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We have studied the transport of ferritin that was internalized by coated micropinocytic vesicles at the apical surface of the choroid plexus epithelium in situ. After ventriculocisternal perfusion of native ferritin (NF) or cationized ferritin (CF), three routes followed by the tracers are revealed: (a) to lysosomes, (b) to cisternal compartments, and (c) to the basolateral cell surface. (a) NF is micropinocytosed to a very limited degree and appears in a few lysosomal elements whereas CF is taken up in large amounts and can be followed, via endocytic vacuoles and light multivesicular bodies, to dark multivesicular bodies and dense bodies. (b) Occasionally, CF particles are found in cisterns that may represent GERL or trans-Golgi elements, whereas stacked Golgi cisterns never contain CF. (c) Transepithelial vesicular transport of CF is distinctly revealed. The intercellular spaces of the epithelium, below the apical tight junctions, contain numerous clusters of CF particles, often associated with surface-connected, coated vesicles. Vesicles in the process of exocytosis of CF are also present at the basal epithelial surface, whereas connective tissue elements below the epithelium are unlabeled. Our conclusion is that fluid and solutes removed from the cerebrospinal fluid by endocytosis either become sequestered in the lysosomal apparatus of the choroidal epithelium or are transported to the basolateral surface. However, our results do not indicate any significant recycling via Golgi complexes of internalized apical cell membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The choroid plexus consists of the choroidal epithelium, a derivative of the neural tube, and the choroidal stroma, which originates from the embryonic head mesenchyme. This study deals with epithelio-mesenchymal interactions of these two components leading to the formation of the organ. Grafting experiments of the prospective components have been performed using the quail-chicken marker technique. Prospective choroidal epithelium of quail embryos, forced to interact with mesenchyme of the body wall of chicken embryos, gives rise to a choroid plexus showing normal morphogenesis and differentiation. The choroidal epithelium induces the differentiation of organtypical fenestrated capillaries, which are highly permeable to intravenously injected horseradish peroxidase. The choroidal epithelium of the grafts constitutes a blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. On top of the choroidal epithelium, there are epiplexus cells displaying a typical ultrastructure. The experimental results show that these cells do not originate from the transplanted neural epithelium. Prospective choroidal stroma of chicken embryos does not exert a choroid plexus-inducing influence upon a quail embryo's neural epithelium isolated from parts of the brain that normally do not develop a choroid plexus. The experiments show that the choroidal epithelial cells are determined at least three days before the first organ anlage is detectable.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant Ch 44/7-1)  相似文献   

Summary Cytoplasmic vacuoles and bodies in the osteoclast (rat) were studied by electron microscopy. The vacuole-like structures (0.03–5 in diameter) may be classed as a) vacuoles b) coated vacuoles and c) invaginations. The cytoplasmic bodies vary in size from 0.02–3 in diameter and these may similarly be classed as a) light cytoplasmic bodies, b) dense cytoplasmic bodies, c) coated cytoplasmic bodies and d) cytoplasmic bodies containing inclusions. Both the cytoplasmic vacuoles and the bodies are limited by a triple layered membrane of about 91 Å in thickness. Their relationship to the lysosomal system and the role of this system in the osteoclast is discussed.This research was supported by the Danish Research Council. Grant no. 512–727 and 512–819.  相似文献   

The bovine ejaculatory duct is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Two cell types are present: small basal cells and columnar principal cells in different functional states. The basal cells are able to accumulate lipid material. The principal cells are observed in a less active state and in a state of either increased endocytosis and fluid uptake or active spermiophagy. Endocytotically active cells are characterized by an apical brush border and a system of microvesicles, multivesicular bodies and lysosomal dense bodies. Cells involved in phagocytosis of spermatozoa are mostly provided with a smooth apical border, an expanded Golgi apparatus, many phagocytic vacuoles and condensing phagolysosomes.  相似文献   

Segregation of Ferritin in Glomerular Protein Absorption Droplets   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Ferritin was used as a tracer to study the mechanism by which proteins are segregated into droplets by the visceral epithelium of glomerular capillaries. In glomeruli from both normal and aminonucleoside-nephrotic rats ferritin molecules introduced into the general circulation penetrated the endothelial openings and were seen at various levels in the basement membrane. Striking differences between nephrotic and controls were seen only in the amount of ferritin incorporated into the epithelium. In normal animals, a few ferritin molecules were seen in small invaginations of the cell membrane limiting the foot processes, within minute vesicles in the epithelium, or within occasional large vacuoles and dense bodies. In nephrotics, epithelial pinocytosis was marked, and numerous ferritin molecules were seen within membrane invaginations and in small cytoplasmic vesicles at all time points. After longer intervals, the concentration of ferritin increased in vacuoles and particularly within the dense bodies or within structures with a morphology intermediate between that of vacuoles and dense bodies. In nephrotic animals cleft-like cavities or sinuses were frequently encountered along the epithelial cell surface facing the urinary spaces. Some of these sinuses contained material resembling that filling the dense bodies except that it appeared less compact. The findings suggest that ferritin molecules—and presumably other proteins which penetrate the basement membrane—are picked up by the epithelium in pinocytotic vesicles and transported via the small vesicles to larger vacuoles which are subsequently transformed into dense bodies by progressive condensation. The content of the dense bodies may then undergo partial digestion and be extruded into the urinary spaces where it disperses. The activity of the glomerular epithelium in the incorporation and segregation of protein is similar in normal and nephrotic animals, except that the rate is considerably higher in nephrosis where the permeability of the glomerular basement membrane is greatly increased.  相似文献   

The choroid plexus and its associated epiplexus cells in the fourth ventricle in cats were studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM) following a cisternal injection of crotoxin complex (phospholipase A2). In SEM, the epiplexus cells of the control animals were predominantly stellate with long radiating processes. At 2 h after the administration of crotoxin complex, these radiating processes flattened out forming sheet-like membranes covering the ventricular surface of the choroid epithelial cells. The membranous coverings remained extended in 5-hour-survival cats. Numerous blebs of different sizes were observed in areas that were not covered by the cytoplasmic membrane in 5-hour animals. Some of the blebs appeared to have ruptured. In TEM, the microvilli of the choroid epithelial cells in crotoxin complex-treated rats were dilated. The luminal surface of the epithelial cells showed eruption of blebs filled with amorphous materials. Pinocytotic vesicles increased in number in the apical cytoplasm. The lumen of the ventricle often contained portions of cytoplasm believed to be derived from the extrusion of the blebs. These appeared to be engulfed by the overlying epiplexus cells. It was concluded that the injected crotoxin complex stimulated both the secretory as well as pinocytotic activity of the choroid epithelial cells. The phagocytosis of the secretory products from the epithelial cells by epiplexus cells suggests a close functional relationship between the two cell types.  相似文献   

Epiplexus cells are a population of innate immune cells in the choroid plexus of the brain ventricles. They are thought to contribute to the immune component of the blood-cerebrospinal-fluid-barrier (BCSFB). Here we have developed a novel technique for studying epiplexus cells in acutely isolated, live and intact choroid plexus. We show that epiplexus cells are potently activated by exogenous ATP, increasing their motility within the tissue. This ATP-induced chemokinesis required activation of pannexin-1 channels, which are expressed by the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and not the epiplexus cells themselves. Furthermore, ATP acts at least in part through the P2X4 ionotropic purinergic receptor. Thus, the resident immune cells of the choroid plexus appear to be in communication with the epithelial cells through pannexin-1 channels.  相似文献   

Epiplexus cells are a population of innate immune cells in the choroid plexus of the brain ventricles. They are thought to contribute to the immune component of the blood-cerebrospinal-fluid-barrier (BCSFB). Here we have developed a novel technique for studying epiplexus cells in acutely isolated, live and intact choroid plexus. We show that epiplexus cells are potently activated by exogenous ATP, increasing their motility within the tissue. This ATP-induced chemokinesis required activation of pannexin-1 channels, which are expressed by the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and not the epiplexus cells themselves. Furthermore, ATP acts at least in part through the P2X4 ionotropic purinergic receptor. Thus, the resident immune cells of the choroid plexus appear to be in communication with the epithelial cells through pannexin-1 channels.  相似文献   

Regions of the crayfish kidney were examined by electron microscopy. Coelsmosac cells are loosely bound together by desmosome-like spot junctions, and connected to the basal lamina via characteristic pedicels. The cytoplasm contains numerous vesicles and vacuoles of various sizes and is often crowded with large, lysosome-like granules or dense bodies. The morphology suggests a filtration mechanism with reabsorption of materials such as protein from the filtrate and secretion of other substances into the lumen. The labyrinth is composed of cuboidal to columnar cells which possess a brush border, long and narrow intercellular spaces, basal plasmalemmal invaginations and typical cytoplasmic components. Two sub-regions are distinguishable. The morphology of labyrinth I suggests that these cells move fluid isotonically across the epithelium. Labyrinth II, in addition to isotonic transport, appears to be more active in the endocytic uptake and intracellular digestion of large molecules such as protein. The nephridial canal consists of cells which lack a brush border, but display extensive basal invaginations associated with elongated mitochondria. A proximal and distal region are cytologically distinguishable. Proximally, the cells are small and filled with mitochondria throughout. Scattered within the cytoplasm are vesicles, vacuoles, diffuse glycogen, free ribosomes, dense bodies and some rough endoplasmic reticulum. Distally, the cells are less compact, larger, and cuboidal to columnar in shape. The cytoplasm is similar to that of the proximal cells, but the basal invaginations are even larger and more extensive. The morphology of cells in both regions of the nephridial canal is highly suggestive of active solute reabsorption, probably occurring against an osmotic gradient.  相似文献   

Summary Protein uptake from cerebral ventricles into the epithelium of the choroid plexus, and transport across the epithelium were studied ultrastructurally in rats. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP, MW 40,000) was used as protein tracer. Steady-state ventriculo-cisternal perfusion with subatmospheric pressure (-10cm of water) in the ventricular system was applied. HRP dissolved in artificial CSF was perfused from the lateral ventricles to cisterna magna for various times, and ventriculo-cisternal perfusion, vascular perfusion or immersion fixation with a formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde solution was performed.Coated micropinocytic vesicles containing HRP were seen both connected with the apical, lateral and basal epithelial surface and within the cells. Heavily HRP-labeled vesicles were often fused with the lining membrane of slightly labeled or unlabeled intercellular spaces. Since the apical tight junctions of the epithelium never appeared open or never contained HRP in the spaces between the fusion points, and since the intercellular spaces between adjacent epithelial cells below the junctions only infrequently contained tracer after 5 min, by increasing amounts after 15–60 min of HRP perfusion, a vesicular transport of HRP from the apical epithelial surface to the intercellular spaces, bypassing the tight junctions, is suggested.In addition to the transepithelial transport, micropinocytic vesicles also transported HRP to the lysosomal apparatus of the epithelial cells. With increasing length of exposure to HRP, a sequence of HRP-labeled structures could be evaluated, from slightly labeled apical vacuoles and multivesicular bodies to very heavily labeled dense bodies.  相似文献   

Cytochemical localization of the lysosomal enzymes acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase in cells infected by herpes simplex virus (HSV) or human cytomegalovirus (CMV) showed the following interactions between viruses and host cell lysosomes: (i) many enveloped progeny viruses were located within cytoplasmic vacuoles containing lysosomal enzyme activity; (ii) naked cytoplasmic capsids appeared to acquire an envelope by budding directly into lysosomes; and (iii) many of the cytoplasmic dense bodies that are characteristic of CMV-infected cells and are thought to represent noninfectious aggregates of CMV structural proteins (I. Sarov and I. Abady, Virology 66:464-473, 1975) also acquired a limiting membrane by budding into lysosomes. Autophagy of other cytoplasmic elements was not observed, suggesting that there is some specificity involved in the association of viral particles and CMV dense bodies with lysosomes. Despite the presence of potentially destructive hydrolases, there was little evidence of significant morphological damage to intralysosomal viruses, and high titers of infectious particles were released into the medium. It would therefore appear that significant levels of HSV and CMV infectivity normally persist even though many progeny particles are directly exposed to lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the hemocytes and nephrocytes in Argas (Persicargas) arboreus is described and compared with that of similar cells in other tick species and insects. The hemocytes are of three types: prohemocytes, with a relatively undifferentiated cytoplasm lacking granular inclusions and probably serving as progenitors of the other hemolymph cell types; plasmatocytes, containing abundant mitochondria, cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and free ribosomes, as well as some small granular inclusions; granulocytes, the predominant cell type in the hemolymph, containing numerous granules of variable electron density and maturity, and pseudopodia-like processes on the cell surface. Plasmatocytes and granulocytes are phagocytic and possibly also have other functions in the tick body. Cells with intermediate features appear to be in a stage of transition from plasmatocyte to granulocyte. Nephrocytes contain vacuoles enclosing fibrillar material, some electrondense granules, and moderate amounts of the active organelles—mitochondria, RER, and ribosomes. The nephrocyte is surrounded by a basal lamina and its plasma membrane infolds to form many deep invaginations coated by a fine fibrillar material. Openings to these invaginations are closed by membranous diaphragms. Coated tubular elements connect the surface invaginations with large coated vesicles, which appear to be specialized for internalization of proteins from the hemolymph. The dense granules may represent an advanced stage of condensation of ingested protein and thus may be lysosomal residual bodies, or they may develop by accumulation of secretory products.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans (Mr approximately 200 000) isolated from bovine arterial tissue were decorated with 17 nm diameter gold particles for tracing in electron microscopic thin sections and surface replicas. Lysine and arginine residues of their proteoglycan protein core are assumed to be essential for gold conjugation. The resulting proteoglycan-gold conjugates, which appear as pearl string-like gold strands of about 170 nm in length were used to visualize binding, endocytosis and intracellular translocation of proteoglycans by homologous cultured arterial smooth muscle cells. The proteoglycan-gold conjugates bind to coated as well as to non-coated cell surface membrane areas at 4 degrees C. This is followed by the formation of membrane invaginations. Postincubation at 37 degrees C leads to a time-dependent uptake of proteoglycan-gold conjugates via non-coated and coated vesicles which after fusion are translocated to multivesicular bodies and to large sized vesicles within 1 h. After conversion of these vesicles to lysosomal compartments the gold particles are uncoupled from the proteoglycans and are concentrated within residual vacuoles. From these vacuoles the gold particles are extruded. In contrast to the surface-bound proteoglycan-gold conjugates the released gold particles are condensed to bulky aggregates. The results, which include competition, inhibition and pulse chase experiments, extend biochemical data on endocytosis and degradation of proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Summary Complex intracellular inclusion bodies of the Biondi type were observed in the choroidal epithelium (choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle) of a 43-year-old male chimpanzee. The specific components of these inclusions are bundles of filaments 8–15 nm in diameter, which are associated with lipid droplets and a wide variety of unidentified inclusions of differing electron density. Biondi bodies are characteristic inclusions of the choroid plexus of aged humans but have been claimed to be absent from the choroidal epithelium of senescent animals including nonhuman primates. The present finding of Biondi body-like inclusions in an aged chimpanzee underscores the usefulness of nonhuman primates as models for studies of aging, seeking to gain a better understanding of gerontological aspects of the human brain.  相似文献   

Summary Two types of granules can be distinguished in the toad choroid plexus under the light microscope: pigment granules, mainly localized in the cells that line the free ends of the choroidal villi, and Gomori-positive granules, present in most epithelial cells.The ultrastructural analysis of the choroid plexus reveals three types of granules: multivesicular bodies (MVB), multigranulous bodies (MGB) and dense bodies (DB), and intermediate stages between the last two bodies. The pigment granules seen under the light microscope probably correspond to the DB of the electron micrographs, and the Gomori-positive granules to the MGB. The probable role of these bodies is discussed and so is the significance of the glycogen present in the choroidal cells, their processes and endothelium.This study was partially supported by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina and the Rockefeller Foundation (School grant RF — 58028).Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de la República Argentina. The author wishes to thank Prof. M. H. Burgos for his constant interest. His thanks are also due to Prof. H. Heller for providing certain facilities in his department and for his criticism.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Electron microscopic examination of Plasmodium chabaudi in mouse erythrocytes revealed many characteristics resembling those observed in other mammalian malarial parasites. A double unit membrane surrounds the trophozoite cytoplasm which contains many ribonucleoprotein particles, a limited amount of endoplasmic reticulum and membraned organelles including sausage-shaped vacuoles and multilaminated membraned bodies. More or less circular double membraned vacuoles, possibly cross sections of the sausage-shaped vacuoles, are common. Typical protozoan mitochondria are lacking. The limiting membrane of the merozoites is triple-layered. Paired organelles and small dense bodies are found in the merozoites along with dense granular masses in the nuclei. Trophozoites have cytostomal structures as well as invaginations of the plasma membrane at sites where no cytostomes are evident. Digestion appears to occur in single membrane-bound vesicles which contain one to several pigment grains. P. chabaudi frequently contains multiple food vacuoles and has polymorphism manifested in part by the presence of cytoplasmic extensions and of nuclei with a variety of shapes. Several apparently free forms are noted, often accompanied by a thin rim of host cytoplasm. “Appliqué” forms are common among the trophozoites as are forms in which 2 or more trophozoites are joined together. Finally, alterations in the host cytoplasm resembling the socalled Maurer's clefts are frequent. Ferritin-containing vacuoles also appear in the host cell.  相似文献   

In the chromophobe cell type of renal carcinoma, cytoplasmic microvesicles (frequently with "inner vesicles") demonstrable by transmission electron microscopy are one of the most important diagnostic features. The present paper reports on these microvesicles in freeze fracture replicas. Their diameter is mainly between 140 and 300 micron, but smaller and very much larger vesicles may also occur. The vesicle membrane is devoid of, or contains only scanty intramembranous particles. Cytoplasmic invaginations, probably the precursors of "inner vesicles" can also be detected. Connections with the agranular endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria or other cell components could not be documented. Larger vacuoles limited by a membrane and containing large numbers of microvesicles have been interpreted as autophagic vacuoles. In freeze fracture replicas, there are marked differences between the chromophobe cell and the clear cell type of renal carcinoma, providing further evidence that the chromophobe cell type is a distinct entity.  相似文献   

At a stage in ontogeny while they are still held together in tetrads, but before the formation of the exine, the microspores of Selaginella brooksii Hieron. show features of the cell surface which suggest that material is being taken up by pinocytosis. These features, which are confined to the proximal face of the spore, are: (1) cytoplasmic fringes which arise near, arch over and enclose membrane-bound particles on the cell surface, (2) invaginations of the plasma membrane which form smooth-surfaced vesicles, and (3) invaginations of the plasma membrane to form coated vesicles. The membranes which limit all three kinds of vesicle are asymmetrical. Sections that cut the surface of the microspore tangentially at or in the vicinity of this surface activity show a hexagonal lattice which is a surface specialization possibly connected with pinocytosis. There are indications that the pinocytosed material is digested by lysosomal enzymes; myelin-like residual bodies are formed which migrate to the periphery of the cell. These observations are discussed in relation to the nutritional explanation of heterospory in the pteridophytes.  相似文献   

In the diffuse epitheliochorial porcine placenta iron is secreted as uteroferrin by the maternal epithelium of the areola-gland subunit of the placenta. To elucidate the intracellular pathways of physiological iron in uterine gland epithelium material from 10 sows at 15 to 111 days of gestation was processed for electron microscopy by different routine methods with or without postfixation in osmium tetroxide. Ferritin particles were identified by their size and shape and the content of iron was confirmed by X-ray energy dispersive microanalysis of accumulated ferritin particles. Distinct ferritin particles were not observed in the extracellular space either basal to or luminal to the epithelial cells. Intracellular ferritin was observed apparently free in the cytoplasm, but in variable amounts. Transfer tubules and dense bodies were located basally in the secretory cells. Both of these organelles contained ferritin particles, showed reaction sites for acid phosphatase and were stained by periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate. The ciliated cells differed by having apically located dense bodies containing numerous ferritin particles. Our finding of native ferritin in cells with hormonally regulated iron transport supports the concept that transfer tubules as part of the lysosomal complex are part of the endocytic pathway in secretory cells and indicate that ferritin here is an intracellular transport or storage intermediate.  相似文献   

It is generally known that the luminal surface of the choroidal epithelial cells is covered with a luxuriant coat of slender microvilli and cilia. However, extensive ultrastructural studies on the surface morphology of choroidal epithelial cells are lacking. This study, therefore, is focused on the detailed surface morphology of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle of adult Wistar rats using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The animals were anesthetized, perfused with 0.9% oxygenated saline followed by 3% gluteraldehyde and the choroid plexus was processed for routine electron microscopy. The results of the ultrastructural observations presented in this study show that even the neighboring choroidal epithelial cells may express distinct morphology. In addition to the usually described morphology of choroidal epithelial cells, in this study, the presence of cells with uniform small blebs, crenulated or doughnut shaped structures, large mature blebs, or cells with an extensive network of fibers were observed. Although, dissimilar surface morphology of adjacent choroidal epithelial cells may indicate their distinct functional status, further studies are necessary to understand the physiological relevance of the varied surface morphology of choroidal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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