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The VirG protein is a positive regulator for the virulence genes of which expression is induced by a plant factor, and is essential for Agrobacterium pathogenicity on dicotyledonous plants. The VirG protein of the hairy-root-inducing plasmid A4 was overproduced in Escherichia coli cells, and purified to homogeneity. DNase I footprinting experiments revealed that the purified VirG protein was bound to the upstream region of virulence genes including the phased vir box sequences, which had been presumed to be the VirG recognition signal from the sequence analysis. In dimethyl sulfate footprinting, the VirG protein specifically protected the guanine residues within every vir box sequence. It was concluded that the VirG protein was bound to the phased vir box sequences from the major groove along one side of double-helical DNA.  相似文献   

Summary By genetic analysis we examined UV mutagenesis of the Escherichia coli glyU gene. When carried by M13 phage mp9, glyU is subject to induced UV mutagenesis which is dependent on the umuC + and recF + genes. When carried by M13 phage mp8, glyU is not subject to induced UV mutagenesis. This difference is correlated with the nature of the target nucleotides: CTC in the mp9 derivative and GAG in the mp8 derivative. Thus, we conclude that the induced (unuC and recF dependent) mutagenesis is locally targeted on pyrimidine cyclobutane or 6-4 dimers. glyU carried by M13 is equally subject to uninduced UV mutagenesis whether carried by mp8 or mp9. This uninduced mutagenesis is independent of the umuC + , recF + and recA + genes and we hypothesize that it is regionally targeted on pyrimidine cyclobutane or 6-4 dimers in the vicinity of the target CTC and GAG nucleotides. The role of recF in UV mutagenesis was tested in two ways. First, mutagenesis of glyU carried by M13 mp9 in a recA730 genetic background was found to be recF dependent. Because recA730 renders induced UV mutagenesis partially constitutive, we conclude that the RecF product plays a direct role in UV mutagenesis rather than, or in addition to, any indirect regulatory role it may play. Second, UV mutagenesis of E. coli chromosomal glyU was found to be recF independent while UV mutagenesis of M13-bourne glyU was recF dependent. We conclude that the mechanism of induced UV mutagenesis of the E. coli chromosome is at least partly different from that of M13 phage and we discuss the biochemical basis for such a difference.  相似文献   

H Endoh  T Hirayama  T Aoyama  A Oka 《FEBS letters》1990,271(1-2):28-32
We sequenced a 4.2-kb DNA region encompassing the vir A locus of the hairy-root-inducing plasmid pRiA4, and compared its sequence with the published vir A region sequences of four tumor-inducing plasmids. An open reading frame capable of coding for 829 amino acids was identified for vir A. Deletion mutants of vir A constructed by fusing to lacZ, but not the wild-type game itself, were efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli when they were put downstream front the lac promoter. These fused gene products became soluble or insoluble depending on the length of their lacZ moieties.  相似文献   

The ribosomal protein MvaS7 from the methanogenic archaeon Methanococcus vannielii is a protein of 188 amino acids, i.e., it is 42 amino acids longer than previously suggested. The triplet TTG serves as a start codon. The methanogenic translation initiation region that includes the rare TTG start codon is recognized in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Rare AGA or AGG codons close to the initiation codon inhibit protein synthesis by a tRNA-sequestering mechanism as toxic minigenes do. To further understand this mechanism, a parallel analysis of protein synthesis and peptidyl-tRNA accumulation was performed using both a set of lacZ constructs where AGAAGA codons were moved codon by codon from +2, +3 up to +7, +8 positions and a series of 3-8 codon minigenes containing AGAAGA codons before the stop codon. Beta-galactosidase synthesis from the AGAAGA lacZ constructs (in a Pth defective in vitro system without exogenous tRNA) diminished as the AGAAGA codons were closer to AUG codon. Likewise, beta-galactosidase expression from the reporter +7 AGA lacZ gene (plus tRNA, 0.25 microg/microl) waned as the AGAAGAUAA minigene shortened. Pth counteracted both the length-dependent minigene effect on the expression of beta-galactosidase from the +7 AGA lacZ reporter gene and the positional effect from the AGAAGA lacZ constructs. The +2, +3 AGAAGA lacZ construct and the shortest +2, +3 AGAAGAUAA minigene accumulated the highest percentage of peptidyl-tRNA(Arg4). These observations lead us to propose that hungry codons at early positions, albeit with less strength, inhibit protein synthesis by a minigene-like mechanism involving accumulation of peptidyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence genes are induced by plant signals through the VirA-VirG two-component regulatory system. The VirA protein is a membrane-spanning sensor molecule that possesses an autophosphorylating activity, and the VirG protein is a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein. In this report, we demonstrate that the VirG protein is phosphorylated by the VirA protein and that the phosphate is directly transferred from the phosphorylated VirA molecule (phosphohistidine) to the VirG protein. The chemical stability of the phospho-VirG bond suggested that the VirG protein was phosphorylated at the aspartate and/or glutamate residue. The phosphorylated VirG protein was reduced with tritiated sodium borohydride and subjected to proteolytic digestion with the Achromobacter protease I enzyme. The resulting peptide fragments were separated by C8 reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography, and the tritium-labeled peptide was sequenced. Amino acid sequence data showed that the aspartate residue at position 52 was the only site phosphorylated. Changing this aspartate into asparagine resulted in a nonphosphorylatable and biologically nonfunctional gene product. As a control, a randomly chosen aspartate was changed into an asparagine (position 72), and no effect on its phosphorylation or biological activity was observed. Unlike its homologs, including CheA-CheY, EnvZ-OmpR, and NtrB-NtrC, the phospho-VirG molecule was very stable in vitro. The possible implications of these observations and the function of VirG phosphorylation in vir gene activation are discussed.  相似文献   

The slyA gene, which has been implicated in the virulence of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium and its survival in macrophages, is widely distributed among different Salmonella serovars. In this study, we cloned and sequenced the translational initiation region of the slyA gene from nine different serovars and found sequence differences in the previously proposed ATG initiation codon but not in a TTG triplet, another putative initiation codon in the slyA gene. Therefore, we determined the actual translational initiation site of the slyA gene by analyzing slyA genes with defined mutation in either the ATG or TTG sequences in an in vitro translation assay and a quantitative hemolytic assay in Escherichia coli. The replacement of TTG by TTC in the slyA gene significantly reduced both the amount of protein synthesized and the hemolytic activity of a transformed strain of E. coli, while replacement of ATG by ATC had no effect in these assays. In addition, the amino acid sequence analysis of the His-tagged SlyA protein showed that it was identical with the amino acid sequence deduced from the 5' end of the slyA gene with a TTG initiation codon. Our results suggest that TTG serves as the translational initiation codon for the slyA gene of Salmonella.  相似文献   

Selection of the correct start codon during initiation of translation on the ribosome is a key event in protein synthesis. In eukaryotic initiation, several factors have to function in concert to ensure that the initiator tRNA finds the cognate AUG start codon during mRNA scanning. The two initiation factors eIF1 and eIF1A are known to provide important functions for the initiation process and codon selection. Here, we have used molecular dynamics free energy calculations to evaluate the energetics of initiator tRNA binding to different near-cognate codons on the yeast 40S ribosomal subunit, in the presence and absence of these two initiation factors. The results show that eIF1 and eIF1A together cause a relatively uniform and high discrimination against near-cognate codons. This works such that eIF1 boosts the discrimination against a first position near-cognate G-U mismatch, and also against a second position A-A base pair, while eIF1A mainly acts on third codon position. The computer simulations further reveal the structural basis of the increased discriminatory effect caused by binding of eIF1 and eIF1A to the 40S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi X174 gene A encodes two proteins: the gene A protein and the smaller A protein, which is synthesized from a translational start signal within the A gene in the same reading frame as the gene A protein. The gene A protein is involved in initiation, elongation and termination of rolling circle DNA replication. The role of the A protein in the life cycle of phi X174, however, is unknown. Using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis a viable phi X174 mutant was constructed in which the ATG start codon of the A protein was changed into an ATT codon. This mutant, phi X-4499T, does not synthesize A protein. The burst size of phi X-4499T amounted to 50% of that of wild type phi X174. This indicates that A protein, although advantageous for phage reproduction, is not essential during the life cycle of bacteriophage phi X174.  相似文献   

Codon usage and thermodynamic optimization of the 5'-end of mRNA have been applied to improve the efficiency of human protein production in Escherichia coli. However, high level expression of human protein in E. coli is still a challenge that virtually depends upon each individual target genes. Using human interleukin 10 (huIL-10) and interferon alpha (huIFN-alpha) coding sequences, we systematically analyzed the influence of several major factors on expression of human protein in E. coli. The results from huIL-10 and reinforced by huIFN-alpha showed that exposing AUG initiator codon from base-paired structure within mRNA itself significantly improved the translation of target protein, which resulted in a 10-fold higher protein expression than the wild-type genes. It was also noted that translation process was not affected by the retained short-range stem-loop structure at Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences. On the other hand, codon-optimized constructs of huIL-10 showed unimproved levels of protein expression, on the contrary, led to a remarkable RNA degradation. Our study demonstrates that exposure of AUG initiator codon from long-range intra-strand secondary structure at 5'-end of mRNA may be used as a general strategy for human protein production in E. coli.  相似文献   

By the use of deletions, point mutations, and gene fusions, we show that the protein product of the F factor pifC gene is responsible for F factor inhibition of plasmid RP4 conjugal transfer. Deletion analysis of pif sequences carried by pSC101-F chimeric plasmids demonstrated that removal of all or part of the pifC coding sequence greatly decreased or abolished the ability of these plasmids to inhibit RP4 transfer. Amber mutations in the pifC gene eliminated inhibition in an Su- host strain but not in and Su+ (supF) host. Plasmids carrying nonpolar pifC mutations did not decrease the efficiency of RP4 transfer when present in trans. Whereas pifC+ plasmids inhibited RP4 transfer, the presence of RP4 in the same cell as F' lac increased F'lac Pif activity approximately 1,000-fold. This effect most likely resulted from the binding of the pifC product to RP4 DNA and concomitant derepression of the F factor pif operon. PifC inhibited trans mobilization of pMS204, a nonconjugative plasmid carrying the RP4 oriT locus, by the RP1 derivative pUB307. pMS204 had no trans effect on pif operon expression, whereas pUB307 increased F'lac Pif expression, as did RP4. Our results suggest that the pifC product inhibits expression of one or more RP4 genes, the products of which are required for conjugal transfer of RP4 and are required in trans for mobilization of nonconjugal RP4 oriT containing plasmids.  相似文献   

Analysis of oligonucleotide AUG start codon context in eukariotic mRNAs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pesole G  Gissi C  Grillo G  Licciulli F  Liuni S  Saccone C 《Gene》2000,261(1):85-91
The AUG start codon context features have been investigated by analyzing eukaryotic mRNAs belonging to various taxonomic groups. The functional relevance of each specific position surrounding the AUG start codon has been established as a function of the measured shift between base composition observed at that particular position, and base composition averaged over all the 5'untranslated regions. A more detailed analysis carried out on human genes belonging to different isochores showed significant isochore-specific fea-tures that cannot be explained only by a mutational bias effect. The most represented heptamers spanning from position -3 to +4 with respect to the initiator AUG have been determined for mRNAs belonging to different taxonomic groups and a web page utility has been set up (http://bigarea.area.ba.cnr.it:8000/BioWWW/ATG.html) to determine the relative abundance of a user submitted oligonucleotide context in a given species or taxon.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The translation start site plays an important role in the control of translation efficiency of eukaryotic mRNAs. However, mRNAs with a suboptimal context of start AUG codon are relatively abundant. It is likely that at least some mRNAs with suboptimal start codon context contain the other signals providing additional information for efficient AUG recognition. RESULTS: Frequency of AUG codons at the beginning of the coding part of eukaryotic mRNAs was analyzed in relation to the context of translation start codon. It was found that the observed downstream AUG content in the mRNAs with optimal start codon context was close to the expected value, whereas it was significantly higher in the mRNAs with a suboptimal context. It is likely that downstream AUG codons can often be utilized as additional start sites to increase translation rate of mRNAs with a suboptimal context of the annotated start codon and many eukaryotic proteins can be characterized by some N-end heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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