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Baobab damage in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Elephants and water provision: what are the management links?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a recent paper we demonstrated that elephant bull groups and mixed herds exhibited spatial and resource segregation across the Kruger National Park. It was found, inter alia , that both bull groups and mixed herds occurred more frequently closer to rivers than expected if they were randomly distributed, but that only bull groups occurred more frequently closer to the artificial waterholes. Although Chamaillé-Jammes et al. (2007 ) accepted these results, they disagreed with our interpretation regarding the potential effect that closure of artificial waterholes might have. Here we address some of the specific concerns expressed and provide a broader context regarding water provision and elephant management. Although water provision can influence elephant density and distribution, we argue that the effectiveness of surface-water manipulation as a management tool will depend on (1) natural surface-water availability, (2) forage quality, (3) elephant densities, (4) position of a population on its growth trajectory, and (5) management objectives. Even though elephants are water-dependent, the effectiveness of water provision as a management tool will therefore be area- and population-specific and will depend on management objectives.  相似文献   

Chronic utilization of woody vegetation by African savanna elephants may transform woodland vegetation to open savanna and threaten the extirpation of targeted species. This situation has arisen in Gonarezhou National Park (GNP), Zimbabwe, where a large elephant population (>2 km−2) threatens the persistence of the long-lived baobab (Adansonia digitata) tree, through elevated mortality levels. This study investigated whether complete or partial refugia from elephant utilization existed for baobabs, and whether protection of trees by management, using wire netting or log- or rock-packs around a tree base, had been effective. A total of 563 baobabs were sampled across northern GNP. Elephants had debarked 99% of trees to some degree, and gouged holes in the stem of 22% of trees. The probability, and severity, of debarking and gouging decreased with increasing distance to permanent water, increasing slope, and the amount of boulder cover. Slope gradient had the greatest effect on elephant impact, with trees located on steep slopes being less affected by elephants than those on flat ground. Distance to water had an effect despite the farthest tree, at 9 km from water, being within the 15 km foraging range of bull elephants. Large boulders partly protected trees even on gentle terrain. None of these factors provided a complete refuge from elephant impact within GNP, but, individually and collectively, provided a partial refuge at current elephant densities. Protection measures doubled tree survival over approximately 5 years, with fencing wire wrapped around baobab stems proving to be the most effective method. Assessment of the future security of baobabs in GNP requires knowledge of their distribution and that of the refugia provided by distance from permanent water, slope, and boulder cover.  相似文献   

Breeding population estimates for three vulture species in Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, were made in 2013 using data from aerial censuses and a plotless density estimator (PDE). PDEs are distance-based methods used to assess sparse populations unsuitable for plot-based methods. A correction factor was applied to the 2013 estimates to reflect the difference between the survey counts and the PDE figures. We flew additional censuses across most of KNP and counted all visible nests to assess the 2013 estimates. Survey counts were within 95% confidence limits of corrected PDE estimates for White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus (count: 892; estimate: 904 [95% CI ±162]), at the limit of confidence for White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis (count: 48; estimate: 60 [±13]) and outside confidence limits for Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotos (count: 44; estimate: 78 [±18]). Uncorrected PDE estimates accurately reflected White-headed and Lappet-faced Vulture nest counts. The clustered patterns of White-backed Vulture nests and dispersed patterns of White-headed and Lappet-faced Vulture nests offer an explanation for these results and means that corrected PDE densities are inaccurate for estimating dispersed nests but accurate for estimating clustered nests. Using PDE methods, aerial surveys over ~35% of KNP are probably sufficient to assess changes in these vulture populations over time. Our results highlight these globally important breeding populations.  相似文献   

Vernon, C. J. 1975. Seventeenth ringing report for southern African. Ostrich 46:125-128.

A report on ringing activities in southern Africa from July 1973 to June 1974 is presented. A total of 51 561 birds of 451 species were ringed and are analysed according to distribution of ringers, groups of species and recovery rates. A list of those birds living longer than ten years is given. Analyses are needed of the most frequently ringed species in order to give greater purpose to future ringing.  相似文献   

The role of social cues in the reproduction of social mammals, particularly carnivores, has been thoroughly studied and documented in literature. However, environmental cues such as resources of water, food, and shelter have been identified to a lesser extent. Pregnant lions (Panthera leo) are notoriously secretive during the final stages of pregnancy and postpartum. Behavioral indicators depicted by movement patterns obtained by remote detection of collared female lions in the Kruger National Park were necessary for the monitoring of birth timing. Over the study period, eight plus a potential three parturition incidences of collared females were recorded. Of the variables measured (step length, range size, duration, prey biomass, and rainfall), range size during the month of parturition was the most indicative movement pattern of a successful birth. By backdating the potential birth month of the litters, date of conception was calculated and our results revealed a correlation between the birthing peaks of preferred prey during the month of conception. Birth timing in conjunction with remote sensing and ecological factors were thus identified behaviors associated with denning.  相似文献   

C. Wyndham 《Ostrich》2013,84(1):1-5
Clark, A. 1974. The status of the whistling ducks in South Africa. Ostrich 45:1-4. Since the 1920's the status of Dendrocygna viduata and D. bicolor has changed from that of an irregular to that of a regular species in the Transvaal, Zululand, Natal and Orange Free State. In more recent years their numbers have shown a steady increase and breeding has been established. D. viduata numbers built up more quickly than D. bicolor and it has become an established resident whereas D. bicolor is primarily a summer visitor.

In the Western Cape Province there has been little change in the status of either species but there are indications that D. viduata is appearing mote regularly in the Eastern Cape Province. The position in East Griqualand and the Transkei is obscure. In South West Africa, excluding the north east corner, D. viduata remains irregular and D. bicolor rare.

The preference shown by both species for areas where sewage effluent is disposed of and for new storage dams inevitably links their spread and increase with that of the human population.  相似文献   

du Toit JT  Yetman CA 《Oecologia》2005,143(2):317-325
We compared the diurnal activity budgets of four syntopic species of African browsing ruminant that differ widely in body size. These were concurrently studied through all phases of the seasonal cycle, in the same area, using the same methods. We tested five predictions from the literature on how body size is expected to influence the behaviour of tropical ungulates: the smallest members of the browsing ruminant guild exhibit (1) the lowest allocation of diurnal time to activity; (2) the greatest hour-to-hour variation in activity and resting time; (3) the greatest reduction in activity time during the hottest days; (4) the least change between wet and the dry seasons in the ratio of feeding: ruminating time; and (5) the greatest time budget allocation to vigilance. Prediction 1 was supported in that the smaller species spent less time being active during the day. Prediction 2 was also supported in that the smaller species were more variable in their relative allocations of time to activity and resting through successive hours of the day. Contrary to Prediction 3, however, the greatest reduction in activity with increasing temperature was found for the largest guild member. The smaller species can achieve their daily food intake requirements by feeding at night and in the cool hours of the day, while the larger species have to feed during all hours of the day and are thus more susceptible to thermoregulatory constraints on foraging. Prediction 4 was partially upheld in that the largest species (giraffe) displayed the widest variation in feeding: ruminating time through the seasonal cycle. Prediction 5 was not supported, indicating that multiple factors interact with body size in determining vigilance behaviour.  相似文献   

Effective management of grazers requires understanding of the mechanisms influencing population declines. Roan antelope, a specialist grazer, has declined in population numbers within Kruger National Park, South Africa. The most widely accepted hypothesis is that habitat deterioration throughout the entire northern plains landscape is responsible for declines in this species. Observations suggest, however, that on the northern plains of Kruger National Park, roan antelope grazes at the boundary between ephemeral wetland and the savanna matrix. The boundary is characterized by nutrient-rich soil and forage, and thus attracts grazing from both generalist and specialist species. We hypothesize that competition for resources at this ecotone, and not at other places in the landscape, is responsible for the observed declines in roan antelope. Changing management strategies to be more cognizant of patchiness and savanna heterogeneity, i.e. more spatially informed, will improve the likelihood that management will result in increasing roan population numbers.  相似文献   

We posed the question: does viewing a savanna as a network of streams linked to a matrix of terrestrial hillslopes provide a useful framework to research and understand plant distribution in these landscapes? Our study area, the Phugwane River network, lies in the semi‐arid savanna of Kruger National Park, South Africa. We examined changes in hillslope geomorphology from first‐, third‐ and fifth‐order hillslopes with regression equations. The distribution of geomorphic boundaries was enumerated by moving window analysis and the relationship between geomorphology and plant distribution was explored through ordination. First‐order hillslopes had a simple geomorphology, fewer geomorphic boundaries and a relatively homogeneous plant assemblage. By contrast, fifth‐order hillslopes were more complex in geomorphology, with more boundaries and a relatively heterogeneous vegetation pattern. Stream order classification of a savanna drainage network resulted in landscape units distinguishable by geomorphology, geomorphic boundaries and vegetation pattern. Therefore, the drainage network is a useful template to expose and organize the complexity in savanna landscapes into easily managed and researched units. This perspective should inform a shift from single‐scale phytosociological views of homogeneous vegetation units towards multi‐scale conceptualizations of savannas as water dependent ecosystems.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope analyses have shown that South African australopiths did not have exclusively frugivorous diets, but also consumed significant quantities of C4 foods such as grasses, sedges, or animals that ate these foods. Yet, these studies have had significant limitations. For example, hominin sample sizes were relatively small, leading some to question the veracity of the claim for australopith C4 consumption. In addition, it has been difficult to determine which C4 resources were actually utilized, which is at least partially due to a lack of stable isotope data on some purported australopith foods. Here we begin to address these lacunae by presenting carbon isotope data for 14 new hominin specimens, as well as for two potential C4 foods (termites and sedges). The new data confirm that non-C3 foods were heavily utilized by australopiths, making up about 40% and 35% of Australopithecus and Paranthropus diets respectively. Most termites in the savanna-woodland biome of the Kruger National Park, South Africa, have intermediate carbon isotope compositions indicating mixed C3/C4 diets. Only 28% of the sedges in Kruger were C4, and few if any had well-developed rhizomes and tubers that make some sedges attractive foods. We conclude that although termites and sedges might have contributed to the C4 signal in South African australopiths, other C4 foods were also important. Lastly, we suggest that the consumption of C4 foods is a fundamental hominin trait that, along with bipedalism, allowed australopiths to pioneer increasingly open and seasonal environments.  相似文献   

Understanding the characteristics of pollen dispersal and deposition of different plant taxa is crucial to accurately reconstructing past landscapes using fossil pollen data. Quantitative reconstruction of past landscapes from pollen data using the Prentice-Sugita approach requires estimates of fall speed and relative pollen productivity for all taxa modelled. This study presents estimates of pollen productivity and fall speeds for key southern African savanna taxa, providing a basis for the improved interpretation of fossil pollen records from this extensive and heterogeneous biome. The work was carried out in 5 steps. (1) Modern pollen assemblages from 34 surface sediment samples were analysed. (2) Vegetation around each sampling site was surveyed in concentric circles to a radius of 50 m, and data from existing park surveys were analysed to extend the survey distance to 5 km. (3) Fall speeds for the main pollen taxa were estimated using Stoke’s Law of particle settling velocity. (4) Vegetation data were weighted using three different distance-weightings, one incorporating the different particle fall speeds. (5) Extended R-Value analysis was carried out on the pollen and distance-weighted plant abundance datasets using HUMPOL software to estimate relevant source area and relative pollen productivity for the main pollen taxa present. Results showed the Relevant Source Area of Pollen surrounding the sites to be 600–900 m radius, and Poaceae/Cyperaceae were found to be twice as productive (PPE 2.03) as the arboreal taxa analysed (PPE 0.50–0.99). The problems encountered in calculating pollen productivity estimates in savanna environments are discussed and improvements for future studies are suggested.  相似文献   

Herbivores cause treefalls in African savannas, but rates are unknown at large scales required to forecast changes in biodiversity and ecosystem processes. We combined landscape‐scale herbivore exclosures with repeat airborne Light Detection and Ranging of 58 429 trees in Kruger National Park, South Africa, to assess sources of savanna treefall across nested gradients of climate, topography, and soil fertility. Elephants were revealed as the primary agent of treefall across widely varying savanna conditions, and a large‐scale ‘elephant trap’ predominantly removes maturing savanna trees in the 5–9 m height range. Treefall rates averaged 6 times higher in areas accessible to elephants, but proportionally more treefall occurred on high‐nutrient basalts and in lowland catena areas. These patterns were superimposed on a climate‐mediated regime of increasing treefall with precipitation in the absence of herbivores. These landscape‐scale patterns reveal environmental controls underpinning herbivore‐mediated tree turnover, highlighting the need for context‐dependent science and management.  相似文献   

In the Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa, ecosystem managers use a series of monitoring endpoints, known as thresholds of potential concern (TPCs), to define the upper and the lower levels of accepted variation in ecosystems. For woody vegetation, the current TPC suggests that woody cover should not drop by more than 80% of its 'highest ever' value. In this paper, we explore the utility of palaeoecological data in informing TPCs. We use calibrated fossil pollen data to explore variability in vegetation at two sites over the past 5000 years, to provide a long-term record of changes in woody vegetation cover and a context for interpreting more recent vegetation change. The fossil pollen data are calibrated using studies of modern pollen and vegetation from KNP; arboreal pollen percentage was simulated using pollen-landscape modelling software for savannah landscapes of varying woody vegetation cover, and the relationship between vegetation and pollen data was quantified using nonlinear regression. This quadratic equation was then applied to fossil pollen data in order to estimate woody vegetation cover from arboreal pollen percentages. Our results suggest that the TPCs have not been exceeded during the period represented in the pollen record, because estimated woody vegetation cover has remained above 20% of its highest ever value. By comparing the fossil pollen data with TPCs, our study demonstrates how palaeoecological data can be presented in a form that is directly relevant to management objectives.  相似文献   

Hood  W. Gregory  Naiman  Robert J. 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(1):105-114
We compared the invasibility of riparian plant communities high on river banks with those on floodplain floors for four South African rivers. Analyses of abundant and significant riparian species showed that the floors have 3.1 times more exotic plants than the banks. The percent exotics ranges from 5% to 11% of total species richness for the banks, and from 20% to 30% for the floors. Species richness and percent exotics are negatively correlated for the banks, but not correlated for the floors.Despite great differences in climate, species richness, and landuse history, the percentages of exotic plants in three rivers in the Pacific Northwest of the USA and one river in southwestern France are similar to those in South Africa (24-30% vs. 20-30%, respectively). Furthermore, the high proportions of exotic species in these riparian plant communities are comparable to those reported for vascular plant communities on islands. We conclude that the macro-channel floor regions of the riparian zones of South African rivers are highly vulnerable to invasion by exotic vascular plants.  相似文献   

Group dynamics related to distribution of African elephants in the semi‐arid environment of Tsavo East National Park, Kenya was studied between 2007 and 2010. I examined the seasonal distribution of lone bulls, bull groups, family units and mixed groups and group size. Lone bulls were widely distributed in the dry season and localized in the wet season, whereas bull groups were localized in both seasons. On average bull group size did not differ with seasons or areas, but larger groups were observed in preferred areas in the dry season. Family units were widely distributed in the dry season and localized in the wet season, whereas mixed groups were localized in both seasons. Although family units and mixed groups tended to be large in all areas in the wet season, large groups were also observed in the dry season. Large family units were widely distributed, whereas large mixed groups were localized. The relationship between group dynamics and distribution was attributed to the combination of social, ecological and poaching factors. This study provided insight into distribution patterns that can be applied to the security of the Tsavo elephant population.  相似文献   

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