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We examined variability in sucrose levels and metabolism in ripe fruits of wild and domestic Vaccinium species and in developing fruits of cultivated blueberry (V. ashei and V. corymbosum). The objective was to determine if sufficient variability for fruit sucrose accumulation was present in existing populations to warrant attempts to breed for high-sucrose fruit, which potentially would be less subject to bird predation. Threefold differences in fruit sucrose concentration were found among Vaccinium species, ranging from 19 to 24 mg (g fresh weight)?1 in V. stamineum and V. arboreum to approximately 7 mg (g fresh weight)?1 in cultivated blueberry (V. ashei and V. corymbosum) and V. darrowi. Hexose levels were similar among species, ranging from 90 to 110 mg (g fresh weight)–1, and glucose and fructose were present in equal amounts. Soluble acid invertase (EC activity was negatively correlated with fruit sucrose concentration. There was no apparent correlation between fruit sugar concentration and either sucrose synthase (EC or sucrose phosphate synthase (EC activities, both of which were low for all species studied. Developmental increases in fruit sugar levels of cultivated blueberry followed a pattern similar to that observed in fruit fresh weight accumulation. Hexose concentrations ranged from 6 to 30 mg (g fresh weight)?1 during the first 60 days after anthesis. Between 60 days and fruit ripening (80 days), hexose levels rose from 30 to 80 mg (g fresh weight)?1. Sucrose was not detected in fruits until ripening, when low levels were found. Insoluble acid invertase activity was relatively high early in fruit development, decreasing as soluble acid invertase activity increased. Between 60 days and fruit ripening, soluble acid invertase activity increased from 3 to 55 μmol (g fresh weight)–1 h–1. Both sucrose synthase and sucrose phosphate synthase activities were low throughout development. The extent of sucrose accumulation in fruits and the degree of variability for this trait among Vaccinium species support the feasibility of developing high sucrose fruits, which would be a potentially valuable addition to current strategies of minimizing crop losses to birds.  相似文献   

Recent reports have suggested that sucrose phosphate synthase (EC, a key enzyme in sucrose biosynthesis in photosynthetic “source” tissues, may also be important in some sucrose accumulating “sink” tissues. These experiments were conducted to determine if sucrose phosphate synthase is involved in sucrose accumulation in fruits of several species. Peach (Prunus persica NCT 516) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Chandler) fruits were harvested directly from the plant at various stages of fruit development. Kiwi (Actinidia chinensis), papaya (Carica papaya), pineapple (Ananas comosus) and mango (Mangifera indica) were sampled in postharvest storage over a period of several days. Carbohydrate concentrations and activities of sucrose phosphate synthase, sucrose synthase (EC, and acid and neutral invertases (EC were measured. All fruits contained significant activities of sucrose phosphate synthase. Moreover, in fruits from all species except pineapple and papaya, there was an increase in sucrose phosphate synthase activity associated with the accumulation of sucrose in situ. The increase in sucrose concentration in peaches was also associated with an increase in sucrose synthase activity and, in strawberries, with increased activity of both sucrose synthase and neutral invertase. The hexose pools in all fruits were comprised of equimolar concentrations of fructose and glucose, except in the mango. In mango, the fructose to glucose ratio increased from 2 to 41 during ripening as sucrose concentration more than doubled. The results of this study indicate that activities of the sucrose metabolizing enzymes, including sucrose phosphate synthase, within the fruit itself, are important in determining the soluble sugar content of fruits of many species. This appears to be true for fruits which sweeten from a starch reserve and in fruits from sorbitol translocating species, raffinose saccharide translocating species, and sucrose translocating species.  相似文献   

The high sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) capacity and the low soluble acid invertase activity of mature leaves of the first flush of leaves remained stable during second flush development. Conversely, fluctuations of sucrose synthase (SS) activity were in parallel with the sucrose requirement of the second flush. Sucrose synthase activity (synthesis direction) in first flush leaves could increase in 'response' to sink demand constituted by the second flush growth. Only the ptotosynthates provided by flush mature leaves were translocated for a current flush, while the starch content of these leaves remained stable. After their emergence, second flush leaves showed an increase in SPS and SS (Synthetic direction) activities. The high sucrose synthesis in second flush leaves was used for leaf expansion. When young leaves were 30% fully expanded (stage II20), SPS activity showed little change whereas SS activity declined rapidly toward and after full leaf expansion. The starch accumulation in the young leaves occured simultaneously with their expansion. Developing leaves showed a high level of acid invertase activity until maximum leaf expansion (stage II1). In first and second flush leaves, changes in acid invertase activity correlated positively with changes in reducing sugar concentrations. Alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase (cleavage direction) activities showed similar changes with low values when compared with those of acid invertase activity, especially in second flush leaves. The present results suggest that soluble acid invertase was the primary enzyme responsible for sucrose catabolism in the expanding common oak leaf.  相似文献   

This work reports changes in sucrose synthase and invertase activities throughout endosperm development in wheat, together with the associated substrates and metabolites, sucrose, UDP, glucose, fructose and UDP-glucose. Throughout endosperm development, sucrose synthase had consistently higher activity than invertase and indeed invertase activity did not change appreciably. The observed variation in pattern and amounts of glucose and fructose present during the mid- and late stages of endosperm development confirmed the suggestion that invertase was not the preferred pathway of sucrose catabolism. Kinetic parameters for sucrose synthase were determined in crude extracts. Estimates of UDP and sucrose concentrations suggest that sucrose synthase is unlikely to achieve its potential maximum velocity. This limitation may however be overcome in part by the apparent excess catalytic activity measured during endosperm development.  相似文献   

Growth, accumulation of sugars and starch, and the activity of enzymes involved in sucrose mobilization were determined throughout the development of sweet pepper fruits. Fruit development was roughly divided into three phases: (1) an initial phase with high relative growth rate and hexose accumulation, (2) a phase with declining growth rate and accumulation of sucrose and starch, and (3) a ripening phase with no further fresh weight increase and with accumulation of hexoses, while sucrose and starch were degraded. Acid and neutral invertase (EC were closely correlated to relative growth rate until ripening and inversly correlated to the accumulation of sucrose. Acid invertase specifically increased during ripening, concurrently with the accumulation of hexoses. Sucrose synthase (EC showed little correlation to fruit development, and in periods of rapid growth the activity of sucrose synthase was low compared to the invertases. However, during late fruit growth sucose synthase was more active than the invertases. We conclude that invertase activities determine the accumulation of assimilates in the very young fruits, and a reactivation of acid invertase is responsible for the accumulation of hexoses during ripening. During late fruit growth, before ripening, sucrose synthase is transiently responsible for the sucrose breakdown in the fruit tissue. Results also indicate that pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (EC and its activator fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (Fru2,6bisP) are involved in the regulation of the sink metabolism of the fruit tissue.  相似文献   

Sucrose accumulation and enzyme activities in callus culture of sugarcane   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS), sucrose synthase (SUSY), neutral invertase (NI) and soluble acid invertase (SAI) were measured in callus cultures of four Mexican sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp.) with a different capacity to accumulate sucrose in stem parenchyma cells. The results indicated that sucrose accumulation in callus was positively correlated to the activity of SPS and SUSY and negatively to the activity of SAI and NI while SPS explained most of the variation found for sucrose accumulation and NI least.The research was funded by the department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering CINVESTAV Mexico City, and F. G.-M. received grant-aided support from CONACyT, Mexico.  相似文献   

Regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and compartmentation were studied during the acclimatization of tissue cultured Calathea plantlets. At transplantation plants were characterised by a heterotrophic metabolism with roots and stems as the main storage organs for carbohydrates. As acclimatization proceeded, a switch to autotrophic growth was observed: leaves became source organs, which was among others reflected by significant increases of invertase, sucrose synthase and sucrose-P synthase activities. Mobilization of reserves in roots and stems was also observed during the same period. Sucrose and starch accumulation in leaves was positively correlated with increasing light intensity.  相似文献   

网纹甜瓜发育果实糖分积累与蔗糖代谢参与酶的关系   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
随着网纹甜瓜果实的发育,果实中葡萄糖和果糖的含量增加,蔗糖的快速积累发生在果实发育的中后期,高蔗糖积累型果实中蔗糖积累速率明显快于低蔗糖积累型.蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性在果实发育的前期短暂下降, 而后稳步上升,在果实发育的中后期高蔗糖积累型果实中该酶的活性显著高于低蔗糖积累型果实;随着果实发育,蔗糖合成酶的分解活性降低而合成活性升高.酸性和中性转化酶在未成熟果实中活性较高,而在成熟果实中很低; 高蔗糖积累型果实中酸性转化酶活性显著低于同期低蔗糖积累型果实.合成蔗糖的酶活性小于分解蔗糖的酶活性时蔗糖几乎没有积累.根据这些结果推测,转化酶活性的下降、蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性的增加以及蔗糖合成酶分解活性的下降和合成活性的增加,是引起果实蔗糖积累的主要内在因子.  相似文献   

Sucrose accumulation in sweet sorghum stem internodes in relation to growth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) stems of different cultivars (NK 405. Keller and Tracy) reveal a different pattern of sucrose accumulation with respect to in-ternodal sugar content and distribution. The onset of sucrose storage is not necessarily associated with the reproductive stage of the plant, as was hitherto assumed, but obviously occurs after cessation of internodai elongation as was postulated for the sugarcane stem. For at least two of the three cultivars, ripening is an internode to internode process beginning at the lowermost culm parts. Intensive growth of the internodes, combined with a high hexose content in stern parenchyma, shows a strong positive correlation (r |Mg 0.94) to the activity of sucrose synthase (SuSy; EC 2.4.13), but not to invertase (EC which is not present as soluble (neutral and acid) or cell wall-bound, salt-extractable enzyme in the three culsivars investigated. Sucrose synthase measured in sucrose cleavage and synthesis direction reveals divergent activity rates and sensitivity towards exogenously applied Mg2+ ions and pH. SuSy activity is connected to the increase of internodai sucrose content in so far as (1) its decline is a prerequisite for the onset of sucrose accumulation and (2) it remains at a constant low level during sucrose storage. Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS; EC activity in the sorghum stem is low compared to SuSy and uniformly distributed over all inter-nodes. Only source leaves of sorghum show a considerable SPS activity, but neither stem nor leaf SPS reveal a positive correlation to the increase of internodai sucrose content. Sucrose phosphate phosphatase (SPP; EC amounts lo only 24–30% of the respective SPS activity but follows the same distribution pattern. None of the enzymes under study proves to be responsible for the extent of sucrose storage in the stem, so other phenomena such as transport processes within the stern tissue require further investigation.  相似文献   

Enhanced amylase activity was observed during a 7-day-growth period in the cotyledons of PEG imposed water stressed chickpea seedlings grown in the presence of GA3 and kinetin, when compared with stressed seedlings. During the first 5 days of seedling growth, the seedlings growing under water deficit conditions as well as those growing in the presence of PGRs had a higher amylase activity in shoots than that of control seedlings. Neither GA3 nor kinetin increased the amylase activity of roots whereas IAA reduced root amylase activity. Activity of acid and alkaline invertases was maximum in shoots and at a minimum in cotyledons. Compared with alkaline invertase, acid invertase activity was higher in all the tissues. The reduced acid and alkaline invertase activities in shoots of stressed seedlings were enhanced by GA3 and kinetin. Roots of stressed seedlings had higher alkaline invertase activity and GA3 and IAA helped in bringing the level near to those in the controls. GA3 and kinetin increased the sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activities in cotyledons of stressed seedlings, whereas they brought the elevated level of SPS of stressed roots to near normal level. The higher level of reducing sugars in the shoots of GA3 and kinetin treated stressed seedlings could be due to the high acid invertase activity observed in the shoots, and the high level of bound fructose in the cotyledons of stressed seedlings could be due to the high activity of SPS in this tissue.  相似文献   

为确定兔眼蓝浆果( Vaccinium ashei Reade)不同品种苗期的适宜施氮量,以兔眼蓝浆果早熟品种‘阿拉帕哈’(‘Alapha’)、中熟品种‘园蓝’(‘Gardenblue’)和晚熟品种‘芭尔德温’(‘Baldwin’)的组培苗为实验材料,采用水培法研究了不同氮浓度(0、1、2和4 mmol·L-1)对幼苗生长、根和叶中全氮含量、叶片光合生理特性的影响。结果表明:与对照(0 mmol·L-1氮)相比,经1、2和4 mmol·L-1氮处理后3个兔眼蓝浆果品种的单株茎叶干质量显著增加,根冠比显著降低;但品种‘园蓝’的单株根干质量显著高于对照,另2个品种的单株根干质量与对照无显著差异。随着营养液中氮浓度的提高,3个兔眼蓝浆果品种根的全氮含量及品种‘阿拉帕哈’叶的全氮含量均逐渐增加,且在4 mmol·L-1氮处理下最高;品种‘园蓝’和‘芭尔德温’叶的全氮含量呈先升高后降低的趋势,且均在2 mmol·L-1氮处理下最高;各处理组根和叶的全氮含量均显著高于对照。经1、2和4 mmol·L-1氮处理后,3个兔眼蓝浆果品种叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和总叶绿素含量以及PSⅡ最大光化学效率( Fv/Fm )均呈先升高后降低的趋势,且均显著高于对照。各处理组中,品种‘园蓝’叶片的净光合速率( Pn)、气孔导度( Gs)、胞间CO2浓度( Ci)和蒸腾速率( Tr)均显著高于对照;品种‘芭尔德温’叶片的Pn值在4 mmol·L-1氮处理下显著低于对照,Gs和Tr值在2 mmol·L-1氮处理下显著高于对照,Ci值与对照无显著差异;与对照相比,品种‘阿拉帕哈’叶片的Pn值在1和4 mmol·L-1氮处理下显著提高,Gs值在1 mmol·L-1氮处理下显著提高,Tr值在1和2 mmol·L-1氮处理下显著提高,而Ci值则在4 mmol·L-1氮处理下显著降低。综合分析结果显示:适度增施氮肥可提高兔眼蓝浆果不同品种幼苗的茎叶生长、改善其光合性能,但对根系生长无明显的促进作用。在营养生长期兔眼蓝浆果不同品种的需氮量存在差异,其中品种‘园蓝’更适宜高氮环境,而施用少量氮肥即可促进品种‘芭尔德温’和‘阿拉帕哈’幼苗地上部分生长。  相似文献   

Uptake and metabolism of sucrose in micropropagatedRosa multiflora using the double layer technique was investigated. In the multiplication as well as the root induction stage, hydrolysis of sucrose in the culture medium was observed. A mathematical model was developed to quantify sucrose hydrolysis and the uptake of sucrose, glucose and fructose, based on the time series for the different sugars in the culture medium. These data were linked to a study of the sugar metabolism in the microshoots. After 48 h of incubation on14C-[U]-glucose containing medium, the incorporated label was mainly detected in the ethanol soluble fraction; within this fraction sucrose was the most important compound. This indicates a significant re-synthesis of sucrose in the plant material after the uptake of hexose. To assess the extent that different enzymes of sucrose metabolism (invertases, sucrose synthase and sucrose-P-synthase) were involved, their activity in different plant parts (of final stage III microshoots) were assayed. A decreasing gradient for sucrose metabolising enzymes from the roots toward the leaves gave a good indication of how the different tissues depend on sucrose absorbed from the medium.  相似文献   

The effects of chilling stress on leaf photosynthesis and sucrose metabolism were investigated in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cultivar Marmande). Twenty-one-day-old seedlings were grown in a growth chamber at 25/23 °C (day/night) (control) and at 10/8 °C (day/night) (chilled) for 7 days. The most evident effect of chilling was the marked reduction of plant growth and of CO2 assimilation as measured after 7 days, the latter being associated with a decrease in stomatal closure and an increase in Ci. The inhibition in photosynthetic rate was also related to an impairment of photochemistry of photosystem II (PSII), as seen from the slight, but significant change in the ratio of Fv/Fm. The capacity of chilled leaves to maintain higher qP values with respect to the controls suggests that some protection mechanism prevented excess reduction of PSII acceptors. The results of the determination of starch and soluble sugar content could show that chilling impaired sucrose translocation. The activity of leaf invertase increased significantly in chilled plants, while that of other sucrose-metabolizing enzymes was not affected by growing temperature. Furthermore, the increase in invertase (neutral and acid) activity, which is typical of senescent tissue characterized by reduced growth, seems to confirm that tomato is a plant which is not a plant genetically adapted to low temperatures.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. [Merr] cv. Ransom II) seedlings were grown under a light/ dark regime or in continuous darkness. Cotyledons were harvested daily for measurements of reserve mobilization, net carbon exchange rate, chlorophyll content and activities of certain enzymes involved in sucrose metabolism. Seedlings lost dry weight for the first 3 to 4 days after planting, then maintained a constant dry weight in the etiolated seedlings, and gained dry weight (via net fixation of CO2) in the light-grown seedlings. In general, the patterns of reserve mobilization were as expected based on the collective work of other investigators. Soluble sugars were mobilized first, followed by protein and lipid. Galactinol, previously uncharacterized in soybean cotyledons, was present at low concentrations and was rapidly depleted within 2 days after planting. Mobilization of reserves was most important during the first 8 days after planting, whereas net cotyledonary photosynthesis began at 6 days after planting and was the primary source of assimilates after 8 days. Maximum rates of cotyledon photosynthesis were higher [up to 18 mg CO2 (g dry weight)?1 h?1] than previously reported and accounted for about 75% of the assimilates transported from the cotyledons to the growing seedling during the functional life of the cotyledon. Enzyme activities in light-grown cotyledons peaked 7 to 10 days after planting and then declined. Sucrose phosphate synthase (EC and sucrose synthase (EC activities were similar in etiolated and light-grown seedlings, whereas uridine-5′-di-phosphatase (EC activity was substantially higher in light-grown seedlings. During the period of reserve mobilization, the maximum sucrose phosphate synthase activity in cotyledonary extracts was in excess of the calculated rate of sucrose formation. However, when the cotyledons had highest net photosynthetic rates (14 days after planting), sucrose phosphate synthase activity was similar to the rate of carbon assimilation. It appears that soybean cotyledons are adapted for high rates of sucrose formation (from reserve mobilization and/or photosynthesis) for export to the rapidly growing tissues of the seedling.  相似文献   

Several studies reported that rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) leaves present promising biological properties. To the best of our knowledge, no study investigated the possible application of their hydroalcoholic extract for treating mood disorders. Herein, we evaluated if the hydroalcoholic extract of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) leaves (HEV) promotes an antidepressant-like effect in rodents using chronic experimental approaches. The effect of repeated administration of HEV (50 mg/kg, p.o.) on the immobility time was assessed in the forced swimming test (FST) in an unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) model. Repeated treatment with HEV reversed the depressive-like behavior induced by UCMS by reducing the immobility time. Besides, the exposure to HEV caused no changes in relative organ weights in rats submitted to UCMS. The results indicated that HEV administration presented antidepressant-like action devoid of toxic effects. Thus, it is possible to suggest its potential as a safe and accessible therapeutic tool in the management of depression and other related mood disorders.  相似文献   

蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)与果实品质及成熟衰老的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
从蔗糖磷酸合成酶(sucrose phosphate synthase,SPS)基本性质、SPS与果实糖的积累、相关酶类和外源刺激、乙烯和呼吸、果实软化的火系及SPS基因的克隆与表达调控等几方面综述了国内外近年来对SPS的研究进展。  相似文献   

Higher amylase activity in cotyledons of kinetin treated salt stressed (75 mM NaCl) chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cv. PBG-1) seedlings, as compared to salt stressed seedlings was observed during a growth period of 7 d. The activities of acid and alkaline invertases were maximum in shoots and minimum in cotyledons under all conditions. The reduced shoot invertase activities under salt stress were enhanced by kinetin with a simultaneous increase in reducing sugar content. Kinetin increased the activities of sucrose synthase (SS) and sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) in both the cotyledons and shoots of stressed seedlings. Kinetin appears to increase the turnover of sucrose in the shoots of stressed seedlings.  相似文献   

Activities of acid and alkaline invertases and sucrose synthase were determined in roots and nodules of lentil at various stages of development. Alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase were both involved in sucrose metabolism in the nodule cytosol, but there was only a small amount of acid invertase present. Activity of sucrose metabolizing enzymes in roots was significantly less than that observed in the nodules. Amongst sugars, sucrose was found to be the main component in the host cytosol. Lentil neutral invertase (LNI) was partially purified from nodules at 50 days after sowing (DAS). Two forms of invertase were identified, i.e., a major form of 71 kDa which was taken for enzyme characterization and a minor form of 270 kDa which was not used for further studies. The purified enzyme exhibited typical hyperbolic saturation kinetics for sucrose hydrolysis. It had a Km of 11.0 to 14.0 mM for sucrose depending upon the temperature, a pH optimum of 6.8 and an optimum temperature of 40 °C. Compared with raffinose and stachyose, sucrose was better substrate for LNI. The enzyme showed no significant hydrolysis of maltose and p-nitrophenyl--D-glucopyranoside, showing its true -fructosidase nature. LNI is completely inhibited by HgCl2, MnCl2 and iodoacetamide but not by CaCl2, MgCl2 or BaCl2.  相似文献   

Kiwifruit vines are perennial plants grown in climates varying from maritime to continental. To determine key responses to temperature, vines were heated at different stages of fruit development, and vine growth and fruit composition examined. Heating vines during fruit starch accumulation caused a major shift in partitioning towards vegetative growth and dramatically reduced fruit carbohydrate and vitamin C. In the following season, growth and flowering were severely reduced. Heating vines during fruit cell division had minimal long‐term effects, whereas heating during fruit maturation delayed starch degradation and fruit ripening and affected growth in the following season. When vines were removed from heat, fruit dry matter, starch and sugar levels were always reduced but hexose : sucrose ratios and inositol were raised. Heating vines affected expression of two sucrose synthase genes, but this did not correlate with reduction in fruit carbohydrate. Activity and expression of l ‐galactose dehydrogenase decreased as fruit developed, suggesting some vitamin C biosynthesis must take place in the fruit. Activity and expression of actinidin increased in response to heat. The results of this study have demonstrated both short and long‐term plant responses to elevated temperatures in woody perennials, and that the timing of heat exposure has severe consequences for vitamin C levels in fruit.  相似文献   

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