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Supplementation of wild salmonids with captive-bred fish is a common practice for both commercial and conservation purposes. However, evidence for lower fitness of captive-reared fish relative to wild fish has accumulated in recent years, diminishing the apparent effectiveness of supplementation as a management tool. To date, the mechanism(s) responsible for these fitness declines remain unknown. In this study, we showed with molecular parentage analysis that hatchery coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) had lower reproductive success than wild fish once they reproduced in the wild. This effect was more pronounced in males than in same-aged females. Hatchery spawned fish that were released as unfed fry (age 0), as well as hatchery fish raised for one year in the hatchery (released as smolts, age 1), both experienced lower lifetime reproductive success (RS) than wild fish. However, the subset of hatchery males that returned as 2-year olds (jacks) did not exhibit the same fitness decrease as males that returned as 3-year olds. Thus, we report three lines of evidence pointing to the absence of sexual selection in the hatchery as a contributing mechanism for fitness declines of hatchery fish in the wild: (i) hatchery fish released as unfed fry that survived to adulthood still had low RS relative to wild fish, (ii) age-3 male hatchery fish consistently showed a lower relative RS than female hatchery fish (suggesting a role for sexual selection), and (iii) age-2 jacks, which use a sneaker mating strategy, did not show the same declines as 3-year olds, which compete differently for females (again, implicating sexual selection).  相似文献   

In aquarium experiments using coho salmon as a model species, prior residents dominated intruders of the same size but intruders with a 6% length advantage were equally matched against prior residents. Prior winning experience (distinct from individual recognition) also strongly influenced competitive success and overcame a prior residence effect. Coho salmon reared in a hatchery dominated size-matched fish from the same parental population reared in a stream. Hatchery-reared salmon also dominated naturally spawned salmon, even when the wild salmon were prior residents. Thus the combined effects of greater size and rearing experience of hatchery-produced salmon were sufficient to overcome a wild salmon's advantage of prior residence. Efforts to rehabilitate salmonid populations must consider such behavioural interactions if displacement of wild fish is to be prevented.  相似文献   

We compared the diet of hatchery-reared steelhead produced from an integrated hatchery program as emigrating spring smolts and non-migrating hatchery residuals to their sympatric wild counterparts. Our results suggest that there is a potential for hatchery fish to affect wild steelhead populations due to dietary overlap and subyearling salmonid predation; however, relative ecological risk did not increase as steelhead delayed or forwent emigration. Predation by hatchery smolts was related to release timing, but not experience with native fish. Diet composition appears to be more strongly affected by seasonal and yearly differences in prey abundance and presence rather than differences in rearing environments. Hatchery and wild steelhead showed small but important foraging differences. Hatchery smolts did not consume as many salmonids as wild fish and hatchery residuals showed relatively stronger surface oriented feeding behavior than wild parr. Because most hatchery smolts emigrated shortly after release and the overall number of residuals in the study creek was low, we speculate that in this case there is low dietary and predatory-based risk of hatchery steelhead in Abernathy Creek negatively impacting wild salmonids.  相似文献   

I studied inter- and intraspecific competition in two hatchery stocks: landlocked salmon with long-hatchery background and a heterogenic brown trout stock. These species are potential competitors in the natural environment when landlocked salmon is being restored to wild by stocking hatchery juveniles. Behavioural responses were studied in four indoor laboratory flumes (400 cm long and 37 cm wide) and habitat use in six semi-natural outdoor streams (26 m long and 1.5 m long). Video recordings were used to monitor fish behaviour and electrofishing for fish positioning in the outdoor channels. The study design included five treatments: two densities of brown trout and salmon in solitary and both species together. The results of the study demonstrated that juvenile brown trout changed their behaviour in laboratory streams in response to presence of the landlocked salmon and the density of the conspecifics also tended to alter the habitat use by brown trout in semi-natural streams. Landlocked salmon juveniles showed no response to treatments. I conclude that possible poor adaptive ability to conditions outside hatchery by the hatchery salmon together and more competitive brown trout stocks may limit the success of management action in restoring landlocked salmon back to their natural streams of stocking.  相似文献   

About 31% of salmon harvested in Alaska comes from the hatchery production of hundreds of millions of pink and chum salmon and smaller numbers of sockeye, Chinook, and coho salmon. The numbers of hatchery-reared juveniles released in some areas are greater than the numbers of juveniles from wild populations. However, virtually nothing is known about the effects of hatchery fish on wild populations in Alaska. Possible effects of these interactions can be inferred from studies of salmonids in other areas, from studies of other animals, and from theory. Numerous studies show a complex relationship between the genetic architecture of a population and its environment. Adaptive responses to nature and anthropogenic selection can be influenced by variation at a single gene, or more often, by the additive effects of several genes. Studies of salmonids in other areas show that hatchery practices can lead to the loss of genetic diversity, to shifts in adult run timing and earlier maturity, to increases in parasite load, to increases in straying, to altered levels of boldness and dominance, to shifts in juvenile out-migration timing, and to changes in growth. Controlled experiments across generations show, and theory predicts, that the loss of adaptive fitness in hatchery salmon, relative to fitness in wild salmon, can occur on a remarkably short time scale. All of these changes can influence survival and impose selective regimes that influence genetically based adaptive traits. The preservation of adaptive potential in wild populations is an important buffer against diseases and climate variability and, hence, should be considered in planning hatchery production levels and release locations. The protection of wild populations is the foundation for achieving sustained harvests of salmon in Alaska.  相似文献   

Wild steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) typically spend two or more years in freshwater before migrating to sea, but hatchery steelhead are almost ubiquitously released as yearlings. Their large size at release coupled with life history pathways that include both male and female maturation in freshwater present ecological risks different from those posed by hatchery populations of Pacific salmon. Yearling hatchery reared steelhead that fail to attain minimum thresholds for smoltification or exceed thresholds for male maturation tend to ‘residualize’ (i.e., remain in freshwater). Residuals pose ecological risks including size-biased interference competition and predation on juvenile salmon and trout. Three hatchery populations of steelhead in Hood Canal, WA were reared under growth regimes designed to produce a more natural age at smoltification (age-2) to aid in rebuilding their respective natural populations. Mean smolt sizes and size variability at age-2 were within the range of wild smolts for two of the three populations. The third population reared at a different facility under similar temperatures exhibited high growth rate variability and high male maturation rates (20% of all released fish). Experimentally comparing age-1 and age-2 smolt programs will help identify optimal rearing strategies to reduce the genetic risk of domestication selection and reduce residualism rates and associated negative ecological effects on natural populations. Investigations of Winthrop National Fish Hatchery summer-run steelhead will measure a) selection on correlated behavioral traits (‘behavioral syndromes’), b) degree of smoltification, c) changes in hormones that regulate gonad growth at key developmental stages, and d) conduct extensive post-release monitoring of fish reared under each growth regime.  相似文献   

PCD RISK 1 is a flexible computer model designed to assist in assessment and reduction of ecological risks to natural origin fish from hatchery fish releases. PCD RISK 1 simulates predation, competition, and disease impacts on naturally produced salmonids caused by hatchery smolts in fresh water as they move downstream or residualize after release. Individual- based, the model relies upon user specified inputs of up to 45 variables, such as number and size of hatchery and wild fish, and water temperature. The model generates hatchery and natural fish of specified size distributions, then randomly pairs them for interactions for a specified number of days and encounters. Wild fish are subjected to predation if they are less than 50% the length of hatchery fish, otherwise they are subjected to competition. After all of the allowable competition and predation occurs, survivors are subjected to disease risk. The model can provide either deterministic or probabilistic output. Deterministic output includes the number and proportion of wild fish that die from predation, competition, disease, and from all interactions combined. Probabilistic output includes probability distributions of the number and proportion of mortalities, based on user-specified uncertainty input either as uniform or triangular distributions for any of several variables. If desired, the model can also quantify impacts for multiple age or size classes. Simulations of a variety of hatchery programs reveal that risks are highly diverse and that a variety of options are available to reduce risks.  相似文献   

The relative competitive ability of juvenile farm and wild salmonids was investigated to provide insight into the potential effects of introduction of cultured salmon on wild Pacific salmonid ( Oncorhynchus ) species. Aquarium experiments involving equal contests ( i.e. size matched, simultaneously introduced individuals) indicated that two wild coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch populations were competitively equal to a farm coho salmon population. In equal contests between farm Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Mowi strain) and these wild coho salmon populations or coastal cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki clarki , Atlantic salmon were subordinate in all cases. When Atlantic salmon were given a residence advantage, however, they were competitively equal to both wild coho salmon populations, but remained subordinate to coastal cutthroat trout. When Atlantic salmon were given a 10–30% length advantage, they were competitively equal to one wild coho salmon population but remained subordinate to the other. In equal contests in semi-natural stream channels, both wild coho and farm Atlantic salmon grew significantly more in the presence of the other species than when alone. It appears that coho salmon obtain additional food ration by out competing Atlantic salmon, whereas Atlantic salmon were stimulated to feed more in the presence of coho salmon competitors. These results suggest that wild coho salmon and cutthroat trout should out compete farm Atlantic salmon of a similar size in nature. As the relative competitive ability of Atlantic salmon improves when they have a size and residence advantage, should feral populations become established, they may exist on a more equal competitive footing owing to the long freshwater residence of Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

The use of developmental instability (an individual's failure to produce a consistent phenotype in a given environment) was evaluated to detect the effects of outplanting hatchery fish on wild salmon. Juvenile chinook salmon were collected in 1989, 1990, and 1991 from five drainages in the Snake River Basin. In each drainage we attempted to collect fish from streams with no hatchery supplementation (wild), naturally spawning fish from streams with hatchery supplementation (natural), and fish collected at a hatchery. Forty fish were collected per site and the number of elements in bilateral characters were counted on each side of the fish. Indices of fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a measure of minor, random deviations in perfect symmetry of bilateral counts, were calculated as an estimator of developmental instability. Analysis of character counts from seven paired characters revealed normal distributions. Only one of the characters displayed counts that were statistically larger on one side than the other, indicating that directional asymmetry (DA) or antisymmetry was not a major bias of FA. However, the means of all individual characters revealed a non-statistically significant left side bias. We analyzed our data using two indices of FA (FA1 and FA5) with different levels of sensitivity to DA. Differences in both FA indices were found among years, with collection sites in 1989 having significantly larger FA values than in 1991 (FA p < 0.01). Levels of FA among wild, natural, and hatchery fish were comparatively small (FA1 p = 0.17). This suggests developmental conditions were different in the first year of the study than in the last. The cause of these differences may be linked to either genetic or environmental variation or to gene—environment interactions, but the general population declines of salmon that occurred during this time obscures more specific conclusions.  相似文献   

We have documented an early life survival advantage by naturalized populations of anadromous rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss over a more recently introduced hatchery population and outbreeding depression resulting from interbreeding between the two strains. We tested the hypothesis that offspring of naturalized and hatchery trout, and reciprocal hybrid crosses, survive equally from fry to age 1+ in isolated reaches of Lake Superior tributary streams in Minnesota. Over the first summer, offspring of naturalized females had significantly greater survival than offspring of hatchery females in three of four comparisons (two streams and 2 years of stocking). Having an entire naturalized genome, not just a naturalized mother, was important for survival over the first winter. Naturalized offspring outperformed all others in survival to age 1+ and hybrids had reduced, but intermediate, survival relative to the two pure crosses. Averaging over years and streams, survival relative to naturalized offspring was 0.59 for hybrids with naturalized females, 0.37 for the reciprocal hybrids, and 0.21 for hatchery offspring. Our results indicate that naturalized rainbow trout are better adapted to the conditions of Minnesota's tributaries to Lake Superior so that they outperform the hatchery-propagated strain in the same manner that many native populations of salmonids outperform hatchery or transplanted fish. Continued stocking of the hatchery fish may conflict with a management goal of sustaining the naturalized populations.  相似文献   

Bacteria Associated with the Gills of Salmonid Fishes in Freshwater   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The bacteria on the gills of 7 species of freshwater salmonid fishes were examined qualitatively and quantitatively. Both wild and hatchery cultured salmonids were examined. The former were obtained from 12 different locations in British Columbia. Species of Pseudomonas and Cytophaga predominated on both groups of fish. The microflora of the wild fish also contained Aeromonas and members of the Brevibacterium –coryneform– Erysipelothrix group. The microflora of cultured fish was less varied. As many as 106 viable organisms/g wet weight of gill tissue were recovered.  相似文献   

Modern salmon hatcheries in Southeast Alaska were established in the 1970s when wild runs were at record low levels. Enhancement programs were designed to help rehabilitate depressed fisheries and to protect wild salmon stocks through detailed planning and permitting processes that included focused policies on genetics, pathology, and management. Hatcheries were located away from significant wild stocks, local sources were used to develop hatchery broodstocks, and juveniles are marked so management can target fisheries on hatchery fish. Initially conceived as a state-run system, the Southeast Alaska (SEAK) program has evolved into a private, non-profit concept centered around regional aquaculture associations run by fishermen and other stakeholders that pay for hatchery operations through landing fees and sale of fish. Today there are 15 production hatcheries and 2 research hatcheries in SEAK that between 2005 and 2009 released from 474 to 580 million (average 517 million) juvenile salmon per year. During this same period commercial harvest of salmon in the region ranged from 28 to 71 million salmon per year (average 49 million). Contributions of hatchery-origin fish to this harvest respectively averaged 2%, 9%, 19%, 20%, and 78% for pink, sockeye, Chinook, coho, and chum salmon. Both hatchery and wild salmon stocks throughout much of Alaska have experienced high marine survivals since the 1980s and 1990s resulting in record harvests over the past two decades. Although some interactions between hatchery salmon and wild salmon are unavoidable including increasing concerns over straying of hatchery fish into wild salmon streams, obvious adverse impacts from hatcheries on production of wild salmon populations in this region are not readily evident.  相似文献   

This paper explores my shifting understandings of interactions primarily between salmonid fish culture and fish conservation during the latter half of the 20th century. The idea that conspecific natural and cultured fish were largely interchangeable among phenotypically similar populations began to change with the advent of molecular genetic markers. With the gradual clarification of major geographic lineages beginning in the 1970s came awareness that translocations among anadromous lineages were generally destined for failure; in contrast, gene flow more readily occurred among non-anadromous lineages and sometimes, species. Within lineages, data concurrently were accumulating that showed adaptations to their respective environments distinguished cultured and wild populations. Reduced obstacles to gene flow at this level often resulted in homogenizations among wild and cultured fish in areas where widespread hatchery releases occurred; conversely, adaptive radiations in vacant habitats sometimes occurred over a few decades from single source hatchery releases. Current ideas relating to salmonid interbreeding, population substructure and culture evolved from these observations. Among lineages, resistance to gene flow is much greater between anadromous than purely freshwater populations or species. Within lineages, ease of gene flow in both anadromous and freshwater populations is problematical with regard to cultured and wild populations because large-scale supplementation programs erode local adaptations and fine-scale population substructures. At this level, a potential ability to regenerate natural substructure upon relaxation of supplementation is offset by uncertainties of time scales and intrinsic capabilities of homogenized populations. However, management that separates harvest and reproduction of wild and cultured subpopulations can minimize these losses. Some generality of this strategy to other fishes is supported by losses of local adaptations and outbreeding depression in black basses following population admixtures that parallel those observed in salmonids.  相似文献   

We conducted a literature review on predation by hatchery yearling salmonids on wild subyearling salmonids in the western United States. The review included 14 studies from the Pacific Northwest and California. In most instances, predation by hatchery yearling salmonids on wild subyearling salmonids occurred at low levels. However, when multiple factors contributing to the incidence of predation were met, localized areas of heavy predation were noted. Total prey consumed ranged from 456 to 111 000 subyearlings for the few studies in which enough information was gathered to make the estimate. We examined two of these studies in more detail: one detecting relatively low predation in four western Washington rivers and one detecting relatively high predation in the Trinity River in northern California. In the case of the rivers in western Washington, over 70% of wild subyearlings had migrated by the time hatchery steelhead were planted and those remaining had grown large enough to reduce their vulnerability to predation. In the case of the Trinity River, less than 20% of wild subyearlings had migrated by the time hatchery steelhead were planted and most were small enough to remain highly vulnerable to predation. We found that managers can effectively minimize the predation rate of hatchery yearling salmonids by reducing the spatial or temporal overlap of predator and prey. Unknown is the extent to which low predation rates, which likely occur in most places hatchery yearlings are released, might still negatively impact prey populations that are at low abundance because of other anthropogenic factors.  相似文献   

Hatchery and wild juvenile populations of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss and coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch , in a small coastal watershed in central California, were sampled throughout the year in a stream and at a hatchery. Both species grew faster in captivity than in the wild. Hatchery fish of both species had elevated gill Na+, K+‐ATPase activity, and thus were ready to enter sea water when planted during the wild fish migration. Downstream migrant trapping and stream surveys indicated that hatchery smolts went to sea soon after planting, consequently avoiding the effects of competition and predation that commonly occur when hatchery‐bred juveniles are released. Adult steelhead were also sampled throughout the watershed. The return of hatchery steelhead was highly synchronized with that of wild steelhead, indicating that hatchery propagation had no adverse effects on the timing of the run. A disproportionate number of hatchery steelhead returned to the tributary where the hatchery was located, despite being planted throughout the watershed. Hatchery steelhead did not differ in mean age or size from wild steelhead. Observations of spawning indicated that hatchery and wild steelhead interbreed. Competition for mates or spawning substratum was rarely observed between hatchery and wild steelhead. Many of the problems commonly associated with artificial propagation can be avoided in small coastal watersheds when wild broodstock are used and fish are released as smolts.  相似文献   



Hatchery-induced selection and direct effects of the culture environment can both cause captively bred fish populations to survive at low rates and behave unnaturally in the wild. New approaches to fish rearing in conservation hatcheries seek to reduce hatchery-induced selection, maintain genetic resources, and improve the survival of released fish.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study used acoustic telemetry to compare three years of early marine survival estimates for two wild steelhead populations to survival of two populations raised at two different conservation hatcheries located within the Hood Canal watershed. Steelhead smolts from one conservation hatchery survived with probabilities similar to the two wild populations (freshwater: 95.8–96.9%, early marine: 10.0–15.9%), while smolts from the other conservation hatchery exhibited reduced freshwater and early marine survival (freshwater: 50.2–58.7%, early marine: 2.6–5.1%). Freshwater and marine travel rates did not differ significantly between wild and hatchery individuals from the same stock, though hatchery smolts did display reduced migration ranges within Hood Canal. Between-hatchery differences in rearing density and vessel geometry likely affected survival and behavior after release and contributed to greater variation between hatcheries than between wild populations.


Our results suggest that hatchery-reared smolts can achieve early marine survival rates similar to wild smolt survival rates, and that migration performance of hatchery-reared steelhead can vary substantially depending on the environmental conditions and practices employed during captivity.  相似文献   

Native species may show invasiveness toward a recipient ecosystem through increases in abundance as a result of artificial stocking events. Salmonid species are typical examples of native invaders whose abundance is increased after stocking with hatchery fish. This study evaluated the effects of hatchery chum salmon fry on sympatric wild masu salmon fry, benthic invertebrate prey, and algae, after a single stocking event in Mamachi stream, Hokkaido, northern Japan. The results suggested that the stocked hatchery chum salmon fry decreased the foraging efficiency and growth of the wild masu salmon fry through interspecific competition, and depressed the abundance of Ephemerellidae and total grazer invertebrates (Glossosomatidae, Heptageniidae, and Baetidae) through predation. Also, the hatchery chum salmon fry may increase algal biomass through depression of grazer abundance by predation (top-down effect). These results suggested that a single release of hatchery chum salmon fry into a stream may influence the recipient stream ecosystem.  相似文献   

Hatchery propagation of salmonids has been practiced in western North America for over a century. However, recent declines in wild salmon abundance and efforts to mitigate these declines through hatcheries have greatly increased the relative abundance of fish produced in hatcheries. The over-harvest of wild salmon by fishing mixed hatchery and wild stocks has been of concern for many years but genetic interactions between populations, such as hybridization, introgression and outbreeding depression, may also compromise the sustainability of wild populations. Our goal was to examine whether a newly established hatchery population of steelhead trout successfully reproduced in the wild and to compare their rate of reproductive success to that of sympatrically spawning native steelhead. We used eight microsatellite loci to create allele frequency profiles for baseline hatchery and wild populations and assigned the smolt (age 2) offspring of this parental generation to a population of origin. Adults originating from a generalized hatchery stock artificially selected for early return and spawning date were successful at reproducing in Forks Creek, Washington. Although hatchery females (N = 90 and 73 in the two consecutive years of the study) produced offspring that survived to emigrate as smolts, they produced only 4.4–7.0% the number produced per wild female (N = 11 and 10). This deficit in reproductive success implies that the proportion of hatchery genes in the mixed population may diminish since deliberate releases into the river have ceased. This hypothesis is being tested in a long-term study at Forks Creek.  相似文献   

Degree of silvering (colouration) is often used as an index of the degree of smoltification in salmonids. To judge the reliability of silvering as an indicator of migratory readiness, we examined the silvering of wild coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , smolts upon entry into the Carnation Creek, British Columbia, estuary. Silvering of migrants was greater in larger fish and increased over the course of the migratory period. Photoperiod appeared to account for most of the observed increase in silvering over time; increased silvering was not correlated with temperature or lunar phase. Overall, 50% of seaward migrants were completely silvered, 45% were in a transitional phase, and 5% still retained colouration characteristics of parr. Colouration thus appears to have limited utility as a reliable indicator of migratory readiness. Our findings suggest that estuarine residence is important for completion of parr-smolt transformation and that acclimation of hatchery smolts in brackish water prior to sea water entry may enhance their survival.  相似文献   

1. Numerous interacting abiotic and biotic factors influence niche use and assemblage structure of freshwater fishes, but the strength of each factor changes with spatial scale. Few studies have examined the role of interspecific competition in structuring stream fish assemblages across spatial scales. We used field and laboratory approaches to examine microhabitat partitioning and the effect of interspecific competition on microhabitat use in two sympatric stream fishes (Galaxias‘southern’ and Galaxias gollumoides) at large (among streams and among sites within streams) and small (within artificial stream channels) spatial scales. 2. Diurnal microhabitat partitioning and interspecific competition at large spatial scales were analysed among three sympatry streams (streams with allotopic and syntopic sites; three separate catchments) and four allopatry streams (streams with only allotopic sites; two separate catchments). Electro‐fishing was used to sample habitat use of fishes at 30 random points within each site by quantifying four variables for each individual: water velocity, depth, distance to nearest cover and substratum size. Habitat availability was then quantified for each site by measuring those variables at each of 50 random points. Diet and stable isotope partitioning was analysed from syntopic sites only. Diel cycles of microhabitat use and interspecific competition at small spatial scales were examined by monitoring water velocity use over 48 h in artificial stream channels for three treatments: (i) allopatric G. ‘southern’ (10 G. ‘southern’); (ii) allopatric G. gollumoides (10 G. gollumoides) and (iii) sympatry (five individuals of each species). 3. One hundred and ninety‐four G. ‘southern’ and 239 G. gollumoides were sampled across all seven streams, and habitat availability between the two species was similar among all sites. Galaxias‘southern’ utilised faster water velocities than G. gollumoides in both the field and in channel experiments. Both species utilised faster water velocities in channels at night than during the day. Diet differences were observed and were supported by isotopic differences (two of three sites). No interspecific differences were observed for the other three microhabitat variables in the field, and multivariate habitat selection did not differ between species. Interspecific competition had no effect on microhabitat use of either species against any variable either in the field (large scale) or in channels (small scale). 4. The results suggest that niche partitioning occurs along a subset of microhabitat variables (water velocity use and diet). Interspecific competition does not appear to be a major biotic factor controlling microhabitat use by these sympatric taxa at any spatial scale. The results further suggest that stream fish assemblages are not primarily structured by biotic factors, reinforcing other studies de‐emphasising interspecific competition.  相似文献   

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