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Gene duplication plays important roles in organismal evolution, because duplicate genes provide raw materials for the evolution of mechanisms controlling physiological and/or morphological novelties. Gene duplication can occur via several mechanisms, including segmental duplication, tandem duplication and retroposition. Although segmental and tandem duplications have been found to be important for the expansion of a number of multigene families, the contribution of retroposition is not clear. Here we show that plant SKP1 genes have evolved by multiple duplication events from a single ancestral copy in the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of eudicots and monocots, resulting in 19 ASK (Arabidopsis SKP1-like) and 28 OSK (Oryza SKP1-like) genes. The estimated birth rates are more than ten times the average rate of gene duplication, and are even higher than that of other rapidly duplicating plant genes, such as type I MADS box genes, R genes, and genes encoding receptor-like kinases. Further analyses suggest that a relatively large proportion of the duplication events may be explained by tandem duplication, but few, if any, are likely to be due to segmental duplication. In addition, by mapping the gain/loss of a specific intron on gene phylogenies, and by searching for the features that characterize retrogenes/retrosequences, we show that retroposition is an important mechanism for expansion of the plant SKP1 gene family. Specifically, we propose that two and three ancient retroposition events occurred in lineages leading to Arabidopsis and rice, respectively, followed by repeated tandem duplications and chromosome rearrangements. Our study represents a thorough investigation showing that retroposition can play an important role in the evolution of a plant gene family whose members do not encode mobile elements.  相似文献   

Duplicated APETALA1/FRUITFULL (AP1/FUL) genes show distinct but overlapping patterns of expression within rice (Oryza sativa) and within ryegrass (Lolium temulentum), suggesting discrete functional roles in the transition to flowering, specification of spikelet meristem identity, and specification of floral organ identity. In this study, we analyzed the expression of the AP1/FUL paralogues FUL1 and FUL2 across phylogenetically disparate grasses to test hypotheses of gene function. In combination with other studies, our data support similar roles for both genes in spikelet meristem identity, a general role for FUL1 in floral organ identity, and a more specific role for FUL2 in outer floral whorl identity. In contrast to Arabidopsis AP1/FUL genes, expression of FUL1 and FUL2 is consistent with an early role in the transition to flowering. In general, FUL1 has a wider expression pattern in all spikelet organs than FUL2, but both genes are expressed in all spikelet organs in some cereals. FUL1 and FUL2 appear to have multiple redundant functions in early inflorescence development. We hypothesize that sub-functionalization of FUL2 and interaction of FUL2 with LHS1 could specify lemma and palea identity in the grass floret.  相似文献   

目的:研究EGR1基因在牛骨骼肌卫星细胞(MDSCs)分化过程的表达、定位及入核机制。方法:以牛的MDSCs为实验材料,在分化培养基中分别分化培养1 d、3 d和5 d,每组3个重复,检测不同分化时间的MDSCs中EGR1基因的表达和EGR1蛋白的定位情况;采用 CRISPRi方法干扰内源EGR1的表达,结合定点突变和激光共聚焦方法初步探索了EGR1蛋白入核的机制。结果:qRT-PCR和Western blot检测结果显示随着分化时间的进行,EGR1 基因在转录水平和蛋白水平的表达都显著高于未分化的细胞,并随时间的延长而表达逐渐升高,分化第3日时表达量最高,随后开始下降。免疫荧光检测到EGR1蛋白主要在分化的MDSCs中表达,并随肌管数量增多而表达量增加。共聚焦结果显示随着细胞分化的进行,部分EGR1蛋白转移进入细胞核。定点突变EGR1蛋白S533A后,分化的MDSCs细胞核内没有检测到EGR1蛋白。结论:在牛骨骼肌卫星细胞分化过程中,EGR1基因转录表达水平升高,部分EGR1蛋白转移入细胞核,且EGR1蛋白C端第533位丝氨酸磷酸化是入核所必需的。  相似文献   

A bovine yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clone containing the superoxide dismutase 1 ( SOD1 ) gene was used as a template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using a conserved short interspersed nuclear element (SINE) primer. Two highly polymorphic microsatellites with nine and eight alleles were isolated and mapped by linkage analysis to the centromeric region of BTA1. These microsatellites will be used in the construction of a genetic and physical map of the SOD1 region towards positional cloning of the polled gene.  相似文献   

The ERM proteins (ezrin, radixin, moesin) together with merlin comprise a subgroup of the band 4.1 superfamily. These proteins act as membrane cytoskeletal linker proteins mediating interactions between the cytoplasmic domains of transmembrane proteins and actin. To better understand how the ERM proteins function to regulate these junctional complexes, a yeast 2-hybrid screen was undertaken using ezrin as a bait. We describe here the identification and cloning of a novel protein, PACE-1, which binds to the C-terminal domain of ezrin. Characterization of PACE-1 in human breast cancer cell lines demonstrates it to have two distinct intracellular localizations. A proportion of the protein is associated with the cytoplasmic face of the Golgi apparatus. This distribution is dependent upon the presence of the PACE-1 N-terminal myristoylation consensus sequence but is not dependent on an association with ezrin. In contrast, PACE-1 colocalises with ezrin in the lamellipodia, where ezrin has a role in cell spreading and motility. A notable feature of PACE-1 is the presence of a putative N-terminal kinase domain; however, in biochemical assays PACE-1 was shown to have associated rather than intrinsic kinase activity. Together these data suggest that PACE-1 may play a role in regulating cell adhesion/migration complexes in migrating cells.  相似文献   

Phytohormones play crucial roles in regulating many aspects of plant development. Although much has been learned about the effects of individual hormones, cross-talk between and integration of different hormonal signals are still not well understood. We present a study of MINI ZINC FINGER 1 (MIF1), a putative zinc finger protein from Arabidopsis, and suggest that it may be involved in integrating signals from multiple hormones. MIF1 homologs are highly conserved among seed plants, each characterized by a very short sequence containing a central putative zinc finger domain. Constitutive overexpression of MIF1 caused dramatic developmental defects, including dwarfism, reduced apical dominance, extreme longevity, dark-green leaves, altered flower morphology, poor fertility, reduced hypocotyl length, spoon-like cotyledons, reduced root growth, and ectopic root hairs on hypocotyls and cotyledons. In addition, 35S::MIF1 seedlings underwent constitutive photomorphogenesis in the dark, with root growth similar to that in the light. Furthermore, 35S::MIF1 seedlings were demonstrated to be non-responsive to gibberellin (GA) for cell elongation, hypersensitive to the GA synthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol (PAC) and abscisic acid (ABA), and hyposensitive to auxin, brassinosteroid and cytokinin, but normally responsive to ethylene. The de-etiolation defect could not be rescued by the hormones tested. Consistent with these observations, genome-scale expression profiling revealed that 35S::MIF1 seedlings exhibited decreased expression of genes involved in GA, auxin and brassinosteroid signaling as well as cell elongation/expansion, and increased expression of ABA-responsive genes. We propose that MIF1, or the protein(s) with which MIF1 interacts, is involved in mediating the control of plant development by multiple hormones.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor 1 (OLR1) gene plays an important role in the degradation of oxidized low density lipoprotein. Previous studies found a SNP in the 3′‐untranslated region (3′‐UTR) of the OLR1 gene associated with milk production traits in different dairy cattle populations and with loin eye area and marbling depth in beef cattle. MicroRNAs can regulate gene expression by binding the 3′‐UTR of target genes to degrade or to repress the translation of target genes. Bioinformatics have shown that there is a binding site of bta‐miR‐370 in the 3′‐UTR of the OLR1 gene, and a previous luciferase reporter assay system showed that the A/C mutation occurring in the 3′‐UTR of this gene caused the binding sites of bta‐miR‐370 to disappear in HEK293 cells. To further validate whether OLR1 was the target gene of bta‐miR‐370, the over‐expression and interference expression of bta‐miR‐370 were determined by transfecting bta‐miR‐370 mimics and inhibitor supplementations into bovine adipocyte. The qRT‐PCR result showed that the relative expression of OLR1 gene significantly decreased in the mimics group compared to the control, whereas the expression level in inhibitor group was higher than its control group. The above results were further verified by a Western blot at the protein level. In addition, lipid formation analysis of bovine adipocytes was performed via oil red O staining, and we found that cytoplasm lipid droplets in the inhibitor group showed a tendency to increase compared to the control group, whereas in the mimics group, we observed an obvious decrease of cytoplasm lipid droplets compared to the control and inhibitor groups. Taken together, our data here suggest that bta‐miR‐370 has a negative regulation role for OLR1 both at the gene expression and protein levels and bovine adipocytes cytoplasm lipid droplets formation, which provides a reference for illustrating how the OLR1 gene affects milk production and beef quality traits in cattle.  相似文献   

A polymorphism was identified in the bovine PIT1 gene by digesting polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products with the restriction enzyme Hinfl . This polymorphism was segregating in five diverse breeds of cattle. PIT1 was sublocalized to the centromeric region of bovine chromosome 1 by linkage analysis.  相似文献   

The male sex-determining gene, DMY, of the medaka is considered to have arisen via gene duplication of DMRT1. In the medaka, both genes are expressed in Sertoli cell lineage cells, but their temporal expression patterns are quite different. DMY expression starts just before the sex-determining period, whereas DMRT1 expression occurs during the testicular differentiation period. To evaluate the alterations to the expression patterns of the DMRT1 genes after duplication, we analyzed the morphological gonadal sex differentiation processes and expression patterns of DMRT1 in Oryzias luzonensis and Oryzias mekongensis, which are closely related to the medaka but do not have DMY. Male-specific upregulation of DMRT1 in these two species occurred during the testicular differentiation period, similar to the case for DMRT1 in the medaka. These findings suggest that DMY acquired a novel temporal expression pattern after duplication and that this event played a critical role in the evolutionary process of this gene.  相似文献   

Elongation factor-1alpha plays an essential role in eukaryotic protein biosynthesis. Recently, we have shown by protein structure modeling the presence of a hairpin-loop of 12 amino acids in mammalian EF-1alpha that is absent in the leishmania homologue [D. Nandan, A. Cherkasov, R. Sabouti, T. Yi, N.E. Reiner, Molecular cloning, biochemical and structural analysis of elongation factor-1 alpha from Leishmania donovani: comparison with the mammalian homologue, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 302 (2003) 646-652]. As a consequence of this deletion, an exposed region is available on the main body of leishmania EF-1alpha. Here we report the generation of an anti-EF-1alpha antibody (DN-3) which bound selectively to the exposed region of leishmania EF-1alpha, with no reactivity with human EF-1alpha. In a leishmania cell-free protein translation system, DN-3 substantially inhibited protein translation. A similar inhibitory effect was observed when a specific peptide based on the exposed region was used in the cell-free protein translation assay. The application of structure-based in silico methods to identify potential ligands to target the exposed region identified a small molecule that selectively attenuated in vitro translation using leishmania extracts. Moreover, this small molecule showed selective suppressive effect on multiplication of leishmania in culture. Taken together, these findings identify a novel, exposed region in leishmania EF-1alpha that may be involved in protein synthesis and a potential site for drug targeting.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) are two hormones produced and secreted by the heart to control blood pressure, body fluid homeostasis and electrolyte balance. Each peptide binds to a common family of 3 receptors (GC-A, GC-B and C-receptor) with varying degrees of affinity. The proANP gene disrupted mouse model provides an excellent opportunity to examine the regulation and expression of BNP in the absence of ANP. A new radioimmunoassay (RIA) was developed in order to measure mouse BNP peptide levels in the plasma, atrium and ventricle of the mouse. A detection limit of 3–6 pg/tube was achieved by this assay. Results show that plasma and ventricular level of BNP were unchanged among the three genotypes of mice. However, a significant decrease in the BNP level was noted in the atrium. The homozygous mutant (ANP–/–) had undetectable levels of BNP in the atrium, while the heterozygous (ANP+/–) and wild-type (ANP+/+) mice had 430 and 910 pg/mg in the atrium, respectively. Northern Blot analysis shows the ANP–/– mice has a 40% reduction of BNP mRNA level in the atrium and a 5-fold increase in the ventricle as compared with that of the ANP+/+ mouse. Our data suggest that there is a compensatory response of BNP expression to proANP gene disruption. Despite the changes in the atrial and ventricular tissue mRNA and peptide levels, the plasma BNP level remains unaltered in the ANP–/– mice. We conclude that the inability of BNP to completely compensate for the lack of ANP eventually leads to chronic hypertension in the proANP gene disrupted mice.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a considerable health threat to livestock keepers and general communities in many developing countries. Information on genetic resistance or susceptibility because of polymorphisms of candidate genes could be used in making selection decisions for breeding disease tolerant/resistant animals. Here, we investigated associations between polymorphisms at the solute carrier family 11 (proton‐coupled divalent metal ion transporters), member 1 gene (SLC11A1, previously known as natural resistant associated macrophage protein 1, NRAMP1), with BTB phenotypes in Chadian cattle. Phenotypes were (i) single intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin test (SICCT) outcome, (ii) presence of gross visible lung lesions, (iii) a bacteriological culture test outcome and (iv) a predicted true BTB infection status using a Bayesian model. All traits were recorded as binary (presence or absence) traits. A total of 211 cattle were genotyped for a microsatellite within the SLC11A1 candidate gene. Standard linear and threshold‐liability models regressing BTB traits on copy number of SLC11A1 alleles revealed statistically significant effects of SLC11A1 alleles (P < 0.001) on most BTB traits. Polymorphisms (alleles 211, 215 and 217) are significantly related to lower incidence of BTB traits in Chadian cattle. This is the first study to report the association of SLC11A1 gene polymorphisms with BTB traits in Chadian or any other African cattle breeds.  相似文献   

During a large-scale screen of a human fetal brain cDNA library, a novel human gene GNB2L1 encoding a novel RACK (receptor of activated protein kinase C) protein was isolated and sequenced. The cDNA is 1142 bp long and has a predicted open reading frame encoding 316 aa. The predicted protein shows higher similarity to rat RACK1 and many RACK proteins of different organisms including Drosophila, C. elegans, mouse, rat, human, C. fasciculata, zebrafish, A. thaliana, S. cerevisiae and so on, suggesting it is conserved during evolution. The gene was mapped to human chromosome 5q35.3, the telomer position of chromosome 5q, in which the disease gene for early-onset primary congenital lymphedema was mapped. Also, 5q35.3 is a frequently reported location for cytogenetic and molecular abnormalities in renal cell carcinomas. The gene has 8 exons and 7 introns. It is expressed ubiquitously in many human tissues detected by northern blot analysis and RT-PCR.  相似文献   

The vertebrates share the ability to produce a skeleton made of mineralized extracellular matrix. However, our understanding of the molecular changes that accompanied their emergence remains scarce. Here, we describe the evolutionary history of the SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine) family, because its vertebrate orthologues are expressed in cartilage, bones and teeth where they have been proposed to bind calcium and act as extracellular collagen chaperones, and because further duplications of specific SPARC members produced the small calcium-binding phosphoproteins (SCPP) family that is crucial for skeletal mineralization to occur. Both phylogeny and synteny conservation analyses reveal that, in the eumetazoan ancestor, a unique ancestral gene duplicated to give rise to SPARC and SPARCB described here for the first time. Independent losses have eliminated one of the two paralogues in cnidarians, protostomes and tetrapods. Hence, only non-tetrapod deuterostomes have conserved both genes. Remarkably, SPARC and SPARCB paralogues are still linked in the amphioxus genome. To shed light on the evolution of the SPARC family members in chordates, we performed a comprehensive analysis of their embryonic expression patterns in amphioxus, tunicates, teleosts, amphibians and mammals. Our results show that in the chordate lineage SPARC and SPARCB family members were recurrently recruited in a variety of unrelated tissues expressing collagen genes. We propose that one of the earliest steps of skeletal evolution involved the co-expression of SPARC paralogues with collagenous proteins.  相似文献   

Poly C binding protein 1 (PCBP1) is an expressional regulator of the mu‐opioid receptor (MOR) gene. We hypothesized the existence of a PCBP1 co‐regulator modifying human MOR gene expression by protein–protein interaction with PCBP1. A human brain cDNA library was screened using the two‐hybrid system with PCBP1 as the bait. Receptor for activated protein kinase C (RACK1) protein, containing seven WD domains, was identified. PCBP1‐RACK1 interaction was confirmed via in vivo validation using the two‐hybrid system, and by co‐immunoprecipitation with anti‐PCBP1 antibody and human neuronal NMB cell lysate, endogenously expressing PCBP1 and RACK1. Further co‐immunoprecipitation suggested that RACK1‐PCBP1 interaction occurred in cytosol alone. Single and serial WD domain deletion analyses demonstrated that WD7 of RACK1 is the key domain interacting with PCBP1. RACK1 over‐expression resulted in a dose‐dependent decrease of MOR promoter activity using p357 plasmid containing human MOR promoter and luciferase reporter gene. Knock‐down analysis showed that RACK1 siRNA decreased the endogenous RACK1 mRNA level in NMB, and elevated MOR mRNA level as indicated by RT‐PCR. Likewise, a decrease of RACK1 resulted in an increase of MOR proteins, verified by 3H‐diprenorphine binding assay. Collectively, this study reports a novel role of RACK1, physically interacting with PCBP1 and participating in the regulation of human MOR gene expression in neuronal NMB cells.  相似文献   

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