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The parameters of an event-related EEG potential (ERP), P300 wave, are now extensively used as objective neurophysiological indices of the state of cognitive functions. At the same time, information on the effects of the autonomic nervous system on the parameters of P300 is limited. In Parkinson’s disease clinics, in addition to the leading motor disorders, more or less clear psychoemotional, cognitive, and autonomic (in particular cardiovascular) impairments are usually observed. This allows one to study the dependence between the cardiovascular dysfunction and intensity of cognitive disorders in Parkinsonian patients. In our study on this contingent, we analyzed correlations between the parameters of P300 potential, indices of the state of the cognitive sphere (determined using a questionnaire, Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE, and a Luriya’s test), and indices of variational pulsometry. Thirty-five Parkinsonian patients (49 to 74 years, severity of disease 1.5 to 3.0 by the international classification) were examined. We found a negative influence of excessive sympathetic tonus in cardiovascular control on the state of cognitive functions. The latency of P300 potential was longer in patients with greater intensities of sympathetic influences on the cardiovascular system. The coefficients of correlation of the latency of P300 with the amplitude of mode of R-R intervals (AMo), index of tension in the regulatory systems by Baevskii (IT), and index of autonomic balance by Baevskii (IAB) were 0.52 (P < 0.01), 0.36 (P < 0.05), and 0.37 (P < 0.05), respectively. The above autonomic indices demonstrated significant negative correlations with the volume of short-term memory measured by Luriya’s test. The P300 latency, in turn, showed negative correlations with the memory volume estimated by the MMSE scale and Luriya’s test. With increase in the age of patients, the degree of the above-mentioned correlations between the P300 latency, memory volume (by Luriya’s test), and parameters of variational pulsometry increased. Our data emphasize the expedience of “routine” studies of the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic control in pathological states accompanied by clear or subclinical cognitive disorders. Early recognition of cardiovascular dysfunction and its corresponding therapeutic correction should improve the state of brain functions and quality of life in patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, in particular from Parkinson’s disease. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 43–52, January–February, 2008.  相似文献   

In a group of 76 adults of both sexes, we examined interrelations between the level of aggressiveness of the individual (diagnosed using the Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory) and parameters of event-related EEG potentials (ERPs) recorded under conditions of two behavioral test acts including a motor component. Within the framework of task A, the subject must push a button with the shortest delay after an executory signal preceded by a warning signal; the time of sensorimotor reaction was measured. Under these conditions, we recorded the contingent negative variayion (CNV) and the P300 potential. In the case of task B, it was necessary to measure a definite time interval limited by two pushings of the button. Under these conditions, the readiness potential (RP) was recorded in addition to the CNV and P300. The C3 and C4 leads were used (according to the 10–20 system); the time constant of an amplification tract was 10 sec. Despite natural broad interindividual variability, high amplitudes of the recorded ERPs (RP, CNV, and P300) in general corresponded to lower indices by scales of the Buss-Durkee inventory and smaller values of the indices of aggressiveness and hostility. These interrelations are, probably, based on the fact that both characteristics of aggressiveness of the personality and EEG amplitude parameters are to a considerable extent determined by hereditary factors. It is believed that the respective peculiarities of the neurodynamic constitution of the individual are to a great extent dependent on the specificities of organization and functioning of a few neurotransmitter (in particular, aminergic) and neurohumoral systems. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 154–164, March–April, 2007.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: We investigated adaptation changes in dynamic postural control and contingent negative variation (CNV) in 13 young and 12 elderly adults. Subjects repeatedly underwent backward postural disturbance by a forward floor translation (S2) 2 s after an auditory warning signal (S1). Initial and second sets were conducted, each set with 20 trials. Posterior peak position of the center of pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPy) after S2 was identified. Electroencephalograms from Cz were averaged for each set, and the CNV negative peak was identified. RESULTS: Compared with the first trial, the posterior peak position of CoPy changed significantly forward from the 12th trial in the young and from the 19th trial in the elderly during the initial set. The mean of the posterior peak position was more forward in second set than in the initial set for both groups and was significantly backward in the elderly compared to the young for both sets. These findings indicate that subjects in both groups adapted better to the postural disturbance in the second set than in the initial set, and the adaptation was later in the elderly. Late CNV in the young started to increase negatively from the middle of the S1-S2 period and peaked just before S2. Peak CNV amplitude was larger in the second set than in the initial set. In contrast, late CNV in the elderly exhibited no negative increase as in the young and peaked in the middle of the S1-S2 period, which was followed by gradual decreasing toward S2. No adaptive changes were found in late CNV for the elderly. CONCLUSIONS: It is conceivable that reduced activation of the frontal lobe may be one of the factors contributing to the decrease in postural adaptability in the elderly. The elderly may use various brain regions for the adaptation of dynamic postural control compared with the young.  相似文献   



Adaptation changes in postural control and contingent negative variation (CNV) for the elderly were investigated during repeated forward floor translation.


Fifteen healthy elderly persons, living in the suburban area of Kanazawa City, Japan, underwent backward postural disturbance by a forward-floor translation (S2) 2 s after an auditory warning signal (S1). A set with 20 trials was repeated until a negative peak of late CNV was recognized in the 600-ms period before S2, and the last set was defined as the final set. Electroencephalograms, center of foot pressure in the anteroposterior direction (CoPap), and electromyograms of postural muscles were analyzed.


CoPap displacement generated by the floor translation was significantly decreased until the twelfth trial in the first set, and mean CoPap displacement was smaller in the second and final sets than in the first set. The mean displacement was significantly smaller in the final set than the previous set. A late CNV with a negative peak was not recognized in the first and second sets. However, most subjects (13/15) showed a negative peak by the fourth set, when the late CNV started to increase negatively from about 1,000 ms after S1 and peaked at about 300 ms before S2. At about 160 ms before the CNV peak, the CoPap forward shift started. The increase in timing of the gastrocnemius activity related to the CoPap shift was significantly correlated with the CNV peak timing (r = 0.64). After S2, peak amplitudes of the anterior postural muscles were significantly decreased in the final set compared to the first set.


It was demonstrated that even for the elderly, with so many repetitions of postural disturbance, a late CNV with a negative peak was recognized, leading to accurate postural preparation. This suggests the improvement of frontal lobe function (e.g., anticipatory attention and motor preparation) in the elderly.  相似文献   

In 18-to 19-year-old students, the content of a number of microelements, as well as of calcium, in biologically stable tissues (hair samples) was measured using X-ray fluorescent analysis. In the tested persons, we observed a certain deficit of main elements (calcium, copper, and zinc), while in some persons the levels of toxic lead and strontium were exceeded. Correlation analysis of the parameters of EEG potentials (current EEG and evoked and event-related potentials, EPs and ERPs, respectively) showed the existence of a few significant (or close to those) correlations of the spectral powers of some rhythms and derivatives of a few indices of the background EEG and more numerous cases of correlations of the parameters of EPs and ERPs (latencies and amplitudes) with the contents of the studied elements. The physiological importance of metals, according to the number of characteristics of EEG potentials that correlate with their contents, can be arranged in descending order as follows: As, Zn > Ca > Cd > Pb > Sr. None of the studied parameters of EEG phenomena correlated with the level of copper. The strength of correlations varied from weak to mild (0.29 < R < 0.50). The densest correlations were observed for the concentrations of toxic lead and cadmium. With respect to the characteristics of ERPs, some of the elements under study demonstrated synergism (e.g., lead and arsenic), while others were in an antagonistic relation (cadmium and calcium). Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 167–174, March–April, 2006.  相似文献   

5- and 6-Hydroxydopamine, which we had earlier identified as naturally occurring amines in human urine, were quantified in Parkinson's patients treated with L-DOPA, Parkinson's patients whose treatment did not include L-DOPA and in age matched controls. Analysis was carried out by GCMS of the ditrifluoromethylbenzoyl-trimethylsilyl (DTFMB-TMS) derivatives of the compounds. The concentrations of 5- and 6-hydroxydopamine in the urine of DOPA treated Parkinson's patients were significantly higher than the concentrations from patients not treated and from normal controls. Urinary dopamine levels were greatly elevated in DOPA treated Parkinson's patients whilep-tyramine levels were suppressed. No marked differences were seen between the three groups in terms of the urinary concentrations of any of the other amines measured.  相似文献   

Summary After sectioning the postganglionic adrenergic sympathetic nerve trunk for the submandibular gland, as close to the submandibular artery as practicable, its central end was sutured to the peripheral end of the preganglionic cholinergic parasympathetic nerve trunk for the gland, the chorda, which had been sectioned where it left the lingual nerve. The effects of this heterologous cross-sature were studied at different times, up to 1 year afterwards, by assessing the physiological and pharmacological responses of the glands and the neuro-histochemical changes in the nerve trunks and in the nerves within the glands.In all cases adrenergic sympathetic nerves grew across the site of suture and down the erstwhile cholinergic parasympathetic trunk, eventually to develop connections in the gland. In some cases the functional adrenergic reinnervation of the submandibular gland appeared to result exclusively or predominantly from the direct downgrowth of adrenergic axons to the gland, via the crossed nerves. In other cases however, in addition to a direct glandular reinnervation, there was some physiological and morphological evidence which suggested that possible heterogenous synaptic contacts may have been created between postganglionic sympathetic axons and cholinergic ganglion cells in the chorda nerve.This work was supported by a grant from the Joint Research Committee, King's College Hospital.  相似文献   

杨再学  郑元利  金星 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2425-2434
黑线姬鼠(Apodemus agrarius)是我国广大地区的主要害鼠之一,是余庆县农田害鼠优势种,占总鼠数的94.81%。探讨其种群繁殖参数的变动规律及其地理分异特征,对其种群数量预测预报具有重要意义。通过对1987-2005年贵州省余庆县黑线姬鼠种群繁殖参数分析结果表明:研究期间共解剖标本5497只,其中,雌鼠2698只,雄鼠2799只,黑线姬鼠在当地1-11月份均可繁殖,主要繁殖期在3-10月份,每年4-5月份和8-9月份出现2次妊娠高峰。种群总性比(♀/♂)为0.96,多年平均怀孕率为36.91%±6.79%,平均胎仔数为5.33±1.07只,平均繁殖指数为0.81±0.17,平均睾丸下降率为59.13%±7.89%。不同年龄组种群繁殖力存在显著差异,随着种群年龄的增长繁殖力不断增加,成年Ⅰ组、成年Ⅱ组、老年组是种群繁殖的主体。种群繁殖参数不同年度之间比较稳定,不同月份、不同季节之间变化差异较大,具有明显的季节变化特征。年均种群密度与年均繁殖指数呈极显著正相关,与胎仔数显著正相关,与年均怀孕率、睾丸下降率、性比相关性不显著,繁殖指数是影响黑线姬鼠种群密度的重要因子。比较全国各地黑线姬鼠种群繁殖参数的地理分异特征认为,黑线姬鼠种群繁殖参数具有明显的地理分异现象,胎仔数、生殖强度由南向北逐渐增加,具有随纬度的升高趋向增加的特征;在高纬度地区繁殖时间较短;性比与纬度、经度的变化关系密切;各繁殖参数与海拔的变化相关性不明显,可排除海拔因素的影响。  相似文献   

【目的】分析近年来中国口蹄疫流行和传播特点,研判口蹄疫流行趋势。【方法】以2017-2022年间中国报告发生的口蹄疫疫情为研究对象,从疫情的“三间分布”、生产环节分布、流行毒株分子流行病学分析及溯源等方面,对近6年的疫情情况进行系统梳理。【结果】2017-2022年间中国共有15个省份报告发生口蹄疫疫情54次。总体形势稳定:Asia 1型口蹄疫维持无疫状态;2019-2022年连续4年未发生A型口蹄疫疫情;田间以散发O型口蹄疫为主。六年间报告牛口蹄疫疫情36次,羊疫情1次,猪疫情17次。分子流行病学研究表明,O/Mya-98、O/Ind-2001、O/CATHAY、O/PanAsia和A/Sea-97这5个流行毒株同时流行,且与同时期周边国家(缅甸、老挝和越南等)口蹄疫毒株遗传关系密切。流行病学调查结果显示,疫情(尤其是牛疫情,占比66.7%)主要发生在流通(57%)、散养(32%)等免疫薄弱环节。【结论】对内强化疫苗免疫和流通动物管控,对外严防境外毒株传入仍是今后中国口蹄疫防控的重要任务。  相似文献   

Somatic chromosome doubling of potato dihaploids was achieved by culturing callus from leaf pieces derived from glasshouse and in vitro grown plants. The glasshouse-grown leaves produced better callus on average but there was no significant difference between the average number of plantlets per callus regenerated from the two types of material. Mixtures of 2x and 4x plants were obtained from callus culture and the proportions of each ploidy type varied with the dihaploid genotype. Leaflet length/breadth ratios were chiefly determined but ploidy but there was variation within ploidy groups. There were also differences in blight and cyst nematode resistance between tetraploids derived from the same dihaploid.  相似文献   

Genetic variation for parasite resistance occurs in most host populations. Costs of resistance, manifested as reduced fitness of resistant genotypes in the absence of parasitism, can be an important factor contributing to the maintenance of this variation. One powerful tool for detecting costs of resistance is the study of correlated responses to artificial selection. Provided that experimental lines are recently derived from large outbreeding populations, and that inbreeding is minimized during the experiment, correlated responses to selection are expected to be strong indicators of pleiotropy. We artificially selected for elevated behavioral resistance against an ectoparasitic mite (Macrocheles subbadius) in replicate populations of the fly Drosophila nigrospiracula. Resistance was modeled as a threshold trait, and the realized heritability of resistance was estimated to be 12.3% (1.4% SE) across three replicate lines recently derived from nature. We contrasted the longevity and fecundity of resistant and control (unselected) flies under a variable thermal environment. We report that reduced fecundity is a correlated response to artificial selection for increased resistance, and that the strength of this effect increases from 25 degrees to 29 degrees C. In contrast, longevity differences were not detected between resistant and control lines at either temperature. These findings are robust as they were confirmed with an independent set of experimental lines. Thus, our results identify a negative genetic correlation between ectoparasite resistance and an important life-history trait. That a correlated response was only detected for fecundity, and not longevity, suggests that the genetic correlation is attributable to pleiotropic effects with narrower effects than reallocation of a general resource pool within the organism, although other interpretations are discussed. Combined with fluctuating parasite-mediated selection and temperature, the presence of this trade-off may contribute to the maintenance of genetic variation for resistance in natural populations.  相似文献   

城市建筑景观的时空演变特征对城市改造与规划的合理调整有重要的指导作用。本文基于Barista软件、GIS、RS等技术,提取了建筑物的3D信息,并采用建筑占地面积比重、建筑平均高度、建筑密度、建筑形状指数与空间质心模型等指标,分析了沈阳市铁西区建筑景观的时空变化特征与影响因素。结果显示:从1997—2008年,居住与商业建筑占地面积比重增加,工业建筑占地面积比重下降,建筑形状越来越规则,建筑密度降低,建筑在垂直方向上扩展;3个时段内,建筑景观变化的质心先由居住区向工业区转移,再由城市中心向外围移动;经济发展、人口增长与建筑平均高度呈正相关,与建筑密度呈负相关。城市改造政策对城市建筑景观的变化有重要的影响。随着离道路距离的增加,建筑平均高度降低,建筑密度先增高后降低。  相似文献   

解析区域土壤碳氮磷元素的生态化学计量特征的空间分异格局有助于土壤养分的综合管理与利用。运用传统统计学和地统计学分析方法,以河北省为例分析了中温-暖温带表土(0—30cm)碳氮磷元素的生态化学计量特征的空间变异性及影响因素。结果显示:(1)土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TSN)、全磷(TSP)其摩尔比率的变异系数均介于0.1—1之间,表明其在空间上存在中等程度的变异性。此外,C∶N的变异系数较小,表明C∶N较稳定。(2)表土TSP和C∶N具有小范围、强烈的空间自相关性,SOC、TSN、C∶P和N∶P具有较大范围、中等程度的空间自相关性,结构性因素是土壤碳氮磷含量及其摩尔比率空间变异的主要影响因素。从空间分布规律来看,表土碳氮磷含量及其摩尔比率均没有呈现明显的递增或递减的变化规律,SOC、TSN、C∶P和N∶P具有相同的空间分布趋势,高值区主要分布在冀北地区,分布面积较小,低值区分布范围较广;C∶N的高值区零星分布在冀北地区,TSP的高值区和低值区呈现斑块状分布。(3)土壤C∶N、C∶P和N∶P受到土壤理化性状、土地利用方式、人类扰动、气候及地形等因素的调控。此外,不同气候带的C∶N、C∶P和N∶P也存在一定的差异,研究区土壤C∶N与高寒带较接近,同时与其他气候带没有显著的差异;C∶P和N∶P与温带沙漠区较接近,与其余气候带存在显著的差异性,说明不同气候带之间的C∶N较C∶P和N∶P稳定。  相似文献   

We studied correlations between the frequency of background impulse activity (BIA) of dopaminergic (DAergic) neurons of the ventral tegmentum (VT) and spectral power (SP) of the frequency components of EEG samples recorded in awake cats. The EEG was recorded monopolarly (electrodes were fixed in the cranial bones) from the frontal, occipital, and right and left temporal regions of the cortex. In a great majority of the cases, the BIA frequency of VT DA-ergic neurons demonstrated significant positive correlations with changes in the SPs of the alpha and beta EEG rhythms. The closest correlations of the spiking frequency of DA-ergic cells with the SP of the alpha rhythm was observed in the occipital region, while those with the beta SP were found in the frontal area. Correlations of the activity of DA-ergic neurons with the SPs of the alpha and beta rhythms in the left temporal cortical zone were closer, as compared with those in the symmetrical right zone. Correlations of the SPs of the delta, theta, and gamma EEG components with the discharge frequency of VT DA neurons were of opposite directions, and in most cases such correlations did not reach the level of significance. The results of this study show that, in some cases, specific EEG patterns can be considered indicators of the state of the cerebral VT DA-ergic system. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 359–367, July–August, 2008.  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)急性加重期患者咽部菌群与免疫指标的相关性,为该类患者的治疗提供参考。方法选取2016年6月至2019年8月期间于我院就诊的125例COPD患者作为研究对象,其中急性加重期60例(急性加重组),缓解期65例(缓解组)。选取同期于我院进行健康体检者60例作为对照组。比较3组对象咽部菌群检出情况和CD3~+细胞、CD4~+细胞及CD4~+/CD8~+水平,并进行Spearman相关性分析。结果急性加重组患者咽部草绿色链球菌(33.3%)、干燥奈瑟菌(25.0%)比例及菌群多样性(4.713±0.786)显著低于缓解组和对照组(均P0.05),致病菌铜绿假单胞菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎链球菌等比例及菌群总密集度均显著高于缓解组和对照组(均P0.05)。急性加重组患者CD3~+细胞、CD4~+细胞及CD4~+/CD8~+水平均显著低于缓解组和对照组(均P0.05)。Spearman相关性分析显示,COPD急性加重期患CD3~+细胞、CD4~+细胞及CD4~+/CD8~+水平与菌群总密集度均呈负相关,与菌群多样性均呈正相关(均P0.05)。结论 COPD急性加重期患者存在明显咽部菌群失衡,可引起机体免疫状态的紊乱。  相似文献   

珠江口超微型浮游植物时空分布及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张霞  黄小平  施震  叶丰  刘庆霞 《生态学报》2013,33(7):2200-2211
对珠江口及近海区域进行了夏季和冬季超微型浮游植物(0.2-3μm)调查,分析了其时空分布及其与环境因子的关系.夏季,珠江口浮游植物密度与磷酸盐成显著正相关,且N/P远远高于30,表明浮游植物受到P限制.夏季超微型藻数量比冬季高一个数量级,其丰度与盐度成显著正相关而和营养盐(溶解性无机氮(DIN),PO4-P,SiO4-Si)显著负相关,表明珠江口超微型藻受到径流的负面影响,表现出其数量在虎门附近海域低,随着咸淡水混合程度的加剧逐渐增大的分布特征;超微型浮游植物叶绿素a在总叶绿素a中的比例也表现为河口上游低,到万山群岛附近海域达到最大,推测近海高光照、低营养盐更适宜超微型藻的生长,同时也说明超微型浮游植物适应贫营养环境的生态特点.  相似文献   

Cellular interactions between activated microglia and degenerating neurons in in vivo models of Parkinson's disease are not well defined. This time course study assesses the dynamics of morphological and immunophenotypic properties of activated microglia in a 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) model of Parkinson's disease. Neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) was induced by unilateral injection of 6-OHDA into the medial forebrain bundle. Activated microglia, identified using monoclonal antibodies: clone of antibody that detects major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens (OX6) for MHC class II, clone of antibody that detects cell surface antigen-cluster of differentiation 11b – anti-complement receptor 3, a marker for complement receptor 3 and CD 68 for phagocytic activity. Activation of microglia in the lesioned SNc was rapid with cells possessing amoeboid or ramified morphology appeared on day 1, whilst antibody clone that detects macrophage-myeloid associated antigen immunoreactivity was observed at day 3 post-lesion when there was no apparent loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)+ve dopaminergic (DA) SNc neurons. Thereafter, OX6 and antibody clone that detects macrophage-myeloid associated antigen activated microglia selectively adhered to degenerating axons, dendrites and apoptotic (caspase 3+ve) DA neurons in the SNc were observed at day 7. This was followed by progressive loss of TH+ve SNc neurons, with the peak of TH+ve cell loss (51%) being observed at day 9. This study suggests that activation of microglia precedes DA neuronal cell loss and neurons undergoing degeneration may be phagocytosed prematurely by phagocytic microglia.  相似文献   

东湖沿岸带底栖藻类群落的时空变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
武汉东湖是一个浅水富营养湖泊,其沿岸带底栖藻类群落的季节分布特征明显,夏季的优势种群是一些体积很小的硅藻类曲壳藻(Achnanthes spp.),其他大部分季节是绿藻门的团集刚毛藻(Cladophora glomerata)和硅藻门的变异直链藻(Melosira varians)。不同样点间的底栖藻类现存量差异不显著,但优势种类不同,以团集刚毛藻为优势的绿藻在处于中富营养区域的磨山样点比例最高,以变异直链藻为优势种的硅藻在严重富营养化的水果湖样点中比例最高。底栖藻类月平均现存量(以叶绿素a计)的时间变化格局为夏季最低(41.5μg/cm2),逐渐增加到秋、冬季节的最高峰值(55.3μg/cm2)。造成东湖夏季底栖藻类现存量低的原因是雨季水体环境的不稳定性和水位升高造成的低光照。不同样点间的chlb、chlc及chlb/a、chlc/a值具有显著差异,分析这种差异显示:在东湖的富营养化条件下,过渡的富营养化能增加底栖藻类群落中硅藻的比例,却降低了绿藻的比例;不同环境条件下的底栖藻类群落结构具有特异性,分析底栖藻类群落结构可以用来评价水环境健康状况。东湖底栖藻类现存量的季节变化规律与浮游藻类不同,它和水温成显著的负相关,但温度和浮游藻类并不是影响东湖沿岸带底栖藻类生物量变化的直接因子。团集刚毛藻等底栖丝状藻类给各种底栖动物提供了食物和栖息环境,在东湖生态系统中具有重要的作用和功能。  相似文献   

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