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The vast scale of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data has made it increasingly challenging to comprehensively analyze all available data using existing tools and file formats. To address this, we present a database of SARS-CoV-2 phylogenetic trees inferred with unrestricted public sequences, which we update daily to incorporate new sequences. Our database uses the recently proposed mutation-annotated tree (MAT) format to efficiently encode the tree with branches labeled with parsimony-inferred mutations, as well as Nextstrain clade and Pango lineage labels at clade roots. As of June 9, 2021, our SARS-CoV-2 MAT consists of 834,521 sequences and provides a comprehensive view of the virus’ evolutionary history using public data. We also present matUtils—a command-line utility for rapidly querying, interpreting, and manipulating the MATs. Our daily-updated SARS-CoV-2 MAT database and matUtils software are available at http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/wuhCor1/UShER_SARS-CoV-2/ and https://github.com/yatisht/usher, respectively.  相似文献   

Species tree inference from gene family trees is becoming increasingly popular because it can account for discordance between the species tree and the corresponding gene family trees. In particular, methods that can account for multiple-copy gene families exhibit potential to leverage paralogy as informative signal. At present, there does not exist any widely adopted inference method for this purpose. Here, we present SpeciesRax, the first maximum likelihood method that can infer a rooted species tree from a set of gene family trees and can account for gene duplication, loss, and transfer events. By explicitly modeling events by which gene trees can depart from the species tree, SpeciesRax leverages the phylogenetic rooting signal in gene trees. SpeciesRax infers species tree branch lengths in units of expected substitutions per site and branch support values via paralogy-aware quartets extracted from the gene family trees. Using both empirical and simulated data sets we show that SpeciesRax is at least as accurate as the best competing methods while being one order of magnitude faster on large data sets at the same time. We used SpeciesRax to infer a biologically plausible rooted phylogeny of the vertebrates comprising 188 species from 31,612 gene families in 1 h using 40 cores. SpeciesRax is available under GNU GPL at https://github.com/BenoitMorel/GeneRax and on BioConda.  相似文献   

HAlign is a cross-platform program that performs multiple sequence alignments based on the center star strategy. Here we present two major updates of HAlign 3, which helped improve the time efficiency and the alignment quality, and made HAlign 3 a specialized program to process ultra-large numbers of similar DNA/RNA sequences, such as closely related viral or prokaryotic genomes. HAlign 3 can be easily installed via the Anaconda and Java release package on macOS, Linux, Windows subsystem for Linux, and Windows systems, and the source code is available on GitHub (https://github.com/malabz/HAlign-3).  相似文献   

Protein designers use a wide variety of software tools for de novo design, yet their repertoire still lacks a fast and interactive all-atom search engine. To solve this, we have built the Suns program: a real-time, atomic search engine integrated into the PyMOL molecular visualization system. Users build atomic-level structural search queries within PyMOL and receive a stream of search results aligned to their query within a few seconds. This instant feedback cycle enables a new “designability”-inspired approach to protein design where the designer searches for and interactively incorporates native-like fragments from proven protein structures. We demonstrate the use of Suns to interactively build protein motifs, tertiary interactions, and to identify scaffolds compatible with hot-spot residues. The official web site and installer are located at http://www.degradolab.org/suns/ and the source code is hosted at https://github.com/godotgildor/Suns (PyMOL plugin, BSD license), https://github.com/Gabriel439/suns-cmd (command line client, BSD license), and https://github.com/Gabriel439/suns-search (search engine server, GPLv2 license).
This is a PLOS Computational Biology Software Article

Evolutionary conservation is a fundamental resource for predicting the substitutability of amino acids and the loss of function in proteins. The use of multiple sequence alignment alone—without considering the evolutionary relationships among sequences—results in the redundant counting of evolutionarily related alteration events, as if they were independent. Here, we propose a new method, PHACT, that predicts the pathogenicity of missense mutations directly from the phylogenetic tree of proteins. PHACT travels through the nodes of the phylogenetic tree and evaluates the deleteriousness of a substitution based on the probability differences of ancestral amino acids between neighboring nodes in the tree. Moreover, PHACT assigns weights to each node in the tree based on their distance to the query organism. For each potential amino acid substitution, the algorithm generates a score that is used to calculate the effect of substitution on protein function. To analyze the predictive performance of PHACT, we performed various experiments over the subsets of two datasets that include 3,023 proteins and 61,662 variants in total. The experiments demonstrated that our method outperformed the widely used pathogenicity prediction tools (i.e., SIFT and PolyPhen-2) and achieved a better predictive performance than other conventional statistical approaches presented in dbNSFP. The PHACT source code is available at https://github.com/CompGenomeLab/PHACT.  相似文献   

We present the ggtreeExtra package for visualizing heterogeneous data with a phylogenetic tree in a circular or rectangular layout (https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/ggtreeExtra). The package supports more data types and visualization methods than other tools. It supports using the grammar of graphics syntax to present data on a tree with richly annotated layers and allows evolutionary statistics inferred by commonly used software to be integrated and visualized with external data. GgtreeExtra is a universal tool for tree data visualization. It extends the applications of the phylogenetic tree in different disciplines by making more domain-specific data to be available to visualize and interpret in the evolutionary context.  相似文献   

Existing methods for identifying structural variants (SVs) from short read datasets are inaccurate. This complicates disease-gene identification and efforts to understand the consequences of genetic variation. In response, we have created Wham (Whole-genome Alignment Metrics) to provide a single, integrated framework for both structural variant calling and association testing, thereby bypassing many of the difficulties that currently frustrate attempts to employ SVs in association testing. Here we describe Wham, benchmark it against three other widely used SV identification tools–Lumpy, Delly and SoftSearch–and demonstrate Wham’s ability to identify and associate SVs with phenotypes using data from humans, domestic pigeons, and vaccinia virus. Wham and all associated software are covered under the MIT License and can be freely downloaded from github (https://github.com/zeeev/wham), with documentation on a wiki (http://zeeev.github.io/wham/). For community support please post questions to https://www.biostars.org/.
This is PLOS Computational Biology software paper.

Significant improvements in genome sequencing and assembly technology have led to increasing numbers of high-quality genomes, revealing complex evolutionary scenarios such as multiple whole-genome duplication events, which hinders ancestral genome reconstruction via the currently available computational frameworks. Here, we present the Inferring Ancestor Genome Structure (IAGS) framework, a novel block/endpoint matching optimization strategy with single-cut-or-join distance, to allow ancestral genome reconstruction under both simple (single-copy ancestor) and complex (multicopy ancestor) scenarios. We evaluated IAGS with two simulated data sets and applied it to four different real evolutionary scenarios to demonstrate its performance and general applicability. IAGS is available at https://github.com/xjtu-omics/IAGS.  相似文献   

Metabolomics and proteomics, like other omics domains, usually face a data mining challenge in providing an understandable output to advance in biomarker discovery and precision medicine. Often, statistical analysis is one of the most difficult challenges and it is critical in the subsequent biological interpretation of the results. Because of this, combined with the computational programming skills needed for this type of analysis, several bioinformatic tools aimed at simplifying metabolomics and proteomics data analysis have emerged. However, sometimes the analysis is still limited to a few hidebound statistical methods and to data sets with limited flexibility. POMAShiny is a web-based tool that provides a structured, flexible and user-friendly workflow for the visualization, exploration and statistical analysis of metabolomics and proteomics data. This tool integrates several statistical methods, some of them widely used in other types of omics, and it is based on the POMA R/Bioconductor package, which increases the reproducibility and flexibility of analyses outside the web environment. POMAShiny and POMA are both freely available at https://github.com/nutrimetabolomics/POMAShiny and https://github.com/nutrimetabolomics/POMA, respectively.  相似文献   

Genomic enrichment methods and next-generation sequencing produce uneven coverage for the portions of the genome (the loci) they target; this information is essential for ascertaining the suitability of each locus for further analysis. lociNGS is a user-friendly accessory program that takes multi-FASTA formatted loci, next-generation sequence alignments and demographic data as input and collates, displays and outputs information about the data. Summary information includes the parameters coverage per locus, coverage per individual and number of polymorphic sites, among others. The program can output the raw sequences used to call loci from next-generation sequencing data. lociNGS also reformats subsets of loci in three commonly used formats for multi-locus phylogeographic and population genetics analyses – NEXUS, IMa2 and Migrate. lociNGS is available at https://github.com/SHird/lociNGS and is dependent on installation of MongoDB (freely available at http://www.mongodb.org/downloads). lociNGS is written in Python and is supported on MacOSX and Unix; it is distributed under a GNU General Public License.  相似文献   

Random Forest has become a standard data analysis tool in computational biology. However, extensions to existing implementations are often necessary to handle the complexity of biological datasets and their associated research questions. The growing size of these datasets requires high performance implementations. We describe CloudForest, a Random Forest package written in Go, which is particularly well suited for large, heterogeneous, genetic and biomedical datasets. CloudForest includes several extensions, such as dealing with unbalanced classes and missing values. Its flexible design enables users to easily implement additional extensions. CloudForest achieves fast running times by effective use of the CPU cache, optimizing for different classes of features and efficiently multi-threading. https://github.com/ilyalab/CloudForest.  相似文献   

We describe MetAMOS, an open source and modular metagenomic assembly and analysis pipeline. MetAMOS represents an important step towards fully automated metagenomic analysis, starting with next-generation sequencing reads and producing genomic scaffolds, open-reading frames and taxonomic or functional annotations. MetAMOS can aid in reducing assembly errors, commonly encountered when assembling metagenomic samples, and improves taxonomic assignment accuracy while also reducing computational cost. MetAMOS can be downloaded from: https://github.com/treangen/MetAMOS.  相似文献   

The identification of subnetworks of interest—or active modules—by integrating biological networks with molecular profiles is a key resource to inform on the processes perturbed in different cellular conditions. We here propose MOGAMUN, a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to identify active modules in MUltiplex biological Networks. MOGAMUN optimizes both the density of interactions and the scores of the nodes (e.g., their differential expression). We compare MOGAMUN with state-of-the-art methods, representative of different algorithms dedicated to the identification of active modules in single networks. MOGAMUN identifies dense and high-scoring modules that are also easier to interpret. In addition, to our knowledge, MOGAMUN is the first method able to use multiplex networks. Multiplex networks are composed of different layers of physical and functional relationships between genes and proteins. Each layer is associated to its own meaning, topology, and biases; the multiplex framework allows exploiting this diversity of biological networks. We applied MOGAMUN to identify cellular processes perturbed in Facio-Scapulo-Humeral muscular Dystrophy, by integrating RNA-seq expression data with a multiplex biological network. We identified different active modules of interest, thereby providing new angles for investigating the pathomechanisms of this disease.Availability: MOGAMUN is available at https://github.com/elvanov/MOGAMUN and as a Bioconductor package at https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/MOGAMUN.html. Contact: rf.uma-vinu@toduab.siana  相似文献   

Whole-genome sequences are now available for many microbial species and clades, however existing whole-genome alignment methods are limited in their ability to perform sequence comparisons of multiple sequences simultaneously. Here we present the Harvest suite of core-genome alignment and visualization tools for the rapid and simultaneous analysis of thousands of intraspecific microbial strains. Harvest includes Parsnp, a fast core-genome multi-aligner, and Gingr, a dynamic visual platform. Together they provide interactive core-genome alignments, variant calls, recombination detection, and phylogenetic trees. Using simulated and real data we demonstrate that our approach exhibits unrivaled speed while maintaining the accuracy of existing methods. The Harvest suite is open-source and freely available from: http://github.com/marbl/harvest.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0524-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ecological network models and analyses are recognized as valuable tools for understanding the dynamics and resiliency of ecosystems, and for informing ecosystem-based approaches to management. However, few databases exist that can provide the life history, demographic and species interaction information necessary to parameterize ecological network models. Faced with the difficulty of synthesizing the information required to construct models for kelp forest ecosystems along the West Coast of North America, we developed an online database (http://kelpforest.ucsc.edu/) to facilitate the collation and dissemination of such information. Many of the database''s attributes are novel yet the structure is applicable and adaptable to other ecosystem modeling efforts. Information for each taxonomic unit includes stage-specific life history, demography, and body-size allometries. Species interactions include trophic, competitive, facilitative, and parasitic forms. Each data entry is temporally and spatially explicit. The online data entry interface allows researchers anywhere to contribute and access information. Quality control is facilitated by attributing each entry to unique contributor identities and source citations. The database has proven useful as an archive of species and ecosystem-specific information in the development of several ecological network models, for informing management actions, and for education purposes (e.g., undergraduate and graduate training). To facilitate adaptation of the database by other researches for other ecosystems, the code and technical details on how to customize this database and apply it to other ecosystems are freely available and located at the following link (https://github.com/kelpforest-cameo/databaseui).  相似文献   

Cyber-taxonomy of name usage has focused primarily on producing authoritative lists of names or cross-linking names and data across disparate databases. A feature missing from much of this work is the recording and analysis of the context in which a name was used—context which can be critical for understanding not only what name an author used, but to which currently recognized species they actually refer. An experiment on recording contextual information associated with name usage was conducted for the fiddler crabs (genus Uca). Data from approximately one quarter of all publications that mention fiddler crabs, including 95% of those published prior to 1924 and 67% of those published prior to 1976, have currently been recorded in a database. Approaches and difficulties in recording and analyzing the context of name use are discussed. These results are not meant to be a full solution, rather to highlight problems which have not been previously investigated and may act as a springboard for broader approaches and discussion. Some data on the accessibility of the literature, including in particular electronic forms of publication, are also presented. The resulting data has been integrated for general browsing into the website http://www.fiddlercrab.info; the raw data and code used to construct the website is available at https://github.com/msrosenberg/fiddlercrab.info.  相似文献   

It is computationally challenging to detect variation by aligning single-molecule sequencing (SMS) reads, or contigs from SMS assemblies. One approach to efficiently align SMS reads is sparse dynamic programming (SDP), where optimal chains of exact matches are found between the sequence and the genome. While straightforward implementations of SDP penalize gaps with a cost that is a linear function of gap length, biological variation is more accurately represented when gap cost is a concave function of gap length. We have developed a method, lra, that uses SDP with a concave-cost gap penalty, and used lra to align long-read sequences from PacBio and Oxford Nanopore (ONT) instruments as well as de novo assembly contigs. This alignment approach increases sensitivity and specificity for SV discovery, particularly for variants above 1kb and when discovering variation from ONT reads, while having runtime that are comparable (1.05-3.76×) to current methods. When applied to calling variation from de novo assembly contigs, there is a 3.2% increase in Truvari F1 score compared to minimap2+htsbox. lra is available in bioconda (https://anaconda.org/bioconda/lra) and github (https://github.com/ChaissonLab/LRA).  相似文献   

Despite the growing number of immune repertoire sequencing studies, the field still lacks software for analysis and comprehension of this high-dimensional data. Here we report VDJtools, a complementary software suite that solves a wide range of T cell receptor (TCR) repertoires post-analysis tasks, provides a detailed tabular output and publication-ready graphics, and is built on top of a flexible API. Using TCR datasets for a large cohort of unrelated healthy donors, twins, and multiple sclerosis patients we demonstrate that VDJtools greatly facilitates the analysis and leads to sound biological conclusions. VDJtools software and documentation are available at https://github.com/mikessh/vdjtools.  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment tools struggle to keep pace with rapidly growing sequence data, as few methods can handle large datasets while maintaining alignment accuracy. We recently introduced MAGUS, a new state-of-the-art method for aligning large numbers of sequences. In this paper, we present a comprehensive set of enhancements that allow MAGUS to align vastly larger datasets with greater speed. We compare MAGUS to other leading alignment methods on datasets of up to one million sequences. Our results demonstrate the advantages of MAGUS over other alignment software in both accuracy and speed. MAGUS is freely available in open-source form at https://github.com/vlasmirnov/MAGUS.  相似文献   

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