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生命科学与生物技术的发展推动了"生物经济"概念的形成。在对生物经济概念的缘起和演变进行系统梳理的基础上,对国际生物经济战略与政策动态进行了全景式扫描和综合分析,归纳出生物经济战略所共有的主流特征。这些特征包括:生物经济发展领域涵盖广,多方位促进经济绿色转型;以可持续为指归,形成迈向可持续未来的综合平台;将生物质作为驱动生物经济的基础资源,重视加强创新技术的研发。  相似文献   

生物技术及其产业化作为国家经济发展和科技进步的重点,被列入国家中长期科技发展规划,启动并实施生物强国的战略.将有利于解决困扰我国可持续发展和社会长治久安的食品、人民健康、能源、生态与环境等重大问题。  相似文献   

近二十年来, 我国对静电 (磁 )场的生物效应开展了广泛的研究, 取得了令人欣慰的成果. 如何将这一研究深入下去, 如何探究电 (磁 )场的生物效应的内部机理, 是当前急待解决的重要课题, 本文对此问题作出点滴探讨.  相似文献   

深化静电(磁)场生物效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近二十年来,我国对静电磁场的生物效应开展了广泛的研究,取得了令人欣慰的成果。如何将这一研究深入下去,如何探究电磁场的生物效应的内部机理,是当前急待解决的重要课题,本文对此问题作出点滴探讨。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是世界著名的严重危害苹果的重要入侵害虫,常造成20%~30%的产量损失,现已传入新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、宁夏、黑龙江和吉林等省区,对我国全国苹果安全生产构成严重威胁。2009年农业部科教司批准设立公益性行业(农业)专项"入侵生物苹果蠹蛾监测与防控技术研究",由中国科学院动物研究所主持,全国农业技术推广服务中心、西北农林科技大学、中国农科院植保所和郑州果树所、中国农业大学、河北农业大学以及相关省区植保部门等16单位参加。本文对该项目执行3年中在苹果蠹蛾关键生物学特性、实用监测和防治技术方面取得的主要进展进行了总结,详细情况可通过苹果蠹蛾信息网(www.codlingmoth.net)获得。  相似文献   

钝顶螺旋藻生物富集Cr(Ⅲ)影响因素的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对钝顶螺旋藻生物富集Cr(Ⅲ)的影响因素进行了研究。发现螺旋藻对Cr(Ⅲ)的生物富集主要经历了快速的吸附和缓慢的吸收两个步骤;化学键较弱的Cr(Ⅲ)化合物具有较高的富集效率;藻细胞浓度一定时,随着Cr(Ⅲ)浓度的增加,单位重量螺旋藻对Cr(Ⅲ)的富集量不断增加,最后趋于饱和;当Cr(Ⅲ)浓度一定时,随着藻细胞浓度的增加,螺旋藻对Cr(Ⅲ)的总富集量逐渐增加而单位重量藻体的富集量减少。研究还证实,螺旋藻干粉比新鲜藻能富集更多的Cr(Ⅲ);pH值是影响Cr(Ⅲ)生物富集的一个重要影响因素,最佳pH在7左右;温度升高和加强光强均可加强Cr(Ⅲ)的富集;阳离子对Cr(Ⅲ)的富集存在一定的促进或抑制作用。  相似文献   

异化Fe(III)还原微生物是厌氧环境中广泛存在的一类主要微生物类群,它们的共同特征是可以利用Fe(III)作为末端电子受体而获能。异化Fe(III)还原微生物具有强大的代谢功能,可还原许多有毒重金属包括一些放射性核素,还可降解利用许多有机污染物,在污染环境的生物修复中具有重要的应用价值。本文对异化Fe(III)还原微生物的分布、分类,代谢功能多样性以及异化Fe(III)还原的意义做了评述,旨在加强相关领域的研究人员对此的了解和重视,通过学科的交叉和合作加快我国在这一领域的研究。  相似文献   

Fe(Ⅲ)的微生物异化还原   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原微生物是厌氧环境中广泛存在的一类主要微生物类群,它们的共同特征是可以利用Fe(Ⅲ)作为末端电子受体而获能。异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原微生物具有强大的代谢功能,可还原许多有毒重金属包括一些放射性核素,还可降解利用许多有机污染物,在污染环境的生物修复中具有重要的应用价值。本文对异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原微生物的分布、分类,代谢功能多样性以及异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原的意义做了评述,旨在加强相关领域的研究人员对此的了解和重视,通过学科的交叉和合作加快我国在这一领域的研究。  相似文献   

生物信息的大爆炸是对生物信息学的首要挑战,在信息经济和生物经济重合的时期,许多生物过程将数字化。而生物技术产业将成为推动新经济发展的核心动力。  相似文献   

现代生物技术在过去的二十余年间发展迅猛,现已广泛应用于医学、农业、轻工和环保等各个领域,已产生了巨大的经济和社会效益,并日益影响和改变着人们的生产和生活方式。二十一世纪被喻为生物世纪,作为“对全社会最为重要并可能改变示来工业和经济格局的技术”,生物技术以其日新月异的发展,受到世界各国的普遍关注,面对生物经济时代的到来,本文着重分析国内外生物技术发展趋势,并针对我国发展策略提出一些初步想法。  相似文献   

在对欧盟生物经济概念演变进行梳理的基础上,从欧盟与成员国两个层面对欧盟生物经济的政策过程进行了系统考察,分析并归纳出欧盟生物经济政策的特点,包括:与产业绿色转型结合,多方位促进人类经济社会的可持续发展;与农业多功能性结合,促进地区农村和农业的发展;重视生物经济发展的政策与技术双平台系统建设.在相关讨论中,进一步阐明生物经济发展的动力机制、农业在生物经济中的基础作用、生物经济的平台价值及其时代意义.  相似文献   

随着全球资源的日益枯竭,为了应对环境、气候、资源问题以及粮食安全危机,各个国家纷纷探寻能够实现人类社会可持续发展的经济模式——生物经济。我国近日发布了《“十四五”生物经济发展规划》,首次将生物经济上升至国家战略发展高度。生物经济以生命科学和生物技术发展为核心,形成包括生物医药、生物农业、生物制造以及生物能源等新兴产业,是支撑未来可持续发展潜力较大的经济发展模式。概述了全球生物经济的演进规律、各个国家生物经济的发展概况以及我国生物经济的产业发展情况,并在百年未有之大变局叠加新冠疫情的复杂形势下,提出了关于我国未来生物经济发展的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

The pattern of development of the floral parts of Longan flower was followed using scanning electron microscope. Floral initiation begins with the formation of calyx protrusions around the floral apex. After the calyx protrusions have appeared, the petal primordia at the base of the floral apex start to appear and then followed by the androecium primordia which appear at the periphery of the floral apex. Gynoecium formation begins much later (at about 30 days after floral initiation). In the male flower, androecium develops normally forming anthers and filaments. Anthers also develop in the female flowers but they are smaller and the filaments much shorter. Gynoecium in the female flower is well developed and when mature it produces a long style, a two-prong-stigma and two ovaries. In the male flower the gynoecium is poorly developed the style is short and the stigma seldom splits. Ovaries are also poorly developed in the male flower. In addition to male and female flowers, Longan also forms a number of abnormal flowers with poorly developed androecium and gyn6ecium. Male and female flowers only become apparent at about 40 days after the initiation of flower differentiation. Prior to this it is difficult to know whether a particular developing flower is going ultimately to become a male or female flower. The formation of abnormal flowers also become obvious' at about 40 days after the initiation of flower differentation.  相似文献   

利用"八五"、"九五"期间,发掘和鉴定出的一些具有单一抗病虫特性和优良农艺性状的资源,通过有性杂交和人工接种鉴定,有目的进行抗性基因转移和优良基因聚合,从而获得了具有多抗、农艺性状优良的LR625、LR622、2381等3个恢复系和L405A、L407A 2个不育系等新种质资源,并用新创资源组配了一批高产、多抗、综合农艺性状好的杂交组合.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of storage in liquid nitrogen on the viability of seeds of the hybrid orchid Bratonia and further development of its protocorms in vitro. Seeds were frozen in ampoules by direct immersion in liquid nitrogen and stored in the cryobank for a month. The germination rates of cryopreserved and control (nonfrozen) seeds did not differ and remained as high as 100%. The protocorms derived were cultured on the agar-solidified Murashige and Skoog nutrient medium (MS), half-strength MS and Knop media and also in Morel liquid medium. During the first 45 days of culturing, protocorms derived from cryopreserved seeds grew faster than control protocorms on the MS and half-strength MS media but, at longer culturing (496 days), the size of control protocorms was significantly larger. After 639 days of culturing, there was no difference in the amount of perished, budding, and newly formed protocorms obtained from cryopreserved and control seeds, except half-strength MS medium where the number of budding protocorms in the case of cryopreserved seeds was a little greater than in the control treatment. After seed cryopreservation, the frequency of budding and newly formed protocorms was greater on the agarized MS and in liquid Morel media. Cryopreservation had little effect on the subsequent growth of protocorms in vitro. The preferable nutrient media for culturing the protocorms have been suggested.  相似文献   

新时期医院图书馆的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医院图书馆经费不足,规模较小,馆藏资源不足,人员结构参差不齐,服务内容有限,无法满足读者对医学信息多样化的需求,以及面对医院新时期改革的机遇与挑战,提出了医院图书馆的转型和发展策略。  相似文献   

该文讨论了加强植物科学基础研究的必要性及其对我国农业发展的重要影响。为了更好地为中国的农业发展服务,进一步加强植物科学基础研究非常重要。为了促进植物科学的发展,我国既要积极参与国际竞争,又要重视知识创新、技术发展以及技术平台建设等多个方面,还要重视传统学科如植物分类学等的发展。过去10年间,我们见证了中国科学家在植物科学领域取得的重要成就,随着越来越多的高水平人才回国,建议国家增加投入支持我国的植物科学基础研究。  相似文献   

Under defined environmental conditions (20°C, continuous light of 15 klx) development of mustard seeds from artificial pollination to maturity takes about 60 d. After surpassing the period of embryo cell division and histodifferentiation (12–14d after pollination = dap), the seed enters into a maturation period. The time courses of various physiological, biochemical, and structural changes of embryo and testa during seed maturation were analyzed in detail (dry and fresh mass changes, osmotic and water potential changes, respiration, DNA amplification by endomitosis, total ribosome and polysome formation, storage protein synthesis and accumulation, storage lipid accumulation). In addition to the final storage products protein and lipid, embryo and testa accumulate transiently large amounts of starch within the chloroplasts during early maturation. Concomitantly with the subsequent total breakdown of the starch, the plastids lose most of their internal structure and chlorophyll and shrink into proplastids, typical for the mature seed. At about 30 dap the seeds shift from a desiccation-sensitive to a desiccation-tolerant state and are able then to germinate rapidly upon drying and reimbibition. If isolated from the immature fruit and sown directly on water, the seeds demonstrate precocious germination from about 13 dap onwards. Young seeds (isolated ≦ 38 dap) germinate only after surpassing a lag-phase of several days (after-ripening) during which the embryo continues to accumulate storage protein and lipid at the expense of the surrounding seed tissues. We conclude from these results that the maturing seed represents a rather closed developmental system which is able to continue its development up to successful germination without any specific regulatory influence from the mother plant. Immature seeds are able to germinate without a preceding dehydration treatment, which means that partial or full desiccation does not serve as an environmental signal for reprogramming seed development from maturation to germination. Instead, it is argued that the water relations of the seed are a critical element in the control of maturation and germination: during maturation on the mother plant the embryo is subject to a considerable turgor pressure (of the order of 12 bar) accompanied by a low water potential (of the order of ?12 bar). This turgor permits maturation growth but is subcritical for germination growth. However, upon imbibition in water, the low water potential provides a driving force for a burst of water uptake overcoming the critical turgor threshold and thereby inducing germination.  相似文献   

性状发育中的后生效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
范云  王金发 《遗传》2000,22(3):185-188
后生效应是近几年才定义清楚的一类现象,指所有那些DNA序列没有改变的基因表达后体细胞的遗传表型发生改变的现象。它对生物体的性状发育如性别决定、着丝粒的功能决定、果蝇复眼发育、朊病毒致病性的获得及癌的发生等等方面有着重要的影响。多方面的研究表明,导致后生效应的可能原因主要有四个方面:DNA的甲基化、组蛋白的乙酰化、染色质结构背景的改变和蛋白质构型的变化。 Abstract:Epigenetic effects,which were defined clearly in recent years,are most often used to denote all those somatically heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in DNA sequence.They affect the development of organismal characters such as sex determination,the functional determination of centromeres,the development of Drasophila's eys,the prion pathogenicity and cancer formation greatly.Studies on many aspects show that there are four main reasons which cause the epigenetic effects;the methylation of DNA,the acetylation of histones,the change of chromatin structure and the alteration of protein configuration.  相似文献   

Adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) has been extensively modified with traditional transgene methods for the vaccine development. The reduced efficacies of these traditionally modified Ad5 vectors in clinical trials could be primarily correlated with Ad5 pre-existing immunity (PEI) among the majority of the population. To promote Ad5-vectored vaccine development by solving the concern of Ad5 PEI, the innovative Antigen Capsid-Incorporation strategy has been employed. By merit of this strategy, Ad5-vectored we first constructed the hexon shuttle plasmid HVR1-KWAS-HVR5-His6/pH5S by subcloning the hypervariable region (HVR) 1 of hexon into a previously constructed shuttle plasmid HVR5-His6/pH5S, which had His6 tag incorporated into the HVR5. This HVR1 DNA fragment containing a HIV epitope ELDKWAS was synthesized. HVR1-KWAS-HVR5-His6/pH5S was then linearized and co-transformed with linearized backbone plasmid pAd5/∆H5 (GL) , for homologous recombination. This recombined plasmid pAd5/H5-HVR1-KWAS-HVR5-His6 was transfected into cells to generate the viral vector Ad5/H5-HVR1-KWAS-HVR5-His6. This vector was validated to have qualitative fitness indicated by viral physical titer (VP/ml), infectious titer (IP/ml) and corresponding VP/IP ratio. Both the HIV epitope and His6 tag were surface-exposed on the Ad5 capsid, and retained epitope-specific antigenicity of their own. A neutralization assay indicated the ability of this divalent vector to circumvent neutralization by Ad5-positive sera in vitro. Mice immunization demonstrated the generation of robust humoral immunity specific to the HIV epitope and His6. This proof-of-principle study suggested that the protocol associated with the Antigen Capsid-Incorporation strategy could be feasibly utilized for the generation of Ad5-vectored vaccines by modifying different capsid proteins. This protocol could even be further modified for the generation of rare-serotype adenovirus-vectored vaccines.  相似文献   

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