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Park CW  Kim JH  Kim KM  Hwang JS  Kang SW  Kang HS  Cho BP  Yu CH  Kim HR  Lee BH 《Peptides》2004,25(11):1891-1897
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor-like neuropeptide is produced in the brain of the silk moth, Bombyx mori. Immunocytochemical studies of brain and retrocerebral complex of larvae, prepupae, pupae and adults showed that four pairs of median neurosecretory cells and six pairs of lateral neurosecretory cells which had different immunoreactivities to BDNF peptide. Day-1 adult brains showed no evidence of neurons stained by anti-BDNF antibodies. Those reactivities, which were much stronger in median cells than in lateral cells, were the weakest in an earliest larval stage and a latest pupal stage but the strongest in late larval stage. Median neurosecretory cells projected their axons into the contralateral corpora allata by decussation in the median region, nerve corpora cardiaca (NCC) I, and nerve corpora allata (NCA) I, whereas lateral neurosecretory cells extended their axons to the ipsilateral corpora allata via NCC II and NCA I.  相似文献   

In Polygonia c-aureum , there are two seasonal forms, viz. , the summer form and the autumn form. Previous experiments (E ndo , 1970) showed that the corpora allata of the summer form accelerate the maturation of ovarian follicles soon after imaginal ecdysis. On the other hand, the corpora allata of the autumn form do not stimulate ovarian maturation during a period of 2 to 3 weeks after the emergence.
In the summer form (S) as well as in the autumn form (A), the corpora allata remained in an inactive state for about 15 days after emergence when they had been isolated microsurgically from the brain and the corpora cardiaca during the larval period. Further, when separation of the brain into the right and left hemispheres or ablation of the medial neurosecretory group cells of the pars intercerebralis had been carried out on S-pupae of 28 hr after pupation or of earlier ages, they developed into autumn form in respect to wing pattern and their corpora allata did not stimulate ovarian maturation until 2 to 3 weeks after emergence. On the other hand, when the above operations had been performed 34 hr after the pupation or of later ages, they developed into summer form in respect to wing pattern and ovarian maturation was evident soon after the emergence. In these cases, stimulation of the corpora allata is closely connected with the development of seasonal-forms of wing pattern.
From these experiments, it is clear that the medial neurosecretory group cells of the pars intercerebralis in S-insects stimulate the corpora allata about 30 hr after pupation by way of the nervi corporis cardiaci and the activated corpora allata promote ovarian maturation throughout adult life. In A-insects, on the other hand, the medial neurosecretory group cells of the brain are inactive and fail to activate the corpora allata which in turn have no influence on ovarian maturation.  相似文献   

The implantation of active corpora allata into intact Locusta females during growth accelerates pre-vitellogenic oöcyte growth and vitellogenesis. Localised stimulation of yolk deposition follows the implantation of active corpora allata between the ovarioles demonstrating a gonadotrophic rôle for the corpus allatum hormone. Electrocoagulation of the median neurosecretory cells of the brain prevents vitellogenesis whilst pre-vitellogenic oöcyte growth occurs normally. Implantation of active corpora allata into females with ablated cerebral neurosecretory cells promotes vitellogenesis in a proportion of test animals although mature oöcytes are never produced.It is suggested that the rôle of the median neurosecretory cells during egg development in Locusta is primarily concerned with the activation and maintenance of activity of the corpora allata. The corpus allatum hormone acts both metabolically and gonadotrophically.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the secretion of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)‐like neuropeptide in the silkworm, Bombyx mori , by using immunocytochemical techniques on the brain and retrocerebral complex of fifth instar larvae. In the brain, four pairs of median neurosecretory cell (MNC) bodies and six pairs of lateral neurosecretory cell (LNC) bodies had distinct immunoreactivities to this peptide, suggesting that this peptide is produced from two types of brain neuron. These reactivities were much stronger in the MNC than in the LNC. Labeled MNC projected their axons into the contralateral corpora allata, to which axons of labeled MNC were eventually innervated, through decussation in the median region, contralateral nerve corporis cardiaci I and nerve corpora allata I. Labeled LNC extended their axons into the ipsilateral corpora allata to be innervated through the ipsilateral nerve corporis cardiaci II and nerve corpora allata I. These results suggest that BDNF is secreted as a neurohormone from MNC and LNC of the brain into the corpora allata.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody that recognized the Bombyx prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) was produced by immunizing mice with a synthetic pentadecapeptide corresponding to the amino-terminal portion of Bombyx PTTH. The antibody recognized both intact and reduced forms of PTTH. Immunohistochemistry with this antibody has demonstrated that PTTH is produced by two pairs of dorso-lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain and transported to the corpora allata by axons running through the contralateral hemisphere of the brain. Immunoreactive axon terminals in the corpora allata were localized between the glandular cells, suggesting that PTTH is released at the inner part of this organ.  相似文献   

The Egyptian locust, Anacridium aegyptium, has four protocerebral neurosecretory centres: the A to B neurosecretory cells of the pars intercerebralis (the A cells are rich in fuchsinophil material and the B cells are devoid of fuchsinophil neurosecretion), the voluminous C neurosecretory cells poor in neurosecretion, and the median sub-ocellar neurosecretory cells.From September to the beginning of January, imaginal diapause is characterized by an accumulation of the median neurosecretion in the pars intercerebralis-corpora cardiaca system, by small corpora allata, and, in the female, by a stop in oöcyte development although the male's sexual activity is still not altered. Allatectomy suppresses neither the male's sexual behaviour nor its fecundity. From January, the increase of the photoperiod causes a release of the median neurosecretion in both sexes, an increase of the volume of the corpora allata, and breaks ovarian diapause.In autumn, the implantation of the male's or female's corpora allata of Anacridium does not stimulate ovarian growth of diapausing females. On the contrary, the implantation of corpora allata or of pars intercerebralis or of corpora cardiaca of Locusta migratoria migratorioides (locust without diapause) causes ovarian development of the diapausing females of Anacridium. Thus, in the two sexes of the Egyptian locust, the corpora allata are inactive during the female ovarian diapause. The imaginal diapause of Anacridium affects both sexes (stocking of median neurosecretion, arrest of the corpora allata). If diapause does not seem to affect the male's development, it is because its sexual activity is free from the pars intercerebralis and corpora allata.The corpora allata of Anacridium show a sexual dimorphism in the active adult: they are smaller in the male and have more mitosis in the female. An explanation of this dimorphism is advanced.  相似文献   

The activity of the substance(s) which are contained in the cephalic endocrine organs of the locust which induce egg diapause in Bombyx mori was examined by implantation and injection of saline extracts of these organs. Extracts from the median and lateral neurosecretory parts of the locust brain were not effective in inducing egg diapause. Extracts of the corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, and suboesophageal ganglion of the locust induced diapause eggs in Bombyx pharate adults from which the suboesophageal ganglion had been removed. The first two extracts could induce egg diapause even in isolated abdomens of pharate adults of Bombyx. In the locust corpora cardiaca, the activity was present only in the glandular lobe and not in the nervous region. This activity decreased when the nervi corporis cardiaci I and II and of nervi corporis allati I were cut. Allatectomy also brought about a decrease in the activity in the glandular lobe which could not be restored by the injection of juvenile hormone. The activity in the corpora allata was enhanced slightly by the disconnection though not significantly.From these results, it is assumed that the corpora cardiaca, corpora allata and suboesophageal ganglion of the locust contain and active principle(s) capable of inducing egg diapause in Bombyx mori. The nervous connections between the brain, corpora cardiaca, and corpora allata are essential for the accumulation of the active substance(s) in the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca.  相似文献   

Unlike most other insects, mosquitoes do not possess discrete corpora cardiaca composed of neuropile, intrinsic neurosecretory cells and glial cells. Cells homologous with the intrinsic neurosecretory cells of other insects are located at the junction of the neck and thorax of mosquitoes, close to the corpora allata. These cells are named cardiacal neurosecretory cells. Axons run forwards from the cardiacal neurosecretory cells into the allatal nerves. Neurosecretory release sites occur over almost the whole of the nervi corporum cardiacorum, allatal nerves and oesophageal nerves, and these nerves constitute a very extensive neurohaemal organ for many of the cerebral neurosecretory cells. The neurosecretory release sites of the cardiacal neurosecretory cells appear to be in the allatal nerves and possibly also on the perikarya of these cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Corpora allata der Bienearbeiterinnen machen während des Adultlebens zwei Wachstumsphasen durch. Im Laufe der ersten Phase wird das Wachstum durch Königinnensubstanz gehemmt; die zweite dagegen tritt nur bei Anwesenheit einer Königin auf. Das Wachstum der Corpora allata weiselloser Bienen ist mit der Eireifung korreliert. Ein Hormon der Corpora allata dürfte für die Eireifung notwending sein (Abb. 4).Ausser dem Hormon der Corpora allata muss für das Oocytenwachstum ein weiterer Faktor vorhanden sein. Wahrscheinlich handelt es sich um ein Sekret der neurosekretorischen Zellen der Pars intercerebralis des Gehirns. Die Königin hemmt direkt oder indirekt das Kernwachstum in den neurosekretorischen Zellen der Arbeiterin. Es ist fraglich, ob es sich auch hier um eine Wirklung der Königinnensubstanz handelt.
Summary The corpora allata of adult worker bees show growth periods. During the first period growth is inhibited by queen substance while the second growth period only occurs when a queen is present. A correlation between the volume of the corpora allata and oocyte suggests that oocyte maturation is dependent on the presence of a hormone of the corpora allata.Besides of the hormone of the corpora allata at least one other factor is necessary for oocyte maturation. It is probably contained in the neurosecretory material produced in the pars intercerebralis of the brain. The growth of the nuclei of the neurosecretory cells of the brain is inhibited by the presence of a queen, but it is doubtful whether this is due to the action of queen substance.

Résumé Les corpora allata des ouvrières adultes d'abeilles ont deux phases de croissance. Lors de la première phase, la croissance est inhibée par la phéromone de la reine, tandis que la deuxième phase ne se produit qu'en présence d'une reine. Une corrélation entre le volume des corpora allata et la croissance des oocytes suggère que l'oogenèse dépend d'une hormone des corpora allata.Or, un autre facteur au moins est encore nécessaire pour la maturation des oocytes. Il est probablement sécrété par les cellules de la pars intercerebralis du cerveau. La croissance des noyaux des cellules neurosécrétrices du cerveau est inhibée par la reine, mais le mode d'action de la phéromone dans cette inhibition reste inconnu.

Durchgeführt mit Hilfe eines Forschungskredites des Schweiz. Nationalfonds an Herrn Prof. Dr.M. Lüscher.  相似文献   

In the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes, allatostatins (ASTs) with the C-terminus Phe-Gly Leu-amide were localized by immunocytochemistry with antibody against a cockroach AST, Dippu AST-7. AST-immunoreactivity occurred in the corpus cardiacum and corpus allatum and in the lateral and medial neurosecretory cells of the brain that innervate these organs as well as in many other nerve cells of the brain. This was observed in workers, nymphs, soldiers and secondary reproductives. A radioimmunoassay, using anti-Dippu AST-11, demonstrated about 40 fmole equivalents of AST in brains of soldiers and secondary reproductives. The product of the corpora allata in this species was determined to be juvenile hormone III. Its synthesis by corpora allata of secondary reproductives, determined by in vitro radiochemical assay, was inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion by two cockroach allatostatins, Dippu AST-7 and Dippu AST-11. Thus, as in cockroaches and crickets, allatostatin-containing nerves innervate the corpora allata of this termite species and their production of juvenile hormone is inhibited by these neuropeptides.  相似文献   

In the 1950s, Berta Scharrer predicted that neurosecretions from the brain regulated corpus allatum activity based upon the observation of the change in localization of neurosecretory material in the brain and change in gland activity after severance of nerves between the brain and corpus allatum. Isolation and characterization of neuropeptide regulators of juvenile hormone production by the corpora allata in the late 1980s has confirmed this prediction. Both a stimulatory allatotropin and an inhibitory allatostatin have been isolated from moth brains. Two families of allatostatins, both quite different from each other and that of moths, have been isolated from cockroaches and crickets.The wide distribution of these peptides in the nervous system, in nerves to visceral muscle, in endocrine cells of the midgut and in blood cells, indicate multifunctions in the insects in which they are allatoregulatory. Some of these other functions have been demonstrated in these insects and in insects in which these neuropeptides occur but do not act as corpus allatum regulators. For the latter group, the neuropeptide regulators of the corpora allata have yet to be isolated. The families of neurosecretory regulators will continue to grow.  相似文献   

There are 2 broad morphological types of corpora allata in adult Lepidoptera, a capsular type gland and an isolated cell type gland. Compared with the ubiquitous capsular corpus allatum, the isolated cell type has a narrow distribution in Lepidoptera and appears to be restricted to adult noctuids of the sub-family Hadeninae. The isolated cell corpora allata of adults of Mamestra configurata (Lepidoptera : Noctuidae) are composed of 30 – 40 large (ca 0.1 mm), semi-transparent, spherical, isolated cells held in 2 clusters by fine trachae and nerve fibers. These clusters lie directly beneath and in close proximity to the brain. Many similarities exist between the ultrastructure of the isolated cell corpora allata of M. configurata and the more common capsular gland. A high density of mitochondria, the arrangement of smooth endoplasmic reticulum in concentric “finger print” whorls, an interconnecting lacunae system of lipid vacuoles, and the presence of neurosecretory nerve endings are features commonly seen in active corpora allata of both types. The corpora allata of M. configurata are larger in the male, the calculated gland volume of males being more than 4 times that of females. Gland activity may change in senescent males as judged by the degeneration of the mitochondria, the reduction of the lacunae system and the dissolution of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   


Corpora allata from 8-day-old female Locusta migratoria, during the phase of yolk deposition, exhibit high rates of C-16 juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis. The effect of different potential factors which may be involved in the regulation of corpora allata activity is reported. The biosynthetic activity of corpora allata was determined by radiochemical assay.

In maturing females, no changes in corpora allata activity are detected during one daily cycle. Starvation reduces JH biosynthesis only 3 days after the beginning of the food deprivation. Suppression of the median neurosecretory material by electrocoagulation of the internal cardiaca tract (TCC-I) does not disturb JH biosynthesis whereas the transection of the allata I nerve fibres (NCA-I) or the electrocoagulation of the lateral neurosecretory pericarya results in a rapid decline of JH biosynthesis. These data indicate that the median and lateral allatotropins are different, and that only the lateral neurosecretory material exerts an allatostimulating action on corpora allata at the time of vitellogenesis. The corpora allata response to the median allatotropin changes during oocyte growth. C-16 JH and/or 20-hydroxyecdysone treatments in vitro (addition in the culture medium) and in vivo (injection in female) do not influence JH production in our experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The techniques of axonal iontophoresis and cobalt sulfide precipitation were used to elucidate the relationships of the brain's neurosecretory cell groups and the retrocerebral complex of the locust Schistocerca vaga. The axons of the nervi corporis cardiaci I (NCC I) arise (1) from the medial neurosecretory cells of the protocerebrum, showing only limited branching, looping or spiraling; and (2) from a cell group previously undescribed for this species, located in the tritocerebrum. The axons project into the neurohemal and the glandular portions of the corpora cardiaca and into the hypocerebral ganglion, but not into the corpora allata. Axons of the NCC II arise from the lateral neurosecretory cells of the protocerebrum and project into the center of the corpora allata via the nervi corporis allati I (NCA I), as well as into the neurohemal and glandular portions of the corpora cardiaca. Axons of the NCC III arise from another newly described cell group in the tritocerebrum and end in both the corpora cardiaca and corpora allata. Axons of the NCA II arise from cells in the subesophageal ganglion and also end in the corpora allata.Supported by NIH Predoctoral Fellowship No. 5 F 01 GM 43816-03, NSF Grant GB-23033 and NIH Grant CA-05045 to H. A. Bern and USPHS Grant 1 R 01 NS09404 to C.H.F. Rowell.I wish to express my gratitude to Professors H.A. Bern and C.H.F. Rowell for unending encouragement and advice. I am indebted to Dr. Mick O'Shea for instruction in the cobalt/axonal iontophoresis method, and to Ms. Bea Bacher for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

When newly-ecdysed 5th instar larvae of Manduca sexta were starved for 3 days and thereafter fed on standard diet the majority (90%) of the surviving larvae moulted into 6th instars. Allatectomy prior to starvation abolished the supernumerary moult, while denervation of the corpora allata (CA) had no effect.Cautery of medial neurosecretory cells, but not of the lateral cells, prevented supernumerary moulting and pupation ensued. Transplantation of brains from young 5th instar donors into larvae, whose medial neurosecretory cells were cauterized prior to starvation, restored the extra larval moult. Neither CA nor corpora cardiaca (CC) could be substituted for the medial neurosecretory cells.For induction of the supernumerary moult the medial neurosecretory cells are required only until day 1 after refeeding whereas the CA are required until day 3 after refeeding. Allatectomy on day 3 after refeeding resulted in the production of black 6th instar larvae.We conclude that starvation-induced supernumerary moulting is due to activation of the CA by allatotropin produced by medial neurosecretory cells in the brain. The anteromedial cells (group II) appear to be the source of allatotropin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The virgin female tobacco hawk moth, Manduca sexta, flies during the early scotophase in an LD 16:8 cycle at 24C then begins 'calling' within 2h. Mating lasts 3–4 h. Oviposition occurs in the succeeding scotophases if a tobacco plant is present. The switch from virgin 'calling' behaviour to mated ovipositional behaviour is mediated by the presence of sperm and/or associated testicular fluids in the bursa copulatrix. The corpora allata, which are necessary for egg maturation in this species, are activated via the NCC I and II around the time of eclosion. Feeding increases the activity of the corpora allata in the virgin female (as judged by the number of eggs matured in 4 days) but mating brings about a further stimulation of the activity of the corpora allata. The stretching of the bursa copulatrix by the insertion of the spermatophore during mating is probably the trigger for this response. Continued neural input from the bursa copulatrix to the brain is necessary to maintain the increased activity of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

El-Salhy  M.  Falkmer  S.  Kramer  K. J.  Speirs  R. D. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,232(2):295-317
In the brain of adult specimens of the tobacco hornworm moth, Manduca sexta (L), cells immunoreactive for several kinds of neuropeptides were localized by means of the PAP procedure, by use of antisera raised against mammalian hormones or hormonal peptides. In contrast, no such neurosecretory cells were found in the corpora cardiaca and corpora allata (CC/CA); in the CC/CA, however, immunoreactive nerve fibres were observed, reaching these organs from the brain. The neurosecretory cells found in the brain were immunoreactive with at least one of the following mammalian antisera, namely those raised against the insulin B-chain, somatostatin, glucagon C-terminal, glucagon N-terminal, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), secretin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP), gastrin C-terminus, enkephalin, alpha- and beta-endorphin, Substance P, and calcitonin. No cells were immunoreactive with antisera specific for detecting neurons containing the insulin A-chain, nerve growth factor, epidermal growth factor, insulin connecting peptide (C-peptide), polypeptide YY (PYY), gastrin mid-portion (sequence 6-13), cholecystokinin (CCK) mid-portion (sequences 9-20 and 9-25), neurotensin C-terminus, bombesin, motilin, ACTH, or serotonin. All the neuropeptide-immunoreactive cells observed emitted nerve fibers passing through the brain to the CC and in some cases also to the CA. In CC these immunoreactive nerve fibers tended to accumulate near the aorta. It was speculated that neuropeptides are released into the circulating haemolymph and act as neurohormones.  相似文献   

The release of material from neurosecretory synapses in the corpora allata of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata was visualised by an electron microscope procedure which involved tissue incubation in tannic acid. Using morphometry, the frequency of exocytosis phenomena was quantified in beetles kept under two different photoregimes. The number of exocytosis phenomena in the neurosecretory synapses in the corpora allata of beetles kept under short days was significantly higher than that of beetles reared under long-day conditions. In addition, the corpus allatum gland cells appeared to be more richly innervated by neurosecretory synapses under short-day than under long-day conditions. Previous studies using the in vitro radiochemical assay showed that the corpus allatum activity of short-day beetles is at least partly restrained by neurally mediated factors. The present morphological data strongly imply that this corpus allatum inhibitory substance is released from the neurosecretory synapses.  相似文献   

Stay B  Zhang JR  Kwok RD  Tobe SS 《Peptides》2003,24(10):1501-1510
The distribution of FMRFamide immunoreactivity in the brain-retrocerebral complex of adult female Diploptera punctata was examined. Immunoreactivity was observed in the brain and corpus allatum as well as in the corpus cardiacum. Immunoreactivity co-localized with allatostatin immunoreactivity within several lateral neurosecretory cells of the brain and in their endings within the corpus allatum. By in vitro radiochemical assay of juvenile hormone release, the effect of two native D. punctata RFamides, an FLRFamide (Leucomyosuppressin) and an FIRFamide were examined. The latter, for which the sequence (SKPANFIRFamide) is reported here, stimulated juvenile hormone release but acted only on corpora allata from females at the end of vitellogenesis (day 6). The interaction of these two RFamides and three D. punctata allatostatins, Dippu-AST 2, 5, and 7 were similarly examined. Only Dippu-AST 2 stimulated release of RFamides from the corpora allata and only on day 6 whereas both RFamides were able to attenuate the inhibitory activity of Dippu-AST 2.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone synthesis by corpora allata is regulated partly by allatostatin containing nerves from the brain that innervate the corpora cardiaca and the corpora allata. To investigate whether NO also participates in the regulation of juvenile hormone synthesis, antibody against NO synthase and the histochemical test for NADPH diaphorase activity, a marker for NO synthase, were applied to the corpora cardiaca-corpora allata of Diploptera punctata. Strong NADPH diaphorase activity occurred in corpus allatum cells but not in nerve fibers in the corpora allata or corpora cardiaca. In contrast, NO immunoreactivity occurred in nerves in the corpora cardiaca but not within the corpora allata. NO and allatostatin were not colocalized. NO synthase and NADPH diaphorase activity were localized in similar areas of the subesophageal ganglion and cells in the pars intercerebralis of the brain. Positive correlation of the quantity of NADPH diaphorase activity with juvenile hormone synthesis during the gonadotrophic cycle and lack of such correlation in subesophageal ganglia suggest that NADPH diaphorase activity reflects the necessity of NADPH in the pathway of juvenile hormone synthesis. These data suggest that NO is unlikely to play a significant role in the regulation of the corpora allata.  相似文献   

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