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The present study aims to determine biological fish production of a lagoon and relate this to the commercial fisheries yield. The fish community of an estuarine lagoon in the west coast of Portugal was sampled between November 1998 and November 2000 to estimate the production ecology of the community, including somatic production, population size, species richness, species diversity, and biomass. Using the Allen curve method of determination, the total annual fish production of all fish species in the lagoon was calculated at 90.3 tonnes or 2.1 g m−2 year−1 in the first year and 106.7 tonnes or 2.5 g m−2 year−1 in the second year. The marine seasonal migrant species, sardine, Sardina pilchardus, which colonises the lagoon during the juvenile period of its life stages, produced more than 35 tonnes in each year and accounted for >39 and >33%, in the first and second year respectively, of the total fish production in this lagoon. Sardine was numerically more abundant (18,217 specimens) but due to their small size contributed only 13% to the total biomass. Sardine was thus the most important fish species in terms of the consumption and production processes of the whole fish community in this system. Commercial fisheries’ records indicate that approximately 300 tonnes per annum of fish are taken from the lagoon, which corresponds to three times more than the estimated production in the lagoon. Thus, if it exists, the sustainability of the fishery appears to depend on the immigration of fish from the adjacent coastal area and it is questioned whether the fishery is sustainable in the long-term. The findings indicate that careful and effective management of the lagoon is required to ensure a long-term healthy aquatic environment and sustainable catches in the future.  相似文献   

The fish biodiversity of the Ria de Aveiro has been analysed during the 20th century, as an indicator of the biological integrity of the ecosystem. Ninety-two distinct species and 38 families of Agnatha, Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes occurred during the period. The family and species richness showed two levels of magnitude, from the 1910s, with high values (26–28 families and 51–52 species), and during the last two decades with more variable values (20–27 families and 38–55 species). A total of 13 species (four non-sporadic species) have disappeared recently. The lagoon system has been affected by large-scale anthropogenic influences mainly the substantial development of industries and the increasing population in the watershed, in addition to overfishing, climatic changes and dredging. In general, as shown by an analysis of the ecotrophic guilds present, the area maintained a similar structure during the whole period. No significant differences in time were recorded for any of the designated guilds. The twenty-two frequent species, which occurred in six or seven surveys, were mainly estuarine resident species or marine adventitious species, living in the substratum (benthic fish), on soft substratum and vegetated bottoms. They were feeding either on invertebrates alone or on invertebrates and fish, and producing pelagic or benthic eggs. The 19 sporadically-recorded species, recorded only once, were mostly marine adventitious, demersal fishes, living above rough bottom and vegetation, feeding strictly on invertebrates, and producing eggs benthically or deposited into vegetation. It is concluded that the Ria de Aveiro estuarine coastal lagoon has supported similar fish communities during the past century and that these comprise representatives of various ecological types.  相似文献   

Luís  A.  Goss-Custard  J.D.  Moreira  M.H. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):335-343
Usually waders (Aves, Charadrii) feed in the inter-tidal zone over the low tide period and roost over high tide. But occasionally when their energetic needs increase, due to adverse weather conditions or to a need to store fat to fuel migration, the birds also feed during high tide, sometimes in agricultural land. At the Ria de Aveiro, about 44% (corresponding to 4500 birds) of the wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina) use artificial salt pan habitats throughout the winter whilst the others utilize natural intertidal habitats, mainly mudflats. The dunlin that feed intertidally in natural areas, such as the Canal de Mira, do not feed over high tide. In contrast, the birds that use the salt pan area feed both during low tide, in abandoned salt pans whose walls are breached and thus allow access to the tide, and high tide, in active salt pans, and keep on doing so throughout the winter. The energetic needs of both groups of birds are thought to be similar. However, the benthos of the abandoned salt pans seem to be different, and poorer in energetic terms, from those of the natural mudflats. It is argued that dunlin wintering in the salt pan area must compensate for this by feeding over high tide in active salt pans. Rather than just being a means of obtaining more energy at certain times of high energy demand, it would seem that feeding in active salt pans over high tide should be considered as a normal component of the feeding strategy of these birds, a strategy that is different from those wintering in the natural mudflats. These findings highlight the importance of the salt exploitation industry to waders and also show that artificial habitats can support large numbers of wintering waders.  相似文献   

Ramalhosa  E.  Monterroso  P.  Abreu  S.  Pereira  E.  Vale  C.  Duarte  A. 《Wetlands Ecology and Management》2001,9(4):311-316
Mercury has been determined in water, suspended particulate matter (SPM)and sediments (solid fraction and pore water) collected in a heavilycontaminated confined area (Largo do Laranjo) of the Ria de Aveiro.Mercury has been analysed in seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) capturedin several locations of the lagoon. The levels of mercury in water and SPMin the contaminated sampled places fluctuated daily with the tide (from 10to 53 ng.dm-3 and 3.5 to 26 g.g-1, respectively),indicating the export at the tidal rhythm. Bottom sediments exhibitedhigher concentrations, the maximum (48 g.g-1) occurringnear the anthropogenic source at depths corresponding to the periods ofhigher industrial discharges. Mercury concentrations in pore waters (max.80 ng.dm-3) exceed the values found in the water column and werehigher at depths where Acid Volatile Sulphides (AVS) presented broadmaximums. This implies a remobilization at anoxic conditions. However theexport across the sediment-water interface predicted through moleculardiffusion is low (between 1 to 4 × 10-3 ng.cm-2.h-1) incomparison to the industrial input. The anthropogenic mercury appears tobe rapidly accumulated in seabass, a predator fish that enter seasonally inLargo do Laranjo.  相似文献   

Figueiredo da Silva  J.  Duck  R.W.  Hopkins  T.S.  Rodrigues  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):379-385
The Ria de Aveiro estuary-coastal lagoon system of northern Portugal is estimated to currently receive mean annual influxes of total nitrogen (N) and total phosphorus (P) of c. 6118 t y–1 and 779 t y–1, respectively, from its influent rivers. In low summer flows the mean N and P fluxes decrease to c. 10% of the annual average. The sewage contribution to the inland-derived N load on an annual basis is c. 5% but, during the summer low flow conditions, the sewage component increases to c. 65% of the total river loading. The sewage contribution to the inland-derived P load on an annual basis is c. 11% but, during the dry season, it is 1.2 times larger than the river-derived flux. The construction of a regional sewer system linked to a submarine outfall, due for completion in 2005, is expected to lead to a reduction in nutrient fluxes from inland to the lagoon of c. 15% for N and c. 26% for P relative to the present values. While this system will reduce the nutrient loading in the upper reaches of the lagoon, an increase in nutrients derived from the ocean is anticipated, due to the proximity of the outfall to the inlet.  相似文献   

Samples of plants and soil were collected in March and June 1995 at 12 sites in fields surrounding the Estarreja Channel (Ria de Aveiro), where the mercury-rich effluent of a chlor-alkali plant has been discharged since the 1950s. Mercury concentrations in soil ranged from 0.64 to 182 μ g g?1. The highest values were attributed to soil contaminated with sediments dredged from the Estarreja Channel. Plant roots contained between 0.03 and 3.2 μ g g?1 of total mercury, and there is evidence that root systems uptake mercury from the soil. The linear relationship between mercury concentrations in the roots of Holcus lanatus and in soil over a wide range of mercury concentrations suggests that mercury uptake depends on the element's concentration in the soil. The ratio root:soil concentrations for the analyzed plants varied between 0.003 and 0.199, indicating varying mercury uptake by the root systems. Levels of mercury in the aerial parts of plants showed no clear relationship with the values found in soil or in roots, presumably being influenced mostly by the atmospheric deposition of airborne particles or absorption of atmospheric mercury.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(4):227-235
Oxygen consumption rates were determined, in parallel with primary production and bacterial biomass production, as an approach to the analysis of carbon cycling in the estuarine community of the Ria de Aveiro. The water column of the marine zone was the major contributor (64–99 %) to the total aerobic carbon remineralisation in which O2 uptake rates averaged from 80 to 127 mg O2.m–2.h–1, respectively at low tide and high tide. The planktonic consumption of O2 varied from 0.010 to 0.041 mg O2.L–1.h–1 with the highest values in the brackish zone. Small water column depths in this zone, however, reduced the integrated average consumption of the plankton, per unit of surface area, to 57 (LT) and 66 % (HT) of that observed in the marine zone. Benthic O2 consumption rates, 5.1 to 22.0 mg O2.m–2.h–1, were two to four times higher in the brackish zone when compared to the rates in the marine zone. It represented 1–31 % of the total surface integrated values in different areas and at different tides. From the ratios of the primary production and bacterial biomass production, on a per surface unit basis, it is concluded that, in late autumn, the Ria de Aveiro was mostly a heterotrophic system with a feeble recovery of primary production at HT in the marine zone and at LT in the brackish water zone.  相似文献   

The study of the diatom ecological preferences was conducted from January 2002 to June 2003 in Canal de Mira, Ria de Aveiro, Western Portugal. Three sampling stations along a salinity gradient were sampled monthly, in new moon, at high and low tide. Salinity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrient contents were measured for each sampling station; chlorophyll a and diatom diversity and abundance were also evaluated. Canonical correspondence analysis was used to identify the environmental variables governing the composition and structure of diatom assemblage. The variation in the species data among the different reaches was strongly determined by the salinity spatial gradient and by the temperature temporal gradient. The lower reaches were dominated by marine species (e.g. Auliscus sculptus, Chaetoceros densus, Fallacia forcipata,Licmophora flabellata, L. grandis, Surirella comis), while in the most upstream station typical freshwater species dominated (e.g. Caloneis permagna, Cymatopleura solea, Cymbella tumida, Gomphonema longiceps, Pinnularia stommatophora, Stauroneis smithii). Weighted averaging was used to estimate optima and tolerances of some diatom taxa for the most influential variables. It was possible to establish groups oftaxa with defined and distinctive salinity and temperature preferences.  相似文献   

Bacterial utilization of monomers is recognized as an important step in the biogeochemical cycling of organic matter. In this study we have compared the heterotrophic activity of bacterial communities from different micro-habitats within a salt marsh environment (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal) in order to establish spatial patterns of bacterial abundance, monomer turnover rates (Tr) and bacterial growth efficiency (BGE). Differences in bacterial abundance and activity could be found between distinct plant rhizospheres. BGE tended to be lower at Halimione portulacoides banks, when compared to Sarcocornia perennis subsp. perennis banks which, on the contrary, showed the highest bacterial densities. Experiments of amendment of natural samples with organic and inorganic supplements indicated that salt marsh bacteria are not strongly regulated by salinity but the increased availability of labile organic matter causes a significant metabolic shift towards mineralization.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven surface sediment samples were taken in the Pontevedra Ria (NW Iberian Peninsula), and metal concentrations (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and organic/inorganic parameters were determined in order to obtain a mapping of their distribution, background values and the status of contamination. Background values were obtained from Metal/Fe ratios obtained by regression lines using “clean” stations. Contamination was assessed by the use of normalized enrichment factors (NEF). The middle and outer parts of the ria, mostly influenced by oceanic water and scarce anthropogenic activities, showed a low/null contamination (NEF ~ 1) for all the metals studied. However, the inner part of the ria, where most of the anthropogenic (urban and industrial) activities are located, showed a significant enrichment for Zn, Cu, and Pb, with NEF up to 5.2, 18, and 3.4, respectively. The rest of the metals were not significantly affected. Due to the hydrographic characteristics of the rias coastal systems, contamination sources are generally located well inland but in the high salinity region. Therefore rapid flocculation and accumulation of metal contaminants in sediments is favored close to their emission sources. Cadmium also showed a significant enrichment, strongly influenced by the presence of organic-rich sediments rather than contamination from point-sources. In the estuarine part of the ria, a significant enrichment was found for Cd, Cu, and Zn. However, it is unclear whether this is due to contamination by these two metals in the area or simply due to a difference in the lithogenic composition of the riverine sediments compared to the ria sediments.  相似文献   

Four seasonal sampling surveys were carried out between December 1985 and September 1986 in Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro, Portugal). A total of 40 sampling stations, distributed over 13 transects, was used. Salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH of the water mass were measured. Sediment temperature, and salinity and pH of interstitial water were determined. Sediment variables also included granulometric composition and organic matter contents. Bottom macrofauna samples were collected at each station. Ordination (PCA and MDS) and classification of the sampling stations were performed, using the physicochemical and the biological data sets separately. Average linkage cluster analysis using the unweighted paired-group method, arithmetic averages, was used for both sets of data. With a salinity range from 35.1‰ to 0.0‰, Canal de Mira behaves like a tidally and seasonally poikilohaline estuary. Water temperature (8.5–24.7°C) decreased along the channel towards its inner part during the cold season; an inverse and more pronounced trend was observed during the hot season. Dissolved oxygen contents was generally high during the day (50% to 240% saturation). Oversaturation was observed throughout the growing season, with peaks in areas with large amounts of rooted vegetation. The pH values, largely correlated with dissolved oxygen, ranged from 6.8 to 8.9. Four types of sediment were present in Canal de Mira, medium and muddy sands being dominant. Two major gradients were identified: (i) a typical longitudinal estuarine gradient, associated with distance from the mouth, representing physicochemical variables such as tidal amplitude, salinity and temperature; this gradient was accompanied by an upstream increase in dominance; the community composition changes were mainly related to salinity; (ii) a lateral gradient, related to current velocity, depth and sediment composition; the subtidal community had a comparatively low species richness and abundance. Groups of stations could be recognized along the environmental gradients. Benthic community changes, however, appeared to be gradual rather than marked by abrupt transitions.  相似文献   

The community structure of the macrobenthic fauna (>0.5 mm) ofPotamogeton andMyriophyllum beds of the upper reaches of Canal de Mira (0.5–2) and of macrofauna density (369, 240 ind m–2).Potamopyrgus jenkinsi, Corophium multisetosum andLimnodrilus hoffmeisteri are dominant species in the study area. The community of station 1 includes an important set of taxa usually associated to freshwater habitats (oligochaetes, leeches and insect larvae) whilst in station 3 typically estuarine species (Cyathura carinata, Leptocheirus pilosus, Nereis diversicolor, Streblospio shrubsolii) occur. A succession of peak densities of different taxonomic groups during the year indicates seasonal variation in the community structure. The faunal assemblage of the study area is compared with similar ones in NE Atlantic and Mediterranean coastal systems.  相似文献   

Ecology and dynamics of the zooplankton in the Ria de Aveiro, Portugal, were researched to understand the correlation between the patterns of abundance of suprabenthic and zooplanktonic crustaceans and its tidal, day/night and lunar cycles. This study involved the collection of a series of samples during nine 25 h sampling cycles, separated weekly, at a fixed station located near the mouth of the lagoon. In each 25 h cycle, the samples were collected every 2 h with a 500 μm net, at three depths, at the surface, mid-water and over the bottom. The overall effect of the phases of tide and day and depth on the vertical position of the organisms was further investigated through a three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), in which the phase of the tide (ebb, flood), the phase of the day (day, night) and depth (surface, mid-water, bottom) constituted the three factors in the analysis. The distribution of the species in the water column exhibited distinct tidal, day/night, and lunar patterns, reflecting the ecological particularities of the different species in relation to their seasonal occurrence and behavioural relationships. This distribution showed that for the dominant species, there was a significant interaction between behavioural strategies and cyclic changes of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the seasonal variations of mercury levels and human health risk in vegetables that were collected from farmland, home garden, and plastic greenhouse in summer and winter 2016 in Arid Oasis (Shihezi city), Xinjiang, Northwest China. The results showed that the levels of mercury in fresh vegetables were lower in winter (0.003–0.025 mg·kg?1) than in summer (0.001–0.035 mg·kg?1). Single factor pollution (P) in vegetables indicated that all vegetables were polluted in diverse levels. The exceeding rate in different vegetables was 0.00% to 88.89% in summer and 0.00% to 100% in winter compared with limits of pollutants in vegetables. The value of bio-concentration factor (BCF) revealed that the mercury absorption capacity of 10 species vegetables decreased in the following order: pea seedling > spinage > caraway > lettuces > pakchoi > celery > crowndaisy chrysanthemum > chives > spinach > shallot. The daily intake (DI) and target hazard quotient (THQ) of mercury for children (2–12 years), young adults (18–45 years), and quinquagenarian (>45 years) indicated that non-carcinogenic values were below the threshold values except one sampling sit from farmland around the industrial parks. Furthermore, the THQ of open field in summer was higher than plastic greenhouse in winter. Under the same pollution level, children had more non-carcinogenic risk than young adults and quinquagenarian.  相似文献   

The response of bacterial growth to phytoplankton production and planktonic respiration (RESP) variation was examined over different stations and dates in the shallow estuarine system Ria de Aveiro. The temporal and spatial profiles of bacterial productivity (2.7-744.2mg Cm(-3)d(-1)) did not coincide with those of primary production (PP) (0.2-19.1 g Cm(-3)d(-1)) and RESP (0.1-8.2 g Cm(-3) d(-1)). The bacterioplankton production/PP ratio varied differently, depending on the season and location. The heterotrophic zones, with the lowest values of PP, exhibited the most intense bacterial secondary production. Moreover, the variation of PP in the system was rather small when compared with that of bacterial secondary production. These suggest that, in a large extension of the lagoon and throughout the year, bacterioplankton growth is largely dependent on non-phytoplanktonic carbon sources. Benthic PP and/or allochtonous organic matter from land have a fundamental role in the dynamics of the planktonic compartment of the estuarine system.  相似文献   


Emigration and immigration of decapod larvae from estuaries depend on timing of larvae occurrence in the water column relative to the tidal, tidal amplitude and day cycles. The phase relation of these natural cycles varies with tidal regime and geographically, resulting in different time-patterns of hatching of first stage larvae and of presence of late stage larvae in the water column. Vertical migration behaviour according to phase of tide also controls transport inside estuaries. These mechanisms were investigated in a field study conducted on the northwest coast of Portugal where neap ebb tides occur during the night around the quarters of the moon. Flux of decapod larvae through one sampling station was measured during one lunar month at the Canal de Mira (Ria de Aveiro) in the spring of 1990. The sampling programme was comprised of a set of 25-h fixed station studies, separated by 25-h intervals during which no sampling took place. Plankton samples were collected with a pump every hour at three depths. Current velocity and direction at the standard depths, as well as height of the water column, were also measured every hour. Hourly instantaneous flux of larvae through a 1-m-wide vertical section of the Canal de Mira was calculated for the most abundant forms. A total number of 13 combinations of species and larval stages were analyzed, belonging to the families Atelecyclidae, Pirimelidae, Portunidae, Pilumnidae, Grapsidae, Palaemonidae, Crangonidae and Thalassinidae. Patterns of net larval flux along the lunar month could be grouped into three types. Type 1 includes first zoeas that were consistently exported to the sea. Type 2 comprises late zoeas, megalops and juveniles that were consistently imported into the estuary. First zoeas that were imported during some of the 25-h studies but were exported during the others were included in Type 3; in species of this type import periods appeared to alternate with export periods according to lunar phase. Flux of Type 1 larvae followed a semi-lunar pattern. Release activity of Type 1 zoeas took place during the night and started during neap tides around the quarters of the moon, but maximum releases occurred 3–4 h after high tide of average amplitude tides, 3–4 days after the quadratures. These observations agree with the hypothesis that hatching is timed to occur on ebb tides of the largest possible amplitude so that larvae are easily dispersed from areas with a high density of predator fishes. However, based on other observations on the Portuguese coast, it cannot be ruled out that hatching might depend on a minimum number of hours of darkness experienced by the females. Larvae included in Type 2 comprise forms that may have been retained inside the estuary for the entire larval phase, as well as one form that was imported from shelf waters. No semi-lunar pattern of import was detected in this last form. Fluctuations of net flux observed in Type 3 larvae, as well in other forms that were not included in any of the types, were more difficult to explain. These larvae were first zoeas of species belonging to different taxonomic, morphological and ecological groups and may show a diversity of adaptations to the way of life of the adults. Imports and exports of larvae depended not only on time-patterns of abundance, but also on time-patterns of larval vertical distribution. As a general rule, larval stages showed patterns of depth distribution that were consistent with vertical migration rhythmic behaviours synchronized with the tidal cycle. Though the effect was not always statistically significant, first-stage larvae were closer to the surface during ebb, especially during the night, enhancing seaward transport. On the contrary, later zoeal stages, megalops and juveniles were usually closer to the surface during flood, suggesting migration to the water column during this phase of the tide and landward transport.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton abundance and activity were studied in the estuarine system of Ria de Aveiro (Portugal) to test if tidal resuspension of sediments and transport of particles from the salt marshes may act as factors of variability of bacterial communities. The total and attached cell abundance, ectoenzymatic activity and the heterotrophic metabolism of glucose, as well as seston, chlorophyll a and particulate organic carbon (POC) were monitored during four 10-h periods along the tidal cycle at four sampling sites across a transect. The variation of particulate materials (seston, POC and chlorophyll a ) along the transect was not significantly correlated with either distance to the margin or distance to the sediment surface. Nevertheless, proximity to the salt marsh or to the bottom sediment surface favoured glucose incorporation and aminopeptidase activity. A multiple stepwise linear regression analysis using temperature, salinity, seston, POC, chlorophyll a , distance to sediment surface and distance to the margin as independent variables explained 66.5% of the variability of the fraction of particle-attached bacteria and only a very small proportion (12–43%) of the observed variability of total bacterial abundance, ectoenzymatic activity and glucose utilization. The spatial patterns of variation of the concentration of particulate material (seston, POC and chlorophyll a) do not clearly indicate the occurrence of sediment resuspension and runoff from the margins. This, together with the poor contribution of these parameters to the transversal and tidal variability of bacterial activity, dismisses the importance of inputs of suspended material across the sediment/water interface and from neighbouring salt marshes in the control of bacterial density and activity.  相似文献   

Some results of a 2-year study of mercury pollution of the Katun river (Siberia) are summarised. Measurements of water flow, sediment transport and mercury concentrations were made and used to calculate the amount of mercury transported by the river. The distribution of transport between water phase and suspended material is calculated. It is concluded that suspended sediments play the main role in this process. The significance of different fractions of suspended sediment is also discussed.  相似文献   

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