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A variable-response model for parasitoid foraging behavior   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An important factor inducing variability in foraging behavior in parasitic wasps is experience gained by the insect. Together with the insect's genetic constitution and physiological state, experience ultimately defines the behavioral repertoire under specified environmental circumstances. We present a conceptual variable-response model based on several major observations of a foraging parasitoid's responses to stimuli involved in the hostfinding process. These major observations are that (1) different stimuli evoke different responses or levels of response, (2) strong responses are less variable than weak ones, (3) learning can change response levels, (4) learning increases originally low responses more than originally high responses, and (5) hostderived stimuli serve as rewards in associative learning of other stimuli. The model specifies how the intrinsic variability of a response will depend on the magnitude of the response and predicts when and how learning will modify the insect's behavior. Additional hypotheses related to the model concern how experience with a stimulus modifies behavioral responses to other stimuli, how animals respond in multistimulus situations, which stimuli act to reinforce behavioral responses to other stimuli in the learning process, and finally, how generalist and specialist species differ in their behavioral plasticity. We postulate that insight into behavioral variability in the foraging behavior of natural enemies may be a help, if not a prerequisite, for the efficient application of parasitoids in pest management.  相似文献   

Most animals assess the environment in which they live and alter their behavior according to various stimuli. When the animal does not make significant behavioral changes, as measured by bodily movements, the animal may be characterized as unresponsive to a given stimulus. This study demonstrates that when behavioral movements of crayfish cannot be observed, physiological measures of heart rate (HR) and ventilatory rate (VR) show dramatic changes in response to defined sensory stimuli. In the majority of cases, upon anticipation of a social interaction with another crayfish both HR and VR will increase. During an agonistic encounter between two crayfish, the level of HR and VR correlate with the intensity of the interaction. Such rapid responses in cardiac and respiratory systems to environmental disturbances and anticipation of a social interaction suggest an autonomic-like regulation associated with fear, flight or fight. Since behavioral observations do not allow an internal status to be readily assessed, we suggest that HR and VR may serve as a useful bioindex in crustaceans to their internal drive or possibly an awareness level to environmental cues.  相似文献   

The accepted model of breeding seasonality in rhesus monkeys states that females become reproductively active in response to an environmental cue and that males become sexually active in response to ovulating females. This model must be modified to include direct responses of the male to the physical environment, endocrine responses of males to sexual activity, and responses of the female to the sexual activation of fellow group members. The complex set of social stimuli that influences the breeding readiness of both sexes may serve to delimit more precisely the annual periods of conception and birth than would be the case if each individual responded only to the changing physical environment.  相似文献   

Social animals learn to perceive their social environment, and their social skills and preferences are thought to emerge from greater exposure to and hence familiarity with some social signals rather than others. Familiarity appears to be tightly linked to multisensory integration. The ability to differentiate and categorize familiar and unfamiliar individuals and to build a multisensory representation of known individuals emerges from successive social interactions, in particular with adult, experienced models. In different species, adults have been shown to shape the social behavior of young by promoting selective attention to multisensory cues. The question of what representation of known conspecifics adult-deprived animals may build therefore arises. Here we show that starlings raised with no experience with adults fail to develop a multisensory representation of familiar and unfamiliar starlings. Electrophysiological recordings of neuronal activity throughout the primary auditory area of these birds, while they were exposed to audio-only or audiovisual familiar and unfamiliar cues, showed that visual stimuli did, as in wild-caught starlings, modulate auditory responses but that, unlike what was observed in wild-caught birds, this modulation was not influenced by familiarity. Thus, adult-deprived starlings seem to fail to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. This suggests that adults may shape multisensory representation of known individuals in the brain, possibly by focusing the young's attention on relevant, multisensory cues. Multisensory stimulation by experienced, adult models may thus be ubiquitously important for the development of social skills (and of the neural properties underlying such skills) in a variety of species.  相似文献   

Traditional population genetic analyses typically seek to characterize the genetic substructure caused by the nonrandom distribution of individuals. However, the genetic structuring of adult populations often does not remain constant over time, and may vary relative to season or life-history stages. Estimates of genetic structure may be biased if samples are collected at a single point in time, and will reflect the social organization of the species at the time the samples were collected. The complex population structures exhibited by many migratory species, where temporal shifts in social organization correspond to a large-scale shift in geographic distribution, serve as examples of the importance that time of sampling can have on estimates of genetic structure. However, it is often fine-scale genetic structure that is crucial for defining practical units for conservation and management and it is at this scale that distributional shifts of organisms relative to the timing of sampling may have a profound yet unrecognized impact on our ability to interpret genetic data. In this study, we used the wild turkey to investigate the effects of sampling regime on estimates of genetic structure at local scales. Using mitochondrial sequence data, nuclear microsatellite data and allozyme data, we found significant genetic structuring among localized winter flocks of wild turkeys. Conversely, we found no evidence for genetic structure among sampling locations during the spring, when wild turkeys exist in mixed assemblages of genetically differentiated winter flocks. If the lack of detectable genetic structure among individuals is due to an admixture of social units as in the case of wild turkeys during the spring, then the F IS value rather than the F ST value may be the more informative statistic in regard to the levels of genetic structure among population subunits.  相似文献   

Individuals within a species vary in their responses to a wide range of stimuli, partly as a result of differences in their genetic makeup. Relatively little is known about the genetic and neuronal mechanisms contributing to diversity of behavior in natural populations. By studying intraspecies variation in innate avoidance behavior to thermal stimuli in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we uncovered genetic principles of how different components of a behavioral response can be altered in nature to generate behavioral diversity. Using a thermal pulse assay, we uncovered heritable variation in responses to a transient temperature increase. Quantitative trait locus mapping revealed that separate components of this response were controlled by distinct genomic loci. The loci we identified contributed to variation in components of thermal pulse avoidance behavior in an additive fashion. Our results show that the escape behavior induced by thermal stimuli is composed of simpler behavioral components that are influenced by at least six distinct genetic loci. The loci that decouple components of the escape behavior reveal a genetic system that allows independent modification of behavioral parameters. Our work sets the foundation for future studies of evolution of innate behaviors at the molecular and neuronal level.  相似文献   

Gene-environment correlation (rGE) occurs when an individual's genotype determines its choice of environment, generating a correlation between environment and genotype frequency. In particular, social rGE, caused by genetic variation in social environment choice, can critically determine both individual development and the course of social selection. Despite its foundational role in social evolution and developmental psychology theory, natural genetic variation in social environment choice has scarcely been examined empirically. Drosophila melanogaster provides an ideal system for investigating social rGE. Flies live socially in nature and have many opportunities to make social decisions; and natural, heterozygous genotypes may be replicated, enabling comparisons between genotypes across environments. Using this approach, I show that all aspects of social environment choice vary among natural genotypes, demonstrating pervasive social rGE. Surprisingly, genetic variation in group-size preference was density dependent, indicating that the behavioral and evolutionary consequences of rGE may depend on the context in which social decisions are made. These results provide the first detailed investigation of social rGE, and illustrate that that genetic variation may influence organismal performance by specifying the environment in which traits are expressed.  相似文献   

Most animals continually assess the environment in which they live and alter their behavior according to various stimuli. As an observer, one looks for changes in a behavior indicating that an animal responded to a particular event. When the animal does not make significant behavioral changes as measured by bodily movements, the animal may be characterized as unresponsive to a given stimulus. This study demonstrates that when behavioral body movements can not be observed an internal physiological measure of heart rate (HR) shows dramatic changes following presentation of defined stimuli. This study used the blind cave crayfish and examined their responsiveness to the following stimuli: light (infrared, dim red, and white), water-borne vibrations, removal of water, olfactory cues, and social interaction with partners. This study demonstrates that there is substantial individual variation of HR at basal levels and with the intensity of an social interaction. We find HR is a reasonable measure of the responsiveness of blind cave crayfish to given stimuli even in the absence of observable behavioral changes. This enables the observer to determine if an individual is responsive to and making an assessment of particular cues.  相似文献   

Sensory stimuli can produce varied responses depending on the physiological state of an animal. Stressors and reproductive stage can result in altered biochemical status that changes the responsiveness of an animal to hormones and neuromodulators, which affects whole animal behavior in relation to sensory stimuli. Crayfish serve as a model for examining the effects of neuromodulators at the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) and for alterations in stereotypic behaviors for particular stimuli. Thus, we used crayfish to examine the effect of novelty stressors in males and the effect of being gravid in female crayfish to exogenous application of serotonin (5-HT). The responsiveness of neuromuscular junctions to 5-HT revealed that stressed as well as gravid crayfish have a reduced response to 5-HT at NMJs. The stressed crayfish were not fatigued since the basal synaptic responses are large and still showed a pronounced response to 5-HT. Using intact animals to examine a tail flip behavior, we showed that the rate of habituation in tail flipping to a strong repetitive stimulus on the telson is reduced in stressed males. Gravid females show no tail flipping behavior upon telson stimulation.  相似文献   

The mere presence of elevated plasma levels of corticosterone is generally regarded as evidence of compromised well-being. However, environmental stimuli do not necessarily need to be of a noxious or adverse nature to elicit activation of the stress response systems. In the present study, the physiological and neuroendocrine responses to repeated social stimuli that can be regarded as emotional opposites, i.e. social defeat and sexual behavior, were compared. Similar corticosterone responses were observed in animals confronted for the first time with either a highly aggressive male intruder or a receptive female, but a decrease was noticed in defeated rats tested during a third interaction. Only if animals are being physically attacked does the corticosterone response remain similar to the one observed during sexual behavior. In addition, the number of activated cells in the parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, as visualized by c-Fos immunocytochemistry, shows no difference between rats 1h after the third exposure to defeat or sex. Finally, biotelemetric recordings of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity show a robust response to both social stimuli that is generally, however, higher in animals being confronted with a receptive female. The data clearly indicate that acute plasma corticosterone levels are not reflecting the emotional valence of a salient stimulus. The magnitude of the response seems to be a direct reflection of the behavioral activity and hence of the metabolic requirements of activated tissues. Next to its direct metabolic role, acute increases in plasma corticosterone will have neurobiological and behavioral effects that largely depend on the neural circuitry that is activated by the stimulus that triggered its release.  相似文献   

Humans have a fundamental need for social relationships. Rejection from social groups is especially detrimental, rendering the ability to detect threats to social relationships and respond in adaptive ways critical. Indeed, previous research has shown that experiencing social rejection alters the processing of subsequent social cues in a variety of socially affiliative and avoidant ways. Because social perception and cognition occurs spontaneously and automatically, detecting threats to social relationships may occur without conscious awareness or control. Here, we investigated the automaticity of social threat detection by examining how implicit primes affect neural responses to social stimuli. However, despite using a well-established implicit priming paradigm and large sample size, we failed to find any evidence that implicit primes induced changes at the neural level. That implicit primes influence behavior has been demonstrated repeatedly and across a variety of domains, and our goal is not to question these effects. Rather, we offer the present study as cautionary evidence that such a paradigm may not be amenable to scanning in an fMRI environment.  相似文献   

Recent social history alters male courtship preferences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phenotypically plastic mating behavior may allow males to modify their reproductive behavior to suit the prevailing social conditions, but we do not know if males only react to immediate social stimuli or change their inherent mate preferences according to their social history. Here we examine the effect of social experiences on the subsequent reproductive behavior of male guppies under standard conditions, allowing us to distinguish the effect of past and immediate social conditions. Males experienced experimental conditioning periods during which they interacted with three females, either of variable size or of similar size. Females arrived either simultaneously or consecutively. In subsequent standard assays, only males that had experienced females of variable size preferentially courted large females. Further, males exposed to sequential female arrival courted subsequent females more vigorously than males that had experienced simultaneous female arrival. In contrast, males did not alter their coercive mating attempts in relation to their recent social history. These results demonstrate that males use past experiences to modify their subsequent reproductive behavior rather than reacting only to immediate stimuli, and reveal the sophisticated ways in which males alter their reproductive tactics to suit the social environment and maximize fitness across changing selective landscapes.  相似文献   

Some new, generally nonchemotactic mutants of Salmonella typhimurium were isolated and they, together with previously isolated mutants and some from other investigators, were mapped. Most of the mutants were classified in nine complementation groups, which are probably individual genes. Of these, five map at the end of the flagella region and appear in the order motB-(cheWcheP)-cheX-cheQ-cheR-flaC. Two of the mutations, cheU and cheV, map in the flaQ and flaAII genes, respectively. The remaining genes, cheS and cheT, have not yet been mapped. Most of the mutants are phenotypically smoothly swimming, but some are constantly tumbling. Two of the groups show dominant behavior as recipients in genetic crosses; the rest are recessive. The mutants vary in their responses to stimuli but, since their responses to all chemoeffectors are abnormal, the central processing, rather than individual, receptors must be impaired. The two mutations that coincide with genes for flagella probably involve the locus of the final delivery of sensing signal to the flagella.  相似文献   

In social insects, workers perform a multitude of tasks, such as foraging, nest construction, and brood rearing, without central control of how work is allocated among individuals. It has been suggested that workers choose a task by responding to stimuli gathered from the environment. Response-threshold models assume that individuals in a colony vary in the stimulus intensity (response threshold) at which they begin to perform the corresponding task. Here we highlight the limitations of these models with respect to colony performance in task allocation. First, we show with analysis and quantitative simulations that the deterministic response-threshold model constrains the workers' behavioral flexibility under some stimulus conditions. Next, we show that the probabilistic response-threshold model fails to explain precise colony responses to varying stimuli. Both of these limitations would be detrimental to colony performance when dynamic and precise task allocation is needed. To address these problems, we propose extensions of the response-threshold model by adding variables that weigh stimuli. We test the extended response-threshold model in a foraging scenario and show in simulations that it results in an efficient task allocation. Finally, we show that response-threshold models can be formulated as artificial neural networks, which consequently provide a comprehensive framework for modeling task allocation in social insects.  相似文献   

Animals generally live in multisensory worlds; however, our understanding of multisensory perception is rather limited, despite its relevance for explaining the mechanisms behind social interactions, such as collective detection while foraging in groups. We tested how multisensory stimuli affected the antipredator behavior of dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) using alarm calls as an auditory signal and flushing behavior as a visual cue. We varied the degree of risk within the group by manipulating the number of group mates alarm calling and/or flushing using robotic birds. We assumed that alarm calling and flushing were redundant stimuli and predicted that they could generate one of three types of responses (enhancement, equivalence, or antagonism) depending on the mechanism of multisensory perception. We set up an artificial flock with three robotic juncos surrounding a live junco and controlled for multiple confounding factors (e.g., identity of the focal, body mass, food deprivation time). We found that the degree of alarm of live juncos increased when at least one robot flushed. However, the time it took the live individuals to react to the robots' behavior increased, rather than decreased, with at least one alarm call. This could be the result of an orienting response or sensory overload, as live juncos increased scanning behavior after being exposed solely to alarm calls. Contrary to some theoretical assumptions, alarm calling and flushing behavior elicited independent unimodal responses, suggesting that they are non‐redundant stimuli and that together they could reduce the occurrence of false alarms and facilitate flock cohesion.  相似文献   

Enzymes of sphingolipid metabolism: from modular to integrative signaling   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Hannun YA  Luberto C  Argraves KM 《Biochemistry》2001,40(16):4893-4903
Many enzymes of sphingolipid metabolism are regulated in response to extra- and intracellular stimuli and in turn serve as regulators of levels of bioactive lipids (such as sphingosine, ceramide, sphingosine 1-phosphate, and diacylglycerol), and as such, they serve a prototypical modular function in cell regulation. However, lipid metabolism is also closely interconnected in that a product of one enzyme serves as a substrate for another. Moreover, many cell stimuli regulate more than one of these enzymes, thus adding to the complexity of regulation of lipid metabolism. In this paper, we review the status of enzymes of sphingolipid metabolism in cell regulation and propose a role for these enzymes in integration of cell responses, a role that builds on the modular organization while also taking advantage of the complexity and interconnectedness of lipid metabolism, thus providing for a combinatorial mechanism of generating diversity in cell responses. This may be a general prototype for the involvement of metabolic pathways in cell regulation.  相似文献   

It is now well established that vasotocin (AVT) and its mammalian homologue vasopressin influence various social behaviors in vertebrates, but less is known about the mechanisms through which these peptides modulate behavior. In male roughskin newts, Taricha granulosa, AVT stimulates a courtship behavior, amplectic clasping. Three general explanations for how AVT affects male courtship behavior have been considered: by enhancing a central state of sexual motivation, by affecting sensorimotor integration mechanisms in individual sensory modalities, or by influencing a nonspecific state of attention, arousal, or anxiety. AVT administration enhanced appetitive responses to visual and olfactory sexual stimuli, as would be expected if AVT affects a state of sexual motivation that affects behavioral responses to sexual stimuli regardless of the sensory modality in which they are processed. However, AVT selectively enhanced responses to female olfactory stimuli (sex pheromones), but similarly enhanced responses to female and food-related visual stimuli (worms), thus questioning the utility of such a motivational mechanism, as responses to female stimuli were not selectively enhanced in all sensory modalities. We therefore propose that exogenous AVT independently influences olfactory processes associated with orientation/attraction toward a female sex pheromone and visual processes associated with orientation/attraction toward a visual feature common to females and worms. In further experiments AVT administration failed to stimulate feeding behavior but did decrease locomotor activity. Thus, AVT does not stimulate courtship behavior in this species by enhancing the animals' general state of attention or by decreasing general anxiety, as responses to nonsexual, attractive stimuli were not uniformly enhanced, nor by stimulating general arousal, as activity levels did not increase. Rather, the data support the conclusion that AVT affects courtship by influencing specific sensorimotor processes associated with behavioral responses to individual releasing stimuli, which suggests a mechanistic framework for understanding socially motivated behavior is this species.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that parents adjust the sex ratio of their brood to the sexually selected traits of their mate because the reproductive success of sons may be more dependent on inherited paternal attractiveness than that of daughters. Empirical studies vary in terms of whether they support the theory, and this variation has often been regarded as evidence against sex ratio adjustment or has been ascribed to methodological differences. Applying phylogenetic meta‐analyses, we aimed to find biological explanations for the variation observed in songbirds. In particular, we tested the role extra‐pair paternity, because infidelity occurs in the majority of these species and may reduce the adaptive value of adjusting brood sex ratio to the phenotype of the social mate. However, we found that the variation in effect sizes was unrelated to the proportion of extra‐pair paternity. Thus future studies should consider that mate quality dependent sex ratio adjustment may be driven by direct (material) rather than indirect (genetic) benefits. We also tested if the effect sizes are influenced by whether the focal male trait is indeed under sexual selection as it is assumed by the sex allocation theory. We found that for male traits with proven role in sexual selection, effect sizes significantly differed from the null expectation of random production of sons and daughters. For male traits with only presumed sexual role in sexual selection, the deviation from the null expectation was less convincing, and the effect sizes were significantly smaller. This result indicates that studies that neglect the assumptions of the hypotheses concerned, may lead to the underestimation of the mean effect size and, eventually, false conclusions.  相似文献   

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