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Automated RNA alignment algorithms often fail to recapture the essential conserved sites that are critical for function. To assist in the refinement of these algorithms, we manually curated a set of 148 alignments with a total of 9600 unique sequences, in which each alignment was backed by at least one crystal or NMR structure. These alignments included both naturally and artificially selected molecules. We used principles of isostericity to improve the alignments from an average of 83%-94% isosteric base pairs. We expect that this alignment collection will assist in a wide range of benchmarking efforts and provide new insight into evolutionary principles governing change in RNA structural motifs. The improved alignments have been contributed to the Rfam database.  相似文献   

The performances of five global multiple-sequence alignment programs (CLUSTAL W, Divide and Conquer, Malign, PileUp, and TreeAlign) were evaluated using part of the animal mitochondrial small subunit (12S) rRNA molecule. Conserved sequence motifs derived from an alignment based on secondary structural information were used to score how well each program aligned a data set of five vertebrate and five invertebrate taxa over a range of parameter values. All of the programs could align the motifs with reasonable accuracy for at least one set of parameter conditions, although if the whole sequence was considered, similarity to the structural alignment was only 25%-34%. Use of small gap costs generally gave more accurate results, although Malign and TreeAlign generated longer alignments when gap costs were low. The programs differed in the consistency of the alignments when gap cost was varied; CLUSTAL W, Divide and Conquer, and TreeAlign were the most accurate and robust, while PileUp performed poorly as gap cost values increased, and the accuracy of Malign fluctuated. Default settings for the programs did not give the best results, and attempting to select similar parameter values in different programs did not always result in more similar alignments. Poor alignment of even well-conserved motifs can occur if these are near sites with insertions or deletions. Since there is no a priori way to determine gap costs and because such costs can vary over the gene, alignment of rRNA sequences, particularly the less well conserved regions, should be treated carefully and aided by secondary structure and conserved motifs. Some motifs are single bases and so are often invisible to alignment programs. Our tests involved the most conserved regions of the 12S rRNA gene, and alignment of less well conserved regions will be more problematical. None of the alignments we examined produced a fully resolved phylogeny for the data set, indicating that this portion of 12S rRNA is insufficient for resolution of distant evolutionary relationships.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment is an essential tool in many areas of biological research, and the accuracy of an alignment can strongly affect the accuracy of a downstream application such as phylogenetic analysis, identification of functional motifs, or polymerase chain reaction primer design. The heads or tails (HoT) method (Landan G, Graur D. 2007. Heads or tails: a simple reliability check for multiple sequence alignments. Mol Biol Evol. 24:1380-1383.) assesses the consistency of an alignment by comparing the alignment of a set of sequences with the alignment of the same set of sequences written in reverse order. This study shows that HoT scores and the alignment accuracies are positively correlated, so alignments with higher HoT scores are preferable. However, HoT scores are overestimates of alignment accuracy in general, with the extent of overestimation depending on the method used for multiple sequence alignment.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Molecular biologists frequently can obtain interesting insight by aligning a set of related DNA, RNA or protein sequences. Such alignments can be used to determine either evolutionary or functional relationships. Our interest is in identifying functional relationships. Unless the sequences are very similar, it is necessary to have a specific strategy for measuring-or scoring-the relatedness of the aligned sequences. If the alignment is not known, one can be determined by finding an alignment that optimizes the scoring scheme. RESULTS: We describe four components to our approach for determining alignments of multiple sequences. First, we review a log-likelihood scoring scheme we call information content. Second, we describe two methods for estimating the P value of an individual information content score: (i) a method that combines a technique from large-deviation statistics with numerical calculations; (ii) a method that is exclusively numerical. Third, we describe how we count the number of possible alignments given the overall amount of sequence data. This count is multiplied by the P value to determine the expected frequency of an information content score and, thus, the statistical significance of the corresponding alignment. Statistical significance can be used to compare alignments having differing widths and containing differing numbers of sequences. Fourth, we describe a greedy algorithm for determining alignments of functionally related sequences. Finally, we test the accuracy of our P value calculations, and give an example of using our algorithm to identify binding sites for the Escherichia coli CRP protein. AVAILABILITY: Programs were developed under the UNIX operating system and are available by anonymous ftp from ftp://beagle.colorado.edu/pub/consensus.  相似文献   

The question of multiple sequence alignment quality has received much attention from developers of alignment methods. Less forthcoming, however, are practical measures for addressing alignment quality issues in real life settings. Here, we present a simple methodology to help identify and quantify the uncertainties in multiple sequence alignments and their effects on subsequent analyses. The proposed methodology is based upon the a priori expectation that sequence alignment results should be independent of the orientation of the input sequences. Thus, for totally unambiguous cases, reversing residue order prior to alignment should yield an exact reversed alignment of that obtained by using the unreversed sequences. Such "ideal" alignments, however, are the exception in real life settings, and the two alignments, which we term the heads and tails alignments, are usually different to a greater or lesser degree. The degree of agreement or discrepancy between these two alignments may be used to assess the reliability of the sequence alignment. Furthermore, any alignment dependent sequence analysis protocol can be carried out separately for each of the two alignments, and the two sets of results may be compared with each other, providing us with valuable information regarding the robustness of the whole analytical process. The heads-or-tails (HoT) methodology can be easily implemented for any choice of alignment method and for any subsequent analytical protocol. We demonstrate the utility of HoT for phylogenetic reconstruction for the case of 130 sequences belonging to the chemoreceptor superfamily in Drosophila melanogaster, and by analysis of the BaliBASE alignment database. Surprisingly, Neighbor-Joining methods of phylogenetic reconstruction turned out to be less affected by alignment errors than maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment is fundamental for analyzing protein structure and function. For all but closely-related proteins, alignments based on structures are more accurate than alignments based purely on amino-acid sequences. However, the disparity between the large amount of sequence data and the relative paucity of experimentally-determined structures has precluded the general applicability of structure alignment. Based on the success of AlphaFold (and its likes) in producing high-quality structure predictions, we suggest that when aligning homologous proteins, lacking experimental structures, better results can be obtained by a structural alignment of predicted structures than by an alignment based only on amino-acid sequences. We present a quantitative evaluation, based on pairwise alignments of sequences and structures (both predicted and experimental) to support this hypothesis.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Computationally identifying non-coding RNA regions on the genome has much scope for investigation and is essentially harder than gene-finding problems for protein-coding regions. Since comparative sequence analysis is effective for non-coding RNA detection, efficient computational methods are expected for structural alignments of RNA sequences. On the other hand, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) have played important roles for modeling and analysing biological sequences. Especially, the concept of Pair HMMs (PHMMs) have been examined extensively as mathematical models for alignments and gene finding. RESULTS: We propose the pair HMMs on tree structures (PHMMTSs), which is an extension of PHMMs defined on alignments of trees and provides a unifying framework and an automata-theoretic model for alignments of trees, structural alignments and pair stochastic context-free grammars. By structural alignment, we mean a pairwise alignment to align an unfolded RNA sequence into an RNA sequence of known secondary structure. First, we extend the notion of PHMMs defined on alignments of 'linear' sequences to pair stochastic tree automata, called PHMMTSs, defined on alignments of 'trees'. The PHMMTSs provide various types of alignments of trees such as affine-gap alignments of trees and an automata-theoretic model for alignment of trees. Second, based on the observation that a secondary structure of RNA can be represented by a tree, we apply PHMMTSs to the problem of structural alignments of RNAs. We modify PHMMTSs so that it takes as input a pair of a 'linear' sequence and a 'tree' representing a secondary structure of RNA to produce a structural alignment. Further, the PHMMTSs with input of a pair of two linear sequences is mathematically equal to the pair stochastic context-free grammars. We demonstrate some computational experiments to show the effectiveness of our method for structural alignments, and discuss a complexity issue of PHMMTSs.  相似文献   

We present a computational scheme to locally align a collection of RNA sequences using sequence and structure constraints. In addition, the method searches for the resulting alignments with the most significant common motifs, among all possible collections. The first part utilizes a simplified version of the Sankoff algorithm for simultaneous folding and alignment of RNA sequences, but maintains tractability by constructing multi-sequence alignments from pairwise comparisons. The algorithm finds the multiple alignments using a greedy approach and has similarities to both CLUSTAL and CONSENSUS, but the core algorithm assures that the pairwise alignments are optimized for both sequence and structure conservation. The choice of scoring system and the method of progressively constructing the final solution are important considerations that are discussed. Example solutions, and comparisons with other approaches, are provided. The solutions include finding consensus structures identical to published ones.  相似文献   

When aligning biological sequences, the choice of parameter values for the alignment scoring function is critical. Small changes in gap penalties, for example, can yield radically different alignments. A rigorous way to compute parameter values that are appropriate for aligning biological sequences is through inverse parametric sequence alignment. Given a collection of examples of biologically correct alignments, this is the problem of finding parameter values that make the scores of the example alignments close to those of optimal alignments for their sequences. We extend prior work on inverse parametric alignment to partial examples, which contain regions where the alignment is left unspecified, and to an improved formulation based on minimizing the average error between the score of an example and the score of an optimal alignment. Experiments on benchmark biological alignments show we can find parameters that generalize across protein families and that boost the accuracy of multiple sequence alignment by as much as 25%.  相似文献   

The simple fact that proteins are built from 20 amino acids while DNA only contains four different bases, means that the 'signal-to-noise ratio' in protein sequence alignments is much better than in alignments of DNA. Besides this information-theoretical advantage, protein alignments also benefit from the information that is implicit in empirical substitution matrices such as BLOSUM-62. Taken together with the generally higher rate of synonymous mutations over non-synonymous ones, this means that the phylogenetic signal disappears much more rapidly from DNA sequences than from the encoded proteins. It is therefore preferable to align coding DNA at the amino acid level and it is for this purpose we have constructed the program RevTrans. RevTrans constructs a multiple DNA alignment by: (i) translating the DNA; (ii) aligning the resulting peptide sequences; and (iii) building a multiple DNA alignment by 'reverse translation' of the aligned protein sequences. In the resulting DNA alignment, gaps occur in groups of three corresponding to entire codons, and analogous codon positions are therefore always lined up. These features are useful when constructing multiple DNA alignments for phylogenetic analysis. RevTrans also accepts user-provided protein alignments for greater control of the alignment process. The RevTrans web server is freely available at http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/RevTrans/.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a branch and bound algorithm for local gapless multiple sequence alignment (motif alignment) and its implementation. The algorithm uses both score-based bounding and a novel bounding technique based on the "consistency" of the alignment. A sequence order independent search tree is used in conjunction with a technique for avoiding redundant calculations inherent in the structure of the tree. This is the first program to exploit the fact that the motif alignment problem is easier for short motifs. Indeed, for a short fixed motif width, the running time of the algorithm is asymptotically linear in the size of the input. We tested the performance of the program on a dataset of 300 E. coli promoter sequences and a dataset of 85 lipocalin protein sequences. For a motif width of 4, the optimal alignment of the entire set of sequences can be found. For the more natural motif width of 6, the program can align 21 sequences of length 100, more than twice the number of sequences which can be aligned by the best previous exact algorithm. The algorithm can relax the constraint of requiring each sequence to be aligned, and align 105 of the 300 promoter sequences with a motif width of 6. For the lipocalin dataset, we introduce a technique for reducing the effective alphabet size with a minimal loss of useful information. With this technique, we show that the program can find meaningful motifs in a reasonable amount of time by optimizing the score over three motif positions.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increased number of sequenced RNAs leading to the development of new RNA databases. Thus, predicting RNA structure from multiple alignments is an important issue to understand its function. Since RNA secondary structures are often conserved in evolution, developing methods to identify covariate sites in an alignment can be essential for discovering structural elements. Structure Logo is a technique established on the basis of entropy and mutual information measured to analyze RNA sequences from an alignment. We proposed an efficient Structure Logo approach to analyze conservations and correlations in a set of Cardioviral RNA sequences. The entropy and mutual information content were measured to examine the conservations and correlations, respectively. The conserved secondary structure motifs were predicted on the basis of the conservation and correlation analyses. Our predictive motifs were similar to the ones observed in the viral RNA structure database, and the correlations between bases also corresponded to the secondary structure in the database.  相似文献   

Highly accurate estimation of phylogenetic trees for large data sets is difficult, in part because multiple sequence alignments must be accurate for phylogeny estimation methods to be accurate. Coestimation of alignments and trees has been attempted but currently only SATé estimates reasonably accurate trees and alignments for large data sets in practical time frames (Liu K., Raghavan S., Nelesen S., Linder C.R., Warnow T. 2009b. Rapid and accurate large-scale coestimation of sequence alignments and phylogenetic trees. Science. 324:1561-1564). Here, we present a modification to the original SATé algorithm that improves upon SATé (which we now call SATé-I) in terms of speed and of phylogenetic and alignment accuracy. SATé-II uses a different divide-and-conquer strategy than SATé-I and so produces smaller more closely related subsets than SATé-I; as a result, SATé-II produces more accurate alignments and trees, can analyze larger data sets, and runs more efficiently than SATé-I. Generally, SATé is a metamethod that takes an existing multiple sequence alignment method as an input parameter and boosts the quality of that alignment method. SATé-II-boosted alignment methods are significantly more accurate than their unboosted versions, and trees based upon these improved alignments are more accurate than trees based upon the original alignments. Because SATé-I used maximum likelihood (ML) methods that treat gaps as missing data to estimate trees and because we found a correlation between the quality of tree/alignment pairs and ML scores, we explored the degree to which SATé's performance depends on using ML with gaps treated as missing data to determine the best tree/alignment pair. We present two lines of evidence that using ML with gaps treated as missing data to optimize the alignment and tree produces very poor results. First, we show that the optimization problem where a set of unaligned DNA sequences is given and the output is the tree and alignment of those sequences that maximize likelihood under the Jukes-Cantor model is uninformative in the worst possible sense. For all inputs, all trees optimize the likelihood score. Second, we show that a greedy heuristic that uses GTR+Gamma ML to optimize the alignment and the tree can produce very poor alignments and trees. Therefore, the excellent performance of SATé-II and SATé-I is not because ML is used as an optimization criterion for choosing the best tree/alignment pair but rather due to the particular divide-and-conquer realignment techniques employed.  相似文献   

Elofsson A 《Proteins》2002,46(3):330-339
One of the most central methods in bioinformatics is the alignment of two protein or DNA sequences. However, so far large-scale benchmarks examining the quality of these alignments are scarce. On the other hand, recently several large-scale studies of the capacity of different methods to identify related sequences has led to new insights about the performance of fold recognition methods. To increase our understanding about fold recognition methods, we present a large-scale benchmark of alignment quality. We compare alignments from several different alignment methods, including sequence alignments, hidden Markov models, PSI-BLAST, CLUSTALW, and threading methods. For most methods, the alignment quality increases significantly at about 20% sequence identity. The difference in alignment quality between different methods is quite small, and the main difference can be seen at the exact positioning of the sharp rise in alignment quality, that is, around 15-20% sequence identity. The alignments are improved by using structural information. In general, the best alignments are obtained by methods that use predicted secondary structure information and sequence profiles obtained from PSI-BLAST. One interesting observation is that for different pairs many different methods create the best alignments. This finding implies that if a method that could select the best alignment method for each pair existed, a significant improvement of the alignment quality could be gained.  相似文献   

Nute  Michael  Warnow  Tandy 《BMC genomics》2016,17(10):764-144


Multiple sequence alignment is an important task in bioinformatics, and alignments of large datasets containing hundreds or thousands of sequences are increasingly of interest. While many alignment methods exist, the most accurate alignments are likely to be based on stochastic models where sequences evolve down a tree with substitutions, insertions, and deletions. While some methods have been developed to estimate alignments under these stochastic models, only the Bayesian method BAli-Phy has been able to run on even moderately large datasets, containing 100 or so sequences. A technique to extend BAli-Phy to enable alignments of thousands of sequences could potentially improve alignment and phylogenetic tree accuracy on large-scale data beyond the best-known methods today.


We use simulated data with up to 10,000 sequences representing a variety of model conditions, including some that are significantly divergent from the statistical models used in BAli-Phy and elsewhere. We give a method for incorporating BAli-Phy into PASTA and UPP, two strategies for enabling alignment methods to scale to large datasets, and give alignment and tree accuracy results measured against the ground truth from simulations. Comparable results are also given for other methods capable of aligning this many sequences.


Extensions of BAli-Phy using PASTA and UPP produce significantly more accurate alignments and phylogenetic trees than the current leading methods.

Sequence alignment profiles have been shown to be very powerful in creating accurate sequence alignments. Profiles are often used to search a sequence database with a local alignment algorithm. More accurate and longer alignments have been obtained with profile-to-profile comparison. There are several steps that must be performed in creating profile-profile alignments, and each involves choices in parameters and algorithms. These steps include (1) what sequences to include in a multiple alignment used to build each profile, (2) how to weight similar sequences in the multiple alignment and how to determine amino acid frequencies from the weighted alignment, (3) how to score a column from one profile aligned to a column of the other profile, (4) how to score gaps in the profile-profile alignment, and (5) how to include structural information. Large-scale benchmarks consisting of pairs of homologous proteins with structurally determined sequence alignments are necessary for evaluating the efficacy of each scoring scheme. With such a benchmark, we have investigated the properties of profile-profile alignments and found that (1) with optimized gap penalties, most column-column scoring functions behave similarly to one another in alignment accuracy; (2) some functions, however, have much higher search sensitivity and specificity; (3) position-specific weighting schemes in determining amino acid counts in columns of multiple sequence alignments are better than sequence-specific schemes; (4) removing positions in the profile with gaps in the query sequence results in better alignments; and (5) adding predicted and known secondary structure information improves alignments.  相似文献   

Alignment of sequences is an important routine in various areas of science, notably molecular biology. Multiple sequence alignment is a computationally hard optimization problem which involves the consideration of different possible alignments in order to find an optimal one, given a measure of goodness of alignments. Dynamic programming algorithms are generally well suited for the search of optimal alignments, but are constrained by unwieldy space requirements for large numbers of sequences. Carrillo and Lipman devised a method that helps to reduce the search space for an optimal alignment under a sum-of-pairs measure using bounds on the scores of its pairwise projections. In this paper, we generalize Carrillo and Lipman bounds and demonstrate a novel approach for finding optimal sum-of-pairs multiple alignments that allows incremental pruning of the optimal alignment search space. This approach can result in a drastic pruning of the final search space polytope (where we search for the optimal alignment) when compared to Carrillo and Lipman's approach and hence allows many runs that are not feasible with the original method.  相似文献   

Qian B  Goldstein RA 《Proteins》2002,48(4):605-610
The accuracy of the alignments of protein sequences depends on the score matrix and gap penalties used in performing the alignment. Most score functions are designed to find homologs in the various databases rather than to generate accurate alignments between known homologs. We describe the optimization of a score function for the purpose of generating accurate alignments, as evaluated by using a coordinate root-mean-square deviation (RMSD)-based merit function. We show that the resulting score matrix, which we call STROMA, generates more accurate alignments than other commonly used score matrices, and this difference is not due to differences in the gap penalties. In fact, in contrast to most of the other matrices, the alignment accuracies with STROMA are relatively insensitive to the choice of gap penalty parameters.  相似文献   

Producing complete and accurate alignments of multiple genomic sequences is complex and prone to errors, especially with sequences generated from highly diverged species. In this article, we show that multi-sequence (as opposed to pair-wise) alignment methods are substantially better at aligning (or 'capturing') all of the available orthologous sequence from phylogenetically diverse vertebrates (i.e. those separated by relatively long branch lengths). Maximum gains are obtained only when sequences from many species are aligned. Such multi-sequence alignments contain significant amounts of exonic and highly conserved non-exonic sequences that are not captured in pair-wise alignments, thus illustrating the importance of the alignment method used for performing comparative genome analyses.  相似文献   

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