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当前人类活动的加剧显著地影响着全球大气循环的格局。大气循环的多个模型均预测未来全球气候变化的显著特征是极端降水事件和极端干旱事件发生的频率会显著增加。水分是干旱、半干旱区草原植物生长发育的限制性资源, 而草原生态系统是陆地生态系统中对降水格局变化非常敏感的系统。但是, 关于极端降水事件和极端干旱事件对草原生态系统结构和功能的影响还是以分散的个案研究为主, 甚至关于极端气候事件的定义迄今也不尽相同。为此, 该文在分析极端气候事件定义及其研究方法的基础上, 总结了极端降水事件和极端干旱事件对草原生态系统土壤水分和养分状况、植物生长发育和生理特性、群落结构、生产力和碳循环过程的影响, 并提出了未来极端气候事件研究中应重点关注的5个重要方向, 以及控制试验研究的2个关键科学问题, 对开展全球变化背景下草原生态系统对极端气候事件响应机制的研究具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are an increasing threat to water quality and global water security caused by the nutrient enrichment of freshwaters. There is also a broad consensus that blooms are increasing with global warming, but the impacts of other concomitant environmental changes, such as an increase in extreme rainfall events, may affect this response. One of the potential effects of high rainfall events on phytoplankton communities is greater loss of biomass through hydraulic flushing. Here we used a shallow lake mesocosm experiment to test the combined effects of: warming (ambient vs. +4°C increase), high rainfall (flushing) events (no events vs. seasonal events) and nutrient loading (eutrophic vs. hypertrophic) on total phytoplankton chlorophyll‐a and cyanobacterial abundance and composition. Our hypotheses were that: (a) total phytoplankton and cyanobacterial abundance would be higher in heated mesocosms; (b) the stimulatory effects of warming on cyanobacterial abundance would be enhanced in higher nutrient mesocosms, resulting in a synergistic interaction; (c) the recovery of biomass from flushing induced losses would be quicker in heated and nutrient‐enriched treatments, and during the growing season. The results supported the first and, in part, the third hypotheses: total phytoplankton and cyanobacterial abundance increased in heated mesocosms with an increase in common bloom‐forming taxa—Microcystis spp. and Dolichospermum spp. Recovery from flushing was slowest in the winter, but unaffected by warming or higher nutrient loading. Contrary to the second hypothesis, an antagonistic interaction between warming and nutrient enrichment was detected for both cyanobacteria and chlorophyll‐a demonstrating that ecological surprises can occur, dependent on the environmental context. While this study highlights the clear need to mitigate against global warming, oversimplification of global change effects on cyanobacteria should be avoided; stressor gradients and seasonal effects should be considered as important factors shaping the response.  相似文献   

以3种不同退化程度的温带典型草原(大针茅轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化)为研究对象,研究植被退化对温带典型草原土壤及根系碳氮含量及储量的影响。结果显示:(1)植被退化对地下根系碳含量影响不显著(P0.05),而对地下根系氮含量的影响显著(P0.05),中度退化样地根系氮含量显著高于轻度退化和重度退化样地(P0.05)。(2)植被退化对根系碳氮储量影响显著(P0.05),根系碳氮储量随着土层深度增加而减少,总根系碳氮储量随退化程度加剧而降低。(3)土壤有机碳、总碳和总氮含量及储量均受退化程度和采样深度的影响显著(P0.05),其含量随着土壤深度的增加而显著减少,随退化程度加剧而显著降低(P0.05)。(4)土壤是根系-土壤系统碳氮储存的最主要场所,储量占比90%以上。虽然土壤碳氮储量均存在表层聚集现象,但表层储量所占比例在各样地间差异显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Extreme droughts, heat waves, frosts, precipitation, wind storms and other climate extremes may impact the structure, composition and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, and thus carbon cycling and its feedbacks to the climate system. Yet, the interconnected avenues through which climate extremes drive ecological and physiological processes and alter the carbon balance are poorly understood. Here, we review the literature on carbon cycle relevant responses of ecosystems to extreme climatic events. Given that impacts of climate extremes are considered disturbances, we assume the respective general disturbance‐induced mechanisms and processes to also operate in an extreme context. The paucity of well‐defined studies currently renders a quantitative meta‐analysis impossible, but permits us to develop a deductive framework for identifying the main mechanisms (and coupling thereof) through which climate extremes may act on the carbon cycle. We find that ecosystem responses can exceed the duration of the climate impacts via lagged effects on the carbon cycle. The expected regional impacts of future climate extremes will depend on changes in the probability and severity of their occurrence, on the compound effects and timing of different climate extremes, and on the vulnerability of each land‐cover type modulated by management. Although processes and sensitivities differ among biomes, based on expert opinion, we expect forests to exhibit the largest net effect of extremes due to their large carbon pools and fluxes, potentially large indirect and lagged impacts, and long recovery time to regain previous stocks. At the global scale, we presume that droughts have the strongest and most widespread effects on terrestrial carbon cycling. Comparing impacts of climate extremes identified via remote sensing vs. ground‐based observational case studies reveals that many regions in the (sub‐)tropics are understudied. Hence, regional investigations are needed to allow a global upscaling of the impacts of climate extremes on global carbon–climate feedbacks.  相似文献   

植被恢复对土壤碳氮循环的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翁伯琦  郑祥洲  丁洪  王煌平 《生态学杂志》2013,24(12):3610-3616
植被恢复重建是治理水土流失的主要手段之一,能够有效地促进侵蚀土壤发育、提高土壤肥力、增强土壤微生物活性,进一步影响土壤碳氮循环.因此,植被的恢复重建过程对土壤有机碳库、氮库累积以及温室气体的排放具有一定作用.本文综述了植被恢复对土壤碳、氮循环过程的影响以及土壤质量与植被修复之间的协同效应,并提出了今后进一步研究的方向.对评价植被恢复在应对全球气候变化中所起的作用具有借鉴与参考价值,对促进土壤肥力改善和退化生态系统的恢复及可持续发展也有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

We examined microclimatic conditions and soil nitrogen (N) dynamics of different alpine plant community types on the Bogong High Plains in Victoria, Australia. Three community types are predominant in the High Plains region, namely grassland, heathland and woodland and together they form so‐called inverted treelines, with grassland in valley floors below the treeline. Outdoor temperature loggers were deployed in the three vegetation types to establish differences among microclimatic conditions. We incubated soils to determine rates of N production and collected additional soil samples for analysis of soil properties and soluble N. Temperature data showed that only grassland communities experienced sub‐zero temperatures in winter. Temperature and soil moisture influenced indices of N mineralization and N nitrification in this alpine ecosystem. Rates of N mineralization were significantly faster than nitrification that only produced consequential amounts of nitrate in summer. This information, together with considerably lower pools of nitrate than ammonium and organic N in the soil, implies that ammonium is the dominant form of soluble N in the ecosystem whereas nitrate most likely only has minor importance for plant nutrition. The results of this study provide insight into ecological processes of this alpine ecosystem and demonstrate the vulnerability of the system to altered climatic and edaphic conditions in the course of climate change.  相似文献   

滨海盐沼湿地是缓解全球变暖的有效蓝色碳汇, 但是近岸海域富营养化导致的大量氮输入对盐沼湿地稳定性和碳汇功能构成严重威胁。潮汐作用下大量氮输入对盐沼湿地植物光合碳输入、植物-土壤碳分配和土壤碳输出等碳循环关键过程产生深刻影响, 进而影响盐沼湿地碳汇功能评估的准确性。该文从植物光合固碳、植物-土壤系统碳分配、土壤有机碳分解、土壤可溶性有机碳释放、盐沼湿地土壤碳库5个方面综述了氮输入对盐沼湿地碳循环关键过程的影响。在此基础上, 针对当前研究的不足, 提出今后的研究中, 需要进一步探究氮输入对盐沼湿地植物光合固碳及碳分配过程的影响、盐沼湿地土壤有机碳分解的微生物机制、盐沼湿地土壤可溶性有机碳产生和横向流动的影响、以及氮类型对盐沼湿地土壤碳库的影响。以期为揭示氮输入对盐沼湿地碳汇形成过程与机制提供基础资料和理论依据, 为评估未来近岸海域水体富营养化影响下滨海盐沼湿地碳库的潜在变化提供新思路。  相似文献   

Reductions in snow cover undera warmer climate may cause soil freezing eventsto become more common in northern temperateecosystems. In this experiment, snow cover wasmanipulated to simulate the late development ofsnowpack and to induce soil freezing. Thismanipulation was used to examine the effects ofsoil freezing disturbance on soil solutionnitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C)chemistry in four experimental stands (twosugar maple and two yellow birch) at theHubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in theWhite Mountains of New Hampshire. Soilfreezing enhanced soil solution Nconcentrations and transport from the forestfloor. Nitrate (NO3 ) was thedominant N species mobilized in the forestfloor of sugar maple stands after soilfreezing, while ammonium (NH4 +) anddissolved organic nitrogen (DON) were thedominant forms of N leaching from the forestfloor of treated yellow birch stands. Rates ofN leaching at stands subjected to soil freezingranged from 490 to 4,600 mol ha–1yr–1, significant in comparison to wet Ndeposition (530 mol ha–1 yr–1) andstream NO3 export (25 mol ha–1yr–1) in this northern forest ecosystem. Soil solution fluxes of Pi from the forestfloor of sugar maple stands after soil freezingranged from 15 to 32 mol ha–1 yr–1;this elevated mobilization of Pi coincidedwith heightened NO3 leaching. Elevated leaching of Pi from the forestfloor was coupled with enhanced retention ofPi in the mineral soil Bs horizon. Thequantities of Pi mobilized from the forestfloor were significant relative to theavailable P pool (22 mol ha–1) as well asnet P mineralization rates in the forest floor(180 mol ha–1 yr–1). Increased fineroot mortality was likely an important sourceof mobile N and Pi from the forest floor,but other factors (decreased N and P uptake byroots and increased physical disruption of soilaggregates) may also have contributed to theenhanced leaching of nutrients. Microbialmortality did not contribute to the acceleratedN and P leaching after soil freezing. Resultssuggest that soil freezing events may increaserates of N and P loss, with potential effectson soil N and P availability, ecosystemproductivity, as well as surface wateracidification and eutrophication.  相似文献   

以荒漠草原凋落物为研究对象,通过设置自然降雨(CK)、增雨30%(W)和减雨30%(R) 3种水分处理和0 (N0)、30(N30)、50 (N50)和100 kg hm~(-2) a~(-1)(N100)4种氮素(NH_4NO_3)水平处理,用分解袋法,研究内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)、冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)、无芒隐子草(Cleistogenes songorica)和木地肤(Kochia prostrata)凋落物分解过程,旨在阐明荒漠草原凋落物分解过程及其对氮沉降和降雨变化的响应特征,为荒漠草原生态系统物质循环过程响应气候变化研究提供基础数据。结果表明:1)经过270 d分解后,短花针茅、冷蒿、木地肤和无芒隐子草干物质残留率分别为69.95%—78.67%、68.89%—79.89%、64.68%—79.23%、66.89%—79.38%,分解速率为木地肤无芒隐子草冷蒿短花针茅。2)氮沉降和降雨对短花针茅和冷蒿凋落物分解速率产生显著影响(P0.05),其交互作用对这两种凋落物分解速率不显著(P0.05)。氮沉降和降雨以及交互作用均对无芒隐子草和木地肤凋落物分解速率产生显著影响(P0.05)。3)单一水分或氮素的添加均提高土壤微生物量碳氮含量,而水氮交互作用下更为显著。4)凋落物分解速率受生物及非生物因子的影响,相关分析表明:冷蒿、无芒隐子草、木地肤与土壤微生物量碳呈极显著正相关(P0.01);冷蒿、木地肤、短花针茅与土壤微生物量氮呈极显著正相关(P0.01);木地肤和短花针茅与土壤含水量呈极显著正相关(P0.01);冷蒿、木地肤、短花针茅与地上生物量呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。  相似文献   

土壤动物是凋落物分解、养分转化过程的重要调节者,全球变化驱动的氮沉降与降雨变化通过改变其分解环境和土壤动物群落结构,进而影响凋落物分解进程.为了探究中小型土壤动物对凋落物分解的贡献受氮沉降和降雨变化的影响,本研究利用不同网孔(2 mm和0.01 mm)的凋落物分解网袋法,以建群种短花针茅为研究对象进行野外分解试验.试验...  相似文献   

Although it is widely accepted that elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N) deposition, and climate change will alter ecosystem productivity and function in the coming decades, the combined effects of these environmental changes may be nonadditive, and their interactions may be altered by disturbances, such as fire. We examined the influence of a summer wildfire on the interactive effects of elevated CO2, N deposition, and increased precipitation in a full-factorial experiment conducted in a California annual grassland. In unburned plots, primary production was suppressed under elevated CO2. Burning alone did not significantly affect production, but it increased total production in combination with nitrate additions and removed the suppressive effect of elevated CO2. Increased production in response to nitrate in burned plots occurred as a result of the enhanced aboveground production of annual grasses and forbs, whereas the removal of the suppressive effect of elevated CO2 occurred as a result of increased aboveground forb production in burned, CO2-treated plots and decreased root production in burned plots under ambient CO2.The tissue nitrogen–phosphorus ratio, which was assessed for annual grass shoots, decreased with burning and increased with nitrate addition. Burning removed surface litter from plots, resulting in an increase in maximum daily soil temperatures and a decrease in soil moisture both early and late in the growing season. Measures of vegetation greenness, based on canopy spectral reflectance, showed that plants in burned plots grew rapidly early in the season but senesced early. Overall, these results indicate that fire can alter the effects of elevated CO2 and N addition on productivity in the short term, possibly by promoting increased phosphorus availability.  相似文献   

研究降雨格局(如降雨量和降雨时间)对滨海盐沼湿地土壤碳矿化的影响,对于深入理解土壤碳的稳定性和积累机制具有重要意义.本研究选取远离海岸且不受潮汐影响的黄河三角洲原生盐地碱蓬盐沼湿地为对象,通过野外原状土柱的控制试验,分析土壤碳矿化(CO2和CH4通量)在不同时期(干旱期和湿润期)对降雨事件的响应.结果表明:降雨时间和降...  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems are an important sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), sequestering ~30% of annual anthropogenic emissions and slowing the rise of atmospheric CO2. However, the future direction and magnitude of the land sink is highly uncertain. We examined how historical and projected changes in climate, land use, and ecosystem disturbances affect the carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in California over the period 2001–2100. We modeled 32 unique scenarios, spanning 4 land use and 2 radiative forcing scenarios as simulated by four global climate models. Between 2001 and 2015, carbon storage in California's terrestrial ecosystems declined by ?188.4 Tg C, with a mean annual flux ranging from a source of ?89.8 Tg C/year to a sink of 60.1 Tg C/year. The large variability in the magnitude of the state's carbon source/sink was primarily attributable to interannual variability in weather and climate, which affected the rate of carbon uptake in vegetation and the rate of ecosystem respiration. Under nearly all future scenarios, carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems was projected to decline, with an average loss of ?9.4% (?432.3 Tg C) by the year 2100 from current stocks. However, uncertainty in the magnitude of carbon loss was high, with individual scenario projections ranging from ?916.2 to 121.2 Tg C and was largely driven by differences in future climate conditions projected by climate models. Moving from a high to a low radiative forcing scenario reduced net ecosystem carbon loss by 21% and when combined with reductions in land‐use change (i.e., moving from a high to a low land‐use scenario), net carbon losses were reduced by 55% on average. However, reconciling large uncertainties associated with the effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 is needed to better constrain models used to establish baseline conditions from which ecosystem‐based climate mitigation strategies can be evaluated.  相似文献   

Climate change and biological invasions are rapidly reshuffling species distribution, restructuring the biological communities of many ecosystems worldwide. Tracking these transformations in the marine environment is crucial, but our understanding of climate change effects and invasive species dynamics is often hampered by the practical challenge of surveying large geographical areas. Here, we focus on the Mediterranean Sea, a hot spot for climate change and biological invasions to investigate recent spatiotemporal changes in fish abundances and distribution. To this end, we accessed the local ecological knowledge (LEK) of small‐scale and recreational fishers, reconstructing the dynamics of fish perceived as “new” or increasing in different fishing areas. Over 500 fishers across 95 locations and nine different countries were interviewed, and semiquantitative information on yearly changes in species abundance was collected. Overall, 75 species were mentioned by the respondents, mostly warm‐adapted species of both native and exotic origin. Respondents belonging to the same biogeographic sectors described coherent spatial and temporal patterns, and gradients along latitudinal and longitudinal axes were revealed. This information provides a more complete understanding of the shifting distribution of Mediterranean fishes and it also demonstrates that adequately structured LEK methodology might be applied successfully beyond the local scale, across national borders and jurisdictions. Acknowledging this potential through macroregional coordination could pave the way for future large‐scale aggregations of individual observations, increasing our potential for integrated monitoring and conservation planning at the regional or even global level. This might help local communities to better understand, manage, and adapt to the ongoing biotic transformations driven by climate change and biological invaders.  相似文献   

The response of plants to elevated CO2 is dependent on the availability of nutrients, especially nitrogen. It is generally accepted that an increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases the C:N ratio of plant residues and exudates. This promotes temporary N-immobilization which might, in turn, reduce the availability of soil nitrogen. In addition, both a CO2 stimulated increase in plant growth (thus requiring more nitrogen) and an increased N demand for the decomposition of soil residues with a large C:N will result under elevated CO2 in a larger N-sink of the whole grassland ecosystem. One way to maintain the balance between the C and N cycles in elevated CO2 would be to increase N-import to the grassland ecosystem through symbiotic N2 fixation. Whether this might happen in the context of temperate ecosystems is discussed, by assessing the following hypothesis: i) symbiotic N2 fixation in legumes will be enhanced under elevated CO2, ii) this enhancement of N2 fixation will result in a larger N-input to the grassland ecosystem, and iii) a larger N-input will allow the sequestration of additional carbon, either above or below-ground, into the ecosystem. Data from long-term experiments with model grassland ecosystems, consisting of monocultures or mixtures of perennial ryegrass and white clover, grown under elevated CO2 under free-air or field-like conditions, supports the first two hypothesis, since: i) both the percentage and the amount of fixed N increases in white clover grown under elevated CO2, ii) the contribution of fixed N to the nitrogen nutrition of the mixed grass also increases in elevated CO2. Concerning the third hypothesis, an increased nitrogen input to the grassland ecosystem from N2 fixation usually promotes shoot growth (above-ground C storage) in elevated CO2. However, the consequences of this larger N input under elevated CO2 on the below-ground carbon fluxes are not fully understood. On one hand, the positive effect of elevated CO2 on the quantity of plant residues might be overwhelming and lead to an increased long-term below-ground C storage; on the other hand, the enhancement of the decomposition process by the N-rich legume material might favour carbon turn-over and, hence, limit the storage of below-ground carbon.  相似文献   

We measured net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE), plant biomass and growth, species composition, peat microclimate, and litter decomposition in a fertilization experiment at Mer Bleue Bog, Ottawa, Ontario. The bog is located in the zone with the highest atmospheric nitrogen deposition for Canada, estimated at 0.8–1.2 g N m−2 yr−1 (wet deposition as NH4 and NO3). To establish the effect of nutrient addition on this ecosystem, we fertilized the bog with six treatments involving the application of 1.6–6 g N m−2 yr−1 (as NH4NO3), with and without P and K, in triplicate 3 m × 3 m plots. The initial 5–6 years have shown a loss of first Sphagnum, then Polytrichum mosses, and an increase in vascular plant biomass and leaf area index. Analyses of NEE, measured in situ with climate‐controlled chambers, indicate that contrary to expectations, the treatments with the highest levels of nutrient addition showed lower rates of maximum NEE and gross photosynthesis, but little change in ecosystem respiration after 5 years. Although shrub biomass and leaf area increased in the high nutrient plots, loss of moss photosynthesis owing to nutrient toxicity, increased vascular plant shading and greater litter accumulation contributed to the lower levels of CO2 uptake. Our study highlights the importance of long‐term experiments as we did not observe lower NEE until the fifth year of the experiment. However, this may be a transient response as the treatment plots continue to change. Higher levels of nutrients may cause changes in plant composition and productivity and decrease the ability of peatlands to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere.  相似文献   

施氮和降水格局改变对土壤CH4和CO2通量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟  白娥  李善龙  孙建飞  彭勃  姜萍 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):1947-1958
氮沉降增加和降水格局改变是全球变化的两项重要内容,但是同时考虑上述两因素对温室气体CH4和CO2通量影响的原位双因子模拟研究还相当有限.本研究以长白山温带阔叶红松林土壤为研究对象,采用静态箱法研究了外施氮源(50 kg N·hm-2·a-1)和增减30%降水对土壤CH4和CO2通量的影响.结果表明:施氮能抑制土壤CH4吸收,有时甚至能将土壤对CH4的吸收转为释放,但这种抑制效应只能维持5d左右,且能在一定程度上改变CH4通量和环境因子(温度、土壤pH、粘粒含量)的相关关系.降水改变未能显著影响土壤CH4通量.对CO2通量而言,施氮能降低土壤CO2排放,长白山阔叶红松林连续施氮第4年的平均抑制效应为27.4%.长期连续施氮的平均抑制效应随施氮时间延长而逐渐增大,一定年限后达到最大值.单次施氮的抑制效应随时间延长逐渐减弱,并在1个月的施氮周期末期基本消失.施氮的抑制效应和土壤充水孔隙度(WFPS)呈显著负相关关系,且升温能增强施氮对CO2释放的抑制效应并延长抑制时间.施氮、降水有可能改变土壤呼吸的温度敏感性.本研究表明,长白山森林土壤氮素尚未达到一定阈值,未来氮沉降增加将抑制CO2的释放和CH4的吸收,因此总体来看施氮抑制土壤碳排放.  相似文献   

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