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The purpose of this study was to analyse the function of the vocalizations of sows and piglets during suckling and to investigate the possible effects on the nursing-suckling interaction of exposure to continuous noise at a high level. Six sows with litters were studied in pens measuring 2.5 × 2.5 m. Three of the sows were exposed to a relatively silent background noise of 59 dB(A) (Leq 24 h) and three were exposed to fan noise at a level of 85 dB(A). A total of 64 sucklings during Days 2–4 after farrowing were recorded on video. For each suckling, four different parameters were recorded second by second; the visual and acoustic behaviour of the sow and the visual and acoustic behaviour of the piglets. The vocalizations of the piglets probably constituted functionally discrete classes. “High grunt/deep grunt” seemed to cause the sow to expose her udder. “Scream” and “squeak” were statistically associated with the occurrence of fights for teats among the piglets. The function of “croaking” is unclear. The gruntings of the sow progressed according to a typical pattern of an initially slow rate followed by rapid grunting, which in turn was followed by a decline in rate. This pattern was similar for all sows, regardless of the experimental situation. In the silent environment, the piglets seemed to respond to the alterations in grunt rate, which caused a synchronized pattern of behaviour. In the noise-exposed environment, the piglets failed to respond to the gruntings of the sow, which led to a disrupted pattern. Certain indications were found that suggested that the noise-exposed piglets gained less milk than the ones in the silent environment. It is suggested as a hypothesis, that the function of the final massage is to regulate the milk production of the sow according to the prevalent litter size.  相似文献   

Free-ranging rhesus monkeys on Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico) give five acoustically distinct scream vocalizations during agonistic encounters. These calls are thought to be an important mechanism in the recruitment of support from allies against opponents. Alliance formation during agonistic encounters is known to vary with the dominance rank and matrilineal relatedness of opponents, as well as with the severity of aggression. In contrast to previous interpretations of screams as graded signals reflecting the level of arousal of the caller, we found these calls to be much more discrete, with each of the five acoustic types significantly associated with a particular class of opponent and level of physical aggression. We performed a series of field experiments in which tape-recorded screams of immature rhesus monkeys were played to their mothers in the absence of any other information. The results suggest that the information necessary for differential responses is conveyed by the scream vocalizations themselves. We conclude that screams are representational signals that refer to external objects and events and function in the system of agonistic alliance formation.  相似文献   

Soricids produce a considerable variety of vocalizations. However, these calls have been studied insufficiently with the exception of echolocation calls. In this study, 1,645 calls from 18 juvenile, ten sub-adult and 36 adult Asian house shrews (Suncus murinus) were acoustically and statistically analyzed to describe this species’ vocal repertoire and its ontogeny. The vocal repertoire of S. murinus includes 17 call types, seven tonal (whistle, chirp, twitter, whimper, squeak, scream and short scream) and ten non-tonal (churr, shriek, babble, click, boom, snort, screech, short screech, sniff and low click), of which ten call types (whimper, squeak, scream, short scream, churr, babble, snort, short screech, sniff and low click) were newly described by this study. This relatively extensive vocal repertoire, including one call type emitted during collective resting, indicates that this species possibly possesses a higher degree of sociality and cohesiveness than previously expected. High structural similarities were observed between calls produced by juveniles and sub-adults during caravanning and those produced by adult males during courtship. Therefore, the results of this study support a previously suggested hypothesis that in shrews, adult courtship calls are derived from calls emitted by the young. The results of this study also showed that the largest changes in the ontogeny of the vocal repertoire occurred at approximately 10 days old and was in close connection to the eyes opening. The results are discussed with available information on the vocal repertoires of other soricids.  相似文献   

Determining whether a species' vocal communication system is graded or discrete requires definition of its vocal repertoire. In this context, research on domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) vocalizations, for example, has led to significant advances in our understanding of communicative functions. Despite their close relation to domestic pigs, little is known about wild boar (Sus scrofa) vocalizations. The few existing studies, conducted in the 1970s, relied on visual inspections of spectrograms to quantify acoustic parameters and lacked statistical analysis. Here, we use objective signal processing techniques and advanced statistical approaches to classify 616 calls recorded from semi‐free ranging animals. Based on four spectral and temporal acoustic parameters—quartile Q25, duration, spectral flux, and spectral flatness—extracted from a multivariate analysis, we refine and extend the conclusions drawn from previous work and present a statistically validated classification of the wild boar vocal repertoire into four call types: grunts, grunt‐squeals, squeals, and trumpets. While the majority of calls could be sorted into these categories using objective criteria, we also found evidence supporting a graded interpretation of some wild boar vocalizations as acoustically continuous, with the extremes representing discrete call types. The use of objective criteria based on modern techniques and statistics in respect to acoustic continuity advances our understanding of vocal variation. Integrating our findings with recent studies on domestic pig vocal behavior and emotions, we emphasize the importance of grunt‐squeals for acoustic approaches to animal welfare and underline the need of further research investigating the role of domestication on animal vocal communication.  相似文献   

The characteristics of sounds produced by fishes are influenced by several factors such as size. The current study analyses factors affecting structural properties of acoustic signals produced by female croaking gouramis Trichopsis vittata during agonistic interactions. Female sounds (although seldom analysed separately from male sounds) can equally be used to investigate factors affecting the sound characteristics in fish. Sound structure, dominant frequency and sound pressure levels (SPL) were determined and correlated to body size and the order in which sounds were emitted. Croaking sounds consisted of series of single-pulsed or double-pulsed bursts, each burst produced by one pectoral fin. Main energies were concentrated between 1.3 and 1.5 kHz. The dominant frequency decreased with size, as did the percentage of single-pulsed bursts within croaking sounds. The SPL and the number of bursts within a sound were independent of size but decreased significantly with the order of their production. Thus, acoustic signals produced at the beginning of agonistic interactions were louder and consisted of more bursts than subsequent ones. Our data indicate that body size affects the dominant frequency and structure of sounds. The increase in the percentage of double-pulsed bursts with size may be due to stronger pectoral muscles in larger fish. In contrast, ongoing fights apparently result in muscle fatigue and subsequently in a decline in the number of bursts and SPL. The factor ‘order of sound production’ points to an intra-individual variability of sounds and should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Pig vocalisations convey information about their current state of health and welfare. Continuously monitoring these vocalisations can provide useful information for the farmer. For instance, pig screams can indicate stressful situations. When monitoring screams, other sounds can interfere with scream detection. Therefore, identifying screams from other sounds is essential. The objective of this study was to understand which sound features define a scream. Therefore, a method to detect screams based on sound features with physical meaning and explicit rules was developed. To achieve this, 7 hours of labelled data from 24 pigs was used. The developed detection method attained 72% sensitivity, 91% specificity and 83% precision. As a result, the detection method showed that screams contain the following features discerning them from other sounds: a formant structure, adequate power, high frequency content, sufficient variability and duration.  相似文献   

Humans as well as many animal species reveal their emotional state in their voice. Vocal features show strikingly similar correlation patterns with emotional states across mammalian species, suggesting that the vocal expression of emotion follows highly conserved signalling rules. To fully understand the principles of emotional signalling in mammals it is, however, necessary to also account for any inconsistencies in the way that they are acoustically encoded. Here we investigate whether the expression of emotions differs between call types produced by the same species. We compare the acoustic structure of two common piglet calls—the scream (a distress call) and the grunt (a contact call)—across three levels of arousal in a negative situation. We find that while the central frequency of calls increases with arousal in both call types, the amplitude and tonal quality (harmonic-to-noise ratio) show contrasting patterns: as arousal increased, the intensity also increased in screams, but not in grunts, while the harmonicity increased in screams but decreased in grunts. Our results suggest that the expression of arousal depends on the function and acoustic specificity of the call type. The fact that more vocal features varied with arousal in scream calls than in grunts is consistent with the idea that distress calls have evolved to convey information about emotional arousal.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1987,35(1):7-12
During two studies that investigated the responses of wolf packs to either human simulations or pre-recorded playbacks of wolf, Canis lupus, howling, single adult wolves from five different packs approached my location and howled on a total of six occasions. The howls uttered by these close-approaching wolves were significnatly deeper in pitch than comparable samples of howls recorded from animals that did not approach. In addition, howls of two of the five animals differed in structure from most of the other howls recorded during both studies. These close-approach howls were characterized by the presence of harmonically unrelated frequency sidebands near the end of the howl. This feature was rate in howls recorded during occasions when wolves kept their distance. These results indicate that the structure of wolf howling during aggressive interactions with strange wolves follows Morton's (1977) motivation-structural rules, which state that natural selection will favour the use of low-frequency, harsh sounds by hostile animals. This relationship follows from the physical constraints of vocal production: animals of larger size can produce sounds of lower pitch and harsher tonal quality. As body size is a primary determinant in the outcome of aggressive interactions, vocalizations signalling size (i.e.low-pitched, harsh sounds) will be of selective value for individuals engaged in aggressive interactions.  相似文献   

Chimpanzees produce numerous species-atypical signals when raised in captivity. Here we report contextual elements of the use of two captivity-specific vocal signals, the "raspberry" and the extended grunt. Results demonstrate that these vocalizations are not elicited by the presence of food; rather the data suggest that these vocalizations function as attention-getting signals. These findings demonstrate a heretofore underappreciated category of animal signals: novel signals invented in novel environmental circumstances. The invention and use of species-atypical signals, considered in relation to group differences in signaling repertoires in apes in their natural habitats, may index a generative capacity in these hominoid species without obvious corollary in other primate species.  相似文献   

The four species of hopping mouse studied, N. alexis, N. cervinus, N. fuscus and N. mitchellii , were found to have a basic repertoire of eight more or less discrete vocalizations: three in the young—the calls produced in the nest, ultrasonic pipping given when removed from the nest and a high intensity (pain) squeal—and five in the adult—a low intensity pip given during mutual grooming, a high intensity (pain) squeal, a medium intensity squeak given when "annoyed", twittering given during aggressive chases and ultrasonic pipping given during non-aggressive encounters. The calls of the different species varied in structure and in pitch. No vocalizations were associated with threat or fighting. Calls given in the nest by suckling young are well developed and the intensity of such calls appears to mirror the general motivational state of the caller. It is suggested that these calls may act to maintain maternal behaviour in the mother.  相似文献   

The audible distance of 11 primate vocalizations uttered by blue monkeys, Cercopithecus mitis, and grey-cheeked mangabeys, Cercocebus albigena, and the human utterance ‘hey’ were determined experimentally. Calculations were based on measurements of (1) sound power of vocal signals (Brown: Bioacoustics, in press), (2) the attenuation rates of sound of different frequencies in East African forests (Waser & Brown: Am. J. Primatol., 1986, 10, 135–154), and (3) sensitivity of conspecific listeners to vocal signals presented in forest noise. Calculations were made of the active space, the area over which a call is audible, and the expected number of recipients of signals in nature. Masked thresholds for test vocalizations ranged from 21·1 dB for the mangabey ‘staccato bark’ call to 41·3 dB for the blue monkey ‘boom’ vocalization. The audible distance of the test signals ranged from 79 m for the blue monkey ‘chirp’ call to 1951 m for the mangabey ‘chorused grunt’ vocalization. Calls could be grouped into short- and long-range signals. The audible distance of primate long-range calls varied between 2·4 and nine times that of a typical yell given by human subjects. The active space of the test signals ranged from 1·4 to 1031·8 ha. The mean active space of monkey long-range calls (445·4 ha) was more than an order of magnitude greater than the loudest human yell. The average blue monkey long-range call was audible for 870 m, while the average mangabey long-range call was audible for 1800 m. The typical mangabey home range is four times that of the blue monkey, and in both species the average long-range call had an audible distance twice the diameter of the median home range of each species.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the acoustic repertoire of the Pacific humpback dolphin Sousa chinensis . This study, off eastern Australia, used concurrent observations of surface behaviour and acoustic recordings to gain an insight into the behavioural significance of humpback dolphin vocalizations. Humpback dolphins exhibit five different vocalization categories: broad band clicks; barks; quacks; grunts; and whistles. Broad band clicks were high in frequency (8 kHz to > 22 kHz), were directly related to foraging behaviour and may play a role in social behaviour. Barks and quacks were burst pulse sounds (frequency: 0.6 kHz to > 22 kHz, duration: 0.1–8 s) and were associated with both foraging and social behaviour. The grunt vocalization is a low frequency narrow band sound (frequency 0.5–2.6 kHz, duration 0.06–2 s) and was only heard during socializing. There were 17 different types of whistles, ranging widely in frequency (0.9–22 kHz) and vocal structure (n=329). The predominant whistle types used by the groups were type 1 (46%) and type 2 (17%). Most whistles were heard during both socializing and foraging. The number of whistles recorded in a group increased significantly as the number of mother–calf pairs increased, suggesting that whistles may be used as contact calls. Few vocalizations were heard during either travelling or milling behaviours. Broad band clicks, barks and whistle type 1 were the only vocalizations recorded during either travelling or milling.  相似文献   

Vocal recordings of one semi-free-ranging group and one captive group of Tonkean macaques (Macaca tonkeana) were used to establish the vocal repertoire of the species. Only the alpha male of the groups uttered a very distinctive loud call. Localization variants of coo calls were found. Alarm calls given by this species were acoustically similar to those by Japanese, rhesus, and long-tailed macaques (M. fuscata, M. mulatta, andM. fascicularis). Adult females uttered a specific variant of vocalizations during sexual morphological changes. The repertoire of agonistic vocalizations was more variable than that of any other macaque species investigated. These characteristics were discussed with reference to previous studies on vocalizations of macaque species.  相似文献   

Gouzoules et al. (1984, Animal Behaviour,32, 182-193) presented evidence that semifree-ranging rhesus monkeys, Macaca mulatta, produce acoustically distinctive classes of scream vocalizations that carry different functional messages. To determine the perceptual validity of these vocal classes, we conducted psychophysical experiments on captive rhesus monkeys. We trained two monkeys to maintain contact with a metal response cylinder during presentation of nontarget stimuli, and to release the cylinder to report detection of target stimuli. For one subject, tonal screams served as nontarget stimuli and arched screams served as targets. These conditions were reversed for a second subject. Once natural exemplars were correctly discriminated, both subjects correctly generalized to synthetic targets. Variability in responses to nontarget stimuli, however, suggested that scream categories were not well defined following training. This result suggests that rhesus monkeys do not perceive categorical distinctions between arched and tonal screams, at least under the testing conditions implemented. Rather, our results provide evidence for a graded category. To explore which acoustic features are most important for classifying novel exemplars as tonal or arched screams, we ran several follow-up experiments with novel scream exemplars. Generalization trials suggested that variation in rate of frequency change, maximum frequency of the fundamental and harmonic structure may be important to the discrimination of screams.  相似文献   

Predation is an important ecological constraint that influences communication in animals. Fish respond to predators by adjusting their visual signaling behavior, but the responses in calling behavior in the presence of a visually detected predator are largely unknown. We hypothesize that fish will reduce visual and acoustic signaling including sound levels and avoid escalating fights in the presence of a predator. To test this we investigated dyadic contests in female croaking gouramis (Trichopsis vittata, Osphronemidae) in the presence and absence of a predator (Astronotus ocellatus, Cichlidae) in an adjoining tank. Agonistic behavior in T. vittata consists of lateral (visual) displays, antiparallel circling, and production of croaking sounds and may escalate to frontal displays. We analyzed the number and duration of lateral display bouts, the number, duration, sound pressure level, and dominant frequency of croaking sounds as well as contest outcomes. The number and duration of lateral displays decreased significantly in predator when compared with no-predator trials. Total number of sounds per contest dropped in parallel but no significant changes were observed in sound characteristics. In the presence of a predator, dyadic contests were decided or terminated during lateral displays and never escalated to frontal displays. The gouramis showed approaching behavior toward the predator between lateral displays. This is the first study supporting the hypothesis that predators reduce visual and acoustic signaling in a vocal fish. Sound properties, in contrast, did not change. Decreased signaling and the lack of escalating contests reduce the fish’s conspicuousness and thus predation threat.  相似文献   

Free-ranging vervet monkeys grunt to each other in a variety of social situations: when approaching a dominant or subordinate individual, when moving into a new area of their range, or when observing another group. Like other non-human primate vocalizations, these grunts have traditionally been interpreted as a single, highly variable call that reflects the arousal state of the signaller. Field playback experiments suggest, however, that what humans initially perceive as one grunt the monkeys perceive as at least four. Each grunt carries a specific meaning that seems to depend more on its acoustic properties than on the context in which it occurs. Results suggest that the vocalizations given by monkeys during social interactions may function in a rudimentary representational manner, as if to designate objects or events in the external world.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication is critical for reproductive success in the oyster toadfish Opsanus tau. While previous studies have examined the acoustic characteristics, behavioral context, geographical variation, and seasonality of advertisement boatwhistle sound production, there is limited information on the grunt or other non-advertisement vocalizations in this species. This study continuously monitored sound production in toadfish maintained in an outdoor habitat for four months to identify and characterize grunt vocalizations, compare them with boatwhistles, and test for relationships between the incidence of grunt vocalizations, sound characteristics and environmental parameters. Oyster toadfish produced grunts in response to handling, and spontaneous single (70% of all grunts), doublet (10%), and trains of grunts (20%) throughout the May to September study period. Grunt types varied in pulse structure, duration, and frequency components, and were shorter and of lower fundamental frequency than the pulse repetition rate of boatwhistles. Higher water temperatures were correlated with a greater number of grunt emissions, higher fundamental frequencies, and shorter sound durations. The number of grunts per day was also positively correlated with daylength and maximum tidal amplitude differences (previously entrained) associated with full and new moons, thus providing the first demonstration of semilunar vocalization rhythms in the oyster toadfish. These data provide new information on the acoustic repertoire and the environmental factors correlated with sound production in the toadfish, and have important implications for seasonal acoustic communication in this model vocal fish.  相似文献   

Signaling behaviors appearing in grooming interactions of wild Japanese monkeys were analysed. Vocal signals found in the grooming interactions had the content of asking the objective animal “if the vocal signaler may groom the recipient animal.” They could be divided into two categories of vocal sounds, VG-1 and VG-2. The former was uttered in common by all the troop members. The latter was uttered just before grooming by the groomer and is considered to have deeper connection with grooming. Each individual uttered mainly one kind of vocal sound out of VG-2, and the preferred vocal sounds for each individual differed. Furthermore, VG-2 differed in different troops. Behavioral signals had the content of showing “the acceptance of grooming” or showing “the request to be groomed.” The appearance of these signaling behaviors was closely related to the inter-individual relationships of grooming partners, especially as to whether or not they had blood relationships. Basically the monkeys have a system in which they must avoid each other, except in the case of mothers and their offspring, and if they had to approach too closely against this basic system, as in grooming interactions, there appeared signaling behaviors as mentioned above.  相似文献   

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