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We describe visual responses of seventeen physiological classes of columnar neuron from the retina, lamina and medulla of the locust (Locusta migratoria) optic lobe. Many of these neurons were anatomically identified by neurobiotin injection. Characterisation of neuronal responses was made by moving and flash stimuli, and by two system identification techniques: 1. The first-order spatiotemporal kernel was estimated from response to a spatiotemporal white-noise stimulus; 2. A set of kernels to second order was derived by the maximal-length shift register (M-sequence) technique, describing the system response to a two-channel centre-surround stimulus. Most cells have small receptive fields, usually with a centre diameter of about 1.5°, which is similar to that of a single receptor in the compound eye. Linear response components show varying spatial and temporal tuning, although lateral inhibition is generally fairly weak. Second-order nonlinearities often have a simple form consistent with a static nonlinear transformation of the input from the large monopolar cells of the lamina followed by further linear filtering.Abbreviations LMC large monopolar cell - LVF long visual fibre - RF receptive field - SMC small monopolar cell - SVF short visual fibre  相似文献   

Single acetylcholine-activated channels have been recorded from neurons dissociated from the sympathetic chain of 17-21 day old rats. The mean single channel conductance is 35 pS in normal medium containing 1 mM calcium, and 51 pS in the absence of calcium. The measured current amplitudes are about five times more variable than at the frog endplate, at least in part because the current, while the channel is open, is much noisier than when it is shut. Single activations of the receptor by acetylcholine (ACh) produce a burst of openings; the distribution of the burst length has two components, the longer of which is of primary importance in synaptic transmission. Whole-cell currents, in response to ACh (up to 30 microM), show strong inward rectification with no outward current being detectable. This phenomenon is similar whether the intracellular ion is sodium or cesium, whether or not divalent cations are present, and whether or not atropine is present. Nevertheless, outward single-channel currents (of normal conductance) are detectable in isolated outside-out patches.  相似文献   

机械分离的果蝇幼虫中枢神经元全细胞钾电流的特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Xu TX  Lu H  Wang Q  Wu LJ  Liu J  Zhou Z  Xu TL 《生理学报》2002,54(5):411-416
培养的果蝇胚胎及幼虫中枢神经元已被广泛用于细胞膜离子通道,突触传递和胞内信使调节等电生理学研究,在本实验中,利用机械震荡分离方法获得了大量的果蝇幼虫中枢神经元,其中大部分为Ⅱ型神经元,运用膜片钳技术,鉴定了Ⅱ型神经元上五种具有不同动力学特性的全细胞钾电流,其中E型电流表型表现出与其它四种电流完全不同的“钟形”激活特性,进一步的研究还表明该类型电流具有明显的钙依赖性,而且它具有与其它四种电流不同的衰减特性。  相似文献   

The locust’s optic lobe contains a system of wide-field, multimodal, centrifugal neurons. Two of these cells, the protocerebrum-medulla-neurons PM4a and b, are octopaminergic. This paper describes a second pair of large centrifugal neurons (the protocerebrum-medulla-neurons PM1a and PM1b) from the brain of Locusta migratoria based on intracellular cobalt fills, electrophysiology, and immunocytochemistry. They originate and arborise in the central brain and send processes into the medulla of the optic lobe. Double intracellular recording from the same cell suggests input in the central brain and output in the optic lobe. The neurons show immunoreactivity to gamma-amino-butyric acid and its synthesising enzyme, glutamate decarboxylase. The PM1 cells are movement sensitive and show habituation to repeated visual stimulation. Bath application of octopamine causes the response to dishabituate. A very similar effect is produced by electrical stimulation of one of an octopaminergic PM4 neuron. This effect can be blocked by application of the octopamine antagonists, mianserin and phentolamine. This readily accessible system of four wide-field neurons provides a system suitable for the investigation of octopaminergic effects on the visual system at the cellular level.  相似文献   

Extracellular potentials of two types were recorded from the locust eye and optic lobe; standing potentials relating to regions of the eye and optic lobe, and transient potential changes in response to light which alter the level of the former during adaptation. The transient changes are complex light and dark responses. The polarity and origin of the components are discussed. To brief exposures the light response in the photoreceptor region was found to continue in the subsequent dark period; dark responses therefore have a measurable latency in this region. A transient dark response (−ve) with no latency is recorded in the optic lobe. A point of unchanging potential was found at the basement membrane, and the asymmetrical potential changes on either side of this null-point are suggested as indicating possible dipole properties of the eye and optic lobe.  相似文献   

Summary The adult optic lobes of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala were found to be innervated by more than 2000 neurons immunoreactive to antisera raised against the neuropeptides FMRFamide, its fragment RFamide, and gastrin/cholecystokinin (CCK). All of the CCK-like immunoreactive (CCK-IR) neurons also reacted with antisera to RFamide, FMRFamide and pancreatic polypeptide. A few RFamide/FMRFamide-like immunoreactive (RF-IR) neurons did not react with CCK antisera; they reacted instead with antisera to Leu-enkephalin and Met-enkephalin-Arg6-Phe7. The RF-IR neurons are, thus, heterogeneous with respect to their contents of immunoreactive peptides. Two of the RF-IR neuron types innervating the adult optic lobes could be traced in their entirety only after following their postembryonic development, because of the complexity of the trajectories of the immunoreactive neuronal process in the adult insect. The majority of the cell bodies of the RF-IR and CCK-IR neurons lie within the optic lobes and are derived from imaginal neuroblasts of the inner and outer optic anlagen. Six of the peptidergic neurons are, however, metamorphosing larval neurons with their cell bodies in the central part of the protocerebrum. The full extent of immunoreactivitiy is not attained in some of the neurons until the late pupal or early adult stage. The larval optic center was also found to be innervated by neurons immuno-reactive with both RFamide and CCK antisera. The cell bodies of these RF-IR/CCK-IR neurons are located near the developing lamina (one on each side). In the 24 h pupa, the cell bodies of these neurons are still immunoreactive, but thereafter they cannot be immunolabeled apparently due to cell death or a change in transmitter phenotype.  相似文献   

  1. Extracellular recordings from wide-field nonhabituating non-directional (ND) motion detecting neurons in the second optic chiasma of the locust Locusta migratoria are presented. The responses to various types of stepwise moving spot and bar stimuli were monitored (Fig. 1)
  2. Stepwise motion in all directions elicited bursts of spikes. The response is inhibited at stimulus velocities above 5°/s. At velocities above 10°/s the ND neurons are slightly more sensitive to motion in the horizontal direction than to motion in the vertical direction (Fig. 2). The ND cells have a preference for small moving stimuli (Fig. 3).
  3. The motion response has two peaks. The latency of the second peak depends on stimulus size and stimulus velocity. Increasing the height from 0.1 to 23.5° of a 5°/s moving bar results in a lowering of this latency time from 176 to 130 ms (Fig. 4). When the velocity from a single 0.1° spot is increased from 1 to 16°/s, the latency decreases from 282 to 180 ms (Figs. 5–6).
  4. A change-of-direction sensitivity is displayed. Stepwise motion in one particular direction produces a continuous burst of spike discharges. Reversal or change in direction leads to an inhibition of the response (Fig. 7).
  5. It shows that non-directional motion perception of the wide-field ND cells can simply be explained by combining self-and lateral inhibition.

Using the patch-clamp technique in combination with sliced tissue preparation the membrane properties of newborn rabbit area postrema neurons were investigated. The neurons responded upon depolarization with a fast Na +-current followed by an inactivating and non-inactivating K +-current. GABA-activated currents were investigated resulting in a large Cl--conductance, indicating the expression of GABAA-receptors. The expression of glutamate receptor mRNA was studied by in situ hybridization and electrophysiological measurements of these receptors by means of the patch-clamp technique. As a main result it was found that ionotropic glutamate receptors in the area postrema are composed of flop variants of the GluA-, GluB- and GluC-subunits.Abbreviations AP area postrema - GABA -aminobutyric acid - Glu glutamate - I–V current-voltage - SFO subfornical organ  相似文献   

The coupling mechanism between the bilaterally paired optic lobe circadian pacemakers in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus was investigated by recording locomotor activity, under constant light or constant red light, after the optic nerve was unilaterally severed.
1. The majority (about 70%) of the animals showed a locomotor rhythm with 2 rhythmic components; one freerunning with a period of 25.33 ± 0.41 (SD) h and the other with 24.36 ± 0.37 (SD) h under constant light (Fig. 3A).
2. Removal of the intact side optic lobe abolished the longer period component (Fig. 4A), while the operation on the operated side caused a reverse effect (Fig. 4B), indicating that the longer and the shorter period components are driven by the pacemaker on the intact and the operated side, respectively.
3. The activity driven by a pacemaker was inhibited during the subjective day of the contralateral pacemaker (circadian time 0–10, Fig. 5).
4. The freerunning periods of the two components were not constant but varied as a function of the mutual phase angle relationship (Figs. 3A, 7, 8).
These results suggest that the 2 optic lobe pacemakers weakly couple to one another and that the cricket maintains a stable temporal structure in its behavior through the phase-dependent mututal inhibition of activity and the phase-dependent freerunning period modulation.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular recording and Lucifer yellow dye filling of male fleshflies, Sarcophaga bullata, have revealed male-specific neurons in the lobula, the axons of which project to the origin of premotor channels supplying flight motor neurons. Dendrites of male-specific neurons visit areas of the retinotopic mosaic supplied by the retina's acute zone, which is used by males to keep the image of a conspecific female centered during aerial pursuit. Only males engage in high-speed acrobatic chases, and male-specific neurons are suspected to under-lie this behavior. Physiological determination of receptive fields of male-specific neurons substantiates the fields predicted from anatomical studies and demonstrates that they subtend the acute zone. Male-specific neurons respond in a manner predicted on theoretical grounds from observations of tracking behavior. Such properties include directional selectivity to visual motion and higher sensitivity to motion of small images than to wide-field motion. The present account substantiates and extends neuroanatomical evidence that predicts that male-specific lobula neurons comprise a distinct circuit mediating conspecific tracking.  相似文献   

Pigment-dispersing factor (PDF) is a neuropeptide playing important roles in insect circadian systems. In this study, we morphologically and physiologically characterized PDF-immunoreactive neurons in the optic lobe and the brain of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. PDF-immunoreactivity was detected in cells located in the proximal medulla (PDFMe cells) and those in the dorsal and ventral regions of the outer chiasma (PDFLa cells). The PDFMe cells had varicose processes spread over the frontal surface of the medulla and the PDFLa cells had varicose mesh-like innervations in almost whole lamina, suggesting their modulatory role in the optic lobe. Some of PDFMe cells had a hairpin-shaped axonal process running toward the lamina then turning back to project into the brain where they terminated at various protocerebral areas. The PDFMe cells had a low frequency spontaneous spike activity that was higher during the night and was often slightly increased by light pulses. Six pairs of PDF-immunoreactive neurons were also found in the frontal ganglion. Competitive ELISA with anti-PDF antibodies revealed daily cycling of PDF both in the optic lobe and cerebral lobe with an increase during the night that persisted in constant darkness. The physiological role of PDF is discussed based on these results.  相似文献   

Insect thoracic ganglia contain efferent octopaminergic unpaired median neurons (UM neurons) located in the midline, projecting bilaterally and modulating neuromuscular transmission, muscle contraction kinetics, sensory sensitivity and muscle metabolism. In locusts, these neurons are located dorsally or ventrally (DUM- or VUM-neurons) and divided into functionally different sub-populations activated during different motor tasks. This study addresses the responsiveness of locust thoracic DUM neurons to various sensory stimuli. Two classes of sense organs, cuticular exteroreceptor mechanosensilla (tactile hairs and campaniform sensilla), and photoreceptors (compound eyes and ocelli) elicited excitatory reflex responses. Chordotonal organ joint receptors caused no responses. The tympanal organ (Müller's organ) elicited weak excitatory responses most likely via generally increased network activity due to increased arousal. Vibratory stimuli to the hind leg subgenual organ never elicited responses. Whereas DUM neurons innervating wing muscles are not very responsive to sensory stimulation, those innervating leg and other muscles are very responsive to stimulation of exteroreceptors and hardly responsive to stimulation of proprioceptors. After cutting both cervical connectives all mechanosensory excitation is lost, even for sensory inputs from the abdomen. This suggests that, in contrast to motor neurons, the sensory inputs to octopaminergic efferent neuromodulatory cells are pre-processed in the suboesophageal ganglion.  相似文献   

Tympanal organs of insects emit distortion-product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) that are indicative of nonlinear ear mechanics. Our study sought (1) to define constraints of DPOAE generation in the ear of Locusta migratoria, and (2) to identify the sensory structures involved. We selectively destroyed the connection between the (peripheral) sensory ganglion and the tympanal attachment points of the “d-cell” dendrites; d-cells are most sensitive to sound frequencies above 12 kHz. This led to a decrease of DPOAEs that were evoked by f 2 frequencies above 15 kHz (decrease of 15–40 dB; mean 28 dB; n = 12 organs). DPOAEs elicited by lower frequencies remained unchanged. Such frequency-specific changes following the exclusion of one scolopidial sub-population suggest that these auditory scolopidia are in fact the source of DPOAEs in insects. Electrical stimulation of the auditory nerve (with short current pulses of 4–10 μA or DC-currents of 0.5 μA) reversibly reduced DPOAEs by as much as 30 dB. We assume that retrograde electrical stimulation primarily affected the neuronal part of the scolopidia. Severing the auditory nerve from the central nervous system (CNS) did not alter the DPOAE amplitudes nor the effects of electrical stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary The gross structure as well as the neuronal and non-neuronal components of the lamina ganglionaris of the locust Schistocerca gregaria are described on the basis of light- and electron-microscopical preparations of Golgj (selective silver) and ordinary histological preparations. The array of optic cartridges within the lamina neuropile — their order and arrangement — and the composition of the cartridges are described. There are six types of monopolar neurons: three whose branches reach to other cartridges and three whose branches are confined to their own cartridges. Retinula axons terminate either in the lamina or the medulla neuropiles. There are three types of centrifugal neurons, two types of horizontal neuron, as well as glia and trachea in the lamina neuropile. The development of the lamina neuropile is described in terms of developing monopolar and centrifugal axons, growing retinula fibres, and composition of the developing optic cartridges.MSN was supported in part by a Fulbrights-Hays Scholarsship. We are grateful to the Science Research Council for its grant to PMJS.  相似文献   

Summary Retinal bundles, connecting the retina of the octopus to the ipsilateral optic lobe, contain both retinal photoreceptor axons that terminate in the optic lobe and centrifugal axons whose cell bodies lie within the lobe. Staining axonal elements in proximal stubs of individual retinal bundles by cobalt diffusion and subsequent sulphide treatment reveals the topographic relationship between afferent terminals and centrifugal cell bodies. At the outer border of the plexiform layer, stained terminal bags (photoreceptor axon enlargements), an indicator of photoreceptor terminal spread within this layer, overlap stained centrifugal cell bodies located within the inner granule layer. The details of this overlap indicate a dorsoventral representation of each retinal bundle within the optic lobe cortex.  相似文献   

Although it has been known that olfactory and mechanical inputs from the antenna converge in the antennal lobe of the deutocerebrum of the American cockroach, the capacity of antennal lobe neurons to integrate cues from these modalities was never examined. In the present study, neurons responsive to both the odor of lemon oil and to lateral displacement of the antenna were used to compare the effects of unimodal and bimodal stimulation. The combination of olfactory and mechanical stimuli produced increases over unimodal olfactory responses in 61% (30/49) of the neurons. In the remaining neurons the response either decreased (20%; 10/49), or no bimodal interaction was apparent (19%; 9/49). Dye injection (lucifer yellow) following physiological characterization revealed that these bimodal neurons are local neurons or projection neurons. The antennal lobe links the inputs from olfactory and mechanosensory systems and provides a substrate through which olfactory and mechanical stimuli influence one another's effects. Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

The two Protocerebral-Medulla 4 neurons (PM4a and b) in the locust brain have adjacent cell bodies in the medial deutocerebrum. They project through the posterior protocerebrum, forming limited arborisations en route, and enter the lobula and medulla of the ipsilateral optic lobe, where they form extensive, overlapping arborisations. The PM4a and b neurons are octopamine immunoreactive. Their octopamine content (approximately 25 pg per cell) is confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; each cell contains approximately 25 pg p-octopamine. Simultaneous intracellular recording from exposed PM4a and b cell bodies reveals that the two cells are physiologically indistinguishable. They receive multimodal sensory inputs. Tactile/mechanosensory stimuli to much of the animal's body and head, acoustic stimuli, and simple visual stimuli all give rise to e.p.s.p.s and action potentials in the PM4 cell body. Simultaneous recording from the cell body in the deutocerebrum and the axon in the lobula demonstrates that action potentials are predominantly initiated in the deutocerebrum and propagate centrifugally, towards the optic lobe. Occasionally, bright light flashes will initiate an action potential in the axon in the optic stalk, which probably propagates bidirectionally: centripetally to the cell body, and centrifugally into the optic lobe. The extensive arborisations in the lobula and medulla are therefore likely to be sites of octopamine release. Because PM4 neurons are octopaminergic, project to the optic lobe, and receive modalities of sensory input known to dishabituate the Descending Contralateral Movement Detector (DCMD) visual interneuron, it is proposed that PM4 neurons are neuromodulatory — mediating dishabituation or arousal of the visual system.  相似文献   

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