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The formation and rejoining rates of X-ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs) were examined in radiosensitive and non-radiosensitive fibroblast lines from patients with tuberous sclerosis (TS), and fibroblasts from normal individuals, using the sensitive and quantitative alkaline elution method. No difference was found between these cell lines in the frequency of DNA SSBs directly produced by X-irradiation at any dose up to 750 rad. Kinetic analysis of the rate of rejoining of DNA SSBs after X-irradiation at 500 rad indicated that the rate of rejoining involved at least two components, an initial fast component and a slower component. TS fibroblast lines, either radiosensitive or nonsensitive, were proficient as to DNA SSB repair, but they showed an increased rate of rejoining in the initial fast repair process, when compared to normal fibroblast lines. Although the molecular basis for the accelerated rejoining of DNA SSBs remains unknown, it is possible that the abnormality may be related to a basic defect in TS.  相似文献   

The radiation-sensitive mutant M10 of mouse lymphoma L5178Y cells was examined for its ability to rejoin DNA single-strand breaks induced by gamma-rays. The alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis revealed that M10 cells repaired single-strand breaks but simultaneously produced increasing amounts of small DNA fragments with time of postirradiation incubation, something which was not observed in L5178Y cells. Since small fragments did not appear in M10 cells irradiated at room temperature, DNA fragmentation may result from cold treatment during irradiation followed by incubation at 37 degrees C. This indicates that the cold susceptibility is characteristic of M10 cells and is not related to radiation sensitivity of this mutant. This conclusion is supported by the finding that no DNA degradation takes place after cold treatment with a subsequent incubation in the other radiosensitive mutant LX830 that belongs to the same complementation group as M10.  相似文献   

Near-ultraviolet (300 to 400 nm) irradiation of L-tryptophan yielded H2O2 (a toxic photoproduct) that was selectively lethal for rec and polA1 Escherichia coli mutants. H2O2 treatment of cells resulted in the induction of single-strand deoxyribonucleic acid breaks. These breaks were repaired to only a small extent in polA1, recA recB, and recA mutants, but were efficiently repaired in wild-type strains. We conclude that H2O2 deoxyribonucleic acid lesions require both the polA+ and recA+ pathways for repair.  相似文献   

Caldecott KW 《DNA Repair》2004,3(8-9):875-882
The association of human genetic disorders with defects in the DNA damage response is well established. Most of the major DNA repair pathways are represented by diseases in which that pathway is absent or impaired, including those responsible for repairing DNA double-strand breaks. Conspicuous by their absence, however, have been human disorders associated with defects in the repair or response to DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs). However, three papers have recently associated hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia with mutations in genes connected with SSBR. The emerging links between SSBR and neurodegeneration are discussed.  相似文献   

An exonuclease III-deficient strain of Escherichia coli K-12, BW2001 (xthA11), was unable to perform rapid repair of X-ray-induced deoxyribonucleic acid single-strand breaks and appeared to have a defect in the priming of the 3'-termini necessary for initiation of repair synthesis at the breaks. This defect cannot be explained solely by the lack of exonuclease III activity, because other xth mutants tested, including a deletion mutant, repaired radiation-induced strand breaks at close to the normal rate.  相似文献   

Single-strand breaks (ssb) in opposite strands of DNA can be sufficiently near that a double-strand break (dsb) results. A theory is presented by which the maximum number h of base pairs which cannot prevent double-strand breakage can be determined from the rates of production of ssb and dsb. The assumptions required to derive the necessary equations as well as the range of validity of the equations are discussed in detail. In the experiments ssb and dsb were produced by x-irradiation in buffers which do not eliminate indirect effects and were measured by analytical ultracentrifugation. Values of h have been determined in low and high ionic strength and in low ionic strength over a range of temperatures. The values, 2.64 and 15.8, were obtained for high and low ionic strength, respectively.  相似文献   

Clustered DNA damage, where two or more lesions are located proximal to each other on the same or opposite DNA strands, is frequently produced as a result of exposure to ionising radiation. It has been suggested that such complex damaged sites pose problems for repair pathways. In this study, we addressed the question of how two 8-oxoguanine lesions, located two nucleotides apart on the same DNA strand, are repaired. We find that in human cell extracts repair of either of the 8-oxoguanine lesions within a tandem damaged site is initiated randomly and that the majority of the initiated repair proceeds to completion. However, a fraction of the initiated repair is delayed at the stage of an incised AP site and the rate of further processing of this incised AP site is dependent on the position of the remaining 8-oxoguanine. If the remaining 8-oxoguanine residue is located near the 5' terminus of the incised abasic site, repair continues as efficiently as repair of a single 8-oxoguanine residue. However, repair is delayed after the incision step when the remaining 8-oxoguanine residue is located near the 3' terminus. Although the presence of the 8-oxoguanine residue near the 3' terminus did not affect either DNA polymerase beta activity or poly(ADP)ribose polymerase-1 affinity and turnover on an incised AP site, we find that 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase has reduced ability to remove an 8-oxoguanine residue located near the 3' terminus of the incised AP site. We find that binding of the 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase to this 8-oxoguanine residue inhibits DNA repair synthesis by DNA polymerase beta, thus delaying repair. We propose that interference between a DNA glycosylase and DNA polymerase during the repair of tandem lesions may lead to accumulation of the intermediate products that contain persisting DNA strand breaks.  相似文献   

The DNA-unwinding method developed by Ahnstr?m and his coworkers to measure DNA strand breaks in mammalian cells was used to measure single-strand breaks (SSB) in the DNA of intact yeast cells. DNA unwinding, which took place inside the rigid cell wall of yeast, was investigated as a function of time, radiation dose, and of pH and salt concentration of the alkaline solution. After DNA unwinding had taken place, the cell wall was destroyed by partial enzymatic digestion and sonication in the presence of detergents. Fragments of single- and double-stranded DNA were separated using hydroxylapatite chromatography. In this way the most suitable conditions for DNA unwinding within the cell wall were established. The results show that SSB and double-strand breaks (DSB) give rise to different kinetics of DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Cigarette tar causes single-strand breaks in DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The results of this study demonstrate, for the first time, that cigarette tar causes DNA damage. Incubation in vitro of phage PM2 DNA with aqueous extracts of cigarette tar results in the introduction of DNA single-strand breaks. The effects of protective enzymes and radical scavengers indicate the involvement of active oxygen species. Although the semiquinone components of tar reduce dioxygen forming superoxide radicals and hydrogen peroxide, our results suggest that hydroxyl radicals formed via metal catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide are ultimately responsible for the DNA lesions. Our results also suggest that the metals in tar are reduced by the semiquinone components of tar and by superoxide at comparable rates.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possibility that the reactivation rate of adult avian erythrocytes, which is slower than that of embryonic erythrocytes, after fusion with metabolically active cells, is due to a greater number of single-strand breaks (ssb) in the DNA of the former. We have assayed ssb by measuring the template activity of the erythrocyte nuclei for added Escherichia coli DNA polymerase. We have found that differences in the numbers of ssb within polymerase-accessible regions between adult and embryonic cells are within experimental error. We conclude that, unless very localized clusters of damage exist within the DNA (which would not be detectable by this or other techniques), the difference in reactivation rate is not attributable to differences in ssb numbers.  相似文献   

It is usually assumed that sparsely ionizing radiation produces randomly distributed DNA breakages. This seems to be supported by the finding that in some DNA fragments single-strand scissions occur uniformly at all nucleotide sites, regardless of sequence. We performed experiments on two DNA fragments of about 300 by having different conformation to test whether radiation-induced single-strand breakage is dependent on DNA conformation. Breakage analysis was carried out by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, which allows determination of the broken site at single nucleotide resolution. We found uniform cutting patterns in B-form regions. On the contrary, X- or-irradiation of curved fragments of kinetoplast DNA showed that the distribution of single-strand breaks was not uniform along the fragment, as the cleavage pattern was modulated in phase with the runs of A-T pairs. This modulation likely reflected the reduced accessibility of the sites which on hydroxyl-radical attack give rise to strand breaks. The cleavage pattern was phased with the runs of A-T pairs. Moreover, the overall yield of strand breaks was considerably lower in curved DNA fragments than in those with extended straight regions. The conformation effect found here indicates that the cleavage pattern reflects the fine structural features of DNA.  相似文献   

Wen Y  Zhang PP  An J  Yu YX  Wu MH  Sheng GY  Fu JM  Zhang XY 《Mutation research》2011,716(1-2):84-91
1,3-Butadiene (BD) is an air pollutant and a known carcinogen. 1,2,3,4-Diepoxybutane (DEB), one of the major in vivo metabolites of BD, is considered the ultimate culprit of BD mutagenicity/carcinogenicity. DEB is a bifunctional alkylating agent, being capable of inducing the formation of monoalkylated DNA adducts and DNA cross-links, including DNA-DNA and DNA-protein cross-links (DPC). In the present study, we investigated DEB-caused DNA cross-links and breaks in human hepatocyte L02 cells using comet assay. With alkaline comet assay, it was observed that DNA migration increased with the increase of DEB concentration at lower concentrations (10-200μM); however, at higher concentrations (200-1000μM), DNA migration decreased with the increase of DEB concentration. This result indicated the presence of cross-links at >200μM, which was confirmed by the co-treatment experiments using the second genotoxic agents, tert-butyl hydroperoxide and methyl methanesulfonate. At 200μM, which appeared as a threshold, the DNA migration-retarding effect of cross-links was just observable by the co-treatment experiments. At <200μM, the effect of cross-links was too weak to be detected. The DEB-induced cross-links were determined to be DNA-DNA ones rather than DPC through incubating the liberated DNA with proteinase K prior to unwinding and electrophoresis. However, at the highest DEB concentration tested (1000μM), a small proportion of DPC could be formed. In addition, the experiments using neutral and weakly alkaline comet assays showed that DEB did not cause double-strand breaks, but did induce single-strand breaks (SSB) and alkali-labile sites (ALS). Since SSB and ALS are repaired more rapidly than cross-links, the results suggested that DNA-DNA cross-links, rather than DPC, were probably responsible for mutagenicity/carcinogenicity of DEB.  相似文献   

In this study, we expanded the use of the genus Tradescantia to investigate the plant activation of promutagens and further refine the methodology of the plant cell/microbe coincubation assay. Liquid suspension cell cultures of Tradescantia clone 03 and Tradescantia clone 4430 were used to activate the promutagen m-phenylenediamine into a mutagenic compound which was detected by Salmonella typhimurium strain TA98 in the plant cell/microbe coincubation assay. Optimum treatment parameters were established for both plant cell lines. Optimum was defined as the lowest concentration or shortest time period that provided consistently positive results and high rates of revertants. Preliminary experiments with both cell lines defined 2.5 mumoles m-phenylenediamine per plate as the optimum concentration to be used in the determination of the optimal coincubation period and the optimal concentration of plant cells. These experiments also determined the optimal physiological stage at which both clones should be used in the coincubation assay. Differences were found in the optimal of coincubation (1h for clone 03, 2 h for clone 4430) and growth stage (mid-log for clone 03, mid- to late-log for clone 4430). Similar activation responses were seen for both clones when the concentration of plant cells (mg/ml) was varied. Under optimized conditions, clone 03 cells demonstrated an approximately 10% higher activation response than clone 4430.  相似文献   

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