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Purified rat liver albumin mRNA directed the synthesis of albumin in a mRNA-dependent cell-free protein-synthesizing system derived from wheat germ extracts. The [3H]leucine-labeled in vitro translation product reacted with antibodies specific for albumin and co-migrated with authentic 14C-labeled serum albumin during gel electrophoresis in the presence or absence of sodium dodecyl sufate. Higher concentrations of potassium and magnesium ions were required for the translation of albumin mRNA than for total liver mRNAs. These requirements were consistent for the purified albumin as well as when it was a component in the liver mRNA mixture. At the higher potassium or magnesium concentrations, only intact albumin molecules were synthesized, whereas lower concentrations of these ions caused the production of antibody-reactive fragments. These fragments were apparently the result of premature termination of peptide synthesis and not due to endogenous proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

The limiting factors of a cell-free system from rat brain for incorporating amino acids into protein were studied. The initial more rapid incorporation by microsomes, as opposed to that by ribosomes, is suggested to be due to damage of the ribosomes by detergent. The defect is rectifiable by incubation of the ribosomes in cell sap, so that ribosomes eventually incorporate more amino acid than do microsomes. This may be because ribonuclease, which is associated with the microsomes but removed by detergent treatment, inactivates the microsomal system. The factor that causes incorporation by microsomes to cease abruptly within 1h is not the lack of any precursor or of adenosine triphosphate, of the inactivation of cell-sap factors or the accumulation of inhibitory substances, but is a deficiency of usable messenger ribonucleic acid. Chain initiation in the system is negligible. Ribosomes also become jammed at the end of messenger ribonucleic acid molecules, unable to terminate protein chains. This eventually leads to jammed polyribosomes, which can be partially relieved by very low concentrations of puromycin. A study of the release of polypeptides synthesized in response to the addition of synthetic messengers did not provide any conclusive information on chain-termination sequences, but did indicate some phenomena that were artifacts. It is concluded that ribonuclease action is sufficient to account for all the deficiencies of the cell-free system, but a lack of chain initiation may be a contributory factor.  相似文献   

Cell-free hemoglobin-synthesizing systems from erythrocytes of 4- and 17-day chick embryos have been developed. These systems have been used to investigate possible structural and functional differences in factors involved in protein synthesis obtained from these different developmental stages. Each cell-free system consists of three major cellular fractions i.e., the S-100 supernatant, the salt-washed ribosomes, and the 0.5 m KCl ribosomal wash. When the ribosomal wash fraction from one developmental stage is included in a cell-free system containing ribosomes and S-100 supernatant from the other developmental stage, a drastic reduction in the kinetics of [3H]leucine incorporation into globin products is observed, when compared to the homologous control cell-free systems. A similar depression of the kinetics of incorporation is observed when the mixed component is either the S-100 supernatant or the ribosomes. Control rates of incorporation can be reestablished when the corresponding homologous component is added back to the incubation mixture. The predominant types of hemoglobins produced in the salt-wash heterologous systems are those hemoglobins characteristic of the developmental stage of the salt wash. This seems to imply that the ribosomal salt-wash fraction may possess developmental stage specificity for the globins.  相似文献   

Embryonic-chick tendon poly(A)-containing RNA was translated in the wheat-germ and mRNA-dependent rabbit reticulocyte-lysate systems. The ability of each system to synthesize polypeptides similar to pro-alpha chains of collagen was tested on the bases of electrophoretic mobility and susceptibility to highly purified bacterial collagenase. Very small amounts of polypeptides in the size range of pro-alpha chains were synthesized in the wheat-germ system, whereas efficient synthesis of two polypeptides similar to pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 chains was achieved in the reticulocyte lysate. The collagenous nature of the major high-molecular-weight products synthesized was demonstrated by their susceptibility to collagenase and ability to act as a substrate for purified collagen proline hydroxylase. Determinations of the relative amounts of these translation products suggest that the 2:1 ratio of pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 chains found in type I procollagen is reflected in proportional amounts of translatable mRNA for pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 chains. Comparisons of the electrophoretic mobilities of hydroxylated and unhydroxylated reticulocyte-lysate translation products were made with appropriate standards of hydroxylated and unhydroxylated procollagen polypeptides. The results suggest that, in common with a number of secreted proteins, procollagen is synthesized as pre-pro molecules consistent with the ;Signal Hypothesis'.  相似文献   

We present here a new method for inhibiting protein acetylation in a rabbit reticulocyte cell-free protein-synthesizing system. This procedure utilizes S-acetonyl coenzyme A, a nonreactive acetyl-CoA analogue, as an inhibitor of the NH2-terminal protein acetyltransferase in this lysate. With this procedure, we can make, in vitro, Dictyostelium discoideum actin which is 85% nonacetylated but fully translated. With the fully translated but nonacetylated actin as a substrate, the actin can be almost completely acetylated post-translationally in an acetyl-CoA-dependent system after the actin has left the ribosome. Using formylated and nonformylated [35S]Met-tRNAfMet as a source of label and in conjunction with detailed peptide mapping experiments with trypsin and thermolysin, the in vitro acetylation is shown to occur at the NH2 terminus of the newly synthesized actin. Furthermore, the initiator methionine residue, contrary to expectation, is not cleaved off but remains stable for at lest 50 min. thus, in the acetylating reticulocyte lysate system, the primary complete translation product in actin synthesis is Ac-Met-Asp and not Ac-Asp.  相似文献   

Free and membrane bound polysomes were prepared from 8-day-old chick embryos. Both polysome preparations were equally active in protein synthesis but procollagen-collagen synthesis was carried out exclusively by the membrane bound polysomes. The collagenous product was analyzed by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and after hydroxylation with peptidyl proline hydroxylase had a hydroxyproline/proline ratio of 0.77. This suggests that the collagenous product synthesized by the membrane bound polysomes is procollagen.  相似文献   

HIV-1 antigen Nef, Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), and the fusion protein GFP-Nef ("Green Fluorescent Nef") were synthesized in bacterial cell-free system with continuous supply of substrates and continuous removal of low-molecular-weight products through a dialysis membrane during incubation, the so-called continuous-exchange cell-free (CECF) system. The identity of synthesized proteins was confirmed by electrophoretic mobility, Western blotting, and GFP fluorescence. The system produced several nanomoles (hundreds of microg) of each protein per ml of the reaction mixture. Construction of GFP-fused proteins is considered as a general strategy for visualization and monitoring of cell-free production of the proteins that have no easily testable functions.  相似文献   

In normal lung growth, post-pneumonectomy lung growth, and in possibly several lung disorders, there are marked alterations in the density of collagen and changes in the rate of synthesis of collagen relative to the synthesis of other lung proteins. To provide a technology to begin to understand these changes at the molecular level, polysomes were prepared from rabbit lung and translated in a heterologous cell-free system including rabbit reticulocyte 0.5 M KCl ribosomal wash fraction and liver tRNA. Collagen was shown in the cell-free product by collagenase sensitivity, hydroxylation of incorporated proline by peptidyl prolyl hydroxylase, agarose gel chromatography, and sodium dodecyl sulfate acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The cell-free system was optimized with respect to K+, Mg2+, amino acids, and ribosomal wash fraction and used under conditions where total protein synthesis and collagen synthesis are linear with respect to time and amount of polysomes. Under these conditions, collagen synthesis was directed almost entirely by polysomes derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. Polysomes isolated from late fetal lung directed collagen synthesis at twice the rate (per polysome) as those polysomes isolated from adult lung. Similar changes were seen if lung tRNA replaced liver tRNA and if lung ribosomal wash fraction replaced reticulocyte wash fraction. Although these changes in cell-free lung collagen synthesis with tissue explants, further studies will have to be carried out to determine whether, in fact, age-related alterations in control of lung collagen synthesis are truly explained by these findings.  相似文献   

A highly effective cell-free system for protein synthesis was obtained from rabbit reticulocytes and for the first time used for synthesis of biologically active chicken interferon. The optimal conditions for translation of its mRNA were developed. The translation efficacy in the cell-free system was 10-50 times higher than that in the culture of heterologous cells. The higher the purity level of RNA, the higher the translation level. With respect to poly (A+) RNA sedimenting in the sucrose gradient 9S the efficacy reached 2560 units per 1 microgram of RNA. By the content of poly (A), sequences and rate of the sedimentation, mRNA of the chicken interferon was similar to that of the human fibroblast cell interferon. The possible translation of mRNA of the chicken interferon at low concentrations of exogenic potassium ions in the cell-free system is explained by production of interferon in infected cells where the concentration of the intracellular potassium significantly decreases which is indicative of the mRNA interferon similarity with virus templates. It was found that only albino New Zealand rabbits, but also chinchilla may be used for preparation of the cell-free protein synthesizing system. Various exogenic templates in the mRNA-dependent cell-free system prepared from reticulocyte nonfractionated lysate by treatment with micrococcal nuclease stimulated the protein synthesis by 7-15 times.  相似文献   

Crude mouse interferon mRNA extracted from poly (I) . poly (C)-induced L929 cells has been translated in a cell-free system from rabbit reticulocytes and in two-cell systems--L929 cells and chick embryo fibroblasts. Translational efficiency of interferon mRNA preparation was 100-fold higher in the cell-free system than in tissue culture cells. Interferon synthesized was species-specific and its antiviral activity was completely neutralized by mouse interferon antiserum.  相似文献   

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