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The FcR for IgG on the plasma membrane of cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system mediate a number of different biologic responses such as phagocytosis, pinocytosis, superoxide generation, and antibody-dependent cytotoxicity. In the interest of understanding the pathophysiology of these processes we have begun to characterize the FcR for IgG on two readily available sources of macrophages--the lung and the peritoneum--using antireceptor mAb. We find that all three of the distinct classes of FcR for IgG which have been described in man are present on both pulmonary and peritoneal macrophages. Most monocytes, we suggest, bear low numbers of Fc gamma RIII whereas a small subpopulation of monocytes expresses substantial numbers of Fc gamma RIII. Furthermore, we find that two different forms of Fc gamma RIII differ in their capacity to bind anti-Fc gamma RIII mab 3G8 in the presence of human IgG. Human IgG does not block the binding of mAb 3G8 to neutrophils, but it does block 3G8 binding to macrophages and large granular lymphocytes; this finding correlates with the expression of the two Fc gamma RIII genes, I and II, in man. Studies aimed at illuminating the molecular mechanisms of Fc gamma R-mediated processes in macrophages will require consideration of the receptors of all three classes.  相似文献   

Fc receptor-mediated endocytosis of monomeric IgG1 by human mononuclear phagocytes was evaluated under conditions where aggregated IgG and insulin readily undergo receptor-mediated internalization. U937 cells or normal human peripheral blood monocytes were incubated at 37 degrees C in the absence of free radioligand after having first bound 125I-IgG1 at 0 degrees C. To determine the amount of cell-associated IgG1 internalized after varying periods of 37 degrees C incubation, surface-bound IgG1 was removed by sequential exposure of cells at 0 degrees C to a nonspecific proteinase for 1 h and to acetic acid at pH 3.2 for 3 min. The failure to develop a proteinase- and acid-resistant fraction, similar to that seen over time at 37 degrees C in parallel experiments with 125I-insulin and 125I-aggregated IgG, and the lack of degradation of the IgG1 released into the medium from the same cells over time show that these cells do not endocytose and degrade monomeric IgG by an Fc receptor-specific mechanism and suggest that constitutive recycling without degradation is unlikely to be occurring. These data fulfill one prediction of the hypothesis that receptor-receptor interaction triggers Fc receptor-mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

Human peritoneal macrophages possess two populations of IgG Fc receptors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To characterize the binding properties of the Fc receptors on human macrophages, the binding of radiolabeled human IgG1 to peritoneal macrophages was assessed. Cells were obtained at the time of diagnostic laparoscopy from women undergoing evaluation of infertility. Macrophages bound on the average more IgG1 monomer than monocytes but the avidity with which both types of cells bound IgG1 monomer was comparable. By contrast, macrophages bound much more IgG1 dimers than monocytes. Scatchard plots of the binding of dimer to monocytes were linear, but plots of binding to macrophages were markedly curvilinear. This curvilinearity was not an artifact of extensive ligand internalization or catabolism by cells, since 80% of binding was reversible and there was very little catabolism of ligand in the medium. Assuming that the observed curvilinearity was due to the presence of two independent subpopulations of receptors, an objective estimate for the number of receptors per cell and of the avidity with which each subpopulation bound IgG1 dimer was obtained using a previously described computer program (Scatfit). The analysis of the binding of dimer to macrophages from six donors suggested the presence of 42,000 +/- 33,000 high avidity receptors per cell which bind IgG1 dimer with a mean Ka of 2.7 X 10(9) M-1 and 218,000 +/- 127,000 low avidity receptors which bind the same ligand with a Ka of 1.1 X 10(7) M-1. ADCC of IgG antibody-coated sheep red blood cells mediated by macrophages was less readily inhibited by soluble IgG1 monomer than ADCC mediated by peripheral blood monocytes. This provides further evidence for the presence of low avidity receptors which bind monomeric IgG1 poorly and also suggests that these sites are functionally active in triggering antibody-dependent immune clearance.  相似文献   

Receptors for Fc IgG can be demonstrated by the binding of aggregated IgG or erythrocyte-IgG antibody complexes (EAG) onto subsets of B, T and "nul" lymphocytes. Among such cells are the effectors of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytoxicity, and suppressor T cells. The binding of insoluble complexes induces a reversible modulation of the receptors associated with impaired proliferative T cell responses and transient inhibition of IgM receptors expression by adjacent T cells. Soluble receptors for Fc IgG bear a membrane binding site; they inhibit in vitro B cell differentiation induced by-T-dependent or T-independent polyclonal B cell activators.  相似文献   

Using a semiquantitative immunogold technique on ultrathin cryosections, the in situ subcellular distributions of the cation-dependent, 46-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor (small MPR) and of the cation-independent, 270-kDa mannose 6-phosphate receptor (large MPR) were for the first time compared. U937 cells were chosen because of their relatively high content of both receptor species. Of each receptor, about 12% occurred at the cell surface, 2% in the Golgi stack, and about 25% in vacuoles resembling endosomal vacuoles. About half of both receptors was found in tubules, presumably belonging to endosomes and trans-Golgi reticulum. It was concluded that the distribution of the small and large MPR were roughly similar. The only exception was formed by electron-dense vesicles occurring in the trans-Golgi region and surrounding endosomes. Dense vesicles contained significantly less small MPR (7%) than large MPR (12%).  相似文献   

We have defined two distinct classes of IgG Fc receptors (FcR) on cells of a human monocytic line (U937) by analyzing the direct binding of murine IgG subclasses in medium of low ionic strength. Four lines of evidence support this contention. The binding of aggregated murine IgG2b (AggmIgG2b) to U937 and Daudi cells was enhanced at low ionic strength, whereas monomeric murine IgG2a (mIgG2a) did not bind to Daudi cells and its high affinity binding to U937 cells was unaffected by changes in ionic strength. Double reciprocal inhibition experiments with U937 cells indicated that the binding of both ligands was inhibited 30 to 135 times more efficiently by the homologous ligand than by the heterologous one. That is, the binding of 125I-AggmIgG2b was inhibited 50% by 3.5 micrograms/ml of AggmIgG2b and 100 micrograms/ml of mIgG2a. Similarly, the binding of 125I-mIgG2a was inhibited 50% by 2.5 micrograms/ml of mIgG2a and only 44% by 243 micrograms/ml of AggmIgG2b. A monoclonal antibody of the IgG2b subclass raised against an IgG FcR on K562 cells inhibited binding to U937 cells of AggmIgG2b but not of mIgG2a. Trypsinization of U937 cells abrogated by 32% the binding of mIgG2a but did not affect the binding of AggmIgG2b. Human IgG inhibited binding of both AggmIgG2b and mIgG2a to U937 cells. We propose that the newly recognized FcR that binds AggmIgG2b is the human homologue of the murine macrophage IgG2b/1 FcR (FcRII), and that the previously described 72,000 dalton high-affinity FcR on U937 cells that binds mIgG2a is the human equivalent of the murine macrophage IgG2a FcR (FcRI).  相似文献   

Human Fc gamma receptors were isolated from surface radioiodinated granulocytes and eosinophils by using repetitive affinity chromatography on human IgG-Sepharose columns. Analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated that cell preparations containing eosinophils possessed a 43,000 Mr Fc gamma-binding macromolecule. Nylon wool-filtered cells from patients with eosinophilia and cell cultures derived from normal donors provided highly purified eosinophil preparations that expressed only the 43,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor. Granulocyte populations yielded the 52,000 to 68,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor characteristic of neutrophils as well as the Fc gamma-binding macromolecules apparently derived from eosinophils. The 43,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor of the eosinophil and the 31,000 and 34,000 Mr fragments that appear to be derived from it were able to rebind selectively to human IgG1-Sepharose, Fc gamma 1-Sepharose, IgG3-Sepharose, and Fc gamma 3-Sepharose. In contrast, the 52,000 to 68,000 Mr Fc gamma receptor from neutrophils could rebind only to IgG1-Sepharose and Fc gamma 1-Sepharose. The results demonstrate that the Fc gamma receptor of human eosinophils is distinct in structure from the neutrophil Fc gamma receptor and that these Fc gamma receptors, at least in their solubilized states, differ in specificity for human IgG3.  相似文献   

The present work was aimed at analyzing the functional relationships between mouse mast cell receptors for IgG and IgE antibodies. It was based on a study of the inhibition of IgG1-and IgE-induced passive mast cell degranulation produced by various immunoglobulin preparations capable of interfering with Fc receptors. Rat myeloma IgE, a high-affinity ligand for IgE receptors, was used to search for a possible participation of IgE receptors in IgG1-dependent degranulation. Mouse myeloma IgG, which inhibited only weakly IgG1-mediated reactions, had no chance to compete successfully with high-affinity IgE antibodies, but aggregated HGG was found to behave as a high-affinity ligand for IgG receptors. This enabled us to search for a possible participation of IgG receptors in IgE-dependent degranulation. The results show that rat myeloma IgE and aggregated HGG specifically inhibited IgE-induced and IgG1-induced reactions, respectively, but failed to inhibit reactions not requiring free Fc receptors. The conclusion was that receptors for IgG and for IgE are functionally independent on mouse mast cells, and are both expressed on the same cells.  相似文献   

J Gergely  G Sarmay 《FASEB journal》1990,4(15):3275-3283
Fc receptors (FcR) are immunoglobulin-binding molecules that enable antibodies to perform several biological functions by forming a link between specific antigen recognition and effector cells. FcRs are involved in regulating antibody production as well. Most FcRs belong to the immunoglobulin superfamily, and show structural homology with each other and with their ligands. Recent data on the structure of IgG binding FcRs obtained from monoclonal antibodies and gene cloning studies, as well as on ligand binding capacity and fine specificity of the receptor binding site (or sites), are reviewed. The binding capacity and fine specificity of receptor binding sites, as well as the structure and conformation of the immunoglobulin ligands, play important roles in triggering FcR-mediated signals. In induction of signals, the interaction of the FcR with the CH2 domain of the IgGFc is decisive. The high-affinity Fc gamma RI possess one active binding site specific for contact residues that is located at the N-proximal end of the CH2 domain and is able to mediate both binding and signal transfer. The low-affinity Fc gamma RIII has two active binding sites: the CH3 domain-specific site, which mediates only binding; and the CH2 domain-specific site, which is responsible for binding and signaling. Similarly, the low-affinity Fc gamma RII on resting B cells has one site for CH2 and another for CH3 binding. The expression, release, and fine specificity of Fc gamma RII on B cells correlates with the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Cellular receptors for IgG (Fc gamma R) mediate important protective functions. By using site-specific mutants of a chimeric antibody (mouse V H domain and L chain; human IgG3 C H domains), we have demonstrated that human Fc gamma RI interacts with a site in the lower hinge of human IgG (residues 234 to 237) and that this interaction dictates Fc gamma RI-mediated superoxide generation. Mutations at position 235 resulted in the most profound reductions in Fc gamma RI recognition. We have also mapped an interaction site for Fc gamma RII to the same region; however, mutations at position 234 and 237 resulted in the greatest reductions in Fc gamma RII recognition. The two receptors appear to recognize overlapping but nonidentical sites on the lower hinge of IgG. Deviations from the optimal motif 234-Leu-Leu-Gly-Gly-237 may then explain the human IgG subclass specificity profile for human Fc gamma RI and Fc gamma RII.  相似文献   

Summary Ionic channels in a human monocyte cell line (U937) were studied with the inside-out patch-clamp technique. A Ca2+-activated K+ channel and three Cl-selective channels were observed. The Ca2+-activated K+ channel had an inward-rectifying current-voltage relationship with slope conductance of 28 pS, and was not dependent on membrane potential. Among the three Cl channels, and outward-rectifying 28-pS channel was most frequently observed. The permeability ratio (Cl/Na+) was 4–5 and CH3SO 4 was also permeant. The channel became less active with increasing polarizations in either direction, and was inactive beyond ±120 mV. The channel, observed as bursts, occasionally had rapid events within the bursts, suggesting the presence of another mode of kinetics. Diisothiocyanatostilbene-disulfonic acid (DIDS) blocked the channel reversibly in a dose-dependent manner. The second 328-pS Cl channel had a linear currentvoltage relationship and permeability ratio (Cl/Na+) of 5–6. This channel became less active with increasing polarizations and inactive beyond ±50 mV. DIDS blocked the channel irreversibly. The channel had multiple subconductance states. The third 15-pS Cl channel was least frequently observed and least voltage sensitive among the Cl channels. Intracellular Ca2+ or pH affected none of the three Cl channels. All three Cl channels had a latent period before being observed, suggesting inhibitory factor(s) presentin situ. Activation of the cells with interferon-, interferon-A or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) caused no change in the properties on any of the channels.  相似文献   

Two types of IgG FcR, FcRI and FcRII, are constitutively expressed by human monocytes. FcRI (identified by mAb 32.2) binds human (h) IgG, FcRII (identified by mAb IV.3) has a low affinity for hIgG but interacts strongly with murine (m) IgG1. These receptors can be assayed by using indicator E sensitized by hIgG (EA-hIgG) or mIgG1 (EA-mIgG1), respectively. We further characterized these two FcR by modulation studies by using substrate-immobilized immune complexes containing rabbit IgG, goat IgG, or one of the mouse Ig classes or subclasses. After incubating monocytes in microtiter wells containing such immune complexes, binding of the two types of indicator red cells on the apical surface of the monocytes was quantitated using a photometric assay employing the pseudoperoxidase activity of E. No effect on the binding of sensitized E was observed after incubation of monocytes with immune complexes containing mouse IgE, IgA, or IgM, or F(ab')2 fragments of rabbit IgG. High concentrations of immune complexes containing IgG of mouse, rabbit, or goat, however, were able to induce a decrease in binding of both types of sensitized E, suggestive of modulation of both FcRI and FcRII. At lower concentrations of immune complexes, more selective patterns of modulation emerged. Under these conditions, immune complexes containing mIgG1 or mIgG2b, or, surprisingly, goat IgG induced a selective decrease in the binding of EA-mIgG1 (FcRII modulation), while immune complexes containing mIgG2a or rabbit IgG mainly affected the binding of EA-hIgG (FcRI modulation). By using anti-FcR mAb IV.3, it was confirmed that FcRII was modulated from the apical surface of monocytes after incubation on immune complex coated substrates. Selectivity of FcR-modulation was demonstrated by showing that under these conditions binding of anti-C receptor mAb, and several other anti-monocyte mAb did not decrease.  相似文献   

Two cDNA clones encoding different but related receptors for immunoglobulin G constant domains were isolated from cDNA expression libraries by a ligand-mediated selection procedure ('affinity cloning'). Because both of the receptors encoded by the cDNAs react with CDw32 monoclonal antibodies, and both show the appropriate IgG binding affinity, both appear to be forms of the receptor formerly thought to be a single species called FcRII. The extracellular domains encoded by the isolated clones are closely related to the murine IgG2b/1 beta receptor extracellular domains, but the intracellular domains are unrelated. The receptors expressed in COS cells show a preference for IgG1 among IgG subtypes and no affinity for IgM, IgA or IgE. Abundant expression of the RNAs was detected in myeloid cell lines and placenta.  相似文献   

Normal human and rabbit sera, as well as IgG isolated from them, have proved to be capable of reacting with the cells of the valve endothelium of the human and bovine heart. As shown in this study, these reactions are linked with the presence of Fc receptors on the epithelial cells. This is confirmed by the positive reactions of the endothelial cells with the Fc fragments of IgG, as well as with pure antibodies to egg albumin and to group A streptococcal polysaccharide and their complexes. As revealed in this study, Fc receptors on endothelial cells and staphylococcal Fc receptors bind with the definite fraction of normal human serum IgG with, probably, more pronounced cytophil properties. This fraction is not linked with IgG subclasses. The suggestion may be made that the presence of IgG Fc binding activity in group A streptococci, coinciding with the binding activity of Fc receptors in some cells of the human body, is probably of importance for pathogenic streptococci, facilitating their successful invasion.  相似文献   

Human vascular permeability factor. Isolation from U937 cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Human vascular permeability factor (hVPF) is a glycoprotein that promotes fluid and protein leakage from blood vessels. The function of hVPF is at present unknown, but the potent bioactivities of this protein suggest that it could act during inflammation, wound healing, and tumor angiogenesis. hVPF was purified from serum-free conditioned medium of the human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937 as a disulfide-linked dimeric 40-kDa protein that promoted dermal blood vessel leakage in guinea pigs at a dose of 20 ng (3 x 10(-9) M) and promoted in vitro endothelial cell growth at concentrations as low as 50 PM. Multiple forms of hVPF with apparent pI values greater than 7.5 were resolved using pH gradient electrophoresis. Antibodies against guinea pig vascular permeability factor were found to cross-react with hVPF. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of hVPF was similar to, but not identical with, the N-terminal sequence of guinea pig vascular permeability factor.  相似文献   

Quantitative studies have been made of Fc receptors on human leukocytes derived from peripheral blood, thymus, tonsil, and spleen. The relative affinities and average numbers of receptors per cell were determined by measuring the binding of 125I-labeled, affinity cross-linked trimers of rabbit IgG to various populations of cells. In parallel, the sizes of receptor-bearing populations were determined by fluorescence microscopy. Fc receptors could be detected on leukocytes from peripheral blood and spleen, but not from tonsil or thymus. In the peripheral blood, the highest density of receptors was found on polymorphonuclear leukocytes; a subpopulation of lymphocytes had somewhat fewer receptors per cell, and circulating monocytes had the lowest receptor density. Among splenocytes, most of the receptors were found on myeloid cells and monocytes. In all populations, the affinity of Fc receptors for the trimer was about the same. At 0 degrees C the average value for the association constant was 5 x 10(7) M-1.  相似文献   

Unstimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes were depleted of K cells, which mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) without removing NK cells, which mediate natural killing (NK). K cell depletion was achieved by buoyant centrifugation removal of lymphocytes that bound to glutaraldehyde-treated P815-AB cells at high lymphocyte-to-target ratios. Likewise, NK cells were removed with glutaraldehyde-treated K562 cells without removing K cells. Furthermore, both cytotoxic cell populations were observed directly in one agarose single-cell cytotoxic assay (ASCA) using P815-AB and K562 cells simultaneously as target cells. Moreover, the percentage of total cytotoxic cells was equal to the sum of the percentage of K and NK cells observed in separate ASCA. Collectively, these results indicate that K cells and NK cells are distinct subsets of FcR-bearing lymphocytes. One subset, K cells, has more avid Fc receptors (fcR) than NK cells and are 'activated' via thier FcR to kill antibody-coated target cells. The second subset, NK cells, have less avid FcR and are not 'activated' through their FcR to kill antibody-coated target cells.  相似文献   

The incubation of purified human blood monocytes with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and of cultured U937 human monocyte-like cells with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) evoked the generation of fibroblast-activating activity, as assessed by stimulation of the uptake of [3H]thymidine by human dermal fibroblasts. Filtration of the supernates from monocytes and U937 cells on Sephadex G-75 resolved fibroblast-activating factors of m.w. 25,000 to 40,000, designated FAF-M and FAF-U937, respectively, from smaller factors of an apparent m.w. of approximately 10,000. FAF-M and FAF-U937 were acidic by isoelectric focusing with respective pI values of 4.0 to 5.2 and 5.4 to 5.6. The smaller factors from both sources filtered on Sephadex G-25 in phosphate-buffered saline with an apparent m.w. of 10,000. However, filtration of the same factors on Sephadex G-25 in 0.1 M acetic acid revealed one predominant fibroblast-activating activity for each cell source of an apparent m.w. of 500 to 1000. The 500 to 1000 dalton factors were inactivated by treatment with trypsin and subtilisin, suggesting that the activity was attributable to fibroblast-activating peptides, termed FAP-M and FAP-U937. FAP-M and FAP-U937 each appeared to be composed of a predominant hydrophilic activity by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Human blood monocytes and U937 monocytes both produce structurally diverse fibroblast-activating proteins and peptides, which may contribute to the immunologic regulation of wound healing and fibrosis.  相似文献   

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