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Incubation of -lactoglobulin with immobilized trypsin at 5–10°C results in a time-dependent release of several fragments of the core domain in yields approaching 15%. Digests were fractionated by ion-exchange chromatography with a Mono Q HR5/5 column and analyzed after disulfide reduction by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. Three fragments with approximate molecular weights of 13.8, 9.6, and 6.7 kD were identified. The fraction from ion-exchange chromatography yielding the 6.7 kD fraction after disulfide reduction was further characterized because it was most homogeneous and gave the highest yield. The C-terminal cleavage site of the 6.7 kD core fragment appeared to be Lys100 or Lys101 as determined by C-terminal amino acid analysis. The exact masses, after reduction with dithiothreitol, are 6195 and 6926 as determined by laser desorption mass spectrometry, corresponding to residues 48–101 and 41–100. Prior to reduction, -lactoglobulin C-terminal residues 149–162 are connected to these core domain fragments as shown by C-terminal analysis and mass spectrometry. Structural studies indicate that these 7.9 and 8.6 kD core domain fragments released by immobilized trypsin retain much of their native structure. CD spectra indicate the presence of antiparallel -sheet structure similar to the native protein but the -helix is lost. Spectra in the aromatic region indicate the existence of tertiary structure. Moreover, structural transitions in urea are completely reversible as measured by CD spectra, although the extrapolated G D H20 and the urea concentration at the transition midpoint are lower than for the native protein. The core domain fragments also display apH-dependent binding to immobilizedtrans-retinal as does intact protein. A single endotherm is obtained for both core domain fragments and native protein upon differential scanning calorimetry, but again, the domain is less stable as indicated by a transition peak maxima of 56.9°C as compared with 81.1°C for native protein.Abbreviations used: CD, circular dichroism; CPG, controlled pore glass; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; DTT, dithiothreitol; FPLC, fast flow liquid chromatography; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; PITC, phenylisothiocyanate; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; TEA, triethylamine; UV, ultraviolet.  相似文献   

The effects of retinoic acid (RA) on rabbit articular cartilage cells were studied for concentrations ranging from 5.10-5 M to 10-7 M; the treatment with RA over three days resulted in dose dependent inhibition of chondrocyte proliferation between 5.10-5 and 10-5 M with persistence of the inhibitory effect until 10-6 M. RA until 10-7 M induced a slight, but significant, enhancement of cell proliferation. This growth stimulating effect seems to be related to the Beta receptor system because Beta blockers, such as sotalol and DL propranolol, were able to suppress the stimulating action of agonist type isoprenaline. The activity of alkaline phosphatase (AP) was also determined. The highest dose of RA (5.10-5 M) induced an increase (x 3) of AP activity, and 10-7 M RA decreased it (x 0.4).  相似文献   

Lathyrism is a non-progressive motor neuron disease produced by consumption of the excitatory amino acid, 3-N-oxalyl-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (-ODAP). To learn more about the mechanisms underlying Lathyrism three structural analogs of -ODAP were synthesized. Carboxymethyl-,-diaminopropanoic acid (CMDAP) evoked inward currents which were antagonized by APV (30 M), but not by CNQX (10 M). N-acetyl-,-diaminopropanoic acid (ADAP) evoked no detectable ionic currents but potentiated N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-activated currents. The potentiation of NMDA currents by ADAP was blocked by 7-chlorokynurenic acid. Carboxymethylcysteine (CMC) did not activate any detectable ionic currents. None of the three -ODAP analogs produced visible symptoms of toxicity in day old chicks when administered for 2–3 consecutive days. Ligand binding studies demonstrated that all the three compounds were effective to in displacing [3H]glutamate. The maximum inhibition was 92% for CMDAP, 61% for ADAP, 65% for CMC and 99% for -ODAP. These data indicate that analogs of -ODAP may interact with glutamate receptors without producing neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Two transgenic lines of mice were produced which contained the S Antilles- and 2-hemoglobin genes trandemly coupled to the micro locus control region (LCR). The LCRS Antilles2-hemoglobin transgenic mice expressed high levels of 2-hemoglobin while S Antilles-hemoglobin expression was virtually undetectable. Abundant 2-hemoglobin protein was observed in the blood of transgenic mice, while S Antilles-hemoglobin chains could not be detected. Transgenic red blood cells had substantially decreased sensitivity to osmotic lysis. Attempts to produce homozygotes containing the transgene were unsuccessful. The phenotype of these mice closely resembles that of -thalassemic mice. The LCRS Antilles2 transgenic mice demonstrate that if the LCR is coupled to the S Antilles- and 2-hemoglobin genes in tandem, only the distal 2-hemoglobin gene is selected for expression to significant levels in adult mice. These results support a reciprocally competitive model for LCR-hemoglobin developmental switching.  相似文献   

Gal1-3GlcNAc (1) and Gal1-3GlcNAc-SEt (2) were synthesized on a 100 mg scale by the transgalactosylation reaction of bovine testes -galactosidase with lactose as donor andN-acetylglucosamine and GlcNAc-SEt as acceptors. In both cases the product mixtures contained unwanted isomers and were treated with -galactosidase fromEscherichia coli which has a different specificity, under conditions favouring hydrolysis, yielding besides the desired products, monosaccharides and traces of trisaccharides. The products were purified to >95% by gel filtration, with a final yield of 12% of 1 and 17% of 2, based on added acceptor. In a separate experiment Gal1-6GlcNAc-SEt (3) was synthesized by the transglycosylation reaction using -galactosidase fromEscherichia coli. No other isomers were detected. Compound 3 was purified by HPLC.  相似文献   

GlcNAc1-2Man and GlcNAc1-6Man were synthesized using the reverse hydrolysis activity of -N-acetylglucosaminidase from both jack beans and Bacillus circulans. In turn, Gal1-4GlcNAc1-2Man and Gal1-4GlcNAc1-6Man were synthesized regioselectively using the transglycosylation activity of -galactosidase from Diplococcus pneumoniae and B. circulans, respectively. These di- and trisaccharides are important components of complex type sugar chains and will be used as intermediates in our synthetic studies. Abbreviations: pNp--GlcNAc, p-nitrophenyl 2-acetamido-2-deoxy--D-glucopyranoside; pNp--Gal, p-nitrophenyl -D-galacto-pyranoside  相似文献   

The ability of four exoglycosidases (-galactosidase, -glucosidase, -glucosidase and invertase) from the termite Macrotermes subhyalinus to catalyse tranglycosylation reactions was tested using lactose, cellobiose, maltose and sucrose as glycosyl donors and 2-phenylethanol as glycosyl acceptor. The experimental conditions were optimized in relation to the time course of the reaction, pH and concentrations of glycosyl donor and acceptor. Whereas the hydrolytic activity was largely predominant over the transferase activity with -galactosidase and -glucosidase, the transglycosylation activity represented 68% with -glucosidase. In addition, as demonstrated by the transglycosylation product formed, the hydrolysis of sucrose was catalysed by -glucosidase and not by invertase. On the basis of this work, -glucosidase from M. subhyalinus appears to be a valuable tool for the preparation of neoglycoconjugates.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic study of interactions between esterified whey proteins and nucleic acids, at neutral pH, showed positive differential spectra over a range of wavelength between 210 and 340 nm. In contrast, native forms of whey proteins added to DNA did not produce any differential spectra. The positive difference in UV absorption was observed after addition of amounts of proteins as low as 138 molar ratio (MR) of protein/DNA, indicating high sensitivity of the applied method to detect interactions between basic proteins and DNA. UV-absorption differences increased with MR of added whey protein up to saturation. The saturation points were reached at relatively lower MR in the case of methylated forms of the esterified protein as compared to its ethylated form. Saturation of nucleic acid (2996 bp long) was achieved using 850 and 1100 MR of methylated -lactoglobulin and of methylated -lactalbumin, respectively. Saturation with ethylated forms of the proteins was reached at MR of 3160 and 2750. Lysozyme, a native basic protein, showed a behavior similar to what was observed in the case of methylated forms of the dairy proteins studied. However, in the case of lysozyme, saturation was achieved at relatively lower MR (700). Methylated -casein failed to give positive spectra at pH 7 in the presence of DNA. It interacted with DNA only when the pH of the medium was lowered to 6.5, below its pI. Generally, amounts of proteins needed to saturate nucleic acid were much higher than those needed to neutralize it only electrostatically, demonstrating the presence on DNA of protein-binding sites other than the negative charges on the sugar-phosphate DNA backbones. Addition of 0.1% SDS to the medium suppressed totally all spectral differences between 210–340 nm. The presence of 5 M urea in the medium reduced only the spectral differences between 210–340 nm, pointing to the role played by hydrophobic interactions. Peptic hydrolysates of esterified and native proteins or their cationic fractions (pH > 7) produced negative differential spectra when mixed with DNA. The negative differences in UV absorption spectra were the most important in the case of peptic hydrolysates of methylated derivatives of whey proteins.  相似文献   

2-(4-Methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexyl--d-glucopyra nosides (1b and 2b) and 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexyl--d-galactopy ranosides (1c and 2c), models for glycosidic juvenogens, were synthesized using either D-glucose or D-galactose [in their natural form (3 and 5) or activated form (4 and 6)], and the respective racemic cis or trans isomers of 2-(4-methoxybenzyl)-1-cyclohexanol (1a and 2a) by either enzymic reverse hydrolysis or transglycosylation under both standard heating and microwave irradiation. Commercially available almond -glucosidase (EC or -galactosidase (EC from Escherichia coli were employed using different acetonitrile/water mixtures [9/1 (v/v) for the reverse hydrolysis, and 4/1 (v/v) for the transglycosylation].  相似文献   

A basic possibility of enzymic synthesis of alkyl glycosides in a system of the Aerosol-OT (AOT) reverse micelles was studied. Octyl -D-galactopyranoside and octyl -D-glucopyranoside were synthesized from the corresponding sugars (lactose or glucose) and octyl alcohol under catalysis with glycolytic enzymes, -galactosidase and -glucosidase, respectively. The transglycosylation/hydrolysis ratio was shifted toward transglycosylation by using octyl alcohol, one of the substrates, as an organic solvent. The alkyl glycosides were thus obtained in one step from a hydrophilic mono- or disaccharide and a hydrophobic aliphatic alcohol. The direction of the reaction was shown to depend on the pH of aqueous solution solubilized in reverse micelles. The maximum yields were 45% and 40% for octyl galactoside and octyl glucoside, respectively; they markedly exceeded the yields of enzymic syntheses in a two-phase system reported previously.  相似文献   

cDNA cloning and expression of a potato (Solanum tuberosum) invertase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A cDNA clone encoding an invertase isoenzyme has been isolated from a potato leaf cDNA library. The deduced amino acid sequence shows significant similarities to previously characterised invertases. The highest degree of overall similarity, including the signal peptide sequence, is to carrot cell wall invertase, suggesting that the potato gene encodes an apoplastic enzyme. Expression of the gene, as determined by RT-PCR, is detected in stem and leaf tissue, and at lower levels in tuber, but is absent from roots.  相似文献   

Nucleophilic primary amino groups of whey proteins (-lactoglobulin and -lactalbumin) were modified with reducing sugars in mild heat conditions. After 49 hr of heating (60°C) at pH 6.5, 20–30% of -lactoglobulin amino groups were substituted with aldohexoses (galactose, mannose, glucose) and lactose, whereas up to 70% and 90% of -lactoglobulin amino groups were modified with ribose and glyceraldehyde, respectively. Gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase HPLC coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of glycosylated proteins indicated that the substitution was random. Consequently, highly heterogeneous families of glycosylated proteins were generated. Proteins substituted with hexoses and lactose exhibited higher solubility and improved emulsifying properties as compared with nonglycosylated proteins, in the whole pH range studied. In contrast, proteins glycosylated with ribose and glyceraldehyde showed lower solubility close to their isoelectric points. -Lactoglobulin modified with ribose and glyceraldehyde displayed substantial differences in denaturation behavior as compared with native protein. When compared with -lactoglobulin, glycosylation of -lactalbumin was quicker. There was no difference in glycosylation yields nor rates of -lactalbumin in presence and absence of calcium.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is aggravated in menopausal women possibly because of changed serum estrogen levels. Estradiol has been postulated to affect oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) in articular chondrocytes. We generated ROS in cultured bovine articular chondrocytes by incubating them with combined Fe2SO4, vitamin C, and hydrogen peroxide. The release of thiobarbituric-acid-reactive substances (TBARS, lipid peroxidation) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, membrane damage) was measured photometrically. Various estradiol doses and vitamin E, serving as control with an established anti-oxidative capacity, were applied either upon each exchange of medium and during radical production (strategy 1) or only during radical production (strategy 2). In chondrocytes incubated according to strategy 1, the production of TBARS and LDH release were significantly suppressed by 10–10–10–4 M estradiol or by vitamin E. Under strategy 2, the production of TBARS was significantly suppressed at estradiol concentrations higher than 10–6 M, whereas LDH release was inhibited at concentrations of 10–6–10–4 M. Vitamin E showed no significant effects. As repeated application of estradiol and vitamin E produced the best results, estradiol, like vitamin E, was speculated to accumulate in the plasma membrane and to decrease membrane fluidity resulting in protection against lipid peroxidation (non-genomic effect). Thus, in contrast to the neuroprotective effect of 17-estradiol in supraphysiological doses reported recently, the anti-oxidative potential of estradiol appears to protect articular chondrocytes from ROS-induced damage when the hormone is given repeatedly in a physiological range. Decreased estradiol levels may therefore contribute to menopausal OA in the long term.  相似文献   

The desymmetrisation of endo-norborn-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic anhydride by proline esters has been used to prepare conformationally constrained pseudo-peptides with two peptide chains parallel to one another. A Curtius rearrangement on the desymmetrisation adduct produced the corresponding isocyanate which was used to prepare both a peptide incorporating an endo-2-amino-3-carboxy-norborn-5-ene unit, and a pseudo-peptide with two peptide chains parallel to one another but offset by the presence of a urea unit. The conformational analysis of the resulting peptides was carried out, and the norbornene unit was found to induce the formation of -turns and parallel -sheets.  相似文献   

Spin-state selective experiments, HSQC-/ and CT-HMQC-/, are proposed for the simple and rapid measurement of scalar one-bond coupling constants in two-dimensional,1 H-detected 15N-1H or13 C-1H correlation experiments based on HSQC and HMQC schemes. Pairs of subspectra are obtained, containing either the high-field or the low-field component of the doublet representing the one-bond coupling constant. The subspectral editing procedure retains the full sensitivity of HSQC and HMQC spectra recorded without heteronuclear decoupling during data acquisition, with a spectral resolution similar to that of decoupled spectra.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that treatment with statins reduce beta amyloid (Abeta) deposition in brains of mouse models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may reduce the prevalence of AD in humans. Since lipophilicity influences the biological efficacy of statins, we compared the effects of lovastatin, a lipophilic statin, to effects of the hydrophilic pravastatin on amyloid processing and inflammatory responses in brain. Three-month old TgCRND8 mice expressing mutant human amyloid precursor protein (mHuAPP) were treated daily with various doses of either statin. After 1 month, levels of cerebral soluble and fibrillar Abeta peptides, soluble sAPPalpha, and inflammatory cytokines were measured. Both statins caused dose-dependent reductions in total Abeta peptides with parallel increases in total sAPPalpha. At all doses, slightly greater effects were observed with lovastatin than with pravastatin. In contrast, only lovastatin significantly increased levels of IL-1beta and of TNFalpha in a dose-dependent manner. Lovastatin, but not pravastatin, decreased succinic dehydrogenase and increased lactate dehydrogenase activities in skeletal muscle and increased TUNEL staining in liver. Our data demonstrate that both statins shift the balance of APP processing from excessive beta-toward the normal alpha-cleavage while reducing the total amyloid burden in TgCRND8 brain and that lovastatin, but not pravastatin, potentiates cerebral inflammation and is associated with liver and muscle histotoxicity in these animals. These data show that pravastatin can reduce amyloid burden without potentiating inflammatory responses in brain and, therefore, may have a wider dose-range of safety than have lipophilic statins in the treatment or prevention of AD.  相似文献   

In hippocampal neurons, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) activates an inwardly rectifying K+ current via G protein. We identified the K+ channel activated by 5-HT (K5-HT channel) and studied the effects of G protein subunits and nucleotides on the K+ channel kinetics in adult rat hippocampal neurons. In inside-out patches with 10 m 5-HT in the pipette, application of GTP (100 m) to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane activated an inwardly rectifying K+ channel with a slope conductance of 36±1 pS (symmetrical 140 mm K+) at –60 mV and a mean open time of 1.1±0.1 msec (n=5). Transducin activated the (K5-HT) channels and this was reversed by -GDP. Whether the K5-HT channel was activated endogenously (GTP, GTPS) or exogenously (), the presence of 1 mm ATP resulted in a 4-fold increase in channel activity due in large part to the prolongation of the open time duration. These effects of ATP were irreversible and not mimicked by AMPPMP, suggesting that phosphorylation might be involved. However, inhibitors of protein kinases A and C (H-7, staurosporine) and tyrosine kinase (tyrphostin 25) failed to block the effect of ATP. These results show that G activates the G protein-gated K+ channel in hippocampal neurons, and that ATP modifies the gating kinetics of the channel, resulting in increased open probability via as yet unknown pathways.  相似文献   

Experimental support for the use of fluid aqueous organic solvent systems and subzero temperatures in mechanistic studies of -galactosidase is presented. The enzyme was stable and retained catalytic activity and structural integrity in 50% aqueous dimethyl sulfoxide and 60% aqueous methanol at 0°C; at lower temperatures higher concentrations of cosolvent may be successfully used. The effects of dimethyl sulfoxide on the catalytic and structural properties of the enzyme were investigated in detail. For the -galactoside-catalyzed h ydrolysis ofo-nitrophenyl--D-galactoside the value ofk cat decreased in a linear manner with increasing cosolvent concentration, whereasK m increased exponentially. The decrease ink cat paralleled the decrease in water concentration, consistent with rate-limiting hydrolysis of a galactosylenzyme intermediate. The increase inK m is attributed to less favorable partitioning of the substrate to the active site in the cryosolvent compared to aqueous solution. ThepH*-rate profile for this reaction at 0°C in 50% dimethyl sulfoxide was similar to that in aqueous solution, withpK*1=5.8 andpK*2=8.0. Linear Arrhenius plots, with energies of activation of 13.9 and 16.0 kcal mol–1, respectively, were obtained for the -galactosidase-catalyzed hydrolysis ofo-nitrophenyl- andp-nitrophenyl--D-galactosides in 50% dimethyl sulfoxide at temperatures to –57°C. Examination of the intrinsic fluorescence and ultraviolet spectra of the enzyme as a function of increasing cosolvent concentration showed no evidence for structural perturbation up to and including 50% dimethyl sulfoxide at 0°C. We conclude that these cryosolvent systems are suitable for mechanistic investigations of -galactosidase, in particular for trapping intermediates at subzero temperatures.  相似文献   

Jin Zou  Naoki Sugimoto 《Biometals》2000,13(4):349-359
Role of some metal ions on the conformations of peptides was examined by using a series of short alanine-based peptides with single Trp-His (W-H) interaction in different environments. Circular dichroism (CD), Trp (W) fluorescence emission, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy revealed that there is a conformational role of Cu2+ in inducing and enhancing the formation of -helix conformation. The complexation of the peptide with Cu2+ is responsible to the conformational effect because the chelation is able to stabilize peptide with an -helix conformation. The possible factors affecting the role of Cu2+ are discussed in the paper. The results in this paper are useful to understand the important structural role of Cu2+ in protein folding and the possible mechanism in some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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