significantly decrease the degree of expression of proteins of NF-κB subunits p50, p65 and RelB both in cytosolic and nuclear fractions. This confirms that these compounds have the potential to modulate the NF-κB pathway by suppressing their subunits and thus exhibit cytotoxicity and inactivation of NF-κB signaling in Hodgkin's lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

Migration has fascinated researchers for years and many active areas of study exist. However, the question of how migratory species stay healthy within the context of their annual cycle remains relatively unexplored. This article addresses this question using Red Knots (Calidris canutus) as a model migrant species. We review recent research on immune function in Red Knots and integrate this work with the broader eco-immunological literature to introduce a conceptual model. This model synthesizes earlier ideas about resource allocation and the costs of immunity with recent increases in our knowledge about the vertebrate immune system and then puts these concepts into the context of defense against real pathogens in environments where a myriad of factors change in time and space. We also suggest avenues for further research, which will help to test the model and better link measures of immune function to pressure from pathogens and to optimal defense against disease.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations in immune status have been documented for avian and mammalian populations. During the late summer and early fall, immune function is bolstered to help animals cope with the more physiologically demanding winter. The environmental cue for these seasonal changes is apparently decreasing photoperiod. In the present study, we determined the potential role of leptin in mediating the effect of photoperiod on cell-mediated immune responses in male mice. Leptin-deficient (ob/ob) and littermate control mice were housed for 10 wk in either a short (8L:16D) or a long (16L:8D) photoperiod beginning at 6 wk of age. After the mice were killed, immune and reproductive organs were weighed and splenocytes isolated. The proliferative and cytokine responses (interleukin [IL]-2 and IL-4) of splenocytes to the T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A; 0-40 microg/ml), were determined. Body weights were elevated and both testes and seminal vesicle weights subnormal in ob/ob mice (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but thymuses and spleens were of normal size. Serum leptin levels were at minimum detection limits in ob/ob mice, but leptin levels in control mice housed at 8L:16D were higher than in control mice housed at 16L:8D. The proliferative response of splenocytes from ob/ob mice to Con A was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency), but photoperiod had no effect on this response. Production of IL-2 in splenocytes of ob/ob mice was subnormal (by ANOVA, main effect of leptin deficiency) irrespective of photoperiod, but cells from mice housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod) produced more IL-2 than cells from animals housed at 16L:8D. In contrast, a leptin deficiency did not alter IL-4 production, but cells from animals (ob/ob and controls) housed at 16L:8D produced less IL-4 than cells from animals housed at 8L:16D (by ANOVA, main effect of photoperiod). The present study suggests that both photoperiod and leptin have mutually independent effects on the proliferation of lymphocytes and cytokine production profiles. The data do not provide definitive support for the hypothesis that photoperiod-induced changes in leptin secretion mediate the effects of season on immune status.  相似文献   

Tuberin negatively affects BCL-2’s cell survival function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. Uncontrolled cell cycle progression and cell growth are key properties of tumor cells. The tumor suppressor genes responsible for the autosomal dominantly inherited disease tuberous sclerosis (TSC) have been demonstrated to control both, cell cycle and cell size regulation. Hamartin, encoded by TSC1, and tuberin, encoded by TSC2, form a complex, of which tuberin is assumed to be the functional component. Loss of TSC genes function triggers hamartoma development in TSC patients. However, in vivo mostly tumor cell development is rapidly terminated via apoptosis. BCL-2, the founding member of the BCL-2 family of proteins, is well known for its anti-apoptotic properties. Here we show that pro-apoptotic actinomycin D cannot interfere with BCL-2’s cell survival functions. However, we found tuberin to negatively regulate BCL-2’s anti-apoptotic effects on low serum-induced apoptosis. These findings warrant further investigations to elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying tuberin’s negative effects on cell survival.  相似文献   

Males often have reduced immune function compared to females but the proximate mechanisms underlying this taxonomically widespread pattern are unclear. Because immune function is resource-dependent and sexes may have different nutritional requirements, we hypothesized that sexual dimorphism in immune function may arise from differential nutrient intake (acquisition hypothesis). To test this hypothesis, we examined patterns of phenoloxidase (PO) activity in relation to nutrient consumption in Queensland fruit flies (Q-flies). In the first experiment, flies were allowed to choose their preferred nutrient intake. Compared with males, female Q-flies had higher PO activity, consumed more calories, and preferred a higher protein:carbohydrate (P:C) diet, suggesting that differential acquisition could explain sex differences. In the second experiment, we restricted flies to one of 12 diets varying in protein and carbohydrate concentrations and mapped PO activity for each sex onto a nutritional landscape. Counter to our hypothesis, females had higher PO activity than males at any given level of nutrient intake. Both carbohydrate and protein intake affected PO activity in females but only protein affected PO activity in males. Our results indicate that sex differences in Q-fly immune function are not solely explained by sex differences in nutrient intake, although nutrition does contribute to the magnitude of these sex differences.  相似文献   

Chasing genes in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Alzheimers disease (AD), the most common type of dementia, and Parkinsons disease (PD), the most common movement disorder, are both neurodegenerative adult-onset diseases characterized by the progressive loss of specific neuronal populations and the accumulation of intraneuronal inclusions. The search for genetic and environmental factors that determine the fate of neurons during the ageing process has been a widespread approach in the battle against neurodegenerative disorders. Genetic studies of AD and PD initially focused on the search for genes involved in the aetiological mechanisms of monogenic forms of these diseases. They later expanded to study hundreds of patients, affected relative-pairs and population-based studies, sometimes performed on special isolated populations. A growing number of genes (and pathogenic mutations) is being identified that cause or increase susceptibility to AD and PD. This review discusses the way in which strategies of gene hunting have evolved during the last few years and the significance of finding genes such as the presenilins, -synuclein, parkin and DJ-1. In addition, we discuss possible links between these two neurodegenerative disorders. The clinical, pathological and genetic presentation of AD and PD suggests the involvement of a few overlapping interrelated pathways. Their imbricate features point to a spectrum of neurodegeneration (tauopathies, synucleinopathies, amyloidopathies) that need further intense investigation to find the missing links.  相似文献   

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