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A Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is studied with pulsed field gradient echo nuclear magnetic resonance. Although not all spectral components are assigned yet, the experimental results show that a biofilm consists of components with very different diffusion coefficients. The various biofilm components that give motionally narrowed 1H NMR signals, can be grouped into five classes with diffusion coefficients, ranging from 2 x 10(-9) to 1 x 10(-13) m2 s-1. Investigation of the diffusion behavior of water in the biofilm shows three fractions with different diffusion coefficients. Besides the highly mobile bulk water at least two other fractions with much lower diffusion coefficients are detected. It is shown that one of the fractions with the low diffusion coefficient probably arises from intracellular water. Also for another component of the biofilm, glycerol, three fractions with diffusion coefficients that differ more than a factor ten are detected. Also a group of signals exists which result from practically immobile components.  相似文献   

The molecular mobility in maize and maize-sucrose extudates was studied as a function of the degree of hydration (up to 35% w/w dry basis) using proton spin-spin relaxation NMR. The extrusion of maize systems was found to enhance the molecular mobility of the constituents generating the rigid ‘solid-like’ and the mobile ‘liquid-like’ components of the NMR free induction decay signal.

As the moisture content was increased, the amplitude of the normalised NMR signal arising from the rigid component decreased dramatically for the samples containing sucrose, suggesting an increased mobility and thus a solution type behaviour of the sugar. This hypothesis was supported by the observation of shorter T2 values for the liquid component of the signal recorded for the samples containing sugar. Sucrose was found to be miscible with the polysaccharide at moisture contents below 15%, but progressively dissolved into the additional water at higher moisture contents. This suggested the occurrence of phase separation over a short distance scale as the water content of the maize-sucrose system was modified. The results are discussed in terms of unequal water partitioning between the maize and the sugar components.  相似文献   

In this study, the pulsed field gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique was used for the investigation of (1) concentration and compression effects on cation self-diffusion, and (2) restricted diffusion of cations in cartilage. Since physiologically relevant cations like Na+ are difficult to investigate owing to their very short relaxation times, the cations tetramethylammonium (TMA) and tetraethylammonium (TEA) were employed for diffusion studies in samples of explanted cartilage. Results indicated that the diffusion of monovalent cations shows strong similarities to observations already made in studies of the diffusion of water in cartilage: with increasing compression, i.e. decreasing water content, the diffusion coefficient of the cation decreases concomitantly. The diffusion coefficients also showed a decrease with increasing cation concentrations, basically reflecting the corresponding decrease in the water content. Both results could be explained by the well-established model of Mackie and Meares. This, together with the similarity of the diffusion coefficient D in cartilage relative to free solution (about 50%) for both cations, is consistent with the view that the water content and not the charge is the most important determinant of the intratissue diffusivity of monovalent cations. Diffusion studies with increasing observation times showed strong evidence of restricted diffusion, allowing the estimation of the geometry of barriers within cartilage.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient (PFG) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to investigate the self-diffusion behaviour of polymers in cartilage. Polyethylene glycol and dextran with different molecular weights and in different concentrations were used as model compounds to mimic the diffusion behaviour of metabolites of cartilage. The polymer self-diffusion depends extremely on the observation time: The short-time self-diffusion coefficients (diffusion time Delta approximately 15 ms) are subjected to a rather non-specific obstruction effect that depends mainly on the molecular weights of the applied polymers as well as on the water content of the cartilage. The observed self-diffusion coefficients decrease with increasing molecular weights of the polymers and with a decreasing water content of the cartilage. In contrast, the long-time self-diffusion coefficients of the polymers in cartilage (diffusion time Delta approximately 600 ms) reflect the structural properties of the tissue. Measurements at different water contents, different molecular weights of the polymers and varying observation times suggest that primarily the collagenous network of cartilage but also the entanglements of the polymer chains themselves are responsible for the observed restricted diffusion. Additionally, anomalous restricted diffusion was shown to occur already in concentrated polymer solutions.  相似文献   

The water self-diffusion behavior in yeast cell water suspension was investigated by pulsed field gradient NMR techniques. Three types of water were detected, which differ according to the self-diffusion coefficients: bulk water, extracellular and intracellular water. Intracellular and extracellular water self-diffusion was restricted; the sizes of restriction regions were approximately 3 and 15-20 microm, respectively. The smallest restriction size was determined as inner cell size. This size and also cell permeability varied with the growth phase of yeast cell. Cell size increased, but permeability decreased with increasing growth time. The values of cell permeabilities P(1)(d) obtained from time dependence of water self-diffusion coefficient were in good agreement with the permeabilities obtained from the exchange rate constants P(1)(eff). The values of P(1)(eff) were 7 x 10(-6), 1.2 x 10(-6) and 1.6 x 10(-6) m/s, and P(1)(d) were 6.3 x 10(-6), 8.4 x 10(-7), 1.5 x 10(-6) m/s for yeast cells incubated for 9 h (exponential growth phase), 24 h (end of exponential growth phase), and 48 h (stationary growth phase), respectively.  相似文献   

Summary New H2O-selective homonuclear and heteronuclear 2D NMR experiments have been designed for the observation of protein hydration (PHOGSY, Protein Hydration Observed by Gradient Spectroscop Y). These experiments utilize selective excitation of the H2O resonance and pulsed field gradients for coherence selection and efficient H2O suppression. The method allows for a rapid and sensitive detection of H2O molecules in labelled and unlabelled proteins. In addition it opens a way to measure the residence time of water bound to proteins. Its application to uniformly 15N-labelled FKBP-12 (FK-506 binding protein) is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Pulsed field gradient NMR was used to measure the hydrodynamic behavior of unfolded variants of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). The unfolded BPTI species studied were [R]Abu, at pH 4.5 and pH 2.5, and unfolded [14-38]Abu, at pH 2.5. These were prepared by chemical synthesis. [R]Abu is a model for reduced BPTI; all cysteine residues are replaced by alpha-amino-n-butyric acid (Abu). [14-38]Abu retains cysteines 14 and 38, which form a disulfide bond, while the other cysteine residues are replaced by Abu. In the PFG experiments, the diffusion coefficient is measured as a function of protein concentration, and the value of D degree -the diffusion coefficient extrapolated to infinite dilution-is determined. From D degree, a value of the hydrodynamic radius. Rh, is computed from the Stokes-Einstein relationship. At pH 4.5, [R]Abu has an Rh value significantly less than the value calculated for a random coil, while at pH 2.5 the experimental Rh value is the same as for a random coil. In view of the changes in NMR detected structure of [R]Abu at pH 4.5 versus pH 2.5 (Pan H, Barbar E, Barany G, Woodward C. 1995. Extensive non-random structure in reduced and unfolded bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Biochemistry 34:13974-13981), the collapse of reduced BPTI at pH 4.5 may be associated with the formation of non-native hydrophobic clusters of pairs of side chains one to three amino acids apart in sequence. The diffusion constant of [14-38]Abu was also measured at pH 4.5, where the protein is partially folded. An increase in hydrodynamic radius of partially folded [14-38]Abu, relative to native BPTI, is similar to the increase in radius of gyration measured for other proteins under "molten globule" conditions.  相似文献   

Defining the self-association state of a molecule in solution can be an important step in NMR-based structure determination. This is particularly true of peptides, where there can be a relatively small number of long-range interactions and misinterpretation of an intermolecular NOE as an intramolecular contact can have a dramatic influence on the final calculated structure. In this paper, we have investigated the use of translational self-diffusion coefficient measurements to detect self-association in aqueous trifluoroethanol of three peptides which are analogues of the C-terminal region of human neuropeptide Y. Experimentally measured diffusion coefficients were extrapolated to D0, the limiting value as the peptide concentration approaches zero, and then converted to D20,w, the diffusion coefficient after correction for temperature and the viscosity of the solvent. A decrease in D20,w of about 16% was found for all three peptides in aqueous TFE (30% by volume) compared with water, which is in reasonable agreement with the expected decrease upon dimerisation, the presence of which was indicated by sedimentation equilibrium measurements. Apparent molecular masses of these peptides in both solutions were also calculated from their diffusion coefficients and similar results were obtained. Several potential internal standards, including acetone, acetonitrile, dimethylsulfoxide and dioxane, were assessed as monitors of solution viscosity over a range of trifluoroethanol concentrations. Compared with independent measurements of viscosity, acetonitrile was the most accurate standard among these four. The practical limitations of a quantitative assessment of peptide self-association from translational diffusion coefficients measured by PFGNMR, including the calculation of apparent molecular mass, are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, water diffusion coefficients were measured using NMR pulsed field gradient, on a variety of paper materials made from predominantly cellulose fibre and nanofibres, derived from wood, with different dimensions, internal porosity, and chemical composition. The moisture content ranged from 0.2 to 1.2 g of water/g of dry fibre. Diffusion measurements were made both in the plane and through the thickness of the sheet. All data was generally well fitted by a simple two component diffusion model. For moisture contents less than 0.55 and 0.85 g/g for measurements in the plane and through the thickness, respectively, it was found that both diffusion components increased approximately linearly with moisture content, with the faster diffusion coefficient being approximately five times larger than the smaller. The water appeared, within errors, to be evenly split between two components. The measured diffusion coefficients were not affected by fibre dimensions, internal structure or chemical composition, but were consistently higher when measured in the plane.  相似文献   

Pulsed‐field gradient diffusion has been used to study the binding of two tachykinin peptides, [Tyr8]‐substance P (SP) and [Tyr0]‐neurokinin A (NKA) to two membrane‐mimicking micelles, dodecylphosphocholine, and sodium dodecylsulfate. The structure of these peptides bound to the micelles have also been studied by using two‐dimensional nmr and restrained simulated annealing calculations. No major difference in the structures of each peptide in the two micellar media was found. The difference between the micelle‐bound structure of [Tyr8]SP and that of SP was also minor. The longer helical conformation on the C‐terminus for [Tyr0]NKA was observed, compared with that for NKA. The relationship between the difference in the biological potencies of [Tyr8]SP and SP and the differences in their structure, especially the interaction of the side chains of the two aromatic residues, and the difference in their binding affinities to membrane was discussed. In addition, differences between the result of restrained molecular dynamics simulations of [Tyr8]SP in the presence of an explicit micelle and the present results were observed and discussed. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 50: 555–568, 1999  相似文献   

The pulsed field gradient NMR method for measuring self-diffusion has been used for a direct determination of the lateral diffusion coefficient of cholesterol, fluorine labeled at the 6-position, for an oriented lamellar liquid-crystalline phase of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)/cholesterol/water. It is found that the diffusion coefficients of DMPC and cholesterol are equal over a large temperature interval. The apparent energy of activation for the diffusion process (58 kJ/mol) is about the same as for a lamellar phase of DMPC/water, whereas the phospholipid lateral diffusion coefficient is approximately four times smaller in the presence of cholesterol.  相似文献   

Although the gel forming ability of certain polysaccharides in the presence of ions is a well-known phenomenon, detailed physicochemical mechanisms of such processes are still unknown. In this investigation high resolution 13C NMR as well as 1H pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR were used to investigate the mobility of dextran in the sol and in the gel state. Gel-formation of dextran can be easily induced by the addition of large amounts of potassium chloride. No major differences in the T(1) relaxation times of dextran in the sol and in the gel state could be observed. Accordingly, the analysis of the 13C NMR spectroscopic data did not provide any indication of an observable line-broadening upon gel-formation. However, a KCl concentration dependent decrease of signal intensity in comparison to an internal standard was detected. On the other hand, the PFG NMR studies clearly indicated a gradual diminution of the self-diffusion coefficient of the dextran with increasing molecular weight as well as in the presence of potassium chloride. These measurements revealed in agreement with spectroscopic data that at least one potassium ion per monomer subunit (i.e. one glycopyranose residue) is necessary for gel formation.  相似文献   

The dynamic properties of water in phosphatidylcholine lipid/water dispersions have been studied, applying a combination of 2H-NMR techniques (quadrupole splitting and spin-lattice relaxation time) and self-diffusion measurements using pulsed field gradient (PFG) 1H-NMR. The hydration properties of POPC (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) were compared with those of DOPC (1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine) and EYL (egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)). A model is presented that assumes an exponentially decaying influence of the bilayer surface on water dynamics as well as on water orientation with increasing hydration. This assumption is based on an exponentially decaying hydration potential which results from direct lipid-water and water-water interactions. The model describes successfully the experimental data for a large water concentration range, especially at low hydration, where other models failed. With the exception of a small fraction of water which is significantly influenced by the surface in slowing down the mobility, the interbilayer water has isotropic, free water characteristics in terms of correlation times and molecular order. Hydration properties of POPC are comparable with those of EYL but differ from DOPC. At very low water content the correlation times of headgroup segmental reorientation and water are similar, indicating a strong coupling of this water to the lipid lattice. The hydration properties of the three lipids studied are explained in terms of slightly different headgroup conformations due to different lateral packing of the molecules by their fatty-acid chain composition.  相似文献   

We studied domain formation in mixtures of the monounsaturated lipids SOPC and POPE as a function of temperature and composition by NMR. Magic angle spinning at kHz frequencies restored resolution of (1)H NMR lipid resonances in the fluid phase, whereas the linewidth of gel-phase lipids remained rather broad and spinning frequency dependent. In regions of fluid- and gel-phase coexistence, spectra are a superposition of resonances from fluid and gel domains, as indicated by the existence of isosbestic points. Quantitative determination of the amount of lipid in the coexisting phases is straightforward and permitted construction of a binary phase diagram. Lateral rates of lipid diffusion were determined by (1)H MAS NMR with pulsed field gradients. At the onset of the phase transition near 25 degrees C apparent diffusion rates became diffusion time dependent, indicating that lipid movement is obstructed by the formation of gel-phase domains. A percolation threshold at which diffusion of fluid-phase lipid becomes confined to micrometer-size domains was observed when approximately 40% of total lipid had entered the gel phase. The results indicate that common phosphatidylethanolamines may trigger domain formation in membranes within a physiologically relevant temperature range. This novel NMR approach may aid the study of lipid rafts.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that tracer diffusion coefficients can be determined for oxyhemoglobin A (HbA-O2) and oxyhemoglobin S (HbS-O2) in intact blood cells by means of pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG-NMR). This is possible because the method discriminates between both rapidly moving water molecules and molecules having small proton transverse relaxation times (T2). The results indicate that only hemoglobin molecules contribute to the echo signals when large field gradients are used. The dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients on osmolarity and pH are attributed to changes in hemoglobin concentration resulting from changes in cell volume.  相似文献   

Lateral diffusion measurements of PEG-lipid incorporated into magnetically aligned bicelles are demonstrated using stimulated echo (STE) pulsed field gradient (PFG) proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Bicelles were composed of dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) plus dihexanoyl phosphatidylcholine (DHPC) (q = DMPC/DHPC molar ratio = 4.5) plus 1 mol % (relative to DMPC) dimyristoyl phosphatidylethanolamine-N-[methoxy(polyethylene glycol)-2000] (DMPE-PEG 2000) at 25 wt % lipid. 1H NMR STE spectra of perpendicular aligned bicelles contained only resonances assigned to residual HDO and to overlapping contributions from a DMPE-PEG 2000 ethoxy headgroup plus DHPC choline methyl protons. Decay of the latter's STE intensity in the STE PFG 1H NMR experiment (g(z) = 244 G cm(-1)) yielded a DMPE-PEG 2000 (1 mol %, 35 degrees C) lateral diffusion coefficient D = 1.35 x 10(-11) m2 s(-1). Hence, below the "mushroom-to-brush" transition, DMPE-PEG 2000 lateral diffusion is dictated by its DMPE hydrophobic anchor. D was independent of the diffusion time, indicating unrestricted lateral diffusion over root mean-square diffusion distances of microns, supporting the "perforated lamellae" model of bicelle structure under these conditions. Overall, the results demonstrate the feasibility of lateral diffusion measurements in magnetically aligned bicelles using the STE PFG NMR technique.  相似文献   

Cholesterol content is critical for membrane functional properties. We studied the influence of cholesterol and its precursors desmosterol and lanosterol on lateral diffusion of phospholipids and sterols by1H pulsed field gradients (PFG) magic angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy. The high resolution of resonances afforded by MAS NMR permitted simultaneous diffusion measurements on 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) and sterols. The cholesterol diffusion mirrored the DPPC behavior, but rates were slightly higher at all cholesterol concentrations. DPPC and cholesterol diffusion rates decreased and became cholesterol concentration dependent with the onset of liquid-ordered phase formation. The activation energies of diffusion in the coexistence region of liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered phases are higher by about a factor of 2 compared to pure DPPC and to the pure liquid-ordered state formed at higher cholesterol concentrations. We assume that the higher activation energies are a reflection of lipid diffusion across domain boundaries. In lanosterol- and desmosterol-containing membranes, the DPPC and sterol diffusion coefficients are somewhat higher. Whereas the desmosterol rates are only slightly higher than those of DPPC, the lanosterol diffusion rates significantly exceed DPPC rates, indicating a weaker interaction between DPPC and lanosterol.  相似文献   

Summary General pulse sequence elements that achieve sensitivity-enhanced coherence transfer from a heteronucleus to protons of arbitrary multiplicity are introduced. The building blocks are derived from the sensitivity-enhancement scheme introduced by Cavanagh et al. ((1991) J. Magn. Reson., 91, 429–436), which was used in conjunction with gradient coherence selection by Kay et al. ((1992) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 114, 10663–10665), as well as from a multiple-pulse sequence effecting a heteronuclear planar coupling Hamiltonian. The building blocks are incorporated into heteronuclear correlation experiments, in conjunction with coherence selection by the formation of a heteronuclear gradient echo. This allows for efficient water suppression without the need for water presaturation. The methods are demonstrated in HSQC-type experiments on a sample of a decapeptide in H2O. The novel pulse sequence elements can be incorporated into multidimensional experiments.  相似文献   

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